What concerns me is his continued boasting about the vaccine “warp speed” and his promotion of the vaccine after it was well known that the vaccine causes deadly side effects and has no efficacy. Regardless if he was hoodwinked, as some continue to make excuses for him, about the vaccine, he still cannot be trusted and with this being said I feel he is just another controlled opposition presented to the American people by the puppet masters that control both sides.

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Everyone wondering why there were no riots this time following his election?

Because the puppet masters *said* there were to be no riots this time following his election.

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Are you a Mentally Ill Retarded Moron?

Here's a way to test yourself

If you still think Trump was shot and are in danger of being declared a mentally ill retarded MORON… watch the entire clip.


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He also promised to give us a federal stablecoin that is totally not a cbdc, and to devalue the currency another 30%.

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No one in Washington is there without being able to be blackmailed.

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Truly, who can cast the first stone?

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We are all without a doubt guilty of moral indiscretions. Drawing the sword in defense of all has never been an easy slog. I am 60yrs+ now, and I thought that I spotted a politician worth a fuck 20yrs or so ago, but I was mistaken. We have to correct the mistakes we as populations have been making for centuries. Any brilliant ideas Doc?

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No… at 82, I have begun to think this is how the world is.

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My grandparents with Central Valley roots moved to the Bay Area. Bought a sand company, a boat and a barge. Grandpa died young and Gma took 3 teenage boys and built a sand dynasty. Every bit of concrete or asphalt mixed, every pg&e trench filled every sports stadium...we provided the sand. She's been gone 10yrs years now, and I still have her on my speed dial. She always told me, "work like you're the third monkey on the gang plank going into Noah's Ark."

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Absolutely top quality investigation and writing. THANK YOU so very much for your time and effort! This is what I come to Substack for.

I know more about other types of Trump sleaze, like how, when no other banks would deal with him, he single-handedly let dying DeutscheBank loose in this country, then immediately turned around and ripped them off for something like $200 million. When the ruse was finally discovered and publicized about a year or so before Trump left office, DB announced it was going to prosecute him once he was no longer POTUS. They seemed pretty serious. Then, very mysteriously, just as it looked like The Don was going to get hauled into court for financial crimes, the whole case faded to crickets. And apparently nobody spoke of it during that circus which was supposed to be a trial for treason, or whatever. I admit I didn’t pay much attention because it was clear that the whole thing was just a bipartisan effort to create narratives for future political use, not an actual attempt at generating any justice for anything. But, still, the ripoff of DB WAS a highly verifiable and substantial financial crime, so you might think it would have merited some mention during what was supposed to be a crime trial. Sadly, no. I guess the threat of funding actual evidence that would have required actual action, was just too great.

Another highly questionable Trump financial maneuver that absolutely nobody seems to care about is his handing, during the last days of his presidency, complete control of the Exchange Trade Fund, to his buddy and Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin (you know, the guy who staged an “audit” at Ft. Knox, clanked two bars of something that looked like gold in front of eager TV cameras, and declared that all of America’s precious metal was fully present and accounted for.)

While under the law in certain circumstances, what Trump did was technically permissible, what is NOT permissible is to leave behind no accounting of what happened to that taxpayer money. For all we know, Mnuchin and Trump could have spent it to throw wild parties. Or pay off child traffickers. Or ship illegal arms to Israel. Or buy Anthony Fauci a shiny new lab in Ukraine. Or maybe even to buy stockpiles of silver to help Rostin Benham continue to keep the market price “tamped down” until kingdom come. We’ll probably never find out. Pam and Russ Martens of Wall Street On Parade broke the story and tried to raise public alarm, to no avail. I wrote about the issue here on Substack several times but absolutely nobody cared. This was a flagrant “Screw you, I can openly steal your money, use my executive power to hand it to my friend whom I placed in a cabinet position to shepherd the wealth we extract from you, and do whatever I want with it without telling you, even though to your face I pretend to be your best friend and staunch defender”. And the victims absolutely refuse to acknowledge that a crime was committed against them by a man they supported. Unbelievable.

I have, myself, written numerous times about Trump issues in my notes. Of the few who even respond, most are asleep with eyes wide shut. There are few who reply and see through the ruse, and they I consider dear.

I also consider the writers who pierce the veil to be rare and dear. I think in the end there will be only a very small and highly self-selecting group of us who will make it through what’s coming, because we’re the few who can still think critically. The cream always rises to the top. I value being on the stack of a fellow seer, and thank you for putting truth and reality out there despite the probability of being either roundly ignored, or booed and targeted with handsful of verbal feces by the pant-hooting groupies of Zionist Orange Jesus. I look forward to informally helping each other figure out the correct path through the jungle, and standing among the few and the select on the other side.

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Yes. However there’s often a shortcut to reality.


Mentor Roy Cohn,…&

Article “Who Towers Behind Trump”?

He comes from the swamp.

“Can good fruit come from a bad tree”?

Emboldened prized ponies can be rather audacious.

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few who will make it to the other side of the unfolding nightmare. As for the True Believers, I urge them to keep their Kool Aid flavored very strongly because that’s the only way they’re going to be able to drown out the bitter taste of what’s to come.

And damn editing menu! Won’t actually allow editing! 🤬

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Not sure what all this gibberish is. None of this matters because he was almost assassinated by the deep state several times! He escaped death by the grace of God! Trump is here to save America! 🙃

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Ah yes, I now realize that I failed to see the genius of Trump!

He kicked the Deep State swamp dwellers out of DC by filling his administration with Deep State swamp dwellers!

He acted upon his promise to lock (his good friend) Hillary Clinton up by not locking her up, but instead effusively praising her after his 2016 victory!

He saved America from a deadly gene therapy campaign by signing into effect a deadly gene therapy campaign!

When he realized he'd been tricked, as his fans claim, he promptly remedied the situation by continuing to praise and recommend the deadly gene therapies!

Thank you dear Lord for sending this absolute genius of a man to save, not just America, but the world! The universe, even!

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If you don’t like it, go back to your country. It always amazes me when these foreigners come over here and then complain.

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I don't care for Trump, but cycling out opposition talking point masterbatory bullshit talking points is fucking weak

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Your comment is fucking weak. Do you have anything to add to the discussion other than downplaying the actions of a sexual deviant who launched biowarfare on America (something the Demorats were fully onboard with)?

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Look no further than Biden. Predator and sexual harasser , nothing about that.

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What a monumentally stupid and pointless comment.

No mention of Biden from me, except for the countless times I've referred to him on this site as a kiddie-fondling creep.

That aside, this is an article about Trump. Therefore, it discusses the behavior of Donald Trump. I'm not obligated to mention the sexual misbehavior of every other president, just like if I write an article about the sexual deviancy of Will Smith I'm not obligated to write about every other bloody Hollywood weirdo in the same article.

No run along, go back to worshiping the big fat orange creep, us adults have work to do.

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Not worshiping anyone, just you uniformed or be fair you didn’t complain about Biden bring senile fool , who didnt answered to one fir his misdeeds and pardoned all his clan( Fauchi and his the whole family if miscreants). Just be fair.

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LOL! The first was a ritual and a psyop... The others, psyops at least.

Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

J13 Video Analysis--Trump assassination…: https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/p/j13-video-analysis-trump-assassination

GoFundMe started hours before the "assassination attempt:" https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/p/the-biggest-news-story-on-the-assassination

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Trump has announced Larry Fink, founder of BlackRock, to head up the Treasury. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

you must be fucking kidding me. You are insane if you think Trump is here to 'drain the swamp'. Simple slogans, for simple minds. You are under FULL mind control. Enjoy!

Eejits everywhere.

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Great essay! Spotlighting Baby Bobby and the Trumpster together is brilliant! “Birds of a feather…”

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It is amazing that so Many will not see the facts and adjust Their views accordingly. They want Their "Savior" so badly! And that is what the psychopaths' production is aiming for, casting sandy hooks into emotions and dragging as many along to where They want Them.

Sad, even.

You nailed it all so well. And I will offer My solution to All who read this:

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

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Facts, facts and ONLY FACTS unveil the truth! Thanks, nice essay.

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Thank-you for the research on this article. It is obvious that many high level candidates are compromised on both sides of the aisle. My larger question is about the full out takeover by corporations and ngos. I am also concerned by the country being compromised by foreign countries and actors. Many policies are being formulated to follow agendas by the UN and WEF. Those style of policy do not benefit the people. I am also concerned by the appointment of people like Elon Musk to a higher rank. The government has become a stage for actors. The drama is unfolding before everyone. The plot is yet to be fully determined, yet I think it is a tragedy. I say do not comply to nonsense and stand strong.

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Deep breath, if Biden and Kamala your choice, you are in good hands now.

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Michael Yon's Substack is well worth a look. In his latest, "I am not good at spotting frauds. I am good at spotting what is real. Trump is a real fraud."

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Yon's no innocent babe-in-the-woods either, but it's a clever comment :-))

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Carlin said it best, "this is the best we have folks...garbage in, garbage out."

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Probably should have waited to see the comments before responding. So many still stuck in the binary. Long gone (assuming this occurred before I was born) are the days of observing character, judgment, integrity, and values as one's qualification for public service. Too many have simply accepted the "lesser" argument as the "better" option and banter about within that paradigm forgiving what is obviously abhorrent simply because their candidate is the perceived better option.

Granted, it makes it much easier to see all of this once one realizes that they all want you sick, poor, and likely dead...I simply say fuck them all!

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A master of logic, language and humor, Carlin shaped my my world far more than any politician ever will... R.I.P. Saint George of NYC


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“47” was always meant to be the LAST President of the United States…


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Why did you 'like' this, Anthony ? Isn't the writer saying that Trump will indeed ensure the destruction of the Constitution and give himself power until he karks (which will then be handed down the Trump line) ?

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Hi Margaret, I gave Michael's comment a like - not because I relish the idea of Trump being installed as dictator (something I'm sure many of his idiot followers would welcome), but because he made a cryptic comment during one of his rallies "vote for me, you'll never need to vote again."

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I declare, Anthony: if you don't stop addressing me as 'Margaret' I shall have to keep from you the fact that people I interact with all call me "M-R". (I detest that half of my first name on its own !)

There now ! [grin]

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Okay, M-R it is.

I will now go do 1,000 push-ups as penance (give or take 900 or so) :)

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You're a healthy bastard, and a fit one. And so you should be, with what's in your head !!! :)

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Anthony, I'm so glad you've seen R "I'm a sex-pat" N's true colours. I never understood you associating with that disgusting excuse of a 'man'. He is truly despicable, with the most overblown ego, who thinks he's some sort of alpha, and has been saying gross things about, and to, women for many years.

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Hi LizC,

RN wrote a derogatory article about me many moons ago, after I started tearing into Protein Power co-author Michael Eades for some of his especially ridiculous claims. I posted a reply article positing that, given our respective physical conditions, RN would probably be best served listening to me instead of trying to belittle me.

Some time later, he wrote extending an olive branch, saying he'd realized low-carb wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and that, yes, calories really do count.

I figured that showed some character, so we kept in touch.

A few years back, I started to warm to the idea of getting a residency visa in Thailand, with an eye to settling in Chiang Mai where the big cycling climbs are. RN introduced me to a very good immigration agent, whose services I employed earlier this year. The first 5 weeks I was confined to Pattaya, because immigration agents need your passport when processing the 3-month and 12-month extended visas.

During that time, I actually stayed in the same condo building as RN and we headed to and from the gym together every weekday. We got along fine, but little red flags started to pop up.

Let's just say that any guy who goes to Thailand and subsequently brags about all the chicks he is pulling is spending way more money on sexual services than food.

He was rather dismissive about the downsides of prostitution. I get there are women who love the easy money and seemingly have no issues with selling their souls, but there are others who are forced into the profession because of poverty or traffickers, and some of them will eventually have their spirit crushed from such a demeaning endeavor.

Even more concerning was his flippant dismissal of the underage sex trade in Thailand, even though there have been raids of brothels where youngsters were being prostituted.

Around the same time, I could see his website had changed from one that used to focus on diet and health debunking to one in which he incessantly boasted about his sexual 'conquests'.

What was wasn't being shared was that those 'conquests' were in fact transactions.

Paying women for sex is not a marker of 'alpha' status or confirmation that you're a chick magnet - it just means you're a john.

Then I took off to Spain, and it was the subsequent email exchanges that confirmed my worst suspicions.

I was exposed to a world view which holds women are generally bitchy and emotional, while men are overwhelmingly logical and reasoning - which certainly hasn't been my experience or what I've observed in the real world! When push comes to shove, humans are overwhelmingly driven by emotion and self-interest, irrespective of their chromosomal arrangement.

He sent me a bizarre chart supposedly showing that every bad event since circa 1900 was the fault of women voters - except that it didn't.

When I was in Thailand, I got the impression that most of the women I ran into didn't seem especially interested in world affairs and came across as not the type I could have an enthralling conversation with (I say that as a guy who is partial to Asian women; in Spain, for example, there was a Chinese girl staying at one of the AirBnBs and we immediately hit it off, yapping away on all manner of topics). I thought maybe it was just me, but then read an online article by an Australian guy who for decades had been visiting Thailand for business and his experiences with the women mirrored my impressions.

When I mentioned all this to RN, his retort was why do you want to be a woman's "chick friend"?

Ugh, another false dichotomy. A stunted, archaic view that holds if you have a life partner with whom you share common interests and have engaging conversations, then you are an emaciated wuss and just another one of her girlfriends.

Pattaya is full of men who, if they were honest, would acknowledge that their ideal place for women in the world is to serve as cooks and cum buckets, who only open their mouths to offer another drink or blow job.

When I criticized the prostitution culture, he told me I was afflicted with a Judeo-Christian mindset and that Thais had a Buddhist mindset that held a different attitude towards sexuality.

I reminded him I was atheist and that Buddhism had nothing to do with it. The Philippines is a Catholic country and is also afflicted by the sexpat disease.

Nope, you're still afflicted by Judeo-Christian thinking without realizing it, came the retort, which flippantly ignored the contradiction I had just raised.

What both Thailand and the Philippines DO have in common is the insidious historical influence of poverty and the US military (wherever there is or was a large military presence, you'll usually find a large sex trade, deliberately allowed to flourish to keep the troops happy and avoid them getting bored and questioning just why they signed up to get shot and bombed at).

When I briefly mentioned Andrew Tate at the end of my recent article of dodgey celebrities doing and saying inappropriate things to minors, he prompty emailed to tell me how wrong I was. He informed me that he was going to write an article to bring some "sanity" back to the topic.

I'd also been meaning to expound upon Andrew Tate, as I found the whole phenomenon surrounding him and his brother to be a lucid demonstration of psy-oppery.

I wrote my 2 recent Tate articles, and what followed was an exchange in which RN repeatedly evaded my points and changed topic. His last comment on the matter was something to the effect of, well, I joined his course and it's going to make me money, so there.

Well, that sure makes me feel better about Tate's shitfuckery and sexual deviancy!

Giving people the benefit of the doubt is one thing, but all doubt is removed after a constant stream of "women are what's wrong with the world, Tate is great, puberty is the age of consent, I'm a chick-pulling Lothario, Thailand is the best place in the world not because of the welcoming people, laid-back vibe and polite social culture but because women are given little power and many are readily available to service men," etc etc.

When I read his limp defense of Trump and his juvenile "fucktard" taunt and his terribly ironic "petulant little wanker" snipe, it wasn't hard to work out who he was talking to lol.

RN will never admit it, but he's 62 going on 16. Look, men and women have been whining about each either since time immemorial, but in his case I sense a much deeper, underlying animus towards the female gender. It's something he should reflect on and work through, rather than denigrating women and pretending he's mastered the male-female dynamic by moving to a country where prostitution is openly tolerated.

He also needs to reconsider his views on the age of consent. Copulating as soon as puberty kicked off might have been a productive strategy back in the Stone Age when average life expectancy was 30, but the world has changed a lot since then. Raping and pillaging neighboring tribes was also routine back then, surely no sane person would argue that is OK. Grown adults fornicating with youngsters still in their formative years is wrong and inappropriate. Adults are supposed to guide youngsters in the right direction, not exploit them.

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Yep, I remember the open exchanges you had with him many years ago. I've always felt he was over-compensating for something - he's more "Animal" than "Free".

Love your work Anthony, thanks for replying.

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I dunno, Anthony - nothing new here, is there ? Am I missing the point ?

Imnsho, Trump cultists are simply the unspeakable bottom layer of society, wherever. They're the disaffected who seek to rage against those with more anything than they have. They roar and scream and foam at the mouth at the rest of the world to express their frustration at not having everything they want or being able to do whatever they want. And the more dreadfuls that Trump appoints, the happier they: I should think most of them wet their pants in joy when MattGaetzugh ! pipped it.

Their main drive is to stick it to the establishment, so their main joy is every time Trump does so.

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The choice is binary, Harris or Trump. Hitler was not on my ballot, nor was Franco or Mussolini.

So, in the real world context of Harris or Trump, Trump is pretty clearly the superior choice. That’s not to say he’s Israel first because he is, but he’s the better choice.

I’ve still yet to find one article where you have covered Biden or Harris, so I’m left with the conclusion that you’re a flaming leftoid who just happens to not also be retarded.

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CK, you haven't been looking too hard. I've repeatedly denigrated Biden on this site, and recently discussed Harris in this article:


I started focusing on Trump after his clearly fake assassination attempt. I think 'conservatives' deserve to know their hero is just another globalist-owned and -operated fraud, don't you?

Obviously not. You clearly subscribe to all this left versus right bollocks.

I've made it abundantly clear I don't subscribe to any of this partisan bullshit and that both sides are filled with two-faced puppets.

The best you can do is call me a "a flaming leftoid", even though I've repeatedly attacked the gene therapies, the transgender and pedo agendas, and the climate change fraud.

Instead of accepting they're all scum from the same pond, you award the tags "superior" and "better" to a guy who used to be a staunch Democrat until he was installed as a Republican candidate, a guy who proudly boasts about groping women, a guy who was close to Epstein until they fell out over a real estate deal, a guy who rewarded a pedo-friendly former attorney with a top government role, a guy who violently raped his wife because he was angry her doctor messed up his scalp reduction procedure.

Unlike you, I accept they're all scum from the same pond, and I would never use the words "superior" and "better" to describe a filthy grub like Trump.

Time to accept I'm more of a conservative than you'll ever be, CK.

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Not reading all of that. The link you sent has a pic of Trump and a shot. All of your stuff is anti Trump. You’re a PSYOP.

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You sir, are pathetic.

I send you a link to an article confirming I hate all sides of politics, you refuse to read it. You refuse to even read all of my reply.

What's the matter ... scared to read material that tells you what you don't want to hear and cannot rebut?

Unable to refute anything I've said, you instead call me a "PSYOP".

I'll ask you for the same two things I ask the other feeble-minded farts who accuse me of this:

1. Proof;

2. Details of where my "psy-op" payments are going, because I sure as heck ain't receiving them.

Donald Trump unleashed a mass-poison campaign upon America under the guise of fighting a non-existent virus, and he faked an assassination attempt.

Yet you claim I'm the psy-op?


Run along CK, time to take your medication.

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Actually he’s right. You are the one who is pathetic

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Pathetic is when you can't refute someone's arguments, so instead you call them names.

So if you want to see what pathetic looks like, go visit a mirror.

Poor Mark LOL

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He’s vapid. Ignore him. He loves Biden and Harris so much he can go kiss them

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Yes, I love Biden and Harris so much I have repeatedly pointed out what a corrupt, senile, kiddy-fondling turd the former is, and I recently remarked how the latter's rally speakers look like they were drawn from a Diddy party invite list.

The problem is not that I'm vapid, Mark, it's that you suffer Trump Delusion Syndrome, a crippling form of cognitive dissonance that results in people worshipping fat, orange, megalomaniac sleazeballs.

You can learn more about the mental illness you suffer here:


Run along now.

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Good one. Now go back to your country

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I am in my country LOL

Do you have any brain function at all?

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Sorry Mark, but you are clearly a troll, and trolls aren't welcome here.

I have just explained how I also hold Biden and Harris in poor regard, and how I am already in my own country, but you are behaving like a 5 year old and ignoring what I said.

As you refuse to say something intelligent and instead insist on acting like an antagonistic little dick, you're out of here.

Or, as your genital-grabbing idol would say, "You're Fired!"

Now go kiss your hero Trump on his fat orange ass.

Bye bye.

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