Why Trump Fans are Incredibly Gullible Cult Followers
The pathetic excuses Trump followers use in order to keep supporting a Zionist-controlled sex offender.
WARNING: This article contains strong language (thanks to Donald Trump and Michael Cohen) and discusses sexual assault and suicide.
In response to Donald Trump's infamous "grab 'em by the pussy" boast caught on hot mic in 2005, one reader recently objected to me, "yes, he made sexist comments 20 years ago---so what ! most masculine men are no different." (sic)
If I didn't know better, I'd think this guy was on the payroll of the Feminazi ToxicMasculinity™ crowd. He's basically saying that talking like a molester is routine behavior for masculine men.
What rubbish.
Yes, male or female, we all did and said some dumb stuff when we were younger - but most of us drew the line well short of committing sexual assault.
Furthermore, Trump was no youngster when he made those comments - he was 58 or 59 at the time!
With Sleaze, From Pattaya
Another gushing Trump groupie subscribing to the "it was twenty years ago, who cares?" thesis recently wrote:
"To put it more bluntly, there is nothing Trump may have done 20 years ago that is of the slightest interest to me and if it's of interest to you, you're a fucktard."
Ah, such a mature and profound line of argument.
"He has made it clear that what he saw taking shape in America in 2015 changed him, and he had to take action. And what world-history action it has been. To downplay that makes you a petulant little wanker. You all know who all y'all are."
Now, now. That's no way to talk about people who, unlike you, refuse to stick their heads up their assholes.
The above commentator, it should be noted, lives in Thailand's Pattaya (aka The World's Biggest Whorehouse), and is an eager and regular participant in the prostitution scene there. At 62 years of age, he is also an avid fan of Andrew Tate, the puerile, highly closeted, self-admitted sex trafficker who has been presented to impressionable 14 year olds as a 'masculine' role model.
When I asked this individual how he could possibly support a thirty-something male who boasts about having sex with teenagers, he nonchalantly stated to me in an email that the appropriate marker for age of consent is "puberty". A most disturbing position, given puberty can begin as early as 8 years of age and that the age at which children are commencing puberty is getting younger around the world.
Despite the strong female presence in the freedom movement, he believes women - not social engineering globalists (who are predominantly male) - are responsible for the world's woes. As such, he believes the world would be a much better place if women were not allowed to vote.
You're in great company, Trump fans.
Why The Past Matters (Or: History Always Repeats)
The glaring flaw in the "I don't care what Trump did 20 years ago" argument is that a nefarious act doesn't suddenly become OK after a given period of time.
We're not talking about a teenager shoplifting a candy bar, folks. "Historical" sexual assault might not be a big deal for unpunished sex predators and those who admire them, but for their victims it's the evil gift that keeps on giving. People have committed suicide after being raped as adults or molested as children.
That’s why there is no US Federal statute of limitations on most sex crimes.
The two sisters of one of my childhood friends were both molested by their c**t of a father, who lived to a ripe old age and died of natural causes. His children did not enjoy such an unfettered passage through life. The eldest sister committed suicide in her twenties. My friend came home to find her hanging body. As you might imagine, he was never the same. He would later die well before his time from a drug overdose. Last I heard, the youngest sister was working as a prostitute.
That's the kind of legacy that sex predators leave behind.
So if your terribly bad taste in heroes mandates that you don't care Trump boasted about committing sexual assault, has a knack for surrounding himself with sex predators and was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein, and rewarded someone who covered up Epstein's crimes with a prestigious government position - as Trump did with Alexander Acosta - then you're a fucktard and a pathetic, perverted little wanker.
You all know who all y'all are.
Trump Admits to Sexual Assault
During the infamous 2005 hot mic exchange, Trump told then-Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about the time he tried to "fuck" a married woman in Palm Beach, but failed. He even took her furniture shopping in his unsuccessful attempt to win her sexual favors, which tells you a lot about Trump's transactional view of women and sexual relationships.
Quick question for all you 'Christian' brainiacs who adore Trump: Don't the Ten Commandments have something to say about pursuing another man's wife?
Oh that’s right - you’re just a bunch of egregious hypocrites.
The especially seedy part of the conversation kicked off when Trump and Bush spotted a female in the vicinity that the former also wanted to "fuck":
TRUMP: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
BUSH: Whatever you want.
TRUMP: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
This is the problem with wealthy, powerful, self-entitled assholes. They really do think they can do whatever they want.
"For a million years, this is the way it’s been," Trump himself acknowledged last year, in a wholly unconvincing attempt to explain away his 2005 remarks. He tried to pretend he wasn't talking about himself, when it's clear from his comments he was ("I just start kissing them").
Let's be clear: When you grab someone by the genitals without their permission and against their wishes, and when you forcefully kiss them without permission and against their wishes, that's sexual assault.
“That’s nothing less than someone talking about committing sexual violence — the kissing, the grabbing,” Bridgette Stumpf, co-executive director of Network for Victim Recovery of D.C., said of Trump’s remarks. “He’s talking about women as if they’re objects, as if they don’t have a right to consent to the way someone touches them. This is how sexual violence becomes accepted in our culture.”
During a 2016 presidential debate, CNN’s Anderson Cooper pointed out to Trump that his behavior met the Justice Department definition of sexual assault as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.”
Trump responded by claiming "I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do."
The record shows otherwise.
Shortly after the incriminating audio was aired, Trump explained it away as “locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago."
Yeah, but it was a private conversation that revealed, at almost 60 years of age, the Don still believed he could commit sexual assault with impunity. And he laughed about it.
Which goes a long way towards explaining why over two dozen women have come forward to accuse Trump of groping and forcefully kissing them.
To listen to Trump fans, bless their feeble-minded souls, these women are all Democrat operatives. Funnily enough, these same geniuses never label the women who accused Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton of sexual assault as Republican operatives.
Trump, like clockwork, reflexively responds to any sexual assault allegation against him as "false" and "politically motivated".
He would say that, but the problem for the Don is that he has been caught boasting about doing exactly what many of the women have accused him of.
Trump fans object that all the women are opportunists who came out after the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape was aired.
Problem is, unlike the admittedly dubious E. Jean Carroll, most came forward for no ostensible benefit - unless you call being smeared, belittled and threatened with a defamation suit by Trump and his lawyers a ‘benefit’.
Furthermore, the first known sexual assault allegation against Trump occurred in the 1990s. That was when first wife Ivana accused him of rape.
In Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump, author Harry Hurt III recounts the testimony Ivana Trump gave during her divorce in the early 90s. According to Hurt’s retelling of it, Ivana relayed a horribly violent incident that, during the testimony, she called “rape.”
Hurt’s text portrays the alleged assault as a reaction to a scalp reduction surgery gone wrong. “Your doctor fucking ruined me!” Trump allegedly yelled, before tearing out Ivana’s hair “by the handful, as if he is trying to make her feel the same kind of pain he is feeling.”
The passage continues:
He rips off her clothes and unzips his pants. Then he jams his penis inside of her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified. This is not lovemaking. This is not romantic sex. It is a violent assault. She later describes what The Donald is doing to her in no uncertain terms. According to the versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘He raped me.’
A subsequent statement from Ivana Trump, published on the first page of Lost Tycoon and as a footnote to this passage, expressed that she did not mean the word rape in a “literal or criminal sense.” However, she did not contradict the other facts of the story. “During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the statement begins. It continues:
[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.
In July 2015, the Daily Beast published an article that revisited the alarming allegations. Trump’s lawyer at the time, the loathsome Michael Cohen, defended his boss by ludicrously claiming “by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.”
“It is true,” Cohen added for emphasis. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”
As is par for the course with lawyers, Cohen is a lying grub.
While New York law once contained a so-called marital rape exemption, it was struck down in 1984.
So Maggot Mike then tried a different tack - threatening the Daily Beast reporter, Tim Mak.
"So I'm warning you, tread very fucking lightly because what I'm going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting," Cohen told Mak. "Do you understand me? Don't think you can hide behind your pen because it's not going to happen. I'm more than happy to discuss it with your attorney and with your legal counsel because motherfucker you're going to need it."
“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up… for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet… you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” he added.
Did I ever tell you guys how much I hate lawyers?
Cohen, loudmouthed Mafia wannabe that he was, never filed a lawsuit against Mak or The Daily Beast. But after the story was published, Cohen's remarks caused internal tension among Trump's team. Trump aides urged their boss to fire Cohen, something that Trump apparently considered.
Once Trump was elected, Cohen found himself on the outside looking in, despite years of service.
"Nobody was screwed over more by Donald than Michael Cohen," former Trump adviser Sam Nunberg said. "Michael has been extremely loyal to Donald, was there from the very beginning. And Donald treated him like garbage."
Cohen, who was once referred to as Trump's "pit bull" and said he would "take a bullet" for his boss, eventually fulfilled his Mafia fantasies - by doing a Sammy Gravano and snitching on the Don during the Stormy Daniels hush money trial.
There's no honor among predators thieves.
Ivana Trump died in 2022 at 73, the day before her former husband and children were to take part in a deposition related to an investigation into the Trump family's business dealings. The alleged cause of death was "blunt force injuries to her torso" after falling down a flight of stairs in her Manhattan apartment.
Only Twenty-Six?
The real question is not why 26 women have had the temerity to accuse an upstanding citizen like Donald Trump of sexual assault, but why only 26 women have come forward to accuse a self-admitted serial perpetrator of sexual assault like Donald Trump of sexual assault.
In a 1998 appearance on CNBC, host Chris Matthews asked Trump if he ever considered running for president. Trump said he didn't like the idea, and when Matthews asked why, Trump replied, "Can you imagine how controversial I’d be? You think about [Bill Clinton] with the women. How about me with the women? Can you imagine?"
Why was Trump so worried? What was there to worry about if his encounters with women were all consensual and non-adulterous?
When you're predicting your track record with women will be more controversial than Slick Willy's, you know you're a major league sleazeball.
Steve Bannon, Trump's former top strategist, alleged in journalist Michael Wolff's tell-all book about the Trump White House that the president's longtime attorney, Marc Kasowitz, "took care" of 100 women during the presidential campaign.
"Look, Kasowitz has known [Trump] for twenty-five years. Kasowitz has gotten him out of all kinds of jams," Bannon reportedly said. "Kasowitz on the campaign - what did we have, a hundred women? Kasowitz took care of all of them."
Veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s book Fear: Trump in the White House includes a conversation between Trump and a “friend who had acknowledged some bad behaviour towards women”.
While the friend was not named, the president provided him with some advice.
According to the book, Trump told the friend it is a mistake to display weakness in the face of such accusations.
“You’ve got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women,” Trump reportedly said. “If you admit to anything and any culpability, then you’re dead. That was a big mistake you made.”
Trump said it was critical to show no hesitation in denying accusations and go on the attack and push back instead.
“You didn’t come out guns blazing and just challenge them. You showed weakness,” he reportedly told the friend. “You’ve got to be strong. You’ve got to be aggressive. You’ve got to push back hard. You’ve got to deny anything that’s said about you. Never admit.”
Trump and His Dodgey Sex Predator Mates
Trump seems to have a knack for surrounding himself with sex predators, and those who aid and abet them.
When you mention Trump's infamous quote where he proudly said he'd known Epstein for 15 years, described him as a "terrific guy", and acknowledged his preference for women on "the younger side", Trumptards stick their fingers in their ears and recite, "I can't hear you!! I can't hear you!! And anyway, who cares, that was twenty years ago!"
They don't like talking about the time Trump rewarded Epstein cover-upper Alexander Acosta with a top Federal government, taxpayer-funded position.
Acosta was the US attorney for South Florida who gifted Epstein a sweetheart deal which dramatically reduced his charges and saw him serve a mere 13 months' sentence in which he was allowed out daily to kick back at his office. In June-July 2009, during the so-called “work release” portion of his sentence, Epstein had already recommenced trafficking minors, according to a lawsuit of Katyln Doe, filed August 20, 2019.
Part of that deal, which was unlawfully kept secret from Epstein’s victims, was an inexplicable promise of immunity from prosecution for all of the rapist’s co-conspirators.
In 2017, Trump rewarded Acosta for his service to Epstein’s co-conspirators … oops, I meant the Florida ‘justice’ system, by appointing him US Secretary of Labor.
For those who struggle with basic arithmetic, 2017 was seven (7) years ago, not 20 years in the past.
To claim Trump was unaware of Acosta's role in the initial Epstein cover-up is absurd, because Orange Man was interviewed during the pretend 'investigation'.
Trump fans, especially the ones who claim to abhor pedophilia and human trafficking, don't like talking about how their idol remained utterly unfazed when Acosta declared he was going to slash 80 per cent of funding to the government agency that combats child sex trafficking. Acosta wanted to reduce the International Labour Affairs Bureau’s (ILAB) funding from $68m to $18.5m in the 2020 fiscal year.
The plan failed only because of public backlash, which triggered Acosta’s resignation.
Looks to me like Trump and Acosta were taking orders from GloboPedo. I'm guessing Trump's appointment of Acosta was a reward for hushing up the Epstein affair, and the attempt to starve anti-trafficking efforts of funding was made at the behest of extremely wealthy predators.
But I could be wrong.
Although I'm usually right.
Trump fans never mention Ralph Shortey, the former Oklahoma state senator and county campaign coordinator for President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, who plead guilty to a child sex trafficking charge after soliciting sex from a 17-year-old boy in early 2017. Shortey was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment.
Trump fans probably think it is just mere coincidence that two of Donald Trump’s cabinet choices for 2025 are already embroiled in sexual misconduct allegations.
Pete Hegseth, Trump’s choice as defense secretary, was investigated by police in California after a sexual assault allegation against him in 2017. No charges were pressed, but whether that was due to a lack of evidence or more nefarious Alexander Acosta-type reasons is unknown.
Matt Gaetz, a “far-right” Florida congressman, was nominated by Trump as attorney general despite having faced a two-year Department of Justice investigation over sex-trafficking allegations. They included allegations that he had sex with a 17-year-old minor.
Republican and Democratic senators pressed on Friday to see a House of Representatives ethic committee report into Gaetz’s conduct that was commissioned despite the criminal investigation ending without charges.
Again, whether the lack of charges reflected a lack of evidence or more nefarious influences is unknown. What we do know is that Florida has solid form for going easy on well-connected sex offenders.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention RFK Jr, Trump’s pick for health secretary who has upheld the fine Kennedy tradition of serial philandering.
A former babysitter for his children, Eliza Cooney, alleged that Kennedy groped her in his home in 1998. Married Bobby would have been around 44 years old at the time.
Kennedy responded to the accusation by saying “I am who I am” and “I’m not a church boy.”
Asked if he was denying that he assaulted Cooney, Kennedy said: “I’m not going to comment on it.”
That #metoo is an insincere psy-op is evinced by the fact that criticism of RFK Jr has largely been confined to his anti-pharma stance, and has almost entirely ignored his serial adultery and mistreatment of women.
Junior cheated on his first wife, Emily Ruth Black, with whom he had two children; then, while still legally married, he entered into a sexual relationship with his sister’s friend Mary Richardson, impregnated her, and proposed to her.
Kennedy - who clearly thinks with the wrong head - then went on to serially cheat on Mary and then seek divorce, which she adamantly contested. Richardson committed suicide after Kennedy filed divorce papers and entered into a relationship with his now-wife, Cheryl Hines (who was herself married when the two began dating).
Richardson’s family has long maintained that Kennedy’s philandering and abandonment of Mary is what led her to commit suicide. Mary’s sister Nan is said to have told Kennedy on the night her sister died, “You killed my sister.”
Before she died, Mary found a diary Kennedy had kept detailing his escapades with women, according to the New York Post. The diary listed 37 women he was involved with in 2001 — at which time he was legally married to Mary — and ranked the extent of the encounter one through 10, with 10 indicating intercourse (for this, there were 16 women listed). The diary notes on one day that Kennedy was involved with three separate women — with one woman listed as a “10”. At this time, his and Richardson’s son was four months old.
When Kennedy announced his presidential campaign last year, actor Billy Baldwin, who had been close friends with Richardson, brought up Mary’s suicide. “If Bobby were half a man,” he said, “she would still be alive today.”
To be sure, Richardson and Hines were by no means innocent parties. One was a home-wrecker, the other cheated on her own husband to be with sleazy Bobby.
But Kennedy clearly hasn’t learned anything from this cesspool of betrayal; his recent escapades include sexting with an ethically-challenged journalist called Olivia Nuzzi, who once served as a volunteer intern to disgraced New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. He’s the serial and convicted dick pic sender who was married to Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's former right hand woman.
Just like Trump, RFK Jr traveled on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet (Trump on four occasions, Bobby on two).
RFK Jr was also addicted to heroin for 14 years, which he blamed on the death of his father. That’s understandable, but he is also alleged to have “forced” his younger brother David to take psychedelics; David would later overdose at age 28.
In his 2016 book, Framed: Why Michael Skakel Spent Over a Decade in Prison for a Murder He Didn’t Commit, Bobby falsely accused two teenagers (one black, the other mixed race) of murdering Martha Moxley, 15, of Greenwich, Connecticut in 1975.

Like Trump, RFK Jr is an extremely dubious individual. If you really think these two puppets are going to defend you from the same globalists that are pulling their strings, you are terribly deluded.
And if you think two dirty old men with a long, unrepentant history of being philandering sleazeballs are of suitable character to run a country, and you get visibly angry when anyone dares suggest otherwise, then you’re a petulant little wanker and an irredeemable fucktard.
Anyhow, have some biscotti,
What concerns me is his continued boasting about the vaccine “warp speed” and his promotion of the vaccine after it was well known that the vaccine causes deadly side effects and has no efficacy. Regardless if he was hoodwinked, as some continue to make excuses for him, about the vaccine, he still cannot be trusted and with this being said I feel he is just another controlled opposition presented to the American people by the puppet masters that control both sides.
No one in Washington is there without being able to be blackmailed.