FACT-CHECKERS EXPOSED: The Truly Pathetic Evidence Base Behind Children's Vaccines
The long-term, placebo-controlled studies showing childhood vaccines are safe and effective? Sorry PolitiFact, but they don't exist.
Globalist puppets, you gotta love ‘em.
On January 2, ‘fact check’ outfit PolitiFact posted an article titled “Yes, there have been placebo-controlled studies on childhood vaccines.”
The article attacks Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who during a November 2024 podcast stated "There’s never been a placebo-controlled study on childhood vaccines. Not one."
When he made his original statement, Johnson was close to the truth, but omitted a key adjective that would have made it 100% correct:
However, Johnson redeemed himself when PolitiFact asked for evidence of his claim. A spokesperson for Johnson shared a chart from vaccine-skeptical group Informed Consent Action Network showing 17 vaccines they maintain were not licensed by the FDA "based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial," including vaccines for whooping cough, measles/mumps/rubella, HPV, COVID-19, and influenza.
Johnson had now corrected himself, and was on scientifically solid ground.
PolitiFact, of course, doesn’t give a rat’s rectum about the truth. It ignores Johnson’s important follow-up qualification stipulating long-term studies, and instead disingenuously focuses on his original statement.
“Medical experts say he’s wrong on that,” declares PolitiFact.
Ah, yes, The Experts™. That overpaid pack of government clowns and corporate shills who have gotten everything wrong over the last 5 years.
PolitiFact’s Rampant Conflict of Interest and Complete Lack of Ethics
Before I decimate PolitiFact’s attempt to prop up the voodoo class of drugs known as vaccines, it behooves me to expose PolitiFact itself and the so-called ‘experts’ it cites.
PolitiFact is a propaganda outfit, one which rewrites history and fudges the truth in order to uphold official mainstream narratives.
PolitiFact is owned by the Poynter Institute, whose list of funders includes the likes of George Soros’ Open Societies and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
I’ve previously written about Poynter and PolitiFact’s blatant conflicts-of-interest, and how Poynter tries to conceal them. I’ve also delved into the dubious background of one of PolitiFact’s writers, Daniel Funke, whose husband is a German politician and WEF member:
To quickly recap, Poynter and PolitiFact have received over half a million dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which aggressively promotes and has multi-million dollar investments in vaccines. Yet PolitiFact never includes any disclaimer in its pro-vaccine ‘fact checks’ letting readers know it has received piles of loot from the Gates Foundation, both directly and via its parent organization, Poynter.
Not only that, but when yours truly and numerous other commentators began highlighting this blatant conflict of interest in 2020, Poynter promptly removed the page on its website naming the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation among its numerous shady funders.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, however, still lists the $383,000 ‘grant’ given to Poynter in November 2015.
Despite audacious claims it does not accept donations from any source with a conflict of interest, in 2015 and 2016, PolitiFact directly received a combined total of $196,650 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The author of PolitiFact’s latest vaccine whitewash, Madeline Heim, is a Report for America “corps” member. Report for America has enjoyed lavish funding from such titans of censorship as Meta and Google. The Meta Journalism Project has gifted over $5 million to Report for America, the Google News Initiative has given between $1 - 5 million, while the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and Microsoft have each given between $500,000 - $999,999.
Heim previously displayed her sheer ineptitude on vaccine matters in an April 23, 2021 PolitiFact piece. That ‘fact check’ also attacked Johnson, after he called into question the mad rush to inject everyone with the COVID gene therapies.
Heim laughably denied “the manufacturers skipped important steps or blew safety standards, as those who seek to push vaccine misinformation typically claim.”
In response to the disgracefully short 2-month follow-up period that characterized the appalling vaxxxine trials, Heim writes “Experts say there hasn’t been a serious side effect of a vaccine in history that hasn’t appeared within two months of receiving it.”
That didn’t age well.
Three months after Heim penned that rot, the World Health Organization acknowledged:
“Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) has emerged as a new adverse event following immunization in individuals vaccinated with COVID-19 non-replicant adenovirus vector-based vaccines (AstraZeneca COVID-19 ChAdOx-1 vaccine and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Janssen COVID-19 Ad26.COV2-S vaccine). TTS is a serious and life-threatening adverse event.” (Bold emphasis added)
Nasty, life-threatening blood clots are hardly the end of it. The world’s largest study into vaxxxine side effects shows the poison pricks lead to frightening increases in myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. The vaxxxine rollout was also followed by an unprecedented increase in global excess mortality.
Heim’s absurd claim that criminal outfits like Pfizer didn’t skip important steps or compromise safety standards has also been blown out of the water by whistleblowers (see here and here). So shoddy was Pfizer’s data, that when a group of skeptics filed a FOI request with the FDA for the documents it relied on to license the Pfizer vaxxx, the corrupt agency asked a court to allow it 75 years to release the embarrassing information!
Heim got everything wrong in her 2021 piece on the COVID gene therapies, but here she is again, penning another propaganda piece on vaccines.
In her latest piece, Heim quotes notorious vaccine shill Dr. Paul “For Profit” Offit, who once made the insane claim that “an infant can safely receive up to 10,000 vaccines at once.”
I’d love to see that theory tested … on Offit.
Heim also quotes Dr. William Moss, executive director of the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and former member of the WHO’s SAGE Working Group on Measles and Rubella. Both John Hopkins and SAGE were major players in the Great COVID Con. Moss has received funding from Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and publicly endorsed deploying the gene therapies against children.
Together, this trio attempt to argue that adjuvants like aluminum (a well-established neurotoxin, see Kawahara & Kato-Negishi 2011, Miller 2016) and other vaccines are suitable placebos for vaccine studies.
They’re not. A placebo is an inert substance, not a neurotoxin or a comparator drug.
But not to worry, because Heim then cites “a selection of childhood vaccines that went through placebo-controlled trials where the placebo used was a saline solution.”
That “selection” is comprised of a mere three (3) studies.
You read that right: After several decades of aggressive childhood vaccination, and after billions of children have been turned into pharma pin cushions, the best Heim and her ‘expert’ vaccine shills can muster when asked for trials that used a saline placebo is a mere three (3) citations.
Tellingly, Heim does not discuss the actual results of these trials.
There’s a reason for that.
Vaccines: All Front, No Back, and Way More Serious Adverse Events
The first study, published in 2020, was a phase 1/2 dose escalation study of a rotavirus vaccine. It involved 30 adults, 30 toddlers, and 557 infants in South Africa.
The adult and infant subjects received an intramuscular injection of vaccine or placebo on day 0, day 28, and day 56. Toddlers received a single injection of vaccine or placebo on day 0.
Sterile saline solution was used as placebo. In infants, additional vaccines were given in the opposite thigh to the rotavirus vaccine or placebo. These were Hexaxim (Sanofi Pasteur), a diptheria/tetanus/pertussis/poliovirus/hepatitis B/influenza vaccine, and Prevnar 13 (Pfizer), a pneumococcal vaccine.
This means the ‘placebo’ infants were in fact receiving multiple vaccines as part of the study. As infants made up the overwhelming majority of the study participants, only a small fraction of the trial was being conducted in a true placebo-controlled manner.
The study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the trivalent “P2VP8” rotavirus vaccine used in the study was manufactured and supplied by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Pilot Bioproduction Facility in Silver Spring, Maryland.
What is the army doing manufacturing vaccines, you ask?
Well, the army is all about injuring and killing people, right?
The primary safety endpoints in all three age groups were the number of adverse events up to 28 days after the last injection, and the number of local and systemic reactions (grade 2 or worse) during the 7 days after vaccination.
Secondary safety endpoints were the number of serious adverse events and adverse events up to 6 months after the last vaccination.
Which is not long-term.
So what happened?
One infant assigned to the 30 μg dose group was admitted to hospital 20 days after the first injection with pneumococcal meningitis and died 7 days later.
Two other infant deaths were reported more than 28 days after the third injection. One in the 15 µg dose group died from bronchiolitis, while one in the so-called placebo group (which in fact received other vaccines) died from sudden infant death syndrome.
So all deaths in the study occurred in vaccinated infants.
In the study appendix, the researchers claim there were zero serious adverse events in any of the adult participants, irrespective of whether they were receiving the vaccine or placebo.
‘Rotaviruses’ are allegedly the most common cause of diarrhoeal disease among infants and young children. Interestingly, one adult in the 90 μg vaccine dose group experienced diarrhoea, which was assessed by the site investigator as having a “reasonable possibility” the vaccine caused the event.
Among toddlers, one receiving the 30 µg vaccine dose suffered febrile convulsion 21 days post-injection, while another in the 90 µg group suffered febrile convulsion 107 days post-injection.
A further 8 of 12 toddlers receiving the 30 µg vaccine dose, 8 of 12 receiving the 90 µg dose and 0 of 6 receiving placebo experienced an unsolicited serious adverse event through to 6 months. “Unsolicited” adverse events are those voluntarily reported by a participant, their parents/legal guardians, or their doctor.
Serious adverse event rates among the infants were as follows:
15 μg group: 18 SAEs in 13 of 139 infants
30 µg group: 7 SAEs in 6 of 140 infants
90 µg group: 11 SAEs in 8 of 139 infants
‘Placebo’ (in fact receiving other vaccines) group: 9 SAEs in 8 of 139 infants
These figures help explain why drug companies love to use other vaccines instead of true saline placebos in their clinical trials: These use of other vaccines helps increase adverse event rates in the so-called ‘placebo’ group, making the side effect profile of the study drug appear safer than what it really is.
The researchers praised the P2VP8 vaccine for producing higher antibody counts compared to placebo, but after perusing the study results, the only logical response is … big bloody deal.
The only reported case of diarrhea - the very thing the vaccine is supposed to prevent - occurred in an adult receiving the vaccine.
Among toddlers, most of those receiving the vaccine suffered severe adverse events, compared to none of the youngsters receiving saline placebo.
Among infants, where even the ‘placebo’ subjects were receiving other vaccines as part of the study protocol, side effects were similar among groups, save for the 15 μg group, which evinced double the number of recorded SAEs compared to the ‘placebo’ group.
Three infants died, two of whom received the P2VP8 vaccine plus other vaccines, and one of whom received placebo plus other vaccines.
So even in a study involving two of the most untrustworthy, pro-vaccine entities on the planet - the US military and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - vaccines still came out looking worse.
The ‘Benefits’ of Measles Vaccination: Fever, Rash, Hospitalization
The second study was published way back in 1968. It examined four attenuated measles vaccines tested in Israeli children in the 1960s.
A total of 444 healthy children, aged 9-48 months, evenly distributed between the two sexes and with no known past history of measles, were selected at "well-baby" clinics for this study. Of these, 421 were clinically assessed, and 200 were assessed for antibody/immune responses.
The clinical observations were recorded 6-14 days after inoculation.
Again, 6-14 days is not long-term.
The children were randomly assigned to one of the four vaccine groups or to a control group receiving sterile saline placebo.
There is no mention whatsoever in the paper of blinding, so it probably didn’t happen, which raises the possibility of researcher bias.
Even so, the placebo group again fared better than all four vaccine groups.
As expected, the vaccinated children showed higher development of antibodies to the so-called measles ‘virus.’ Some might argue you can never be too careful, but it turns out their are definite downsides to inoculating youngsters against a ‘virus’ that has never been isolated.
Febrile reactions of > 37.5C after inoculation were highest in the Enders Edmonston strain vaccine group (86.4%) and lowest in the placebo group (51.2%).
The incidence of rash (a symptom of measles) was greatest in the groups inoculated with Enders Edmonston and Beckenham vaccines (36.4% and 36.9%). In the group given the Schwarz and Moraten vaccines, the incidence was 28.4% and 20.2%, respectively.
In the placebo group, rash was recorded in only 11.9 % of the subjects.
The placebo-injected kids also had the lowest rate of rhinitis, cough, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis/tonsillitis, and the second-lowest incidence of diarrhea.
One child in each of the vaccine groups had to be hospitalized with complications after inoculation, compared to none in the control group. The four hospital admissions were associated with diarrhoea (2 cases), bronchitis (1 case) and convulsions (1 case).
Whichever way you look at it, the kids who received saline placebo fared best in this study.
HPV: High-Powered Voodoo
The third study cited by the scientifically inept Heim is a non-starter.
It tested Merck’s aluminum-containing HPV vaccine (Gardasil) on subjects aged 9 to 15 years, in order to open up a new and younger market.
The 1,700+ boys and girls were followed for 18 months post-enrollment between 2003 and 2004 in 10 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia.
Which is all well and good, but there’s a problem: This study did not feature a placebo that contained nothing other than saline solution.
It seems Heim or whoever supplied her with the three citations never made it past the abstract of this study, which mentions “saline placebo” but provides no further details. If they’d bothered reading the full text, they would have learned on page 2 that the placebo used in this study “contained identical components to those in the vaccine,” with the exception of alleged HPV “virus-like particles” and the aluminum adjuvant.
That means the placebo contained not only water and sodium chloride, but also the amino acid L-histidine, sodium borate, yeast protein and, of most concern, polysorbate-80. The latter has been known to be potentially fatal when given to infants since at least 1986, so, heck, why not keep putting it in vaccines?
Because this study did not feature a true saline placebo, I could pretty much end the discussion right here. However, let’s take a quick look at the study results.
Overall, 5 serious adverse events were reported through to month 18, all of which occurred among Gardasil recipients. As is par for the course in industry-funded trials, none of these serious adverse experiences was judged to be vaccine-related. These SAEs included acute renal failure; insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; localized infection; anemia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding; and appendicitis.
Two subjects in the Gardasil group and zero in the control group discontinued treatment due to a “non-serious vaccine-related adverse experience” (injection-site swelling and injection-site pain).
The study was funded by Merck, and eight of the 12 study authors were Merck employees. Merck, like most pharma giants, is a corporate criminal. An analysis published in JAMA revealed that, between 2006 and 2013, Merck was a top-5 pharma felon, racking up over $2 billion in US fines for various illegal activities including misleading and off-label marketing, illegal kickbacks, fraudulent pricing, and failure to disclose negative information about a product or about poor drug development.
To believe the Merck-funded and Merck-employed researchers, most adverse events were injection-site related, and the rate of fever and systemic adverse events was similar between the Gardasil and control groups.
But you should never believe Merck-funded and Merck-employed researchers.
Remember when Heim ludicrously cited The Experts™ as claiming “there hasn’t been a serious side effect of a vaccine in history that hasn’t appeared within two months of receiving it”?
It’s a patently stupid statement because it has now been established beyond doubt that:
Pharma giants are inherently dishonest entities that routinely rig and misreport their clinical trials;
Due in large part to the aforementioned, most drug side effects do not emerge until after Phase 3 testing has been completed and the drug has been awarded regulatory approval.
Gardasil was first licensed in Europe and the US in 2006. Since then, 141,605 adverse events reports have been recorded for Gardasil on the World Health Organization VigiAccess database. The reports include everything from cardiac to eye to skin disorders. Aside from injection site-related ailments, the most commonly reported complaints include nervous system disorders (18%), gastrointestinal disorders (8%), musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (7%).
The US VAERS database, meanwhile, shows 37,541 total events, encompassing over 4,300 disorders, have been reported for Gardasil up to December 27, 2024.
These databases, remember, only capture a fraction of adverse events that actually occur.
This alone paints a very different picture to the one presented by the Merck researchers in their 2007 paper.
In Summary
Neither Politifact or Madeleine Heim have any business writing about vaccines.
Politifact and its parent outfit Poynter have received over half a million dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the world’s biggest vaccine shill organizations. Poynter has removed evidence of this from its website, while PolitiFact never mentions this egregious conflict of interest in its vaccine propaganda pieces.
Heim belittles those who criticized the conduct of the COVID gene therapy trials as purveyors of “vaccine misinformation,” even though there is ample evidence to confirm those trials were indeed a farce.
While accusing others of spreading “vaccine misinformation,” Heim misrepresents Senator Johnson’s stance and incorrectly cites examples of vaccine trials that included a true saline solution as placebo. Only one of those studies genuinely met this key criteria. In another of the trials, the overwhelming majority of subjects were receiving other vaccines as part of their “control” procedure, while in the remaining study the subjects received a control injection that contained numerous ingredients including the dubious polysorbate-80.
The one study in which all control subjects received a saline solution featured a follow-up period of 6-14 days. The study in which a minority of control participants received only a saline placebo included follow-up through to six months.
Neither qualify as long-term.
In addition to misleading readers about the placebos in these studies, Heim also fails to share with readers that all three studies showed higher rates of serious adverse events in the group receiving the study vaccine.
I rate Heim’s fact-check claim as FALSE, I rate PolitiFact as a FARCE, and I rate vaccines as an egregious FRAUD.
It would also be correct to say:
"There’s never been an INERT-placebo-controlled study on childhood vaccines. Not one."
See: https://icandecide.org/vaccine-safety-debate/
PolitiFact has the perfect name. All of their 'facts' are political propaganda.