Asking Robert Malone Some More Uncomfortable Questions: Part 2
Malone makes more untenable claims about his Moderna 'vaccination'
A few days ago, I sent Robert Malone an email asking a series of questions. Those questions sought to clarify the many discrepancies in his official story, and his numerous suspicious statements that stand at stark odds with his supposed role of health freedom advocate.
Among the numerous lines of query I put to Malone was his claim to have received two injections of the Moderna gene therapy. Malone claims to have received the shots despite knowing all along mRNA technology was not yet fit for human use.
This makes no sense whatsoever, and suggests one of two things: Robert Malone has a recklessly self-destructive streak, or is lying.
I have not received a response from Malone. However, by way of remarkable coincidence, the very same day I sent him the email and posted a copy online, Malone promptly posted a Substack article attempting to rationalize his claim of having received the Moderna vaxxxine.
The article contains an image purported to be Malone’s vaxxx certificate, with a redacted birth date (Malone’s birth date of October 20, 1959 is readily available on the web). Given his extensive and self-admitted “Deep State” and military connections and the wonders of Photoshop, this does little to bolster confidence in his unlikely story.
As with pretty much everything Malone says or writes, his article again raises more questions than answers, and seriously calls into question the suitability of his role as ‘health freedom fighter.’
So, of course, I sent another email to Malone. The following has just been sent to Malone. I look forward to seeing what bizarre rationalizations suddenly appear on his website.
Dear Robert,
it’s me again, Anthony, the guy who sent you a series of questions on April 16, 2024. You haven’t responded, but by way of striking coincidence you promptly posted a Substack article the very same day rationalizing your claim of having received 2 shots of the Moderna gene therapy.
Once again, your article raises more questions than answers. Before I again query your fanciful ‘vaccination’ story, I have some additional questions I would like to put to you.
I turn your attention to the following video, in which you displayed some very unbecoming behavior. Even the crustiest observer would have to acknowledge the interviewer, Dr Ahmad Malik, was being exceedingly polite and patient. You, in contrast, behaved like an obnoxious, cantankerous buffoon.
You repeatedly interrupted and shouted over the top of Ahmad, you loudly cussed, and you wandered off on bizarre tangents. You even tried to derail the conversation by mentioning “Flat Earth Theory” … ?!
There is no justification for this angry, irrational carry on.
You lost your composure after Ahmad calmly asked you if there really was a ‘pandemic.’ You briefly paused before answering, as your brain momentarily weighed the consequences of telling the truth and inadvertently exposing the pandemic fraud against those of lying and maintaining the sham.
Naturally, you chose the latter option, and responded “yes.”
When Ahmad pressed you on this, you asserted that because the WHO and other globalist-subservient bodies said there was a pandemic, then there was a pandemic.
The WHO could declare the world is being invaded by giant dildos, but that doesn't mean it's true.
You know full well Sars-Cov-2 has never been isolated, that ‘COVID’ was the regular cold, flu and pneumonia re-branded, and that since this genocide campaign kicked off there has never been any excess mortality not explained by the physical and psychosocial consequences of COVID tyranny, homicidal deployment of harmful ‘therapies’ like remdesivir, midazolam, intubation and, of course, the highly toxic gene therapy technology you helped to create.
I submit you have a lot weighing on your conscience, Robert.
I further submit that the unwarranted churlishness you have displayed in that interview and elsewhere is a consequence of this.
During the ‘pandemic’ in Australia, it was quite common to see similar behavior from narrative-pushing bureaucrats. Prominent police state practitioners of COVID tyranny like Brad Hazzard, Kerry Chant, Mark McGowan, Nicola Spurrier and Grant Stevens routinely snapped at journalists and/or stormed out of press conferences in response to perfectly reasonable questions.
I submit this kind of anger is the inevitable manifestation of being forced, by way of financial incentive, physical threat or blackmail, into publicly promoting a narrative one knows full well to be of sinister intent.
What ‘incentives’ have been applied to you in order to secure your cooperation with the ‘pandemic’ scam?
Because it is a scam.
It's all well and good to point out ‘vaccine’ side effects, as many others were already and inevitably doing. The legal framework has already been put in place to ensure governments and drug companies suffer no liability for any of this. Indeed, as I pointed out in my previous letter, you yourself pushed the ‘forgive and forget’ narrative regarding COVID geronticide in front of a large DC crowd (again, see 4:46 of this video).
While happy to make lots of noise about vaccine side effects, none of the prominent leaders of the ‘health freedom’ movement are exposing the fraudulent virus narrative and its genocidal intent. Instead, people like you, Kirsch, Weinstein and McCullough not only continue to uphold the narrative but persist in promoting pharmaceutical panaceas and/or continue to praise deadly mRNA technology.
Were the masses ever to realize just what really took place over the last 4.5 years, they may finally abandon their sheep-like docility, band together, rise up, and foment world-changing upheaval that would literally see heads on chopping blocks.
Your globalist colleagues can’t have that now, can they?
You boast of your involvement with the US Department of Defense and declare yourself to be an expert in “Fifth generation” psychological warfare.
During a presentation in Sweden, you told your audience:
“Fifth generation warfare is the new battleground. And it has been deployed by military largely in intelligence communities on the entire Western world in an amazingly harmonized fashion during the COVID crisis. Fifth generation warfare is a war of information and perception.”
“The basic idea is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrilla. But in the minds of common citizens. Your mind is the new battleground. This is not hyperbole. This is standard military strategy.”
Robert F Kennedy’s newsletter, The Defender, features an interview on August 1, 2022, where you are asked if you are controlled opposition. You respond thusly:
“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast.”
“As study section chair or key study section member on many hundred-plus million-dollar contract reviews for typically the NIH [National Institutes of Health] … but also DOD [Department of Defense]. I have historically been deeply embedded in this whole enterprise. I know it upside down.”
“I understand this system. So, I think the concerns that I could be controlled opposition are valid. I think that it’s appropriate to acknowledge the basis for those concerns. Now, [those] concerns, I think, are refuted by my behaviors and actions.”
I submit that these concerns are not refuted but in fact strongly bolstered by your behaviors and actions.
Refusing to answer reasonable questions put to you is not a refutation of you being controlled opposition.
Angrily swearing and shouting over the top of polite interviewers is not a refutation of you being controlled opposition. It is in fact an indication you have something to hide.
Declaring gene therapy-induced geronticide to be an “irrelevant” issue from which we should “move on” is not a refutation of you being controlled opposition. It indicates you are in fact acting on behalf of guilty people who stand to benefit from the ‘amnesty’ nonsense.
Making lots of noise about ‘vaccine’ side effects, for which there is little-to-no legal recourse, while refusing to acknowledge the considerable evidence showing ‘COVID’ was a preorchestrated genocide campaign is not a refutation of you being controlled opposition.
Blatantly lying about and defaming people who criticize you, as you did with Matt Crawford, is not a refutation of you being controlled opposition.
Maintaining a close working relationship with a documented liar like Steve Kirsch, who also blatantly lies about and defames people who highlight his disingenuous behaviour, is not a refutation of you being controlled opposition.
Is your behavior - which encompasses deflection, evasion, obfuscation, defamation, projection and apologism - an enactment of the Fifth generation warfare technologies you learned from your Deep State “colleagues” at the DOD?
Are you aware if treacherous entities such as the DOD deliberately target disgruntled, maladjusted individuals to take part in psy-ops? For example, victim-mentality narcissists who harbor burning resentment driven by a belief they haven't received the recognition and glory they are entitled to?
Matt Crawford has detailed how, after reporting the obfuscation he experienced from you when investigating ‘vaccine’ injuries in the US military, you absurdly accused him of being part of a “hate cult” against you. You have since hidden this defamatory material behind a paywall.
Is refusing to answer people's questions directly, but instead posting on-the-sly responses at your online platforms, behind paywalls, and at social media platforms where your targets have no or little presence - as you and Kirsch have been known to do - also a “5th gen” tactic for deflecting and defaming critics?
Inquiring minds who can see through this ‘pandemic’ nonsense would like to know.
Now, let's return to your incredulous vaccination story.
In your recent article, you write "in April of 2021 I received two doses of the Moderna inoculation almost directly after it had been made available in early 2021."
Your claim the Moderna ‘inoculation’ was made available directly before you allegedly took it in April 2021 is false. The FDA EUA was issued December 18, 2020. The US rollout began within days, with healthcare workers (you are a licensed physician) being the first recipients.
Your April 16, 2024 article, which I think we both know was an indirect attempt to diminish my publicly posted questions, still fails to answer several key anomalies in your story.
As I pointed out in my previous email to you, mRNA technology has a dismal track record that encompasses over thirty years of failure. You and your wife have publicly and emphatically stated you knew all along mRNA technology was not yet fit for purpose.
As I pointed out, the worrisome Phase 1 research for the Moderna drug was published July 14, 2020 and September 29, 2020. The Phase 3 clinical trial results were published on December 30, 2020.
All three studies were published on the above dates at the New England Journal of Medicine website. You cannot claim to be unaware of this - the Moderna Phase 3 results were the subject of much media fanfare and NEJM is one of the world’s most 'prestigious' and widely-read medical journals.
As I further pointed out in my email to you, within weeks of its release the Moderna drug was already amassing a frightening volume of adverse event reports, including a high number of deaths, on the freely accessible Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. Again, as a "highly trained" vaccine developer you cannot seriously claim to have been unaware of VAERS.
I will reiterate that all of the aforementioned data was publicly and freely available to anyone with an internet connection long before your claimed date of Moderna injection in April 2021.
We are expected to believe that a scientist who describes himself as "highly trained in vaccine development" either ignored or was unaware of this freely available clinical trial and VAERS data. This data would have immediately alerted you to the Phase 3 trial's shabby conduct and conflict of interests and to the higher rate of serious adverse events among the 'vaccine' group. It would have immediately alerted you to the extremely worrying and rapidly accumulating adverse event data on VAERS.
Instead, we are supposed to believe you relied upon a telephone conversation with Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.
You claim "He assured me that although the clinical trials had been rushed, no short-cuts had been taken" - a self-contradictory claim if ever there was one.
You further claim he asserted "that there were no safety signals or cause for alarm regarding the C-19 'vaccines' based on the more complete Pfizer documentation he had received and reviewed. That would have been the set of documents which FDA would not release until so ordered by US courts."
Right. Those documents were so damning that the FDA tried to hide them for 75 years.
If you have truthfully relayed your conversation with Marks, then it is clear he lied to you.
History has established you are a highly litigious person. Most recently, you launched a series of defamation suits at the Washington Post, Dr Jane Ruby and Drs Peter and Ginger Breggin for alleged defamation. The basis for these suits was so flimsy they were thrown out of court by the presiding judge.
Given your hair-trigger tendency to sue people for hurting your feelings, could you please share what legal action you are taking against Marks, whose false representations to you have allegedly harmed your physical health?
If you are not suing him, why not? Why is it more important to instead try to financially and emotionally destroy an elderly couple whose only crime was to field civil disagreement with your self-concocted Mass Formation Psychosis theory?
Even if you were not privy to the FDA Pfizer documentation, there was nothing to stop you from reading the published Pfizer clinical data, nor was there anything stopping you from accessing the damning VAERS data for the Pfizer shots. Again, that data was freely available long before your claimed date of Moderna ‘vaccination.’ Folks like yours truly were calling out the disturbing Pfizer and Moderna data shortly after the drugs were released.
You then repeat your claim that you took the mRNA shots to meet rumored “vaccine passport” travel requirements and to treat your alleged “long COVID.”
Could you please detail what travel requirements necessitated you risking your health by being twice injected with a technology you have publicly stated was never ready for human use?
Why were these travel requirements so critical that they instead required you to risk your well-being and potentially your life by using a product that had already established a strong safety signal on VAERS?
Why did you not use video-conferencing technologies such as Zoom and Skype which were not only readily available, but widely encouraged and used due to the so-called ‘pandemic’?
We are supposed to ignore your 40+ years of experience with the failed mRNA technology, the public statements of you and your wife that you knew all along the technology was not yet safe and effective, and your self-professed status as a “highly trained” vaccine developer.
Any halfwit who knows what a ‘vaccine’ is knows it is a drug purported to prevent infection with whatever pathogen that drug allegedly targets. Taking a ‘vaccine’ to ameliorate a preexisting condition is unprecedented, and as both a vaccine developer and a pioneer mRNA researcher, you knew full well the mRNA vaccines were not capable of doing this.
However, we are supposed to completely abandon our rational faculties and believe you yourself completely abandoned decades of experience, not to mention commonsense. We are supposed to believe you took the Moderna gene therapy because “the scientific community and main-stream media were reporting that the ‘vaccine’ would reduce the symptoms of long COVID.”
So what?
The mainstream media is infamous for publishing utter nonsense on a regular basis.
You earnestly believed those idiots over decades of medical training and first-hand experience with “vaccine development”?
As for “the scientific community … reporting that the ‘vaccine’ would reduce the symptoms of long COVID” - it did no such thing. At least not in anything resembling a reputable scientific format.
The sole article you link to as proof of this claim is a Yale website article that contains nothing of substance, only fanciful speculation and anecdote. The commentator issuing most of this flimflam is one Akiko Iwasaki, whose main claim to fame is spreading nonsense about ‘long COVID.’
Iwasaki’s profile reveals she completed her postdoc at Fauci’s NIAID in 1998-2000.
Since the Great COVID Con kicked off in earnest in 2020, Iwasaki has co-founded three biotech companies (RIGImmune Inc., Xanadu Bio Inc., PanV Inc.).
She is a current member of the Roche board, and a “Scientific Advisor” to Paratus Sciences, whose website states:
“We believe that bats hold the key to a safer and healthier world. Paratus Sciences is a start-up biotech company committed to improving human health and health security through an understanding of bat biology. We are focused on identifying and developing potential therapeutics for a myriad of diseases by unlocking the secrets of the bat genome.”
Ah, bats again.
She’s also a scientific advisor to InvisiShield Technologies, whose “mission is to create innovative solutions to protect people from airborne illnesses caused by respiratory viruses, starting with COVID-19, flu and RSV.”
By sharing that it is “Addressing all current and potential future SARS-CoV-2 variants,” Invisishield appears to be confirming that COVID is going to be an ongoing source of wealth creation for the parasite class.
Indeed, Iwasaki herself stated outright in May last year that “We are not done with Covid, not even close.”
As stated in my email to you, the average duration of a pandemic is 2 years or less. Yet Iwasaki is telling us this particular ‘pandemic’ is going to be around for a long, long time. Your involvement with the RelCoVax project, eighteen months into the ‘pandemic’ charade, also tells us you were privy to knowledge the pandemic sham was not going away anytime soon.
In November last year, Iwasaki told AMA Update, “We also have millions of people who develop long COVID around the same time, which makes it more feasible to recruit participants and to be able to study the underlying disease mechanisms.”
Yet three years on from the Yale article you cite, the only ‘long COVID’ vaccine research Iwasaki appears to have produced is a single, unpublished pre-print involving - wait for it - sixteen (16) individuals with 'long COVID' who were surveyed before and after ‘vaccination.’
At twelve weeks, when they last survey was issued, 10 out of 16 reported better health, 3 reported the same health and 3 reported worse health.
The study is of garbage-level quality and its results are absolutely meaningless. Of the “millions of people” Iawasaki claimed have ‘long COVID’, her and her long list of colleagues could only find sixteen. Apparently this large and well-resourced group could find zero control subjects, because the study featured no control group. Therefore, we don’t know whether their “improved health status” in this totally non-blinded study was due to the injections or simply placebo effect.
Laughably, Iwasaki et al write that “We prospectively sought to enroll 50-100 participants to evaluate overall health and symptom changes. However, the study was terminated early due to an inability to reach the target sample size given that few people with Long COVID were vaccine naïve.”
They just told us that most people with ‘long COVID’ are ‘vaccinated.’
Iwasaki et al note that at twelve weeks, 4 of 13 eligible subjects did not receive their second shot, with no explanation as to why. They admit in the discussion section that the study lacked concurrent controls and was small. "However,” they write, “the fact that symptom burden decreased on average and more people improved than worsened suggests that the vaccination was not overtly harmful" (as opposed to say, surreptitiously harmful?)
Iwasaki isn’t making sense, Robert, and neither are you.
There was nothing remotely resembling good science to show that mRNA ‘vaccination’ yielded the potential to treat the protracted flu season symptoms that have always existed but were disingenuously relabeled ‘long COVID’ as part of the Great Corona Con.
Robert, to paraphrase Denzel Washington’s character in Philadelphia, explain it to me like I’m a six year old:
How is it that untrained autodidacts like me knew right away the mRNA vaccines were unsafe and ineffective, yet a “highly trained” vaccine developer intimately familiar with mRNA technology like yourself did not?
How is it that laypeople were able to read and correctly interpret the NEJM studies, and were able to easily locate the adverse event data on VAERS - yet a “highly trained” vaccine developer like yourself was not?
You are effectively stating you are incapable of reading published clinical research and instead had to rely on personal conversations with FDA staff and unverifiable anecdotes from a single journalist who cites a researcher heavily invested in the long-COVID charade and who attained her postdoc at none other than Fauci’s NIAID, which co-developed the Moderna vaccine and derives lucrative royalties from its sales.
Is that really the story you’re sticking with?
Robert, you know that I know that you know about medical journals. A quick search on PubMed shows reveals you’ve published a number of studies beginning in 1985, so you can’t claim to be unaware of the phenomenon in which scientists conduct drug research then publish it in journals.
If you’re going to keep playing dumb and pretend otherwise, then I direct your attention to a court deposition filed November 10, 2021, in which you stated:
“[I] have been involved in developing, designing, and providing oversight of approximately forty phase 1 clinical trials and twenty phase 2 clinical trials, as well as five phase 3 clinical trials; have been involved in infectious disease pathogen advanced development oversight of HIV, Influenza, Plague, Anthrax, VEE/EEE/WEE, Tularemia, Tuberculosis, Ebola, Zika, Ricin toxin, and Engineered pathogens; and, since January 2020, have been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modeling, and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment.”
In your November 10, 2021 court deposition, you also stated:
"I served as Associate Director, Clinical Research at Dynport Vaccine Company LLC from 2002-2003, supporting the prime systems US DoD contract for all biodefense products under advanced development by the Department of Defense. I also served as Director, Business Development and Program Management for the Bill and Melinda Gates funded Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation from 2004-2005; Senior Medical Director, Summit Drug Development Services (a Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Research specialty contract research organization) from 2005-2006; Director, Clinical Development & Medical Affairs, Influenza for Solvay Pharmaceuticals (currently Abbvie) from 2006-2008; and Medical Director, Vaccines for the Beardsworth Consulting Group from 2010 – 2013.”
“I currently serve as CEO and Principal Consultant for RW Malone MD LLC, primarily supporting the US Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (via contracts held by Leidos and MIT-Lincoln Lab). I have been leading or serving as a principal consultant for teams developing both repurposed drugs or vaccines since January 4, 2020, resulting in multiple novel findings, published and pending manuscripts, three clinical trials involving repurposed drugs (two in USA under DoD funding, one in India under funding from Reliance Healthcare) and one Phase 1 clinical trial for a novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.”
“I have a history of over a decade of service to the NIAID as either reviewer or study section chairperson for evaluating large contract bids for development of Biodefense and other Medical Countermeasures against emerging infectious diseases and biothreat agents.”
“I currently sit on the NIH/FNIH ACTIV COVID-19 Drug development panel.”
(Bold emphasis added).
In other words: You are intimately familiar with published drug research and you are a DOD, DARPA, NIH and NIAID insider.
Let the record show you were in fact an NIH insider after you rose to prominence as a supposed health freedom activist.
In light of all this, are you still going to maintain the utterly ridiculous charade that you don’t know your way around a medical journal and are an uninformed outsider who had to “trust” the sketchy anecdotes of journalists, highly-vested entrepreneurs like Iwasaki, and FDA staff?
Moving along, you claim you have suffered “hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, restless leg syndrome and other muscular twitching, POTS, and tinnitus. Then more fatigue, brain fog and a worse chronic cough … my heart is irrevocably damaged from the mRNA pseudo-vaccine. My hypertension and tachycardia are mostly managed with drugs. Although if I stress my body - bad things happen.”
That’s quite a list.
Yet you have no problem stressing your body with travelling to numerous speaking engagements, which garner you a minimum of US $10,000 plus expenses. You even advertise international speaking gigs (at a minimum of twice the domestic rate), which would involve not insignificant physiological stresses as interrupted circadian rhythms and jet lag.
You get visibly angry during interviews, yet the burst of catecholamines that invariably accompanies such outbursts never seems to induce any arrhythmia, tachycardia, muscular twitching or shortness of breath in you.
Did you lodge a VAERS report documenting your numerous and serious symptoms?
If so, could you please point to it on the VAERS website?
If you did not lodge a VAERS report, why not?
Along with all the others who have unsuccessfully queried you, I would greatly appreciate answers to both the above and my previous questions. Given your demonstrated ability to post thinly-disguised rebuttals on a same-day basis, lack of time is clearly not a valid reason for any failure to respond.
Instead of posting pictures of yourself wielding a handgun, in what I assume is either a cryptic threat to your critics or a sad mid-life crisis attempt to convince everyone how bad-ass you are, I strongly suggest you start giving honest, non-churlish responses to the many valid questions people have been asking of you.
Because, in a world full of spineless two-faced cowards, few things are more “bad-ass” than telling the truth.
Anthony Colpo
A "pandemic" ALWAYS was defined by its mortality. To say mortality doesn't enter into it is ridiculous.
It was THE defining feature.
The cracks are beginning to show EVERYWHERE despite Comrade Malone's best efforts to just.....
"keep repeating the lie"
"keep repeating the lie"
"keep repeating the lie"
Eventually liars get completely entangled as he did here.
On Denis Rancourt's Study "yeah, yeah, yeah I know all that bullshit".
Also on Denis Rancourt's Study "I'm very familiar with Denis' work and I completely agree with him".
Covid-19 was a multi-billion dollar, contrived, Grand Hoax.
And the whole world knows it.