Some Disturbing Facts About Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone & Peter McCullough: Part 1
Just how did a scientifically inept tech buffoon, a vaccine-lover who helped develop mRNA technology, and a cardiologist linked to a shady supplement company ever come to lead the anti-vaxxx movement?
Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone and Peter McCullough have been hoisted up as heroic leaders of the anti-vaxxx and health freedom movements.
I believe Kirsch and Malone are wholly undeserving of this status. I also believe there is enough evidence to justify asking hard questions about McCullough’s suitability for this role.
Before we do that, let’s discuss the phenomenon of controlled opposition.
"Controlled opposition is the use of black propaganda and saboteurs who claim to oppose a particular faction but are in fact working for the faction." - Wikipedia
"A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves’ ... [It is] a strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by a 3rd party and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance and/or political/social manipulation. In most cases the controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party." - Urban Dictionary
Keeping those definitions in mind, let’s now examine the behaviour of the aforementioned trio. In this installment, we’ll focus on Kirsch.
Steve “The Evasive Hypocrite” Kirsch
Recent events over the last week have confirmed beyond doubt Kirsch is a liar and a hypocrite. That is not my opinion; it is a matter of record.
Kirsch positions himself as a fearless speaker of anti-vaxxx truth, and loudly declares he will take on all-comers. He challenges people to provide evidence that can prove him wrong, and promises lavish monetary rewards if they are successful.
He issues debate challenges, with all the swagger of a drunken loudmouth in a pub. He then has the audacity to falsely claim no-one wants to debate him, when this is demonstrably untrue.
As many readers are now aware, in March 21, 2021, the cocksure Kirsch made a challenge in which he offered US $25,000 to the first person who could demonstrate that there was not enough evidence supporting FDA approval of the SSRI fluvoxamine as a ‘COVID’ treatment. As soon as I read the challenge, I compiled the necessary information, posted it online, and sent a message to Kirsch that I had successfully met his criteria and would like to arrange collection of the $25,000.
Kirsch replied the next day, saying “I can’t wait to have a debate on your claim to $25,000.”
Excuse me?
There was nothing to “debate.” Kirsch had asked for “hard evidence” that he was wrong, and I supplied it, in careful detail. The challenge had been met, and Kirsch now owed me $25,000.
After pointing this out to Kirsch, he promptly ignored me. I have been messaging the dishonest Kirsch daily asking when I can expect to see the money, but to no avail. Captain Loudmouth has suddenly been hit with a debilitating case of stage fright.
Here’s this morning’s effort to retrieve the money from Kirsch:
The cocksure Kirsch, high on his own hubris, has a page at his Substack titled “How you can show the world that I am spreading misinformation.”
Take note of how Kirsch automatically categorizes anyone who disagrees with him as a “troll.” We’ll get back to this shortly, when we meet one of Kirsch’s online moderators (gatekeepers), “Wayne.”
Kirsch has this advice for us so-called “trolls”:
“Simply respond to as much as the evidence here as you are able and show either that 1) I misinterpreted the data or 2) an explanation for why it is misleading and the correct answer.” (sic)
I did all that and more. But Kirsch is now ignoring me.
Kirsch is a fraud, a loud-mouthed carnival barker that talks the talk but hides like a prison escapee when someone meets his own criteria and proves him wrong.
“Oh, but Steve has done lots of good work,” object his misguided followers. “He’s tirelessly pointed out the harms of COVID vaccines!”
So have dozens, if not hundreds, of others. And they’ve done it without acting like boorish clowns, without making disingenuous challenges, without holding up anecdotal racetrack stories and unscientific web surveys as if they were double-blind evidence, and without yelling at reporters or sending them ALL-CAPS emails (all this, mind you, from a man well into his 60s).
In other words, unlike Kirsch, they highlight the dangers of vaccines without providing easy ammunition for journalists looking to belittle us gene therapy critics as a bunch of kooky “conspiracy theorists.”
Unlike Kirsch, other critics are able to field this criticism without reinforcing key contentions of the mainstream narrative. Kirsch still maintains the best way to deal with an alleged ‘pandemic’ is pharma drugs (witness his pig-headed support of fluvoxamine, repeatedly disproved as a ‘COVID’ treatment), and that there is a deadly ‘Sars-Cov-2’ virus on the loose despite no such virus ever having been isolated by anything resembling non-absurd scientific methods.
Who does that benefit? The public, or the globalists and drug companies behind this ‘COVID’ charade?
Oh, and unlike multi-millionaire Kirsch who undeservedly ranks in the top 50 Substackers and earns over $500,000 a year from paying subscribers who succumb to his ‘fearless truth-teller’ phooey, most other vaxxx critics are speaking out for very little, if any, monetary reward.
“Wait,” say Steve’s misguided supporters, “what about his other admirable initiatives, like the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation?”
That’s my question too: “What about it?”
I’ve scoured the VSRF website, trying to get a grasp of exactly what it is this “foundation” is supposed to do, but all I’m coming up with is feel-good fluff that ultimately doesn’t lead to anything of substance.
The VSRF is a foundation without much of a foundation.
There’s a video with Kirsch doing what he does best: Asking others to ‘donate’ to yet another one of his supposedly non-profit endeavours.
But what for? What will this money be used for, exactly?
Well, there’s talk of “raising awareness,” of “events and rallies,” and … well, not much else, really.
At 5.40, we see none other than a pudgy Kirsch, telling a rally audience, “you know, history will not be kind to these people who claim they are telling people the truth … because eventually the truth does come out.”
The irony.
With a name like Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, you would reasonably expect the foundation to be about, well, research.
But there’s no research on the site. There are lots of current affairs-style news snippets, a picture of publicity whore Kirsch with a beanie and a microphone, and a picture of a guy holding his ringing ears, allegedly from vaxxx-induced tinnitus.

At a page with the heading “Stay Informed and Empowered,” there are lists of law firms and supposed “military” contacts, with no mention of what, exactly, someone is supposed to do with this information (“Hi, is this Tully Rinckey? Cool, I saw your name on the VSRF website! Listen, can you get the military to kick that corrupt, hair-sniffing weirdo out of the White House, shut down Moderna and Pfizer, organize compensation for everyone hurt by the vaxxx and the mandates, and issue the death penalty to whoever came up with Married at First Sight? Thanks, bro!”).
I’m sure Kirsch’s wealthy lawyer mates appreciate his networking efforts, but … where’s the research???
Turns out there is none.
I’m not the only one who’s wondered just what the VSRF actually does. This is from the comments section of a recent article by Vilma over at La Gata Politica:
“Peter” says he and another Kirsch reader have repeatedly asked what happens to VSRF donations, what portion goes to vaxxx victims, and if the foundation had financial statements available. Instead of straight answers, they’ve been met with comment deletions and even banning by a character called Wayne.
Who is Wayne?
He moderates the comments at Kirsch’s Substack, and he recently showed up at my Substack to defend the honour of his utterly dishonourable boss. He made multiple comments, which you can check out here; below is the portion of the exchange relevant to the VSRF and its lack of transparency.
Vilma’s right: The VSRF looks more like another strand in the murky dark money web of supposedly ‘philanthropic’ foundations that are used to funnel money to hidden agendas.
It seems impossible to get straight answers from the VSRF or its website about what its true purpose is.
However, I did eventually come across something quite revealing at the VSRF site.
The “Parallel Economy,” huh?
What, may I ask, does a “parallel economy” have to do with vaccine safety research?
I’m starting to smell a rat, here. Actually, not a rat, but a Trojan horse.
Looks to me the VSRF, under the guise of fighting for medical freedom, is indeed a vehicle to push other agendas, such as the centralized digital economy paradigm.
Lest you think I’m jumping the gun, I’d like you to meet Steve Kirsch. No, not the Steve Kirsch who pretends to be all about medical freedom, but the Steve Kirsch who is all about centralized money and digital IDs.
I have to again credit Vilma for leading me to the following:
Steve “CBDC” Kirsch
So up until recently, Kirsch - our supposedly fearless freedom warrior - was in fact the CEO of a company helping achieve the dystopian dream of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which will be every freedom lover’s nightmare. They will allow governments to impose a cashless society in which they can closely monitor how, where and when you spend your money, right down to the very last cent. They will allow the government to impose time limits on your money, and they will allow the imposition of negative interest rates on your deposits.
Leading a company that wants to lead the world into cashless tyranny doesn’t look good on the bio of a supposedly selfless freedom fighter, so in September 2021 Kirsch stepped down from his role of M10 CEO, reportedly “in order to focus on the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, which he founded.”
That excuse seems a bit flimsy given that the CETF was already headed down the poop pipe by May 2021, when Kirsch’s fluvoxamine fetish triggered a mass exodus from the fund’s board.
Not to worry, though; as the September release stated, “Steve remains a committed and enthusiastic supporter of M10 and will continue to be at the team’s disposal to provide input and counsel as required.”
So to those who describe Kirsch as a tireless multi-tasker - you’re right! He can pretend to fight for medical freedom and develop freedom-crushing CBDCs all at the same time!
What a talent this man is!
CBDCs are not the only globalist agenda Kirsch is on board with.
Steve “The World is Overpopulated and Overheating” Kirsch
Turns out he’s also on board with the “overpopulation” and “global warming” scares as well.
The Internet never forgets:
This was from a 2007 article by Kirsch titled “How it will end.”
If Steve Kirsch is not a controlled opposition globalist puppet, then he sure acts like one.
Steve Kirsch: CBDC developer, depopulation advocate, global warming alarmist, antidepressant shill - now here to save you from Big Government and Big Pharma!
I like this guy as a freedom leader about as much as I like prunes as a cure for diarrhea.
Stay tuned for my installment on Robert “Sue Everyone, Everything, Everywhere!” Malone, the self-declared vaccine lover who is going to help save you from vaxxxines.
Until then, stay safe out there in Clown World,
Kay Griggs is probably one of the most prolific whistle-blowers in US history. She said the way you know they are controlled opposition is because nothing ever happens to them for "being brave with the truth". Her experiences included having her phones tapped, they killed her pets, broke into her house and made sure she knew they had been there, tampered with her car ... and she was married to a top ranking military officer!
If you use that lens, you'll see very quickly who is controlled ops and who isn't.
I doubt Steve trained WayneBGood or paid him any money, for a very simple reason: I think Steve and WayneBGood are the same person.