Just how did a scientifically inept tech buffoon, a vaccine-lover who helped develop mRNA technology, and a cardiologist linked to a shady supplement company ever come to lead the anti-vaxxx movement?
Kay Griggs is probably one of the most prolific whistle-blowers in US history. She said the way you know they are controlled opposition is because nothing ever happens to them for "being brave with the truth". Her experiences included having her phones tapped, they killed her pets, broke into her house and made sure she knew they had been there, tampered with her car ... and she was married to a top ranking military officer!
If you use that lens, you'll see very quickly who is controlled ops and who isn't.
You mean like Peter McCullough being named cardiologist of the year while saying that his cardiology and internal medicine board certification was pulled because of him speaking the truth about vaccine danger. Something about his posting pictures of himself in Times Square for Cardiologist of the Year doesn’t ring true to being persecuted. But then that’s just me.
Yes, nothing happens to them and, nothing ever happens to change the course of events they are supposedly railing against. The lack of any meaningful results in the wake of a continual stream of rah! rah! lip service speaks for itself.
It is easy to see who the False Dissidence is in this fight, who does not denounce the graphene oxide in vaccines and only tries to camouflage the graphene with other terms, that person is False Dissidence.
Brandy Vaughn-died of something that did not fit after she had weird things happen in her home while she was away. Sad her 10 yr old son found her dead.
I think you're onto something, Sam. Reminds me of a certain stinky vegan who named himself after a stinky SE Asian fruit, who was notorious for creating fake online aliases that would then pretend to be supportive third parties. I won't mention his name, but it rhymes with Harley The Evil Dickhead "Durianrider" Johnstone from Adelaide, South Australia.
I wonder if Steve graduated from the same troll academy?
I might ask him when I email him tomorrow about my money :)
No, I just moderate comments and my thoughts are my own, as I said at first. I don't speak for Mr. Kirsch but I do try to help people that comment. However, as I also keep repeating - people have a hard time reading things. If you read my first post a few times you might get the meaning. It's on the other article.
If you read my comments you will see that I didn't show up "to defend Steve Kirsch's honor" but to point out someone lied about why he was banned. I also replied to PBinAB and Anthony Colpo when they asked me questions. I still don't understand why Mr. Colpo doesn't just talk to Steve Kirsch as I saw a redacted phone number in the original conversation posted on this substack.
At first I thought it was because he didn't want the money. He told me that he does and I read that, so that's not the reason. I also read that he thinks I am trolling, so I'd rather not say a lot here out of respect for his substack policy.
"I still don't understand why Mr. Colpo doesn't just talk to Steve Kirsch as I saw a redacted phone number in the original conversation posted on this substack."
There's nothing to talk about Steve, aka "Wayne."
I met your challenge - that is beyond dispute. If you believe otherwise, why haven't you stated the reasons?
I'm not interested in listening to you blow hot air. All I'm interested in is a written statement from you confirming the payment and finalizing payment details.
You first tried to weasel your way out by demanding a debate. That was not one of the conditions. Your original criteria demanded "hard evidence", which is more important than having an argument to be judged by yourself or your paid off friends - and which is what I supplied.
Now you're trying to weasel your way out of saying I won't talk to you. First of all, I supplied my phone number as requested on your contact form - why must I contact YOU?
Secondly, there's no reason to speak (argue) over the phone - again, this was not a stipulated condition of the challenge, either.
Are you lonely, Steve?
If you need someone to talk to, go visit your shrink. Quite frankly, after what has since transpired, I don't want to chat with an obnoxious blow-hard like you.
The only thing that needs to be done now is to confirm payment details in writing. I'm sure a self-proclaimed tech genius like yourself can use email and can work out how to send payments online, so stop playing dumb, however naturally that may come for you.
You are a fraud, Steve. A gutless, dishonest fraud.
You're mistaken, I'm not Steve Kirsch. Sorry you had to waste all that typing for nothing. However, you could copy and paste most of it into your real messages with Mr. Kirsch.
Dear Steve Wayne, the wannabe John Wayne of the health freedom movement -
as stated in my message to you yesterday, the only person who cares this much about defending Steve Kirsch is Steve Kirsch. If you're going to post here, at least use your real name you sniveling little coward.
You're still wrong, but with your comments you make me wonder if you're afraid that if you talk to Steve Kirsch it will be harder to demonize him.
You really don't read much of his work or see his interviews if you don't know Kirsch has many friends and fans. I like to read which is how I know that, not from being a close friend myself.
Hi Ginger, yes, saw this, thank you. And was so glad to see Malone's idiotic lawsuit get thrown out of court. I hope he's ordered to at least cover your legal costs.
Me thinks "cocksure Kirsch" has some sphincter puckering going on right now. [They] HATE when they get called out with FACTS. They think we are stupid.
Brilliant work Anthony. I've been following you since the Great Cholesterol Con days. KEEP GOING! I'm sharing your work with everyone I know. 🍿🍿🍿
And yes!!! Please give the death penalty to "Married at First Sight!" Pretty please?
Definitely could be controlled ops. But if there's one thing I've learned in life, never discount the possibility of extreme incompetence. His lack of response might be embarrassment. Of course, that would be incredibly cowardly, dishonorable, and weak, but it would be an unsurprising microcosm of the 20th and 21st centuries that a dorky midwit is a modern "leader".
Let's be frank here too. No one fact checked Kirsch until you did. A lot of us are sheep that just go with gut feelings and are easily led astray, whether by controlled opposition or nincompoops. I think there would be an interesting article to be written about not just the leaders of this movement, but also the followers and their naïveté.
You will need to read my book carefully, averagethinker. It'll be out in maybe 3 weeks. Let me know what you think. Most people get a paragraph. Steve got five pages.
I agree.. Personally, I check the sources but sometimes I don´t have time and in the meantime go with gut feelings.. Since I have checked Anthony´s claims many times and he was right, when I don´t have time I trust him but with caution until I have time to read the stuff.. we all should verify the information we read..
“Viruses” don’t exist. - And the criminals in power don’t need “viruses” to harm or kill people. There are countless poisons, which can be mixed into "vaccines" against non-existent microorganisms💉🦄
I have been following Anthony Colpo´s work since the beginning. Probably the best independent researcher you can read. I have training in scientific fields (medicine, biology) and always check sources, and I can confidently say that nobody is so rigorous in his research as Anthony is.
Yes, worth reading as Dr Breggin was an early voice drawing attention to SSRI harms, he's also appeared as a medico-legal expert in many legal cases involving antidepressant-induced suicide and homicide.
Thank you for the shout outs and for letting me steal your fantastic meme😂. I just subscribed to your SS, can you send me an email where I can send links to my database on Malone and Kirsch? It'll save you tons of research time. I'm working on posts exposing the washing of money between nonprofits and little Stevie's control of Conservative/Independent media while pushing for digital slavery.
When I exposed Malone's desire to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids, Meryl Nass (one of Malone's junkyard dogs) wrote a racist hit piece on me, so I'm waiting for her or another of his junkyard dogs to do the same. I'm little but I bite back😂, never been one to stay silent. I published data on her Communist history. Turns out she was a fan of Fidel Castro, the guy who blew out my uncle's brain. She's such a classy dame.
Thanks for spreading facts about the monsters who have hijacked the freedom movement.
Always thought there was something weird about Malone and Kirsch. Remember in the beginning when they were all hobnobbing with Brett Weinstein? Another freedom fighter whose brother happens to work for Peter Thiel LMAO. I've come to realize that "a.i." is already in control of who gets the most followers etc.
I'm just an armchair non-expert picking up info since the plandemic started but they've all let me down in one way or another that was red flag stuff even as new as I am to the bio world. They've all disappointed all the ppl I trust in that world as well. Kirsch and Malone being the worst offenders but there's no reason for McCullough to adhere so long to so-called "cases" due to PCR tests. I dropped them all like hot bricks years ago. Sadly they still seem to have strong followings.
Kay Griggs is probably one of the most prolific whistle-blowers in US history. She said the way you know they are controlled opposition is because nothing ever happens to them for "being brave with the truth". Her experiences included having her phones tapped, they killed her pets, broke into her house and made sure she knew they had been there, tampered with her car ... and she was married to a top ranking military officer!
If you use that lens, you'll see very quickly who is controlled ops and who isn't.
You mean like Peter McCullough being named cardiologist of the year while saying that his cardiology and internal medicine board certification was pulled because of him speaking the truth about vaccine danger. Something about his posting pictures of himself in Times Square for Cardiologist of the Year doesn’t ring true to being persecuted. But then that’s just me.
Yes, nothing happens to them and, nothing ever happens to change the course of events they are supposedly railing against. The lack of any meaningful results in the wake of a continual stream of rah! rah! lip service speaks for itself.
It is easy to see who the False Dissidence is in this fight, who does not denounce the graphene oxide in vaccines and only tries to camouflage the graphene with other terms, that person is False Dissidence.
Brandy Vaughn-died of something that did not fit after she had weird things happen in her home while she was away. Sad her 10 yr old son found her dead.
Return of Kay Griggs, 79, Interviewed by Quinton Heisler Jan 2024 https://youtu.be/mPT9oBxgekc?si=4RYB1Vg5vew9pR0a
I doubt Steve trained WayneBGood or paid him any money, for a very simple reason: I think Steve and WayneBGood are the same person.
I think you're onto something, Sam. Reminds me of a certain stinky vegan who named himself after a stinky SE Asian fruit, who was notorious for creating fake online aliases that would then pretend to be supportive third parties. I won't mention his name, but it rhymes with Harley The Evil Dickhead "Durianrider" Johnstone from Adelaide, South Australia.
I wonder if Steve graduated from the same troll academy?
I might ask him when I email him tomorrow about my money :)
That was my take right away. 👍👍
No, I just moderate comments and my thoughts are my own, as I said at first. I don't speak for Mr. Kirsch but I do try to help people that comment. However, as I also keep repeating - people have a hard time reading things. If you read my first post a few times you might get the meaning. It's on the other article.
If you read my comments you will see that I didn't show up "to defend Steve Kirsch's honor" but to point out someone lied about why he was banned. I also replied to PBinAB and Anthony Colpo when they asked me questions. I still don't understand why Mr. Colpo doesn't just talk to Steve Kirsch as I saw a redacted phone number in the original conversation posted on this substack.
At first I thought it was because he didn't want the money. He told me that he does and I read that, so that's not the reason. I also read that he thinks I am trolling, so I'd rather not say a lot here out of respect for his substack policy.
"I still don't understand why Mr. Colpo doesn't just talk to Steve Kirsch as I saw a redacted phone number in the original conversation posted on this substack."
There's nothing to talk about Steve, aka "Wayne."
I met your challenge - that is beyond dispute. If you believe otherwise, why haven't you stated the reasons?
I'm not interested in listening to you blow hot air. All I'm interested in is a written statement from you confirming the payment and finalizing payment details.
You first tried to weasel your way out by demanding a debate. That was not one of the conditions. Your original criteria demanded "hard evidence", which is more important than having an argument to be judged by yourself or your paid off friends - and which is what I supplied.
Now you're trying to weasel your way out of saying I won't talk to you. First of all, I supplied my phone number as requested on your contact form - why must I contact YOU?
Secondly, there's no reason to speak (argue) over the phone - again, this was not a stipulated condition of the challenge, either.
Are you lonely, Steve?
If you need someone to talk to, go visit your shrink. Quite frankly, after what has since transpired, I don't want to chat with an obnoxious blow-hard like you.
The only thing that needs to be done now is to confirm payment details in writing. I'm sure a self-proclaimed tech genius like yourself can use email and can work out how to send payments online, so stop playing dumb, however naturally that may come for you.
You are a fraud, Steve. A gutless, dishonest fraud.
You're mistaken, I'm not Steve Kirsch. Sorry you had to waste all that typing for nothing. However, you could copy and paste most of it into your real messages with Mr. Kirsch.
Dear Steve Wayne, the wannabe John Wayne of the health freedom movement -
as stated in my message to you yesterday, the only person who cares this much about defending Steve Kirsch is Steve Kirsch. If you're going to post here, at least use your real name you sniveling little coward.
You're still wrong, but with your comments you make me wonder if you're afraid that if you talk to Steve Kirsch it will be harder to demonize him.
You really don't read much of his work or see his interviews if you don't know Kirsch has many friends and fans. I like to read which is how I know that, not from being a close friend myself.
Stop it Steve, you're embarrassing yourself.
"but with your comments you make me wonder if you're afraid that if you talk to Steve Kirsch it will be harder to demonize him."
No, Steve has already given me plenty of material to work with.
Give an idiot enough rope...
His Pierre Delecto, if you will
Thank you very much for this data and analysis. Here is our early take on Kirsch Malone and Kennedy that we published a year ago. - Ginger Breggin
Hi Ginger, yes, saw this, thank you. And was so glad to see Malone's idiotic lawsuit get thrown out of court. I hope he's ordered to at least cover your legal costs.
Me thinks "cocksure Kirsch" has some sphincter puckering going on right now. [They] HATE when they get called out with FACTS. They think we are stupid.
Brilliant work Anthony. I've been following you since the Great Cholesterol Con days. KEEP GOING! I'm sharing your work with everyone I know. 🍿🍿🍿
And yes!!! Please give the death penalty to "Married at First Sight!" Pretty please?
That’s one of the hallmarks of being a narcissist! They fall apart and throw a hissy fit when confronted with FACTS.
If you like rabbit holes (and I know you do!), take a gander at Mathew Crawford's stack and read what he has to say about Kirsch and Malone.
Good for you! Thanks for cross-posting the link.
Only doctors who are honest about the fact that NO "virus" has been proven to exist, EVER - can be trusted.
"Viruses" do not exist.
If a "freedom fighting" doctor claims that "viruses" exist and that some vaccinations are good for you…
Is he or she a lying Big Pharma'fia whore.
Most doctors and scientists are too brainwashed to question viral dogma, only a few are the ones who see good money..
Correct, mRNA does not exist either, there is only graphene and you will not see these people denounce it. They are murderers
Definitely could be controlled ops. But if there's one thing I've learned in life, never discount the possibility of extreme incompetence. His lack of response might be embarrassment. Of course, that would be incredibly cowardly, dishonorable, and weak, but it would be an unsurprising microcosm of the 20th and 21st centuries that a dorky midwit is a modern "leader".
Let's be frank here too. No one fact checked Kirsch until you did. A lot of us are sheep that just go with gut feelings and are easily led astray, whether by controlled opposition or nincompoops. I think there would be an interesting article to be written about not just the leaders of this movement, but also the followers and their naïveté.
You will need to read my book carefully, averagethinker. It'll be out in maybe 3 weeks. Let me know what you think. Most people get a paragraph. Steve got five pages.
I agree.. Personally, I check the sources but sometimes I don´t have time and in the meantime go with gut feelings.. Since I have checked Anthony´s claims many times and he was right, when I don´t have time I trust him but with caution until I have time to read the stuff.. we all should verify the information we read..
" but also the followers and their naïveté."
Maddening, isn't it?
Kirsch and McC are Gas lighting.
Robert Malone is CIA.
I had several interactions with him and he blocked me on different platforms.
Who were the 5 Nobel Laureates he worked with?
Why was such a heavy intellectual load needed?
What where they working on?
Who funded this?
They were working on Biological Weapons for the CIA.
It is called "Gain of Function" and MRNA is the direct result.
If you create a pathogen or modify a Virus you still need to deliver that into the Human Cell Structure.
MRNA is that delivery System and it looks like it can do this on a genetic level.
“Viruses” don’t exist. - And the criminals in power don’t need “viruses” to harm or kill people. There are countless poisons, which can be mixed into "vaccines" against non-existent microorganisms💉🦄
And electro-magnetic radiation now pervasive in all parts of the world.
I have been following Anthony Colpo´s work since the beginning. Probably the best independent researcher you can read. I have training in scientific fields (medicine, biology) and always check sources, and I can confidently say that nobody is so rigorous in his research as Anthony is.
You are writing some excellent articles... Thank You.
Just 'unsubscribed' from... Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone and Peter McCullough!
More on fluvoxamine: https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/luvox-fluvoxamine-too-dangerous-to?publication_id=731509&post_id=142921545&isFreemail=true&r=6gwmn&triedRedirect=true
Yes, worth reading as Dr Breggin was an early voice drawing attention to SSRI harms, he's also appeared as a medico-legal expert in many legal cases involving antidepressant-induced suicide and homicide.
Thank you for the shout outs and for letting me steal your fantastic meme😂. I just subscribed to your SS, can you send me an email where I can send links to my database on Malone and Kirsch? It'll save you tons of research time. I'm working on posts exposing the washing of money between nonprofits and little Stevie's control of Conservative/Independent media while pushing for digital slavery.
When I exposed Malone's desire to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids, Meryl Nass (one of Malone's junkyard dogs) wrote a racist hit piece on me, so I'm waiting for her or another of his junkyard dogs to do the same. I'm little but I bite back😂, never been one to stay silent. I published data on her Communist history. Turns out she was a fan of Fidel Castro, the guy who blew out my uncle's brain. She's such a classy dame.
Thanks for spreading facts about the monsters who have hijacked the freedom movement.
Always thought there was something weird about Malone and Kirsch. Remember in the beginning when they were all hobnobbing with Brett Weinstein? Another freedom fighter whose brother happens to work for Peter Thiel LMAO. I've come to realize that "a.i." is already in control of who gets the most followers etc.
I'm just an armchair non-expert picking up info since the plandemic started but they've all let me down in one way or another that was red flag stuff even as new as I am to the bio world. They've all disappointed all the ppl I trust in that world as well. Kirsch and Malone being the worst offenders but there's no reason for McCullough to adhere so long to so-called "cases" due to PCR tests. I dropped them all like hot bricks years ago. Sadly they still seem to have strong followings.
Malone is still in a contract to the dod for another 5 yrs so it’s no wonder he directs everything away from them.
I think they all are controlled opposition!