After successfully pulling off an assassination attempt hoax, Donald Trump is riding on a surging wave of sympathy.
Once ‘the president that divided America,’ he’s now the defiant, fist-pumping hero who has united gullible people of all political persuasions.
Before I deliver a reality check, a disclaimer.
My late friend Shaun once told me, in his Birmingham accent, “I’m not racist. I hate koonts of all creeds and colours.”
I miss him.
That’s pretty much how I feel about politics. Irrespective of their supposed political leanings, it should be obvious by now the overwhelming majority of politicians are not there to serve the people. Not only that, but they clearly regard us with contempt (ditto for most bureaucrats, judges and cops, whose real job is to protect the interests of the ruling parasite class).
“Government for the people by the people” is akin to a running joke among the controlling class. In reality, it’s government by the conniving against the unsuspecting. We are the heathen to be controlled and financially milked, which is why the so-called ‘free’ countries are subject to an ever increasing array of rules, regulations, restrictions, taxes, fines, fees, levies, rates and tariffs.
Time and time again, both the ‘left’ and ‘right’ sides of politics have demonstrated their staunch commitment to this agenda. Both the left and right of politics are controlled by the same globalist parasites.
The One Thing ‘Liberals’ and ‘Conservatives’ Have in Common: Cognitive Bias
In 2006, Drew Westen, professor of psychology and psychiatry at Emory University, published the results of a very illuminating study. During the 2004 US Presidential election, his team used functional neuroimaging to study the neural responses of thirty committed partisans presented with negative information about both their preferred and opposition candidates.
The purpose of the study was to observe “how partisan brains reasoned during the polarized 2004 election. The answer: they didn’t.”
“When confronted with compelling negative evidence about their candidate, the brains of Democrats and Republicans registered conflict and distress. Whereas the circuits normally activated during dispassionate reasoning appeared to be in a persistently vegetative state when faced with a reasoning task with negative implications for the partisan’s candidate, circuits charged with regulating emotion and dealing with conflict lit up our computer screens like the Fourth of July, firing rockets into reason until our partisans had arrived at emotionally comfortable conclusions.”
In other words, the participant’s brains had little problem handling negative information about the opposition party candidate, but started “freaking out” when faced with negative information about the candidate from their favored party. Their brains didn’t return to a less frantic state until they had found a way to distort and rationalize the negative information in a way that comfortably co-existed with their belief in the superiority of their favored candidate.
You can see this exact phenomenon at play whenever you engage with anyone who supports Trump.
When you ask why he signed off on Operation Warp Speed, the response is “he didn’t have a choice.”
Yes he did. He had the choice to make a stand, even if merely symbolic, or go along with the charade. He chose the latter.
A strong leader would question why the nation he professed to love so much was about to become a giant pin cushion for unproven drugs in order to fight a BS pandemic that he himself repeatedly stated was really an overblown flu.
An honest leader would balk at the idea of giving billions of taxpayer dollars to a serially fraudulent, criminal conglomerate like Pfizer, which holds the record for the largest ever criminal fine in US history.
Trump sycophants always have an excuse for his treachery - an excuse that always manages to absolve him. One minute he’s the strong, inspirational leader America needs - the next, he’s the poor, powerless Don who was at the mercy of external forces.
Which is it, folks?
Was Trump’s acquiescence to Big Pharma really the fault of others? Or did it have more to do with the fact that Big Pharma was a major financial supporter of his?
Among the raft of companies that ‘donated’ heavily to Trump’s Inauguration, there were three that donated $1 million: Bank of America, Pfizer and Dow Corning. The latter produces chemicals for, among others, the pharmaceutical industry.
If we were talking about a Democrat, the Trumpeteers would be all over this like a rash.
Oh, and a person who grudgingly went along with Operation Warp Speed because it seemed like the pragmatic thing to do at the time wouldn’t continue to boast about it. To this day, Trump still defends the program and insists the vaxxxines have saved lives, even though any half-wit can see the opposite is true.
Trump defenders stay silent on that.
They also don’t have much to say about the time he pulled the old bait and switch tactic, ceasing funding for the WHO but instead giving $1.6 billion of taxpayer money to Bill and Melinda Gates’ GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.
This is the guy who’s going to defend your health freedoms?
The same guy who promised to lock up Hilary Clinton and to drain the swamp - only to effusively praise her after winning the 2016 election, and promptly fill his team with swamp-dwellers?
Here’s what Trump had to say about the loathsome Clinton in his victory speech:
“I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.
I mean, she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.
I mean that very sincerely.”
Obviously, he wasn’t being very sincere when he was rousing audiences at his rallies into chanting “lock her up, lock her up!”
Trump is the crafty Lothario who tells you what you want to hear before convincing you to do regrettable things, when you should know damn well better.
Trump, Epstein and the Sexual Assault Allegations
When you point out that Trump was once good buddies with Jeffrey Epstein, the reply comes back that they weren’t that close, and that Trump distanced himself when he found out about Epstein’s sex offending.
The first argument is not at all convincing.
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Trump and Epstein did have a falling out in 2004, but it wasn’t because Trump suddenly became disgusted with Epstein’s penchant for underage girls. In 2004, both Trump and Epstein each became hellbent on purchasing a Florida estate seized during the bankruptcy of nursing home magnate Abe Gosman.
Gosman had purchased the estate in 1988 for around $12 million from Leslie Wexner, the Ohio-based retail executive who was a friend and patron of Epstein’s.
After legal wrangling and mutual efforts to talk the other down to the trustee, Trump eventually outbid Epstein in an auction at the US Bankruptcy Court in West Palm Beach.*
“I had a falling out with [Epstein] a long time ago. I don’t think I’ve spoken with him for 15 years,” Trump said in July, 2019.
The unverifiable story that Trump fans prefer that began circulating years later is that their idol banned Epstein from the Mar-a-Lago resort, supposedly after the latter sexually assaulted an underage girl there. The first known mention of this is in an April 2011 court filing submitted in a lawsuit between Jeffrey Epstein and a lawyer for his victims.
The lawyer, Brad Edwards, said he'd heard from a source that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago for assaulting an underage girl.
Edwards later disavowed the claim, since he had no independent knowledge of the ban, and sources related to the incident could not confirm whether Trump banned Epstein at any point.
Trump’s Long List of Alleged Sexual Assault Victims
Here’s a list of all the women that, as of May last year, have publicly accused Trump of sexually assaulting them.
It’s a lengthy one, and the allegations extend from the 1990s through to 2017.
If this were Bill Clinton, Trump supporters would become enraged at the news of yet another sleazy Democrat sticking his hands where they don’t belong. But because it’s the Don, they wave away the allegations as a Democrat plot (just as creepy Clinton claimed it was all a Republican plot when it was revealed he’d been sticking cigars where they didn’t belong and copping blow jobs from his chubby intern).
All twenty-six women must be liars, gold-diggers or Democrat operatives, Trump sycophants insist.
Anything’s possible, although it stretches the bounds of credulity to think each and every one of those women is making it all up.
It doesn’t help your case when you’re caught on a hot mic boasting about the ‘benefits’ of being a rich, famous and self-entitled jerk: “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.”
Sure sounds to me like a guy who thinks he can get away with groping and grabbing any woman he fancies.
Trump is not a hero.
A hero is a civilian who runs into a burning building to save your kids.
A hero is the guy who picks up a chair and uses it to fend off a knife-wielding attacker who was about to slice you up.
A hero is someone who will stare down adversity, even if it means almost certain physical harm.
When Italian judge Giovanni Falcone pursued the mafia, he admitted there was a very high likelihood it would cost him his life. But he kept after them regardless. Sadly, his prediction came true in 1992, when a bomb exploded under his motorcade as it drove along a highway outside Palermo.
Lydia Cacho is a Mexican journalist, author and human rights activist who focuses on violence against and sexual abuse of women and children. In 1999, she was assaulted and raped, suffering several broken bones. She believes the attack was a retaliation for her writings but, in a country where investigative reporting is a very real health hazard, she pushed on.
After her 2005 book Los Demonios del Edén ("Demons of Eden") exposed a Mexican pedophile ring involving wealthy businessmen and influential politicians, she was arrested by police who drove her 1,500 km, verbally abused her, threatened her with rape, stuck a gun in her mouth, then imprisoned for a short time on defamation charges.
Still she persevered.
In May 2008, a few days before she was scheduled to testify at the trial of one of the pedophiles she named (child pornographer Jean Succar Kuri), Lydia was almost killed when the lug nuts on one of her car's wheels had been loosened.
That still didn’t deter her. It wasn’t until armed thugs broke into her home and slaughtered her dogs, along with stealing her laptop and other documents, that she realized her situation was no longer tenable. She is now exiled in Spain.
Falcone was a real hero. Cacho is a real hero.
A hero is not some two-faced sleazeball who praises Hillary Clinton, who boasts about grabbing women by the “pussy” unannounced, who gives multi-billion dollar contracts funded by your money to companies that donated heavily to his Inauguration, in order to produce ‘vaccines’ designed to kill and maim you.
A hero is definitely not someone who continues to praise the toxic gene therapies as wonderful life-savers.
A person like that is not your friend. He’s your enemy. He’s a wolf in Republican’s clothing, sent to disarm you and provide an ‘alternative’ to the Democrats while delivering more of the same.
Article updated 27 Nov 2024 to include further information about Trump and Epstein’s falling out.
*Trump purchased the property for $41.35 million, reportedly spent another $25 million on renovations, then offered it for sale to a disinterested market. Four years later to shady, scandal-plagued Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev for $95 million.
While Trump and his apologists say he simply got lucky, Rybolovlev’s purchase of the estate at such an extreme mark-up, especially in a cooling property market, has raised suspicions of money-laundering.
Good post. There is nobody to support, the system was made to enslave you and must come down.
“That’s pretty much how I feel about politics. Irrespective of their supposed political leanings, it should be obvious by now the overwhelming majority of politicians are not there to serve the people. Not only that, but they clearly regard us with contempt (ditto for most bureaucrats, judges and cops, whose real job is to protect the interests of the ruling parasite class).”
How wonderful life might be for the many if we weren’t run by psychopaths…