Good post. There is nobody to support, the system was made to enslave you and must come down.

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"the system was made to enslave you and must come down." --

And replaced with what?

And who is gonna do it?

Who you gonna trust?

And how are you gonna make it corruption-proof without being tyrannical?

I agree with the spirit of your statement. At heart, I am a sex, drugs & Rock n' Roll kind of guy and I'd love to see the system torn down and replaced with something better, but the problem lies in human nature and it's peculiar allegiance to the idea that everything wanted must be earned and paid for with money or some equivalence thereof. This will always lead to greed and the classic case of the Haves & Have-nots.


What we Trumptards want most is NOT a better economy or energy independence but JUSTICE & VENEGEANCE for the Deep State cunts who pulled off the SCAMDEMIC and murdered millions of people with vaccines, Remdesivir, unnecessary intubations, and Midazolam.

My gut tells me that Trump had to be pro-vax and sacrifice millions of lives to save billions of lives. His out-card was always going to be to blame Fauci for bad advice. The scuttlebutt is that the Deep State had plans to lock us down for the "normal" amount of time it supposedly takes to develop & test a vaccine >> 5 - 10 years. Trump's Warp Speed fucked that all up.

How do you bring down Big Pharma? You show it up for what it actually is.

Think about being locked down for 5 -10 years...and during the Scamdemic there were all those riots & forest fires & destruction of food processing plants....and that was just in a matter of a couple of years... think about 5 -10 years of it... think about what the world would have looked like...

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I dont have all the answers, but the formation of the Union was foisted on the colonies to centralize control of them. GW was a FM, most all the signers were, and most were British Intel and under the City of London bankers. So break up the Union, give control to states and counties under direct democracy of the people (no politicians), get rid of the Fed and Income tax which is illegal anyway (neither were legal parts of the original US), unincorporate the US (1871), do not allow fractional reserve banking for commercial banks, and many more things I'm not expert enough to know.

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“The Committee of 300”, Dr. John Coleman…down that rabbit hole!

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Yes great Rabbit Hole, also another great RH to venture down is Francis Leader on the Black Nobility.

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I already subscribe 😉!

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This is why I subscribe to your substack. All excellent talking/starting points

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Your gut tells you Trump sacrificed millions of lives to save billions? He's a child killer according to you. He is a Molech of child sacrifice.

Please get your stomach pumped.

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Correct, there was no sars virus found to save anyone from.


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This subject matter of "there are no virus," is one of the most important topics that need to be discussed constantly. Why? Because the indoctrination that viruses exist is just that an indoctrination. It took me around 30 days of deep diving research, you and a few others pointed out the histories and the logic, until I came to realize the truth. Felt a little bit like Neo in the Matrix 1 were he's being taken from his pod and being rebirthed. They were right with "the truth will set you free!"

People don't realize the importance of this single issue and how it plays in their lives. It's the cornerstone to all health on this planet.

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Correct, but it will be a mix with 5g and toxic pcr tests, and other things, so I have also gotten absorbed into viruses at the expense of 5g. Nice comment James and take care.

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You better get on your knees and pray. And read about the eternal Lake of Fire all through the Bible. Many will be sent there by God. Will you be sent there? It is real.

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“That’s pretty much how I feel about politics. Irrespective of their supposed political leanings, it should be obvious by now the overwhelming majority of politicians are not there to serve the people. Not only that, but they clearly regard us with contempt (ditto for most bureaucrats, judges and cops, whose real job is to protect the interests of the ruling parasite class).”


How wonderful life might be for the many if we weren’t run by psychopaths…

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Oh my, I can't count the number of times I have made these exact same arguments to Trump tards, along with sending them the excellent Bankster's Paradise video that makes it clear who he's been bankrolled by for decades. And still it's 🙈🙉🙊. After the massive display of cognitive dissonance these past couple of days (they're even trying to make excuses for his VP pick), I've given up trying to reason with these people. I'm using it as an opportunity to clean out my social media feed. It's been very handy for that.

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This connects Vance to Vivek Ramaswamy and Theil. It has to do with medi-care. I wonder if Vance in senate has disclosed this when voting on anything to do with medi-care especially funding. Wonder if this investment get anything from the fed medi-care budget?

Odd it is an .org, (ngo?). Tax reporting is far different than if a company, nice🙄

21 Sept 2021

Chapter Announces $17 Million Series A Round, led by Narya Capital and Peter Thiel


“Chapter was founded by Cobi Blumenfeld-Gantz, Corey Metzman, and Vivek Ramaswamy.”

Free Guidance from Licensed Medicare Advisors - Chapter


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Ditto, do you have a link to the Bankster's Paradise video?

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Here 'tis:


All Trump fans should be locked in a room with this video on continual playback, until their deprogramming is complete.

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This is brilliant. Whoever put this together did a fantastic job telling so much in under 20 min. So glad you shared this. Saving and sharing. Thank you!

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Hahaha great suggestion 😅 I forgot that it's 'Banksta's Paradise' ... it's been a while. I noticed an interesting chain of events with the video, after it was first released on Adam Green's YT channel, Know More News, in late 2016 or early 2017 I think. It's availability on YT possibly served the agenda at the time - playing into the general demonisation of Trump pre-(s)election. Some time in 2017 the channel was taken down by YT, and I couldn't find the video anywhere. At the beginning of the plandemic, the Trumpers were out in force, alongside the delusionals captured by the Q psyop, including many here in Australia, to my horror. Genuine challenges to/exposures of the Covid hoax were muddied with a whole generation of young 'uns who'd just discovered Trump and believed he really was 'draining the swamp'. This extended to the delusion that the harshest lockdown in the world was actually a 'white hat' operation to rescue children from the tunnels under Melbourne. No amount of, 'But what about the suicides it's caused, or the collapse of small business?' could convince the Q tards that this wasn't, in fact the case. No gain without pain, perhaps? And, of course, the MSM used the infiltration by the Q psyop into the real freedom movement to ridicule the entirety of us, as intended. It was around this time (mid-2020) I went looking for Banksta's Paradise, to send to the various Trumpers crossing my social media path. It was difficult to find, tho' eventually I tracked it down on Bitchute and started sending it around (mostly to no avail). My point is, the ready availability of the video on YT in 2016/17, then it becoming rare as hen's teeth through Trump's presidency and the Q psyop, including 2020, struck me as very interesting timing. It was pretty clear to me that the agenda was pushing Trump, his followers and the Q psyop as the 'opposition' to Covid and the globalists, drowning out the true dissenters. And here we go again *sigh. (Apologies if this is a long-winded route to this conclusion, but the past four years have been long-winded, to say the least.)

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Very long winded four plus yrs. i remember that Sunday night of CA starting the lockdown. I kept telling a friend this doesn’t make sense as only a few people died in the US. Guess since I had no TV and then only social media was IG which was just a happy little share place. Then told friend I wonder if a test to see how people will act with the lockdowns to then know what to do months down the road. Good grief then it got worse. I would watch videos from people in Australia and my heart sunk to see the treatment. Kept telling a friend it is like Australia is the test bed for the world.

Until lockdowns I was too busy working a job and taking care of a small business to see what was going on. Months of CA lockdowns and lots of time searching, hunting and learning I realize how duped I was. Now a whole different story.

Whoever put this together did an excellent job. Brilliant!

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Me too.

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What a play, eh?

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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Fascinatingly awful to observe the level of orgasmic adulation soar over this latest engineered shockhorror.

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Nice write up. Americans are Dumb Fucks, by and large. Nothing will change that. Bread and Circuses is all they care about.

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No... Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

B&C is all They know...

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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Agree too, I’m in Ireland and it’s the same all over, stop picking on the Yanks.

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Ohhhh Anthony... All of Greece 🇬🇷 , Italia 🇮🇹 , France 🇫🇷 are "fanatiquesT" supporters, who drank the T-Konium... I believe 'Mericans are less StockholmSyndromed than the Europeans, who have their brains in a bag...

I m in Houston + my neighbors KNOW ~ the Tuskegee Experiments!!

It's my European friends that have their heads in the sand, anddd who still believe in POLITICAL PARTIES...

Most of us in Texas are Politically Homeless... We see thru the BS, they are selling us...

Thanks 4ur we'll written article

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Same in Japan, completely covered in the sand.

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I agree with you 💯

. It’s very hard & many are in varying stages of Ontological shock … those who were awakened then got jabbed are back to sleep 😴 …

My head hurts from all this “awakening” 😵‍💫🙏

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 I can relate. Glad I woke up even before 9/11!

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It's everywhere, perhaps more public there which doesn't make it better wherever you are, just more hidden.

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Yep, you got us. Now go on about your day.

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If the shoe fits...

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Cut the crap, bud. Generalizing about an entire population when so many Americans are aware of the bullshit and will have none of it shows your level of intelligence. Can you say “dumb fuck?”

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I can say DUMB FUCK all day long. If just 13% of us were really awake the world would be a much better place. That is a historical scientific fact. Therefore, at least 87% of us are DUMB FUCKS... Made so by our government and culture. I have been on this planet 77 years and I know what I know. Do I wish it were different? You are God Damn right I do. But I face the facts not the whimsey. So don't talk to me about my intelligence. There are millions of "intelligent" people who are DUMB FUCKS because they have no WISDOM. Wrap your Nimble brain around that.

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Do you figure that if 13% wake up, the world instantly, magically becomes a better place? Or might it take some time?

The scamdemic woke quite a few people up. Don't know if we're at 13% yet. But it's gonna take time for us to make meaningful changes happen. Lots more people realize self sufficiency, parallel systems and getting involved in local politics and food production are our only hope right now. There's no fixing the system from within or without. Parents are standing up at school board meetings and people are banding together to defeat climate change agenda items on local Town councils.

That's not nothing. In fact, it's everything. If every town, city, village does that, we have a better world.

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It is not instant, and we will get there. And things will get better. I may be dead by then, tho. That does not deny my opening comment. MOST Americans are still Dumb Fucks.

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Trump supporters are very much like survivors of abuse… They spackle and crap fit in order to close the cognitive dissonance gap that they’re experiencing. They get crazed because the pain of the dissonance is so huge.

I can imagine Democrats do the same thing as well.

The bottom line is this: we’ve been pitted against each other for so long that many people are traumatized. They’ve lost the ability to reason and to think, to discuss and engage in diplomacy. And that was all a part of the big plan by the parasites.

This was intentional through social media, mainstream media however, you want to define it. We’ve been given nothing but a sense of false choices for so many years, combined with scarcity and fighting of resources, everyone is functioning with their lizard brain.

And the fact that most Democrats and Republicans can’t see that their respective candidates are the same is mind blowing. They’re both deep state.

And their crisis actors in playing charades to keep everyone foaming at the mouth unable to focus on the real issues. No one called out either candidate for the fact that they never addressed what Americans are struggling with during the debate. How most people didn’t call out the fact that RFK Junior wasn’t in it or the other two candidates…

And both The Trump and Biden teams blocked RFK Junior from the debate.

However, RFK, Junior, no matter what his amazing contributions are for environmental, protections and body autonomy, going after the pharma industry… Anyway, it’s a false choice as well, because he, just like Biden, and trump, it’s a Zionist. So he still supports the military-industrial complex.

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Correct, Trump is NOT the saviour that his supporters make him out to be, saved by divine intervention bs. In a recent Substack, written by a well known bloke who I inadvertently thought had more brains, confirms the blind support for the "cause" as he calls it. In his opinion, rather than the facts, Trump had to approve the jab programme to save ALL of us from the scheming dark forces, or words to that effect & that Trump was duped by the medical fraternity & his advisors re: the "vaccines" & how was he to know what was in the jabs, I'm not making this up. See attachment below where Trump praises all of the grubs who apparently duped the big guy.Save the village by burning the village. When I pointed out that excuse therefore made me smarter than the POTUS & his poor judgement therefore makes him a non contender for a second term. I was then insulted ( couldn't care less) by the usual fall back position that I was off target & suffered from TDS. When it is pointed out to the Trump suckholes that you can't have it both ways. If you're hoodwinked & you're aware of it you fix it but everyone knows, who can actually think, Trump is the main promoter of the poison & that it's actually a gene altering substance that maims & kills. Of course,when you point out that simple argument that's the moment you get blocked or cop more insults. The field I'm following is getting more & more scratchings.


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During the height of COVID insanity, there were 2 guys who became revered freedom fighters here in Auschtralia, often speaking at freedom rallies. One was a guy called "Mack" who it turns out was a Freemason who used to train NSW Police.


The other was a joker called Ricardo Bosi, the freedom movement's answer to GI Joe. An ex-SAS soldier linked to weapons manufacturer Raytheon, now here to save us from the military-industrial complex.

Hopefully you haven't died laughing yet, because there's more: Just like the asylum-dwellers you've encountered, Bosi said Trump signed off on Operation Warp Speed, not to facilitate the globalist agenda, but to foil it!

Yep, he was enacting a democide to save us from democide!

Absolutely brilliant!

I mean, what better way to save people from depopulation-obsessed tyrants than by giving them a deadly depop shot or three?

"Cutting off the head of the snake," he called it.

Complete bullshit, I called it.

He said this nonsense mostly with a straight face, but you could detect a slight smirk that I read as: "How easy is this controlled opposition gig! I can't believe you people fall for this crap!"

Other Bosi gems were that the "good guys" were up in the sky counter-spraying the chemtrails from the bad guys.

Interestingly, he often referred to the people who were coming to save us (but never did) as "White hats", which is a term for 33rd degree Freemasons.

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Decisions are emotional, not logical. We have entered a time in which many ppl can no longer think. We've taken heavy bioweapon attacks. People are left judging by emotion.

A man on here said his gut tells him Trump sacrificed millions to save billions.

People's guts could tell them Trump sacrificed billions to save a few 100 and still support him based on their gut.

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Funny how at the beginning Trump was on the right track, he was talking about hydroxychloroquine, alternative treatments, things that would actually work and save people ... then they bought him and Operation Warp Speed was born (or rather, it was made public). No 5D chess here, just the deep state imposing its agenda.

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Treatments against what? How can he have been on the right track when he supported the lies from day one?

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Good point. What i meant was, putting aside that this plandemic was just a hoax (or a technological attack with synthetic EMF, 5G towers etc ..), if you distribute an antiviral/antiparasitical like HCQ or quinine to a population, regardless of whether there's any specific disease or not affecting people, you're not gonna do much harm, if any, as opposed to injecting a known bioweapon into billions of people. He changed his tune, OWS was launched, and then they started to sing in unison the mantra of the "safe and effective" vaccine.

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You don’t know what you are talking about. Just talk. No true facts. Better do some praying today🙏

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Praying, huh?

Just out of curiosity, what does your God think of a sleazy creep who boinked a filthy porn star the year after he married his current wife?

What does your God think of a slimeball that brags about grabbing women by the "pussy"?

True facts.

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But he didn't mandate his “beautiful” shots, Biden did🙄. Hard to grasp that is still being pushed.

Thank you for the link I saved it for future reference.

You may already know about the trmp EO.

Trump’s executive order paving the way for years skipped trials and specifically includes the mRNA shots aka recombinant vaccines.

19 Sept 2019

Federal Register :: Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health


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Trump is human and he loves America. I bet you aren’t perfect either. If we don’t have Trump, America dies and Xi will be your slave master and you can take that to the bank.

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Trump is a liar, scammer and a degenerate. He couldn't give two turds about America and he couldn't give a poo about you. He signed into effect Operation Warp Speed, which was essentially launching biological warfare on the American people. But keep believing he's going to save America lol

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Oh, You so nailed it. When We grasp that what We see in the media (the LITERAL world STAGE) is a play, or circus, maybe, with actors cast and directed from the wings by the psychopaths in control (likely with names like Orsini and Medici - Rome never died) to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, and that ALL "governments," from towns to countries, are for-profit corporations owned by Them, it becomes clear that Our best move is to withdraw consent from being ruled.

Some of My work on the play and the solution:

The Trump Show (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-trump-show

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Dear AnyOne, I Am Not in Your Jurisdiction (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/dear-anyone-i-am-not-in-your-jurisdiction

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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Wonderful. The problem is no Trumpers will read it, and no paper would publish it. But I thank you.

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I’m a Trump supporter and I read it.

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Great piece

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Yeah, of course I agree with it all, Anthony.

But mate ! - talk about preaching to the converted ... :\

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Bang on. Great article.

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very well said. The swamp has a left side and a right side, but it is still one big swamp. The republicans are just as infested/infected with parasites as the democrats. In Canada the conservatives and liberals are just two sides of the same coin. They are on the same side in regards to Ukraine, and 'vaccines'.

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To make matters even worse, all of these government institutions, whether at federal, regional or local level are all CORPORATIONS. Given this fact, the electoral process is clearly fraudulent, making these entities totally corrupt. As you rightly point out, "In reality, it’s government (CORPORATIONS) by the conniving against the unsuspecting."

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Politics is the art of the possible…the least best or the least worst. Solution? A much smaller state, term limits and the criminalisation of corporate lobbying/and insider trading.

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If my like button worked I would have used it. I agree. RFK JR is not the answer either. He is a big government Democrat who believes the system can be reformed.

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Well said. Really eye-opening on how ppl freak out ~ won't or can't process info contrary to their view. I hear and see wild reactions when I tell ppl that Genesis 2 (Genesis 3 is its continuation) contradicts Geneses 1 in every way. It's a 2nd distinct creation story. It is so utterly satanic, the woman is a soulless clone. lol

Paul bases his false theological system on Genesis 2-3. Most of the NT is Ancient Roman gnosticism. Fake.

"Bible believing Christians" think the Bible is their religion. But born again Christians who know God don't need a book.

It's a wild world.

Thanks for the laughs. So many Christians now follow Trump.

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Somehow they are clueless about Noahide laws and that trump supports Noahide

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