A "pump and dump" stock

scheme seems highly plausible. Kirsch's Big Pharma Masters, FOR THE WIN! 🏆

If this doesn't convince his many followers he's controlled opposition.. nothing will.

Every time a layer of the duplicitous onion is peeled back, we gain a whole new level of discernment. Not just the current subject under the spotlight, but all of the other shills hiding in plain sight around us. Once you see it, you can never go back, and nothing (and NO ONE) looks the same again.

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Another great one! The creep has no problem lying to people who financially support him.

I've followed Mathew Crawford for a while and just found this post that he wrote last year about Steve Kirsch and Steve's bragging about investing. Mathew has actual experience in this area (I think he was a trader on WallStreet). Mathew and Steve had a very rocky relationship due to Steve's horrible behavior (same goes for Robert Malone & Mathew). You'll enjoy the screenshots of their convos. Mathew doesn't play around, he's a real numbers guy.


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Hey boys and girls, never short the bottom.

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Great information.

Thank you.

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Wow, that's totally insane and irresponsible of Kirsch to recommend shorting to average investors. Btw, John Beaudoin, Sr. aka, Coquin de Chien was at the MIT event and was supposed to present his research/findings but narcissist Kirsch hogged up all the time so he was unable. Great guy, huh?

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Kirsch is a scumbag, no matter how we slice'm

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As for finances, buy gold and other commodities.

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I only take info on stocks from my trusted friend. I have followed his advice for almost 20 years now, and apart from the bad dip in 2008, with very good result. That dip of course, will be in everyone's portfolio, except those with preview

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I don't trust many Doctors, but I do respect a local Doctor who tried to treat his Covid patients with Ivermectin only for AHS to bring down the holy hand of hell on him. It has cost him greatly including his marriage and his reputation.

Here is his article explaining how you determine what a virus is. He gives a link to the Japanese lab where they isolated it. I think the "no virus" mantra is a psyop meant to stop people from trusting healthcare and any treatments they provide. What better way to get a bunch of people infected with genital herpes! https://open.substack.com/pub/danielnagase/p/what-is-a-living-thing?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=4x77i

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Hi PBinAB,

he may be a well-meaning physician, but the logic his article employs is fuzzier than Chiang Mai air during burning season.

For starters, he maintains 'COVID' is a real virus, yet he treated his patients not with an anti-viral, but ... drum roll please ... ivermectin. Which is an anti-PARASITIC drug.

Right. That makes sense.

Then he writes a 4,000-word article banging on and on about 'what is a living thing?' He goes on about farm animals and humans, and so forth. Using his logic, my car is a living thing because it requires oil and fuel and a sentient being to drive it.

He bangs on about herpes and cowpox (I never said they don't exist; I also never said they can't be caused by factors other than what the mainstream claims. I believe this is the case for polio).

But nowhere does he address the fact that 'COVID' has not been isolated. I will reiterate for the umpteenth time that spinning a wad of phlegm at high speed then adding numerous other substances to it, some of which contain their own RNA and DNA, is NOT isolation.

I'm not sure on what sane planet ADDING substances containing to DNA and RNA to a gob of spit can be considered 'isolation'. That's patently absurd.

Another thing that virus isolation is NOT is taking partial nucleotide sequences, feeding them into a computer, letting it create an entire genome (without doing the same thing to a control sample), then exclaiming, look, we've isolated the virus!

That's not isolation, it's scientific masturbation. A complete wank.

Instead of going off on a 4,000 philosophical rant, why doesn't he just present the evidence to show Sars-Cov-2 has really been isolated?

The Japanese paper he links to does not demonstrate isolation, it drones on about genomes and genes and sequences.

He writes that this paper shows "how the 'variants of concern'” were most likely man-made." Of course they were man-made - on a computer!

To top off the absurdities, he claims those of us challenging the virus narrative are part of a psy-op.

Just brilliant.

Meanwhile, you have the globalists, military, governments and medical-industrial complex pushing a highly profitable virus narrative based on BS non-isolation experiments that was recently used to cajole people into taking deadly gene therapies in order to treat the mythical COVID.

But people like me are the ones pulling off a psy-op?

Sure thing.

Here are two articles I've written about the Sars-Cov-2 isolation ruse:



BTW, if I'm part of psy-op, could you ask him to contact whoever my wealthy globalist handlers are and tell them to send me the checks I haven't been receiving? Not to mention rearranging algorithms so that I get even a fraction of the audience that lying mainstream shmucks do?

It would be much appreciated :)

PS. If I sound exasperated, is not directed at you; it's towards guys like this who will concoct all manner of evasive verbiage to avoid at least examining the possibility that the virus narrative is wrong. When you accept that there was no Sars-Cov-2, and that COVID was regular cold and flu re-badged, you realize everything that happened over the last 4 years was unnecessary.

On that note, I see he doesn't address the curious anomaly of regular influenza almost disappearing the same time 'COVID' came on the scene. Once most of the population was poison-pricked, it suddenly came back...

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Thank you for this Anthony. The reality that everything that happened over the last four years was deliberately contrived and completely unnecessary is just a bridge too far for most people to comprehend and accept.

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The proof that everything was faked was right in front of our faces the entire time. The messaging turned on a dime. "Don't be a racist, come to Chinatown and celebrate the new year" suddenly became "don't leave your house."

We couldn't go to church or the gym, but we could shop at Costco. We couldn't go to the beach, but we could take to the streets for BLM. Everyone, even Fauci, knew that masks were useless, then suddenly they were mandated, even though the box they came in said they were useless for protection. If the "virus" was so deadly, why did all those politicians risk their lives to get their hair done and eat out? If the vaccine was so "safe and effective" why would anyone care if someone else took it?

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Yes, curious how this 'novel virus' was deadly in small businesses, but not in all those large enterprises in which Blackrock and Vanguard were heavily invested. And remarkable how it was deadly for us plebs, but not for politicians, cops and BLM protestors.

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He couldn't make the premise of how you can tell a virus is alive or not any clearer, but because Covid has been faked to a large extent, you all want to throw the baby out with the bath water. Now THAT is a hell of a psy op to pull on people who understand Covid narrative is suspicious.

I'm certainly not going to convince anyone in the no virus crowd that catching herpes or HIV isn't caused by a virus. Knocknyour socks off! Call them toxins or whatever you want then. I'd just suggest for your own well-being that if and when the bio-agent they released morphs out of control, you'll pay attention and take the anti-virals recommended. Of course, if you don't believe in viruses, then you have nothing to worry about.

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Hi PBinAB,

"He couldn't make the premise of how you can tell a virus is alive or not any clearer"

Well he could prove they actually exist. Nowhere in his article does he do that.

As for STDs, I won't be "Knocknmy socks off!" I live a clean life and reject hook-up culture. The official AIDS story, btw, is complete and utter bollocks, dominated by grubs like Fauci and Gallo. But that's not the argument here.

The biggest shown in town for the last 4 years has been 'COVID', which is allegedly caused by Sars-Cov-2, which I have repeatedly pointed out has not been isolated by anything resembling sound science.

I will reiterate - Nagase provides absolutely nothing of actual fact to dispute this.

"I'd just suggest for your own well-being that if and when the bio-agent they released morphs out of control, you'll pay attention and take the anti-virals recommended."

The way I should've paid attention and taken the toxic mRNA shots recommended when an alleged bio-agent called Sars-Cov-2 "morphed out of control"?

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Again, there is no proof of herpes virus. Ask him to provide one for you.

HIV is a fraud. There is no HIV virus that would cause AIDS!

There is soooo much documentation (see my other comment) on this that I cannot believe any remotely interested and intelligent being would still believe in the HIV virus. :(( I guess it's like a religion now. As your other comment suggests, there's nothing left to do for the believers but continue to believe.

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Let me also point out that the last time we "interacted" you said "she is well meaning but misguided" (talking about Sam Bailey even though I recommended to read MARK Bailey but detail may not be your forte either), and now you say you think it is a psyop. Out of curiosity, how do you reconcile these two opinions?

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Because anyone telling you that genital herpes or even worse HIV is just your body detoxifying is being misguided at best and harmful at worst. It's stunning, quite frankly, that not only do you fail to recognize the harm this can cause, but you would rather pester me to come around to your way of thinking. It isn't going to happen so you can stop now.

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Oh boy.

Fair enough, ignorance is a choice.

My last suggestion to you that you may pass it on to your hubby so that he may read their research:

Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, biophysicist, leader of the Perth group.

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But I am 100% sure you (or your hubby) still has not opened what many ppl recommended to you,

A farewell to virology.

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Hi Anthony, both my comments were for PBinAB.

I've had a previous comment exchange with her.

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Hi :yulia, yes, I worked it out eventually, just took a while for the morning caffeine to kick in :)

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It's strange that authors don't see who the reply goes to. SS is doing something funny with the notifications for authors.

As a reader, I see and know when I get a reply and when the thread gets a reply.

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you know its fairly difficult to predict stock prices, right?

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Yes, all the more reason not to make irresponsible 'surefire' stock recommendations to your subscribers.

As someone noted above, it's insane for an idiot like Kirsch to be recommending short selling trades. If you're competent enough to make well thought short trades, you wouldn't be listening to a clown like Kirsch for stock information.

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U need to pick your fights assuming you’re not a bot

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Do you have anything intelligent to contribute to the discussion?

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