Mar 2Liked by Anthony Colpo

I don't need a drink because reading your work is much better medicine. Thank you for the clarity and humor while addressing this staggeringly evil reality.

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no one wins. i wanted to be wrong so bad.

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Mar 6Liked by Anthony Colpo

I loved every word of this article. I have now forwarded it to the Pm who STILLLLLL believe the vaxxes are “safe” and to our MP, for east Devon, who seems to just follow the party line. I would add one more thing to the paragraph below. And the medical negligence of doctors who told their patients to stay home til their lips turned blue and the doctors who, did not prescribe an antibiotic for secondary bacterial infection of the lungs, known as pneumonia. Many elderly died due to a treatable condition.

Which means whatever the exact excess global mortality since January 2020 is, it is caused almost entirely by the vaxxxines, with a helping hand from inappropriate intubation, patient-culling use of midazolam and remdesivir, and the physical and mental consequences of ‘emergency’ tyranny

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Mar 3Liked by Anthony Colpo

A large part of Americans who were vaccinated were vaccinated against their will so they could return to work and feed their families. Shame!

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Mar 6Liked by Anthony Colpo

"Tested in large clinical trials" - Not Pfizer. They did the bait and switch. The product they tested on 22,000 people was NOT the product they injected into everyone.

Naomi Wolf has an interview with Dr. Chris Flowers about the "bait & switch" found in the FOIA docs:


And the report about it:


European Medicines Agency and the FDA knew about it in 2020 and allowed the product to go through.

And on the confirmation of foreign DNA in the shots getting inside the cells of your organs here is the Sept 13, 2023 testimony by Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults (University of South Carolina) as he testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC.


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Amazing how a LACK of data, and/or intentionally ignoring the actual data, somehow qualifies as "scientific" proof of "safety."

Yeah, "The science (Fauci;-) tells us that jumping off a cliff is safe."

Never-mind the meatgrinder below which is busy hiding the dead bodies. We're censoring that as hard as we can, so it doesn't count here.

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You mentioned Australia's penchant for docility. There is a reason. Rupert Murdoch was invited to join David Rockefeller's new world takeover programme in 1973. This got off the ground in 1975 and, at the end of that year, Gough was sacked before he could spill the beans in Parliament about prominant CIA agents here (Hawke, Anthony, Tange, Stalling, Ables). Within 15 years, the country was run by a triumvirate of Rupert Murdoch, Frank Lowy, and Ross Garnaut. By then Rupert owned 70% of print media and controlled 99%. The mind control had commenced. But Oz was the experimental field. Today, since David died in 2017, Rupert has been global king pin. Ever wondered why Schwarb, Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Harari etc are dangled before us? Bait mate. Murdoch presents as grumpy old man and retired, but do not believe a word of it. He was annointed as global leader by David in the early 70s and this was endorsed by the City of London. The scamdemic was a media-driven event.

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WHO decided the 42 day cut-off, and why isn't it in the title?

Also, when were the subjects considered 'vaccinated'? From the date of their jab or a couple of weeks later?

Whatever, there is no way this 'study' even comes close to the actual damage caused.

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Mar 6Liked by Anthony Colpo

This is good, but the authors themselves are firmly pulling their punches. They conclude:

"While our study confirmed previously identified rare safety signals following COVID-19 vaccination and contributed evidence on several other important outcomes, further investigation is warranted to confirm associations and assess clinical significance. "

So Denis Rancourt's studies remain far and away the most powerful exposure of this grotesque crime against humanity.

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Mar 6Liked by Anthony Colpo

Just because noone was sick or dying in 2020 (unless murdered by insane protocols) and ever since then the waves of infections and deaths have skyrocketed, doesn’t mean there is a darn thing wrong with the jabs. Please stop spreading hate 😎😜😝

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Mar 6Liked by Anthony Colpo

An awesome summary and grim prediction of what's ahead....thank you!

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Decision-makers saw the damage in early 2021 and continued to promote and sometimes mandate the injections. Anyone who had authority and did that committed a crime. Case closed.

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Great article, thank you very much. Morgan Sloss is a dead Sloss! In fact her name anagrams to 'morons slags' or if you prefer 'SS moron slag'.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a made up name to cover neurological disease generally and make it seem that doctors and medical researchers are terribly clever. As opposed to just terrible.

As regards 'Follow the science' the name gives the game away.


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I stopped believing the establishment when they reported that an airliner had penetrated a skyscraper wall - - -

Just like a hot knife through butter . . .

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Mar 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

I’d just like to say that I love your writing style. In a world where affirming the whims of feelings is a priority over the truth and reality, this is absolutely refreshing!

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Mar 7Liked by Anthony Colpo

Disease X ??? Don't make me laugh.


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