I concur based on my own experiences with Kirsch (documented below). He's a disingenuous clown.

The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch (or engage with him, Richard Fleming or Kevin McCairn)

(hint: it’s not what Steve tells his readers)


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Hi Christine,

thanks a million for sharing that, I've updated the article to include your experience with Stinky Steve.



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Great web site and links.

When someone appears ill with a flu like symptoms are you essentially saying they are not suffering from a virus (since its never been isolated at all )and they are suffering from a bacterium ? ...like Bacterial pneumonia... etc ?

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Thank you, Mike. Correct, since no virus has ever been shown to exist and there is plenty of evidence against their evidence (many failed experiments where researchers tried to make people sick by exposing them to "infected" sick people or even injecting them with bodily fluids from sick people).

My colleagues and I haven't found any valid evidence that any bacteria are pathogenic, it turns out that those studies are pretty ridiculous too. They typically expose animals to bacteria in unnatural ways (i.e. injections) and often torture them and don't bother with a control group, then blame the bacteria. They don't simply expose the animals to purified bacteria in a natural way, along with proper controls. And the animals usually don't even end up with the illness that the bacteria supposedly cause.

Based on what I've learned in the last few years, they way I now look at it is that when someone has symptoms their body is usually trying to regain balance by ejecting something from the body. And the cause of the imbalance could be any number of things, including stress, beliefs, poisons, EMFs, lack of fresh air, exercise, diet, quackcines, drugs, etc.

If you are interested to learn more, my last newsletter included a pretty long list of articles and videos from other people (I focus on collecting the FOIs):


and I have a page on my website with lots more links to get anyone started:


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Thanks for your response.So when I sit in car..or stand in a room..or go camping ..and people in all those three scenarios were coughing and exhibiting "flu like symptoms" and I developed the exact same symptomatology as they had within a short time frame..Then looking at your list of causative suggestions, what is your mechanism for transmission of the same symptoms they had to me, from your list?..These are not hypothetical scenarios either.All happened to me.Or...how do people pass on the exact symptoms to another person after close contact if no "thing" is being passed from one to another?...Regarding your beliefs about bacteria..If Vibrio cholerae is not pathogenic?...then why do so many people get sick or die drinking from a contaminated water source with Vibrio cholerae but..not suffer the same consequences when their is no Vibrio cholerae... Thanks for your time.!

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I don't attempt to demonstrate how transmission occurs because those situations do not demonstrate transmission. People tend to interpret experiences in terms of transmission b/c we've been conditioned that way our whole lives, and we ignore the times that we don't end up getting sick or we get sick w/o being around someone else who was sick.

I also don't try to explain why someone specific got sick b/c I have no way of knowing their history or what was going on in their life/environment/mind/emotions etc.

The way I look at it, most people get sick from time to time, esp in cool/cold weather, and most people are around other people. So there's no surprise that when one gets sick they can often think of other sick people they were around.

I also keep in mind that when people are together they often share food, drink, or get exposed to the same conditions (weather, pollution, toxins in the home/office, etc.). So people can naturally get sick in clusters if they all ate some bad food, or overindulged in drink, or partied too hard, or breathed in fumes from a freshly painted room...

Re water, again people tend to assume germs are the culprit but there are any number of things that could end up in water to make people sick (i.e. pollution or waste water was dumped into it). I'm not aware of any experimental evidence that vibrio cholerae makes people sick. Apparently Max von Pettenkofer swallowed cholera bacillus repeatedly in 1892 to show that it's not dangerous. The WHO even admits that "Most people infected with V. cholerae do not develop any symptoms"


But really for this sort of question you'd be better off checking out the work of others such as the Baileys (Sam is co-author of the book Virus Mania that explores these sort of issues), also Dawn Lester and David Parker who wrote What Really Makes You Ill. My focus has been on helping to expose the lack of valid scientific evidence to back up "germ" claims.


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Thanks for trying to respond.

"I don't attempt to demonstrate how transmission occurs because those situations do not demonstrate transmission."

Yes they do show transmission.

How else can transmission be "proven"?

In a car with a guy coughing all over me.

That night I have the same cough..the two people in The house I was sharing all get the same cough..sequentially after me that day..

What a ^%$#B coincidence..

Perhaps it was something in the water or we were all stressed..the weather..food(thats sarcasm of course and using your bizarre causative suggestions)

There are a million others with the same sort of scenarios..something.. sometimes..is being transmitted.

We interpret them due to logic,parsimony and history.

Your confusing variability of responses(mostly due to dosage and health) to "doesn't show causation"

Regarding you Max von Pettenkofer swallowing cholera bacillus.

Not a good example

"..Max von Pettenkofer is largely remembered for swallowing cholera vibrio, trying thereby to falsify the claim of his rival, the contagionist Robert Koch, that the bacillus he had isolated was cholera’s sufficient cause. In this issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology, Alfredo Morabia reminds us that von Pettenkofer was more than this futile gesture. He was a 19th century public health leader whose multifactorial theory of cholera etiology deeply influ- enced the dominant anticontagionist school of disease transmission. His authority was undercut by the massive 1892 cholera epidemic in Hamburg, Germany. As it took off, the German government sent in Koch, who success- fully contained the epidemic through interventions that von Pettenkofer regularly repudiated—quarantine, disin- fection, and the boiling of water..."


"...von Pettenkofer postulated an interaction between different domains or levels of disease causation. The presence of both a specific disease agent (x) and a specific geologic environ- ment (y) was required to produce the cholera poison (z). This reflected von Pettenkofer’s integrative approach, which took account of observations from diverse fields, ranging from chemistry and biology to statistics and social reform (and eventually included Koch’s vibrio without his proposed mode of action)....."

Invited Commentary: The Context and Challenge of von Pettenkofer’s Contributions to Epidemiology

Gerald M. Oppenheimer1,2 and Ezra Susser2,3

Are you actually asking "show me where people in a laboratory have been fed different levels of cholera to see if they were made sick or died..."????????

Thats your best rhetorical shot?????

Then That is nearly as mad as your belief about dosage levels don`t have any effect(by implication)

"...The WHO even admits that "Most people infected with V. cholerae do not develop any symptoms"


Yes it does.

So the dosage game is the only card you have..?..perhaps it's best not you tell people !

From Your link!!

"Cholera is an extremely virulent disease transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food or water (2). Cholera can cause severe acute watery diarrhoea and the severe forms of the disease can kill within hours if left untreated...Researchers have estimated that each year there are 1.3 to 4.0 million cases of cholera, and 21 000 to 143 000 deaths worldwide due to cholera..Six subsequent pandemics killed millions of people across all continents...."

Your should not have used Virus Mania for an appeal to authority.

I have virus mania.

The authors say this about Cholera "..not contagious, but rather it was caused by excessive dirt..." page 67 on kindle

I could ask you this question..but I know you will not answer it because you have no clue.

How does boiling water (which lowers Cholera mortality ) get rid of "excessive dirt".

Hint..it doesn't...


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You are assuming transmission, and that having someone cough on your spreads some illness-causing agent. And ignoring other reasons how/why people can get sick at the same time (including your own beliefs about "catching germs").

The number of people who share your assumptions and beliefs is not evidence of "viruses" or contagion. Nor is quoting propaganda. You're not applying logic here.

I'm sure you realize that animal experiments are carried out all the time, and that experiments that today would not be carried out in people were in the past.

I've said nothing about dosages. And I did not appeal to authority. I kindly let you know where you could go for more insight into the cholera story. As I already told you repeatedly, my focus has been on showing the lack of scientific evidence to back the dogma, not on providing alternative explanations. I did not cite Virus Mania as evidence of anything.

Not sure why you'd ask me to explain a claim that I never made (that boiling water gets rid of excessive dirt).

If your beliefs were true, you should have no difficulty in citing valid scientific evidence to back them because plenty of experiments have been carried out over the years. But I'm confident that you can't because myself and others have scoured the planet for such evidence and found that time and again the experiments failed.

If you had an open mind, which you clearly don't, I'd suggest you read the Rosenau Spanish flu study of 1919, or read about the common cold unit that operated in England for 44 years, or get a copy of Daniel Roytas' new book wherein he summarizes the 200+ experiments that he reviewed - which contained in total zero scientific evidence that colds are contagious.

I'm not going to argue with you or carry on a conversation with someone who quickly resorts of expletives. Carry on with your unsubstantiated beliefs, enjoy. I'll not be responding unless you cite a study that you claim is valid and scientific.

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Kirsch defending his friend and mentor Bill Gates yesterday...


Love the responses including this gem, lol...


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The TWO-INCH Club???

Priceless! 😂😂👍👍

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If you want to know the real truth go watch Nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble & Sabrina Wallace … 🙃. The rest are just tier 2 content to keep normies distracted on side effects instead of real intent …

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Well… when I try to tell people the DARPA used the Covid jab to connect them to the cloud for national security, they laugh … Steve kirsch & Tucker Carlson are good ice breakers for the people still in denial .. 🙏

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Because he still does a lot of good, even though you have clearly shown the bad. The weekly VSRF interviews have given a platform for many amazing human beings and Kirsch has been an integral part of spreading awareness about how much harm these shots are doing. The most recent conversation between Sasha Latypova and Livio Sanchez from VSRF was a great listen.

I wholeheartedly disagree with him when it comes to there being no malicious intent behind this very clear agenda to enslave humanity and most of the individuals at VSRF also disagree with the founder on this issue. Yes, he has a huge ego, yes, he is wrong about a lot of things, yes, Malone is probably his handler, but that doesn't discount all the good that he has done to spread awareness about his deadly these shots are and how much help he has given to those have been vaccine injured.

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Respectfully, I know what you are saying.

However, that’s like saying that Dr’s that give the CJab are still good, because they may do other good things.

Either you are all good, or not good.

Take care

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There are doctors who unwittingly gave the jab who are still good. Those who continue to give the jab knowing full well how destructive they are are obviously just evil.

Good people can be manipulated to do bad and history has shown us this, especially in the last four years. The most naive and trusting of authority are the easiest to manipulate, but that doesn't make them not good. Simply stated, good people can do bad things, but that doesn't make them evil.

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All the Dr’s got money and are still getting money.

They didn’t know? They should have,

Have you heard about Crimes Against Humanity & GITMO?

You are making excuses for all of them,

Simply stated, all of us are accountable to The Holy God for our actions. Your definitions of good and evil are different than mine. There aren’t any good men or women. We all are sinners. We repent of our sins and stop doing them. How many Dr’s have stated I am sorry, I made a mistake?

Take care.

End of Conversation

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Ah, you're one of those. End of conversation is right.

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Dr. Fauci also did a lot of good by making it very obvious that we were being massively lied to

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If a contract was formed, why not take him to court for breach of same?

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