Great post!

Especially appreciate your last paragraph.

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Great post! And besides all you said, it's like a cult. With screaming shaming cultists who won't listen to other views...and many of them don't want you to have pets either.

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I think the climate is changing, not because of emmissions though. But because they are spraying aluminum nano particles out of planes almost 24/ 7. Worldwide. They can attach bacteria and bio weapons, aka vaccines, to polymer fibers that will penetrate the skin. You might want to wear a hat. But they still gonna get ya.

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That's a huge part of it. They won't quit the spraying, or stop killing all four or five pollinators (birds, bees, bats, butterflies, other bugs) which will mean the end of produce and the end of civilization, even without their stupid shots for man made viruses, like the bird flu that's on its way. Look it up as there are so many articles on other substacks, if not this one. Anthony knows.

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"they are spraying aluminum nano particles out of planes almost 24/ 7. Worldwide"

At what altitude?

35,000 feet?

7 miles high?

Have you ever explored the subject of atmospheric dispersion?

Do you have any idea how many different currents of wind run throughout the sky?

Have you ever wondered what mankind's relative size is, individually & collectively, compared to the size of the earth and the atmosphere that surrounds it? Ask your friend the physicist or ask an AI chatbot and they will tell you that the calculations add up to mankind being relatively the size of grains of rice compared to the gargantuan earth and its even bigger atmosphere.

So grains of rice, if they wanted to, could fill the skies with their teeny-weeny planes and spray shit 24/7 from 35,000 feet and it wouldn't mean diddly squat. Ditto for the little grains of rice and their attempts to modify hurricanes & super cells, and control the winds, control the barometric pressure, control the humidity, and control the heat from the sun.

Remember, when it comes to claims of super powers to commit dastardly deeds against Nature, the Deep State pretend to NOT be covering up such super powers just to make you think there IS something to cover up, dig?

Do the math. Do the physics. Men, individually & collectively, are no bigger than grains of rice compared to the size of our enormous earth and its even bigger sky.

It's certainly conceivable that someone would try to affect the weather or climate or sunlight by spraying shite in the form of chemtrails, but they would soon see that their efforts & money were wasted.

Those "chemtrails" you think you see are actually just contrails (although to be fair, that jet exhaust IS a bunch of noxious chemicals and not something you'd want to breathe or eat).



Don't be spreading fearmongering horseshit that bigs up the Man and attributes powers to him that he ain't really got.

In other words, stop helping the CIA and their intentions to trigger chaos & fear.

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Obvious shill. There is no shortage of evidence. Contrails. Pfft. I’ve been around 65 years. I’ve been looking up at the sky for all of that time. Contrails are condensation. They always dissipated with half hour at the longest and most times within a few minutes. Go blow your shill bs somewhere else. We are on to you

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lol. What is the freezing point of aluminum, strontium, barium? They are already frozen. The real question is what is the suspension time in the air of nano particles of various molecular compounds of these elements and potentials many more.

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Why should "chemtrails" take longer to dissipate than jet fuel condensation?

Do trails dissipate at different rates of speed at different altitudes?

Does it matter if the trail is 30,000 feet compared to 45,000 feet?

Of the contents of these alleged chemtrails, what is their freezing point?

You do know, don't you, that those trails you see are ice crystals and not cloud vapor, right?

Keep attributing super powers to mankind that he will never possess and keep believing he can conquer Mother Nature. Be afraid of the trails in the sky every time you see them. Think dark thoughts about the evil ones who made those trails to poison the world and mankind. If that's the kind of world you believe you live in, then that's the kind of world you're stuck with.

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I hope youre right. But the sky is usually a featureless gray. And the sun is usually silver. Not golden. Shine a flashlight into the dark sky and tell us what you see.

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“those people” know which way the wind is blowing at different altitudes. It’s not difficult. Check out windy.com. Also, see Caroline Coram’s Boom Review.

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"“those people” know which way the wind is blowing at different altitudes. "

"Those people" are grains of rice on a gargantuan rock in the middle of a spacious nowhere. They may as well be fleas on a beach ball for all the harm they could possibly do to the earth or its climate or atmosphere or its weather systems.

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I agree with the main point of the article, but I don't know where you get the idea that burgers, beef ramen, haggis and farmed salmon are "luxuriant".

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OK, I should've said "indulgent" :)

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Indulgent only by the prices but also a MUST for health!

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The grass-fed burger is pretty good

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Compared to insects and recombinant vegan protein sources, those things are "luxuriant"

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I hope they choked on the farmed salmon.

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You are welcome to provide the evidence supporting your absurd claim. You did not address any of the studies cited in the article. Typical vegetarian behaviour, repeating nonsense ad nauseam.

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Yep, Charles James is keeping up the proud veg*n tradition of flatly ignoring science and instead mindlessly reciting untenable nonsense.

I guess this is what happens when you eat a B12-deficient diet long-term...

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The irony is that vegan proteins are being improved with animal components to enhance their nutriitional value.. LOL.. This is contradictory to the claim that vegetarian/vegan diets don´t need animal foods to provide health.

And as always, they play the carbon foootprint argument without providing any analysis measuring the exhorbitant ecological cost of the facilities, reagents, transport and people involved in that ¨innovation¨


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And out of the other side of your mouth you probably promoting CO2 being responsible for climate change. You shills need a new playbook ffs. This is getting old.

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Another good article, thanks. The problem is not that some people want to pursue various forms of whatever diet they like/works for them. The problem is that everything that is a legitimate concern: the environment, human rights, education, health care, etc., has been hijacked by New World Order operatives and those captured by self interest. This includes science and medicine, as is made most obvious by the continued promotion of the deadly covid jabs, and the child vaccine schedule, as well as numerous other toxic pharma products (SSRI's, Statins, etc.).

I appreciate all those who attempt to parse out and expose the flaws and contradictions in "studies". Other Substack authors have shown that the abstract of a study is often not supported by the data that is deep within the study. This is almost certainly due to the censorship and forced retractions of captured medical and science journals. This is also the general thrust of what I get from Anthony's article here.

Personally, I tried vegetarianism and it didn't work for me. I tried Keto, and it worked great for weight loss, but I didn't want to lose any more weight so I am now an omnivore. The key is that many of these militant vegan advocates (not speaking of people who just are vegetarians and are willing to leave the rest of us alone to our own choices) are useful idiots for the agenda of elimination of meat and dairy as choices for us. Same with climate change useful idiots, who help bring us into C40 cities, net zero, and other things that will lead to being stuck in open air prisons like 15 minute cities

and other WEF horrors. And, militant trans advocates who push for children being manipulated into mutilating their bodies without parental consent, to (unwittingly I think in most cases) to advance the WEF agenda of drastic reduction in fertility rates and depopulation.

I suggest listening to the videos on YouTube of Dr. Shawn Baker. He chronicles the ill health of many vegan advocates. I'm not saying this to inflame the passions of the vegans who have commented here, I think it is valuable to get alternate points of view. I'm sure some people can do quite well on some type of vegetarian diet, if they carefully avoid toxic foods.

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I’m getting tired of the attacks on people who choose a plant-based diet. I’ve done so for decades mostly for ethical & spiritual reasons. My health also improved. There are many studies showing reduced cancer & heart disease when one eats a whole food plant-based diet. I suggest researching Gary Null (who I personally saw help terminally ill people overcome their disease), T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, ultra athlete Rich Roll, to name just a few. Unfortunately the globalists have hijacked what is a diet based on respect for all life to impose a totalitarian agenda of control. Just as they did with concern for the environment & the problems of pollution & toxicity. I will not be guilted into eating dead animals because some people equate not eating them with a nefarious agenda.

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What is exactly a ¨plant-based diet¨? I eat more fruits and vegetables than most people, while also enjoying good amounts of animal foods.

Like many people, you believe that by eating meat you are necessarily eating little or no plants. It is not black or white. This must be one of the most common fallacies nowadays..

And from what you have written, you seem to be equating a completelly healthy food like meat, which humans have been eating for millions of years, with modern junk food.

Regarding the ¨many studies showing reduced cancer & heart disease when one eats a whole food plant-based diet¨, you seem to be implying that meat is bad. Did you read those studies or you just found that their conclusion were confirming your preconceived beliefs? In which way those studies demonstrate that avoiding meat is healthy?

¨I will not be guilted into eating dead animals because some people equate not eating them with a nefarious agenda.¨

You can continue to eat whetaver it works for you. However, there is no scientific reason (anthropologic, biochemical, environmental) for avoiding animal foods, as the ¨nefarious agenda¨ wants us to believe. Especially if in the future you will have no choice but to eat the very foods you also want to avoid, such as soybeans containing pig protein.


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Actually the diseases in animals make vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds look a lot more attractive.

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This article misses the point by confusing some partially overlapping but very different concepts.

Vegetarianism and Veganism have nothing to do with health, except some who believe they are healthy. They are in essence ethical concerns, vegetarianism being mostly religiously based (e.g ahimsa, thou shalt not kill, etc.), with Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists making up the largest groups, but including a few Christian (e.g. SDA) and Jewish communities.

Proper nutrition for plant-based eaters was developed by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and can be found in his book The China Study and subsequent books, as well as the website of his institute, the Institute for Nutrition Studies (nutritionstudies.org), and his course is available through eCornell. It has been repeatedly proven to be a highly anti-inflammatory and very healthy diet, and it has extensive research to back it up. By contrast, it is very easy to eat a very unhealthy vegetarian or vegan diet. I should know for my father was vegetarian, but he indulged in saturated fat (cheese) and sugar, and he died of a stroke at age 63. I adopted a whole foods, plant-based diet in 2015, after begin omnivore most of my life (and yes, I enjoyed a good steak), and in my doctor's practice, I was the healthiest 73-year old as of my last physical.

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"Vegetarianism and Veganism have nothing to do with health"

Perhaps you could tell that to your "plant-based" peers who incessantly promote these diets as healthful?

As for T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and his atrocious book The China Study:


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FYG, I am actively involved with diagnostic technology that can sort out all of these diet claims, so we will not have to argue about this in the long run.

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No we won't, especially when the research shows no longevity benefit to vegetarians despite their higher prevalence of other healthful behaviours (suggesting the diet is negating the benefits of those otherwise beneficial behaviours).

As for vegans, Chang-Claude et al 2005 (The German Vegetarian Study), found a notably higher risk of all-cause mortality for vegans over a 21-year period (rate ratio = 1.59).


Blackie et al 2023 detected a smaller risk increase for vegans over an average follow-up of 18 years (hazard ratio = 1.27), despite participants in the omnivorous diet group being more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, be overweight and less likely to have completed college education.


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I expect to have some definitive answers within the next two years. Involved in a biotech in organ repair.

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I started a low fat whole foods plant based diet after chronic illness shut my life down and 8 years later, I've never been healthier. The key is low fat and whole foods, so no processed vegan crap, but not necessarily meatless.

I don't write this to argue with the carnivores or study believers or vegans out there. People are vehement their way is right until they get sick and can't find answers. You do you. I just know that I tried every diet out there to heal, from paleo to fodmaps and this works.

More than just a marketing technique, plant based refers strictly to diet, versus vegan or vegetarian which refers to a moral stance around consuming animal products. Vegetarians often eat eggs and cheese. I don't because they're high in fat. Vegans often don't eat honey. I do. Much as I'm glad animals aren't much involved in my diet, that's not why I eat this way.

Most studies are conducted using vegetarians that eat a typical high fat diet. That works for relatively healthy people but it's also why outcomes are no better. Once you include products like nutritional yeast, a vegetarian mainstay which is MSG, and fake meats, outcomes are even worse.

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Hi Bird's Brain,

thank you for posting a seemingly dissenting opinion without coming off like an angry loon (won't mention any names, but a big shout out to BumbleeBee and Philosopher Newport!)

I say "seemingly" because I don't dispute anything you say. There have been a number of small trials reporting improvements in rheumatoid arthritis among subjects following a vegan diet.

Meanwhile, there are multiple anecdotal reports of people following all-meat 'carnivore' diets claiming improvement in immune-mediated ailments like allergies and rheumatoid arthritis.

In 1988, a Dr HL Newbold (best known for publishing a book called “The Type A/Type B Weight Loss Book”) published a case study of seven subjects with multiple allergies who he treated with a high-fat, meat-rich diet. The diet consisted primarily of unaged beef steaks. They were told to eat as much fat as they could tolerate, and to trim away any brown or burned sections of fat. Newbold claimed gas cooking aggravated allergies in some patients, so he instructed his patients to use electricity when cooking.

The only other foods allowed beside meat were zero to one cup of fresh raw vegetables 1-3 times a day, and zero to one cup of fresh raw fruit 1-3 times a day.


Why would polar opposite nutritional approaches (low-fat, no meat vs high fat, predominantly meat) reportedly produce improvements in immune-mediated illnesses?

I suspect they are eliminating one or more harmful substances that trigger the ailments in question.

Does that mean these diets are the ultimate diets and everyone should be following them?

No, because there's a big difference between an optimal diet for organically healthy people and a therapeutic diet for someone with a specific condition.

There are valid therapeutic uses for fasting, that doesn't mean the optimal diet for everyone is not to eat anything at all.

And treating rheumatoid arthritis is not what GloboPedo has in mind for us when they are recommending we ditch meat for sprouts and bugs...

Again, thank you for contributing to the discussion.

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Thank you also for responding respectfully, telling me how wrong I am about my own experience! Refreshing, no, to have mature conversations even when you don't see eye to eye?

I think you're right about why different diets produce similar results. It's also about what isn't eaten: processed foods, GMOs, etc.

I no longer hunt for studies to prove one way or the other, given how flawed and manipulated "science" currently is. I trust my own experience because it's not what I believe, it's what I know.

I tried blood type, carnivore, paleo and so many others. They worked for a while, until they didn't. The intense nutrient load in mostly raw fruits and veggies is what my body needed after decades of eating a so-called healthy standard diet. But I respect others' experiences. I do want people to know though, that if those other diets stop working for them, there's an alternative. And it's not necessarily a so-called standard vegetarian or vegan diet either.

Thanks for your work!

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I meant, NOT telling me how wrong I am ... !

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Wow! Thank you for informing me about this! Hub and I became ethical vegetarians about 38 years ago, and despite both going strong, I guess “the science”, according to you, shows that we’d both better be careful.

To their credit, doctors, nutritionists and concerned parents tried to warn us (particularly me) of all the dangers, from protein deficiency to chronic anemia, based on, well, the Rockefeller pharma/industrial model of medicine, which we all know is focused on optimizing human health. Should have listened, I guess. Instead, I was too busy working hard, being active and doing things my way. As a result, I’m still very active, I sailed through menopause and can currently lift and carry only 60 pounds, which is the sort of thing I have to do regularly while single-handed my maintaining our little homestead while my husband is still busy with a brutal work schedule after many his age have already retired. So maybe the naysayers were right. We could both be enjoying blown joints, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and any of the other chronic and “normal” diseases accepted as part of “advancing age”, but nope. Guess we’re just the lucky ones, considering the weak state that decades without the nutritional fortification from consuming the hormone-laden, pesticide-ridden, GE soybean-filled, bacteria-infested fat and body parts of our sad, stressed-out sentient kin have left us in. I’ll let you know the next time either hub or I see a physician, which we do, like, never.

Oh, and just to put the cherry on the sundae, I used to do research in and around vivisection labs. That helped me make my dietary decision (and later stand up to my bosses, ditch the “animal models”, and skip ahead to doing relevant clinical work, saving years and millions of dollars in pointless “preliminary studies”.) Good to know that the ability to empathize with the obvious suffering and misery of my fellow beings at our hands, supposedly for our benefit, puts me in the same category as a psychopath. I’ll remember that when I meet Gandhi and the Bodhisattvas in the next life.

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Dear BumbleBee, could you please show where I've stated that being manipulated by psychopaths puts one in the same category as a psycholopath?

And do you have any actual scientific rebuttal to what I've written, or just hurt feelings?

By the way, if you oppose unnecessary experimentation on animals, instead of venting at me, you really should have a word with Mr China Study himself, T Colin Campbell, who murdered a whole bunch of furry critters in his mission to demonstrate his idiotic aflatoxin-protein charade...

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"And do you have any actual scientific rebuttal to what I've written, or just hurt feelings?"

So, do you value "science" over personal experience?

Do you value "scientific" proclamations, declarations and conclusions over personal testimonials?

As a meat-eater, I think she did a damn fine job of making her case based on her experience. Her sarcasm was probably the result of her disbelief at things in your article that contradicted her many years of personal experience & observation.

You see, Big Pharma, since the early 1900s, has duped us in many ways, and one of those many ways was to trick us into thinking there are Generic Bodies -- one-size-fits-all Causes & Solutions. But instead, each biological body and its chemistry is as unique as the personality wearing that body. Their destiny, their life-story of ups & downs is completely unique and therefore why shouldn't their health be? Everyone's health has its own unique causes of illness and its own unique remedies.

If you could study what people eat throughout the day & night...what so-called vitamins & supplements & OTC remedies they consume on a daily basis...and what they've used to help themselves recover from an injury or illness, well, you'd spend alot of time laughing your ass off in marvel.

When it comes to personal testimonials, it's best to take them at their word for it if they ain't trying to sell something associated with it. And yea, many will be the time that their claims fly in the face of "science".

There is no right way to live or eat or to recover from symptoms. To each his own. We have no control over what occurs to us to do in the here & now, and we have no control over what is immediately available to use in the here & now.

This whole idea, this reductionist idea of a so-called humanity like it's a collection of cars from the same factory -- this talking about health as if we all share the same body & chemistry & appetites, it is terribly flawed and misleading.

Each person's health, illness, and remedy is personal & subjective & unique and does not follow any "scientific" rules or laws. It does not follow any medical disciplines.

People have been making STATEMENTS about so-called scientific facts in news papers and journals and magazines and books and press conferences for many, many years, and they get accepted as irrefutable facts without any scrutinization. They get accepted purely on the basis of Appeals to Authority & Consensus.

All it took to sell the HIV scam was for the Health Secretary to give a press conference in 1984 announcing that Robert Gallo and his team discovered the virus that causes AIDS. And how many people, including virologists, scrutinized that claim? Virtually no one. Perhaps .001% of the population (including Dr. Stefan Lanka).

What works for Bumblebee works for Bumblebee and does not have to work for anyone else, nor does it need any support from "science".

What works for Anthony works for Anthony and it does not matter what anyone thinks about it.

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Another rambling diatribe that fails to address what I've actually written in this article.

She did a "damn fine job" of what, exactly?

Putting words in my mouth that I never said?

Getting butt-hurt and swearing she and hubby are doing great on a vegetarian diet, while failing to actually address what I'm saying in the article?

Neither BumbleBee nor you have rebutted my contention that the globalists are using "plant-based" nutrition to further their agendas.

Neither of you even begin to address the nutritional shortcomings of vegetarian and vegan diets.

It is an indisputable fact - one which I have expounded upon umpteen times - that meatless diets supply or either minimal or nil amounts of critical nutrients such as vitamin B12, carnitine, carnosine, creatine, taurine, CoQ10, vitamin D, and long chain omega-3 fatty acids.

The inability of vegetarian and vegan diets to provide sufficient B12 is so well-established, I don't know how anyone can even begin to argue this is a healthful let alone 'superior' way of eating.

As for your question of whether I value scientific facts over the unverifiable anecdotes of anonymous people who go by names like "BumbleBee", the answer is an unabashed YES.

But if you want to subscribe to the delusional "reality is want you want it to be" way of thinking, be my guest. Just don't expect me to abandon objective analysis anytime soon in order to join you.

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"It is an indisputable fact - one which I have expounded upon umpteen times - that meatless diets supply or either minimal or nil amounts of critical nutrients such as vitamin B12, carnitine, carnosine, creatine, taurine, CoQ10, vitamin D, and long chain omega-3 fatty acids."

What is explicitly not an indisputable fact is that anyone or everyone needs those things you claim meat provides. Cicely Tyson made it to 96, working until nearly the end without Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, and she was a vegetarian.

There is no "right" or "proper" diet. There is only what works for each individual.

Have you actually looked up how someone proved to themselves that such things as B12 & D even exist, much less are actually needed?

Find the paper that first claimed to have discovered B12 and see what you think about its Methodology. Parse each word like you would a legal document. After that, do some critical research into how B12 (or any) vitamins are created.

I couldn't care less about any so-called globalist agenda. Anyone gullible enough to do what they are told, instead of what they hanker for, deserves what they get.

"as for your question of whether I value scientific facts over the unverifiable anecdotes of anonymous people who go by names like "BumbleBee""

And what does anonymity and avatar names have to do with the credibility or validity of someone's comments?

And what fucken scientific "fact" have YOU ever verified? Have you ever verified even ONE? Just one? And how did you verify it? Do tell (but you won't).

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"And what does anonymity and avatar names have to do with the credibility or validity of someone's comments?"

Dear "Philosopher" (obviously a staunch practitioner of the anti-objective relativist school of thought), the very reason we have science is to ascertain the truth of anecdote. If someone swears they cured their cancer by taking a pill containing a ground extract of alfalfa and goats' balls, we have no way of knowing whether their experience - which you unquestionably accept as indisputable - is due to the therapeutic properties of such a mixture, or due to chance/coincidence. We also have no way of knowing if the claim is outright bollocks, perhaps the product of delusion or deliberate dishonesty.

Science has come up with a way of solving this issue. We take a group of people with cancer, and we randomly assign them to take either a daily pill containing a ground extract of alfalfa and goats' balls, or an identical-looking placebo pill.

If a significantly greater number of people taking the ground extract experience remission of their cancer, we know we're onto something. If there is no difference in outcomes between the extract subjects and placebo subjects, or the extract subjects in fact experience worse outcomes, then it's fair to say the guy who claimed he cured his cancer by taking a pill containing a ground extract of alfalfa and goats' balls was either mistaken or lying.

Once again, if you wish to believe anonymous anecdote over FACTS, that is your choice. If you wish to believe there are invisible goblins living under your kitchen table, or purple monkeys kicking back in your attic, you go right ahead and believe that.

"And what fucken scientific "fact" have YOU ever verified? Have ever verified even ONE? Just one? And how did you verify it? Do tell (but you won't)."

Wow, quite the angry critter aren't you?

The personally-verified scientific fact I'd like to introduce you to today, Mr Newport, is gravity. I'm sure you've got a fancy argument to dispute its existence - even Einstein and Newton differed in their explanations of it. Most people, however, recognize gravity as the force that causes things to fall to Earth when you let go of them. I verified this for myself when I was a little kid by letting something go and watching it fall to the ground. In the spirit of scientific replication and validation, I did this a few times in order to satisfy myself that my science teacher wasn't joshing me.

You too can prove to yourself that gravity is an indisputable scientific fact. Take an elevator to the top of the tallest skyscraper you can find. Walk to the edge of that building and jump off - but you won't. Because, at this moment of truth, you'll be forced to acknowledge some things ARE indisputable. You know damn well jumping from that building will cause, at best, severe bodily harm, and most likely a very sudden death.

"I couldn't care less about any so-called globalist agenda. Anyone gullible enough to do what they are told, instead of what they hanker for, deserves what they get."

Ah, such compassion. We've all been gullible at some point in our lives. In fact, given your rabid adherence to untenable relativist philosophy, you're in no state to be wishing ill upon others for their gullibility.

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Glad that’s working out for you. I personally don’t consume “the hormone-laden, pesticide-ridden, GE soybean-filled, bacteria-infested fat and body parts of our sad, stressed-out sentient kin”. I eat grass-fed or pasture-raised grain-finished beef.

One thing we appear to have in common is that we both avoid doctors. Maybe that’s why we’re both so healthy?

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I would agree with you, that relying on the modern medical system is NOT the way to health and longevity! OK, I’ll grant that if you get hit by a bus you’re going to need surgery for sure, but to get and stay healthy, the standard doctor’s office is NOT your best friend or first line of defense!

For those who have access exclusively to meat from free range, organically pastured animals humanely raised on independent family farms, that’s a good step in the right direction. But that’s only the tiny minority of consumers. Almost no unfortunate creatures escape the horrific processing at the “USDA certified” slaughterhouses, though, by law. Would YOU like someone to forcibly end your life early that way, for their use and enjoyment of your body? That’s a “boots on the ground” reality that most people are uncomfortable addressing, so they simply ignore it. Unfortunately, the victim is NOT free to ignore it.

The simple bottom line is that, for at least the very vast majority of us, consuming flesh is an option, NOT a necessity. (Yes, there will always be the individual genetic exceptions, of course, that’s how evolution works, and no, I am definitely NOT a disbeliever in spirit, and I know that our non-human brethren have souls like ours which makes eating them a moral issue.) The Jains - believers in the oldest living religion on earth, have been strict vegetarians for thousands of years. They even eschew consuming root vegetables because they believe plants have souls (a belief to which I’m beginning to gravitate, myself, due to my increasing gardening experience). The several Jains I’ve known have been wonderful people, and very physically and mentally healthy. it’s a religion of true peace and empathy towards all. They hold out a spiritual goal worth aspiring for, and controlling one’s appetite for flesh is a great first step along the path.

If you can find copies, you might want to try reading the Jataka Tales, about the rounds of life the Buddha passed through before becoming an enlightened human being. In one story, he is a stag in a herd of deer kept for the king’s pleasure. Occasionally the king would order a deer butchered for dinner. The Buddha stepped in when one of the does was chosen for slaughter, and volunteered his life instead because “all beings tremble before death”. If we consciously refrain from ordering unnecessary death in the first place, doesn’t that place us one notch higher on the ladder of spirit, and isn’t that where we’d all prefer to be? I don’t see Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates or any of the other tormentors of humanity and destroyers of the planet going vegetarian. Who wants to have anything in common with those moral/spiritual degenerates???

Anyway, I know very well just how difficult and scary the transition can be. It took me three years to wean myself off of meat! The animal protein turns to opiate-like substances in the gut and is literally addicting. So is the feeling of normalcy and acceptance when everybody around you is a carnivore. And the medical system accepts it. And, and, and……But the strong do what they believe is right, regardless of the size of the challenge or the intensity of the peer pressure. Just like, you refused the jab, right? Same principle. You CAN do it, for yourself and for them, if you choose to. And I hope you do. Once you commit, you’ll never go back, especially with all the options available to help you today. Do your homework and sort through the propaganda and fearmongering around things like soybeans, the staple food for the most populous countries on earth for thousands of years (but ONLY organic, please!) I know it can be done because my husband and I are living the results. You can, too. Not because the WEF TELLS you to, but because you’ve developed the courage, knowledge and attitude to do right by yourself and others. Just give it a wholehearted try. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results! ❤️

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"I know that our non-human brethren have souls like ours which makes eating them a moral issue." --

And if veggies have "souls", ain't it still immoral to kill them and eat them? Wouldn't they prefer to go to seed and die and blend back into the earth?

What if every living physical creature, no matter how small, is actually an eternal spirit who is perfectly equal & equally perfect to all others? What if not one spirit is older or younger, dumber or smarter than any other? And what if each one has their own personal reason for manifesting a physical body & story in this physical world? What if all of us colluded & collaborated with each other as spirits before this physical world ever began and worked out a script & story to live out in the flesh?

That would mean we all knew what we were getting into. Those spirits who are "food" in this world KNEW they were going to be food -- from cow to cucumber and pineapple to pig. (Ditto for all victims & victimizers.)

Given that there are only eternal spirits, and thus eternal consciousness, nothing real is harmed by anything that happens in a temporary, physical world. What is real never changes -- and what is eternal never changes, and thus, eternal spirits are not in any way harmed, diminished, improved or changed by what happens ANYWHERE, but especially in a temporary, physical world.

If you kill a living thing in this world to eat, you have killed a living thing. Naturally, in order to kill what they want to eat, some humans rationalize that animals are spiritually inferior to humans, and vegetables are spiritually inferior to animals. But I contend that all spirits are equal and not one is superior or inferior to any other. The spirit that incarnated as the carrot you ate could have chosen to be a human or microbe or elephant.

We live in the middle of forever as eternal thinking-feeling entities. What the hell else are we supposed to do except create & live-out these bizarre dreamworlds?

Imagine living in a world where you have to kill in order to live...You have to terminate the existence of a conscious creature who enjoys sunshine & water just so you can stay alive...

Given that we will fearlessly attempt to dream every dream imaginable throughout the middle of forever, and we will never get it done, it was bound to happen that we would create a ridiculous, heinous world such as the one we presently find ourselves in. Imagine being a creature who has to poop and wipe its ass....Imagine being a creature who has to suffer menstruation cramps...Imagine being a creature who suffers worries & disappointments...Imagine being a creature in a world where every living thing dies...It was bound to happen at sometime in the middle of forever...and thank goodness it's only temporary.

No one in this thread or world has the same diet & lifestyle & appetite & biochemistry & preferences as anyone else. No one has the same destiny or story. No one can control what has already been scripted. We can only obey the prompts in our unique set of subjective circumstance, situation, and condition in the here & now. And it basically all ends in tears here for everyone -- most deaths are messy & painful regardless of how sensibly & healthfully the person tried to live.

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You are completely wrong on the subject of vegetarianism. It has been proven for more than 100 years that vegetarians live many years longer than those who choose meat as their protein source. Meat is a concentrated protein and difficult for the human digestive system to break down into it’s useful components. Vegetable protein ( especially from legumes - beans) is the highest quality protein there is and easy on the body to digest. Meat eating today is especially harmful due to the unhealthy state of the animal population, and human as well. Our teeth are grinding teeth designed for chewing grains and vegetable matter, our digestive systems are quite long and designed for bulk (fiber) which is only found in plants. Meat eaters have a high rate of digestive problems (including colon cancer) due to the overworking of the digestive system.

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Nice try, but it's like trying to convert a devout Christian that Jesus didn't die for their sins. I've seen this around covid, too. Facts don't matter. Keep up the good work!

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I beg to differ. I eat mostly meat, and I don’t have digestive problems or colon cancer. You have a strong preference for vegetables. Go right ahead if that’s what you want to do. I don’t have a problem with that. What I can’t stand are the interfering, lying, busybody hypocrites who are trying to stop me from eating meat.

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