A quite excellent historical recount, factual vax data, and opinion on "what really happened", thank you! Extremely entertaining and infuriating as well!

You are a gifted writer!

I especially love that you had the spiritual acumen to note that the entire legal system is man's manipulation of society (not to say we don't need good ones).

As we see the powerful writing on the wall backed up by powerful lawyers and judges, we need to prepare our communities for the next battle: security, farming, livestock, communications, medical, and more.

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-Kathleen the shallow thinker, formerly of the deep thinking Rand Corp, is apparently oblivious to the fact that life insurance insurance companies are not paying out on policies of those who died suddenly after being injected with an experimental Covid vaccine. It is the Vaxed who now have a unique pre-existing health problem that the non-Vaxed do not, and if not for Obamacare and other recent related regulations, the vaccinated could theoretically be denied new health insurance coverage due to their preexisting condition. And claims by the insured could be denied because they chose to get injected with an experimental drug.

You go girl!

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The suspicious might suggest that ObamaCare was implanted for just this event (among others).

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I wonder how they calculate 'all the lives saved by the vaxx'

I also wonder how someone can state that vaxxes save lives, considering the huge amount of sick children among the vaccinated, and comparing them to the healthy unjabbed kids. It has been known for a long time that jabs do not prevent illness, but cause all kinds of nasty side effects. I just read how the autism number is now 1 in 22 children. Compare that to the one in 10 000 before the children were pincushioned.

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Hi Ingrid,

"I wonder how they calculate 'all the lives saved by the vaxx'" - in short, they do it by using garbage methods.

A lot of people might think there's some sort of register in the country of everyone who's vaxxxed and unvaxxxed, that researchers can draw upon to analyze deaths over a given period of time. That's not what happens. Instead, the researchers pick a cohort.

For example, the Naleway et al paper mentioned above used people on the the Kaiser Permanente Northwest electronic database.


The researchers examined the incidence of laboratory-confirmed Sars-Cov-2 infection, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations against COVID-19 vaccination status. Vaccination, of course, was defined as ≥14 days after completion of two shots of Pfizer/Murderna or 1 shot of J&J. Lab-confirmed Sars-Cov-2 infection meant a positive PCR test result.

So ... only subjects from their database with a hospital visit/s and a positive PCR test were considered. If the vaxxx killed you but you weren't PCR positive, you didn't matter. If the vaxxx killed you but you didn't visit hospital beforehand, you didn't appear in their mortality data either. If you died at any time after the first shot of Pfizer or Moderna, you were "excluded." If you died within 14 days of your second shot of Pfizer/Moderna or your shot of J&J, you were also "excluded."

That right there renders the results a load of rubbish, but it doesn't end there.

The authors admit in that "some persons might have received COVID-19 vaccines outside of KPNW (e.g., at a mass vaccination site) and might have been misclassified as unvaccinated if the record was not available" in their system.

The findings of epidemiological studies can be made somewhat less crappy by statistically adjusting for possible confounders. It's by no means on a par with a randomized RCT, but it's better than nothing. However, the authors of these garbage studies often choose nothing. In the case of Naleway et al, the authors admit "the crude rates reported in this report were not adjusted for factors that could influence the risk for infection between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups."

These studies really are hogwash projects that prove nothing, other than modern-day researchers are highly gifted at pumping out worthless pap that gives the appearance of science and impresses other highly educated people who clearly have no clue how to read a paper.

Another common research tactic used to make useless vaccines appear effective is the test-negative design. You'll love that one, a real testament to just how shady science has become. I explain it here:


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Anthony, I want to be in contact with you for several reasons. My email is Rsheftall@gmail.com. please drop me a nothing email so I have yours when I need it. Your posts are outstanding and I said as much in my book. Keep up the good, no, great, work.

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This is of course ridiculous. Here in town no one was injected in hospital, all at the sports lot. I remember indeed, reading that the hospital next town over registered only those jabbed there as vaxxes. We were told all the hospitalized were unvaxxed, but a friend, retired nurse, had visited someone and said of the 6 patients she knew, 3 were jabbed. The 4 people I know who died of 'covid' were already hospitalized for something else except one. She was in FL hospital until her time ran out, was brought to GA and after 3 weeks died there. I don't know what she had. From all those that were sick, most said it was like a rather mild flu, 1 was hospitalized one day for low oxygen levels and an aunt was hospitalized for 10 days and had to use an oxygen machine on and off for several months. Both were never given any preventive medication. I think if all companies had massively started making ivermectin and HCQ and hand it out, lots of lives would have been saved! I use homeopathic and herbal treatments and have not yet had it. Or may be an asymptomatic one LOL ! Happy Easter !

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ivermectin is a poison!

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Interested in the basis for your comment. Given that the “white hats” are endorsing this Nobel winning drug, why are you calling it poison?

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'White Hats'... that should be a dead give away!

Do some research.

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Good article, We know from requested records from the CDC, etc. that (Lab-confirmed Sars-Cov-2 infection meant a positive PCR test result) has never existed. And the PCR test at 45 or more cycles which labs have admitted to using can find just about anything in just about anyone. So the other Hogwash studies don't even need to be pursued.

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I have requested scientific studies with proper controls FROM THE CDC AND OTHER ENTITIES to show proof of any vaccine saving a single life. So far I have not receive a response from any. I asked Doctors and Pharmacists the same question and not one has an answer. Probably because no such studies exist. Shocker!!!

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1000 unnecessary studies are done (or faked) but the one study that needs to be done, is not. They probably started with it, saw it went the wrong way, and immediately stopped.

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Ingrid, they do it by assuming the models are right or the JGU ticker is right. JHU said 1.2 million died total in 2020, 2021, and 2022. (Neil Ferguson said 2.2 million would die in the UIS. I have proved that 60,000 died at most FROM Covid. Here is the link to my proof: https://drreidsheftall.substack.com/p/how-many-people-died-in-the-us-during

My book, "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" will be out soon- all 1300+ pages of it. EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPLAINED...

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"If you pump a shite-ton of anabolic steroids into your glutes for the purpose of getting swole, the date of 'steroidination' does not begin 14 days later when someone finally remarks "dude, you're looking jacked! Are you on the gear?"

A few weeks back, on a John Carter post, I commented "I love John Carterisms".

I think I love Colpoisms as well. 😁

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Me too! The Colpoisms are always spot on.

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I would also add that I hope the judge asks, "....is it the US government's public health policy to abandon all the FDA's long-standing approval requirements and usher in any muck that's called a 'vaccine' ?".

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We as citizens say who the heck cares about the US health policy. Attempting to shoot up the whole world and allow them to die is akin to murder. The US has spent less than $40,000 helping shot-injured citizens: https://jeffereyjaxen.substack.com/p/government-cheapskates-america-has?publication_id=543984&post_id=143078316&isFreemail=true&r=6gwmn&triedRedirect=true

Then there is this BS as well, not that it's not true: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/we-must-fight-this-chilling-plot?publication_id=746368&post_id=143086520&isFreemail=true&r=6gwmn&triedRedirect=true

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And yet people could read the governments reasoning, months ago, and still deny the government's of the world have been up to their armpits, with their sticky fingers in the pharma cash cow's butt.😐🤨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️💩

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Great post!

Then I got to the Lohr bit...

I had to read it twice.

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‘When some says “I’m highly educated” I hear “I’m fully indoctrinated”. Meme quote.

Great work

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I was one of the only doctors in NYC, and indeed, the country, who stood against the vaccines, and I was crucified for it. I was also the only pediatrician in the US to file Supreme Court lawsuits against gender affirming care, meaning the pharmacological castration and surgical mutilation of children. Some day, the few of us that stood will be remembered. God bless.

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God Bless you. Thank you 🙏

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As someone who has studied, researched and written about alcoholism for decades, I cannot count the number of times my first proof of psychoactive drug addiction (which includes alcohol) has been a seemingly casual mention of booze or drinking. "Boozy" Bourla is something I've been looking for. The behaviors--a narcissistic "f you" to the world--has been longstanding evidence, because alcoholism fuels egomania. Now, I'm 80% of the way there. Because alcoholic egomania best explains everything about him.

Same for Moderna's Bancel, in whom likely alcoholism fueled egomania is even more sickeningly obvious.

I'd love to hear from anyone with more inside knowledge. Because I'd relish in making the case that alcoholism fueled egomania has taken modern form by killing and maiming hundreds of millions by poisoning, in addition to Marx, Stalin, Hitler (amphetamines) and Mao (barbiturates) via the more traditional ways.

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It doesn’t matter to most of those who still believe. Like if atheists were to see Jesus walk on water.

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Excellent article Anthony!

Shortly after Brooke Jackson was fired and sharp awake folks were already screaming about the “poison pricks” (I am going to borrow this one!) I wrote an opinion piece for our local Ventura County paper. I am sure that maybe 50 folks read it! Tops!

Brooke has proved to be a courageous hero and I was very fortunate to meet her at the Covid Litigation Conference in Atlanta March 2023. This was a few days after Judge Truncale dismissed her case.

Brooke was upbeat and ready for round two.

Let’s all pray that Justice prevails in our presently corrupt faux Justice clown show! 🙏💜🔥💯

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There is #NoSuchThingAsPublicHealth. 🤨

The “Group” don’t OWN my body #SlaveryIsWrong 🇺🇸❤️💯


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Miss Lohr: none so blind as those who will not see. With their eyes!

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The satanic occult agenda is gradually dawning on the awakening few.

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