My assumption is always that nothing is private on the internet. Even if a genuine person or group set up a private network how could you be sure that it wouldn't be hacked or infiltrated? Fortunately in my own case, I have nothing to say privately that I wouldn't say publicly even, of course, if what I want to say publicly doesn't go down too well in certain quarters. I do feel for people who want to engage in some privacy though. Maybe they're better off messaging by pigeon :) but then they'd probably be on to that too.

So at 9:22am Marina Matsapulina heard a much louder noise?

It's always layer upon layer of magic propaganda dust, isn't it?

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Ultimately, I think Telegram gained legitimacy for the same reason some portray Putin as an antidote to the globalist agenda (a.k.a “Putin fighting the globalists”).

Putin is a corrupt tyrant but he is also Russian which people instinctively assume means he is in opposition to the western elites.

Likewise, Durov is a billionaire tech mogul (founder of VK, the “Facebook of Russia”) but he is also Russian which people instinctively assume means he is in opposition to the western “Big Tech” players.

We MUST move beyond our collective obsession of picking sides based solely on one’s nationality, religion or skin colour.

Our collective enemy is most often referred to as GLOBALISTS. There is a reason for that name!

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Isnt that extreme tho ? Its important to live well locally but we always did pay some heed to global issues . I think we've always had to balance localism with globalism . Equally we've always needed 'masons' of some kind or another . Society needs ideas people and people who construct its structures to some degree. The issue seems to me to be about balance and we are losing the healthy balance at this point.

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Why do we need globalism? Give me one reason!

Do you understand what Globalism means in this context?

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some degree of thinking and planning globally is obviously needed. if you spray something over your sky it will end up in my sky.. if you kill all your fish they wont migrate to my rivers .. some significant degree of global networking is needed . its about balance.

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What you are referring to is global cooperation done on a voluntary basis.

This is definitely needed and I have no issue with that but that's NOT "Globalism".

Globalism is a single agenda forced on all the nations of the world and their people through globalist institutions in order to enable a small elite to TAKE OVER THE PLANET with the ultimate endgame being the removal of nation states and establishment of one world government/governance system.

If you think the above has any benefit or role to play in the future of our species, I'd be very keen to hear your reasoning.

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its about degrees of global effort .. I'm like a LoTR character thinking its better to have a group of differing cultures unite rather than one corona ring to rule them all ... but there will be a need for certain global efforts. What I dont know is if they tried all that and see globalism as our last chance to get things right .

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cooperation hasnt worked so far has it .. its a lovely ideal . the trust doesnt exist so it would be naive to bank on it. some things would need to be firmly entrenched to make people accord. How much of that I dont know. reading the various sums it looks like we are doing very very badly at agreeing to cooperate. How much globalists have contributed to this i dont know.. but i know we are messing up a tonne of things globally and we'd need to be very committed to start solving that . I mean what do you do if one country decides to build a huge dam to get very energy rich and turn its neighbours into a desert ?? you can say ' be nice' or 'play fair' .. but would people ? clearly some global rules need to prevent excesses .. but how ??

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Look, you make a valid point but what enforcement mechanism do you propose...and who enforces the enforcers?

Either way, whatever we have now cannot continue!

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And before I forget: substack is a honeypot. Is nothing sacred 😂

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I once heard that Substack is a kill box and that makes total sense to me. I don’t believe that there is a platform that allows pretty much anything that is not controlled by the globalists. We are just in a controlled area that’s all; reach and ‘contamination’ are limited. Still, you can accept that and still make use of it.

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I call Substack a ghetto. Here we are corralled together - out of the public view - harmless to the totalitarians.

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Yes, spot on. But it has been tremendously useful to me personally because I’ve seen/read stuff that I wouldn’t have had access to anywhere else. So, I can live with that.

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I had a back channel providing me with content from Telegram, I admit. There have been some awesome activists there from day one. But I prefer the team here.

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Now, Frances ! - you're only pandering to Anthony's ego !! [grin]

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This is a beautiful and thorough post, many thanks!

I lost count of the number of times I warned against Telegram. My son (computer coder) looked at it and said it was wide open - not at all encrypted and he forbade me to open an account.

Later - I searched Telegram Terrorist and the number of arrests and court cases which came up was eye-watering. People were getting busted everywhere for posts written on Telegram.

I feel very sorry for anyone who fell for the hype. Hopefully, they will not be so easily fooled in the future.

As for Pavel Durov - I bet he is NOT in prison! He is probably staying with Macron in some fancy chateau, sipping champers and laughing all the way to the bank, like all these wannabe globalist totalitarian predators.

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there are no safe places for dissidents, or for anyone, for that matter...there never has been...

thx, great dig, Sarah!!!

time to make My Space Great Again?

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Telegram, eh ? A bloke on Insta wanted me to use Telegram to chat with him, coupla months back. I suppose there must be people who're so desperate they hit on old ladies. [grin]

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I got a dick pic from someone in private messaging here, on Substack the other day! At 72, it was the first time anyone has sent me one. I was in fits of laughter! Made my day! 🤣😂

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Well, I MIGHT've got one if I'd gone along !! (And I'm 81, so there.) :D

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Oh you missed out on that treat, Margaret-Rose! 🤣😂

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Not fair, she grumbled ...

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Next you'll be outing proton mail

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Now that I read further I see you already did

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signal ?

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yeah, i heard a couple of years ago Signal is not secure, of course. Prontonmail is based in Switzerland, so there you go. We can't rely on any big tech.

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haha. I hope that's sarcasm.

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Interesting that he is called the 303rd richest person in the world. There's that '33' again. Total spook.

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I thought the whole arrest thing was a psyop from the beginning. Just my good ol’ gut reaction. He even looks like a AI creation. 🤣

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Putin was himself a young global leader so it's just entrapment schemes, it seems.

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Theres a reason social media is Free and its not cuz they want to hear peoples opinions. Its so they can trend and track the users postings any way they want and do with that information what they will. Avoid Social media platforms as they are means to entrap people angered by the willfully unaccountable clowns foisting garbage policies on their national publics.

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It all doesn't make sense though. If Durov was compromised from the start then why arrest him? Why make him tell his users Telegram is no longer a secure platform? Wouldn't it be more beneficial for them to keep the charade going? That's what I would do if I were a bad actor.

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Come on boys. Enough with those goddamn tight t-shirts.

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"Privacy" is a joke. There is none. Hide in a cave in the Yukon with a cellphone and "we can pinpoint your location within five meters". Proton is a joke. Switzerland! Yeah, sure, we can trust the Swiss! For what, chocolate. I use Proton but only due to my loathing of all thing "Alphabet".

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I allowed my Telegram account to 'self-delete' two years ago. Now I'm beginning to wonder if it is still active!

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