Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

Can never forget all those small businesses that were destroyed: only the gods know what happened to the people who ran them.

Yeah, you're right, Anthony: we are in fact very, very far from being the cheery rascals we're sometimes seen as.

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you guys are awesome. I hate to see you mistreated.

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Sep 17Liked by Anthony Colpo

With Signor Colpo to speak up for us, we do alright. [grin]

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

Great article! It makes my blood boil that peice of utter shit Andrews is not behind bars for crimes against humanity. That goes for filth McGowan and evil Palicechook too. And who could forget satanic Gunner? So many more, like Andrew's ultra corrupt mate Sutton. And so many more...they set family member against family member, and murdered so many people during that time, and now beyond. I have known 10x the death and sickness in the last few years, then in my previous half a century. Every single despicable excuse for a human being who pushed this genocide needs the death penalty for treason.

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Yep makes my blood boil too. It's just so infuriating. It reminds me of visiting my dying best friend in hospital. It was just very lucky that I was able to use an overseas jab certificate to make a forgery so I could get in to see her otherwise I couldn't have. In the months before when my friend was in ok health she couldn't see her dying brother in hospital until his final hours when he was unconscious.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

I'm very sorry for you, and your poor friend, and her brother. Absolutley sickening. I begin to beleive the people who died are better off out of this mess. My mother was murdered by the hospital via Convid measures. My unvaxxed grief stricken father died of a treatable embolism because he refused to go to hospital beleiving they would try to kill him. The hospital attempted to murder a vaccine injured family friend with Remdesivir - she survived - but then died a couple months later by massive unexplained stomach haemorrhge. Another young friend with three children died suddenly while on the phone to her brother. On and on and on. Meanwhile, the living lost our jobs and were excluded from the economy and society. I comfort myself that God will be the final judge, and none of them will escape his wrath.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

I’m sorry your family got caught up in this insane and fascist mess.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

Thank you. It is still hard to beleive, and reconcile the times in which we live.

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I'm so sorry what happened with your parents and to your two friends. It's just unbelievable ... and how people still think that covid killed people but that the jab is not killing people but instead is actually beneficial. Yesterday I said to a guy: "This is a fact, isn't it? The jab doesn't stop people getting covid." (Not, of course, that I believe covid exists and what I mean is doesn't stop people testing positive for the alleged covid," but he remained non-committal.

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I’ll never forget the eye-opening and gut-wrenching disappointment I experienced in March 2020 when I realised just how conformist the majority of Australians had become.

And not only conformist; they actually believed the Convid nonsense, even though the evidence for it being nonsense was right in front of their eyes. A virus that was so deadly no one was dying. A virus that could tell the time, measure in kilometres, know if you were browsing or shopping (the former was banned) and if you were standing in a restaurant (mask on) or sitting down to eat (mask off). And that’s only the half of it.

How on earth could people fall for this?

Mass psychosis. Years of trauma-based mind control using fear as the weapon of abuse. Dumbing down via TV. The deliberate erosion of common sense via the ever-expanding nanny state …

It’s so many things that all came together in the nightmare of the Convid years, perfectly orchestrated by the PTB into the chorus of compliance that is modern Australia.

Well, Convid gave me a couple of good things - a desire to live as far away from average Australians as possible and my Substack handle. Phew.

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"How on earth could people fall for this? "

Consumption, consumption, lifestyle and vanity. An obsession with convenience, and aspirational values centred around consumption, a tawdry glamour paradigm, and ostentation.

The Australian politicians - or more accurately their corporation owner bosses - worked out that weaponised self-interest is a far more effective tool for controlling the masses than Soviet-style terror ever was, and the result is the utterly, irredeemably crappy but slickly tractable society we have in Australia (and elsewhere too throughout the Western world, make no mistake).

"It’s so many things that all came together in the nightmare of the Convid years, perfectly orchestrated by the PTB into the chorus of compliance that is modern Australia."

That is such a beautiful way to state what is actually a morbidly depressing reality.

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Yes, the weaponised self-interest is the key, exactly. Years of lulling people into a false sense of security - the ‘lucky country’ - centred around what you own, who you know, your opulent house, your cultural capital.

I never felt the least bit attracted to that side of Australia, even though my parents were deeply embedded in it. It’s why I’ve ended up estranged from my family, living in the middle of nowhere and attempting to extract some joy from the Australia I do love - the bush, the birds, the trees and wildlife. (Oh, and my chickens.)

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The physical land is incomparable. The brilliance and clarity of the light. Wildlife that casually ambles right up to you, absent the usual predator-prey anxieties elsewhere. The Old People and their stories.

We share the love.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

The same in the UK with the evil filth like Johnson, Hancock, Van Tam, Javid, Sunak the f*cking parasitic useless Royals, all the opposition parties, agencies meant to protect us like the MHRA, UKSA, SAGE, and even the NHS, all of fascist media like the BBC, the judiciary (some much for the bullshit of British Justice).......ALL of them complicit in Genocide and outright murder........If only I could rule the UK for 1 week, every single one of these ZERO morals criminals, and their puppets would be hung, without trial because they have no defence!! I might even have the hangings televised JUST for those who have lost loved ones, like my mother who died of a stroke (RIP).

This crime is every bit as evil (if not more so) than anything the 1940s Nazis carried out!!

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I would encourage you to seek out the holohoax subject on rumble and bitchute. 6 million lies and it’s hard to break out of the indoctrination. There are a number of folks who have done thorough investigation but the same crowd owns the mainstream media and suppresses it.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

I was sent home on March 1, 2021 for not complying with CONvid. I never went back after a 23 year career (forced).

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As a tattoo’d ranger driver, i’m a bit miffed, but other than that, everything else was spot on 😉

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Sep 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

I never believed that Dictator Dan was lawfully elected by the people of Victoria in 2022. I knew many Labor voters who were so disgusted with him that they cast their vote elsewhere. I firmly believe that most elections in "democratic countries" all over the world are rigged these days. They worked out how to do it - and get away with it.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

I agree all elections are suspect - Calin Georgescu, a high-ranking ex-UN insider says election-rigging is the norm (https://www.bitchute.com/video/iLbXXUGx9wEW)

But it's hard to know whether rigging was needed to put Lanky Lucifer back in office, because Melbourne is so notoriously left-leaning. A friend of mine in outer Melbourne, who is staunchly anti-vaxxx/anti-Andrews, said a lot of people he knew thought Andrews was great because he had "kept Victoria safe."

Another close friend, who has a business in Melbourne's inner city, told me over the phone a couple of weeks before the 2022 election, "mark my words, these f**king muppets will vote Andrews back in."

Two weeks later, Andrews was back in office.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo


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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

Never Forgive Never Forget

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"Mistakes were Not made" - a bit of powerful poetry.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

It's depressing to see how the situation you describe is exactly the same as here in the USA.

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It's a bit different in Australia in that everyone is required to vote.

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Not really. We only have to turn up.

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"Under the Electoral Act, the actual duty of the elector is to attend a polling place, have their name marked off the certified list, receive a ballot paper and take it to an individual voting booth, mark it, fold the ballot paper and place it in the ballot box.

It is not the case, as some people have claimed, that it is only compulsory to attend the polling place and have your name marked off, and this has been upheld by a number of legal decisions"

This is a quote from the Australian Electoral Commission.

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Sometimes I wonder about mandatory voting: do we THINK about it, or just vote as we were raised to ?

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While so many people around me in Hong Kong took it because they have no critical thinking whatsoever, I do know quite a few who gave similar reasons to the Australians. Probably the hardest one to refuse was the rule that required people to take the poison in order to be able to see their dying relatives in hospital. Ironically, the same system made their relatives sick in the first place and the treatment they were given killed them anyway. One friend who took it for both employment reasons and to visit relatives in hospital ended up in hospital himself with a stroke and nearly one year on has only made a partial recovery and is still heavily reliant on other people in his daily life.

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There was nothing about the bioweapon that was Ethical. Not one single thing.

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Sep 15Liked by Anthony Colpo

The agenda is mayhem and misery and, it extends beyond the physical.

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When are their elections held? Sounds like a good opportunity for change or are they too far gone down the rabbit hole?

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Yeah my cowardly parents evicted me cos I wouldn’t take the juice. I called them Nazis and we no longer speak. Meh. No great loss. Still to today they feel they did the right thing and because the TV is their only source of information/hypnosis they think that the jabs were A-Okay and that no one got hurt, no one lost a job or loved ones - it’s me I’m the one with a “mental illness.” What can ya do?

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What a racket locking people down to coerce experimental vaccines for a fictional virus in a rather obvious fake pandemic

https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282?rss=1#abstract-1 . N, Ireland, see page 47 https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282?rss=1#abstract-1

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