Survey Shows Just How Badly Thousands of Australians Felt About Being Forced into Taking COVID Shots Against Their Wishes
Reasons for getting pricked in the land of the unfree.
For the longest time, many Australians were fond of viewing themselves as an easygoing bunch of anti-authoritarian, lovable larrikins.
This self-flattering view has always been complete nonsense. A delusion of the highest order.
In reality, Australia has always had an intensely conformist culture in which those who differ or stand out from the flock are quickly ostracized and attacked. It's so common, it has a name: "Tall Poppy Syndrome," a societal attitude pervasive in Australia that resents people for their successes or uniqueness.
Sure, conformist Australians are quick to glorify people who stand out in socially acceptable ways. If you have a talent for the inherently useless activity of running around a grass oval, grabbing at other people’s jerseys, and kicking an egg-shaped ball through two upright posts, you are almost certain to win the adulation of your fellow Australians.
Even after decades of being caught acting like inebriated dickheads and endless sexual assault cases, people who can kick egg-shaped balls between two big sticks are still adored in Australia.
I mean, where would the country be without people who run around grass fields chasing balls?
If you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, have lots of tattoos, and/or drive a Ford Ranger, this too will increase your acceptability to fellow Australians, because it shows you are one of the tribe.
Tribes, of course, need leaders. The highest approval rating ever achieved by an Australian Prime Minister was in November 1984, when a philandering degenerate by the name of Bob Hawke scored 75% in a Nielsen poll.
To this day, Hawke's most celebrated achievement is holding the Oxford University yard glass drinking record. As a student in 1963, Hawke gulped down a yard glass of ale in 11 seconds.
In traditional Australian culture, this makes you a Top Bloke™.
Hawke's other achievements reportedly included telling his daughter to keep her mouth shut after she was allegedly raped by another Labor degenerate, MP Bill Landeryou. Hawke, she says, didn't want the allegations to hurt his career.
But the sheeple still remember Hawke fondly. After all, he still holds the Oxford yard glass record.
The second-highest approval rating for an Australian PM, at 74%, goes to Kevin Rudd, whose life achievements include getting sloshed at infamous New York strip bar Scores. Rudd visited the notorious, crime-ridden sleaze pit - which was co-founded by a pedophile - during a taxpayer-funded visit to NYC as a UN observer. Apparently, to achieve world peace and eradicate hunger, wankers from the United Nations need to observe dodgy women rubbing their punanis against poles and other wankers' laps.
While Australians who were raised right asked what the hell Rudd was doing in a strip club, the rest of the country promptly concluded he was a Top Bloke™. Tired of the arrogant, pompous John Howard, Australians enthusiastically voted for the arrogant, pompous Kevin Rudd.
They later regretted it, but most never learned their lesson.
Showing your sameness via popular rituals like binge drinking, paying others to do graffiti on your skin, and vocally supporting people who kick balls between big sticks is very important when seeking social acceptance in Australia.
Individualism, in contrast, is the express route to being an outcast.
Stand out Down Under in ways that are socially unacceptable, like refusing to take drugs, rejecting excessive drinking, or - worst of all - thinking for yourself, and you can expect lots of antagonism. Frequent strange looks. Mucho gossip behind your back.
And legal problems, because the biggest crime in a 5-Eyes pedo pit like Australia is holding your ground and standing up for what's right.
Sheep and their handlers really hate that.
During the monumental fraud that was COVID, in which the world's media aggressively reframed regular cold and flu as a deadly new disease, Australia's conformist culture really came to the fore.
In a survey of twenty-one countries that included 10,740 respondents, Australians were second only to Malaysian respondents for harboring the highest level of discriminatory attitudes toward unvaxxxinated folks. In third place was China, a communist country renowned for its CCP-controlled propaganda.
Under the leadership of the CCP satanic Dan Andrews, formerly vibrant Melbourne became the most locked down city in the world. It was also home to some of the world’s most egregious police brutality, as uniformed thugs gratuitously bashed innocent people, shot rubber pellets at freedom protesters, slammed elderly women into the ground and then pepper-sprayed them for good measure, sprayed mace into the eyes of children, and violently arrested people for the heinous crime of sitting quietly in the park drinking tea.
So come election time in 2022, what did Melbournians do?
They gave Dan Andrews and his fellow Labor deviants a big middle finger and voted him out of office, right?
Yeah, right.
This is Australia, remember.
A picture speaks a thousand words - here are 3 of them.
This first one shows how Greater Melbourne voted in the 2022 election. It is literally a sea of red - Melbourne overwhelmingly voted to stick with Satan. The green patch in the middle is the electorate of Melbourne, which has long been a communist Greens stronghold.
Because Andrews did so much for Melbourne. I’m told the place has never had so many empty shop windows bearing “FOR LEASE” signs.
Andrews stuck it up Victoria’s keester, and Melbournians begged for more.
Below is how the Melbourne surrounds voted. Being mercilessly back-doored without Vaseline is evidently a popular activity on Melbourne’s outer also - I guess penal colony habits die hard.
Now, let’s look at how those who do something useful for a living cast their votes. In rural Victoria, home to people who raise livestock and grow crops, Labor didn’t get a look in. Victoria’s rural folk, bless their productive souls, voted predominantly Nationals, with two electorates going to the Libs and one to an independent.
Australia: It’s Not All Morons and Suspect Ball Sports
Thankfully, there are people in Australia who do think and question things. Sadly, many of those people nonetheless felt they had no other choice but to take the cull shots.
In early 2022, Australian research organization Clarity on Health conducted an online survey – the Australian Survey of Reasons for COVID-19 Vaccination. The anonymous survey was completed by 26,680 Australians, of whom 9,861 reported having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Obviously, with a majority of respondents not having received the pseudo-vaccines, the survey sample was not representative of your ‘average’ Australian.
What it did demonstrate was the severe degree of duress many people were placed under to get the shots, and how angry and embittered this left them.
In one question, people were asked to choose their main reason for having the vaccine from a list of 28 options.
By far the most frequent reason selected was “to keep my job”, chosen by 39.2%.
The second-most common reason was “It was mandated for my job or profession.” This was chosen by a further 18.7% of people.
The third-most common reason was “so that I would be allowed to travel within my state, interstate or overseas”, picked by 6.2%.
The first main reason for vaccination directly connected with ‘COVID-19’ itself appeared in fifth place, with just 3.8% of vaccinated respondents saying they had the jab primarily “to protect me from getting COVID-19”.
Almost 500 people also added their own comments, with many saying state governments or employers had been coercive. Here’s a sampling:
“I did not choose, it was take it or not be able to pay my home payments and be homeless. That's not a choice. That's extortion.”
“So I didn’t lose my house and everything I've worked for.”
“Because I was forced to have the Covid vaccine, to keep my job and gain access to varying sites.”
“Felt my arm forced up my back by govt. Was not voluntary!”
“I was forced to, by coercion, in order to keep my job as I have financial commitments and a family to support.”
“I felt totally alone and pressured into doing what I would never have done if we weren’t forced.”
“I am a nurse. I was terminated. Now I am struggling financially so had to get it so I can go back to nursing.”
“Lost my rented home of 12.5 years and it was mandated to keep my job. Am still homeless now.”
“I was blackmailed (forced). I did not want the bloody things.”
“Coerced into getting 2 jabs in order to keep my job even though I worked alone on a forklift in open air and had little to no contact with other people.”
“Because I was left with no choice but to take it or lose the ability to work and make an income. Taken not by free choice.”
“Because despite the government saying they’re ‘not mandating the vaccines’ they’ve taken away every ability to make your own informed decision against getting it and were happy to remove my livelihood for their needs. Fuck the Australian government.”
“Because it was mandated by the piece of shit premier of Queensland that I couldn't get back across the border to my home without it.”
“Because I was forced to take it if I wanted to keep providing for my family. I have never been more upset about being forced into something in my life.”
“My employer of 27 years mandated it or would sack me with one days notice.”
“I was forced by governments requirements, because they wouldn’t allow unvaccinated Australians to travel freely and come back to Australia.”
“To feed, clothe and house my 2 children and wife I had to keep my job.”
“I was about to lose my job and I'm a single parent. I was unwillingly vaccinated.”
“Forced into getting it to keep food on the table and a roof over our head.”
“Because the mini Hitler wannabe running my state has taken political overreach to a whole new level.”
“Couldn’t visit dad in hospital without proof.”
“To be able to come back to Australia, I was overseas.”
“I have lost 2 jobs to Covid-19 mandates, I am trying to get another job. I can not afford to eat, pay my rent or help my girls with their school fees. Also my girls have had to sign a contract with their school about avoiding Sydney and unvaccinated people. I would not be allowed onto school grounds without these trial vaccines.”
“To be guaranteed to be able to travel for child access. I did not want to take a vaccine.”
“To be permitted to visit my disabled son who lives in a group home.”
“I was promised re entry to Queensland to be with my wife who had had a heart attack. The promise was broken!”
“Nursing home in Victoria wouldn’t allow me to see my mother if I was not double vaccinated.”
“I am being made to get the jab by a federal court judge, before I am able to attend court in relation to my four year old daughter.”
“My son wouldn't let me see his family.”
“Ultimatum between divorce or keeping wife and 2 children.”
“My husband used emotional blackmail on me. We fought for a month because I didn't want it. He said he would leave if I didn't get it.”
“My daughter wouldn't let her children stay overnight at my place unless I had it.”
“Having an ex partner threaten to stop visitation rights of my only child.”
“Extreme pressure and threats from family and work place.”
The national anthem of Australia is a ditty called Advance Australia Fair, and contains the line:
“Australians let us all rejoice, for we are young and free.”
My ass we are.
Australia is a very dark, evil place.
Australians, you really need to start becoming the anti-authoritarian larrikins you pretended to be for so long. Stop taking your life frustrations out on your fellow Australians, and start directing them at the globalist-owned traitors who are really making your lives a misery.
Can never forget all those small businesses that were destroyed: only the gods know what happened to the people who ran them.
Yeah, you're right, Anthony: we are in fact very, very far from being the cheery rascals we're sometimes seen as.
I’ll never forget the eye-opening and gut-wrenching disappointment I experienced in March 2020 when I realised just how conformist the majority of Australians had become.
And not only conformist; they actually believed the Convid nonsense, even though the evidence for it being nonsense was right in front of their eyes. A virus that was so deadly no one was dying. A virus that could tell the time, measure in kilometres, know if you were browsing or shopping (the former was banned) and if you were standing in a restaurant (mask on) or sitting down to eat (mask off). And that’s only the half of it.
How on earth could people fall for this?
Mass psychosis. Years of trauma-based mind control using fear as the weapon of abuse. Dumbing down via TV. The deliberate erosion of common sense via the ever-expanding nanny state …
It’s so many things that all came together in the nightmare of the Convid years, perfectly orchestrated by the PTB into the chorus of compliance that is modern Australia.
Well, Convid gave me a couple of good things - a desire to live as far away from average Australians as possible and my Substack handle. Phew.