I know this was supposed to be Part 2 and dealing with Robert Malone, but new information about COVID grifter Steve Kirsch is coming at me thick and fast.
Before I share the latest batch of unflattering facts about Stinky Steve, here’s a quick update on my quest to get the money he owes me after I successfully met his $25,000 fluvoxamine challenge.
Yesterday, I sent the latest of my daily emails requesting that Kirsch honour his $25,000 bet. As you might surmise, my patience is starting to wear thin with this slithering con artist. Getting Kirsch to honour his challenge commitments is like getting shit out of a statue.
This morning, I received the following Substack DM from shifty Steve.
It’s clear Kirsch’s loud challenges are complete bullshit. He loves the attention they bring, but when he fails to meet his own criteria he flatly refuses to pay.
With that out the way, let's resume our exploration of who Steve Kirsch really is.
One of my readers recently left a pertinent comment, citing whistle-blower Kay Griggs who reportedly said the way you know if a high-profile "truth teller" is controlled opposition is because nothing ever happens to them for "being brave with the truth".
Another clue that someone is controlled opposition is when they are a talentless hack that rises out of nowhere to become a prominent public voice. While other far more qualified and knowledgeable people struggle to gain an audience, this hack enjoys an inexplicably large audience and an 'expert' status despite a propensity for driveling pseudoscientific nonsense (think favourable algorithms and behind-the-scenes string-pulling).
As for a dead giveaway, it's when someone who claims to be fighting for a cause suddenly shies away from an especially critical aspect of that cause. When presented with some especially revealing evidence, or questioned about an important aspect of the topic, they show remarkably little interest and instead quickly try to steer the conversation off in another less touchy direction.
With all that in mind, let's continue our exploration of the highly odoriferous Steve Kirsch.
It's Dangerous to Be Right on Matters in Which Big Gov and Big Pharma are Wrong
Genuine whistle-blowing and the earnest calling out of corruption can indeed be a dangerous endeavour.
Joseph Mercola reported receiving some very nasty threats to his personal wellbeing after vocally speaking out against the vaxxx. The experience clearly rattled and derailed him and seems to have left permanent psychological scars.
When Dr Andrew Wakefield co-authored a 1998 article in The Lancet, suggesting a link between autism, colitis and the MMR vaccine and recommending it be investigated further, he was promptly quoted out of context and subject to a disgusting, relentless, prolonged, career-destroying smear campaign. To this day, whenever his name is mentioned by unthinking Internet shmucks or anyone in the mainstream media, it is inevitably accompanied by the word "disgraced." The man is not a disgrace, he is an individual of both integrity and incredible resilience who just happened to hit one of the medical mafia’s especially raw nerves. What the poor guy has been through could easily have driven others to suicide or a downward spiral of substance abuse and depression. Which was no doubt the intention.
When Brandy Vaughan, a former Merck employee, spoke out about the dangers and corruption surrounding childhood vaccination, she was intimidated and her house repeatedly broken into. This remarkably brave woman, despite fearing for her life, pushed on with her activism. Brandy was a real medical freedom activist, tirelessly speaking out against a California state bill passed in 2016 requiring proof of vaccination to attend public or private schools. Unlike Kirsch, she didn't charge $500 for a 15-minute consult or $5 a month to access quack ‘detox’ treatments. She started an awareness group in 2015 called Learn the Risk, which used crowd-funding to underwrite a billboard campaign throughout parts of the US drawing attention to the risks of vaccines.
On December 7, 2020, the perfectly healthy 44 year old was found by her 10 year old son, lying unresponsive on the floor. The coroner claimed Brandy died of "natural causes," from blood clots in both lungs. Within hours of her death, what looked to be a coordinated spamming campaign began claiming she suffered gallbladder disease, a claim debunked by friends, confidants and even her doctor, yet eagerly repeated by mainstream media outlets (the coroner's report mentioned nothing of gallbladder pathologies).
Meanwhile, our prominent and 'brave' truth teller, Steve Kirsch, is allowed to run his mouth, issue fake challenges, make seemingly important noise about government alphabet agencies ignoring some supposedly key piece of data, and have a top 50 Substack that earns over US $500,000 a year. The only 'bad' thing that ever seems to happen to Kirsch is that, every now and then, someone in the mainstream media will write a not-very-probing article calling him an "anti-vaxxer."
Ooooh, scary.

The most generous assessment one could give Kirsch is that he is an egotistical, self-aggrandizing, money-grubbing, loud-mouthed boor, unwittingly playing the role of useful idiot for those far higher up the predatory food chain. But, look a bit deeper, and a far more unsettling picture begins to emerge.
Kirsch: Longtime Supporter of Surveillance State Technology
In my previous article, I explained how Kirsch was CEO of (and still consultant for) a company called M10, which is helping to create central digital bank currencies. CBDCs will give governments total control over your finances. They will know how, when and where you spend your money. CBDCs will allow authorities to set a time limit in which your money must be spent by, and they will allow the imposition of negative interest rates. If the government deems you not to be a good little serf, freezing access to your money will be effortless. Hiding your cash under the mattress will no longer be an option, because the entire point of CBDCs is to do away with cash.
Another Orwellian Kirsch project I've been made aware of is OneID.
What is the purpose of OneID?
Here's self-adoring Stevie ("I’m a pretty clever guy") in his own words:
"OneID is identity re-invented; the future of identity. It is the world's first trustable third-party Identity as a Service (IaaS). A brand-new identity architecture that is easy to use, private, and secure."
Yeah, but it's still third party. And if lying Kirsch created it, there’s little reason to believe it’s “trustable.”
Kirsch's "favorite quote" about this third party digital identity scheme came after a presentation to a group of US government security 'experts.' "After the meeting," gushes Kirsch, "one of the experts pulled me aside and said, 'You know we see a lot of presentations and hear a lot of BS, but if what you are saying is really true, this is exactly what the government needs.'"
Kirsch Wants the Government to Read Your Mind
In a bizarre 2001 article (updated in 2006), he proposed using a technology known as brain fingerprinting, or "computerized knowledge assessment" (CKA) to determine whether or not you should be allowed on a plane or to enter public events.
"CKA ," explains Kirsch, "is dependent on the P300 complex, a very well studied series of brainwave components that have been known for over 20 years and have been repeatedly verified in countless professional, peer reviewed journals. It works by determining whether or not a stimulus (such as a picture) has been previously seen by a subject. Therefore, it can be used to determine whether someone is familiar with the inside of a specific terrorist training camp or the contents of particular terrorist code book, but you cannot simply ask any yes/no question and determine whether someone is lying (such as ‘did you cheat on your taxes?’)."
"CKA can be applied to a wide variety of applications," he writes. "In general, we can screen people periodically for any known threats (inside knowledge of al Qaeda, anthrax handling procedures, etc) and then store the results of that screening and their biometric information in a government database. We can then use biometric authentication (i.e., you present your ID card or number and the requested biometric such as glancing into a camera for 1 second to scan your iris) to authenticate the person and retrieve their security profile. That security profile can then determine their privileges such as entry into the US, entry into a sporting event, or entry onto a plane."
"To ease public acceptance," continues Kirsch, "we can start by making CKA totally optional." Meaning, Kirsch wants this invasive technology to eventually be compulsory.
Do you want to live in a world where you can be refused a flight because you recently watched a documentary on terrorism that showed troops raiding a terrorist stronghold?
Fancy being blocked from boarding a plane because you read a freely downloadable copy of the Anarchist Cookbook years ago, purely out of curiosity?
Fancy having to argue fruitlessly at the entrance of a sporting event with security while your heartbroken kids stand by, because your job or research endeavours give you knowledge of "anthrax handling procedures"?
Fancy having a "CKA test mandatory for foreign nationals who want to enter the US" or even "anyone entering the US from abroad," as Kirsch proposes?
It's not hard to see how this technology, if implemented, could easily be manipulated and abused by governments. By instituting arbitrary criteria, they could impede your freedom of movement and participation in everyday activities.
Steve thinks it's a great idea. In fact, he thinks "People will be clamoring to get tested."
Steve is nuts.
Kirsch and his Friends Controllers in High Places
As to who might be helping a scientifically inept huckster like Steve Kirsch achieve his undeserved prominence as an anti-vaxx hero, his now-defunct Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund provides some potent clues.
The CETF website lists the foundations of Marc Benioff and Elon Musk as donors.
Multi-billionaire Benioff is the CEO of Salesforce and owner of Time magazine. In 2009, Benioff was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, and is a member of the WEF board of trustees. He sits on stage in Davos with evil WEF Leader Klaus Schwab blowing hot air about "Saving the Planet" and the "Trust Crisis."
The globalist force is strong with this one.
Then there are the Rockefellers, those avid funders of social engineering schemes designed to destroy the nuclear family unit and turn the world into an amoral free-for-all. The Rockefellers have been key financiers of just about every damaging social engineering scam to hit us over the last sixty or so years, be it militant feminism, climate change, or the fact-fudging phenomenon of ‘fact-checkers.’
The Rockefellers spend ungodly sums pimping “climate change solutions,” and one dynasty member boasted to producer Aaron Russo that they invented feminism, not to advance women’s rights, but to create more taxpayers, erode the nuclear family unit, and give school and state more power to mold children’s minds.
Nice folks.
As it happens, Kirsch's CETF was managed by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.
That in itself speaks volumes.
The Rockefellers were key players in the COVID scam; the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 pandemic manifesto Lockstep reads like a screenplay for what unfolded in 2019 and 2020.
What better way to monitor, manipulate and hamper the quest for an effective re-badged cold and flu cure than by financing an idiot who can't stop banging on about fluvoxamine, which has repeatedly failed in double-blind clinical studies to demonstrate efficacy?
Kirsch's CETF was destined to fail, and the Rockefellers wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, you think they'd really assist a truly promising fund that might derail the pre-orchestrated Death-by-Vaxxx campaign?
The Rockefellers are avowed enemies of the American people. Don't take my word for it - here's David Rockefeller himself, from his Memoirs:
It's a pity so few people pay attention when these billionaire psychopaths give the game away.
When Someone Comes Up With Truly Damaging Evidence, Steve Kirsch Looks the Other Way
One freedom activist I do trust is Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer executive who - unlike Kirsch - has spoken out tirelessly for little reward.
Last December, Dr Yeadon made a Telegram post that began:
"If you’ve been a fan of Steve Kirsch, I recommend you read this very carefully."
Dr Yeadon recounted how, when Kirsch interviewed him earlier last year, "he showed no interest whatsoever in my assertion that, based on over 30 years experience of 'rational drug design' rules, I was certain they (the COVID vaccines) had been designed intentionally to harm, kill and reduce fertility."
You would think, coming from a former Pfizer insider, that this statement would have immediately piqued Kirsch's interest. Instead, he tried to change the topic.
"Instead of pushing back on this strong assertion," recalls Dr Yeadon, "he tried to pick a fight with me about PCR tests, which I waved away as all but irrelevant given where we now were."
"As the call closed, I put a line through yet another name."
That’s something all of Kirsch’s followers really need to consider doing: Accept that he’s a sham, and cross his name off their list of trusted commentators.
Steve Kirsch versus Matt Crawford
One person well aware of Kirsch’s two-faced nature is Matt Crawford. Matt has outlined his interactions with the duplicitous Kirsch at some length on his Rounding the Earth Newsletter.
In short, Matt came upon information suggesting the US military were being used as experimental guinea pigs, with the traitorous goal of weakening the country’s defenses.
This then led to the DMED data scandal. Well, it should be a scandal, but it’s largely been ignored. By people like Steve Kirsch, who initially promised to assist Matt but then left him hanging.
The DMED data not only showed skyrocketing rates of post-vaxxx injuries, but also clear evidence that historical data had been manipulated.
Obviously, this is a story with huge implications. One that a wealthy, well-resourced self-proclaimed, health freedom hero should be all over like a rash. But Matt says at every juncture he has been let down, ignored and even obfuscated by Kirsch, Malone and other so-called freedom fighters.
Instead of delving into the story, Kirsch has ignored it, instead making lots of noise with his bread-and-circuses routine of issuing bullshit challenges he has no intention of honouring.
Kirsch has all the charm of a nasty fart and the scientific aptitude of a pothole, so it’s easy to write him off as a useful idiot. However, the fact he actively evades and deflects truly contentious aspects of the COVID charade strongly suggests he knows more than he is letting on. It’s obviously been made clear to Steve by his handlers that, while he can use COVID to profiteer and self-aggrandize to his heart’s content, there are certain topics he needs to stay away from.
The Interview That Hijacked the Anti-Vax Movement
Kirsch, a true legend in his own mind, claims "the anti-vax movement" was "launched" on June 11, 2021, when he and Malone appeared on Brett Weinstein’s Darkhorse Podcast.
It should be clear by now that Steve Kirsch is a plastic activist. But what about Malone? And who is Brett Weinstein?
Malone is no “anti-vaxxer.” Despite all that has taken place in recent times, he remains pro-mRNA, and vaccine development is how Malone continues to make his living. In an interview with Steve Bannon, Malone stated "I’m the opposite of an anti-vaxxer, I’m a true believer" (at 5:42 here).
Brett Weinstein also loves mRNA technology. As in, (getting my deepest Barry White voice on), Brett really luuuuvs mRNA, baby. Check out this clip from his Tucker Carlson interview, keeping in mind that he’s talking about a technology with a 30-year track record of failure, a technology that was successfully deployed to trigger accelerated death and disability around the world:
I'm sorry, but the way Brett gushes like a lovesick teen over mRNA is plain creepy. The first time I watched this, I had my cursor hovering over my browser's close tab, in readiness for an emergency exit - I was worried the mounting sexual tension between Brett and mRNA might escalate into something I really didn't want to see.
"Oooh, spike me harder baby, oh yeah, that's it, right there!"
So, according to Kirsch, the three people who started the “anti-vax” movement (which in reality has existed ever since there were vaccines) are:
a guy who loves mRNA and makes his living from it;
a guy who loves mRNA to the point of near-orgasm, and;
a paunchy liar who ignores the really hard, confronting facts on vaxxxines.
These are the people that started “the anti-vax movement”?
Yeah, sure.
If these three stooges launched the anti-vax movement, then I launched roller-disco.
'Anti-Vax' Steve Kirsch Defends the Intensely Pro-Vax Bill Gates
Readers need no introduction to the fact that Bill Gates has been a major funder and promoter of both childhood vaccines and the deadly gene therapies containing the mRNA technology that leaves Brett all flustered and weak at the knees.
Gates’ views on overpopulation are also well-known; we’ve all seen the clip in which he claims the world is overpopulated and that vaccination can help reduce the global population.
It’s safe to say no anti-vaxxer in their right mind would defend a malevolent like Bill Gates.
However, an anti-vaxxer that is either out of their mind or a controlled stooge might do that.
Just like a shrieking Kirsch did when he was interviewed by Sean Stone.
Instead of unleashing a can of Whoopass: New Exposé Flavour!, Kirsch defends and rationalizes Gates’ obsessions with vaccines and overpopulation. You can tell Sean isn’t buying it, and neither am I. An anti-vaxxer defending Bill Gates is like a duck defending shooting season.
In Conclusion
Steve Kirsch is utterly unfit to be a leader of the anti-vaxx movement. He is a dishonest, money-grubbing huckster who has no intention of paying out on the bread-and-circuses challenges he regularly issues. He is a big fan of enabling governments with increasingly intrusive surveillance state technology, and was even the CEO of a company helping central banks develop CBDCs. He has suspicious links to globalists, and the two people he absurdly claims to have launched the “anti-vaxx” movement with are in fact avowed fans of deadly mRNA technology. Most tellingly, he actively ducks and dodges the truly confronting questions about COVID and the vaxxx campaign.
Steve Kirsch is a phony, a charlatan and a diversion.
Ouch. Congrats, you're the guy who broke the internet today! Thank you for your impeccable research. I wonder if the Kirsch/Malone/Kennedy junkyard dogs will write a hit piece on you🤣🤞 I'd love to read your reply to them, full of hilarious memes - you are a meme master.
I'll be once again stealing your fabulous memes. In upcoming post I will prove how this sick demon is controlling the messaging beinYTg fed to Conservatives and Independents. Notice his use of the word "freedom" - while pushing digital slavery. Sick SOB.
For years I've been telling folks that these Progressive Parasites have strategically hijacked a mostly Conservative movement and you've proven that I'm correct - thank you. Trevor FitzGibbon is behind Steve, Malone, Kennedy, McCullough, etc. - any public disagreements between these parasites is simply a school play, as George Webb would say.
Thank you.
I've been following Steve for a while, but what got my attention was when Dr. Denis Rancourt was on Steve's podcast and made his statement about viruses and Kirsh brushed him off: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter
Overall, phenomenal article and I'm glad I took the time to read and digest it. The top three controlled opposition members are strong and they've been prompted to this role due to algorithms and funding from those who want us controlled. Thanks again for this in-depth analysis. This will lead me to an article from me on this topic!