A great sum-up. I subscribe to Malone for his memes. McCullough fell through after I was told he joined Alexander and other dubious characters in that wellness store (where under hins name dangerous drugs are sold for excuberant prices - thanks to Dr Geoff Pain for clearing up that mess). I did not trust Weinstein, I started reading that book he wrote together with his wife, Heather Heying, about hunters and gatherers, in which they declare that milk was only used by a small group of Europeans... because the Japanese cannot digest milk they came to this conclusion. Hm. I had just watched a series of docs on the tube, about tribes and settled people all over the world, milking cows, goats, yaks, llamas, camels and whatnot, drinking their milk, making yoghourt, butter, cheese, some to the extent of eating barely anything else. Anthroologists? I have no degree but even from the tube can learn they are wrong. And in chapter 3 they state that, had we all masked up longer, the covid would have long be conquered. That is where I closed the book and dumped in the trash. NOt good enough for the second hand store, I don't want to spread garbage.

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Not anthropologist. He calls himself an "evolutionary biologist." That just so happens to be a vocation firmly connecting with the eugenics movement.

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WestonAPrice.org and raw dairy

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Thank you - very informative. These guys were always a day late and a dollar short. After following them for a while that became clear, as they weren't out to actually solve anything or tell the real truth. Malone always had that gross vibe to him too.

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I’m with you. Didn’t trust Malone from the get-go. Gut instincts. Same with the whole plandemic. Too anti-normal for words. In fact, when an MBA mgr. where I worked glibly announced at the start of the cv19 scare: “Welcome to the new normal,” I responded, “No…it’s the new abnormal.” I am continually saddened and troubled by the way so many truly intelligent accomplished and good people fell for the entire plandemic. How on earth!? Well, here’s how — they were just living life, the way good people (most people) do, while for the last 35+ years an evil minority of globalists who hate life and all things good worked feverishly to lull everyone to sleep while their hateful plans to depopulate and conquer the world were put in motion. They maniacally lured the masses with endless social media distractions, bucket lists, false flags, mega takeovers, stock market crashes, housing crises, societal instability plots, you name it—while they set up dirty deals with governments, big corps, and took over the propaganda apparatus, (you know —- the kind of evil that ONLY maniacs could scheme up when they can’t sleep at night). Even so, from where we stand today, with so many freedom and truth voices ablaze around the planet, I am ever hopeful that in the way one spark of light still chases a ton of darkness, the good people will prevail over the dark side. Light and love ✨🙏

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This is a great article exposing the Garden Gnome! I especially appreciate the link to Jill's letter, which I read when it was first published and subsequently could never find again despite some diligent searches (not using Google, since it really isn't a search engine now). You don't have a copy of her reference to her great tech friends, which I believe included Eric Schmidt. I'd love to put that in my Robert Malone file as well.

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Great expose of bugsy. They will all be shown up with time.

Some do a lot more damage than others and hopefully will face the true peoples Justice.

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They basically branded mRNA as some technological and wonderous masterpiece designed to cure all the ills of humanity....when in actuality it is an unregulated emergent technology based on nanotechnology with the goal to enslave humanity in a digital metaverse. Putting human beings on the blockchain (along w/ the patents of corporate ownership), without their consent, where humans will be turned into commodities in a circular economy. Their very life force will be sucked out and their bodies natural electricity with be harvested. This fits right in with the demise of the petrodollar, fiat currencies and the global race for a.i. dominance....bc they can't get to their machine/a.i. singularity without the harvesting and using of humans in a collective hive mind situation. And who knows what else they have planned. This is truly Matrix level evil.

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How precious of Robert, a self-absorbed narcissist constantly complaining of victimization. Projection is a common tool of these manipulative narcissistic types...

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Robert Malone is certainly willing to play ball with transhumanists for fame and fortune. He knows mRNA is a fraud. Salk admitted gene therapies cause cancer back in 2006. This is no secret. The cancer moonshot is causing cancer. It's like using DDT to "cure" polio. Dumb. Many doctors have been indoctrinated to the point of idiocy. From the article 'Human X-SCID gene therapy poses substantial cancer risk'...

"New studies conducted at the Salk Institute show that the only largely successful human gene therapy treatment to date is, in fact, riskier than realized...

...'We were surprised by the strength of the association between IL2RG gene therapy and development of lymphoma,' Woods says...

...Woods adds that the study could explain why one of three children in the French trial developed T-cell leukemia."


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Also, be careful with Rima Laibow. Her military husband was in some shady programs with kids and mind control. Hard to tell what her motive is since she doesn't disclose that information.

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Absolutely, she is part of the system and propaganda machinery!

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Why on earth would you be going after Malone? One the few leading sciences in the field who called out the Covid Cabal from day one. What are you trying to gain when there are, literally, thousands of fraudulent scientist and doctors and pharma frauds still recommended fake Covid vaccines out there?

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I'll address various claims you've made in your numerous posts below:

"He is not currently involved in anything vaccine, or COVID-19. "

You have been presented with a direct link by Ricky to a video showing a September 21, 2021 presentation in which Malone clearly states his involvement with the development of an aluminum-containing subunit 'COVID-19' vaccine in India. This is some 3 months after his infamous appearance on Weinstein's podcast along with Stinky Steve establishing himself as a vaxxx critic.

You claimed "we have not found evidence that he supports any vaccines related to Covid nor has he ever" even after being provided with a link to that video.

Here it is again:


Either you are trolling, or monumentally dumb.

"I couldn’t think of a guy more against mRNA technology at this point..."

You need to think a lot harder. As the article explains, Malone routinely exaggerates his role in the development of the vaxxxines. Why would someone want to take overblown credit for something they are "against"?

"why go after the guys on the same team?"

People who push vaccines and propagate the BS narrative that Sars-Cov-2 - a virus never isolated by anything resembling non-fucktarded methods - are not on the same team. They're on Team Bullshit, a fully controlled subsidiary of GloboPedo Inc.

"The amount of criminals and savages and frauds out there still recommending anything COVID-19 vaccine is in the thousands. Why not spend the time there?"

Refer to above comment, and article above, and the numerous articles I've posted on flabby fraudster Steve Kirsch, who still enthusiastically recommends toxic fluvoxamine for 'COVID.'

You also never addressed the absurdity of a guy who has known all along that mRNA is not fit for purpose, simultaneously claiming he willingly took 2 shots of the same technology he knew all along was still toxic.

Everything about Bugsy gives off a very suspicious odour.

Good luck to you and your team, clearly doing a bang-up job lol

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I think it says just about everything about you if you insult your new subscribers in your own comments. What a joke! Have a glass a of wine or something man. Find some happiness.

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I think it says just about everything about you when you come here trolling, suspiciously defending Malone and pretending you haven't seen evidence that is put right before your eyes. Have a glass a of wake-up or something man. Find some rationality and honesty.

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Asking a simple question about why take on Malone is now considered “trolling?” Wow.

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Repeated posts where you keep ignoring evidence that was placed right before your eyes, as you did with Ricky, is trolling. Others might call it spamming.

Whatever you want to call it, it hardly qualifies as rational discourse.

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Uhmm, no it’s is not. The links here are “theories” about Malone. We’ve found no evidence of him being “part of” the Covid Cabal or a “plant” as is suggested here. Why not spend the time on the real criminals of Covid — the ones still pushing c-19 propaganda and fake boosters? My entire point.

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I think it’s safe to say that of you’re also calling Steve Kirsch a fraud, who’s now made it his life work to go after vaccine manufacturers and has testified in congress against the vaccine fraud, you’re probably just a down and out person who just calls everyone a fraud and just goes around insulting everybody. That strategy should serve you well!

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Kirsch IS a fraud, it's a matter of record:


Keep trying Andrew lol

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What am I trying though? I could careless about Steve Kirsch. I'm simply watching him take on the Covid tyranny and the vaccine fraud day in and day out. What would make that a bad thing with all the fraud and damage caused?

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You're totally clueless. Kirsch to this day has stated that the global vaccine rollout is just a big mistake and has recused the eugenicists/mass murderers at the highest levels of malicious intent due to the lack of a 'smoking gun.' Apparently four years of endless lies, fraud, corruption, and murder aren't enough for Steve as he needs to hear secretly recorded backroom conversations from the likes of Gates and Fauci spilling the beans on their sinister depopulation plans. Give me a break. And btw, Gates is the person he admires most and he has had a direct line to him for at least the past 25 yrs. The conspiracy runs much, much deeper than even the most black pilled researchers can fathom.

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Kirsch admires Gates?

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And guess who was Kirsch’s mentor? Vint Cerf. If you don’t know who he is….you might want to look it up.

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Yes, and it takes all of 20 min to find this kind of info. Here's Steve's "Saving the World" hagiography from the year 2000...



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You don't know how this game works. They give you fake heroes that never quite let the public escape the tyranny. If everyone knows their name, they're usually a plant.

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I know exactly how the game works. I asked a simple question. Why can’t people have a view of something at one point in their life, realize they were wrong, then pivot and change that view and speak out against it — exactly like Malone did? He left the Cabal when he realized what was happening.

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He's still pushing vaccines and viruses. Both are frauds. He was damage control for the inevitable pushback of mRNA. He's making sure there is no real push to end the biotech industry. Guess what? He's winning.

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Can you please share a link to where Dr Robert Malone is "pushing vaccines and viruses"?

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He was literally working on a COVID vaccine candidate in India while crying about Moderna. He wears coronavirus neckties. Spend two minutes watching his hours and hours of psychological warfare.

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Cool. Can you send me those links?

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what a question - the whole article is your answer.;..duh

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I read it. Why can’t people have a view of something at one point in their life, realize they were wrong, then pivot and change that view and speak out against it — exactly like Malone did? He left the Cabal when he realized what was happening.

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And sued the elderly guy who exposed MKUltra programs? Yeah, what a hero.

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We all knew Malone had to profit from the technology in these clot shots, and he sure likes to sue others in the profession. This article confirmed a lot of what was already suspected. It all makes sense now.

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Simple answer….they can, but I don’t have to trust them. In fact, safer not to. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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I'm hoping you are just naive. a.i. already controls everything. Do you actually think Malone would get to the level of prominence that he has unless blessed by said a.i.?

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Dr Robert Malone spent his life in a Quixotic battle against SARS MERS West Nile Ebola Zika and Covid. He made millions torturing animals with bio weapons and sterilizing 3 rd world dark skinned people. Like Patrick Henry he sounded the alarm for the Covid 19 plague. Now hes become an anti vaxxer

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Actually Malone is pro-vaxx, same as his close confident RFK Jr. who says he's not anti-vaxx, but just wants a "safe" vaccine. What Junior's not saying is how many children have to suffer and die before his pipe dream is realized.



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I really wish comments were restackable.

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I know exactly how it works.

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*Very important* (if this has been noted - apologies):

See dramatic shift from use of term vaccine (no quotation marks in screen shots above - Inventor of mRNA &DNA vaccines etc) to "vaccine" throughout writing:


Same with "vaccination" and "vaccinated" etc. Eg: "Of course, most people already knew about natural immunity. So why was this bogus reason, that the “vaccine” would reduce long COVID symptoms, pushed into the media? Was it because the government knew that this cohort was the most likely to resist being “vaccinated”? Was there nefarious intent - to get a jab in every arm? If so, why?" - RM

This change seems to align with dropping the inventor claim etc.

Also: "Little did I know that all of the “research and development” in the years after I had left the field had never addressed that original safety issues..."

Why is research and development in scare quotes? Malone was a speaker at World Vaccine Trials Conference in 2016 - https://www.terrapinn.com/conference/vaccine-trials/speakers.stm

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Great article. Restacking for the second time. It’s troubling that Malone isn’t called out, or at least questioned regarding his lawsuit against, long time, medical freedom fighter, Dr. Peter Breggin. I have great respect for Breggin’s work. He was one of the doctors I cited in my first book more than twenty years ago. He is still doing great work.

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Let's dissolve some of those detox meds and supplement protocols and take a look at them under a microscope. Mass spect too maybe. Just sayin'. Albert Bourla did say "a pill that can tell you who's taken it."

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