Note to the Cult of Don: The Trump 'Assassination Attempt' is Still as Fake as Ever
If you still believe in that farce, stop arguing and start being ashamed.
Just when I thought the Trump assassination hoax was yesterday’s news, a distant memory in the minds of Homo nocommonsensis, I see my article from July on the incriminating sniper footage getting a new lease on life. Evidently, someone has posted it somewhere where it is attracting a bunch of new eyeballs.
A couple of those eyeballs belong to a joker using the moniker “Courageous Lion” (so courageous, he remains anonymous). CL has angrily called me out on his Substack notes, claiming my article is "bullshit."
Our anonymous king of the bungle mentions dogs, and I’m about to demonstrate yet again why they tend to be far more astute than humans.
A Hoax is a Hoax is a Hoax
We all agree that the first three shots were fired as Trump was standing on a podium, right after he turned to face a screen.
If you don't agree with this, then kindly return to the asylum, because the footage confirming as much has been broadcast around the world incessantly.
It is beyond dispute.
What is also beyond dispute is that, on a roof not far from where Captain Warp Speed was driveling nonsense, there were two 'snipers' supposedly from the Secret Service.
This footage is broken down in the following video by MaxResistance, who CL claims is “UNEDUCATED.”
Let’s find out who really needs a good schooling.
As the video footage clearly shows, at the very same time as the first of those three shots rings out, we see the gun of the nearest sniper recoil. There's no mistaking it - the gun tilts upward in classic recoil fashion (not just downwards, as CL falsely claims) at the very same time the sound of the first shot can be heard.
That shot came from the sniper's gun.
What follows are two more gun shots that also correspond with recoil-like movements of the sniper's gun, although they are noticeably less pronounced than the initial shot.
Whether these are real shots or blanks and bad acting, I can't say.
The other 'sniper' (actor) just lies there with his gun barrel pointed upwards.
What the official narrative says is that that sniper who we just watched do the recoil boogaloo is the one who killed the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks.
News outlets all around the world ran articles with titles like "Video shows moment Secret Service snipers kill Trump gunman."
And guess which video just happened to show the moment the SS sniper allegedly killed Crooks?
That's right. The very same one showing the actor-in-black on the nearby roof popping off his three shots.
Just in case everyone has forgotten what it looks like when someone fires a high-powered rifle, here’s a video, featuring the sound of gunfire and recoil at the very same time (who would’ve thought!).
Now, here’s the problem for CL. He seems to be saying the sniper on the roof didn’t fire any shots, that he was just gawking around a tree and by way of remarkable coincidence, jerking the gun downwards as he did so.
Most unusual behavior for a trained sniper, it must be said.
CL maintains this even though we can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears both gun barrel recoil and the corresponding sound of gunfire.
The official narrative also holds this is the same sniper who, at this same moment, killed Crooks.
CL clearly didn’t think this one through.
But let’s play along with him for a second.
Sorry to sound like a broken record, but we have video and audio evidence clearly showing the sniper getting off the first shot, be it real or a blank (this was a hoax, remember).
Now, if there is “NO DAMN WAY!” the sniper can get off a second and third shot so quickly, then it means it can only be the first shot fired by the sniper that allegedly killed Crooks.
And that was the very first shot that was fired that day.
Which begs the question: Who fired all the subsequent shots, including the one that allegedly clipped the Don’s ear?
They certainly couldn’t have been fired by an assassin that was just rendered lifeless by actor-in-black.
No bullet ever hit Trump’s ear.
No bullet was ever fired at Trump.
Now, before CL angrily spits his Trump-Approved McCrappy meal all over his monitor and screams “BULLSHIT!”, I have a question.
Where is the footage of Crooks firing his shots at Trump?
There were hundreds of people at the rally, most carrying mobile phones that have these nifty things called cameras, some of whom had allegedly seen Crooks on the roof earlier, and no-one filmed him firing his gun?
And no-one captured any footage, not even a single photo, of the alleged victim in the crowd who was fatally wounded?
Now that is bullshit.
The Case of the Magical Chemtrail Bullet
“I’ve got THREE Chassis rifles,” boasts CL.
Some joker owns three guns in a country with easy access to guns, and assumes this makes him some kind of expert.
Well, I know enough about guns to know that bullets don’t leave little Chemtrails, like the one in this infamous New York Times photo:
That photo is an obvious fake. If it were genuine, however, it would constitute an integral part of the investigation dossier by the FBI.
In August last year, Peter Yim (who, unlike CL, can spot an obvious crock of shit when he sees one), sent an FOI request to the FBI requesting their version of the photo transmitted to them by the New York Times.
On November 6, the FBI responded by letter stating they had no such photo in their records.
“In other words,” Yim notes, “the New York Times did not transmit the bullet photograph to the FBI. After all, why would the photograph from a staged assassination attempt be transmitted to the FBI?”
The Assassin’s Gun that Was Hidden in a Backpack Despite Not Being Able to Fit in a Backpack
Unlike CL, I know enough about guns to know that even a dismantled AR-15 is not going to fit into the backpack the FBI claimed Crooks used to smuggle the gun.
Which means Crooks would have been walking around with an AR-15 barrel protruding from his backpack.
Gee, that wouldn’t attract attention on the day of a Trump rally, heck no!
I know enough about American law enforcement to know that the sight of a guy walking around with a gun sticking out of his backpack in the vicinity where a political candidate is about to appear on stage, then climbing and resting on a roof with a gun would’ve sent the cops into a frenzy.
But we’re supposed to believe they all just walked around like a bunch of non-plussed dufuses?
Sure thing.
It’s the same old incompetence cover story that’s rolled out every bloody time one of these psy-ops kicks off and the cops/military mysteriously take their sweet time to respond.
Because claiming incompetence is far less damaging to the bad actors responsible than truthfully admitting the whole thing was a psy-op designed to mislead you, condition you, and further their control over you.
I Had Blood All Over My Bloodless Hands, I Tell Ya!
I know enough about human physiology to know that when you press your hand against a bleeding wound, it will be covered in blood.
Trump knows this too, and he also knows the average person has an IQ only slightly higher than room temperature.
Which is why he felt emboldened enough to stand in front of the world and tell them after allegedly being shot at and touching his ear, “my hand was covered with blood.”
But replaying the original media footage (not doctored footage, as Trump apologists like Peter and Ginger Breggin intimate without any evidence whatsoever), clearly shows there was no blood on Trump’s hand at any point of the assassination farce.
The following video conclusively shows Trump’s mythical blood-soaked hand is nowhere to be seen.
Trump does indeed have blood on his hands, just not from being shot at. He’s the megalomaniac, remember, who assisted the DOD in launching chemical warfare on Americans by signing Operation Warp Speed into effect. Millions of Americans have now been injected with unarguably toxic mRNA drugs - and many have died.
And yet Trump keeps praising the ‘vaccine’.
He hates you.
He hates everyone. During the first year of this so-called ‘anti-war’ president’s reign, ‘Operation Freedom’ (part of the wonderfully altruistic US military mission to bring democracy to other countries by bombing the living shit out of them), drone attacks more than tripled.
Dude, Who Took Your Flinch Response?
I know enough about human physiology to know how the flinch response works.
It’s a sympathetic nervous system response that completely bypasses your conscious faculties and triggers an autonomic reaction. In plain English, it’s a response to a sudden threat or sensation that causes you to physically react without even thinking about it.
For example, if a friend quietly tiptoed up behind you, and flicked you on the most sensitive part of your ear, your response would be something like this:
You’d instantly move your head, in an unconscious effort to retract from the threat. And a threat is exactly what your body would perceive at that moment, because it doesn’t have enough information at that point to realize one of your friends is just being a dick.
Along with the head flinch, you’d automatically raise your shoulder and probably your arm, in an unconscious attempt to protect your ear from further attack.
There’s a good chance you’d also exclaim something like “what the f**k?!?”
Now, let’s pretend you are on stage at a large rally, talking to a large group of dumb people who think you are somehow going to make America great again, despite your last presidential term being an unmitigated disaster that ended with a pandemic scam, a mass poisoning campaign bearing your proud signature, and economic turmoil.
As you are ranting in candidatespeak, you hear a loud bang, then another, followed by something suddenly hitting your ear “REALLY REALLY HAARD!”
Here’s what you would not do.
You would not think to yourself, “golly gee, what was that? It can only be a bullet!”
“Let me slowly raise my hand to my ear, press against it, and check to be sure.”
You would not then look at your bloodless hand, think, “holy spray tan, Batman, I’ve been shot in the flapper! I watched JFK once, I know what’s going on here! I think I’ll lower my fat plodding ass at a controlled speed to the ground, where I’ll hide behind the podium and wait for my highly-trained security team to huddle on top of me like a bunch of drunken koalas.”
Unless you were participating in a pre-orchestrated hoax, like Trump was, you would not respond like that at all because getting shot at and feeling sudden sharp pain in your ear would cause a panic flinch response which would totally bypass your conscious faculties.
For those who doubt the Don would ever participate in stupid make-believe stunts, here he is pretend-fighting with fellow sex predator Vince McMahon at a WWE event.
WWE events, like most elections, are a load of fake and predetermined bullshit.
Fight, Fight, Fight! Stop. Being. So. Dumb!
I know enough about the personal protection field to know that, no matter how famous or wealthy you are, during a code red event you are no longer the boss - your security team are.
They are in control, you do as they say. No ifs or buts.
If you are, say, a fat orange Zionist puppet who pretends to be a self-made man, and you decide to fist-pump in victory after being shot at, your security team will say, “what the #@$% are you doing, idiot? Get your #@$%ing head down, for crying out loud! You’re going to get us all killed, you fat stupid #@$%!”
Not out loud, of course. They get trained and paid to be be polite to the megalomaniac assholes they protect. The above is what they’ll be saying inside their heads, while they immediately and unceremoniously pull your head and fist-pumping arm down and whisk you to safety.
What they would not do is say, “oh you want a photo opportunity after just getting shot at? Sure, why not! I mean, there could still be live shooters taking aim at you, but hey, a photo opportunity like this only comes along once in a lifetime, right!?"
Obese, Gum-Chewing, Gun-Fumbling Agent Barbie Dolls Now Available at Toys”R”Us!
I know enough about the personal protection given to high-placed puppets to know that the Secret Service does not employ fat, clumsy, gum-chewing dolts who don’t even know how to holster a gun.
And don’t insult my intelligence with drivel about “woke hiring standards.” That might be the case at DMV and Disneyworld, but GloboPedo takes the job of protecting its puppets very seriously. At least until those puppets become a terminal liability or start biting the hand that pulls their strings.
Trump has been a good little puppet, nominating all the swamp-dwellers his Zionist masters have instructed him to, and it was clear the moment the world’s media started piling on Joe Biden after the not-so-great-debate that Trump would be back in the White House for 2025. For the past four years, Biden had been stuttering, farting, fondling and forgetting who he was, yet we’re supposed to believe the world’s media only noticed his senility on debate night?
Get the fudge outta here…
As anyone who doesn’t believe the WWE is real would expect, the requirements to become a Secret Service Agent are quite strict. To qualify, you must "Be in excellent health and physical condition."
Which our clumsy, chubby Agent Barbie above is clearly not.
You must be able to use a firearm, be able to pass a complete background investigation, including driving record, drug screening, medical and polygraph examinations, and have 20/20 vision or better. You're not even allowed visible tattoos.
As for gun handling skills, "Maintaining firearm proficiency is mandatory."
Which is why “Secret Service agents receive continuous advanced training throughout their careers. In part, this training consists of regular firearms requalification and emergency medicine refresher courses.”
Yet Agent Barbie can’t even holster her damn gun, despite repeated attempts! Not only is she not a Secret Service Agent, she is not even a good actor.
"A typical special agent career path,” the website explains, “depending upon performance and promotions that affect individual assignments, begins with the first three to five years on the job assigned to a field office ... After their field experience, agents are usually transferred to a protective assignment where they will stay for three to five years."
But you Trump cultists expect those of us with functioning brains to believe that, after 3-5 years on the job, SS Agent Barbie still can't holster a gun?
And that despite her complete ineptitude with firearms, she gets to detail presidential candidates?
Like I said, go back to the asylum, it’s time to take your meds.
In Summary
After several decades observing life on this crazy blue ball, I know enough to know that nothing - absolutely nothing - about the alleged assassination attempt of July 14, 2024 is tenable. It is such an egregious crock of shit that anyone who still claims it’s real is either part of the sham or a terminal moron.
Trump is the freedom lover’s tyrant, the guy who makes being on the end of a lube-free globalist sodomizing acceptable to ‘conservatives’ (“well at least my ass didn’t get screwed by a Democrat dick!”).
Sorry folks, but a globalist butt-bombing is still a globalist butt-bombing, no matter who delivers it on their behalf.
What a man old Trumpy is, gets shot, still has the presence of mind to ask for his shoes, someone chucks them off the podium, stops for a photo opportunity, goes to golf the very next day & then no scar after a couple of weeks, what a man. The worst part, of course, is not him, he is what he is, it's the suckholes who have rallied around this twerp, with the 'divine intervention ' spiel. They are the dangerous ones, they forget & forgive this complete fraud for everything. Tick tock we'll see, billionaires are NOT your friend.
"hundreds of people at the rally, most carrying mobile phones that have these nifty things called cameras, some of whom had allegedly seen Crooks on the roof earlier, and no-one filmed him firing his gun?"
That's possibly the most remarkable thing that happened, but not a single fucking journalist has even mentioned it.
The media are responsible for SO MUCH of the insane behaviour we see now.