And that it also might collapse the infantile hero-worship of vapid and vacuous 45 yr old adults gushing over craven, soulless midwits like Perry, Taylor Swift and Beyonce.
I don't think I've ever despised my fellowman more than I do right now.
They don't understand anything about the horrendous future now coming into view, but could tell you everything about food, football, Netflix and the best holiday deals, while the world burns around them.
Yep - #MeToo was an Intelligence project from the ground up, promoting "men are pigs" to the masses with the primary goal of splitting the sexes. Lonely men and women are easily manipulated and great for the bottom line.
# (Pound) Me Too. Just can't make this crap up. "Pound me" in the early 70's was a euphemism for getting laid... My eyes hurt from rolling them too often.
It makes me sick to my stomach. I’ve watched a lot of that stuff with Bieber. I feel so sad for him. He’s so messed up because of it. There’s a guy on YouTube called DLUX NATION (Jamie DLUX) who does excellent videos on the ‘low level’ abuse in Hollyweird - lots of B-grade actors, producers etc. The stuff behind the scenes of the ‘A-listers’. Highly recommend. The depravity is mind-boggling. The fact they get away with it is shocking.
lol, no worries . but did they recover? i got the feeling they had not been in the club that got a warning maybe ?? Very odd for both of them to get ill ??
Yeah, I noticed the eye. Best thing for him would be to go public, not vindictively. Speak out to his generation & younger of his health issues, his mistakes, his likely future, & to not form friendships with rich & famous predators. Bust open Hollywood further, & the music industry & beyond.
I coached my son in hockey from 9 years old up to 14. Moms were always present in the dressing rooms. Hockey skates are hard to get on and take off for little kids. They can do it on their own but it would take an hour and then I would have to retie every skate. It was fine at 9 or 10, but by 12 or 13 some of the boys were like men. Lots still little kids. But there were 13 year olds that had shoulders and muscles etc. After one practice three Moms were openly ogling one or two of the boys and commenting how ‘when he is bigger he will be quite good looking’. The boys were showering and changing. At 10 no one showered. At 12 or 13 they stunk! Man! Those pubescent dressing rooms were gross. So some would be naked or at least in underwear for periods of time. The Moms openly ogled them. We finally had to say ‘you can’t be here anymore’ to the Moms, who were offended. They said why and we said ‘you’re leering at ________and _________’. They were then more offended and claimed there was nothing sexual about it. Which was a lie. So we reversed it and said what if it were 3 Dads in a girls hockey team dressing room staring straight at some naked girls or girls in panties saying ‘_________’ and we quoted the moms. They sort of got it, a bit. Later one of the Moms pigeon holed me and wanted to discuss it. She finally admitted they were looking sexually at them but not with any intent. It wasn’t as if they would do anything. I said ‘would you want me to look at your 14 year old naked daughter and make comments about how she will look when she is 18?’ She kind of got it more than she had and admitted she wouldn’t like that. Women don’t admit their own sexual nature.
Wow. I dont watch tv so I missed all this . I've encountered such types in person but I didnt realise they do it on film too. Dont they feel embarrassed ?
I guess the combination of being a self-indulgent adult-child, living in the sleazy echo chamber that is celebrityhood, and having people kiss up to them all the time leaves them with a warped sense of what is socially acceptable behaviour.
I've noted that if you are in their circles some seem to assume you are up for anything . I just hadn't realised they would do the same with someone so young and obviously awestruck. It's fall of Rome stuff :(
I think about Justin, a young talented male with a vision for the future. What made his mother allow him to stay at p Diddys house? For the love of money, destruction of his life. Usher was another young talented male... They are great in the music world... Tons of money, millions of fans... Sounds wonderful. I hope Justin gets the help he needs for the abuse he has suffered across the board. It's very sad the things parents do to their children for money. If a child becomes famous, there should be a law that would appoint a financial guardian to preserve the income these children generate. Many child stars have undergone abuse, are no longer the kid in the show, the child musician, could be suffering from mental health and find themselves broke. Whatever happened to it being illegal regarding child labor?
It's a sick world. Our children are growing up during a time when everything goes. My friend and I were discussing one night that we didn't know what a lesbian was when we were 16. Ask a 5 year old if they know what a lesbian is... It's sad but they most likely will know and not question it. This is not progressive, it's sickening.
Take me back to the 60s and 70s when I was a child into my teens.
These people need to be held accountable.
I pray for these children who were stripped of their childhood that they don't feel ashamed because they were abused. It wasn't their fault and they deserve to live free from the sick sins of others.
They are scumbag pieces of sh*t, when will people get that through their heads??
Decimate this perverse and degenerate propaganda arm of the left (in all it’s forms) and those who inhabit it. Bankrupt these scumbags, put them on the streets. Take away the pedestals of power you’ve put them on, elevating them above yourselves and your families - using your own money - effectively paying for the destruction of your own societies and cultures.
No reply yet from the triggered weasel who burst into this comment section accusing me of belonging to a movement that almost killed my grandfather at the close of WWII.
But I'm genuinely curious, Mr Skywanker -
Just what part of "thou shoult not grope and forcibly kiss others without their consent" do you disagree with?
Just what part of "34 year old men should not flirt with 16 year old boys" do you disagree with?
What part of "the role of adults is to steer teenagers in the right direction, not molest and corrupt them" do you disagree with?
What part of "adults shouldn't sell clothes that make little girls look like hookers" do you disagree with?
And just what part of "thou shoult not throw parties where people - including minors - are drugged and raped" do you disagree with ... you sick degenerate fuck?
I thought I was being sufficiently sarcastic and over the top so that any normal person would pick up on the joke. I used all the buzzwords. Maybe I should have said “antisemite” to really push it over the top.
If that's true, then you really need to work on your delivery. Calling someone a raging incel and Nazi after they call out a bunch of filthy deviants doesn't sound very comic, and gives off all the wrong kinds of vibes.
The culture has shifted hugely. Pedophilia & illegitimate transism are assaulting the young. But it's far far worse. There's also routine P. Diddy parties where kids are groomed & raped, younger designated kids are tortured for hours, to ramp up the terror & pain to extract adrenochrome & finally the organs. The recipients get 'panda eye' & stoned on it. This is the outright danger kids are facing. Plus C19 in the background, & 1/2 of people under 40 will face turbo cancer ...
For far too long now, the planet has been (with few hiatus'...hiatii...??? Or Ross's eternal quip for being in a break in a relationship, an "I hate us.) little more than a Sheeplechase. Attention, distraction, complicity, influence (defined in the dictionary as a manipulative power to sway and thus, to deceive), fake forms of power (abuse, harassment, "influence," etc.), etc. There was a guy who wanted power over an innocent - his name was Judas. How'd he turn out? The human race is not only fast-trakking as a human disgrace in its shameful shallow complicities and activities, but it has taken its eye off the ball to its never-ending detriment. Everything about this planet is a Test - every moment, way and day. Even the ancient Egyptians "got it," as hieroglyphics show a deceased's heart on a scale before the "gods" being weighed against a feather! This article was repulsive and stomach-turning. While it seems people are "getting away with things in some moment," I always warn about that "next 5 minutes," when the (yes, keeping score!) Universe and its makers return to the those the immense harvest of their evils. It is actually sweeter than that but I won't detail, as their "surprise" is part of our recompense. May every layer and level of hell eternally inherit them. It will. Wait til those without conscience or souls - as demon-'strated by such behaviors - realize who DOES own their soul-deed now and from here on out. People want to believe this planet and universe runs perfectly on "magic ethers" or simply science. It just ain't so. They can't even explain gravity, so it has its limits! I was a non-religious kid with pagan parents when I got "called to a meeting." Apparently, not understanding the logistics, my mother discovered me sleepwalking in the front yard one night. Finally, 3 angels snatched me out-of-body one night, to a meeting above the intersection of my street. Two of them were Administrative, seated, and delivered the message necessary; my path needed to be adjusted by my hand due to my destiny. Apparently I had an anointing that didn't jive with pagan ways and I needed to "report for duty" earlier than usual/planned. What is profoundly indelible was the third angel, their Supervisor, who stood behind them as the spiritual "wax seal" on the message. This was no administrator; he was a bonafide Emissary of God. He was pure white, radiant in the extreme, and there was a Power upon and emanating from him that left zero question as to whose he was and Whom the message was from. To be in such a Presence, there is only Awe and Reverence...and you can no longer go around gaslighting yourself about "reality." To pull someone out of body and "blow cover" that way, to pull back the curtain of incarnation blatantly, is a serious thing and not done - nor to be taken - lightly. If my path didn't *matter,* They wouldn't have pulled me out! So, it matters! If it matters, then Stuff Matters! If Stuff Matters - think on that for a while! - then Someone IS keeping score and grading papers. That Stuff Really Matters! We're too daft in form to have or know the answers to Stuff, much less what is largely above our pay grade. But nobody is actually "getting away" with Anything. What *can* we do??? 1). The right thing, 2). Pray that scumbags and evil is permanently expunged from this planet, 3). Hold to the Knowing that prayers *do* get answered. If all Pray for 2)., then if only one person's prayers get answered, it's still a Clean Sweep! Figure it out - the world doesn't work!!! Do you know why? It *cannot and never was meant to function in human/self-effort.* What has human effort rendered our world into today?! We must DO what the world forbids us to do - Step UP and Hand It Over in Trust/Faith. Yes, it seems hard...but we *have it.* Grasp that...with hands unseen. At least we have it...the Invisible the bridge in Indiana Jones. The human species has been conditioned to default to the world instead of what is good, true and Truth, and it Knows is right - those things are conditioned Out of you during Indoctrination - I mean School. If you aren't ready to be this Awake - and many aren't - just take Morpheus' blue pill and go back to sleep in the matrix where you constantly bang your head on the world's nonsense in an endless loop. For the rest, I hope this will give you a moment of peace and hope - because we do Not occupy an Unattended world. To create "All This" and then cast it aside?! ROFLMAO. Never gonna happen. (And yes, the anointing/calling was legit. All my prophecies have been fulfilled. Cuz they aren't "mine" to begin with.) It's His Game. But He will square it up. (He can't lie. He Must fulfill His Word - and that means Judgments and Promises. People complain because God has standards and expectations. What kind of a God would He be if He didn't? He isn't going to House scumbags in His Abode!! Simple shit, people. Should have it figured out long ago and this place/species should be something He is proud of, instead of disgraced and embarrassed by.)
*Well, that concludes this episode of "Just Sayin.'"* ;)
Stop feeding/being disgusted by the monster...simply Pray and Hand it Over to What is Wholly/Holy epic in magnitude and rights to take care of it rightly. That isn't a world-based thing...just like gravity. (Did you know that a black hole keeps a perfect record of everything it consumes? It does! Imagine how much moreso its Creator(s) of All they have created...Especially "in His Image and Likeness"! What are we doing with THAT. That is the question du jour for every moment/day. This world isn't the Answer nor Solution - but we *do* have Access to what IS and CAN. This is where demon-crats try to insert themselves and usurp His Power. Someone else tried that before..."I beheld satan as a light falling from Heaven."
Always remember: What created All This will ALWAYS be limitlessly Greater than what it creates. Don't believe me? Think on these things...studiously...then Ask for a Reveal. (You can go watch the Kurt Warner movie, too.)
I hope the whole filthy temple collapses.
And that it also might collapse the infantile hero-worship of vapid and vacuous 45 yr old adults gushing over craven, soulless midwits like Perry, Taylor Swift and Beyonce.
I don't think I've ever despised my fellowman more than I do right now.
They don't understand anything about the horrendous future now coming into view, but could tell you everything about food, football, Netflix and the best holiday deals, while the world burns around them.
Yep - #MeToo was an Intelligence project from the ground up, promoting "men are pigs" to the masses with the primary goal of splitting the sexes. Lonely men and women are easily manipulated and great for the bottom line.
# (Pound) Me Too. Just can't make this crap up. "Pound me" in the early 70's was a euphemism for getting laid... My eyes hurt from rolling them too often.
I remember well, Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes.
Some of the best TV I'd ever watched...
It makes me sick to my stomach. I’ve watched a lot of that stuff with Bieber. I feel so sad for him. He’s so messed up because of it. There’s a guy on YouTube called DLUX NATION (Jamie DLUX) who does excellent videos on the ‘low level’ abuse in Hollyweird - lots of B-grade actors, producers etc. The stuff behind the scenes of the ‘A-listers’. Highly recommend. The depravity is mind-boggling. The fact they get away with it is shocking.
Start here and work back.
I get the sense Bieber is slowly recovering. And. He might become a literal SCOURGE of these repulsive agents of true evil.
did he and his wife recover from their suspected jab injuries ?
I’m pretty sure they didn’t take the jab. Jamie’s been onto the Covid hoax from the start. That’s how I first came across him, back in 2020.
I meant Justins wonky eye and his wifes stroke ?
Ohhhhhh 👍 Silly me 🙄
lol, no worries . but did they recover? i got the feeling they had not been in the club that got a warning maybe ?? Very odd for both of them to get ill ??
Yeah, I noticed the eye. Best thing for him would be to go public, not vindictively. Speak out to his generation & younger of his health issues, his mistakes, his likely future, & to not form friendships with rich & famous predators. Bust open Hollywood further, & the music industry & beyond.
I’m never sure if these celebrity jab injuries are real or not. The psyop is so vast and deep, it’s hard to believe anything you see or hear.
More examples of why I blame the media for almost everything bad going down: they're the imbecilic cretins who rave about these scumbags.
Fuck the media. Propoganda machine.
Right on, sister !!!
I'm foul mouthed only when certain issues get on my nerves.
Oh, I'm known for my dreadful language ! :D
It helps relieve stress! HaHaHa. Carry on!
I coached my son in hockey from 9 years old up to 14. Moms were always present in the dressing rooms. Hockey skates are hard to get on and take off for little kids. They can do it on their own but it would take an hour and then I would have to retie every skate. It was fine at 9 or 10, but by 12 or 13 some of the boys were like men. Lots still little kids. But there were 13 year olds that had shoulders and muscles etc. After one practice three Moms were openly ogling one or two of the boys and commenting how ‘when he is bigger he will be quite good looking’. The boys were showering and changing. At 10 no one showered. At 12 or 13 they stunk! Man! Those pubescent dressing rooms were gross. So some would be naked or at least in underwear for periods of time. The Moms openly ogled them. We finally had to say ‘you can’t be here anymore’ to the Moms, who were offended. They said why and we said ‘you’re leering at ________and _________’. They were then more offended and claimed there was nothing sexual about it. Which was a lie. So we reversed it and said what if it were 3 Dads in a girls hockey team dressing room staring straight at some naked girls or girls in panties saying ‘_________’ and we quoted the moms. They sort of got it, a bit. Later one of the Moms pigeon holed me and wanted to discuss it. She finally admitted they were looking sexually at them but not with any intent. It wasn’t as if they would do anything. I said ‘would you want me to look at your 14 year old naked daughter and make comments about how she will look when she is 18?’ She kind of got it more than she had and admitted she wouldn’t like that. Women don’t admit their own sexual nature.
19-year old Demi Moore passionately kissing a 15-year old kid that looks about 12.
Wow. I dont watch tv so I missed all this . I've encountered such types in person but I didnt realise they do it on film too. Dont they feel embarrassed ?
I guess the combination of being a self-indulgent adult-child, living in the sleazy echo chamber that is celebrityhood, and having people kiss up to them all the time leaves them with a warped sense of what is socially acceptable behaviour.
I've noted that if you are in their circles some seem to assume you are up for anything . I just hadn't realised they would do the same with someone so young and obviously awestruck. It's fall of Rome stuff :(
NAME & shame!
I think about Justin, a young talented male with a vision for the future. What made his mother allow him to stay at p Diddys house? For the love of money, destruction of his life. Usher was another young talented male... They are great in the music world... Tons of money, millions of fans... Sounds wonderful. I hope Justin gets the help he needs for the abuse he has suffered across the board. It's very sad the things parents do to their children for money. If a child becomes famous, there should be a law that would appoint a financial guardian to preserve the income these children generate. Many child stars have undergone abuse, are no longer the kid in the show, the child musician, could be suffering from mental health and find themselves broke. Whatever happened to it being illegal regarding child labor?
It's a sick world. Our children are growing up during a time when everything goes. My friend and I were discussing one night that we didn't know what a lesbian was when we were 16. Ask a 5 year old if they know what a lesbian is... It's sad but they most likely will know and not question it. This is not progressive, it's sickening.
Take me back to the 60s and 70s when I was a child into my teens.
These people need to be held accountable.
I pray for these children who were stripped of their childhood that they don't feel ashamed because they were abused. It wasn't their fault and they deserve to live free from the sick sins of others.
They are scumbag pieces of sh*t, when will people get that through their heads??
Decimate this perverse and degenerate propaganda arm of the left (in all it’s forms) and those who inhabit it. Bankrupt these scumbags, put them on the streets. Take away the pedestals of power you’ve put them on, elevating them above yourselves and your families - using your own money - effectively paying for the destruction of your own societies and cultures.
all roads lead to Rome. Dont forget this!
Perfectly written! Reflects what many of us think!
Wow so much incel rage in this post.
Just like, let people have fun, Nazi.
Oh look, a slimy deviant has graced us with their presence. Did I hit a raw nerve?
So much projection and rage in your comment.
Just like, let people express their views without behaving like a jackass, Nazi.
And like, stop defending the indefensible, Pedo.
No reply yet from the triggered weasel who burst into this comment section accusing me of belonging to a movement that almost killed my grandfather at the close of WWII.
But I'm genuinely curious, Mr Skywanker -
Just what part of "thou shoult not grope and forcibly kiss others without their consent" do you disagree with?
Just what part of "34 year old men should not flirt with 16 year old boys" do you disagree with?
What part of "the role of adults is to steer teenagers in the right direction, not molest and corrupt them" do you disagree with?
What part of "adults shouldn't sell clothes that make little girls look like hookers" do you disagree with?
And just what part of "thou shoult not throw parties where people - including minors - are drugged and raped" do you disagree with ... you sick degenerate fuck?
I thought I was being sufficiently sarcastic and over the top so that any normal person would pick up on the joke. I used all the buzzwords. Maybe I should have said “antisemite” to really push it over the top.
If that's true, then you really need to work on your delivery. Calling someone a raging incel and Nazi after they call out a bunch of filthy deviants doesn't sound very comic, and gives off all the wrong kinds of vibes.
One word regarding the world, Ami: Fallen.
The culture has shifted hugely. Pedophilia & illegitimate transism are assaulting the young. But it's far far worse. There's also routine P. Diddy parties where kids are groomed & raped, younger designated kids are tortured for hours, to ramp up the terror & pain to extract adrenochrome & finally the organs. The recipients get 'panda eye' & stoned on it. This is the outright danger kids are facing. Plus C19 in the background, & 1/2 of people under 40 will face turbo cancer ...
For far too long now, the planet has been (with few hiatus'...hiatii...??? Or Ross's eternal quip for being in a break in a relationship, an "I hate us.) little more than a Sheeplechase. Attention, distraction, complicity, influence (defined in the dictionary as a manipulative power to sway and thus, to deceive), fake forms of power (abuse, harassment, "influence," etc.), etc. There was a guy who wanted power over an innocent - his name was Judas. How'd he turn out? The human race is not only fast-trakking as a human disgrace in its shameful shallow complicities and activities, but it has taken its eye off the ball to its never-ending detriment. Everything about this planet is a Test - every moment, way and day. Even the ancient Egyptians "got it," as hieroglyphics show a deceased's heart on a scale before the "gods" being weighed against a feather! This article was repulsive and stomach-turning. While it seems people are "getting away with things in some moment," I always warn about that "next 5 minutes," when the (yes, keeping score!) Universe and its makers return to the those the immense harvest of their evils. It is actually sweeter than that but I won't detail, as their "surprise" is part of our recompense. May every layer and level of hell eternally inherit them. It will. Wait til those without conscience or souls - as demon-'strated by such behaviors - realize who DOES own their soul-deed now and from here on out. People want to believe this planet and universe runs perfectly on "magic ethers" or simply science. It just ain't so. They can't even explain gravity, so it has its limits! I was a non-religious kid with pagan parents when I got "called to a meeting." Apparently, not understanding the logistics, my mother discovered me sleepwalking in the front yard one night. Finally, 3 angels snatched me out-of-body one night, to a meeting above the intersection of my street. Two of them were Administrative, seated, and delivered the message necessary; my path needed to be adjusted by my hand due to my destiny. Apparently I had an anointing that didn't jive with pagan ways and I needed to "report for duty" earlier than usual/planned. What is profoundly indelible was the third angel, their Supervisor, who stood behind them as the spiritual "wax seal" on the message. This was no administrator; he was a bonafide Emissary of God. He was pure white, radiant in the extreme, and there was a Power upon and emanating from him that left zero question as to whose he was and Whom the message was from. To be in such a Presence, there is only Awe and Reverence...and you can no longer go around gaslighting yourself about "reality." To pull someone out of body and "blow cover" that way, to pull back the curtain of incarnation blatantly, is a serious thing and not done - nor to be taken - lightly. If my path didn't *matter,* They wouldn't have pulled me out! So, it matters! If it matters, then Stuff Matters! If Stuff Matters - think on that for a while! - then Someone IS keeping score and grading papers. That Stuff Really Matters! We're too daft in form to have or know the answers to Stuff, much less what is largely above our pay grade. But nobody is actually "getting away" with Anything. What *can* we do??? 1). The right thing, 2). Pray that scumbags and evil is permanently expunged from this planet, 3). Hold to the Knowing that prayers *do* get answered. If all Pray for 2)., then if only one person's prayers get answered, it's still a Clean Sweep! Figure it out - the world doesn't work!!! Do you know why? It *cannot and never was meant to function in human/self-effort.* What has human effort rendered our world into today?! We must DO what the world forbids us to do - Step UP and Hand It Over in Trust/Faith. Yes, it seems hard...but we *have it.* Grasp that...with hands unseen. At least we have it...the Invisible the bridge in Indiana Jones. The human species has been conditioned to default to the world instead of what is good, true and Truth, and it Knows is right - those things are conditioned Out of you during Indoctrination - I mean School. If you aren't ready to be this Awake - and many aren't - just take Morpheus' blue pill and go back to sleep in the matrix where you constantly bang your head on the world's nonsense in an endless loop. For the rest, I hope this will give you a moment of peace and hope - because we do Not occupy an Unattended world. To create "All This" and then cast it aside?! ROFLMAO. Never gonna happen. (And yes, the anointing/calling was legit. All my prophecies have been fulfilled. Cuz they aren't "mine" to begin with.) It's His Game. But He will square it up. (He can't lie. He Must fulfill His Word - and that means Judgments and Promises. People complain because God has standards and expectations. What kind of a God would He be if He didn't? He isn't going to House scumbags in His Abode!! Simple shit, people. Should have it figured out long ago and this place/species should be something He is proud of, instead of disgraced and embarrassed by.)
*Well, that concludes this episode of "Just Sayin.'"* ;)
Stop feeding/being disgusted by the monster...simply Pray and Hand it Over to What is Wholly/Holy epic in magnitude and rights to take care of it rightly. That isn't a world-based thing...just like gravity. (Did you know that a black hole keeps a perfect record of everything it consumes? It does! Imagine how much moreso its Creator(s) of All they have created...Especially "in His Image and Likeness"! What are we doing with THAT. That is the question du jour for every moment/day. This world isn't the Answer nor Solution - but we *do* have Access to what IS and CAN. This is where demon-crats try to insert themselves and usurp His Power. Someone else tried that before..."I beheld satan as a light falling from Heaven."
Always remember: What created All This will ALWAYS be limitlessly Greater than what it creates. Don't believe me? Think on these things...studiously...then Ask for a Reveal. (You can go watch the Kurt Warner movie, too.)
These people are all sick no wonder why the one did Trump to lose because he’s going after them all