Thanks Anthony. To be clear, "Israeli" in the case of what the country is doing means the occult government run by the Global Elite, not the avg person on the street. The Israeli govt is no more the avg person in Israel or Jewish person you may see in the supermarket than Biden, Trump, Harris, Hillary, Bush etc. are like Americans you see in your home town. The Israeli military is just psyoped into doing their bidding. The US mil has done the same things. It has involved itself in the deaths of many millions of persons in WWII, south east asia, Iraq, etc. for the same no real reason that the Israeli military does. The only reason for these things is it keeps the Elites in power and changes the world in a way for them to get more world control.
Absolutely. Everyday Jews, whether they realize it or not, have been major victims of the Zionists too.
Those searching for the real antisemites need to ask who cajoled Israel into becoming an early and thorough adopter of the toxic vaxxxines.
Sure as heck wasn't Arabs.
They should also ask why Israeli intelligence was tipped off about the October 7 attack, but did sweet FA about it, allowing Hamas militants to freely run amok:
High praises to you for taking on such a thorny topic, Anthony.
Only yesterday, in response to another tedious and baseless accusation of racism, I rebutted that Jews aren’t a race. There are clear genetic markers for Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, but this is only one of several groupings comprising all peoples considered to be Jews. Nor are Jews an ethnicity, as it turns out.
Judaism isn’t even a religion but the geopolitical project of a supremacist, literally hysterical, highly-incestuous cult promoting a Jewish master race. While Zionism as an organised political movement originated in the late nineteenth century, as you correctly stated, the idea of Zion is central to and an inseparable aspect of Jewish identity to all Jews.
Judaism is an apocalyptic death cult of people guided by their own self-composed scripture, which is scarcely more than a scandalous and hateful blood revenge manifesto.
A Quechua man or woman is born and lives out his or her life as Quechua. There are distinct and irrefutable identifiers of their lineage. On the other hand, because being a Jew is neither a race, nor an ethnicity, nor even a religion, any Jew that should feel moved to do so would be freely able to renounce their Jewishness.
Only problem with your theory, is that the thing that makes a religion what it is - a deity or deities, veneration from mortals, a creation story, wisdom literature, poetry, etc. - is all present in the Jewish scripture, as it is with other “religions”. To say that Jews have no religion is not a very well thought out statement.
And religion is predominantly what shapes a culture, whether it’s the various indigenous peoples with their varied belief systems, or the much more dominant monotheistic cultures of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. You can clearly see the imprint of Catholicism on the Latin cultures vs the imprint of Protestantism, for example.
Your bias makes you willfully ignorant.
So what then? The Jews, above all other religions have remarkably maintained their religion and culture far longer than any other. How is that possible, given what we have observed in the march of human history?
I am not arguing for them; the information presented by Anthony, if factually correct, is despicable. And it certainly seems to be confirmed by what we can observe; for we know that very few people follow up and fact check the source material. Rather than fact check, we emotionally make purchase of the information, exactly because of our limited observations.
Clearly these people who call themselves “Jews” are running the show. And clearly, we have no power to stop them. The question is why? Why are they clearly the antagonists in the human drama for thousands of years? I don’t think that sort of sustainability is humanly possible, even if we consider it to be a cult. Every other cult that we have observed has a very limited lifespan. There is obviously something super-natural (outside of our basic nature), that is driving and sustaining them as the antagonists.
"There is obviously something super-natural (outside of our basic nature), that is driving and sustaining them as the antagonists."
I submit more earthly traits are at play. They say cream rises to the top, but here on Planet Whackjob, it would be far more accurate to say the psychopathic effluent rises to the top.
When you observe the behavior of world leaders and high-ranking bureaucrats, it's clear you're not looking at a group of empathetic, kind-hearted, noble people. Instead, you're looking at a bunch of callous, manipulative, devious, psychopathic megalomaniacs who seem to hold the rest of us in contempt.
It is one of the great paradoxes of our world that these are the very traits that facilitate the attainment of great wealth and power.
As for Zionists, not sure if anyone ever sat scum like Begin, Kissinger and Netanyahu down and administered them a psychopathy scale, but it's hard from their behavior not to conclude they were/are psychopaths. Religion has provided a pretext for all sorts of atrocities throughout history - the Zionist's megalomaniac tendencies are supercharged by the whole "Chosen Ones" returning to their "homeland" shtick, and their masterful campaign of portraying themselves as perennial victims.
We’d agree on the psychopaths, but there are just too many people who will testify to having spiritual encounters. Could we argue it’s a super computer manufacturing these experiences, and that we live in some variant of a simulation? Sure, but that’s as speculative as any unproved theory. However, when objectively researched, the body of evidence of “spiritual” encounters is overwhelming. My experience with atheists, is that they are arrogantly dismissive of anything metaphysical, because it challenges their religion. And their many theories are definitely on the category of a belief system, since they cannot empirically prove so many of their foundational theories.
"However, when objectively researched, the body of evidence of 'spiritual”' encounters is overwhelming."
If, by spiritual encounters, you mean 'visions' and 'apparitions' etc, these are not verifiable events. You are relying on someone's word, not an "objectively researched" and reproducible phenomenon.
"My experience with atheists, is that they are arrogantly dismissive of anything metaphysical, because it challenges their religion."
My goodness. Atheism is not a religion, that is a patently absurd statement.
I've already explained previously that atheism does not even begin to constitute a religion. The "a" preceding theism simply denotes a LACK of belief in supernatural deities.
I was raised with heavy Catholic mind conditioning, but none of it ever made sense. Even to my highly creative childhood brain, it all seemed like a bunch of far-fetched cobblers. Decades later, no-one - and I mean no-one - has ever been able to supply anything resembling proof of the existence of a God. When they provide some proof, I'll believe in him.
Atheism is NOT a belief system, no more than not worshipping invisible goblins is a belief system. Atheism is in fact a lack of belief.
You call this arrogance - I simply view it as the same evidence-based mindset that dragged us out of the Dark Ages and gave us things like sanitation, motorized transport, air flight, life-saving surgeries and medications etc, etc. No mythical God produced these things; fact-based human endeavor did.
What IS arrogant is declaring the existence of a God you can't even begin to prove exists, then belittling those who refuse to do the same.
Funny how you religious folk love to complain about discrimination against and disrespect for your denomination, but have no qualms embracing anti-atheist bigotry.
Gravity? Unprovable. Big Bang? Unprovable. The space program? An unbelievable fraud.
And some may argue that actual human achievements reflect being made in the image and likeness of a Creator.
The symbiosis of nature testifies to intelligence and design. A Creative signature is all over the natural world and especially so in the wonders of the human body.
You’d be fool to walk into a museum featuring the first locomotive engine - something that there are no living eyewitnesses to - and conclude that that amazing piece of machinery self assembled, progressively out of nothing.
I also find that most atheists suffered a bad experience with the church / religion (Catholic? I sure hope you weren’t one of their many victims), or want to protect some form of personal immorality.
Of course nobody can experientially share a spiritual encounter, but many rational people - myself included - have had the born again experience, where your life is transformed in an instant. I was completely changed from a partying, adultering, selfish idiot, to the exact opposite - in a nano second. And that was witnessed by the entire company of infantrymen that I lived, worked, and partied with. The transformation to light was so evident, that guys were asking me the very next morning, “what happened to you?”.
Now I don’t know exactly what or who Jesus really is, but I know that I was changed because of a spiritual encounter with him, and I know there is power in his name.
Gravity? Where you let something go and can be certain it will fall to earth?
100% provable.
God? Still 100% unproved, despite the passage of thousands of years and countless believers who've aggressively and sometimes violently insisted upon his veracity.
"And some may argue that actual human achievements reflect being made in the image and likeness of a Creator."
Others may more realistically argue that human achievements reflect their human creators, not a mythical entity in the sky.
"The symbiosis of nature testifies to intelligence and design. A Creative signature is all over the natural world and especially so in the wonders of the human body."
No offense, but this falls into the category of ephemeral fluff and does not even begin to constitute proof. Not even evidence. I have never seen anyone's signature, creative or otherwise, all over the natural world, save for graffiti by idiots with no respect for nature.
What about natural disasters that kill and injure hundreds of innocent people at a time, including children?
Is that the signature of a creative, benevolent God?
That you assume the natural world was created by a God and not some other process is not proof, nor evidence. It's an assumption. One that remains unfounded.
"You’d be fool to walk into a museum featuring the first locomotive engine - something that there are no living eyewitnesses to - and conclude that that amazing piece of machinery self assembled, progressively out of nothing."
You'd also be a fool to assume it was created by a mythical entity in the sky. We know full well how that locomotive was created, and it wasn't by a supernatural deity.
"I also find that most atheists suffered a bad experience with the church / religion (Catholic? I sure hope you weren’t one of their many victims), or want to protect some form of personal immorality."
I'm fine and molestation-free, but thanks for asking. The only 'bad experience' was being continually inculcated with dogma that made no sense. When I asked for proof, I was told to have faith.
Sorry, but "trust me" isn't acceptable, not from overpaid chief medical officers pimping clot shots nor from dudes in dressing gowns preaching a guy-in-the-sky.
As for the immorality snipe, that's known as an ad hominem attack. It's a low ball form of argument.
But if you want to talk about morality, sure.
I'd bet good money I live a cleaner life than the vast majority of religious folks. Not just morally, but physically. When I look around, seems to me most religious folks treat their body more like a waste dump than a temple.
I'm not the one fucking little kids, as priests and rabbis have been known to do with not uncommon frequency.
I'm not the one turning my nose up and making bigoted remarks about people who don't share my belief in an unprovable entity.
I'm not the one professing my belief in a God while cheering on a fat orange sleazeball that commits adultery, cavorts with porn stars, and boasts about committing sexual assault.
I didn't fold and agree to get injected with unnatural and highly toxic poisons as a result of the GloboPedo psy-op called COVID. Not only did the majority of religious folks fail to use the brain their God allegedly gave them, but they embraced the clot shots at an even higher rate than nonbelievers:
If you want to convince people to clean up their act and live a more wholesome life, methinks you should start with your fellow believers.
"Of course nobody can experientially share a spiritual encounter, but many rational people - myself included - have had the born again experience, where your life is transformed in an instant. I was completely changed from a partying, adultering, selfish idiot, to the exact opposite - in a nano second. And that was witnessed by the entire company of infantrymen that I lived, worked, and partied with. The transformation to light was so evident, that guys were asking me the very next morning, “what happened to you?”.
You matured. Or in the common vernacular, you grew up. We all do. It's part of life. It happens to people who don't believe in your God, and it happens to people who don't believe in any God/s whatsoever.
That your maturation kicked off with overwhelming emotion at how vacuous and selfish you'd been up to that point does not testify to the existence of a God. It testifies to a deep emotional reaction that you call spiritual. Others would simply calling it waking the @#$% up.
"Now I don’t know exactly what or who Jesus really is, but I know that I was changed because of a spiritual encounter with him, and I know there is power in his name."
Yes, there is power in a name. If I convince you a sugar pill is in fact a new wonder medication, it is a well-established phenomena you are significantly more likely to report feeling better after taking it.
I'm genuinely glad you turned your life around. Maybe give yourself some credit and a pat on the back instead of ascribing the transformation to something you "don’t know exactly what or who" is.
Ultimately, you can believe in whatever you want. I accept that there are valued people in my life who believe in a God, and I don't badger them about it. I focus on their positive attributes.
I do however, have a major problem when religion and the alleged will of supernatural deities are used as vehicles to manipulate, maim and murder people.
Until you can provide something resembling proof of a God, you need to accept that atheists have every right to not believe in such an entity. Calling them arrogant, or Satan worshippers as some other outright nutters do, is not a bad reflection on atheists, but on the accuser.
"Clearly these people who call themselves “Jews” are running the show. And clearly, we have no power to stop them. The question is why?"
It’s that thing about the money, the banks, etc. Everything humans do has been completely subverted to money control, and the Jews got a huge boost when they cunningly Christianized Europe and Islamized the rest of the world.
Christianity and Islam were invented with an in-built prohibition against usury, and though things regarding usury have changed a little since then, because of the black magic of the Cantillon Effect, it gave the Jews their superpower to affect and corrupt everything humans did from then onwards.
Yeah, I perfectly understand “it’s the money”, and especially the central banks and their now very perfect digital - out of thin air - money.
With digital money - tied to and backed by absolutely nothing, the Cantillon effect is antiquated. Now they actively create inflation by shrinking quantity, lowering quality, and raising prices. There is no devaluing currency that is not backed by anything, so you have to work inflation by the other way around through the products and services.
All the blather about printing money and inflation from the media is nonsense.
Do you intentionally misrepresent and cherry-pick concepts to pervert an argument in order to refute it? This practice is given the formal title of the straw man argument.
"And religion is predominantly what shapes a culture"
With all due respect, this is complete nonsense. The vagaries of the elements: the seasons, precipitation, the winds, the aridity and the harvests, reflections on the vulnerability of life, and the practices and ethos developed around the location and collection of scarce resources are what shape cultures. At least in historical and prehistorical times, all peoples have had to experience and manage these factors. The human proclivity for narrative and story telling which is a consequence of the emergence of human brain's capacities of abstraction (which itself may be the result of pattern-recognition required to locate resources, the features of the land, the directions of change) have all fostered cultural development.
Before there were religions, there was animism. The Australian Aboriginals still recognise, even if urbanism prevents them from the observance of an animistic ethos. I have not been able to get one person to agree, but so be it: religions arose with the arrival of the state. Religions are the consolidation and the institutionalization of local creeds into an instrument of statecraft.
Would you like to live as an Aborigine? I like hot showers, toilet paper, flushing toilets, and septic systems. I like vacations in Hawaii, hiking in Yosemite, and the plethora of great cuisine that is available. I don’t know why people admire those sorts of cultures(?).
I have no problem believing trees and rocks have spirits, but I certainly do not want to live as brutal an existence as they do.
I recall a photo in an old National Geographic, of some type of “uncontacted tribe” somewhere in the Amazon. It was a family in their dugout canoe, and the wife looked perfectly miserable. My wife joked that she was pining for a better, upgraded canoe, no different than any worn down, but materialistic mother of today. I guarantee that if you offered her husband a modern canoe and a good hunting rifle, he wouldn’t think twice about it. And not that I advocate interfering with their culture in that way; the point is, people are essentially the same through time and cross culturally.
Pre-historic man with no written records. Hmm, no chance any of that could be made up nonsense to fit an evolutionary theory. There’s not even anything that could be considered reliable oral records of “pre-historic” man. Think about that pre in the pre- historic. Lots of room for narrative building nonsense.
Yes, the competition for natural resources are part of culture development, but it’s only a part. Origin stories are inseparable from all indigenous cultures, as are their accompanying religious practices. Take the Dine and their 4 mountain boundaries, which they believed that if they transgressed those boundaries, things would not go well for them. Or the Aztecs, Mayans, and Olmecs with their various flying serpent god(s). India, Africa, the Norsemen, The Greeks, The Romans, the Shinto, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Culture creation is multi dimensional and all of it important - food (hunting, gathering, farming, cooking, preservation), fashion and apparel, weapons, architecture, animals, family dynamics, government structure - but most importantly, their deities.
Have you ever heard of a thing called archeology? Written records are not the only kinds, and in any case they'd constitute insufficient evidence of anything if they were the only kind. As an example, the Bible is considered an historical record of events, particularly by those that maintain it's the word of (a) god. And yet in reality, objectively, it's almost completely a fabrication.
" Lots of room for narrative building nonsense."
So according to you the "narrative building" by scholars and investigators is nonsense, on the other hand that of the authors of scripture and theologians is factual?
Before I look at that video, I've seen several others in which rabbis justifiably condemn the Zionism of Theodor Herzl's vision, including the Greater Israel project, and the one which is comprised in the doctrine underpinning U.S. NeoCon and Israeli geopolitical operations in the Middle East.
However, over and above this, the idea of Zion is a fundamental aspect of Jewish identity and plays a central role in Jewish eschatology. Those same rabbis will not condemn this - it is central to their creed. The eschatological view includes the idea that all nations will recognise the God of Israel, with Jerusalem as the spiritual center - for all nations! This aligns with the prophecy in Isaiah that "all nations shall flow" to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, AND ... Gentiles will bring wealth to the Jewish people! But of course!
The Gentile's own ethnic religions and creeds must be rejected. And for Gentiles who refuse the God of Israel? Well, that's not really going to be an option if we expect to continue breathing.
Yeah, it’s some trick Israel and their supports manage to pull every time—playing the victim while they indiscriminately murder women and children. Als well as having NUCLEAR weapons!
Persecuted victims my ass.
WTF is wrong with people who believe that nonsense?!
Yes, my account on X got locked by making the following comment: “Israel is run by terrorists”. After contacting X, I am waiting for my account to be restored. So much for free speach!
And... Really the only thing They have to affect all this mess is... Money. If We were all living richly with no need to account for Our energy added (use money), They would not have this power over Us.
Outstanding, have been delving into this history from a negative personal experience in my 1st marriage. Read "The Revolutionary Spirit" by E. Michael Jones and other archived books on the demonic Talmud, Sabaeteens, etc. My question is why does the US and Britain unconditionally support a genocidal killing machine, what pact have they made and why, bribes, threats, control files? If not stopped they eventually will kill all of us. Thank you so much.
Biblical prophesy appears more a script for a long play. Clearly makes reconciliation easier for the gullible evangelical. I believe that today, it has entered a very dangerous and reckless phase. Hard to fathom that anybody with a heart and fundamental understanding of Christ's word would believe that wanton murder of innocents is okay, or worse, openly encourage it! Looking forward to part II, well...not really.
A Divine Comedy? Clearly we are pawns in some divine script. Is it for mere entertainment of The Divinity, like Westworld or The Hunger Games? Is it that we are the level playing field of a divine court case? The Bible hints at some things, but boy are there some gaps and HUGE unanswerable questions.
Or is it that the Bible we know has been edited and manipulated over millenia for the benefit of the powers that be, so that it's not entirely God's word?
We’ve got nothing but speculation. You’ve got a large segment of doubters and you’ve got the inerrant crowd. And what confusing mess Christianity is. How can this be? Everyone “hearing” from God, and so many contrary to each other.
So true! Religion is man-made, so bound to be confusing and full of contradictions. Religions have been manipulated to meet certain ends, just like most everything else. I believe we will see the end goal of this manipulation in the not too distant future.
Belief in God and belief in religion are, of course, two different things. Many an atheist is someone disenfranchised with religion who may not have come to that realization yet.
And here’s the thing; it’s hard to distinguish between who is lying with a straight face, who is believing their own imagination, and who is telling the truth.
We do certainly seem to be at a very big tipping point. I think we can all sense it, and humanity is in a huge funk over it. And we’ve been corralled into this position by design, not by accident or organically.
So is it our collective poor choices that green lights this oppression, or are we entirely at the will of something else.
I think if humanity stood their ground on the soooo obvious Covid scammery, then things would be different. Me and my family stood our ground, so I hope that pays dividends when it all falls apart.
At this point, I believe it’s a combination of our poor choices and a more metaphysical battle between good and evil - both of which are entities in the sense that they are energy you can actually feel. As we have free will, I don’t think we’re entirely at the will of something else. But we’re pretty easily led, as the whole Covid debacle clearly showed us.
Generally speaking, we want to do what’s easiest and offers immediate gratification. We want to vote every four years and then forget about it; blame the opposite side of the political aisle when things go wrong, instead of getting involved and holding politicians accountable - or giving up rulers entirely and taking responsibility for our own communities. Biblically speaking, this seems one of the messages heard loud and clear in the Bible: rulers lead people astray, unless they’re exceptional. Most aren’t.
Not necessarily all. I think many people believe wholeheartedly in God, just not in religion. There are, after centuries of history, many reasons to think that religion is often used as an excuse to do the opposite of what its adherents state that they believe in.
Former nun turned researcher and author Karen Armstrong calls herself a "freelance monotheist." I like that. And I like the open mindedness of beliefs that aren't dogmatic and set in stone.
There are days when I am drifting toward agnosticism, and days when I can actually see the Gnostics point of view on the demiurge. I’ve had too many profound experiences within Christianity to cross over just yet.
Zionism=Nazism=Nimrodism=Satanism=Roman Imperialism=Tubal Cain=Ordo ab Chao=Jesuitism=Go Forth & Set the World On Fire. Israhell was always set up as a Terrorist state of the EL-ite after WWll. Esoteric Occult Arcana DAATH Magi-ck. The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King. We accept the version of reality with which we are presented. Those that can see, those that need to be shown & those that cannot see. Can’t see it for you, only point you where to look.
Thou shall make war by way of deception (Terrorism). Synthesizing changes by being the catalyst of the Arc of Crisis. Social Alchemy sowing the seeds of Chaos.
Hi Thomas, Begin was such a self-aggrandizing blowhard that he boasted of introducing terror to the world. That's not true, but history does attest to the fact that the Zionists introduced widespread, systematic terror to the Southern Levant.
You should look closer into the ancient history of the world, beginning with Babylon, Medio-Persia or Egypt…
My point is that what you call “Zionist Terrorism” is not a new concept. I has been used throughout the ages with varying levels of success as nationalism, with its different forms, plus religion, or some kind of a belief system or ideology, if needed, to justify bloodshed of the innocent.
Zionists are responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70CE by the Romans when all the genealogical records were destroyed. This means that since then nobody can claim to be a Zionist per se as nobody can prove to be a Jew; i.e. belonging the tribe of Judah…
In other words, all the Zionist movements is just a cloak for typical political agendas… Is all BS…
Anthony ... I see no point in writing or reading about the Jewish|Arabic endless madness. It defies any version of common sense. It will never be sorted. Until we have managed to destroy our world - which we are on the way to doing - there is nothing that will ever reduce the level of "racial" insanity: and the word is in inverted commas because they come from the same source.
Hi Margaret-Rose, yes, the Middle East situation is insane, and you may well be right - we may be long past the point of no return. Humanity's wanton irrationality and self-destructive streak doesn't give much cause for optimism.
That said, we shouldn't just sit on the sidelines while the Zionists and their sycophants continue serving up their very one-sided version of history.
If those bastards get their way, the world will be dragged into WWIII (and true to form, they'll be sitting in the VIP seats, counting the arms sales profits and depopulation tally).
For what - a bunch of "Jew = Good, Arab = Bad" bullshit? A return to "homeland" wank by a mythical God's self-proclaimed "Chosen Ones" as documented in an ancient book that is part history and (large) part fantasy?
It seems to me that it's not "we" (as in the majority of us) who are destroying our world, but a tiny minority of people who benefit from war and environmental destruction. By the same token, most of us aren't racists. Race is used by the powers that be to bring about the wars that make them rich, give them power and reduce the population of strong young men, not to mention everyday people living in war torn places.
This distinction seems important at this time when it would be easy to give up on humanity as a lost cause. WE, the average citizen of the average country, don't want wars because we don't benefit from them. That's why our overlords must drum up racist sentiment, as one example, to make us willing to get involved in them.
I've leaned in that direction sometimes too. But since coming to understand how our world really operates, strangely I feel better about our chances as a species.
Thanks Anthony. To be clear, "Israeli" in the case of what the country is doing means the occult government run by the Global Elite, not the avg person on the street. The Israeli govt is no more the avg person in Israel or Jewish person you may see in the supermarket than Biden, Trump, Harris, Hillary, Bush etc. are like Americans you see in your home town. The Israeli military is just psyoped into doing their bidding. The US mil has done the same things. It has involved itself in the deaths of many millions of persons in WWII, south east asia, Iraq, etc. for the same no real reason that the Israeli military does. The only reason for these things is it keeps the Elites in power and changes the world in a way for them to get more world control.
Absolutely. Everyday Jews, whether they realize it or not, have been major victims of the Zionists too.
Those searching for the real antisemites need to ask who cajoled Israel into becoming an early and thorough adopter of the toxic vaxxxines.
Sure as heck wasn't Arabs.
They should also ask why Israeli intelligence was tipped off about the October 7 attack, but did sweet FA about it, allowing Hamas militants to freely run amok:
High praises to you for taking on such a thorny topic, Anthony.
Only yesterday, in response to another tedious and baseless accusation of racism, I rebutted that Jews aren’t a race. There are clear genetic markers for Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, but this is only one of several groupings comprising all peoples considered to be Jews. Nor are Jews an ethnicity, as it turns out.
Judaism isn’t even a religion but the geopolitical project of a supremacist, literally hysterical, highly-incestuous cult promoting a Jewish master race. While Zionism as an organised political movement originated in the late nineteenth century, as you correctly stated, the idea of Zion is central to and an inseparable aspect of Jewish identity to all Jews.
Judaism is an apocalyptic death cult of people guided by their own self-composed scripture, which is scarcely more than a scandalous and hateful blood revenge manifesto.
A Quechua man or woman is born and lives out his or her life as Quechua. There are distinct and irrefutable identifiers of their lineage. On the other hand, because being a Jew is neither a race, nor an ethnicity, nor even a religion, any Jew that should feel moved to do so would be freely able to renounce their Jewishness.
Only problem with your theory, is that the thing that makes a religion what it is - a deity or deities, veneration from mortals, a creation story, wisdom literature, poetry, etc. - is all present in the Jewish scripture, as it is with other “religions”. To say that Jews have no religion is not a very well thought out statement.
And religion is predominantly what shapes a culture, whether it’s the various indigenous peoples with their varied belief systems, or the much more dominant monotheistic cultures of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. You can clearly see the imprint of Catholicism on the Latin cultures vs the imprint of Protestantism, for example.
Your bias makes you willfully ignorant.
So what then? The Jews, above all other religions have remarkably maintained their religion and culture far longer than any other. How is that possible, given what we have observed in the march of human history?
I am not arguing for them; the information presented by Anthony, if factually correct, is despicable. And it certainly seems to be confirmed by what we can observe; for we know that very few people follow up and fact check the source material. Rather than fact check, we emotionally make purchase of the information, exactly because of our limited observations.
Clearly these people who call themselves “Jews” are running the show. And clearly, we have no power to stop them. The question is why? Why are they clearly the antagonists in the human drama for thousands of years? I don’t think that sort of sustainability is humanly possible, even if we consider it to be a cult. Every other cult that we have observed has a very limited lifespan. There is obviously something super-natural (outside of our basic nature), that is driving and sustaining them as the antagonists.
"There is obviously something super-natural (outside of our basic nature), that is driving and sustaining them as the antagonists."
I submit more earthly traits are at play. They say cream rises to the top, but here on Planet Whackjob, it would be far more accurate to say the psychopathic effluent rises to the top.
When you observe the behavior of world leaders and high-ranking bureaucrats, it's clear you're not looking at a group of empathetic, kind-hearted, noble people. Instead, you're looking at a bunch of callous, manipulative, devious, psychopathic megalomaniacs who seem to hold the rest of us in contempt.
It is one of the great paradoxes of our world that these are the very traits that facilitate the attainment of great wealth and power.
As for Zionists, not sure if anyone ever sat scum like Begin, Kissinger and Netanyahu down and administered them a psychopathy scale, but it's hard from their behavior not to conclude they were/are psychopaths. Religion has provided a pretext for all sorts of atrocities throughout history - the Zionist's megalomaniac tendencies are supercharged by the whole "Chosen Ones" returning to their "homeland" shtick, and their masterful campaign of portraying themselves as perennial victims.
We’d agree on the psychopaths, but there are just too many people who will testify to having spiritual encounters. Could we argue it’s a super computer manufacturing these experiences, and that we live in some variant of a simulation? Sure, but that’s as speculative as any unproved theory. However, when objectively researched, the body of evidence of “spiritual” encounters is overwhelming. My experience with atheists, is that they are arrogantly dismissive of anything metaphysical, because it challenges their religion. And their many theories are definitely on the category of a belief system, since they cannot empirically prove so many of their foundational theories.
"However, when objectively researched, the body of evidence of 'spiritual”' encounters is overwhelming."
If, by spiritual encounters, you mean 'visions' and 'apparitions' etc, these are not verifiable events. You are relying on someone's word, not an "objectively researched" and reproducible phenomenon.
"My experience with atheists, is that they are arrogantly dismissive of anything metaphysical, because it challenges their religion."
My goodness. Atheism is not a religion, that is a patently absurd statement.
I've already explained previously that atheism does not even begin to constitute a religion. The "a" preceding theism simply denotes a LACK of belief in supernatural deities.
I was raised with heavy Catholic mind conditioning, but none of it ever made sense. Even to my highly creative childhood brain, it all seemed like a bunch of far-fetched cobblers. Decades later, no-one - and I mean no-one - has ever been able to supply anything resembling proof of the existence of a God. When they provide some proof, I'll believe in him.
Atheism is NOT a belief system, no more than not worshipping invisible goblins is a belief system. Atheism is in fact a lack of belief.
You call this arrogance - I simply view it as the same evidence-based mindset that dragged us out of the Dark Ages and gave us things like sanitation, motorized transport, air flight, life-saving surgeries and medications etc, etc. No mythical God produced these things; fact-based human endeavor did.
What IS arrogant is declaring the existence of a God you can't even begin to prove exists, then belittling those who refuse to do the same.
Funny how you religious folk love to complain about discrimination against and disrespect for your denomination, but have no qualms embracing anti-atheist bigotry.
among atheists there can be a deep sense of spirituality (since the world view they adhere to is less restricted by religious dogma).
Gravity? Unprovable. Big Bang? Unprovable. The space program? An unbelievable fraud.
And some may argue that actual human achievements reflect being made in the image and likeness of a Creator.
The symbiosis of nature testifies to intelligence and design. A Creative signature is all over the natural world and especially so in the wonders of the human body.
You’d be fool to walk into a museum featuring the first locomotive engine - something that there are no living eyewitnesses to - and conclude that that amazing piece of machinery self assembled, progressively out of nothing.
I also find that most atheists suffered a bad experience with the church / religion (Catholic? I sure hope you weren’t one of their many victims), or want to protect some form of personal immorality.
Of course nobody can experientially share a spiritual encounter, but many rational people - myself included - have had the born again experience, where your life is transformed in an instant. I was completely changed from a partying, adultering, selfish idiot, to the exact opposite - in a nano second. And that was witnessed by the entire company of infantrymen that I lived, worked, and partied with. The transformation to light was so evident, that guys were asking me the very next morning, “what happened to you?”.
Now I don’t know exactly what or who Jesus really is, but I know that I was changed because of a spiritual encounter with him, and I know there is power in his name.
Gravity? Where you let something go and can be certain it will fall to earth?
100% provable.
God? Still 100% unproved, despite the passage of thousands of years and countless believers who've aggressively and sometimes violently insisted upon his veracity.
"And some may argue that actual human achievements reflect being made in the image and likeness of a Creator."
Others may more realistically argue that human achievements reflect their human creators, not a mythical entity in the sky.
"The symbiosis of nature testifies to intelligence and design. A Creative signature is all over the natural world and especially so in the wonders of the human body."
No offense, but this falls into the category of ephemeral fluff and does not even begin to constitute proof. Not even evidence. I have never seen anyone's signature, creative or otherwise, all over the natural world, save for graffiti by idiots with no respect for nature.
What about natural disasters that kill and injure hundreds of innocent people at a time, including children?
Is that the signature of a creative, benevolent God?
That you assume the natural world was created by a God and not some other process is not proof, nor evidence. It's an assumption. One that remains unfounded.
"You’d be fool to walk into a museum featuring the first locomotive engine - something that there are no living eyewitnesses to - and conclude that that amazing piece of machinery self assembled, progressively out of nothing."
You'd also be a fool to assume it was created by a mythical entity in the sky. We know full well how that locomotive was created, and it wasn't by a supernatural deity.
"I also find that most atheists suffered a bad experience with the church / religion (Catholic? I sure hope you weren’t one of their many victims), or want to protect some form of personal immorality."
I'm fine and molestation-free, but thanks for asking. The only 'bad experience' was being continually inculcated with dogma that made no sense. When I asked for proof, I was told to have faith.
Sorry, but "trust me" isn't acceptable, not from overpaid chief medical officers pimping clot shots nor from dudes in dressing gowns preaching a guy-in-the-sky.
As for the immorality snipe, that's known as an ad hominem attack. It's a low ball form of argument.
But if you want to talk about morality, sure.
I'd bet good money I live a cleaner life than the vast majority of religious folks. Not just morally, but physically. When I look around, seems to me most religious folks treat their body more like a waste dump than a temple.
I'm not the one fucking little kids, as priests and rabbis have been known to do with not uncommon frequency.
I'm not the one turning my nose up and making bigoted remarks about people who don't share my belief in an unprovable entity.
I'm not the one professing my belief in a God while cheering on a fat orange sleazeball that commits adultery, cavorts with porn stars, and boasts about committing sexual assault.
I didn't fold and agree to get injected with unnatural and highly toxic poisons as a result of the GloboPedo psy-op called COVID. Not only did the majority of religious folks fail to use the brain their God allegedly gave them, but they embraced the clot shots at an even higher rate than nonbelievers:
If you want to convince people to clean up their act and live a more wholesome life, methinks you should start with your fellow believers.
"Of course nobody can experientially share a spiritual encounter, but many rational people - myself included - have had the born again experience, where your life is transformed in an instant. I was completely changed from a partying, adultering, selfish idiot, to the exact opposite - in a nano second. And that was witnessed by the entire company of infantrymen that I lived, worked, and partied with. The transformation to light was so evident, that guys were asking me the very next morning, “what happened to you?”.
You matured. Or in the common vernacular, you grew up. We all do. It's part of life. It happens to people who don't believe in your God, and it happens to people who don't believe in any God/s whatsoever.
That your maturation kicked off with overwhelming emotion at how vacuous and selfish you'd been up to that point does not testify to the existence of a God. It testifies to a deep emotional reaction that you call spiritual. Others would simply calling it waking the @#$% up.
"Now I don’t know exactly what or who Jesus really is, but I know that I was changed because of a spiritual encounter with him, and I know there is power in his name."
Yes, there is power in a name. If I convince you a sugar pill is in fact a new wonder medication, it is a well-established phenomena you are significantly more likely to report feeling better after taking it.
I'm genuinely glad you turned your life around. Maybe give yourself some credit and a pat on the back instead of ascribing the transformation to something you "don’t know exactly what or who" is.
Ultimately, you can believe in whatever you want. I accept that there are valued people in my life who believe in a God, and I don't badger them about it. I focus on their positive attributes.
I do however, have a major problem when religion and the alleged will of supernatural deities are used as vehicles to manipulate, maim and murder people.
Until you can provide something resembling proof of a God, you need to accept that atheists have every right to not believe in such an entity. Calling them arrogant, or Satan worshippers as some other outright nutters do, is not a bad reflection on atheists, but on the accuser.
"Clearly these people who call themselves “Jews” are running the show. And clearly, we have no power to stop them. The question is why?"
It’s that thing about the money, the banks, etc. Everything humans do has been completely subverted to money control, and the Jews got a huge boost when they cunningly Christianized Europe and Islamized the rest of the world.
Christianity and Islam were invented with an in-built prohibition against usury, and though things regarding usury have changed a little since then, because of the black magic of the Cantillon Effect, it gave the Jews their superpower to affect and corrupt everything humans did from then onwards.
Yeah, I perfectly understand “it’s the money”, and especially the central banks and their now very perfect digital - out of thin air - money.
With digital money - tied to and backed by absolutely nothing, the Cantillon effect is antiquated. Now they actively create inflation by shrinking quantity, lowering quality, and raising prices. There is no devaluing currency that is not backed by anything, so you have to work inflation by the other way around through the products and services.
All the blather about printing money and inflation from the media is nonsense.
"the Cantillon effect is antiquated. "
Do you intentionally misrepresent and cherry-pick concepts to pervert an argument in order to refute it? This practice is given the formal title of the straw man argument.
"And religion is predominantly what shapes a culture"
With all due respect, this is complete nonsense. The vagaries of the elements: the seasons, precipitation, the winds, the aridity and the harvests, reflections on the vulnerability of life, and the practices and ethos developed around the location and collection of scarce resources are what shape cultures. At least in historical and prehistorical times, all peoples have had to experience and manage these factors. The human proclivity for narrative and story telling which is a consequence of the emergence of human brain's capacities of abstraction (which itself may be the result of pattern-recognition required to locate resources, the features of the land, the directions of change) have all fostered cultural development.
Before there were religions, there was animism. The Australian Aboriginals still recognise, even if urbanism prevents them from the observance of an animistic ethos. I have not been able to get one person to agree, but so be it: religions arose with the arrival of the state. Religions are the consolidation and the institutionalization of local creeds into an instrument of statecraft.
Would you like to live as an Aborigine? I like hot showers, toilet paper, flushing toilets, and septic systems. I like vacations in Hawaii, hiking in Yosemite, and the plethora of great cuisine that is available. I don’t know why people admire those sorts of cultures(?).
I have no problem believing trees and rocks have spirits, but I certainly do not want to live as brutal an existence as they do.
I recall a photo in an old National Geographic, of some type of “uncontacted tribe” somewhere in the Amazon. It was a family in their dugout canoe, and the wife looked perfectly miserable. My wife joked that she was pining for a better, upgraded canoe, no different than any worn down, but materialistic mother of today. I guarantee that if you offered her husband a modern canoe and a good hunting rifle, he wouldn’t think twice about it. And not that I advocate interfering with their culture in that way; the point is, people are essentially the same through time and cross culturally.
"Would you like to live as an Aborigine?"
Another straw man.
That's it, I've had enough.
Pre-historic man with no written records. Hmm, no chance any of that could be made up nonsense to fit an evolutionary theory. There’s not even anything that could be considered reliable oral records of “pre-historic” man. Think about that pre in the pre- historic. Lots of room for narrative building nonsense.
Yes, the competition for natural resources are part of culture development, but it’s only a part. Origin stories are inseparable from all indigenous cultures, as are their accompanying religious practices. Take the Dine and their 4 mountain boundaries, which they believed that if they transgressed those boundaries, things would not go well for them. Or the Aztecs, Mayans, and Olmecs with their various flying serpent god(s). India, Africa, the Norsemen, The Greeks, The Romans, the Shinto, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Culture creation is multi dimensional and all of it important - food (hunting, gathering, farming, cooking, preservation), fashion and apparel, weapons, architecture, animals, family dynamics, government structure - but most importantly, their deities.
"Pre-historic man with no written records."
Have you ever heard of a thing called archeology? Written records are not the only kinds, and in any case they'd constitute insufficient evidence of anything if they were the only kind. As an example, the Bible is considered an historical record of events, particularly by those that maintain it's the word of (a) god. And yet in reality, objectively, it's almost completely a fabrication.
" Lots of room for narrative building nonsense."
So according to you the "narrative building" by scholars and investigators is nonsense, on the other hand that of the authors of scripture and theologians is factual?
Okay, got it.
rabbis address the immorality of zionism -
Before I look at that video, I've seen several others in which rabbis justifiably condemn the Zionism of Theodor Herzl's vision, including the Greater Israel project, and the one which is comprised in the doctrine underpinning U.S. NeoCon and Israeli geopolitical operations in the Middle East.
However, over and above this, the idea of Zion is a fundamental aspect of Jewish identity and plays a central role in Jewish eschatology. Those same rabbis will not condemn this - it is central to their creed. The eschatological view includes the idea that all nations will recognise the God of Israel, with Jerusalem as the spiritual center - for all nations! This aligns with the prophecy in Isaiah that "all nations shall flow" to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, AND ... Gentiles will bring wealth to the Jewish people! But of course!
The Gentile's own ethnic religions and creeds must be rejected. And for Gentiles who refuse the God of Israel? Well, that's not really going to be an option if we expect to continue breathing.
Excellent, as usual.
Yeah, it’s some trick Israel and their supports manage to pull every time—playing the victim while they indiscriminately murder women and children. Als well as having NUCLEAR weapons!
Persecuted victims my ass.
WTF is wrong with people who believe that nonsense?!
hasbara logick -
I had no idea that Golda Meir was really a man until this article showed this photo.
Egads, what a photo!
Yeah, that was the first thing that sprung into my mind - "she sure seems an interesting bloke" lol
Yes, my account on X got locked by making the following comment: “Israel is run by terrorists”. After contacting X, I am waiting for my account to be restored. So much for free speach!
And... Really the only thing They have to affect all this mess is... Money. If We were all living richly with no need to account for Our energy added (use money), They would not have this power over Us.
The End of (Social) Entropy (article):
"Our race is the master race. We are the divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as
they are from insects"
-MENACHEM BEGIN (1977-1983)
Outstanding, have been delving into this history from a negative personal experience in my 1st marriage. Read "The Revolutionary Spirit" by E. Michael Jones and other archived books on the demonic Talmud, Sabaeteens, etc. My question is why does the US and Britain unconditionally support a genocidal killing machine, what pact have they made and why, bribes, threats, control files? If not stopped they eventually will kill all of us. Thank you so much.
Biblical prophesy appears more a script for a long play. Clearly makes reconciliation easier for the gullible evangelical. I believe that today, it has entered a very dangerous and reckless phase. Hard to fathom that anybody with a heart and fundamental understanding of Christ's word would believe that wanton murder of innocents is okay, or worse, openly encourage it! Looking forward to part II, well...not really.
A Divine Comedy? Clearly we are pawns in some divine script. Is it for mere entertainment of The Divinity, like Westworld or The Hunger Games? Is it that we are the level playing field of a divine court case? The Bible hints at some things, but boy are there some gaps and HUGE unanswerable questions.
Or is it that the Bible we know has been edited and manipulated over millenia for the benefit of the powers that be, so that it's not entirely God's word?
We’ve got nothing but speculation. You’ve got a large segment of doubters and you’ve got the inerrant crowd. And what confusing mess Christianity is. How can this be? Everyone “hearing” from God, and so many contrary to each other.
So true! Religion is man-made, so bound to be confusing and full of contradictions. Religions have been manipulated to meet certain ends, just like most everything else. I believe we will see the end goal of this manipulation in the not too distant future.
Belief in God and belief in religion are, of course, two different things. Many an atheist is someone disenfranchised with religion who may not have come to that realization yet.
And here’s the thing; it’s hard to distinguish between who is lying with a straight face, who is believing their own imagination, and who is telling the truth.
We do certainly seem to be at a very big tipping point. I think we can all sense it, and humanity is in a huge funk over it. And we’ve been corralled into this position by design, not by accident or organically.
So is it our collective poor choices that green lights this oppression, or are we entirely at the will of something else.
I think if humanity stood their ground on the soooo obvious Covid scammery, then things would be different. Me and my family stood our ground, so I hope that pays dividends when it all falls apart.
Well said!
At this point, I believe it’s a combination of our poor choices and a more metaphysical battle between good and evil - both of which are entities in the sense that they are energy you can actually feel. As we have free will, I don’t think we’re entirely at the will of something else. But we’re pretty easily led, as the whole Covid debacle clearly showed us.
Generally speaking, we want to do what’s easiest and offers immediate gratification. We want to vote every four years and then forget about it; blame the opposite side of the political aisle when things go wrong, instead of getting involved and holding politicians accountable - or giving up rulers entirely and taking responsibility for our own communities. Biblically speaking, this seems one of the messages heard loud and clear in the Bible: rulers lead people astray, unless they’re exceptional. Most aren’t.
spirituality should be the central tenet of any religion.
So - agnostics all ?
Not necessarily all. I think many people believe wholeheartedly in God, just not in religion. There are, after centuries of history, many reasons to think that religion is often used as an excuse to do the opposite of what its adherents state that they believe in.
Former nun turned researcher and author Karen Armstrong calls herself a "freelance monotheist." I like that. And I like the open mindedness of beliefs that aren't dogmatic and set in stone.
There are days when I am drifting toward agnosticism, and days when I can actually see the Gnostics point of view on the demiurge. I’ve had too many profound experiences within Christianity to cross over just yet.
Zionism=Nazism=Nimrodism=Satanism=Roman Imperialism=Tubal Cain=Ordo ab Chao=Jesuitism=Go Forth & Set the World On Fire. Israhell was always set up as a Terrorist state of the EL-ite after WWll. Esoteric Occult Arcana DAATH Magi-ck. The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King. We accept the version of reality with which we are presented. Those that can see, those that need to be shown & those that cannot see. Can’t see it for you, only point you where to look.
Fascinating, thanks! Once more we learn from history.
A small typo early on in the piece: states that WWI ended in 2018.
Oops, thanks for spotting the typo :)
Excellent. Thanks.
Thou shall make war by way of deception (Terrorism). Synthesizing changes by being the catalyst of the Arc of Crisis. Social Alchemy sowing the seeds of Chaos.
What is the difference between Zionist terrorism and Nazi terrorism?
Also, can you find the pattern of this kind of terrorism in Bolshevik USSR or Communist China under Mao Tse-Tung?
BTW: I’m not defending Israel. I’m just trying to make a point.
Hi Thomas, Begin was such a self-aggrandizing blowhard that he boasted of introducing terror to the world. That's not true, but history does attest to the fact that the Zionists introduced widespread, systematic terror to the Southern Levant.
You should look closer into the ancient history of the world, beginning with Babylon, Medio-Persia or Egypt…
My point is that what you call “Zionist Terrorism” is not a new concept. I has been used throughout the ages with varying levels of success as nationalism, with its different forms, plus religion, or some kind of a belief system or ideology, if needed, to justify bloodshed of the innocent.
Zionists are responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70CE by the Romans when all the genealogical records were destroyed. This means that since then nobody can claim to be a Zionist per se as nobody can prove to be a Jew; i.e. belonging the tribe of Judah…
In other words, all the Zionist movements is just a cloak for typical political agendas… Is all BS…
Anthony ... I see no point in writing or reading about the Jewish|Arabic endless madness. It defies any version of common sense. It will never be sorted. Until we have managed to destroy our world - which we are on the way to doing - there is nothing that will ever reduce the level of "racial" insanity: and the word is in inverted commas because they come from the same source.
Hi Margaret-Rose, yes, the Middle East situation is insane, and you may well be right - we may be long past the point of no return. Humanity's wanton irrationality and self-destructive streak doesn't give much cause for optimism.
That said, we shouldn't just sit on the sidelines while the Zionists and their sycophants continue serving up their very one-sided version of history.
If those bastards get their way, the world will be dragged into WWIII (and true to form, they'll be sitting in the VIP seats, counting the arms sales profits and depopulation tally).
For what - a bunch of "Jew = Good, Arab = Bad" bullshit? A return to "homeland" wank by a mythical God's self-proclaimed "Chosen Ones" as documented in an ancient book that is part history and (large) part fantasy?
People should know the real story.
You're a true journo.
Love yer but.
It seems to me that it's not "we" (as in the majority of us) who are destroying our world, but a tiny minority of people who benefit from war and environmental destruction. By the same token, most of us aren't racists. Race is used by the powers that be to bring about the wars that make them rich, give them power and reduce the population of strong young men, not to mention everyday people living in war torn places.
This distinction seems important at this time when it would be easy to give up on humanity as a lost cause. WE, the average citizen of the average country, don't want wars because we don't benefit from them. That's why our overlords must drum up racist sentiment, as one example, to make us willing to get involved in them.
We are the prey of the very few predators.
The sooner we all realize that we are being stalked and killed by psychopathic predators the better chance we have of surviving.
True: I'm often tempted to the "lost cause" way of thinking.
Perhaps your brain isn't totally avian. :)
That made me laugh, thanks!
I've leaned in that direction sometimes too. But since coming to understand how our world really operates, strangely I feel better about our chances as a species.