Who Were More COVID Gullible: Religious People or Atheists?
Did religion help keep followers away from the deadly vaxxxines? Or were believers even more gullible than non-believers?
Every now and then, some clown on Substack or Telegram who fancies themselves as a freedom fighter likens atheists to devil worshippers.
These people are terminal morons.
Atheism is not a belief that Satan is a divine entity.
Atheists don’t even believe in Satan.
They don’t believe there is a nasty bloke in a place below called Hell wearing a red suit with horns protruding from his head, no more than they believe there is a bearded bloke keeping tab of all our sins and good deeds while sitting on a throne in a place above called Heaven.
Atheism does not denote a belief in anything. It simply denotes a lack of belief in supernatural deities.
The fact that there exists a dedicated term for people who don’t believe in supernatural beings shows just how ingrained religion has become in the world’s psyche.
If you tell me there are invisible goblins living in your attic, and I don’t believe you, no-one labels me an “agoblinist.”
If deluded fat people who believe they know the secret to being lean, but apparently prefer the flabby unfit look, claim that low-carb diets confer a fat loss “metabolic advantage,” no-one calls me an “ametabolic advantageist” for shaking my head in bemusement and instead deferring to the decades of controlled research confirming there is no such thing.
Not believing in something whose existence cannot be demonstrated is not a belief system in and of itself.
It’s simply being rational.
“I’ve never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God.”
-Ricky Gervais
When non-believers use terms like “Satan” and “satanic,” we use them as nouns and adjectives to describe evil people we really find repugnant. You know, people like Henry Kissinger, Benjamin Netanyahu and Dan Andrews.
And Pope Francis, who, as you know, is head of the Roman Catholic Church, the world’s largest Christian church. He’s the dubious character who said last year that pedophile priests are “children of God” who must be loved as well as “enemies” who should also be punished.
Well, which is it?
The Catholic church has a lot to say about making amends and reconciliation. In practice, however, it much prefers the “you didn’t hear nothin’, you didn’t see nothin’, you don’t say nothin’” approach.
Two Australian Aboriginal men are currently pursuing a civil damages claim over the Vatican’s failure to protect them from the priest who sexually abused them as children. The perpetrator was a satanic character known as Michael Glennon, a serial child rapist. Despite being convicted and jailed for the indecent assault of a girl in 1978, in the finest Catholic tradition he remained an ordained priest for the next 20 years. At the time of his death, he was in jail for crimes against fifteen children.
Pope Francis, who says scum like Glennon deserve our love, doesn’t share such charitable sentiments towards victims of such monsters. In response to the civil suit, lawyers for the pope have challenged the jurisdiction of the court. They argue that, as ruler of the Vatican City and Holy See, the pope is a head of state and under Australia’s Foreign States Immunities Act, immune from any proceeding before an Australian court.
This argument has yet to be tested in Australia, where decades of clerical abuse of children and the church’s “catastrophic failure of leadership” were exposed and documented by a royal commission and state-based parliamentary inquiries. It has, however, been successfully deployed against similar legal cases in Europe and the US.
Given his loving sentiments towards pedophile priests and his “you can kiss my ass” attitude towards their victims, it’s not hard to work out where the pope might stand on the issue of COVID gene therapies.
In January 2021, Pope Francis described opposition to COVID-19 ‘vaccination’ as “suicidal denial.”
Yes, those of us who denied the poison pricks were denying the opportunity to engage in suicidal behavior.
“Thank you, oh satanic globalist scum, but no thanks. We like being alive.”
Of course, that’s not what the pope meant. Ever the avid globalist, he was trying to say that refusing to take a dangerous toxin based on a technology with a demonstrated 30-year track record of failure was akin to suicide.
Urging people to get clot-shotted, he claimed “There is a suicidal denial which I cannot explain, but today we have to get vaccinated.”
Says the grown man in a dressing gown who preaches the virtues of sacrifice while living in unbridled opulence.

If there really was a supernatural bloke in the sky, and he was a benevolent entity, then it goes without saying he would not want his flock getting injected with dangerous drugs invented by satanic assholes.
So who did Catholics listen to? Guy in the Sky, or Grown Man in Dressing Gown?
In fact, what did religious people in general do in response to the so-called ‘vaccination’ rollout?
Were they more likely to act like a bunch of sheep who believe in untenable things?
Or were they more likely to to think critically, and question just why there was such a rush to get injected with toxins for a ‘pandemic’ where the only people dropping dead in the streets just happened to be crisis actors in fake Chinese videos?
Religiosity and Vaxxxine Uptake
In this article, I’ll focus on studies that examined actual vaccine uptake, rather than stated intent. There was a lot of research performed on ‘vaccine hesitancy’ in the early days of the scamdemic, and I won’t waste my time or yours discussing it, for one simple reason: People frequently say they will do one thing, only to do another.
Everyone loves to act the hard-ass, but when push comes to shove, many people quickly drop the “over my dead body!” bravado. As we saw during the COVID farce, it often didn’t take much of a push - the specter of suffering an ailment with a 99.9% survival rate, the threat of not being able to eat at restaurants or go watch self-indulgent sheep masquerading as rebellious rock’n’rollers was enough to drive some people to get injected.
Also, people sometimes give answers to opinion surveys that may not be accurate representations of their beliefs, but rather what they think the interviewer wants to hear or that they believe to be socially acceptable.
So again, what we’ll look at here are studies that examined actual receipt of the gene therapies.
The most recent published study on the topic appeared in the May 2024 issue of Vaccine, using data from a survey of over 12,000 respondents in England. Conducted through the YouGov Online Panel, people were asked whether they identified with a religion, and if so which, and the number of COVID-19 ‘vaccinations’ they had received.
Respondents who listed their religious affiliation as Methodist, “Other Christian,” Church of England and Judaism had the most COVID-19 injections (3.48, 3.43, 3.35 and 3.21 doses, respectively).
This compared to 2.9 doses for those indicating “No Religion”.
Meanwhile, adherents to the Pentecostal Evangelical and Islamic faiths had the fewest COVID-19 doses (1.88 and 2.08 shots, respectively).
With an average dose count of 2.89, Roman Catholics were on a par with those listing no religious affiliation in their response.
In other words, UK Catholics listened to Grown Man in Dressing Gown, while their non-believer neighbors listened to Overpaid Assholes in Suits and Power Dresses.
On the question as to whether the differences were due to the varying religious tenets, or other factors, the researchers noted that respondents of the Islamic religion, as well as those who report belonging to other non-Christian denominations, were often ethnic minorities, and ethnic minorities in the UK have shown large degrees of vaccine skepticism (whitewashed as “hesitancy”). Ethnic minorities also have a significantly lower level of trust in the NHS than white respondents in the UK.
Back in the USSA
A much smaller survey published in the February 2023 issue of Vaccine examined demographic differences in “compliance” with COVID-19 vaxxxination timing “guidelines.”
Of the 700 eligible US adult respondents to an online questionnaire conducted by Dynata, a survey research company, 61% (389) were “highly adherent” (i.e., started by late 2020 and received a booster dose), 22% (184) were “moderately adherent” (i.e., started later than June 2021, and/or did not receive the booster dose), and 17% (127) were unvaxxxinated.
Non-religious respondents had consistently lower odds of “vaccination compliance.” Among those citing “nothing” as their religion, 28% were unvaxxxinated. In contrast, only 11%, 13%, 10%, 7% and 0% of Catholic/Orthodox, Evangelical, Jewish, “Mainline” and Muslim respondents, respectively, had completely shunned the poison pricks.
Atheists, Agnostics and Nothing in Particulars Were Less Likely to Be Poison Pricked in Early 2021
In a textbook classic case of misreporting, the headline of a March 2021 New York Post article shouted "Atheists are more likely to get vaccinated, survey finds."
But when you pull up the Pew Research data they cite, ignore the gonna/wanna questions and look at the number of respondents who had actually received at least one vaccine dose, a very different picture emerges.
Actual vaxxxination rates at this early stage of the Great COVID Con among the over 10,000 US participants were similar among atheists, Protestants and Catholics (20%, 19% and 23%, respectively).
In fact, when the “Unaffiliated” category is widened to include agnostics (who consider the existence or lack thereof of God to be unknowable) and those who cite “Nothing in Particular,” we can see this non-religious group had the lowest vaxxxination rate at 16%.
Interestingly, a subsequent Pew Research survey conducted later in 2021 asked Catholic respondents about the level of confidence they had in Pope Francis to provide guidance about the vaxxxine.
Catholic Americans were split on this question: 47% revealed they had no critical faculties whatsoever when they replied they had “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of confidence in Grown Man in Dressing Gown Who Says Pedo Priests Deserve Our Love to provide vaxxxine guidance. On the bright side, a slightly higher majority of 52% said they had “not too much” confidence or “no confidence at all” in the pope as a source of information on vaxxxinations for the coronavirus.
Anthony’s Free Tip of the Day, brought to you by tartufo and sambuca: Don’t trust anyone who sits on a throne for accurate information on a disease named after a crown. In fact, don’t trust anyone who sits on a throne, period.
Judaism and the Clot Shots
Like many religions and cults, Judaism teaches that its followers are God’s chosen people.
Says who?
They do.
It turns out that, in early 2021, the people of Israel were indeed the chosen ones, but it wasn’t Yahweh doing the choosing.
Israel had been singled out for a shock-and-awe campaign of depop shots. The public faces of that campaign were Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and the Murdoch media’s favorite war criminal, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Bibi and Bourla conspired to use the largely monotheistic Jewish nation of Israel as a "test case" for Pfizer’s dodgey new drug.
And the Jewish nation of Israel lapped it up.
On March 19, 2021, TIME magazine praised Israel for being the most vaccinated country in the world.
But alas, Yahweh was not looking over the state of Israel. Bibi and Bourla were, which meant the Chosen Ones were about to become the Prematurely Dying Ones.
After the vaxxx rollout, Israel suffered excess mortality, including a huge jump in infant deaths.
Using data from the Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from 2019 to 2021, researchers detected a 25% increase in calls for cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome among 16–39-year-olds during January–May 2021, compared with the years 2019–2020.
In response, Dr. Sharon Elroy-Pries, head of Public Health Services at Israel’s Orwellian-sounding Ministry of Health said: “This is one of the biggest fake news I have seen.”
She claimed that “in the mortality data from the beginning of 2021, you don’t see an increase in mortality except for COVID mortality.”
The problem with that lie is that attorney Ori Xabi had already filed a FOI requesting data for cardiac arrest cases, to which the MOH replied “The information for the years 2021–2022 does not exist in the office.”
As one of the EMS study researchers pointed out, “If they don’t have data for 2021 and 2022, then how can they know that they don’t have an increase [in cardiac arrests]?”
Other vital public health services provided by the MoH include furiously deleting Facebook comments from people describing in detail the severe adverse events they or their loved ones had experienced after being poison pricked.
These folks should’ve paid heed to to commonsense, instead of the Bibi and Bourla Show. The problem with religion, unfortunately, is that it discourages independent thinking and instead instructs people to look to a higher external power for guidance.
Just like governments do.
“You can trust us … dismiss anything else … we will continue to be your single source of truth.”
-WEF Young Global Leader alumni and former New Zealand dictator, Jacinta Ardern in 2020.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
-George Orwell, 1984.
US Jews and the Clot Shots
American Jews were also early and eager adopters of the deadly mRNA technology. In July 2021, the Public Religion Research Institute found 85% of US Jews were “vaccine accepters,” compared to 71% of Americans in general. In fact, adherents of Judaism were more likely than any other religious group to be accepters.
Because only a small fraction of vaccine accepters were yet to get pricked, this meant Jews were more likely to have been vaxxxinated than both the general population and any other religious group.
For a group constantly complaining about being discriminated against, Jews were remarkably willing to marginalize others. Christians (72%), Jews (71%), and other non-Christian religious groups (70%) supported requiring proof of vaccines for activities like travel, work, or school. Latter-day Saints (46%) and white evangelical Protestants (31%) were least likely to support such blatant discrimination.
The bottom line is that there is little to suggest that religion acts as a beneficial counter to globalist psy-ops. To the contrary, the available evidence indicates adherents of the mainstream religions were more likely than non-believers to embrace the COVID scam, with its accompanying kill shots and medical apartheid.
“God Will Save Us!” (He’s Taking His Sweet Time, Then)
The QAnon sham involved bad actors flooding ‘alt media’ with bullshit stories that the White Hats (which just happens to be a term for 33rd degree Freemasons) were coming to save us. No need to do anything, just “Trust The Plan!™” because Trump was still controlling the US from behind the scenes, merrily executing everyone from the Podesta brothers to Joe Biden (the flatulent, senile, kiddy-fondler you saw on TV was just a body double wearing a rubber mask, you see).
Religious people have their own version of “Trust The Plan!™” It’s called “God Will Save Us!™”
Interestingly, a lot of professed Christians simply adore Donald Trump, which suggests a strong link between Christianity and hopium addiction.
Again, stop and ask yourself: Who really benefits when the masses can be convinced to sit tight and wait until their alleged savior comes along to rescue them?
No-one is coming to save us, folks. A critical first step to dealing with the evil that is currently threatening our continued survival is to wake up and accept this fact.
The Good, the Bad, and the Good and the Bad
This article will no doubt raise the ire of many religious folks. So I’ll close by saying that there are some wonderful religious people, and there are religious people who are utter turds (Dan Andrews professes to be Catholic, while belief in a deity is a declared prerequisite for joining the apron-wearing cult of Freemasonry).
Likewise, there are some wonderful atheists, and there are atheists who I rate as world-class a-holes: Karl Marx, Che Guevara, Sigmund Freud, Woody Allen, Mark Zuckerberg were/are reportedly non-believers.
Coming from an Italian background, most of my extended family is Catholic. Speaking of which, I’d like to share a story.
In mid-March 2020, I attended the one-year memorial mass for one of my younger cousins who died under tragic circumstances. It was around this time that the COVID madness was getting into full swing, with travel bans and border closures coming into effect.
I’ll never forget that gathering, because it was the first time I’d ever seen a bunch of Italians behaving like statues. Apart from my commare (godmother) and a couple of cousins, there were no hugs or hand shakes. It was both surreal and deeply disappointing to watch my normally expressive relatives stand around, petrified because of a bunch of fraudulent bullshit. Most of them went on to get vaccinated, and some of them are since deceased. While some lived a seemingly full term, others died suspiciously young - including, rather cruelly, one of the brothers of my cousin.
Being ‘feisty’ Mediterraneans and devout Catholics did nothing to insulate them from globalist scare-mongering, nor from the gene therapy propaganda. Immunity to fear porn and medical coercion requires critical thinking, commonsense and intestinal fortitude, not an imaginary Guy in the Sky.
My wife and I, 9 children and their spouse and 28 grandchildren knew from the start that it was a PLANDEMIC and took no shots—none! We are faithful Latter Day Saints, but we knew that the Feds, CDC, Fauci, Trump, and every 2-bit federal agency was lying to doctors and religious leaders to get them to push the jabs! God does not always protect us—we have to have knowledge—knowledge protects and keeps one out of captivity!! Isaiah said, my people have gone into captivity because they lack knowledge!! Just my 2 cents!!!
Alive and happy In Utah!!
You hit the nail on the head with this one!! Mike Yeadon often says no one is coming to save us, and that is absolutely true. I’m just hanging in for the ride to see how this (life) pans out - what else can I do? And you made me laugh with some of your descriptions which was very welcome with the seriousness of this. Thank you. 🙏🏻 (I couldn’t resist the praying hands…..from a former Catholic 😂)