“Most of the US aid to Israel - approximately $3.3 billion a year”
3.3 or 33. Got to get that 33 in there, even if the number is approximate.
In case everyone hadn’t noticed, there is a huge contradiction going on: on the one hand, it’s alleged that the Js own everything (which appears to be true, and you can bet includes every social media outlet INCLUDING substack), and that they can sensor at will. And yet, there is this enormous amount of anti-J writing and video making going on out there, simultaneous to anti-J-metism laws being passed. Almost as if they want people to be on record with their criticisms, so it can be justified as evidence.
There are just too many anti-J authors and content creators who would surely attest to censorship that somehow never happens to themselves(?). Candace Owens is the most in your face contradiction out there, claiming to be the no 1 antisem in the world, and yet fully supportive of Zio-in-chief -DJT. It’s all a bit gefeltafishy.
Yeah. The whole Oct. 7 thing was very odd, to say the least. Netinyahu ordered the IDF to stand down for seven hours while “Hamas” went nuts. And provided a graphic and bloody excuse for Israel to declare the war it wanted, using the kids conveniently pre-positioned at the festival which was moved at the last minute to a venue close to the border wall for easy pickings. The whole thing was beautifully coordinated. And considering the deep dives I’ve been reading about evidence that the Zionist elite sacrificed ordinary Jews to create the Holocaust setup (I still haven’t decided if it was really a fake or not, but I’m willing to keep looking into that), I wouldn’t be surprised at all if their current leadership felt that a few dozen kids was a small price to pay to unleash the fury and condemnation of the world on Palestine and get the global green light to carry out the Zionist “final solution” on the pesky natives whose land they cover.
Look t how jab-happy the Israeli government was, too. No number of their own people was too many to maim and kill to usher in the predators’ dream of transhumanism. Governments that sacrifice their own people for mad, horrible ends would have no trouble sacrificing others for the same.
Yeah, I saw that too. The 33 is always there (or 66, 666, or 911). Those 4 female IDF soldiers were said to be “tormented”. They didn’t look very tormented and it looked like the usual acting.
All Intel assets. MLK and George Lincoln Rockwell were both assets. The spook state has its fingers into every major movement and figure.
AI will provide the ability to realtime search an individual and be able to summarize everything they've done online. Wrongthinkers will be sanctioned at some point. China's social credit is going global now that the beta test is complete.
Without a doubt. And Trump is about to put it on steroids. Just before his inauguration, he gave a speech at Mar a Lago. He was pumping his great, great foreign investments coming into the country, and his first introduction was a Saudi billionaire who is going to invest 20 billion in - data collection centers. I am quite sure that all the MAGA folks are tripping over themselves with an excuse for that, like they’ve been doing with his Epstein association and his warp speed shots.
You state Zionists Love MAGA (Milking America’s Giant Assets). I refer to it as MIGA ( Make Israel Great Again ) and that has been the goal for years regardless who is President.
There's a meme going around about how much Israel has donated to the hurricane victims in North Carolina. I think we all know the answer to that one, " A BIG NOTHING" and they never do. It's a one way street!!!! Makes you wonder who is really in charge of this country.
Absolutely none of which changes the fact that wealthy and thoroughly undeserving Israel receives the most foreign aid from the US, and most of that 'aid' goes to its murderous military.
You should talk to the military industrial complex that tests out and proves its weapons efficacy by the weapons/aid program that requires money be spent on American weapons in America so that people like you can get excited about aid to Israel being a nefarious thing, it's not complicated you just choose not to be aware of it
Filming bullshit for suckers like you for 30 years
They asked for it and they breed their children to be martyrs, why should I care they started a war during a ceasefire and are holding a hostages they don't deserve any Mercy but have been shown far too much, aren't Christians supposed to turn the other cheek yet you're mad that Israel is defeating its enemies, the incoherency and delusions are endless
You are giving figures of all foreign aid and I'm sure some of this comes from Jewish sources like this one - Aid to Palestinians Per Capita Far Exceeds Other Recipients
And the worst part (aside from the dead women and children) is how Israeli and there apologists absolutely invert reality to such a degree that up is down, black is white and Israel has no other choice than to murder civilians in what is effectively an open air prison by dropping bombs on it from their fighter jets. To say they’re cowards is an understatement.
And ALL of the weapons and money is supplied by my government…because.
Israel Is more important to my government than the needs of the American people.
If that is not bat shit crazy, well then up is down, black is white and Israel is the victim in all this.
The inversion of reality that you project reflects the 57 Islamic and 22 Arab Nations.
Love knowing that Jews trigger you folks and that you've all built skate parks between your ears for Jews to grind away daily rent-free all day everyday all weekend.
I predict a lot of grandkids named Mohammed and Fatima from you folks
How many five-star hotels were in Gaza before they started the war during the ceasefire against Israel on a Jewish high holy day on a Jewish sabbath against leftist Arab sympathizers? You're open-air prison narrative is bullshit just like starving gazans, look at those fat fucks driving new Toyotas paid for by the UN and your government
Masonic Zionism has killed more human beings between WWl & current WW3-hybrid 4/5/6 GW (which isn’t done yet) than any other period in twistory. Luciferian Apotheosis uses its agent Satan to accomplish its evil. It’s goal is complete world domination & control of humans on earth under guise & deception of globalism & collectivisim.
Imagine the miserable space of a human with such goals as driving forces. We the people(the humans who are enjoying their personal responsibility and wanting to raise a family without prejudice to perpetrate and grow the beauty that abounds) need to set a time or two or three world times where one donates their conscious attention for a set number of minutes to the beauty of the universal life glued with respect and love. I believe that the power of tuned thought is decisive and has been used more often for inappropriate results rather than healthy results
Who gives a shit? lol What does that have to do with this article? How do the alleged sexual proclivities of a dead bloke make Israel's disgraceful behavior NOW any less disgraceful?
Ditto for a past conflict between Christians and Protestants?
"goi'im" is a derogatory and racist term used by hateful and feeble-minded bigots like yourself. I specifically asked commenters to refrain from using such smears.
Start conversing in a civil manner, and address the facts raised in the article rather than taunting other readers and wanking on about dead and allegedly gay kings, or you will be blocked.
As I usually ask with all of this blessing of Israel, Is the United States better off today vs 1948? I think the dispensationalist-Christians have their eschatology wrong.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
You want to address the points raised in the article instead of spamming the comments section with this rubbish?
None of your triggered trolling changes the fact that wealthy and thoroughly undeserving Israel receives the most foreign aid from the US, and most of that 'aid' goes to its murderous military.
Why did general John Spencer from West point and Colonel Kemp of England's military say that Israel has achieved the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in any war ever, why do you ignore that Hamas built a tunnel infrastructure to hide its jihadis in instead of protecting its civilians, why do you bitch about the only nation that's fighting a back against jihad after being attacked, you're an inconsolable whiny cunt, afflicted with Jews on the tongue
There we go, call me a C-bomb, exactly the level of intellect we'd expect from a hateful bigot like yourself.
"Why did general John Spencer from West point and Colonel Kemp of England's military say that Israel has achieved the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in any war ever,"
Forty thousand Palestinians dead in only a year, yeah that's some record low body count, huh?
"why do you ignore that Hamas built a tunnel infrastructure to hide its jihadis in instead of protecting its civilians"
And just who helped get Hamas up and running, Alan aka DudeinMindlessTossOff?
Christians are irritated in general because in 1948 according to biblical calendars Israel reestablished itself after the church had attempted to replace Israel with its jezeusian mythology power structure, it's all falling apart for the Christians, but looking at its teachings how could any of humanity bought into something that so subversive and anti-human with its basic introductory thoughts such as these
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
Decent people are irritated because a wealthy, self-entitled country receives billions in taxpayer funds to murder and maim innocent civilians, including children.
You're probably an old dude so you remember Baghdad Bob, Hamas is the same but you choose to be lame and pretend that they're not to blame, I'm on to your game
When you find out how the US took over the Israeli military complex after Israel's dashing victories in 67 and 73 you might have prospective on the military industrial complexes profiteering nature that you seem to overlook only when it comes to the Jewish state
Don't look into how the US suppressed Israel industries own fighter jets and has sanctioned Israel endlessly and denied it contractually obligated arms which it was promised and paid for under the previous years so-called aid package
The leaders of Israel pushed an experimental vaccine by a German company, BioNTech, with a known side effects of causing a heart condition on the young and healthy. Israel Ministry of Health presented their findings of the rates of myocarditis by gender and age to the US FDA Sept 17, 2021. Start at minute 1:59:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFph7-6t34M
"Some of these studies, including data from the vaccination program in
Someone screaming AnTiSeMiTe!! is very telling; they show themselves to be ignorant. Most of the Palestinians are Semites and the majority of the Jewish people living in Israel are not. So most people they accuse of being anti-Semites are pro-Semites.
So funny how these things work in our inverted reality, isn't it?
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
Let's say it straight : humanity without JEWS and their BACKERS will surely be a heaven compare to the actual hellich situation anfolding around the world and that's for sure!!!
My favorite consequential story was when Europe kicked out their Jews after looting and enslaving them and 100-year war followed between the lutherans and Catholics, Christian unity 🤣
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed 🤷
I'm not reading anything about a rumored gay king. I'm reading and studying about the King of Kings who you will stand before one day and be judged. If I were you, while you still have breath, I'd open that Book and read what the Book of Romans says about you. You will have no excuse when you come before Him in your sins. Believe the gospel of the grace of God, that He went to the cross and tasted death for you, so you can stand before Him in the righteousness of Christ. Otherwise, your sins will take you straight to hell. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come unto repentance (change of mind). God is just and will by no means clear the guilty. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved! I did and am :)
The Jews are neither Judean, Israelite or Semite. They are Edomites which at one time went by the name other names. And the Israelites were told to Kill them All.
Because they did not, these sons of satan/Cain would infiltrate and eventually take over the Way of Life and Scriptures of the Adamites/Israelites and turn it into pagan nonsense. Now the majority of Christians and the world believe the jews are Yahwah's children which is impossible.
In Deuteronomy 7:1-2 God tells Israel, “When the LORD (YAHWAH) thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou: and when the LORD (YAHWAH) thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them.”
The ministrations of mental masturbation that you folks come up with regarding interpretations of the Jews is hilarious in its hyperfocused disregard of facts reality and concepts of proof, made the Jews continue to dwell in between your ears rent-free, grinding away daily rent-free rent free rent free rent free
Okay, I've given you every opportunity to say something relevant and remotely intelligent, but all we're getting from you is a wankery about gay kings, skate parks, C-bombs and racist "go'im" slurs.
Why don't you do a proper search on the war god yahway. The God of the Old Testament is named Jehovah, the LORD. He is the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
Looks to me you have fallen for the modern, Alexandrian texts of "bibles" that interpret Satan and yahweh. Use the Authorized King James Bible and learn the truth.
Oh, I have not only done that, I have personally studied and researched the Book itself and found it to be faithful to God's very words, preserved. I have also trusted the gospel of the grace of God and know Him by faith. Nothing could move me away from the Only Inspired Word of God in English.
BTW, the gospel that saves men today is found in the Pauline epistles: Romans through Philemon. It's what inspires me to write.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
These are my favorite subversive Jesus quotes, no one can explain them as if they're not malevolent and malignant without magical thinking
Like I said, Romans through Philemon contain the doctrine for the church, the body of Christ today. We "rightly divide" the Scriptures, dividing the revelation of the mystery from prophecy. You know so little of the Bible. But that could change!
If that explanation is not absolutely true, then there is a very serious problem.
That said, what are your thoughts on Matt 13 - the wheat and Tares - where Jesus clearly explains that the devil has seed on this earth (the only parable the disciples ask for clarification on, btw, almost as if they couldn’t believe what he was telling them). And then, as the story goes, the angels ask God if they should go clean the situation up and weed the garden, and God responds, “nah, let them grow together until the end of the age, lest they be pulled up together”. In context, the angel of death systematically took out all the firstborn of Egypt and elsewhere a whole bunch of soldiers were dispatched by hailstones. You’d think the garden could get weeded out in similar fashion. Thoughts?
“Most of the US aid to Israel - approximately $3.3 billion a year”
3.3 or 33. Got to get that 33 in there, even if the number is approximate.
In case everyone hadn’t noticed, there is a huge contradiction going on: on the one hand, it’s alleged that the Js own everything (which appears to be true, and you can bet includes every social media outlet INCLUDING substack), and that they can sensor at will. And yet, there is this enormous amount of anti-J writing and video making going on out there, simultaneous to anti-J-metism laws being passed. Almost as if they want people to be on record with their criticisms, so it can be justified as evidence.
There are just too many anti-J authors and content creators who would surely attest to censorship that somehow never happens to themselves(?). Candace Owens is the most in your face contradiction out there, claiming to be the no 1 antisem in the world, and yet fully supportive of Zio-in-chief -DJT. It’s all a bit gefeltafishy.
I also noticed on the recent story about "Hamas" releasing hostages, they said they were going to release 33.
IMO "Hamas" is Mossad in costume.
And I don't believe there were ever any Israeli hostages. These people are pathological liars and masters of false flags and deception.
Yeah. The whole Oct. 7 thing was very odd, to say the least. Netinyahu ordered the IDF to stand down for seven hours while “Hamas” went nuts. And provided a graphic and bloody excuse for Israel to declare the war it wanted, using the kids conveniently pre-positioned at the festival which was moved at the last minute to a venue close to the border wall for easy pickings. The whole thing was beautifully coordinated. And considering the deep dives I’ve been reading about evidence that the Zionist elite sacrificed ordinary Jews to create the Holocaust setup (I still haven’t decided if it was really a fake or not, but I’m willing to keep looking into that), I wouldn’t be surprised at all if their current leadership felt that a few dozen kids was a small price to pay to unleash the fury and condemnation of the world on Palestine and get the global green light to carry out the Zionist “final solution” on the pesky natives whose land they cover.
Look t how jab-happy the Israeli government was, too. No number of their own people was too many to maim and kill to usher in the predators’ dream of transhumanism. Governments that sacrifice their own people for mad, horrible ends would have no trouble sacrificing others for the same.
America and Britain, I’m looking at you, too!
fwiw- Max Igan interviewing film/video editing expert who demonstrates much of what we were shown of 10/7 was AI generated video:
info on another atrocity hoax from the tribe:
Yeah, I saw that too. The 33 is always there (or 66, 666, or 911). Those 4 female IDF soldiers were said to be “tormented”. They didn’t look very tormented and it looked like the usual acting.
All Intel assets. MLK and George Lincoln Rockwell were both assets. The spook state has its fingers into every major movement and figure.
AI will provide the ability to realtime search an individual and be able to summarize everything they've done online. Wrongthinkers will be sanctioned at some point. China's social credit is going global now that the beta test is complete.
Without a doubt. And Trump is about to put it on steroids. Just before his inauguration, he gave a speech at Mar a Lago. He was pumping his great, great foreign investments coming into the country, and his first introduction was a Saudi billionaire who is going to invest 20 billion in - data collection centers. I am quite sure that all the MAGA folks are tripping over themselves with an excuse for that, like they’ve been doing with his Epstein association and his warp speed shots.
THIS is one of the reasons I did not vote for Trump (a third time). The other reason is the Operation Warp Speed depopulation bioweapon.
Evil is quite apparent, for those souls who respect Truth and Humanity.
You get it Anthony!
You state Zionists Love MAGA (Milking America’s Giant Assets). I refer to it as MIGA ( Make Israel Great Again ) and that has been the goal for years regardless who is President.
There's a meme going around about how much Israel has donated to the hurricane victims in North Carolina. I think we all know the answer to that one, " A BIG NOTHING" and they never do. It's a one way street!!!! Makes you wonder who is really in charge of this country.
Palestinian Aid per Capita
According to various sources, the per capita foreign aid received by Palestinians has been substantial over the years. Here are some key figures:
2000: Palestinians received $253.85 per capita.
2009: The per capita aid reached a high of $663.16.
Average (2000-2019): The average per capita aid over this period was $407.97.
2012: Gaza and the West Bank received a per capita aid budget of $495, which was over double the next largest recipient.
Absolutely none of which changes the fact that wealthy and thoroughly undeserving Israel receives the most foreign aid from the US, and most of that 'aid' goes to its murderous military.
You should talk to the military industrial complex that tests out and proves its weapons efficacy by the weapons/aid program that requires money be spent on American weapons in America so that people like you can get excited about aid to Israel being a nefarious thing, it's not complicated you just choose not to be aware of it
Israel is an integral part of the military-industrial complex.
"Israel has one of the largest, most diversified, complex, and profitable military-industrial complexes in the world"
Now, do you want to talk about Israel blowing children's legs off, or do you prefer to keep your arrogant head jammed up your racist posterior?
Pallywood baby
Filming bullshit for suckers like you for 30 years
They asked for it and they breed their children to be martyrs, why should I care they started a war during a ceasefire and are holding a hostages they don't deserve any Mercy but have been shown far too much, aren't Christians supposed to turn the other cheek yet you're mad that Israel is defeating its enemies, the incoherency and delusions are endless
"Pallywood baby"
I assume this is how semi-literate bigots spell "Hollywood", that degenerate bowl of weirdness that is owned and operated by ...
You are giving figures of all foreign aid and I'm sure some of this comes from Jewish sources like this one - Aid to Palestinians Per Capita Far Exceeds Other Recipients
(2000 - 2019) https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/aid-to-palestinians-per-capita-far-exceeds-other-recipients#google
But as the U.S goes - Since WWII, the US has provided more foreign aid to Israel than to any other country. https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-military-aid-does-the-us-give-to-israel/
So it does appear they are milking America's assets
Yeah, Anthony this horror show will not end.
And the worst part (aside from the dead women and children) is how Israeli and there apologists absolutely invert reality to such a degree that up is down, black is white and Israel has no other choice than to murder civilians in what is effectively an open air prison by dropping bombs on it from their fighter jets. To say they’re cowards is an understatement.
And ALL of the weapons and money is supplied by my government…because.
Israel Is more important to my government than the needs of the American people.
If that is not bat shit crazy, well then up is down, black is white and Israel is the victim in all this.
The inversion of reality that you project reflects the 57 Islamic and 22 Arab Nations.
Love knowing that Jews trigger you folks and that you've all built skate parks between your ears for Jews to grind away daily rent-free all day everyday all weekend.
I predict a lot of grandkids named Mohammed and Fatima from you folks
"Love knowing that Jews trigger you folks "
Says the clearly triggered screwball who is spamming this comments section like all get out.
The goy cries out the Jew hit me back
Along with the arab, the lebanese, the Iranian and the syrians crying out the Jew hit me back 🤯🤷
"The goy"
Thank you for confirming who the true bigot is.
How many five-star hotels were in Gaza before they started the war during the ceasefire against Israel on a Jewish high holy day on a Jewish sabbath against leftist Arab sympathizers? You're open-air prison narrative is bullshit just like starving gazans, look at those fat fucks driving new Toyotas paid for by the UN and your government
Who gives a shit about 5-star hotels when kids are being murdered?
The whole aid and support shenanigans for Israel are shameful.
Btw AIPAC has a super-majority in Congress.
Qatar 🤔👀🤣
Another globalist puppet state that plays the Jihadist game.
Masonic Zionism has killed more human beings between WWl & current WW3-hybrid 4/5/6 GW (which isn’t done yet) than any other period in twistory. Luciferian Apotheosis uses its agent Satan to accomplish its evil. It’s goal is complete world domination & control of humans on earth under guise & deception of globalism & collectivisim.
Imagine the miserable space of a human with such goals as driving forces. We the people(the humans who are enjoying their personal responsibility and wanting to raise a family without prejudice to perpetrate and grow the beauty that abounds) need to set a time or two or three world times where one donates their conscious attention for a set number of minutes to the beauty of the universal life glued with respect and love. I believe that the power of tuned thought is decisive and has been used more often for inappropriate results rather than healthy results
Yes no doubt about it.
You goi'im are the biggest bloodshedders on the planet followed up by the islamic, but you want to point the finger at Jews
Almost as if the 100-year war between the Catholics and Protestants is forgotten by chumps like you
And King James is gay
"And King James is gay"
Who gives a shit? lol What does that have to do with this article? How do the alleged sexual proclivities of a dead bloke make Israel's disgraceful behavior NOW any less disgraceful?
Ditto for a past conflict between Christians and Protestants?
"goi'im" is a derogatory and racist term used by hateful and feeble-minded bigots like yourself. I specifically asked commenters to refrain from using such smears.
Start conversing in a civil manner, and address the facts raised in the article rather than taunting other readers and wanking on about dead and allegedly gay kings, or you will be blocked.
As I usually ask with all of this blessing of Israel, Is the United States better off today vs 1948? I think the dispensationalist-Christians have their eschatology wrong.
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
How can you get it more wrong than this?
You want to address the points raised in the article instead of spamming the comments section with this rubbish?
None of your triggered trolling changes the fact that wealthy and thoroughly undeserving Israel receives the most foreign aid from the US, and most of that 'aid' goes to its murderous military.
Why did general John Spencer from West point and Colonel Kemp of England's military say that Israel has achieved the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in any war ever, why do you ignore that Hamas built a tunnel infrastructure to hide its jihadis in instead of protecting its civilians, why do you bitch about the only nation that's fighting a back against jihad after being attacked, you're an inconsolable whiny cunt, afflicted with Jews on the tongue
There we go, call me a C-bomb, exactly the level of intellect we'd expect from a hateful bigot like yourself.
"Why did general John Spencer from West point and Colonel Kemp of England's military say that Israel has achieved the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in any war ever,"
Forty thousand Palestinians dead in only a year, yeah that's some record low body count, huh?
"why do you ignore that Hamas built a tunnel infrastructure to hide its jihadis in instead of protecting its civilians"
And just who helped get Hamas up and running, Alan aka DudeinMindlessTossOff?
You really need to do some research, sunshine lol
So the US Military Industrial Complex funded by US taxpayers is enforcers of Cyrus Scofield's vision of the end times?
So Hal lindsey from Minnetonka? Just when do you expect the rapture to occur?
Christians are irritated in general because in 1948 according to biblical calendars Israel reestablished itself after the church had attempted to replace Israel with its jezeusian mythology power structure, it's all falling apart for the Christians, but looking at its teachings how could any of humanity bought into something that so subversive and anti-human with its basic introductory thoughts such as these
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
Decent people are irritated because a wealthy, self-entitled country receives billions in taxpayer funds to murder and maim innocent civilians, including children.
You're probably an old dude so you remember Baghdad Bob, Hamas is the same but you choose to be lame and pretend that they're not to blame, I'm on to your game
When you find out how the US took over the Israeli military complex after Israel's dashing victories in 67 and 73 you might have prospective on the military industrial complexes profiteering nature that you seem to overlook only when it comes to the Jewish state
Don't look into how the US suppressed Israel industries own fighter jets and has sanctioned Israel endlessly and denied it contractually obligated arms which it was promised and paid for under the previous years so-called aid package
Don't look into the 40,000 mostly civilians killed by bloodthirsty Israel, keep that hateful head jammed up your crusty posterior.
The leaders of Israel pushed an experimental vaccine by a German company, BioNTech, with a known side effects of causing a heart condition on the young and healthy. Israel Ministry of Health presented their findings of the rates of myocarditis by gender and age to the US FDA Sept 17, 2021. Start at minute 1:59:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFph7-6t34M
"Some of these studies, including data from the vaccination program in
Israel, will be summarized during the September 17, 2021 VRBPAC meeting." https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download
Thank you for being a voice of reason!
You nailed it!
Someone screaming AnTiSeMiTe!! is very telling; they show themselves to be ignorant. Most of the Palestinians are Semites and the majority of the Jewish people living in Israel are not. So most people they accuse of being anti-Semites are pro-Semites.
So funny how these things work in our inverted reality, isn't it?
12 minutes ago
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
You've been taught well by your masters
And you've been brainwashed well by your mRNA-wielding masters.
Let the record show you have addressed exactly zero (0) points I raised in the article.
We on the same page here, brother. Thanks!
Commonsense. Who Benefits? Who Best Reciprocates with Services or Resources? Who is Trusted? Why, Ladies and Gentlemen! We Have A Winner!!
Absolutely not surprising !
The devil moved into USA 2 centuries ago and also the devil moved into the Vatican.
But God is still in control.
Let's say it straight : humanity without JEWS and their BACKERS will surely be a heaven compare to the actual hellich situation anfolding around the world and that's for sure!!!
This Palestinian tells the truth about them
My favorite consequential story was when Europe kicked out their Jews after looting and enslaving them and 100-year war followed between the lutherans and Catholics, Christian unity 🤣
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed 🤷
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed 🤷
Cursed l will ,SO BE IT !!!!!!!!
So be it!
It’s called the Mystery of Iniquity in the King James Bible. Good to know it all comes to a very bad end.
I love the fact that Christians read from a holy book supported and published by a gay Christian King, how Christian and European it all is
I'm not reading anything about a rumored gay king. I'm reading and studying about the King of Kings who you will stand before one day and be judged. If I were you, while you still have breath, I'd open that Book and read what the Book of Romans says about you. You will have no excuse when you come before Him in your sins. Believe the gospel of the grace of God, that He went to the cross and tasted death for you, so you can stand before Him in the righteousness of Christ. Otherwise, your sins will take you straight to hell. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come unto repentance (change of mind). God is just and will by no means clear the guilty. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved! I did and am :)
Repudiate these aspects with an open mind
The Jews are neither Judean, Israelite or Semite. They are Edomites which at one time went by the name other names. And the Israelites were told to Kill them All.
Because they did not, these sons of satan/Cain would infiltrate and eventually take over the Way of Life and Scriptures of the Adamites/Israelites and turn it into pagan nonsense. Now the majority of Christians and the world believe the jews are Yahwah's children which is impossible.
In Deuteronomy 7:1-2 God tells Israel, “When the LORD (YAHWAH) thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou: and when the LORD (YAHWAH) thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them.”
The ministrations of mental masturbation that you folks come up with regarding interpretations of the Jews is hilarious in its hyperfocused disregard of facts reality and concepts of proof, made the Jews continue to dwell in between your ears rent-free, grinding away daily rent-free rent free rent free rent free
"rent-free" says the clearly triggered troll LOL
Perhaps you can stop masturbating and say something remotely intelligent?
Is that possible?
Okay, I've given you every opportunity to say something relevant and remotely intelligent, but all we're getting from you is a wankery about gay kings, skate parks, C-bombs and racist "go'im" slurs.
Be gone troll, you have overstayed your welcome.
Why don't you do a proper search on the war god yahway. The God of the Old Testament is named Jehovah, the LORD. He is the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
Looks to me you have fallen for the modern, Alexandrian texts of "bibles" that interpret Satan and yahweh. Use the Authorized King James Bible and learn the truth.
You should do a research who wrote the "authorized " King James Bible and you might be shocked.
Is it as shocking as knowing that Christians worship from a book titled after a gay European king?
Oh, I have not only done that, I have personally studied and researched the Book itself and found it to be faithful to God's very words, preserved. I have also trusted the gospel of the grace of God and know Him by faith. Nothing could move me away from the Only Inspired Word of God in English.
BTW, the gospel that saves men today is found in the Pauline epistles: Romans through Philemon. It's what inspires me to write.
12 minutes ago
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law
These are my favorite subversive Jesus quotes, no one can explain them as if they're not malevolent and malignant without magical thinking
You know so little but spew so much
Says the triggered troll who has flooded this comments section with spamming taunts but has thus far failed to address a single point in the article.
Like I said, Romans through Philemon contain the doctrine for the church, the body of Christ today. We "rightly divide" the Scriptures, dividing the revelation of the mystery from prophecy. You know so little of the Bible. But that could change!
If that explanation is not absolutely true, then there is a very serious problem.
That said, what are your thoughts on Matt 13 - the wheat and Tares - where Jesus clearly explains that the devil has seed on this earth (the only parable the disciples ask for clarification on, btw, almost as if they couldn’t believe what he was telling them). And then, as the story goes, the angels ask God if they should go clean the situation up and weed the garden, and God responds, “nah, let them grow together until the end of the age, lest they be pulled up together”. In context, the angel of death systematically took out all the firstborn of Egypt and elsewhere a whole bunch of soldiers were dispatched by hailstones. You’d think the garden could get weeded out in similar fashion. Thoughts?