Guess Which Wealthy, Self-Entitled, Child-Murdering Country Has Received the Most US Foreign Aid?
And you thought foreign aid was about helping the poor...
Foreign aid is typically portrayed as a humanitarian endeavor, in which wealthy countries provide assistance to poorer countries or to people in areas ravaged by war or famine.
So who do you think has received the most foreign aid from the United States of America?
Is it Burundi, the world’s poorest country with very limited access to electricity, sanitation, and clean water? Where most residents complete only three years of education, and there are 740 deaths per 100,000 live births?
Is it the people of Yemen, who after ten years of war, continue to suffer the world’s largest humanitarian crisis? Where almost 4 million people have been displaced by the ongoing conflict and 2 of every 3 people – more than 21 million in total – are in need of humanitarian assistance?
The country that receives the most US foreign aid is not even poor. In fact, it has a higher GDP per capita than the UK, France, Italy and Japan.
Zionists Love MAGA (Milking America’s Giant Assets)
The country that has enjoyed the most US foreign aid over the years is Israel.
As none other than the Council on Foreign Relations reports, “Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.” (Bold emphasis added)
There’s a reason I’m quoting a globalist outfit like the CFR. To preempt all those abhorrent bigots who believe their tribe is above reproach and who scream “antisemite!” at anyone who posts unflattering facts about Israel, I should point out the CFR’s current president is Michael Froman (Jewish) and its chairman is David Rubenstein (Jewish).
So Judean supremacists will need to concoct another disingenuous rationalization to explain away these figures, and to justify why a wealthy country deserves so much ‘foreign aid.’
In terms of gross national income, as of 2022 Israel was the 19th wealthiest country in the world.
The sheer injustice doesn’t end with the US gifting an affluent country the astronomical sum of $310 billion - an amount which could put food in a lot of starving mouths and house untold numbers of displaced people.
The even greater injustice is what that affluent country uses the money for.
The CFR notes "nearly all U.S. aid today goes to support Israel’s military, the most advanced in the region."
“U.S. military aid to Israel has soared to its highest in decades amid Israel’s yearlong war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. More than forty thousand Palestinians, including a large share of civilians, have died in the conflict, according to the United Nations and the Gaza health ministry.”
Most of the US aid to Israel - approximately $3.3 billion a year (note the Masonic numerology) - is provided as ‘grants’ under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program, which Israel must use to purchase US military equipment and services.
Israel has also been permitted to use some of its FMF aid to buy equipment from Israeli defense firms - a benefit not granted to other recipients of US military aid.
US aid reportedly accounts for around 15 percent of Israel’s defense budget. Israel, like many other countries, also buys US military products outside of the FMF program.
The two countries do not have a mutual defense pact, as the US has with allies such as Japan and fellow members of NATO. However, Israel is among a short list of “major non-NATO allies” and enjoys privileged access to the most advanced US military platforms and technologies.
The US president must notify Congress before selling major weapon systems or services valued above a certain dollar threshold to foreign powers, and lawmakers are allowed a period to review the sale. Congress can block a sale through a joint resolution, although this has never happened. In special cases, the president can bypass the congressional review if they deem that a national security emergency exists. President Biden has used this expedited waiver process for both Israel and Ukraine.
Because nothing says 'special emergency' like the Zionist lust for killing innocent kids in Gaza.
Welcome to the two-tiered Clown World where the ‘Chosen Ones’ can openly call for wanton killing of Palestinian children, but those who point out documented facts about Israel and Zionism are howled down as ‘antisemitic.’
Gaza Has the Highest Number of Amputee Children in Modern History
One of the ‘benefits’ of US foreign aid - one which will no doubt delight the hateful, twisted scum above - is that Gaza is now home to the largest number of amputee children in modern history.
The UN Security Council was told last October that, each day in Gaza, ten children are losing one or both of their legs.
Women there are three times more likely to miscarry or die from childbirth.
Systematic and permanent targeting by Israel of the health sector has deprived more than two million people in the Gaza Strip of receiving basic health services, with more than 50,000 pregnant women deprived of maternity care.
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same
Even the pro-Israeli Biden administration admitted in a February 2024 national security memo it is “reasonable to assess” that Israel has used US weapons since October 7 “in instances inconsistent with its IHL [International Humanitarian Law] obligations.” Days later, in a token move, the White House said it was pausing a shipment of large bombs to Israel ahead of a pending assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah - but noted it would continue other military assistance.
Things will not change under the new King of Israel’s Largest Puppet State. As part of his swathe of populist motions to pretend he really is putting America first, last Friday the Zionist-owned and -operated Trump administration issued a 90-day pause on all foreign aid - with exceptions for Israel and Egypt.
Note: Dissenting comments welcome below, but they must add to the discussion. An example of a dissenting comment that adds to the discussion would be something like, “Anthony, the CFR and American government data are incorrect, because all the foreign aid to Israel was actually used to purchase multi-coloured widgets that were then sent to impoverished African and Latin-American kids for educational and entertainment purposes. The irrefutable evidence, complete with trackable and verifiable paper trail, can be found at this link…”
As for comments that do not add to the discussion? Anyone who calls me an ‘antisemite’ will be promptly called out for the hypocritical, bigoted supremacist they are, and their comment will deleted. You can’t have it both ways folks: If white supremacism is evil, so is Judean supremacism. I don’t like racial or religious supremacism, no matter the source. Dehumanization and murder of innocents are not okay, period. So to those of you harboring fantasies about being born special because of your melanin count or religion, get over yourselves - your poo stinks and you have to put your pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else.
“Most of the US aid to Israel - approximately $3.3 billion a year”
3.3 or 33. Got to get that 33 in there, even if the number is approximate.
In case everyone hadn’t noticed, there is a huge contradiction going on: on the one hand, it’s alleged that the Js own everything (which appears to be true, and you can bet includes every social media outlet INCLUDING substack), and that they can sensor at will. And yet, there is this enormous amount of anti-J writing and video making going on out there, simultaneous to anti-J-metism laws being passed. Almost as if they want people to be on record with their criticisms, so it can be justified as evidence.
There are just too many anti-J authors and content creators who would surely attest to censorship that somehow never happens to themselves(?). Candace Owens is the most in your face contradiction out there, claiming to be the no 1 antisem in the world, and yet fully supportive of Zio-in-chief -DJT. It’s all a bit gefeltafishy.
THIS is one of the reasons I did not vote for Trump (a third time). The other reason is the Operation Warp Speed depopulation bioweapon.
Evil is quite apparent, for those souls who respect Truth and Humanity.
You get it Anthony!