
You nailed it, Mr. Colpo!!

Anybody else remember when “The Don” was openly dating Marla Maples while he was still married, and making a big deal in the press about his infidelity? Since when is that Christian???

I’ve said it several times before and I’ll say it again: Trump is just the other head of the globalist hydra presented to us as the “alternative” to whatever globalist scumbag puppet the Democrats decide to run. If I were religious, I’d peg him as the antichrist. Remember all that biblical stuff about false prophets and devils coming in pleasing shapes? Those are supposed to be warnings, not just sayings for people to blindly utter so they feel and appear wise.

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Excellent breakdown of what Trump the stage player for the Big Club is! This is what I say to People heralding Him as "The Savior:"

He keeps campaign promises!!! He locked up Killary! He built the wall - and Mexico paid for it! He drained the swamp! He balanced the debt! He released all the JFK files! He reinvestigated 9/11!

Oh, wait... He praised Killary at His inauguration banquet... No wall was built and Mexico paid for nothing... He appointed the swamp... The debt rose 8.4 trillion... Only a smattering of insignificant files on JFK were released... And no reinvestigation of 9/11 happened.

Beyond that, He pushed Operation Warp Speed, and... Called Himself the "father of the vaccine."

Yeah, He works for Us, alright.

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Very concise and to the point. Bravo! Job well done.

What amazes me is the djt supporters have abandoned their moral character and beliefs to defend him at all costs. It is almost like their minds and soles have been stolen.

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Indeed, critical thinking is discouraged in the indoctrination We get growing up. Very sad.

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The ability of Trumpists to do exactly as you write is close to unbelievable, Anthony. They think they get away with re-writing history every ten minutes; but all they actually do is make themselves look like the cretinous morons they are. One can only wonder if in the privacy of their homes they whisper to each other "It IS a bit off, this Ivanka shit, isn't it ?"; but one suspects not, for they are people who want to stick it to The Establishment any way and any time they can. They all bolster one another's insane arguments.

Still and all, Downunder there are folks who can do the same and not even blink.

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There’s nothing Christian about the Christian Right/Christian Nationalists in the US. They’ve been brainwashed into thinking that God favours the USA, whereas nothing could be further from the truth. God doesn’t favour one country over another; and particularly when that country has all the trappings of a modern Babylon. And particularly when that same country is run by Zionist Jews.

Trump is playing at being Christian, just like he plays at being a Republican and conservative. For example, old footage shows him saying he’s 100% pro-choice on abortion; more recently he’s manifested as the pro-life President. He says anything he thinks his current role calls for at the time.

As for all this ‘last time you’ll need to vote’ stuff, I’m convinced it’s because he WILL be the last US President in the position’s current form. Project 2025, Trump’s Agenda47 and his rabid commitment to the Noahide Laws all tell me something not very pleasant is afoot.

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Au fond, il n'y a aucun dieu.

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Funny because that’s exactly what the zionist Jews who are destroying this nation want us to think. Strange how they spend so much time trying to disprove God.

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Peatbog Irish peasantry is where my line comes from.

No idea where you see a link.

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The link is in your statement.

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Great article, and much needed, thank you!

I am increasingly dismayed at the seeming worship of Trump, which doesn't bode well according to the book of Revelation. “And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.“- 2 Thessalonians 2: 11

The first white horseman apparently brings world peace via deception, before conquering the world, setting himself up as Jesus, and demanding fidelity.

Some questions not being asked...

Why is MAGA the fifth and highest degree in the Church of Satan?

Why did Trump say he doesn’t need to repent, or believe he has sinned, and that he is the ‘chosen one’?

Why does Trump say he is ‘indicted’ for us, and taking ‘arrows’ for us?

Why does Trump say he is the only one who can save the world from war?

Why is Trump tower designed in masonic/ satanic symbolism, and Trump penthouse full of gold, and paintings of Apollyon, the spirit that animated Alexander the Great, and according to Revelation will return to animate the next man of perdition?

Why does Trump say he and Alexander the Great are cut from the same cloth?

Obviously, being a man extremely acquainted with sin, including but not limited to, habitual lying, is of relevant concern here too...

Why are so few Christians questioning any of this?

Perhaps Trump is indeed chosen, just not for the role most people think. I sincerely hope not.




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He’s being sold as the Anti-Christ by another faction but I very much doubt he is. It’s a time of much deception. Get yourself right with God is the only message I get from these insane times we find ourselves in.

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BECAUSE HE IS ALL EGO! And of course, he sells. Sells very well actually. The con man believes deeply IN his con. Otherwise, he can't sell as well as he does. OTH, he is charming, thoughtful and connects with people in a genuine way. I think he genuinely does LIKE people... He really does seem to like the people... like Billy Clinton.. who turned out to be a psychopath in a way, a serial rapist and exploiter of women. I don't think Trump is that bad.. I think Trump for what it is worth only speaks truth about women allowing themselves to be grabbed by the pussy. Because YES they DO throw themselves at him.. for MONEY! Power, status etc.... So how can I hold that against him? Creepy daughter fixation? Hum... alot of Daddy's I know might have THAT problem but are *aware its not quite right* and hide it.... so, in the end I think he's a litmus test for some.. some hate him, because we hate those in whom we see acknowledged or not, reflections of our own hidden sins and fears and attractions.... Its just human nature and psychology... For me, I like that he isn't afraid to simply drop DA BOMBs and GO there and say what he knows a majority of people are thinking but won't say. Also he leaves when he is offended, nothing like the weaker people who can't hack the challenge of being challenged and cave... that right there is 100 percent of the appeal to alot of folks...

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I was married to a man who let slip the odd bizarre comment - fantasizing about his teenage daughter's first time... and buying her a cheap all-about-sex airport shop book the cover of which revealed a colourful phallic lipstick... That type is shady, whatever their profession.


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There's a large portion of the Christian Right that are one issue voters, and that issue is abortion rights. To them Trump is the Savior. I will pass this article off to them, but it won't matter. It's not their biggest issue when it comes to politics, it's their only issue. I find the one issue voter fascinating, mostly cuz I've never felt that way about a single issue. The one issue voter, and it could be any issue not just abortion, has to put on some extraordinary blinders, to get past a candidates foible's and be able to vote for someone of that nature.

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Excellent. Well done. Let's keep exposing this creature.

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Don’t despair. Not all Christians are fooled by him. My friends and I do stand, agape with horror, at how desperate so many Christians in America are to believe that he thinks like them, and will fight for their way of life for them, so they don’t have to work as hard to stand up for what they claim are their own values.

This isn’t one of his best videos, but it is of his shorter ones, useful to get a feel for what a lot of us Christians, who may be driven underground in the next couple years (as the Church in China had to when the state church was established) are talking about, regarding our concerns about Trump.


We’re losing friends over this topic the same way we lost friends for not taking the jab three years ago. Stuff keeps happening to divide one type of person from another. Just as Jesus said He came to do:

Luke 12 “51Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” It’s not that He delights in division and warfare. Rather, the truth tends to bring division as some will do anything to preserve their preferred illusions, and will even destroy lives and souls if they have to. Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian or a follower of Jesus is. You find out by how they respond to pain or fear. You really do find out what a person is full of when they get squeezed.

Micah 7 “5Do not rely on a friend;

do not trust in a companion.

Seal the doors of your mouth

from her who lies in your arms.

6For a son dishonors his father,

a daughter rises against her mother,

and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

A man’s enemies are the members

of his own household.”

What a time we live in. Thank you for a very well-written article for me to present to others. I’m so glad I have friends I can share it with, who share my concerns.

I also have friends I can’t share it with, without consequence, but I will anyway. Sometimes it’s the right time to stir up a little shit 😃

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Excellent point. 5 in my family, 2 pro Trump conservatives and 1 in the middle. 2 (the men) completely demonrats and HATE Trump. Again litmus test of your own soul. I can see Trump good, bad, indifferent, don't think HE is a Savior. Nothing can stop what is happening, the rot and the decay, no one politician.. those awake and not seduced by the strong delusions know this.. but, some are better than others.. marginally.

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It is indeed a shame you don't have more than two people to chose from.

But there are only two.

As I've said in a previous comment I'll neither a republican nor Democrat.

Trump is hardly an accomplished speaker or politician and has runs on the board.

Harris is hardly an accomplished speaker or politician and has hardly presented a coherent word in the last three and a half years.

Are either Christians? Who cares?

You got to pick one or the other. If I was voting it would be Trump.

Not because he's Republican, or a Christian or not, or any other petty personality trait...

Because he's the one likely to do the least damage to the world.

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That’s exactly why I’m not voting after nearly 61 years. It’s been a lie my entire life.

Be in the world, not of it.

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How's it feel to have your eyes wide open ? Sad and exhilarating at the same time?

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You better believe it James! I think our souls are here for a reason. What a time to be alive. Can I please go back to 1981-lol?!😵‍💫

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Renee; so very poignant. Thank you.

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Okay, vote for Harris and put up with her hysterical laughter, while ‘Rome burns’ Cheers

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I grew up in San Francisco when it was beautiful. She was the District Attorney. She wasn’t well liked by law and order. No thanks!

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Consenting to that whole system is a fools dream. To "vote" You must register, and... Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

The for-profit corporations Most call "governments" appoint Their CEO and other officers, hold "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a say, "count" the "votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).

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Only feminazi demon possesed communists like Harris..wife if extreme zionazi Jewdevil emhoff..a tranny..?..

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I think we saw how important voting was in 2020.

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As I pointed out to anOther here:

Consenting to that whole system is a fools dream. To "vote" You must register, and... Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

The for-profit corporations Most call "governments" appoint Their CEO and other officers, hold "elections" to maintain the illusion We have a say, "count" the "votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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No idea who you are - nor do I care. Because you must be insane.

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Lol, obviously you are a hardcore Democrat. All good!

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Gaz, why do you accuse everyone who criticizes Trump of being a Democrat? Is it because you are utterly incapable of seeing the bigger picture, even when it's spelled out for you? Namely, that the 2-party system is a controlled sham?

That both Democrats and Republicans ultimately serve the same master, and that master sure as heck ain't the average American?

It's the same in most countries.

Not only is it an illusion that gives people the false impression they are making a difference, it also helps advance the divide and conquer strategy.

Instead of adopting a much-needed people vs the predators mentality, you turn on those who try to open your eyes.

You pester and insult and create false dichotomies as you argue for the older male puppet instead of the younger female puppet.

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Some folks can't perceive the uniparty...**too bad for them..

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So, who are you going to vote for Trump or Harris (or Michelle if their is a coup)?

The reason I ask is, as I’ve said, you have only two in which to choose from.

And yes, as is the same around the world, the 2-party system is a controlled sham.

Not arguing that.

The fact remains, their are TWO candidates only.

The only choice to make is which one will possibly do less damage.

The one who is most certainly a Marxist, or other not so polite, highly rough around the fringes Capitalist?

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"So, who are you going to vote for Trump or Harris (or Michelle if their is a coup)?"

As a citizen of Australia, I won't be voting for anyone in the coming US election.

And you still haven't answered my question about whether or not you agree it's weird and creepy for a father to make inappropriate remarks about his daughter and to laugh along while a creep like Stern dehumanizes her?

Or is there something we should know about you Gaz?

You seem awfully quick to defend such a sleazebag.

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It’s so Retardia to think that your vote even matters. They’re all selected, not elected. But, but, but … if I had a choice. You ever heard the saying, if voting actually changed anything, they’d make it illegal?

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Why do you feel you HAVE to vote? Especially when the election system is rigged and illegitimate?

That sounds like insanity.

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I'm not only not a Democrat, I don't even live in the US. One doesn't have to in order to be fully informed about the madman who could eventually become President for Life.

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Please ‘splain to me how it could happen that any candidate could become President For Life.

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How could governments illegally lock down their own citizens, close small businesses and mandate vaccines for employees? How could the CIA assassinate Kennedy? How could they get away with starting a war over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist? How could they divide the American people so badly they call each other names over politicians, who aren't worth it? How can they get away with a childhood vaccination schedule that's causing autism rates to increase so rapidly? How do they get away with Guantanamo Bay? How could they get away with bailing out banks in 2008 so top CLOSE got milkions in bonuses while taxpayers lost their homes How? How do they get away with sending billions to Ukraine when their own citizens are homeless and otherwise struggling?

They do it because we don't stop them. We're too busy fighting over politics.

That's how they can get away with it.

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Easy. Who's been running this country since 2020? Bummer man on his 3rd term with place holder as Prez... cheated in... see the bump graph.. you'll understand (or not if you be demonrat). Then the 'advisers' run the show and you 'advise the advisers' That's how its done.. all sleight of hand...

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Crikey, Majo ! - where have you been in the past few weeks ?

Trump has actually SAID that if the Christians will come out and vote for him this time, it's the last time they'll have to vote !

He fully intends to do away with whatever parts of the Constitution don't suit him; and he's surrounded by enablers whose agendæ are unknown but must all originate in lust for power.

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Or a babbling word salad queen … your choice. Which one is likely to get the US into a war, killing lots of sons?

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Trump's only interest in war would be if one of his monstrous mates wanted him to take sides with {whichever one}: he's far more interested in becoming King of America.

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“Now it’s all clear. You were meant to be here, from the beginning.” ~ Emerson, Lake & Palmer

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Voting is Satan's harvest.

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Exactly. If it really changed anything, it would be illegal.

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09.20 EXCLUSIVE: Melania Trump's former friend reveals White House secrets | 60 Minutes Australia.

7:21 mins You have to understand who they are to understand what they're trying to do, which is fleece the nation, to completely make you think one thing b/c that machine behind them is so powerful.

19:26 mins America and people are just being played to, and we're all on a reality show right now and we really are. https://youtu.be/KNNLt38HE64?si=GuhVzAg29o-cYDjb

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It’s pretty obvious that Trump and Biden and Netanyahu have the

same controllers along with just about every other career politician in the world including Putin and zelensky. And you’re obviously part of it. It should be apparent to anyone paying attention that everything we are witnessing from the fake assassination attempt to the Russia Ukraine war and the genocide of Palestine has been scripted by the evil powers that be and every action coming from Trump, Putin, Zelenskyy, Trudeau, Macron, Netanyahu are the actions of the puppet masters pulling their strings. This all about divide and conquer. There can’t be any other reasons when you realize these puppet masters control all of the top politicians. The freaks on top want to create civil war in the USA. That is the only way they have a chance of destroying the largest and most well armed civilian army on the planet. Create total chaos, allow tens of thousands of globalist soldiers into the country to destroy the infrastructure and prepare for the UN blue hats (aka Chinese Army) to invade the good old USA and destroy it. And you are part of the division agenda. They are going to kill the useful idiots like you as well with their depopulation agenda.

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"And you’re obviously part of it" ... "And you are part of the division agenda."

Proof please.

Along with details of where they are sending my checks, because I certainly haven't been receiving them.

Also, I must ask ... are you mentally ill?

I've already pointed out the Zionist control of both sides of politics, as well as the divide and conquer agenda.

If you agree these things are taking place and write about them then by your own definition you are also controlled opposition and a "useful idiot."

Have you always been so irrational and incoherent?

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Idiotic stupid slurs disprove done of your other half decent points. Don't paint with a broad brush..remember..people who lie all the time and never repent go insane...**

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Typo..some. not done. Google gulag jumpy dumbphone typo errors..

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I’m from the U.K. But I would vote Trump or RFK. The Democrats are so full of government corruption. At least Trump never had showers with his daughter when she was 8

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No, he just fantasizes about getting nekkid with his daughter. Still not a ringing endorsement of the man.

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Is it really his daughter? Why do we believe anything the man says?

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I don’t get this reply. Thinking about fucking his kid is worse than doing it? Look at how messed up Ashley Biden is. Classic symptoms of molestation. How many of Trump’s daughters are alcoholic sex addicts who have been in and out of rehab? How soon can we expect the post about all of that?

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Don't put words in my mouth in order to bolster your argument. Nowhere did I offer a comparative appraisal of thinking about incest versus pedophilia. I think they're both sick.

You seriously don't get what I'm saying when I say that Trump's apparent fantasizing about boinking his own daughter is not a good endorsement of the guy?!

You seriously don't see what's wrong with such incestuous tendencies?

It's not either-or: Molesting kids is unforgivable, fantasizing about your own daughter is sick.

Why are you trying to play down Trump's deviant tendencies?

Am I striking a nerve?

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The avoided the point of the OP. Showering with your daughter is worse than thinking about showering with your daughter. That’s the point. Neither is good, both are sick. One is worse than the other. That. Is. The. Point.

Trump is a sick fuck. If one were to vote for the good guys one would never cast a vote. All politicians at that level are pieces of shit in one form or another. I would bet 90%+ are compromised Epstein style. The whole system is full of slime, Trump included.

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So you now confirm what I'm trying to impress upon people. Thank you.

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Lol. You’re welcome I guess.

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Not sure but I can say I don't think any are as traumatized as Ashley Biden .. FOR SURE...

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We don't know what Trump has done with his underage children or other minors. Joe Biden and his family are trashy and sloppy. That's why we know all this shit about him, from Hunter's laptop to Ashley's diary. That said, Trump has said enough to incriminate himself, like when he talked about Epstein's predilection for young girls.

"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-called-epstein-a-terrific-guy-before-denying-relationship-with-him/2019/07/08/a01e0f00-a1be-11e9-bd56-eac6bb02d01d_story.html

Or like when he'd go into the teen dressing room at one of his pageants. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/

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We don't know anything about any of these people. They are playing a role. They are pretending.

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What an odd comment. The "Christian right", are hardly going to vote for the Transgender party, DUH!

So, why the surprise?

Its interesting you state "...morally bankrupt weirdo."

Can you please define what you believe is a "...morally bankrupt weirdo?"

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Perhaps reread the article and refer to the numerous examples cited.

Or do you consider inappropriate remarks about one's own daughter and laughing along as a creep like Stern describes her in a demeaning manner to not be weird and morally depraved?

The Christian right are not obligated to embrace transgenderism NOR deviants who secretly wish they could bang their own offspring and boast about grabbing women by the "pussy" ...

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I’ve already stated, he’s not perfect.

Was it okay for Biden to roam around sniffing children’s’ hair?

Is it okay for Harris to break into hysterical inappropriate laughter?

Come on Anthony, you’re sounding like a Democrat.

Not a concerned voter, wanting the ‘best’ for the U.S.A.

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"Come on Anthony, you’re sounding like a Democrat."

And you're sounding increasingly absurd.

I make my disdain for Democrats and the two-party system clear in the article - as I have done many times on this site.

I have referred to Biden's kiddy-fondling, hair-sniffing tendencies many times on this site.

Maybe run a search before dribbling utter nonsense.

As for Harris, where did I even hint that it was "okay for Harris to break into hysterical inappropriate laughter??

By all means, show me.

I think she's a smug phony, just like the rest of them. Including your boy Trump. You know, the "statesman" who laughs and boasts about grabbing women by their genitalia and can't stop banging on about how physically attractive he finds his own daughter.

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Interesting. Regarding his comment in FL, I heard him say, “I’m not Christian” instead of “I’m a Christian.”

Regarding presidential candidates, there IS another candidate. The Constitution Party has a guy running. If you still believe that voting is worthwhile AND want to send a message about what is important (like rule of law), I would encourage you to research him.

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They’re all amoral and creepy including Kamala and RFK Jr.

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