The same establishment got away with 20 million deaths in 1918. They never took responsibility for the deadly vaccines (and masks) they pushed on the public, both of which led to bacterial pneumonia a decade before penicillin was discovered. They covered it all up by blaming iatrogenic deaths on a virus.

They never took responsibility for the pesticides DDT & lead arsenate that caused polio in the 40's & 50's. Again, they covered it all up & blamed it on a virus. The first polio vaccines caused polio, yet no one was held accountable. The influenza vaccine causes influenza. Childhood vaccines have caused autism in 1 in 36 children vs 1 in 10,000 prior to 1980. They continue to lie & cover this up, and continue to push childhood vaccines. Same with the HPV vaccines that have maimed hundreds of thousands in their teens. SIDS in now being blamed on a genetic predisposition, even though there are no cases of SIDS in large groups of children who are not vaccinated, like the Amish. And on and on.

So we must be realistic about anyone taking responsibility for the deadly Covid vaccines. Except, this time it is a bit different, due to the internet. In the past, they tightly controlled print & broadcast media. They've tried everything to control & censor what can be said on the Internet and especially on social media. But when Elon Musk bought Twitter, their schemes were foiled. The truth is getting out there.

The problem is that it's very difficult to deprogram people. Especially when the psy-op is still going strong. People are dropping dead all over, on camera, dying of turbo cancer, walking around with half paralysed faces, and yet, many refuse to believe their lying eyes. Because they're told not to.

This week White House is claiming Joe Biden is just fine, and that the videos showing that he has dementia and is fading fast are deep fakes. The MSM is repeating the lie, and many are actually buying it.

By the same token, scientismists, researchers, doctors & nurses are told to believe the Vax is safe and effective, or else. So they close their eyes and minds to the truth. It's certainly easier than losing their reputation, license, practice, home, family and ending up with the shirt on their back and financial debts they can never repay.

Prying professionals off Pfizer's financial tests won't be easy. It's hard enough to pull children and piglets away from mother's milk. What occurs naturally is they grow teeth about the same time the milk runs dry so that they're able to eat other types of food and thus not starve. What will replace the Big Pharma money that so many are used to? One thing is for sure; We all need to drain Pharma's milk by not consuming anything they're selling. It's all toxic anyway, from vaccines to statins to SSRI's.

Perhaps we need to adopt deprogramming techniques used on people rescued from cults, and apply them to the masses via social media and alternative news, get them to grow teeth. And develop spines. While deprogramming is not always successful, like chipping away at a large block of ice with an ice pick, every little bit counts.

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Good reply!

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I gather Joe Biden fluffed the recent debate just now, hardly surprising. Even mainstream media can't ignore it.


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Thank you, for not erecting a pay wall so people are free to respond.

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Now these shots are probably in your B-12 shot. Antibiotic shot. Childhood vaccines. They are probably in saline IV Bags. They can spray us from planes with nano particles attached to polymer fibers. And chemotherapy is....Mustard Gas. Blood thinners are .... Rat Poison

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ONE THOUSAND LIKES!!! THANK you for your careful analysis, and willingness to speak out both to us and to the perps. I used to be in biomedical research and can attest, in a smaller way, to the prevalence of malfeasance and corruption on various levels. Being an honest scientist is difficult, and getting the research community to pay attention to fundamental questions that it would rather ignore is virtually impossible once it’s found a money-making groove.

I encourage everyone who reads your article to re-stack it and email it to anyone who might listen. Let the grape vine spread the truth when the corrupt establishment tries to smother it!

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Denis Rancourt, accomplished interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, and former tenured Full Professor of physics and lead scientist, originally at the University of Ottawa, Canada proved there is no covid pandemic based on all-cause mortality figures. https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay

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BMJ who call themselves "The integrity team" and the editors solemnly announced they "are investigating issues raised regarding the quality and messaging of this work".

When scientific studies are now meant to consider the "messaging" of their work, that's not science - that's advertising and advocacy.

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Thank you, Anthony!

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2005 Medical journals are an extension of the marketing arm of big pharma


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Great letter!

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And we haven't EVEN BEGUN to address the fertility fall out for ppl jabbed, men and women who got the 'bad stuff'... the 'hot lots'... or the offspring.. are they going to be able to have 'normal' non cancer prone children? Hum... I think.. NOT. Population Bomb for sure... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO0A0XcWy88

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Fantastic article & email. Hope you’ll share the reply (if any).

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Hi Cindi, I'll share any reply with readers but so far I haven't heard boo from them.

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Thx much, A!

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Great headline!

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Perhaps the article was allowed because the position is that transfection is great and, maybe, hurt a few people but with a little tweeking the gene alteration will be even greater. Roll up your sleeve.

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Another possibility is that these types of articles are allowed through to publication, then attacked and 'retracted' in what are pre-orchestrated events designed to frustrate critics and diminish their credibility in the minds of both health professionals and layfolks.

Given the sheer scale of corruption and treachery we've witnessed over the last four years, nothing surprises me anymore.

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I agree. one effect of the frustration is to demoralize. It is a full spectrum dominance attack from every possible angle. I do not know because I am not a part of it. In the end I am against rape and that is what forcing someone to have stuck in them something that they do not want is. Regardless of what words and sophistry are used.

Did Kirsh ever pay you your deserved money

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Hi skipper, no Kirsch never paid me the $25,000. He has no intention of ever honoring his bets, he deletes and ignores you, he tries to change the conditions after the fact, and when all that doesn't work he blatantly lies about you:


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I asked facieciously. I have followed Kirsch since the transfections came out and have seen his character (or lack of it). He seems like someone who got where he is not by talent or inquiry.

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True, thankfully a lot of us are not missing what is going on and speak up.

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Excellent email, thank you very much. I see Princess Máxima Center will anagram to 'An expert in crime scams' which is perfect.

Also there is 'Simians crap excrement'. So not just crap but crap crap so really bad crap. As for simians this just shows they are up to monkey business, crap business!

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Princess maxima center is clearly upset by the violation/challenge of the WHO doctrine, summarized pretty well here in September 2019 (“in vaccines we trust”; “the magic of science”; etc.


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Thank you! Their doctrine (summarized below, sept 2019) has been challenged/violated, and clearly the princess is upset!


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