I don't trust anyone who says "I'm not antivaccine" because if you are anti-toxins, you will be antivaccine because vaccines are injectable toxins.
But people who claim to understand vaccines but actually don't understand them, always say that in order to claim legitimacy for what they are about to say.
Gabbard is a complete fraud. She’s a socialist. When she dropped out of running for President in 2020, she endorsed Bernie Sanders. Bernie is not a Democrat. He’s an Independent. Yet, Gabbard started appearing on so-called conservative media programs. And when Gabbard allegedly had a falling out with the Democrats, did she become an Independent like her comrade Bernie? No. She became a Republican. Like RFK, Jr, Gabbard has been incredibly inconsistent.
Not one shot here. Gates and Fauci will never be more than murderers. AZT which Fauci forced on every patient , died. Gates DTP shots paralyzed and killed thousands in Africa and India.
Gates trying to hide the sun during Covid, now putting vaccine in mosquitoes to bite us and insert his population thinning
Kennedy also said (under oath) that he “supports” the measles and polio vaccines, recommends “that children follow the CDC schedule,” and will “support the CDC schedule” as HHS secretary, which includes HPV vaccines.
Unless he has an out if evidence comes to the fore that really knocks vaccination…
Personally, I’m challenging the mandates, see for instance my recent article challenging mandatory vaccination, including reference to Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905): "...promise...you support MANDATORY vaccinations..."
Yes, it is tricky. Have you read his the Real Anthony Fauci book? Have you read his Vaxxed Vs Unvaxxed? Both well researched and well documented. Both show his heart and where he really stands on these issues. I believe he is towing the line to get the approval. I believe once he is in position, he will do the right thing.
The book sheds light on the depth of the corruption, and the lies disseminated by Fauci over the life of his career. That was the intent and it was well accomplished, pandemic, or no pandemic . The point of the ruse was top down tyranny and exploitation of the world population at large for prestige power and financial gain. We all know it had nothing to do with health. So I agree, the ‘pandemic’ was pretty much contrived chaos.
Judas Iscariot was considered for a time to be a true believer also..this 30 pieces of Silver thing is wildly out of Control** To Hell with Rfk Jr..if has to lie and deceive ..mislead to ",supposedly"do something good once in a comfortable position of power he s just one more 30 pieces of silver clown..a classic opportunistic homicidal empty suit Zionist Jewdevil..
I'm an avid gardener with a worm farm. This spring his book will be fed to my worms, shit out and produce some of the highest level fertilizer for my garden, so not a complete waste.
It's all smoke and mirrors -reminds me of 2 step strategy combined with controlled opposition trick. You pretend you are after the truth, you say things people want to hear whilst you are controlled by the master. Just the fact that people are confused and have to figure out which side he is on - tells it all. All
politicians are
controlled at that level. Head has to be cut, not tentacles. This is a pyramid we are looking at.
Or he could just tell the truth and could have told it years ago, like many other people. He has a moral obligation to tell the truth given his huge platform yet he continues to deceive.
He would gain more respect telling the truth and not getting in.
It's not a requirement for government puppets to tell the truth. They are obliged to do the opposite to maintain a slave mentality for the masses.
I've just published another article re Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905)...
I think my argument is significant... Jacobson v. Massachusetts failed to acknowledge the duty of the physician to obtain valid consent for vaccination.
Hasnt scorched earth fallen America had enough 5th columnist..sedition..hyper inflation.tidsl waves of inner City crime ...tidal waves of pre-planned unnatural disasters in the last 5 years and more than enough endless wars for Isreal and mentally ill neocon and religious Jews? What?!..do america needs another spineless dope addicted isreal firster lawyer ,liar bad actor clown,?,To hell with the now gentrified isreali -jewish bioethics-herd management-,biopharmakeia...to hell with isreali..quackzines...and the Wef -,Blackrock globohomosexual bizarre homicidal Jews that insist on stalinizng the planet into a dystopian sewer. of Talmudic bolshevist communitarian tryanny""Rearm Now"Stop putting faith in "politicians *,who consistently lie and stab you in the back..do nothing for freedom raise onerous taxes and the super surveillance ..super police state micromanaged by isreal and totalitarian gay Jews..**time to get real..be reminded many fake ,"liberal left Catholics are real communist Jews"" *
Re: “my fellow Americans, COVID is bullshit. Under my leadership, there will be no mandates, no vaccines, and no financial incentives to perpetuate this pandemic nonsense.”
Excellent statement - this is the simple message we need, loud and clear.
After consulting with Dr. Atlas, Jay Bhattacharya & Dr. Ladapo Governor DeSantis basically said that & managed his state like that. He should of been the nominee.
I agree. Trump made DeSantis out to be the worst of the worst and his followers believed it and now they all hate DeSantis with a special passion. Idk if DeSantis is for real or not but at least he says and does the right things. We can’t get that out of anyone else.
I’m going to obnoxiously link my recut of Pfizer’s 2024 Super Bowl commercial…It’s the 2025 MAHA Vaccine Party Music Video with Fiercely Pro Vaxxine Bobby 🤗👯♂️
Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment (for the creatures running this show), since US deaths increased in 2020 by 19%--6 times higher than the highest previous increase in the last century. Trump's real legacy, never spoken of, is the depopulation of 1.3 million US citizens from 2020-2022, by some mans as yet unidentified. Here's the basic death data: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68
Yeah yeah yeah when compared to the really low death year of 2019 you're bound to see 'excess'. However, when we age adjust we see a very different picture, there was indeed a blip in deaths from lockdowns, remdesivir and jabs etc, but which only took the US back on level with the death rate in 2000 and before. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health?utm_source=publication-search
US deaths were not low in 2019 at all--there were more deaths in 2019 than any year before it. This is a matter of record, not a matter of opinion. I literally "wrote the book" on US mortality during the Covid years, you may want to get it, it contains full links to verify the data, so you can put accurate mortality info on your blog. https://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Mortality-Guide-objective-eye-opening/dp/B0D4J6MYBH/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0
There were more deaths in 2019 than ever before!!!That’s because the population was rising. More deaths than any year before it per 100,000!!! Not more deaths than the 20th century I can assure you. When you age and population adjust we see that 2019 was a very low death year. That is a matter of record, not a matter of opinion. I literally ‘wrote the post’ about UK mortality during the ‘covid’ years, with links to verify the data. You may want to read it before continuing with this nonsense so you can adjust the figures in your book. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health?utm_source=publication-search
Yes from 1999 to 2020 there was little variation in the death rate, though the age adjusted one was dropping quite dramatically as the population aged.
The most recent 5 or 10 years is standard for estimating excess deaths. Here is an analysis of "excess" US deaths from 2020-2022, using the 10-year average change and 10-year trend--there were a HUGE number of excess deaths in 2020. Again, this is a matter of record, not opinion. The data on excess deaths is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-y2bmz
Compared to historical data--what else? I sent you the data going back to 1999, so look at that data and all will be clear to you (hopefully). If it isn't, let me know.
Bobby is exactly right. Operation Warped Science is an "extraordinary accomplishment". Extraordinarily evil. The real question is why did scumbags like Fauxi et al do what they did, (he's been pushing poisons since AZT days), what is really extraordinary is why did so many people fall for it and self poison?
I would have bet if you asked people, especially women, before the Covid Scam about Thalidomide, a lot of them would know about that. If you had asked anybody how long does it take to make a new, safe drug, they would have said years not the weeks that Covid poisons were scam tested. Perhaps the penultimate Covid scam was, after saying it wasn't needed until it was, a Covid booster was approved after testing on EIGHT MICE. And yet maybe 80% of Americans still rolled up their sleeves and bent over.
Since Bobby's a lawyer, he knows words matter, and the Covid Scam was an "extraordinary accomplishment". "extraordinary (evil) accomplishment" and now he will have to wear the mark of Trump the rest of his life. As will every Trump Medical Freedom supporter. When Trump promised before the election to keep his promises, and wouldn't promise to ban the mRNA Death shots, the jig was up.
God help us all because Trump and his Administration sure as hell aren't.
I do not understand why people cannot grasp RFK Jr. and Trump stabbing them in the back.
Simple. The narrative is all pervasive. The barbarians are not just 'inside the gates'... they are directing traffic all points. There are no corners of the internet that do not have top down gatekeeping that 'tidies up' all apparent dissent into a bundle of broken 'former' resistors.
I spent three weeks last month 'embedded' in a substack where the most vociferous of vaccine opponents gather to commiserate & take holy communion - using the dual wafers of ST BOBBY & god-emperor Donnie as their eucharist. So the entire progression... from fall's VICTORY PARADE phase, through Decembers "doubt n fear" phase, to the actual arrival of the DOUBLE CROSS moment of J21 STARGATE debacle... could be witnessed 'en vivo!'
At every stage there were little wormtongues whose express task was to herd the recalcitrant back into the fold.... using both carrot and stick. Believe, believe, believe... anything other than what your own lyin eyes are telling ye's! That was the message, and that's gonna be the message all the way along this funhouse ride right to the end. When Carnival of Souls is no longer an old movie... but rather... the live time snuff film Trump signed off on in order to regain his puppet throne.
The veil has clearly been lifted on all of these pretenders. They’re all in the Illuminati club, they’re all on the same team just playing their parts (literally)..
When One takes the view that They're actors on the cave wall (Our screens), all this insanity becomes clearly scripted. Nothing We see in the "news" is organic.
If Kennedy was for real, He would be looking at the severe lack of evidence for ANY virus, and the absolute null proof of contagion. And He would be telling Us all.
But no. He is trying to balance on that thin wire between the "official story" and the actual data which show We had a planned and an orchestrated emic with 5/6/7/8G thrown in, and toxins tossed about in the air.
And, of course, jabs in numbers that could not have been produced from scratch in less than a year.
We might want to take steps to solve for the problem of moneyed psychopaths in control - I say that a lot, but don't see People doing much.... I offer things We can do about this mess on Our planet.
Agree up to the point you fall prey to the heliocentric deception. If you believe their control over humanity by changing the truth into a lie, they have you. Study the Authorized King James Bible for truth of mind and spirit.
I do not "fall prey," dear One. As (humbly) a high genius (tested) in spatial perception, I have modeled all the proposed setups in My head, and there is one, and ONLY one, that explains what I see - and elegantly, simply, and perfectly, at that.
Every other model is skewed radically from what I observe.
(I did go pancake planet (PP) for 2 days until I started seeing all the disingenuous arguments for the PP being put forth - why would the truth need even ONE disingenuous argument?!? And actually modeling things.)
I wrote up an article with the eight questions I have for Those who think NASA's PPP (pancake planet psyop) is correct. So far, ZERO have answered them. Maybe You will be the first?
As for the bible, I have read the KJV 3 1/2 times. Studied it - and many other religious writings. I still have no religion - was raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion.
AS, I'll give you credit for looking into this issue deeper. I've spent years myself answering every nagging question I had to satisfy my need to know the truth. I'm convinced in my own mind, as you are in the theory of ball earth, that we live on a stationary, level surface and I have all of Scripture to back me up. Are you a liar or is God?
I do not lie, and I have no idea if there is a God beyond all of Consciousness.
And books written by men do not give Me reason to think they actually are God's words - why did not God make a book appear, with content no One could dispute? And...
Where in this piece does it say that the planet is a pancake? I have seen nowhere, though I do know Some who have said that "the four corners of the earth" means it's flat - not the four compass points - and I guess square or rectangular, not circular as so Many PPers insist.
I skimmed over your article. Appears to me you put much time and thought into it, but I cannot agree with you, nor can I argue your points. I'm not a physicist, I'm a journalist.
I expect you are sincere, yet you dismiss a Book you may have read, but cannot decipher its meaning without the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit who authored it. It is purposely hidden from unbelievers. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
If you care for my unique story, how I came to believe, read here:
Well, I skimmed Your work, and it does nothing to address the points. None of the models but one explain those southern stars. In Your model, ships in the south would move upwards heading south. But everywhere ships sink at the horizon. no matter the direction.
I do ponder a God that says "Believe in Me or else! But if You don't believe, I won't let You see anything to show You the path. Screw You." In essence. Not someOne I would worship, but that's okay. I do not care what Others believe. I care whether They choose Their behavior Ethically (within the three Laws of Ethics).
Anyway, the shape of the planet is rather irrelevant. We have moneyed psychopaths in control here, irrespective of the shape, and would best do all We can to solve for that - and I don't mean waiting for some Other to come along and fix it.
I haven't read this as Rancourt hasn't got back to me about the error in logic when he claimed that ALL 17 million 'excess' extra deaths over 3 years over the low death year of 2019 were caused by the jabs.
Yes..excellent point Doreen""The subsequent life long poorly surviving patient -clients. for the AMA isreali-american energy draining Vampires feasting on the filthy lucre revenue streams ..bad health is of course.".profitable" for the tribe who deems us..useless eaters..perfect bovine ..weak..timorous ignorant lab rats...but....surprise surprise! Some of us are much smarter than the highly networked white coated "experts* of the tribe...,*
We have been duped. I feel that Trump played those of us who are against the vax for fools. It’s truly depressing. Can we really trust Trump? It is scary if we can’t.
And why is he "following orders from his handlers" Proton? Because he knows what side his bread is buttered on, as they used to say. Why does anyone have handlers?
I don't trust anyone who says "I'm not antivaccine" because if you are anti-toxins, you will be antivaccine because vaccines are injectable toxins.
But people who claim to understand vaccines but actually don't understand them, always say that in order to claim legitimacy for what they are about to say.
ALL vaccines are poison (and flu shots).
I tend not to trust anyone until they prove credibility. Least of all 'politicians' who jump ship. Gabbard is another.
Gabbard is a complete fraud. She’s a socialist. When she dropped out of running for President in 2020, she endorsed Bernie Sanders. Bernie is not a Democrat. He’s an Independent. Yet, Gabbard started appearing on so-called conservative media programs. And when Gabbard allegedly had a falling out with the Democrats, did she become an Independent like her comrade Bernie? No. She became a Republican. Like RFK, Jr, Gabbard has been incredibly inconsistent.
Not one shot here. Gates and Fauci will never be more than murderers. AZT which Fauci forced on every patient , died. Gates DTP shots paralyzed and killed thousands in Africa and India.
Gates trying to hide the sun during Covid, now putting vaccine in mosquitoes to bite us and insert his population thinning
Kennedy also said (under oath) that he “supports” the measles and polio vaccines, recommends “that children follow the CDC schedule,” and will “support the CDC schedule” as HHS secretary, which includes HPV vaccines.
Here are the clips: https://substack.com/@decensorednews/note/c-90198684
Yes, tricky isn’t it…
Unless he has an out if evidence comes to the fore that really knocks vaccination…
Personally, I’m challenging the mandates, see for instance my recent article challenging mandatory vaccination, including reference to Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905): "...promise...you support MANDATORY vaccinations..."
Yes, it is tricky. Have you read his the Real Anthony Fauci book? Have you read his Vaxxed Vs Unvaxxed? Both well researched and well documented. Both show his heart and where he really stands on these issues. I believe he is towing the line to get the approval. I believe once he is in position, he will do the right thing.
That book served many purposes, none of which are good for ordinary people.
The main objective was to maintain the lie that there was a pandemic when in fact there wasn’t, because they’re an immunological impossibility.
His book maintains the fraudulent claim of contagion, which is simply an illusion, a lie.
The book sheds light on the depth of the corruption, and the lies disseminated by Fauci over the life of his career. That was the intent and it was well accomplished, pandemic, or no pandemic . The point of the ruse was top down tyranny and exploitation of the world population at large for prestige power and financial gain. We all know it had nothing to do with health. So I agree, the ‘pandemic’ was pretty much contrived chaos.
Exactly. Just more bull for the masses.
He may know that the public is not ready.
Judas Iscariot was considered for a time to be a true believer also..this 30 pieces of Silver thing is wildly out of Control** To Hell with Rfk Jr..if has to lie and deceive ..mislead to ",supposedly"do something good once in a comfortable position of power he s just one more 30 pieces of silver clown..a classic opportunistic homicidal empty suit Zionist Jewdevil..
I'm an avid gardener with a worm farm. This spring his book will be fed to my worms, shit out and produce some of the highest level fertilizer for my garden, so not a complete waste.
Do you know what a Masonic handshake means?
It's all smoke and mirrors -reminds me of 2 step strategy combined with controlled opposition trick. You pretend you are after the truth, you say things people want to hear whilst you are controlled by the master. Just the fact that people are confused and have to figure out which side he is on - tells it all. All
politicians are
controlled at that level. Head has to be cut, not tentacles. This is a pyramid we are looking at.
Not so sure, one has to kiss the ring/bow to the King. Like 43 said, you are with us or against us.
He’s using skill and wisdom. No sense in showing all your cards right away.
Or he could just tell the truth and could have told it years ago, like many other people. He has a moral obligation to tell the truth given his huge platform yet he continues to deceive.
He would gain more respect telling the truth and not getting in.
It's not a requirement for government puppets to tell the truth. They are obliged to do the opposite to maintain a slave mentality for the masses.
Deborah.......Don't bet your wallet and eternal soul on that"*
Yeah, Trump taught how to play 4D Chess or is that checkers?
I've just published another article re Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905)...
I think my argument is significant... Jacobson v. Massachusetts failed to acknowledge the duty of the physician to obtain valid consent for vaccination.
See: Jacobson v. Massachusetts...and the obligation for valid consent for vaccination... https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/jacobson-v-massachusettsand-the-obligation
Going thru the motions ? Or?
Good cop bad cop?
Made for tv
Another WWE Jerry springer production?
Anna Nicole Joey buttafucco production?
Hasnt scorched earth fallen America had enough 5th columnist..sedition..hyper inflation.tidsl waves of inner City crime ...tidal waves of pre-planned unnatural disasters in the last 5 years and more than enough endless wars for Isreal and mentally ill neocon and religious Jews? What?!..do america needs another spineless dope addicted isreal firster lawyer ,liar bad actor clown,?,To hell with the now gentrified isreali -jewish bioethics-herd management-,biopharmakeia...to hell with isreali..quackzines...and the Wef -,Blackrock globohomosexual bizarre homicidal Jews that insist on stalinizng the planet into a dystopian sewer. of Talmudic bolshevist communitarian tryanny""Rearm Now"Stop putting faith in "politicians *,who consistently lie and stab you in the back..do nothing for freedom raise onerous taxes and the super surveillance ..super police state micromanaged by isreal and totalitarian gay Jews..**time to get real..be reminded many fake ,"liberal left Catholics are real communist Jews"" *
Typos...1 so america needs another spineless..dope head(,El--On ..Technocrat-Muskrat,?)
Re: “my fellow Americans, COVID is bullshit. Under my leadership, there will be no mandates, no vaccines, and no financial incentives to perpetuate this pandemic nonsense.”
Excellent statement - this is the simple message we need, loud and clear.
When are we going to get it from Trump?
Given all the conflicts of interest…
He's prolly getting a kickback.
After consulting with Dr. Atlas, Jay Bhattacharya & Dr. Ladapo Governor DeSantis basically said that & managed his state like that. He should of been the nominee.
By the way, Bhattacharya is pro covid vax. He just says it was misapplied. But he says it saved millions of lives and was a medical miracle etc.
I agree. Trump made DeSantis out to be the worst of the worst and his followers believed it and now they all hate DeSantis with a special passion. Idk if DeSantis is for real or not but at least he says and does the right things. We can’t get that out of anyone else.
I’m going to obnoxiously link my recut of Pfizer’s 2024 Super Bowl commercial…It’s the 2025 MAHA Vaccine Party Music Video with Fiercely Pro Vaxxine Bobby 🤗👯♂️
I read your excellent piece and was appalled by the original Super Bowl advert. The recut one is a work of art. Thank you 🙏
Many thanks, Mike 🙏
Excellent work
Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment (for the creatures running this show), since US deaths increased in 2020 by 19%--6 times higher than the highest previous increase in the last century. Trump's real legacy, never spoken of, is the depopulation of 1.3 million US citizens from 2020-2022, by some mans as yet unidentified. Here's the basic death data: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68
Yeah yeah yeah when compared to the really low death year of 2019 you're bound to see 'excess'. However, when we age adjust we see a very different picture, there was indeed a blip in deaths from lockdowns, remdesivir and jabs etc, but which only took the US back on level with the death rate in 2000 and before. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health?utm_source=publication-search
US deaths were not low in 2019 at all--there were more deaths in 2019 than any year before it. This is a matter of record, not a matter of opinion. I literally "wrote the book" on US mortality during the Covid years, you may want to get it, it contains full links to verify the data, so you can put accurate mortality info on your blog. https://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Mortality-Guide-objective-eye-opening/dp/B0D4J6MYBH/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0
There were more deaths in 2019 than ever before!!!That’s because the population was rising. More deaths than any year before it per 100,000!!! Not more deaths than the 20th century I can assure you. When you age and population adjust we see that 2019 was a very low death year. That is a matter of record, not a matter of opinion. I literally ‘wrote the post’ about UK mortality during the ‘covid’ years, with links to verify the data. You may want to read it before continuing with this nonsense so you can adjust the figures in your book. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-continued-manipulation-of-health?utm_source=publication-search
See Note 1 at the link I provided earlier for the saved searches in the mortality database. For deaths 1999-2020, run this search. https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/saved/D76/D403F967 . For deaths 2021-2023, run this search: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/saved/D176/D403F968
Yes from 1999 to 2020 there was little variation in the death rate, though the age adjusted one was dropping quite dramatically as the population aged.
Compared to pre-2000 the death rate was LOW.
The most recent 5 or 10 years is standard for estimating excess deaths. Here is an analysis of "excess" US deaths from 2020-2022, using the 10-year average change and 10-year trend--there were a HUGE number of excess deaths in 2020. Again, this is a matter of record, not opinion. The data on excess deaths is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-y2bmz
You need to look at the data--deaths AND death rate were NOT low in 2019. .Send me a link to your saved search in the WONDER database.
What do mean by LOW? Compared to what?
Compared to historical data--what else? I sent you the data going back to 1999, so look at that data and all will be clear to you (hopefully). If it isn't, let me know.
Bobby is exactly right. Operation Warped Science is an "extraordinary accomplishment". Extraordinarily evil. The real question is why did scumbags like Fauxi et al do what they did, (he's been pushing poisons since AZT days), what is really extraordinary is why did so many people fall for it and self poison?
I would have bet if you asked people, especially women, before the Covid Scam about Thalidomide, a lot of them would know about that. If you had asked anybody how long does it take to make a new, safe drug, they would have said years not the weeks that Covid poisons were scam tested. Perhaps the penultimate Covid scam was, after saying it wasn't needed until it was, a Covid booster was approved after testing on EIGHT MICE. And yet maybe 80% of Americans still rolled up their sleeves and bent over.
Since Bobby's a lawyer, he knows words matter, and the Covid Scam was an "extraordinary accomplishment". "extraordinary (evil) accomplishment" and now he will have to wear the mark of Trump the rest of his life. As will every Trump Medical Freedom supporter. When Trump promised before the election to keep his promises, and wouldn't promise to ban the mRNA Death shots, the jig was up.
God help us all because Trump and his Administration sure as hell aren't.
The Covid vax was created before the “pandemic” and OWS began on Jan 13, before the first “case of Covid” was registered in the US.
Anthony knocks it out of the ballpark once again! 🥳
I concur!
I do not understand why people cannot grasp RFK Jr. and Trump stabbing them in the back.
Wake the hell up from your “Halcyon days” dream!
We’re not in Kansas anymore.
I do not understand why people cannot grasp RFK Jr. and Trump stabbing them in the back.
Simple. The narrative is all pervasive. The barbarians are not just 'inside the gates'... they are directing traffic all points. There are no corners of the internet that do not have top down gatekeeping that 'tidies up' all apparent dissent into a bundle of broken 'former' resistors.
I spent three weeks last month 'embedded' in a substack where the most vociferous of vaccine opponents gather to commiserate & take holy communion - using the dual wafers of ST BOBBY & god-emperor Donnie as their eucharist. So the entire progression... from fall's VICTORY PARADE phase, through Decembers "doubt n fear" phase, to the actual arrival of the DOUBLE CROSS moment of J21 STARGATE debacle... could be witnessed 'en vivo!'
At every stage there were little wormtongues whose express task was to herd the recalcitrant back into the fold.... using both carrot and stick. Believe, believe, believe... anything other than what your own lyin eyes are telling ye's! That was the message, and that's gonna be the message all the way along this funhouse ride right to the end. When Carnival of Souls is no longer an old movie... but rather... the live time snuff film Trump signed off on in order to regain his puppet throne.
Well said! WOW…I’m not the only one who gets it! 👍👏
I ask for God’s discernment every, single day. That is my strength.
Never trust a lawyer; a profession based on dissembly and prevarication.
Based on sophistry, the art of lying.
The veil has clearly been lifted on all of these pretenders. They’re all in the Illuminati club, they’re all on the same team just playing their parts (literally)..
When One takes the view that They're actors on the cave wall (Our screens), all this insanity becomes clearly scripted. Nothing We see in the "news" is organic.
If Kennedy was for real, He would be looking at the severe lack of evidence for ANY virus, and the absolute null proof of contagion. And He would be telling Us all.
But no. He is trying to balance on that thin wire between the "official story" and the actual data which show We had a planned and an orchestrated emic with 5/6/7/8G thrown in, and toxins tossed about in the air.
And, of course, jabs in numbers that could not have been produced from scratch in less than a year.
We might want to take steps to solve for the problem of moneyed psychopaths in control - I say that a lot, but don't see People doing much.... I offer things We can do about this mess on Our planet.
The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution
Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical
Agree up to the point you fall prey to the heliocentric deception. If you believe their control over humanity by changing the truth into a lie, they have you. Study the Authorized King James Bible for truth of mind and spirit.
I do not "fall prey," dear One. As (humbly) a high genius (tested) in spatial perception, I have modeled all the proposed setups in My head, and there is one, and ONLY one, that explains what I see - and elegantly, simply, and perfectly, at that.
Every other model is skewed radically from what I observe.
(I did go pancake planet (PP) for 2 days until I started seeing all the disingenuous arguments for the PP being put forth - why would the truth need even ONE disingenuous argument?!? And actually modeling things.)
I wrote up an article with the eight questions I have for Those who think NASA's PPP (pancake planet psyop) is correct. So far, ZERO have answered them. Maybe You will be the first?
Flat Earth Reasoning (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/flat-earth-reasoning
As for the bible, I have read the KJV 3 1/2 times. Studied it - and many other religious writings. I still have no religion - was raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion.
Love always.
AS, I'll give you credit for looking into this issue deeper. I've spent years myself answering every nagging question I had to satisfy my need to know the truth. I'm convinced in my own mind, as you are in the theory of ball earth, that we live on a stationary, level surface and I have all of Scripture to back me up. Are you a liar or is God?
I do not lie, and I have no idea if there is a God beyond all of Consciousness.
And books written by men do not give Me reason to think they actually are God's words - why did not God make a book appear, with content no One could dispute? And...
Where in this piece does it say that the planet is a pancake? I have seen nowhere, though I do know Some who have said that "the four corners of the earth" means it's flat - not the four compass points - and I guess square or rectangular, not circular as so Many PPers insist.
Guessing You did not read My article...?
I skimmed over your article. Appears to me you put much time and thought into it, but I cannot agree with you, nor can I argue your points. I'm not a physicist, I'm a journalist.
I expect you are sincere, yet you dismiss a Book you may have read, but cannot decipher its meaning without the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit who authored it. It is purposely hidden from unbelievers. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
If you care for my unique story, how I came to believe, read here:
Well, I skimmed Your work, and it does nothing to address the points. None of the models but one explain those southern stars. In Your model, ships in the south would move upwards heading south. But everywhere ships sink at the horizon. no matter the direction.
I do ponder a God that says "Believe in Me or else! But if You don't believe, I won't let You see anything to show You the path. Screw You." In essence. Not someOne I would worship, but that's okay. I do not care what Others believe. I care whether They choose Their behavior Ethically (within the three Laws of Ethics).
Anyway, the shape of the planet is rather irrelevant. We have moneyed psychopaths in control here, irrespective of the shape, and would best do all We can to solve for that - and I don't mean waiting for some Other to come along and fix it.
“Someday Real Soon Now SomeOne Will Fix It for Me!” (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/someday-real-soon-now-someone-will
The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy
Love always!
Absolute duplicitous piece of stinking shit. Like they all are.
The longstanding industry of infant vaccination programmes is a baseless fraudulent enterprise of exploitation https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/opinion-invalidity-of-counterfactual
Dr. Denis Rancourt https://denisrancourt.ca/page.php?id=3&name=cv
Yes, another spot-on and must-read article by Denis.
I haven't read this as Rancourt hasn't got back to me about the error in logic when he claimed that ALL 17 million 'excess' extra deaths over 3 years over the low death year of 2019 were caused by the jabs.
Scientifically illiterate nonsense.
But I know I'm not allowed to critic the greats of health freedom, that's how i get banned https://jowaller.substack.com/p/oooo-now-ive-been-banned-by-mike?utm_source=publication-search
Infant quackzination is effectively population control""
Yes, and profitable for directors and producers of this horror show on Earth when children's bodies subsequently require medical attention.
Yes..excellent point Doreen""The subsequent life long poorly surviving patient -clients. for the AMA isreali-american energy draining Vampires feasting on the filthy lucre revenue streams ..bad health is of course.".profitable" for the tribe who deems us..useless eaters..perfect bovine ..weak..timorous ignorant lab rats...but....surprise surprise! Some of us are much smarter than the highly networked white coated "experts* of the tribe...,*
On fucking point as always, Anthony. Thank you for continuing to shed the light on the ongoing psychological operations known as politics.
We have been duped. I feel that Trump played those of us who are against the vax for fools. It’s truly depressing. Can we really trust Trump? It is scary if we can’t.
We can’t.
We can’t trust trump. What ever allowed you to think that we could?
Just as Anthony noted, hopium addiction.
Just hopeful! I wanted to believe we could I guess. But watching what’s happening now I don’t. They sure know how to play the psychological game!
He's like every other politician, only concerned for his own enrichment and advancement.
Not exactly, he is following orders from his handlers in the global crime syndicate under which we are under occupation.
And why is he "following orders from his handlers" Proton? Because he knows what side his bread is buttered on, as they used to say. Why does anyone have handlers?
He is pro vax, hung out with Epstein, pro Hillary, pro Pharma, has promoted pro-vax mandate candidates, and is pro climate change
-all Globalist positions, and gives free mason handshakes with DJT
But sure, by all means send him donations and love letters.
lawyers..........the art of bullshit............I like that. Unfortunate.
Is there a book about it? 😂I would read Art of Bullshit cover to cover🤡