I’m impressed you managed to sit through all those videos. I can’t watch him. He makes me physically ill. And yes, I agree, Tate is a psyop and so many fell (are still falling) for it. Back in 2020, when he popped up on the scene, I’d see ‘conservative’ women posting him on their social media as some kind of poster boy for the pro-masculinity movement. If I knew them, I’d DM them and say, ahem, you might want to take that down. The guy’s a creep … to put it mildly.

As a woman who has always got along with boys (as a child & teenager) and men better than I do with girls and women, I can’t stand what is being done to them through the indoctrination system and society at large. It makes me so angry. How dare these people think they have the right to inflict that kind of harm on an entire gender? That’s a sad and rhetorical question by the way.

Also, I think Tate is gay, making the whole thing even more absurd.

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The guy is nauseating for sure, although a certain morbid fascination kicks in as you watch this clown proudly admitting to all the things he now angrily insists he never did.

And yes, I strongly suspect Tate is gay or bi. His behavior reeks of overcompensation, plus loose sexual boundaries seem to be a prerequisite among celebrities. The world's most famous man's man may literally be a MAN'S man :)

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😂 Truth 😂

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Great article. This is the first critical explanation for Tate’s influence that I have seen. Tate is also constantly making masonic hand gestures in many of his interviews.

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Tate is a fictional character, like Trump or Clinton. The real person has no interest in any girls, whatever their age, just like so many of these actors or Nazirs he is very gay.

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Brilliant writeup, just brilliant! "...obnoxious, sleazy, perennially angry, motor-mouthed narcissist." Perfect description! This guy is really the worst type of person. He is the epitomy of destruction. For the life of me I can't understand why Candace Owens, who I love, and who usually has good judgment, nevertheless promotes this filthy individual. My stomach turns when I see his snarly face or hear his turbo charged beligerent mouth. I honestly hope he goes to jail for life. Ya right, as if...

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Absolutely! That’s what I came to the comments to ask: why on earth would Candace Owens promote him? It really doesn’t make any sense.

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Based on comments I have read, it seems her husband has been friends with Tate for years. Maybe she thinks she sees some good in him which overshadows the bad, or that he will 'come round'. I suppose we have all done that with someone in our lives. Noone's perfect. Her followers lambasted her in the comments section of her videos about Tate after her last interview with him. In the next interveiw she mentioned something about not updating us on Tate because we may have 'heard enough of him'. Her facial expression to me looked embarrassed when she said that. We haven't heard anything since. Perhaps she was not aware of quite what an awful person he is...

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Thanks for that, it makes a lot more sense having read it. The first time I saw him was after his release from prison being interviewed by Tucker Carlson and I didn’t know what to make of him. On the face of it he seemed a good antidote to all the anti male stuff going on but at the same time my gut feeling wasn’t good. Of course I’ve since learned about the teenage girls etc. Perhaps Candace will have done some more research after the comments from her viewers.

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Hopefully that's all it is, a misplaced sense of loyalty.

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They are all just pretending. It is like wrestling. It is not real it is just a show. Don't worry he's probably a nice effeminate guy.

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🤣🤣🤣 I now have a vision of Andrew Tate in fishnets, painted nails and lipstick. And it ain’t pretty 🤣🤣🤣

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Tate's thinly-veiled coming out message:


His brother lets slip:


And here he is, posing the question of would you prefer to "f*ck" Megan Fox with a d!ck, or Hulk Hogan with a p*ssy. The real question is ... why is he even asking this question?


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Are those ‘slips’ just to add a bit of grist to the mill, keep the press interested? Or maybe to play into the trans narrative and confuse his fans (imagine being a fan of Andrew Tate 🤦🏼‍♀️).

Although nothing would surprise me as I do think he is capable of any sort of perversion/adaptation to get where he wants. In the interview I saw he made himself sound like he was the conservative mummy’s dream. Alexander Rimmer above is probably spot on: it’s just a show. An evil show.

Btw, I very much appreciate your Substack. 🙏🏻

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My personal take is that the guy has more gay energy than the Sydney Mardi Gras and is a textbook classic exercise in overcompensation. From what I'm seeing of the Diddy case, that seems to apply to at least some of the big name rappers, also known for their in-your-face machismo and "bitches and hoes" shtick.

His insistence that men who enjoy sex with women are gay and that if you are 40 with less than 5 children you’re probably gay is so absurd I can only assume he's trying to loosen up the definition of gayness to quell the inner voice inside ("Andrew, you do know you're a homosexual and a massive hypocrite, right?") and to soften the landing should he ever be outed.

As for his hypothetical question about boinking a "10" transsexual who looks like Megan Fox or a "1" woman who looks like Hulk Hogan ... !? ... in all my travels and in my nearly six decades on earth, I've never been faced with such a choice, nor has anyone else I know. Come to think of it, I've never seen a woman who looks like Hulk Hogan, either.

It's an absolutely ridiculous hypothetical.

Again, the real question is ... why is he even asking this question?

I think we all know the answer.

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Are you working on your PhD: Pappardelle, Ham, and Dried tomatoes?

Add Tucker Carlson to the list of usual suspects who interviewed Tate

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Thanks for reminding me about Tucker Carlson, felt like I'd forgotten a big name - just added him into the article.

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Hey Phil. yes, just submitted my thesis to Paesano's University :)

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Good old PU (Dux Puteo)

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I’ve heard a theory that this is part of a “Men Are Pigs” psyop to keep women afraid of men even though the majority are normal and don’t want to take advantage of them, in order to keep the sexes split up.

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Miles Mathis writes about the “Men Are Pigs” project.

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I’d never heard of him. Thanks for the tip 🙏 Where does he write about the Men Are Pigs project?

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You can find a list of his social commentary work at https://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

for example


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MM writes about it constantly. Obviously he is also controlled opposition but well worth a read. I would start with MMs Gurus paper.

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I've never once watched this Tate fellow and won't do so now. People are beginning to wake up that this is not all fun and games and yes he probably swings both ways as for a man of this degenerate character it would be about power and nothing to do with the sexual act. I'm reminded of what I read recently regarding P. Diddy who apparently raped young Justin Bieber then Oprah bought the tape to sell to high bidders. Young men can and are victimized as well. Their kinks are about money and power and unfortunately young, insecure people especially those looking for stardom are easy prey.

Now is not a good time to be boasting about this stuff, however. I lived in Venice Beach, California for some years and knew more aspiring musicians, actresses, artists, screenwriters and the like than I can easily count. Most were extremely talented but apparently they didn't sell their soul to the big players at the right time. That's how the game works.

I highly doubt Tate's rise is organic. I doubt any of the big names are...

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Spot on. I'd bet good money he's bi or primarily gay, loose sexual boundaries and a willingness to sell your soul and bury your conscience seem to be prerequisites among the look-at-me class.

I've seen videos featuring guys who attended Diddy parties and were shocked at what they saw - namely, famous rappers - the seemingly macho "bitches and hoes" "pop a cap in yo ass" types - showing brotherly love to each other with very gay abandon.

I shudder to think what they did to that poor Bieber kid. Kid Rock said the two biggest rings in the universe are the one around Saturn and the Hollywood pedophile ring.

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nailed it, great article.

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Every mainstream alternative/dissident right figure is a controlled mouthpiece. Each covers a target market:

Andrew Tate - Wiggers

Charlie Kirk - Gay Zionists

Ben Shapiro - Non-Gay Zionists

Jordan Peterson - Middle Class Normie Boys

Curtis Yarvin - Midwit Intellectuals

David Icke - New Age Spiritualists

Alex Jones - Mainstream Conspiracy Buffs

Tommy Robinson - Normie Brits


and of course all the mainstream Boomer Con, Inc. organs such as Town Hall, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, WND, Heritage Foundation, Sean Insanity, Tucker Carlson, et cetera und so weiter,

They are all Agents of Xaos. The same thing happens on the Left. Everything really is fake and gay.

And BTW, Andrew Tate is not White.

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By their fruits shall you know them.

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psy op totally.

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Loathed it, Anthony. I understand you wrote as a warning; but I'm ... how shall I say ? ... EXTREMELY unlikely to need that, and the report left a vile taste in my mouth. My problem with appreciating it is that turds like this man thrive on publicity of any kind.

P'raps you could republish it in a very, very small font ... [grin]

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There's publicity disguised as criticism and then there's genuine criticism .. this turd needs more of the latter, the mainstream has been giving him plenty of the former, sadly.

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Yeah, you're right. And i have to concede that I AM able to discern to which camp your article belongs ... :D

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100% cointel pro/actor through and through. The modern face of the goobal intel apparatus.

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Awful article…lies upon lies..bye bye ..the Tates are smarter then you will never know.

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If anyone was lying, it's your idiot hero Tate, because all I've done is reprint his own words.

Give an idiot enough rope...

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She talks about how this is done here. they take boys with weak mothers... https://odysee.com/@InMyMind:3/KGTAOCM:5

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how to amplify a topic by "criticizing" it... old trick ... I'm off then.

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Okay, so let's all be quiet and not challenge him and the mainstream media, who are really promoting this guy.

Sounds like a surefire strategy for exposing him ... not.

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