Zionist Puppet RFK Jr Calls Palestinians "Arguably the Most Pampered People"
Yes, he really said it.
Even as orange lunatic and failed real estate developer Donald Trump floats his “out-of-the-box” idea to evict Palestinians from their homeland and turn Gaza into a tourist riviera, the Kool-Aid drinkers continue to make excuses for him.
And they continue to make excuses for Bobby Jr, a truly low-grade human being who, when not taking instructions from his Zionist puppet masters, uses his willy wonka to guide his life decisions.
Even after being presented with video footage of Bobby Jr effusively praising the Trumpet for Operation Warp Speed, the biggest single mass-poisoning campaign in US history, the hopium addicts still make excuses.
“Oh, RFK Jr is just saying what he needs to say to get nominated! Once he gets nominated, he will suddenly transform into an outstanding, courageous human being! He will suddenly rebuke his Zionist masters and he will singlehandedly oust Trump, who has received millions from Pfizer. He will take over the US government and lead America into a golden era of vaccine-free world domination! He will stop being a philandering creep who sexts engaged former Anthony Weiner interns behind his wife’s back, and start behaving like a noble, responsible man who has America’s best interests at heart, rather than being driven by the nefarious demands of Israel and his doodad! Just you wait and see!”
Sure thing, drug addicts.
By the way, is that a “Made in Israel” sticker I see on your crack pipe?
Alas, the world is full of gullible dolts, all waiting for a messiah to collectively take them by the hand and lead them to safer ground.
Ain’t gonna happen, folks.
If you still doubt Bobby Jr is a sociopathic Zionist puppet, then feast your eyes upon Exhibit A, which contains footage of a heated exchange between Krystal Ball and Bobby Jr.
Yep, RFK Jr thinks Palestinians are being “pampered” like no other population in the world by international aid organisations.
“The Palestinian people are arguably THE most pampered people by international aid organizations,” he says.
Ah yes, the Palestinians. Those spoiled, pampered little ex-lawyer trust fund prats who were born into a life of wealth and privilege. Those self-absorbed grubs who, at 71 years of age, still think with their dicks, cheating on every spouse they’ve ever had.
Those privileged little products of American ‘royalty’, who despite driving one of their spouses to suicide, leading their younger brother down the path of ultimately fatal drug addiction, and blaming innocent people for murder to divert suspicion from their own clients, have never had to grow up and face accountability for their actions.
Damn those pampered Palestinians. Those juvenile, TRT-enhanced wankers who think posting videos of themselves doing incline bench presses at Venice Beach somehow makes up for having an inconsistent, two-faced policy on vaccines.
Yes, let us all bemoan those opportunistic Palestinians who, while getting foot massages and gift packs from international NGOs, take over non-profit organizations and turn them into lucrative self-enrichment vehicles, heaping $500,000+ salaries upon themselves while building a base of vaccine-skeptic admirers who they will later betray.
Oh wait, that’s Bobby we’re talking about, not the Palestinians.
What an absolute turd of a human being is Bobby Jr.
I mean, it’s a wee bit precious for some 71-year old going on 17, who has lived a self-indulgent life equal parts privilege and irresponsibility, to accuse others of being “pampered.”
Especially when those others have had their country stolen from them, wonder where their next meal will be coming from, have seen loved ones killed by bombs and bullets bought with US taxpayer dollars, and suffer the world’s highest rate of childhood amputation.
Bobby masquerades as a humanitarian, as many clueless celebrities and mooching royals are wont to do, but the reality is he’s a two-faced false idol.
Bobby is Full of Bollocks
His blind followers don’t want to admit it, but Bobby Jr is a member of the useless deviant class that looks down on us so-called “useless eaters,” even though it is our money that funds their useless, parasitic lifestyles.
It should come as little surprise that truth and honesty are of little concern to members of the deviant parasite class.
As such, there a few things Bobby the Bastard isn’t telling us when he goes on TV and acts as a mouthpiece for his Zionist owners.
The first is the indisputable fact that, prior to the Zionists successfully pulling off their land grab in 1948, Palestine belonged to Palestinians.
The 1947 UNSCOP report on the matter noted the population of Palestine at the end of 1946 was comprised of 1,203,000 Arabs (65%) and 608,000 Jews (33%). The Arab population had increased almost entirely the old fashioned way: An excess of births over deaths.
The disproportionate increase in the Jewish population, however, (up from 13% in 1922) was due mainly to immigration. In anticipation of the imminent land grab, Jews were being encouraged by Zionists to move to Israel, often illegally.
Even in the Jaffa district, which included Tel Aviv, Arabs constituted a majority. In the central districts and those south of Jerusalem, Jews comprised no more than 5 per cent of the population.
In other words, Palestine was a majority Arab country, and they constituted a majority throughout the land.
Arabs didn’t just form a population majority. The UN’s own data confirmed that, in 1945, Arabs were the majority landowners in every single district in Palestine. Even in Jaffa, 47 percent of the land was owned by Arabs, compared to 39 percent owned by Jews.
The 1947 UNSCOP report admitted: “The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land” (section 164).
Section 165 of the report goes on to note:
“The Arabs consider that all of the territory of Palestine is by Tight Arab patrimony. Although in an Arab State they would recognize the right of Jews to continue in possession of land legally acquired by them during the Mandate, they would regard as a violation of their ‘natural’ right any effort, such as partition, to reduce the territory of Palestine.”
Hardly an unreasonable stance. Nowhere else in the world are people expected to sit silently by while an outside group comes in and takes over their country, not by stealth, but openly and with the backing of the UN, US and UK.
Israel Was Built on a Lie
Journalist Chris Hedges has spent the best part of a decade covering war in the Middle East. Two days after the IDF’s disgraceful October 17 bombing of the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in the Gaza Strip, he wrote:
Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22 percent of Palestine, as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria.
Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state. The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.” The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights.
Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are always greeted with lies. I heard them. I recorded them. I published them in my stories for The New York Times when I was the paper’s Middle East Bureau Chief.
Israel has carried out 51 attacks on healthcare facilities in Gaza that have killed 15 healthcare workers and injured 27, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Out of 35 hospitals in Gaza, four are not functioning due to severe damage and targeting. Only eight of the 22 UNRWA primary healthcare centers are “partially functional,” the WHO says.
The brazenness of Israeli lies stunned those of us who reported from Gaza. It did not matter if we had seen the Israeli attack, including the shooting of unarmed Palestinians. It did not matter how many witnesses we interviewed. It did not matter what photographic and forensic evidence we obtained. Israel lied. Small lies. Big lies. Huge lies. These lies came reflexively and instantly from the Israeli military, Israeli politicians and Israeli media. They were amplified by Israel’s well-oiled propaganda machine and repeated with a cloying sincerity on international news outlets.
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic regimes. It does not deform the truth, it inverts it. It paints a picture that is diametrically opposed to reality. Those of us who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.
Israel has invented an Orwellian lexicon. Children killed by Israelis become children caught in crossfire. The bombing of residential districts, with dozens of dead and wounded, becomes a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. The destruction of Palestinian homes becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists.
The Big Lie — Große Lüge — feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit — racism among its supporters and terror among its victims. The Big Lies fosters the myth of a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic terrorism, barbarism and medievalism on the other.
Hedges’ full article can be found here and is definitely worth a read.
The Current Situation in ‘Pampered’ Gaza
A survey conducted during a short-lived ceasefire in late November/early December 2023 found 56% of Palestinian respondents reported no food and water to sustain them for a day or two, and 64% - almost two-thirds - said a family member was killed or wounded during the war.
Recent estimates put the number of Palestinians killed by the IDF since October 7 at a shocking 46,000 - with just over half of identified victims being women, children or older folks.
A Lancet paper published today puts the death toll even higher. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine researchers estimated 64,260 deaths in the Gaza strip between October 7, 2023 and June 30, 2024 due to traumatic injury.
This suggests the Palestinian Ministry of Health under-reported mortality by 41%.
Women, children (aged <18 years), and older people (aged ≥65 years) accounted for 16,699 (59·1%) of the 28,257 deaths for which age and sex data were available.
A January 16 article by Reuters reported that recent Israeli assessments put the number of Palestinian militants killed at 20,000. Israel nonchalantly says about one civilian was killed for every fighter, a ratio it blames on Hamas for using civilian facilities - a claim with scant evidence to support it. We do, however, know that the IDF uses Palestinians as human shields in Gaza, so its accusations against Hamas may simply be another example of Israel’s Ministry of Truth-style projection.
Another inconvenient factoid Bobby the Bastard won’t share with us is that Gaza is now home to the largest number of amputee children in modern history.
The UN Security Council was told last October that, each day in Gaza, ten children are losing one or both of their legs.
Systematic and permanent targeting by Israel of the health sector has deprived more than two million people in the Gaza Strip of receiving basic health services, with more than 50,000 pregnant women deprived of maternity care.
Yeah, that’s some serious ‘pampering.’
Bobby, may you one day be pampered like the Palestinians, and then some.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do some drug-free incline presses. Creepy old narcissists angling for the US health secretary nomination are not the only ones who work their upper pecs, you know.
Before I head off to navigate the bizarre but decidedly less lethal battlefield that is the commercial gym environment, I’ll leave you with some pictures of those ‘pampered’ Palestinians and their idyllic environment.
I thought Bobby K Jnr was OK during Covid, but now I know he is a despicable human being. It was last year when he was supporting Israel did I realise I was so wrong about him.I am disgusted with myself that I fell for his lies, but after reading your article I realise lies are his only language.
I thought it was bad enough with no hand on the bible, cos that was openly telling us, Christian God not present in this administration, but the comments about Gaza from any of these people are horrifying. They may be heading for a 'post-human' world, but can we try a fully human one first.