Why Women Need to Start Approaching Men.
Ladies, if you really believe in equality, then stop complaining and start approaching.
Several weeks back, the local Murdoch rag ran one of those "human interest" pieces about modern-day dating. It featured South Australian folks from different generations sharing their dating experiences and hopes.
Generation X was represented by a woman in her fifties. From memory she was either a manager or small business owner. Her list of requirements in a male partner was quite exhaustive and demanding. As one read the description of her desired partner, a picture of a debonair, wealthy, cultured, athletic, man-of-the-world type formed in my mind.
Then I looked at her picture.
Oh dear.
Age had not been kind to her. She was overweight, and not about to win any praise for her youthful looks - they had long since disintegrated. Judging from the generous roll of flab adorning her waist, if she ever did meet the unicorn of her dreams, she'd have difficulty keeping up with him.
It may be that this woman had a wonderful, engaging personality, but her unrealistic outlook suggested that was unlikely.
Something tells me this woman is about as likely to meet her dream man as I am to climb Mount Everest while walking backwards and blindfolded.
Women who rattle off a string of requirements that a man must meet, seem to forget something: Men have standards too. At least the high quality ones these women believe they are entitled to do.
A healthy, financially independent man who has kept himself in shape has options. Because the age gap between men and their partners increases as they age, those options include younger women.
The preferred options of a 'high value' male are unlikely to include someone who has failed to keep themselves in shape yet somehow believes they are entitled to the very best the male species can offer.
I’ve written previously how women tend to be at their smarmiest and seemingly most selective during their twenties. As they reach their thirties and still haven't secured a male partner, and as they realize time is ticking away, many start to reevaluate their criteria (the aforementioned Gen Xer apparently never got the memo). They start sending interest signals to the type of men they once flippantly dismissed.
This behavior is probably as old as time immemorial, but a number of historically recent factors have aggravated the situation.
The big one is feminism. Years of "all women are beautiful" fluffery combined with "all men are rapists!" extremism has left a lot of Western women with a most unbecoming sense of entitlement, and a combative approach to male-female relationships.
To say all women are beautiful is every bit as absurd as stating all men are wonderful.
Even if we ignore physical appearances, and use “beautiful” solely as a personality descriptor, the reality remains that some women are downright ugly.
Some women are superficial, self-entitled, manipulative, and have personalities that make a rattlesnake look an attractive option for a life partner.
Some women are evil characters who get jobs in government where, along with their male counterparts, they lie through their teeth, engage in corruption, enforce tyranny, and vigorously encourage people to take deadly gene therapies in the name of fighting non-existent viruses.
Some women are pedophiles. Some murder their children. Some chop their mother's head off and then take it next door to show the neighbors.
Domestic violence is routinely portrayed as a gender issue, even though data consistently shows that gay and lesbian relationships are more prone to sexual and other physical violence than heterosexual relationships (see here, here, here, and here).
Men and women kill their children in roughly equal numbers, further demonstrating that family violence is not primarily a misogyny or "testosterone" issue, it's an asshole, cowardice and bullying issue. Bullies tend to pick on people that are smaller and weaker. That more men bash their wives than vice versa is largely a reflection of the fact that women tend to be smaller and weaker. When the situation is reversed and women are the ones who are bigger and stronger, their propensity for abuse and murder suddenly rises to match that of men.
Sorry to break this to all you feral Marxist feminazis - and you gullible schmucks that have succumbed to their hateful propaganda - but women are not inherently special. They are fallible human beings, just like men.
Some females grow up to be exemplary human beings, while others grow up to be truly horrible people. The majority fall into the mediocre in-between category, just like men. They go along with the majority, believe what the 'experts' tell them, and fumble through life showing no real depth, critical thinking, or backbone. Their idea of individualism and rebellion is getting tattoos, nose piercings, and listening to music made by people with tattoos and nose piercings - a bunch of Foo Foo Fighting pretenders who go onto perform at COVID 'vaccine' concerts alongside The Friends of Diddy.
Feminism, however, teaches that women are inherently virtuous while men are by nature violent, misogynistic predators.
Modern feminism is the very thing it claims to stand against: Gender discrimination.
It teaches that everything bad that ever happened to women is the fault of men, aka ThePatriarchy™.
It simultaneously declares women to be powerful, independent entities that can do anything a man can do.
Feminism, in other words, is a hopelessly conflicted ideology that simultaneously portrays women as all-powerful entities that don't need men while also being hopeless ineffectual damsels at the mercy of men.
Feminism, at the end of the day, serves to fill people's heads with irrational and counterproductive bullshit.
Militant feminists are useful idiots, brought to you by the same cabal of social engineers who brought you the COVID and climate change scams.
Here's late film producer Aaron Russo, sharing how one of the Rockefellers boasted to him that ‘women’s liberation’ was not an organic social movement, but a pre-orchestrated psy-op designed to weaken the nuclear family unit, create more taxpayers, and make governments and their schools the leading role models for children:
The uber-wealthy and unabashedly globalist Rockefeller family are major funders of liberty-destroying social engineering schemes. The Rockefeller Foundation is a major conduit of funding for the anthropogenic climate change scam. The Foundations's 2010 pandemic manifesto Lockstep, meanwhile, laid out much of what would transpire when the pre-engineered global coronavirus con kicked off in late 2019.
An offshoot of militant feminism is the #metoo psy-op, a seemingly well-intentioned movement that in fact harbored female sex predators like Asia Argento and idiots like “Grace”, who of her own volition had a one night stand with a comedian she just met. When this not-so-classy damsel found the wholly consensual interaction to be less-than-mind-blowing, she claimed she was the victim of “sexual assault.”
What an idiot.
Unfulfilling consensual sex occurring during casual encounters is not sexual assault - it’s a sign you should raise your behavioral standards. Maybe stop drinking and getting naked with people you barely know?
Just a thought.
Then there's hook-up culture and internet dating, the latter of which is to male-female relations what Ivan Milat was to backpackers (as I explain in this article, the introduction of Tinder was accompanied by a pronounced reversal of the decades-long decline in rape reports).
Attitudes towards casual sex encounters have become more permissive over the years. As more young women embraced promiscuity, they began to mistake being used for temporary male sexual release as a marker for their attractiveness as a life partner.
Despite decades of this behavior, many women still haven't gotten the memo that men who engage in casual sex often apply two different standards. Because a casual sex encounter is a fleeting event for which he has no long-term intent, a man will often lower his criteria. Sometimes drastically. Basically, if the women meets his minimum standards of physical attractiveness and indicates she's sexually willing, then he's good to go.
When a man is assessing a woman as a long-term partner, a different set of criteria come into play. The guy is now evaluating her, not just on her minimal ability to act as a vehicle to provide him with sexual release, but as a potential life partner. The question now is not whether she will suffice for a fleeting encounter or non-committal F-buddy relationship, but whether she is good enough to settle down with. Is this women sane and interesting enough to spend the rest of his life with? Is this the women he wants to have and raise children with? Is this person so special that he wants to grow old with her?
If you're constantly engaging in casual sex encounters, the answer for any high value male to those questions will usually be a resounding "no."
Again, the problem with many modern women is they mistake one night stands and friends-with-benefits arrangements as markers for their attractiveness as a long-term partner. They fail to recognize these phenomena for what they are more likely to be: A perception by most of the males they interact with that these women are good enough for casual encounters but not good enough for a long-term commitment.
Internet dating has greatly aggravated this situation, because young women who join these sites will be flooded with attention from males. There are two main reasons for this:
In many societies, the task of approaching the opposite sex has been dumped on males. It's an often burdensome task that comes with the risk of rejection and humiliation. Sending a digital expression of interest to a woman on these sites does not involve the same risk of public embarrassment and humiliation as approaching a woman in real life.
Research shows that a significant portion of men who use sites like Tinder adopt a scattergun approach to increase their otherwise dismal odds of a response. Again, women on the receiving end of all this attention may mistake this as a positive appraisal of their attractiveness, when in reality these men haven't even bothered reading their profile.
"Men Don't Look at Women Anymore!"
Every time I hear women say stuff like "men don't even look at an attractive woman anymore!" or "where have all the real men gone?", I have to fight the urge to face palm.
It works like this.
Actions have consequences.
There are consequences that arise from decades of constantly berating males as inherently evil, as guilty-until-proven-innocent perpetrators of sexual assault, as members of a club they have never belonged to called ThePatriarchy™.
There are consequences to promoting and glorifying homosexuality and transgenderism, while making heterosexual men feel like perverts for having a normal, healthy sexual attraction towards the opposite sex.
There are consequences to forgetting that it is heterosexual sex - not same-sex encounters or lobbing your dick off - that ensures the continued survival and replication of the human species.
There are consequences to the rudeness and dismissiveness women often display when a man approaches them in a non-sleazy manner. A man does not possess mind-reading abilities, and cannot be certain ahead of time if a woman will find him attractive and be receptive towards the interest he expresses in her. If he did possess such extra-sensory capabilities, you can be sure as heck he'd use them to avoid shrill wenches that treat him like a predator when all he is trying to do is strike up a conversation.
He’d sure as heck avoid the likes of this utter nutter:
There are consequences when average and even unattractive-looking women have become so self-entitled that they nonchalantly rattle off a list of exacting requirements a man must meet. There are consequences to constantly whining about being objectified and dehumanized, while simultaneously treating men and their attributes like items on a shopping list.
There are consequences to listening to pedo-chic deviants who sing songs claiming women run the world. No, a bunch of sexually deviant globalists run the world, and people really need to stop falling for their social engineering scams.
There are consequences to pissing and moaning about the shortcomings of men, while simultaneously gushing over assholes and "bad boys." I've had women tell me nonchalantly they "love a bad boy" and they "love a guy who is a challenge." My routine response to these idiots is to ask whether it's an enthralling challenge when a guy has them against a wall with his hands squeezing their throat, screaming that he's going to kill them? Do they like being kicked in the stomach when they are pregnant? That's the reality of life with a malevolent, immature, violent asshole, and the reality of these women is they need a good, strong cup of Wake the Fuck Up.
You better believe there are consequences to surreptitiously filming men in a gym, then publicly denouncing them as "gym creeps" when they happen to glance in your direction, like this acidic wench did.
There are consequences to posting an expletive-laden video seething with hatred when a well-behaved male benevolently offers assistance when you encounter difficulty in the gym because you are a stupid fucktard who changes weights while a barbell is still resting across your body in mid-air (!?) Like an obnoxious wannabe porn-star by the name of Jessica Fernandez did.
These disgusting women set out to ruin innocent men’s lives by accusing them of something they didn't do, for what? Likes? Views? To scratch their wishful thinking itch?
So what are the consequences of telling men that they and their masculinity are inherently toxic, that they are creeps for having the temerity to even look in a woman's direction?
Wait for this, it will blow your mind.
Not only will they stop approaching women, they won't even look at women.
Ooh, aah!
I know that may seem a revolutionary deduction to some folks, so I'll allow a moment for it to sink in.
Rather than get out and do heroic deeds, and risk life and limb to defend a society that portrays them as evil, increasing numbers of men will opt to sit at home and play games on a computer. At least their computers and fellow players won't unleash a sexual harassment suit on them.
You can call this pathetic, weak, whatever. I'm just here to tell you this is what is happening, and to remind everyone that society reaps what it sews.
Make it fashionable to portray heterosexual men as evil, and they will withdraw in response.
There are consequences to taking your life cues from GloboPedo, folks, and they're rarely good ones.
There are consequences when heterosexual women take life advice from angry man-hating lesbians, and, again, they're rarely beneficial.
Woman Up, Ladies
So to all you ladies feeling lonely and wanting a good man in your life instead of a psychopathic bad boy, then don't leave it up to the psychopaths to approach you (they are the ones most like to cold approach because they tend to be more impervious to factors like fear, shame and embarrassment).
Woman up, and start approaching men.
Note that I said approaching, not simply flirting. Subtle bollocks like bashfully looking down and away to the floor does not convey interest to 99% of guys. It simply appears you are looking away, and will be perceived as active disinterest.
Sorry ladies, but guys don’t do subtlety well.
Looking at a guy when he’s not looking in your direction isn’t a helpful cue, either. Guys don’t have eyes in the back of their heads - in fact, compared to women, even their peripheral vision sucks.
As comedian Bill Burr says, “get European, ladies!”
Hey, if a woman can do anything a man can do, then she can sure as heck strike up a conversation with a man she finds attractive.
No offence to Helen Reddy, but men don't want to hear women roar. We don't want to hear anyone roar, that's what drunken dickheads do.
Say hi. Give him a compliment (to most men, a compliment from a remotely attractive woman is ten times more powerful than a hit of crack cocaine). Ask a question. Ask for help or information, even if you don't need it. Men are not all assholes; unlike a lot of smug women, they get that you need a pretext to start a conversation.
Yes, sometimes it may not go the way you want. Welcome to the real world.
What you will likely find, however, is that men are generally more approachable.
They won't start screaming "get away from me, you creep!!"
When you ask if they would be so kind as to reach for some maple syrup from an elevated shelf, they won't whip out their phone, start filming you, then post a YouTube video titled "I Got HARASSED by Sleazy Shop CREEP Woman @ Woolworths!! GROSS!!!"
They won't go on Twitter and, using the hashtags #metoo and #blokelivesmatter, complain about ‘The Matriarchy’ and how it encourages women to dehumanize men.
Be warned, though. Men have been so browbeaten over the years that even rugged, manly types might be a bit slow off the mark. This is when you need to use your feminine wiles, reassure them it's not some stupid YouTube or TikTok stunt, and prod a little more until they realize just what is going on: A friendly woman has admirably taken the initiative to approach them.
No-one’s asking you to throw yourself at every guy that comes along. No-one’s asking you to become promiscuous. I’m talking about striking up conversations, not getting sloshed and hooking up with douchebags in bars and clubs.
No-one’s asking you to place yourself in risky situations. As always, use your brains and commonsense. Don’t allow yourself to become isolated with someone you barely know.
The situation for men is so toxic now, that any woman who wants to widen her dating options doesn’t really have much of a choice. The good news: Women who are prepared to acknowledge the current situation and capitalize on it will be increasing their options. They will avail themselves of potential dating opportunities that their self-entitled counterparts waiting for a non-existent White Knight will never know.
Anyhow, have a churro.
I wasn’t even contemplating “equality” when I shyly asked my now husband out. I wasn’t even contemplating “equality” when I nervously proposed with a ring and all. I wasn’t “emasculating” him (impossible 😆), I’m just a person that speaks and acts from the heart and see where it leads 🤷🏼♀️😆 It has led to 20 years of a solid team and I’m so glad that young girl just took a chance or two 😅😃
Excellent article... I will be forwarding this to my 21 yr old nephew.....
I pursued my husband, as well..... I knew he was the one but he needed a little nudging.... we met in 1998 and started dating in 2001... married since 2004.... so, yes, women do need to start approaching men...... :)