Excellent article! I actually just got a copy of Duesberg’s book with Kary Mullis’ forward.
So much of modern “medicine” is smoke and mirrors. And when you think about the number of people that have died (were murdered) because of taking pharma, it’s staggering.
Irene, I read Duesberg's book (which he did not write) with interest. While the Perth Group is gone, their dharma heirs are Mark and Sam Bailey in New Zealand. Duesberg never gave up his view that HIV existed in some form, even though he thought it was mischaracterized and could not do what it was said to do. He misled a lot of people in that sense, including Celia Farber.
Rebecca Culshaw Smith (doctorate in medical mathematics) is doing fantastic work, centered around the PrEP scandal. See interview with her here, third player down. This is a discussion of the 40th anniversary of the announcement of "HIV."
I read Celia Farber’s book and, although she exposes some interesting aspects of the AIDS scam, it frustrated me no end that she consistently assumed the existence of a pathogen that ‘caused’ AIDS. Given it was a new edition, why wouldn’t she incorporate the more recent information re: the non-existence of HIV? It made sense when I followed Celia on Substack and soon came to realise she ‘believes in’ a lot of other things that have been proven not to be true. I unfollowed.
It was particularly her adoration of RFK Jr that got to me. Seriously, it’s 2024 and you still think some ‘hero’ is going to save the US? A Kennedy what’s more?????
I think of my brother Paul... passed January 27, 1996 at the age of 43, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move... we all thought it was AIDS; oh he had "the hallmarks", weight loss and pneumocistis carinii being the most obvious.. what killed him in the end was of course AZT poisoning courtesy of Dr. Fraudci, surely the bastard reincarnation of 2nd AMA president Morris Fishbein; who did all in his power to encourage tobacco consumption whilst simultaneously strangling any kind of effective cancer treatment... (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm)
A degree of fraud that would make PT Barnum blush, a depth of corruption enough to gag an army of maggots... How can any of us take seriously anything told to us by any Medical Doctor about anything, ever again?
My husband’s brother died ‘from AIDS’ in the early 90s (I never knew him). We now know, of course, that it was his lifestyle and the cocktail of drugs he was given after ‘testing positive’ that killed him. So I totally empathise with the anger at the criminals in lab coats who perpetrated this scam, and continue to do so with all their other fictional viruses and toxic drugs to treat said viruses. They are mass murderers, nothing less.
And they get away with it, and they get away with it, and they get away with it, and they get away with it. After 4 years of the most grotesque criminal fraud in human history; attendant ugliness and stupidity I wouldn't believe if they were in a novel or a movie, I managed to get my old job back and I deliberately live like a hermit, avoiding human contact as much as possible.
But try and make the typical CNN-entranced, dimbulb, braindead, blue-pilled f***tard see the reality of it? But if Anthony's story about AIDS made you angry... have a look at this: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/unconscionable-evil-babies-are-having. These monsters should be publicly burned at the stake for what they've done.
I’m like you … a hermit by choice post-plandemic (but is it really post?) And I’ve largely given up on the numpties (look that one up - I brought it back into parlance in 2020 😉). Occasionally I’ll have a conversation with someone that starts (and ends) with the words, ‘A regular latte thanks’ ☺️ I remember Dr Thorpe speaking up in 2021; we had our own version here in Australia (a hugely recognised and awarded obgyn) who drew attention to the high rate of miscarriage in his vaccinated patients. He was sacked from the Catholic hospital where he headed up the department. And yet, as you say, the vast majority don’t seem to care that they’re being genocided en masse, from the womb to the bed in the nursing home. Given my Mum is one of them, the only way I make sense of it is they’re suffering undiagnosed PTSD and/or are in denial as to what they’ve partaken in. A tragic state of affairs.
They're "entranced", Chronicles, if not "enchanted"; and in a quite literal sense of the word. I've started getting into the works of PD Ouspensky and Georges Gurdjieff recently, but "Asha Logos" might be a place to start: https://www.ashalogos.com
While I agree with the premise that the entire AIDS narrative is a bunch of BS, the narrative the author presents is also questionable. As a gay man coming out in the 80’s, I saw many men succumb to AIDS who were not on meds nor were they drugs addicts. I have also seen men develop full blown AIDS in the past couple of years who had never done crack or poppers. Their T cell counts increased and became healthy after taking the new meds. However, I did see a huge jump in deaths after AZT was introduced and have no doubt it was a factor.
My belief is that HIV is a co-factor in developing AIDS and other terrain factors are required to develop full blown AIDS. I’d also like to point out that the first thing the medical community does when someone tests positive for HIV is vaccinate the hell out of them for other diseases.
The way this was done was: HIV positive leading to needless treatment that killed them. There were at least 80 known sources of positives for "seroconversion" having nothing to do with "HIV."
I saw many die before treatment was available in the 80’s. No doubt treatment was a factor later on. I also recently watched two friends nearly die from late stage AIDS with T cell counts in their teens because they refused testing. They are now healthy with higher T cells as a result of modern treatment options. Neither was a drug user.
You would need to go case by case. The work of Dr Kevin Corbett demonstrates no correlation between "viral load," "seroconversion," T-cell count and symptoms. He is renowned for this work. Additionally, the entire notion of "T-cell cancer" is a ruse of the "T-cell leukemia" fabrication of Gallo (the original name for HIV was HTLV-III or Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type III" which follows his theory that AIDS is really T-cell leukemia.
That is false. And there is no connection between T-cell count and symptoms. I am not saying these people did not die; i am saying that each case needs to be investigated individually and not taken as a mass, group or cohort. It's too late for that, so we can only go through the claims of medical science and see if any of them actually check out.
They do not. And I challenge you to show me one that does, rather than a personal account where you have never seen the medical chart.
When you start seeing your twenty year old gay friends die in large numbers of the same symptoms while your straight male friends stay healthy you know something is up. One of the recent cases I saw was my husband and know what’s on his chart.
I am sorry to hear about your losses, and their pain.
However, we are talking about science, which requires independent variables and controlled experiments. If no HIV has ever been found and if no test can find it and if its Nobel-winning discoverer Montagnier admitted before he died that it does not exist, then there must be some other issue. There are many reasons for immune failure, and many, many causes of "false positives" on any HIV test, including PCR, WB and ALISA.
I’m not saying there are no co-factors but HIV is a common denominator. Miraculously, my ex husband recovered once he was put on anti-virals among many other people I know. Those anti-virals are fixing something, Montagnier said HIV wasn’t the only factor and never claimed HIV did not exist. In fact he said that people who get the jab should be tested for HIV.
BTW - his ex boyfriend suffered from the same wasting and very low T cell counts 2 years earlier and also recovered once put on anti-virals. Neither were drug user or used poppers.
And what about the cases of AIDS in recipients of blood transfusions? I myself as a med student had an elderly woman with a pneumonia resistant to every antibiotic she was tried on, til she had a lung biopsy and the tissue grew pneumocystis carinii, after which she was successfully (for a time, anyway) treated with Septra. This woman never did poppers, or cocaine, or had anal sex. Not that I know of, anyway.
What is the truth of the little boy who had his 15” on Oprah that supposedly died of HIV? Has anyone done a follow up to reveal his real cause of death?
I'm also a gay man who came out in the 80s, and I agree with everything you say, because I had the exact same experiences. Unlike you, I don't happen to know any HIV positive people who never developed symptoms, but I understand that there are such people, so clearly you (and Dr. Montagnier) are correct: HIV is not the sole cause of AIDS. I know quite a few HIV positive people who had AIDS and refused AZT, preferred natural or alternative medicine, and didn't use recreational drugs, and they all developed the same symptoms and died, pretty much in the same way as the people who took AZT. Thus, it is obvious to me that as harmful as AZT is, it isn't the "real" cause of death. Being HIV positive was very strongly correlated with developing AIDS and dying, in my personal experience. The idea that poppers "cause" AIDS also makes no sense to me because, trust me, poppers are still incredibly popular in the gay community to this day, and none of the people using poppers are getting PCP pneumonia or KS lesions, I've just never seen it happen. And yes, I also experienced that almost overnight, when the protease inhibitors became available, everything changed. Before these drugs, everyone I knew with HIV became sick and died, afterwards, none of them did. I'm so glad these drugs are helping your husband, and yes, clearly they have some therapeutic action, because they work. For all these reasons, the arguments of the HIV denialists simply don't fit in with my own lived experience.
The history of virtually all disease has fraud and racketeering baked into it.
If you go back and study the source documents for any and all alleged diseases you'll find that not only are the original papers and hypotheses filled with manufactured causation but also have numerous glaring omissions (one of the chief tools of the propagandist) including most importantly social conditions.
A vital point that is overlooked, altogether ignored or purposefully kept out of these discussions by many in the "Covid skeptic" movement, and especially those who have the biggest megaphones, is the simple fact that there are no such things as epidemics/pandemics- period.
A deeper dive into the history of these medical frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud.
If this is not properly understood then there is fertile ground for yet "another response", "a better response" etc. for the next invented "pandemic." This then means the pandemic merry-go-round spins ad infinitum.
What must be understood is that all of these "health emergencies" are founded on fraud, money laundering and racketeering.
The propaganda is not simply limited to "how the pandemic was handled", "the diagnosis of the alleged disease" or the countless peripheral aspects of the fraud- it is foundational to the creation of the very thing itself.
Another amazing thing that many people do not notice is that there is no such thing as "Public Health". Public Health is a nice, caring term for statistics. An anonymous man once said, "Figures don't lie but liars figure."
Nice essay. Well-documented and argued just the way I like. Was it a bug? Was it a bird? No, it was Super Fauci! I'm almost 71, and I've noticed that your country, the US, has a tendency to regularly showcase falsehoods. Why? Perhaps for mind control and profit. But since March 2020, this has escalated to a global scale, aiming to establish a worldwide fascistic regime. That's not nice.
Hi Luc, I'm actually a citizen of Australia, which has a tendency to implement all the hare-brained NWO schemes with remarkable zeal. Australia is known as a testing ground for globalist psy-ops. In the latest installment, Australia is dutifully jumping aboard the bird flu charade, killing hundreds of thousands of chickens with nary a whimper from the (globalist controlled) animal rights crowd:
Pretty sure crack cocaine "emerged" about as organically as a purported zoonotic virus
that caused a new "syndrome". (A syndrome is a collection of symptoms, that once given a name, AIDS or SARS, now has life and can spread in its own right as a taxonomy...see: Covid Toe)
Drugs (turning inner cities into jungles) and Falsified Science and Manufactured Diseases are all covered EXPLICITLY as planned agendas in the Day Tapes.
There would be the created slums and other areas well maintained. Those people able to leave the slums for better areas then would learn to better appreciate the importance of human accomplishment. This meant that if they left the jungle and came to civilization, so to speak, they could be proud of their own accomplishments that they made it. There was no related sympathy for those who were left behind in the jungle of drugs and deteriorating neighborhoods.
Next heading to talk about is Health and Disease. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable - at least for along time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, "is this was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?" Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.
Also, Not curing cancer! Chips in bodies! Devices that surveil you! Manufactured Terrorism! Elimination of the Private Doctors! Moving manufacturing to Chyyynnaaa, Tech stays in US! Using Medicine and Money as Blips on Computer Screens as tracking and control agents.
Don't forget the yearly acrobatics of influenza from pigs to birds to humans. Also, in the early 2000's (or so) pneumonia and influenza were combined into ILI influenza like illness to pump up the need for vaccination. One wild idea is that these animal, human crossover diseases is to acquaint us with their new improved chimera programs. If we get the same diseases as bats or pangolins, what's so crazy about improving life by melding or grafting on beneficial DNAs?
Hey Anthony, some good info though it is not clear why you did not emphasize that no HIV virus particle was ever found, never purified, isolated and characterized, genomes are hypothetical made up on a computer, proteins said to be from HIV are in everyone, and EM photos of cell cultures find HIV looking particles even if never inoculated with patient sample. This has been known and written extensively by the Perth Group and others for 30 years now, though your post leaves the reader thinking there is an HIV or HTLV virus somewhere, even if you mentioned there was no "isolate", many people don't know what that means. People need to hear, "never found and zero evidence it exists".
"The French study was marred by two key problems. It did not isolate any virus...
Forty years later, little has changed. The terminology and rationalizations have indeed become increasingly complex (as is the case with most elaborate lies), but there is no physical isolate of 'HIV.'...
...AIDS and COVID sagas. Both featured never-isolated 'viruses' with nonsensical 'Patient Zero' stories."
And both ongoing sagas featured the demonic Anthony Fauci pushing 1) highly toxic AZT and related DNA-chain terminators for many years on those who tested antibody-positive for HIV (a harmless retrovirus, at best) and 2) nephrotoxic remdesivir + ventilation procedures during the COVID-PLANdemic, which the for-profit hospitals were financially incentivized to administer. Fewer than 7% of those who were subjected to this "treatment" survived the assault.
Military tribunals are now needed for crimes against humanity, because the UCMJ is the only legal process in America which remains uncorrupted. Time will tell...
AND 3) conducting vaccine trials on the unsuspecting population.
Did you know, for example, that the spanish flu was not a flu at all, and try as they might, they were unable to transfer the "virus" from a sick person to a healthy person? so the spanish flu was simply not transmissible. Then why did so many people get sick? Oh, turns out they had all taken a vaccine that had recently been rolled out .... no shit, Sherlock.
Phil, there is no evidence that HIV, any retrovirus, or any virus of any type has ever been purified isolated and characterized, essentially viruses do not exist.
I worked at a county health department in the early '80s. Local health departments are the front line public face of the CDC.
We were guided to emphasize
"Anyone can get AIDS", to obfuscate that two very specific behaviors were spreading the HTLV3 virus (later renamed HIV), and to create the perception that gay males were not the overwhelming risk group because of specific behaviors.
With the promotion of fear, the money flowed, down to the local 'nonprofit' gay advocacy agency.
At the same time, Fauci, already head of NIAIC, ,was pointedly dragging his feet not endorsing the use of Bactrim for the pneumonia killing thousands of gay men, while pushing the adoption of toxic AZT that NIH had a financial interest in.
Very well done. Thank you for this Anthony. I had a cousin die in the first round of AIDS. He was gay and did poppers. And probably more that I'm not aware of. I did poppers a couple of times at a disco in Chicago. They were given to me on the dance floor by a general practitioner, doctor, and told they are harmless and used on male infants for circumcision. Apparently not!
I remember back in the 80.’s as a child being told (I think school and TV), “within ten years everyone will know someone who has died of AIDs”.
Your article was also a good reminder of what the Pulitzer used to mean before it was ‘corporately corrupted’.
Cheers for the update in my understanding and providing all the links to back up your writing. A good read but I’m not sure I don’t need to lie for ten minutes 😀
Three years ago I would have dismissed this article. Now that I have studied the mRNA mass murder, and the Statin / cholesterol scam, I see it’s an expose.
Excellent article! I actually just got a copy of Duesberg’s book with Kary Mullis’ forward.
So much of modern “medicine” is smoke and mirrors. And when you think about the number of people that have died (were murdered) because of taking pharma, it’s staggering.
Irene, I read Duesberg's book (which he did not write) with interest. While the Perth Group is gone, their dharma heirs are Mark and Sam Bailey in New Zealand. Duesberg never gave up his view that HIV existed in some form, even though he thought it was mischaracterized and could not do what it was said to do. He misled a lot of people in that sense, including Celia Farber.
Rebecca Culshaw Smith (doctorate in medical mathematics) is doing fantastic work, centered around the PrEP scandal. See interview with her here, third player down. This is a discussion of the 40th anniversary of the announcement of "HIV."
I read Celia Farber’s book and, although she exposes some interesting aspects of the AIDS scam, it frustrated me no end that she consistently assumed the existence of a pathogen that ‘caused’ AIDS. Given it was a new edition, why wouldn’t she incorporate the more recent information re: the non-existence of HIV? It made sense when I followed Celia on Substack and soon came to realise she ‘believes in’ a lot of other things that have been proven not to be true. I unfollowed.
I did too. She likes to cull her comments section to remove any that cast herself, or her articles, in a bad light.
It was particularly her adoration of RFK Jr that got to me. Seriously, it’s 2024 and you still think some ‘hero’ is going to save the US? A Kennedy what’s more?????
Oh yeah, and that’s the weird thing for a journalist who claims they’ve been a victim of censorship.
You are widening my horizons to an alarming extent, Anthony ! I have lived, I now realize, a very sheltered life. :\
Big Pharma stars again, eh ?! - what a terrific group of guys they are, those million/billionaires !
I think of my brother Paul... passed January 27, 1996 at the age of 43, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move... we all thought it was AIDS; oh he had "the hallmarks", weight loss and pneumocistis carinii being the most obvious.. what killed him in the end was of course AZT poisoning courtesy of Dr. Fraudci, surely the bastard reincarnation of 2nd AMA president Morris Fishbein; who did all in his power to encourage tobacco consumption whilst simultaneously strangling any kind of effective cancer treatment... (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm)
A degree of fraud that would make PT Barnum blush, a depth of corruption enough to gag an army of maggots... How can any of us take seriously anything told to us by any Medical Doctor about anything, ever again?
My husband’s brother died ‘from AIDS’ in the early 90s (I never knew him). We now know, of course, that it was his lifestyle and the cocktail of drugs he was given after ‘testing positive’ that killed him. So I totally empathise with the anger at the criminals in lab coats who perpetrated this scam, and continue to do so with all their other fictional viruses and toxic drugs to treat said viruses. They are mass murderers, nothing less.
And they get away with it, and they get away with it, and they get away with it, and they get away with it. After 4 years of the most grotesque criminal fraud in human history; attendant ugliness and stupidity I wouldn't believe if they were in a novel or a movie, I managed to get my old job back and I deliberately live like a hermit, avoiding human contact as much as possible.
But try and make the typical CNN-entranced, dimbulb, braindead, blue-pilled f***tard see the reality of it? But if Anthony's story about AIDS made you angry... have a look at this: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/unconscionable-evil-babies-are-having. These monsters should be publicly burned at the stake for what they've done.
PS Love your online moniker! 😘
I’m like you … a hermit by choice post-plandemic (but is it really post?) And I’ve largely given up on the numpties (look that one up - I brought it back into parlance in 2020 😉). Occasionally I’ll have a conversation with someone that starts (and ends) with the words, ‘A regular latte thanks’ ☺️ I remember Dr Thorpe speaking up in 2021; we had our own version here in Australia (a hugely recognised and awarded obgyn) who drew attention to the high rate of miscarriage in his vaccinated patients. He was sacked from the Catholic hospital where he headed up the department. And yet, as you say, the vast majority don’t seem to care that they’re being genocided en masse, from the womb to the bed in the nursing home. Given my Mum is one of them, the only way I make sense of it is they’re suffering undiagnosed PTSD and/or are in denial as to what they’ve partaken in. A tragic state of affairs.
They're "entranced", Chronicles, if not "enchanted"; and in a quite literal sense of the word. I've started getting into the works of PD Ouspensky and Georges Gurdjieff recently, but "Asha Logos" might be a place to start: https://www.ashalogos.com
AZT and Remdesivir
While I agree with the premise that the entire AIDS narrative is a bunch of BS, the narrative the author presents is also questionable. As a gay man coming out in the 80’s, I saw many men succumb to AIDS who were not on meds nor were they drugs addicts. I have also seen men develop full blown AIDS in the past couple of years who had never done crack or poppers. Their T cell counts increased and became healthy after taking the new meds. However, I did see a huge jump in deaths after AZT was introduced and have no doubt it was a factor.
My belief is that HIV is a co-factor in developing AIDS and other terrain factors are required to develop full blown AIDS. I’d also like to point out that the first thing the medical community does when someone tests positive for HIV is vaccinate the hell out of them for other diseases.
The way this was done was: HIV positive leading to needless treatment that killed them. There were at least 80 known sources of positives for "seroconversion" having nothing to do with "HIV."
I saw many die before treatment was available in the 80’s. No doubt treatment was a factor later on. I also recently watched two friends nearly die from late stage AIDS with T cell counts in their teens because they refused testing. They are now healthy with higher T cells as a result of modern treatment options. Neither was a drug user.
You would need to go case by case. The work of Dr Kevin Corbett demonstrates no correlation between "viral load," "seroconversion," T-cell count and symptoms. He is renowned for this work. Additionally, the entire notion of "T-cell cancer" is a ruse of the "T-cell leukemia" fabrication of Gallo (the original name for HIV was HTLV-III or Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type III" which follows his theory that AIDS is really T-cell leukemia.
That is false. And there is no connection between T-cell count and symptoms. I am not saying these people did not die; i am saying that each case needs to be investigated individually and not taken as a mass, group or cohort. It's too late for that, so we can only go through the claims of medical science and see if any of them actually check out.
They do not. And I challenge you to show me one that does, rather than a personal account where you have never seen the medical chart.
When you start seeing your twenty year old gay friends die in large numbers of the same symptoms while your straight male friends stay healthy you know something is up. One of the recent cases I saw was my husband and know what’s on his chart.
I am sorry to hear about your losses, and their pain.
However, we are talking about science, which requires independent variables and controlled experiments. If no HIV has ever been found and if no test can find it and if its Nobel-winning discoverer Montagnier admitted before he died that it does not exist, then there must be some other issue. There are many reasons for immune failure, and many, many causes of "false positives" on any HIV test, including PCR, WB and ALISA.
I’m not saying there are no co-factors but HIV is a common denominator. Miraculously, my ex husband recovered once he was put on anti-virals among many other people I know. Those anti-virals are fixing something, Montagnier said HIV wasn’t the only factor and never claimed HIV did not exist. In fact he said that people who get the jab should be tested for HIV.
BTW - his ex boyfriend suffered from the same wasting and very low T cell counts 2 years earlier and also recovered once put on anti-virals. Neither were drug user or used poppers.
The biopharma industry wants people perpetually sick and utilizing their remedies. Governments and their media facilitate the crimes.
And what about the cases of AIDS in recipients of blood transfusions? I myself as a med student had an elderly woman with a pneumonia resistant to every antibiotic she was tried on, til she had a lung biopsy and the tissue grew pneumocystis carinii, after which she was successfully (for a time, anyway) treated with Septra. This woman never did poppers, or cocaine, or had anal sex. Not that I know of, anyway.
What is the truth of the little boy who had his 15” on Oprah that supposedly died of HIV? Has anyone done a follow up to reveal his real cause of death?
Mark and Sam Bailey have covered much of this.
But she had 7 genetic jabs 🤔
This old lady was in 1979. Only risk factor was blood transfusion.
VAIDS … 2024….
I'm also a gay man who came out in the 80s, and I agree with everything you say, because I had the exact same experiences. Unlike you, I don't happen to know any HIV positive people who never developed symptoms, but I understand that there are such people, so clearly you (and Dr. Montagnier) are correct: HIV is not the sole cause of AIDS. I know quite a few HIV positive people who had AIDS and refused AZT, preferred natural or alternative medicine, and didn't use recreational drugs, and they all developed the same symptoms and died, pretty much in the same way as the people who took AZT. Thus, it is obvious to me that as harmful as AZT is, it isn't the "real" cause of death. Being HIV positive was very strongly correlated with developing AIDS and dying, in my personal experience. The idea that poppers "cause" AIDS also makes no sense to me because, trust me, poppers are still incredibly popular in the gay community to this day, and none of the people using poppers are getting PCP pneumonia or KS lesions, I've just never seen it happen. And yes, I also experienced that almost overnight, when the protease inhibitors became available, everything changed. Before these drugs, everyone I knew with HIV became sick and died, afterwards, none of them did. I'm so glad these drugs are helping your husband, and yes, clearly they have some therapeutic action, because they work. For all these reasons, the arguments of the HIV denialists simply don't fit in with my own lived experience.
The history of virtually all disease has fraud and racketeering baked into it.
If you go back and study the source documents for any and all alleged diseases you'll find that not only are the original papers and hypotheses filled with manufactured causation but also have numerous glaring omissions (one of the chief tools of the propagandist) including most importantly social conditions.
A vital point that is overlooked, altogether ignored or purposefully kept out of these discussions by many in the "Covid skeptic" movement, and especially those who have the biggest megaphones, is the simple fact that there are no such things as epidemics/pandemics- period.
A deeper dive into the history of these medical frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud.
If this is not properly understood then there is fertile ground for yet "another response", "a better response" etc. for the next invented "pandemic." This then means the pandemic merry-go-round spins ad infinitum.
What must be understood is that all of these "health emergencies" are founded on fraud, money laundering and racketeering.
The propaganda is not simply limited to "how the pandemic was handled", "the diagnosis of the alleged disease" or the countless peripheral aspects of the fraud- it is foundational to the creation of the very thing itself.
Another amazing thing that many people do not notice is that there is no such thing as "Public Health". Public Health is a nice, caring term for statistics. An anonymous man once said, "Figures don't lie but liars figure."
<< God's revenge for Abba and Disco Duck? >>
A++ for that line.
Believe it or not, this song was a huge hit in 1976 and briefly held the #1 spot on the Billboard Top 100 chart in October of that year.
but daddy likes those slinky black girls
An awful song from the 1970s, the silliest decade in recorded history... 🙄
The 1970s was indeed a smorgasboard of awful taste and cheesiness.
It's primary redeeming feature was that it gave us the Ramones :)
except for Talking Heads and Gang of Four etc
Jaco Pastorius.. now there was a tragedy...
omg who is Bob Dylan? What is American Pie? It's...Disco Duck!
I'm kidding. It's an obscure reference...you had to be around at the time or it was worth forgetting, but those dancer/harmony girls are perfect
so bad it's good...a real period piece...culture bearing...the zeitgeist...then came Talking Heads.
Nice essay. Well-documented and argued just the way I like. Was it a bug? Was it a bird? No, it was Super Fauci! I'm almost 71, and I've noticed that your country, the US, has a tendency to regularly showcase falsehoods. Why? Perhaps for mind control and profit. But since March 2020, this has escalated to a global scale, aiming to establish a worldwide fascistic regime. That's not nice.
For instance, NASA's moonwalk that never was, only to find out that the only moonwalk was Michael Jackson's on Earth!
Hi Luc, I'm actually a citizen of Australia, which has a tendency to implement all the hare-brained NWO schemes with remarkable zeal. Australia is known as a testing ground for globalist psy-ops. In the latest installment, Australia is dutifully jumping aboard the bird flu charade, killing hundreds of thousands of chickens with nary a whimper from the (globalist controlled) animal rights crowd:
I know. And, I pray each day that Australians will fight these puppet politicians of yours, and survive and thrive again, as a free people.
You figured out the Baddies Luc
Great dive, AC.
Pretty sure crack cocaine "emerged" about as organically as a purported zoonotic virus
that caused a new "syndrome". (A syndrome is a collection of symptoms, that once given a name, AIDS or SARS, now has life and can spread in its own right as a taxonomy...see: Covid Toe)
Drugs (turning inner cities into jungles) and Falsified Science and Manufactured Diseases are all covered EXPLICITLY as planned agendas in the Day Tapes.
There would be the created slums and other areas well maintained. Those people able to leave the slums for better areas then would learn to better appreciate the importance of human accomplishment. This meant that if they left the jungle and came to civilization, so to speak, they could be proud of their own accomplishments that they made it. There was no related sympathy for those who were left behind in the jungle of drugs and deteriorating neighborhoods.
Next heading to talk about is Health and Disease. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable - at least for along time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, "is this was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?" Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.
Also, Not curing cancer! Chips in bodies! Devices that surveil you! Manufactured Terrorism! Elimination of the Private Doctors! Moving manufacturing to Chyyynnaaa, Tech stays in US! Using Medicine and Money as Blips on Computer Screens as tracking and control agents.
Excellent writing with great content, clarity with difficult details, and all brought together for a solid understanding of the evil of mankind.
HIV made the jump from primates to humans;
Sars-Cov-2 made the jump from a bat, pangolin or snake to humans;
and now H5N1 is making a jump from birds to humans.
They’d used primates, reptiles and birds. I guess insects will be next.
It never ends.
Bee sting next
Don't forget the yearly acrobatics of influenza from pigs to birds to humans. Also, in the early 2000's (or so) pneumonia and influenza were combined into ILI influenza like illness to pump up the need for vaccination. One wild idea is that these animal, human crossover diseases is to acquaint us with their new improved chimera programs. If we get the same diseases as bats or pangolins, what's so crazy about improving life by melding or grafting on beneficial DNAs?
Hey Anthony, some good info though it is not clear why you did not emphasize that no HIV virus particle was ever found, never purified, isolated and characterized, genomes are hypothetical made up on a computer, proteins said to be from HIV are in everyone, and EM photos of cell cultures find HIV looking particles even if never inoculated with patient sample. This has been known and written extensively by the Perth Group and others for 30 years now, though your post leaves the reader thinking there is an HIV or HTLV virus somewhere, even if you mentioned there was no "isolate", many people don't know what that means. People need to hear, "never found and zero evidence it exists".
Actually, he wrote:
"The French study was marred by two key problems. It did not isolate any virus...
Forty years later, little has changed. The terminology and rationalizations have indeed become increasingly complex (as is the case with most elaborate lies), but there is no physical isolate of 'HIV.'...
...AIDS and COVID sagas. Both featured never-isolated 'viruses' with nonsensical 'Patient Zero' stories."
People just didn't know to take the phrase "Patient Zero" literally.
Lol :)
And both ongoing sagas featured the demonic Anthony Fauci pushing 1) highly toxic AZT and related DNA-chain terminators for many years on those who tested antibody-positive for HIV (a harmless retrovirus, at best) and 2) nephrotoxic remdesivir + ventilation procedures during the COVID-PLANdemic, which the for-profit hospitals were financially incentivized to administer. Fewer than 7% of those who were subjected to this "treatment" survived the assault.
Military tribunals are now needed for crimes against humanity, because the UCMJ is the only legal process in America which remains uncorrupted. Time will tell...
AND 3) conducting vaccine trials on the unsuspecting population.
Did you know, for example, that the spanish flu was not a flu at all, and try as they might, they were unable to transfer the "virus" from a sick person to a healthy person? so the spanish flu was simply not transmissible. Then why did so many people get sick? Oh, turns out they had all taken a vaccine that had recently been rolled out .... no shit, Sherlock.
Phil, there is no evidence that HIV, any retrovirus, or any virus of any type has ever been purified isolated and characterized, essentially viruses do not exist.
D'accord and even Montagnier admitted this. Never isolated, never purified.
I worked at a county health department in the early '80s. Local health departments are the front line public face of the CDC.
We were guided to emphasize
"Anyone can get AIDS", to obfuscate that two very specific behaviors were spreading the HTLV3 virus (later renamed HIV), and to create the perception that gay males were not the overwhelming risk group because of specific behaviors.
With the promotion of fear, the money flowed, down to the local 'nonprofit' gay advocacy agency.
At the same time, Fauci, already head of NIAIC, ,was pointedly dragging his feet not endorsing the use of Bactrim for the pneumonia killing thousands of gay men, while pushing the adoption of toxic AZT that NIH had a financial interest in.
Very well done. Thank you for this Anthony. I had a cousin die in the first round of AIDS. He was gay and did poppers. And probably more that I'm not aware of. I did poppers a couple of times at a disco in Chicago. They were given to me on the dance floor by a general practitioner, doctor, and told they are harmless and used on male infants for circumcision. Apparently not!
Mind blowing, absolutely mind blowing.
I remember back in the 80.’s as a child being told (I think school and TV), “within ten years everyone will know someone who has died of AIDs”.
Your article was also a good reminder of what the Pulitzer used to mean before it was ‘corporately corrupted’.
Cheers for the update in my understanding and providing all the links to back up your writing. A good read but I’m not sure I don’t need to lie for ten minutes 😀
Thanks for posting this piece.
Three years ago I would have dismissed this article. Now that I have studied the mRNA mass murder, and the Statin / cholesterol scam, I see it’s an expose.
"You take The Red Pill, you stay in Wonderland..."
I thought it was the Red Pill that opened one's eyes.
It is.
Crap. Again?