Mind-blowing to think about what went on in this country…

We were incarcerated for two years via the closed international border, plus forbidden to travel freely in the country with state border closures.

The uni party deliberately obstructed our free movement and association, based on a manufactured crisis - ‘COVID-19’, a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

Mandatory medical interventions - ‘COVID-19’ vaccines - were imposed upon the population under threat of loss of livelihood and participation in society for non-compliance - ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.

The medical profession collaborated with this travesty, in a supposed ‘free country’.

Again, mind-blowing…

I recently gave a presentation about this debacle to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, see: Informed Consent - Is this the key to taking down the House of Cards? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/informed-consent-is-this-the-key

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I remember the seeming normalcy of national, and threat of national, labor strikes when I long ago traveled Australia so I knew it was a country which valued labor. What I didn’t know was that its reverence for labor didn’t translate to its regard for laborers’ autonomous, non-collective freedom of the human spirit (and body), the greatest collective bond of all.

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The so-called 'Labor' party is not what's marked on the tin.

Same goes for the 'Liberal' party, better described as the Illiberal Party, which stole our freedom during the Covid debacle.

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The Labor Party is not Socialist anymore They are Fascist Totalitarians.

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I had thought as much, though the worshipful tradeoff is impersonal safety. Therefore, for our gloriously bestowed, mutually beneficial alliance to continue our labors with the protection of impersonal safety through ABCanNZ, may the blessings of the five-eyes be upon thee and thine as they are upon me and mine. Amen, totally.

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He thinks it’s fine now but just wait until they pull this stunt again. It will be worse on him and us next time. He thinks new politicians will correct this going forward? That’s the joke of the century thinking voting will solve your problems and prevent tyranny.

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No, absolutely no "shaking hands and moving on", not ever. These despicable, anti-life, genocidal scum do not get a free pass.....accountability must be forced upon them, every damn one of them. From the front line drones carrying out "orders" to the middle management delivering the "orders" to the sadistic demons at the top crafting the "orders", ALL who participated in any way to take away the free will of a single human being must pay for their choices.

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Yes. That part of this story got me triggered also.

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Super creepy state force. It's also creepy how many people get behind it, based solely on what they have been told to believe. He probably had neighbors watching him, too--at a safe distance, of course.

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The television is a very powerful mind-control weapon.

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Real anti vaxers also dont say they had covid, as there is no such thing

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Guess He does not know that there was no such thing as "covid," or any virus...or contagion...

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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-assuming he was honest, he just shouldn't have gone, it was obvious they were going to quarantine him, perhaps push to vax him, stick poisoned pcr swabs up his nose often (did they?), or the airlines might not let an unvaxed person fly..many traps here. How much more money or fame did he need (he is said to already have $220 Mil)? Going just verified a govt "protecting their country" and gave him shit, and he may still get ill from the poisoning if that was true.

-If he was not honest, the story talked about getting Covid and Covid antibodies, which promote the official narrative, and pushed lots of folks to just get aggravated at all non-vaxers as dangerous germ carriers. Was that the point?

So, either he is stubborn and not smart or this was a dog and pony show to send a message to the world that "non-vaxers are dangerous" and "you better comply", and distract from the fact there is no Covid virus.

Apologies to those who think he was a hero, sorry I do not. He could have just made statements from his home country on the Covid nonsense and waited a year or 2 to play abroad, then he would be my hero.

I wonder though, can viruses can be transmitted by tennis balls across the court?

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Hey PM,

anything's possible in this day and age of rampant shitfuckery, but there are a few aspects of his story that ring true.

Firstly, if you know anything about world class athletes, you'll know some are extremely driven. Djokovic OWNS the Australian Open - with 10 victories, he's won the most ever Australian Open men's singles titles.

And if you've ever done battle with Australian government/bureaucracy and judiciary/law enforcement, you'll know you're dealing with a whole other level of cuntishness.

I have no illusions as to whether authorities in Vikkktoria would have granted Djokovic a visa, knowing full well he'd be made an example of upon arrival.

The police helicopter circling above his training sessions is textbook classic Australian government/police behavior, in which genuine crimes are ignored but no expense is spared in harassing those they don't like or want to make an example of.

Check out what happened to this guy in Adelaide when he was - through no fault of his own - 'late' for a PCR test after returning from Vikkktoria:


FWIW, I traveled overseas during early 2022 despite being unvaxxxed, and it was the only time I've traveled internationally and didn't enjoy it. The first guy I got at Mexican immigration was a complete asshole, I was interrogated and held up for over an hour at Mexico City airport (because in a country full of murderous narcos, corrupt politicians, and filthy cops, you really need to watch out for those writers from Australia). Air Canada were utter pricks, Etihad were assholes, and upon returning to Australia, the unvaxxxed had to have 4 pre-and post-flight PCR tests compared to 2 for vaxxxed. It was an awful time to travel, and Australia was an awful country to travel to.


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Thanks Anthony and HNY! Be sure I'm not saying he lied and I appreciate your points. In fact, your travels proved just how dangerous trips were.

The risks should have been clear: long quarantine, coerced to vax, multiple swabs up the nose thus into the brain, and he was poisoned with something. With $220mil in assets he should have many staff that can get the Covid low-down for him. I figured most of it out at no cost in a few months in 2020, and I'm a nobody with no staff, in fact most "friends", family, and business associates just rolled their eyes at me.

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He was given the go ahead to compete. Doesn't matter how much he's worth. He's earned every penny, and he lives in Monaco to avoid giving his hard earned money to some twat government.

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He may own his $ but the WEF and FMs own him:


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What is more he gave me hope.

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You read the revised post right?

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PM, I think he received the visa and didn’t believe he would be treated as he was because of his fame. When he was treated so badly it was a horrible time to be an Australian and see the lengths that our tyrannical government went to. I think he is a hero for being openly anti vax at that time and sticking to his guns. He could have fake vaxed. He is not a scientist or doctor and so can’t be blamed for not pursuing the no virus truth/ all vex toxic truth

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Thanks Laura, be sure I'm not saying he lied, just throwing out an analysis. The risks should have been clear to him: hung up in quarantine for a looong time, coerced to vax, multiple swabs up the nose. And we assume then he was poisoned with something. All in all not worth it for him, didn't help stop Covid-the vaxers-basically the majority, just say he deserved it. Now, if ALL the players just stayed home, that would have more meaning. I hope I'm making sense.

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You are right, PM, happy to read a comment that is more critical about this affair. When I first heard about it, it was not making a lot of sense and it seems this was another 'we will give you your hero/villain show' the system likes to perform.

I found this article with a lot of information about him, his ties with WEF/World Bank, a few of the many pictures of him doing the one eye etc etc. https://bobbynetwork.substack.com/p/djokovic-novak-psyop

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Oh wow! The multiple one-eye (all-seeing eye) shots are damning enough on their own, but the WEF connection...

Major article revamp in the works!

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Thanks for your kind words Anthony. This is exactly what reading and writing should be about, info exchange without prejudice and to enjoy mistakes in the process of learning. Regards. -PM

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Given the "eye opening" expose in the link, what agenda do you suppose is being served by ND saying he was heavy metal poisoned in Australia?

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I can only speculate, but I'm guessing it's another high drama distraction. Based on what he's said so far, no high-ranking official in Australia will ever be charged with poisoning Djokovic.

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Ah, the much beloved high drama distraction. What would they do without them?!

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My speculation is that it’s to put fear in folks regarding detention conditions so that they prefer to take shots instead.

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Yes that's has good potential as well!

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Thanks for the call-out IR. True to your namesake, Bobby's post is very hard to debunk and I hope Anthony will take it up on his next post. I apologize I did not look things up myself, but just did some searching.....



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Most welcome PM. And great to see Anthony is using this information!

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You're perfect mate, keep in touch!

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I don't know how I was alerted to the tree interview with Kyrgios and the eye-covered images awhile ago - it might have been you IR - but I forgot all about that alerting and started to feel a sense of outrage when I was reading about Djoko's treatment. They just luuurve to press our outrage buttons. Glad I was reminded.

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I'd also luuuuve to take credit for alerting you.. but it wasn't me!

And yeah, that is what they do, they want us to be invested in their play but to all who read this; with anyone on the world stage, your starting position should be that they are 'in the club'. The infamous THEY have been running the world covert and overt for ages, I am talking millennia, probably all the way back to the Sumerian civilization (and no, I was not there, I have no direct proof!) or even before. It makes sense that those families are pretty big by now, intermarried, taking different names etc etc so we don't notice too much.

Now and then they like to give us a hint, like this one; https://duckduckgo.com/?q=us+presidents+related&t=brave&ia=web

So they tell us ALL US presidents are related, except Martin van Buren. What a coincidence eeej. Nothing to see here, just move on. The same can be done for movie stars, rock musicians etc.

Can you imagine being born into those families? Money is never an issue, you are brought up in a way that is the opposite to how the average peasant is raised and you can just develop any talent that you have and know you'll be pushed to to the spotlight. Of course, at the highest level you'll only 'compete' (the TOP matches in all sports are scripted) against (distant) family members, but hey! It is all about the game, not about winning, am I right?!

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And he has a company in Serbia that promotes and delivers vaxes to kids....

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Thanks! Here it is, lest there be any doubt now that his trouble at the Aus Open was a PR stunt.


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I read Bobby's research at the time. So I was not in my mind, yes!

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PM, I was wrong, it's not a company, it's via his foundation he pushes all vaxes on kids.

Worse in my mind as ppl are brainwashed to think foundations are something good that support various social causes.

All these celebrity foundations are nefarious endeavours.

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Ok, I guess he has a "vax" co from the foundation and the medicine (peptide) for the fake Covid scam from him and his wife owning 73% of a company. He's just reeking Covid shit in his dirty underwear for his handlers I guess.

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Yeees! My memory is not completely failing me!

A Quick Look at Bobby's old piece made me doubt it.

(I was in Bobby's group, and the research and discussions were like nowhere else. High flying, amusing and in depth. I only hope he's ok).

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Dog and pony show, more than likely. Good question. I think not.

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"He informed the officer that he was not vaccinated but had recently had COVID—and had received a medical exemption from an independent panel appointed by the Victoria Department of Health to visit Australia and play in the Open."

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That's not the issue. Read the thread and the links from here


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Well done. It should have been the answer from everyone in the world.

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The biggest clue for me at the time of the ‘Novax’ psyop was that he was pushing the Covid narrative. You know, that it existed, he’d had it (tested for it presumably) and he, consequently, had ‘antibodies’. Anyone, regardless of who they are, who thinks there was a pandemic, is part of the problem.

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Exactly my thoughts

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Great dig...you can pretty much assume that anyone who has attained fame and fortune is captured...

We're keeping an eye 👁 on them all...

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Yes, to be famous or in a position of power you first must become a Satanist Freemason.

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How exactly do you apply for an exemption "anonymously"?

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Yeah I wondered that too😄

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Thank you for the follow up, lesson learned. We really are in deep mind Control era.

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Ok.. now this article has some juice! Thank you💪 What is a first red flag that he does not say why he did not vax, he wants to keep status quo ( I am not anti vaxxer, I will be friends agaib with new government, I had "Covid" so had antibodies 🤢)

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Great work, Anthony.

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This adds further context…


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How do I think about that moment??? The very same way I felt March 11 2020, screaming bullshit at the top of my lungs, and had I been Djokovic in that moment, would have told the officer to eat shit, and on the next jet out of there

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