The Strange Case of Corey Comperatore
Trump followers try to throw me off the trail, but instead lead me to yet another anomaly in the official "assassination attempt" tale.
Vegans and low-carbers, despite their polar opposite dietary beliefs, once formed my major group of trolling haters. Apart from the occasional ranting Karen “Sheldon”, they’ve largely given up the ghost, probably due to a mix of malnutrition-induced lethargy and the realization that, if 20 years of sustained trolling failed to deter me from presenting the plain facts, another 20 years of deranged spammery is unlikely to, either.
It’s a lesson that Trump fans have yet to learn, because they seem to have taken up the anti-Anthony mantle. Angry at my repeated criticism of their false orange idol, they have adopted the failed game plan of my old vegan and low-carb foes.
The game plan is simple. And hopelessly dumb.
It goes like this:
“Colpo said something that contradicts my beliefs. Therefore, he is crazy!”
My response is always the same.
Talk is cheap. Insults are worthless.
Show me the evidence.
Or get gone.
It’s a simple request that Trump cultists have an extremely hard time comprehending.
Here is a recent example from Scott M, a genius troll who thinks comparing someone to a time-honored and highly useful piece of strength-training equipment is somehow an insult.
Not to be outdone, a joker called John W then decided it was his turn to vie for the Amateur Hour Psychoanalysis title. He mentioned Corey Comperatore, then went on to impugn my mental health.
Again, I gave Mr W repeated opportunity to field something resembling a rebuttal to the actual points I raised. In classic troll fashion, he failed to do so.
But something interesting did arise as a result of his digital flatulence.
After his mention of Comperatore, and my lingering disbelief that no images had emerged of someone shot at a rally full of people holding phones, I jumped back on the Interwebz, and came upon the video below.
It shows what is purported to be a slain Corey Comperatore in the aftermath of the alleged assassination attempt at the Trump rally. He becomes visible in the video around the 2:00 mark.
Comperatore, you will remember, was widely portrayed as a “hero” for shielding his wife and two daughters from all the bullets allegedly whizzing around that day. So as you watch the video, ask yourself what key ingredients are missing from the footage.
If Comperatore jumped on top of his wife and daughters to shield them from a hail of gunfire, then where are they?
Why aren’t they in that footage?
Most wives and daughters would be understandably apoplectic if their husband and father was murdered right on top of them.
If they are somewhere in that footage, they are remarkably calm. As is the rest of the B-grade cast crowd.
Another Questionable Hero
You all remember the George Floyd psy-op, in which the aforementioned was ‘murdered’ by a cop called Derek Chauvin. The two had previously worked together, yet pretended not to know each other at the movie filming ‘murder’ event.
The alleged cause of death, and inspiration for a near breakout of civil war, was Chauvin’s casual kneeling in a position that any wrestler or BJJ practitioner worth a sweaty gi could tell you is about as life-threatening as a nerf ball attack.
What could kill someone while in that relatively benign position is the use of highly toxic drugs. Floyd’s autopsy report showed the following blood concentrations:
Fentanyl: 11 ng/mL
Norfentanyl: 5.6 ng/mL
This is within the range of blood levels observed in fentanyl-related deaths.
It also bears mentioning that Floyd’s postmortem also detected 4-ANPP (despropionyl fentanyl), methamphetamine, and THC.
Floyd was subsequently portrayed as a hero, despite having multiple drug, theft and trespass convictions. He was the ringleader in a 2007 home invasion, during which he pointed a gun at an innocent woman’s stomach. After she screamed for help, one of Floyd’s five accomplices struck her in the head with a pistol. After a demand for drugs proved fruitless, Floyd and his crew stole some jewellery and the victim’s cell phone.
He also appeared in a porn video, produced by adult film outfit The Habib Show, which kicks off with Floyd bragging about his gang connections.
Yep, a real hero.
To be fair, Comperatore’s background is nowhere near as illustrious as Floyd’s. But a series of Twitter posts he made prior to his alleged death at the farcical Trump rally in Butler are far from heroic.
To the contrary, they evince a dark, hateful mind.
Ah, such compassion.
Such heart-warming support for sexual deviant swamp dwellers.
Such hatred for people riding their bikes and minding their own damn business.
As always, contrarian comments welcome so long as they are made in good faith. Troll-level comments like “HOW DARE YOU!” and “you’re nuts, what drugs are you taking?” (none, but thanks for asking) will be removed.
Thank you. Point taken. No family visible anywhere. Mistake to bring in other obvious media lies and false narratives. Too many and too easy for frightened normies to dismiss and turn away from cognitive dissonance.
More noteworthy besides fact that none of the apparent victims family were there:
Who does compressions on a head wound that loses at least 2 pints of blood in under 5 minutes? Even a complete idiot knows better. All it will do is pump out more blood through the wound.
First responders moved curiously and with no imperative movements. Cops and medics routinely pickup and remove surrounding unhelpful civilians. Then they go to work fast. This was leisurely.
Towel over bloody head was an epic production touch. Ever carry a body? Nice that they let head hang loose in two man carry.
Black kid in stands reminds of John Earl Sullivan JadenX
It’s all one big movie production, all of it, but the vast majority still believe it’s real and true. The veil will eventually be lifted I think.