Thank you. Point taken. No family visible anywhere. Mistake to bring in other obvious media lies and false narratives. Too many and too easy for frightened normies to dismiss and turn away from cognitive dissonance.

More noteworthy besides fact that none of the apparent victims family were there:

Who does compressions on a head wound that loses at least 2 pints of blood in under 5 minutes? Even a complete idiot knows better. All it will do is pump out more blood through the wound.

First responders moved curiously and with no imperative movements. Cops and medics routinely pickup and remove surrounding unhelpful civilians. Then they go to work fast. This was leisurely.

Towel over bloody head was an epic production touch. Ever carry a body? Nice that they let head hang loose in two man carry.

Black kid in stands reminds of John Earl Sullivan JadenX

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It’s all one big movie production, all of it, but the vast majority still believe it’s real and true. The veil will eventually be lifted I think.

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Thanks for writing this Anthony. I needed a good dose of sanity. The GF comparison is on the money. The very day of the GF psyop, I spotted the posture and weight distribution of the cash cab cop on GF. It’s disheartening to be surrounded by so many ignoramuses; I feel like I am drowning at times in the sheer stupidity.

One other note, a calling card of sorts, on the Comperatore piece, is his initials- CC. C, the third letter of the alphabet. CC=33. The numerology is always there, especially 33, 66, 666, 108, & 911. It’s often hidden in plain sight on the ambulance and/or fire truck numbers on top of the vehicle from the helicopter view. But you’ll often find people in these pysops with two C’s.

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Good spot on the numerology, I missed that!

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Folks lack such self confidence and have lost all faith in the Creator that they have to grasp onto the most ridiculous story ops. Anyone who points out the inconsistencies and in your face blatant lies becomes the enemy.

Sad state of the gen pops...

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I don’t know how I’d respond, but it seems bizarre that the place wasn’t cleared out immediately once the shooting started.

Maybe it’s protocol to tell the crowds to not gtfo?

Would anyone in their right mind stay sitting next to a man that got shot in the head?

It’s all weird.

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For instance, the first thing I would do is grab everyone near me and yell “get under the bleachers!”

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Why would you believe anything at all about the George Floyd show including his supposed death and toxicology report?

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Whether Floyd is dead, or has been shipped off to a hidden location under the psy-op equivalent of the Witness Protection Program, I can't say for sure. My best guess is he was lured into that farce under the premise of participating in a film/ad shooting, and was given a drug cocktail to help him 'loosen up' (die).

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Possibly, however, my feeling about all psyops done publicly - apart from the obvious covid where they are killing people essentially in front of our eyes - Nobody Dies Nobody Gets Hurt. I could be wrong, however, they're always careful to tell us the truth underneath the propaganda in their psyops in every other way with their Revelation of the Method technique and what you find is there is never clear evidence of anyone really dying or being hurt and if they never show us clear evidence of it then I'd tend to think no one dies or is hurt. But obviously there's no clear way of knowing. Certainly they kill people in their ritual sacrifices but they're not done publicly - at least not as far as I can tell.

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Thank all the gods that I always share your opinions - that is, in articles of which I have total comprehension, Anthony !! :)

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The hand strength those guys have is impressive in carrying out that much weight down steps with such ease

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That is a very good observation. If you’ve ever had to carry a human, their “dead weight” is much heavier for some strange reason.

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Try as I might, I just can't conjure anything troll-level... Sorry. I agree far too completely that all this is a production to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions.

I did a piece about Gaetz...

Can You Gaetz Which One is Which? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/can-you-gaetz-which-one-is-which

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Right. I read about the sandy hooks and seen the 'cast' happily living their lives (despite not being alive, supposedly) in other places. That whole thing was so fishy, nothing added up, it was like a hugely bungled play with no talent! There were no bodies.

Beware the Wiles, the bible cautions!! It would certainly be easily enough carried out and well within her wheelhouse.

Who jumps up from an assassination attempt to pump their fist in the air? The dead, that's who!

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Well, I don't know that there is a metaphysical element... I keep asking the question:

How do We tell the difference between metaphysical manifestation (prophesy come true) and psychopaths in control using scripture as a playbook, keeping believers doing nothing to stop Them, just waiting for some Other to come along and "fix it?"

But yes, They psyop Us - wagging many dogs - and drag the narrative where the script leads. We might want to solve to the psychopaths in control.

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-had-better-solve-for-the-psychopaths

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Hey, wait a minute... from the story I heard, I always imagined that he would have been sitting in the bleachers on the right (from the audience's perspective) since the bullets were coming from the left. What's he doing in the left bleachers, way out of line? Did nobody in the right-side bleachers get hit?

Thanks for surfacing this. Good point about the MIA wife and daughter.

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Triggered me? Hardly. You throw off wankery smart-ass commentary ad libidum. Yes, all is staged. 9-11; moon-landing; Trump Assassination. You are a marvelous writer, dogged researcher, with a bent. All we all have. In a 2-choice Universe, we all must make a choice. I have read all your archived articles. You are wickedly sarcastic, in a good way. You also make unexamined assumptions. We all learn from one another. You are a performer in need of an audience, you cannot expect only adulation otw you create another self-serving bubble. Sorry if my tone sounded other than in good faith-proffering any comment at all was a risk, which is why 90+% of readers never do. Keep up the good work Anthony.

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Sorry but we did Not fake the damn moon landing. Jesus!! You can SEE the Space Station with the naked eye...or is it a mosquito??! Russia got up there; we couldn't be left behind. NASA HAD to come up to the bar. Remember, it is different up there. More vacuum-like, slower, static. They would have practiced here and been able to replicate similar environments here before they went up. People have Witnessed the launches! SO disrespectful to those who have risked their lives to do that shit. Takes more courage than you can fathom! Go watch the astronauts reading Genesis on Christmas Day from the moon. If you don't "get it," you likely have no soul. The space program is a display of the immenseness that can occur when absolute faith meets a higher reach; it is the best of us, so far. Dropping them on the moon would be like dropping them in a closed room; it's static. Much easier to control and less dangerous than weather here. Elon's first launch to the space station and he was sweating bullets. That shit is real. A lot isn't. That is. According to your hypothesis, nothing is real! You must be one of those "Jamie Foxx is a clone" people. 😆😆😆

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The Space Station is nothing but a puddle jumper. Van Allen radiation belts are impassable to all life forms. Sorry, those are facts. Courage, faith? Those are the gesticulations of folks who believe everything they hear/read/absorb. What is slower-static. btw?

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You also have beef with "Vegans" ? Yes, they are as trollish as virus or Trump fans :)) But do not realize that "vegan" does not even exist (in reality) :)

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Hey sorry, I know I’m a little late to this party and maybe this was already discussed but I’m pretty sure the video clearly shows the victims wife and daughter. As well as audio of everybody yelling “this is the family” several times before helping them off the bleachers. I can’t speak to their state of mind and why they may have acted differently than others may have but everyone reacts to tragedy differently especially in that circumstance with secret service and cops swarming. While I certainly believe that nothing that happens these days is what it seems and the narrative is rarely truthful, and while I certainly believe that this was no exception, I don’t see how Trump could have pulled all this off. Yes, there are certainly weird things that don’t add up but I don’t see how trump got all the secret service and all the local police and all the press and local government officials and hired all these people in the crowd and Crooks to volunteer to get assasisnated all for a photo opp. Really? And I assume he faked the one at his golf course too? And all the lawsuits against him to try to stop him from running? I don’t know. There is a globalist faction of the empire that clearly doesn’t want trump anywhere near the presidency. Like a rival gang of thugs doesn’t want the other gang of thugs down the road taking over the block. I think the Crooks / MK ultra conspiracy theory makes more sense here. Just my opinion. I tried linking photos from the video of the wife and daughter but not sure if it worked.



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Didn't someone in the crowd die? I heard Sandy Hook was a total hoax and those people supposed to have been "no longer with us" have been photographed living their lives elsewhere. There is a concerning lack of documents, bodies...all in all, it looks like a bungled scripted movie. Nothing adds up right. But the media knows we know only what we are told/shown that is then dubbed as "some agenda."

Weird about the assassination attempt is that I have never seen a presidential target pop up while being restrained by a secret service with noodles for arms to pump his fist in the air to become a bigger target? The woman he has made his chief, Wiles (reminds me of "be ye not ignorant of the wiles_______"), she won't Lose. Could it have been scripted? Heck, all of it could. Lies are spun, history erased (the holocaust never happened is one)...what do we know??

I hate to burst your bubble (okay, not really, cuz you weren't made to be an unconscious lemming anyway) but School is just a name for the project and program of Indoctrination and Conditioning into the world system that programs you to, amongst many others unsavory traits, gaslight yourself and others, be complicit with the world system and world-think, reduce and reject fully your true identity as a self, idolize others and tear others down, engage in evil and justify it with lies, be a cog in the wheel, etcetera. How do you think the U.S. got away with dumping an $800 billion bail out on its citizens back in 2008 - and that most have forgotten they are still paying off, While scratching their heads over "Why is inflation so high?"

"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself." --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The problem is that the world has programmed people (why do you think you watch tv "programs"? See??!! You/we all were literally taught and inculcated in how Not to be able to think!) about 180° opposite of what is right, pure, true and innocent to direct you to destroy them because they pose the actual threat to the world's bs machine. So, since you're "upside down," you "call evil good and good evil," all the while oblivious to the tests you are taking and failing, and you object not to what is actually evil, but the good the world falsely declares is evil. Thus, you tear down and reject the very vessels that could save you ,like a frothing knuckle-dragging troglodyte, while idolizing celebrities and the hollyweirdos. Hello, welcome to earth.

I am not sure I would put it past Miss Susie to have "erected a Shakespearean play."

However bad you think this phase is, do you honestly think Biden round 2 would have been better - in the face of wars breaking out around the world? How much respect do you think foreign presidents would have given to Harris, had she been elected?

The bingo machine in the sky decided on this guy. That we have no better to choose from is a bitter disgrace! Still, that bingo machine knows more than we do and it has its reasons beyond our understanding. There may be important reasons we know nothing of. For whatever reason, it must be better than Biden, and we should try in Faith and Prayer (perhaps lots of both) to set a good example and support fairly the choice Bingo made right now. We have countries developing and launching ICBMs. You want a pansy in the oval office? I don't...mouthy, tempermental and all...at least I know he won't be sitting around taking their shit! Beyond that, it's on the Bingo machine......so Pray!!!!!!

Wheels within wheels, people. See the bigger picture...because there most assuredly IS one.

Stay Away from politics, the media, social media, most other people, 95% of what is on Netflix and Prime Video and Youtube. These are all rabbit holes to hell...probably literally! Like the food supply it has corrupted, this crap is all engineered to Against You as an addictive medium that preys on your (fallen) human nature. Don’t feed that crap with your time or energy. Stop consuming opinion-based Anything by people more misguided than you! That’s most of the world.

Until you put out your Stop sign, the world you complain of continues as it is. Stop buying toxic food and they will have to stop making it. Stop throwing money (your “voting” voice) at corrupt things. Refuse to consume, watch, participate in or be complicit with the perpetuity of evil in Any form! You will pay the short and long price while they gain and continue! Stop allowing scumbags! Stop partnering with them in any way.

Just. Stop.

Don’t believe me? This isn’t news or a novel, revolutionary idea. Read Theodor Adorno. Read The Screwtape Letters (the author refused to write more because HE was getting corrupted by their writing!). George Orwell said that humanity’s willingness to be led in dangerous directions so easily made him extremely unsettled!

Just. Stop.

Get clean of All that shit and go back to the basics. All entertainment - radio and tv, media and social media, all and any of it, even magazines - are ALL contaminated And pushing corruptions and agendas they pay Billions of dollars a year to have marketing firms plant psychological messages in their clientele. Google “internet dopamine” and you will see it…but don’t get list down that rabbit hole!

Don’t believe me? Read “Influence: The psychology of persuasion,” a diabolical tome I came across years ago. Then read up on NLP and its sneaky/scummy tactics because you are being bombarded with both of these things constantly anytime you are around other people or consuming Anything nowadays. Informed, you can easily sidestep the bs for better activities and reverse the NLP’ers crap back onto them, also do that thru Prayers, or just reject the evil plainly. Avoid these avenues, influencers and other pathetic, desperate-for-attention scumbags and their carney-esque shenanigans that try to draw you in and manipulate you into becoming as much of a vacuous troglodyte as they are. Many don’t have a soul, and what *is* powering them ain’t good!

Start a personal journey to discover how people in the year 1800 lived - what they did with their time - and choose those healthier paths and avenues of exploration. You don’t need to babysit Trump’s every breath. It won't benefit you to do so, either. Churning your own organic butter from local cows would be a better way for you to spend an hour than partaking in Any form of entertainment involving other corrupt humans/humanoids. Remember, they were inculcated on the same bs as you/we all were. Stop being a lemming! Start the year - and the rest of your life Right - instead of obsessing over crap and evils and manipulation. If they want your opinion, it is just anothet draw. Spot and avoid.

Who is in the oval office? Okay. That’s solved. Done. Check in in 4 years. Pray daily. It costs you nothing but not doing it may cost you everything!

Back to living a life that is clean, clear of any form of unclean influence, and is on a constructive and benevolent path. Your phone and those evil paths should be no more appealing to you than standing outside and holding a piece of gravel. At least the gravel isn’t trying to destroy you and your life or ensure you too are hellbound!

See the movie “My Dinner with Andre.” Rejoice in a slower pace of life free from all that crap and nonsense.

Find better things to do with yourself, your life and your time…out of basic self-respect!


“You have to understand something,” Carpenter told Yahoo about the movie They Live in 2015, “it’s a documentary. It’s not science fiction.”

This endless fight scene, possibly the longest in cinema history, is a metaphor for the struggle to achieve enlightenment.

“To step out of ideology ... you must force yourself to do it,” Zizek concludes. “Freedom hurts.”

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Thank you for this article. Added to my Trump graph. The case for the shooting being a psyop continues to grow.


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