Hello Anthony, there is no need to discuss flu vaccines because no one ever isolated and characterized a flu virus. These kinds of statements, even if not yours, "Inactivated influenza vaccines probably reduce influenza in healthy adults", still make it seem like there is a virus and to trust the Authorities because people can't imagine is all a scam.

Here is an Avian flu debunker


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Hi PM,

point taken, those unfamiliar with my stance on the non-existence of viruses may assume I subscribe to the virus paradigm. I've added a clarifying statement at the end of the article,

Kind regards,


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Thanks Anthony, your reply shows integrity in your journalism, thank you. -PM

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I read some of the links you posted and you pretty much nailed it. Here you can see my no-virus compilation:


and in it the post analyzing the no infamous Chinese paper by Fan Wu:


Apologies I did not have time to look at all your posts where you may have discussed Fan Wu.

You make impressive efforts to cover a wide range of pertinent topics, hope you will have time to comment on my and related writers in our corner of SS, many you can see on my recc list. Keep going!

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Hi Anthony, I might have mentioned this before to you, sorry if I have. Saline injections cause an increase in respiratory illness (and probably positive tests). They are a massive, brilliantl and underestimated part of the scam. The whole placebo thing is absolutely genius.

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Bless You for bringing the truth, little proton!

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Never underestimate the level of stupidity when it comes to a government employee.

In some cases, it is a requirement.

The government employees are either:

a) They are of sufficiently low IQ not to realise what they are doing (useful idiots)

b) They are aware of what is going on. However, they are sufficiently intelligent enough to say or do nothing to contradict or jeopardise the gravy train they and their family are hitched to, making them willing participants.

3) They are fully complicit, acting as an intricate part of the operating system (passing on orders), implementing whatever their puppet masters dream up, like shooting and killing women and children and many other just as bad things to humanity.

How far do we have to look before we link things like Flouride in the water, glyphosates on the crops we eat, chemtrails and last but not least, COVID-19 to a complicit and willing government that, supported, if not implemented, all of the above-stated crimes

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The fully complicit Ones are psychopaths... We have moneyed psychopaths in control on Our planet.

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https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/USA/united-states/gdp-gross-domestic-product How much money in tax dollars were stolen from us by politicians? If we are to be accurate,, the stealing has been going on our whole lifetime,, at least since the start of WW1- WW2, the over spending, in Trillions, especially since Viet Nam,, when you add up all the money spent on wars alone without the politicians taking pay from each vote,, since Soros came on the scene and taught them how to steal from the treasury,,,,, its in the Multi Trillions of dollars. Impossible to pay us taxpayers back, The only possible solution is to stop the IRS from taxing us again in the future. I estimate out of this 15 Trillion GDP we earn and pay tax on for everything we buy, we spent half our earnings on some type of taxation. Spend 10 minutes going through receipts and you will quickly learn that over half our income was paid to Government and half of that was paid to waste,,, in other words, Multiply the US annual GDP,X 50 years and divide by 50% and you will have a real number of stolen funds from our hard earned income. Amount of GDP in Trillions: U.S. gdp for 2023 was $27,360.94B, a 6.28% increase from 2022.

U.S. gdp for 2022 was $25,744.11B, a 9.11% increase from 2021.

U.S. gdp for 2021 was $23,594.03B, a 10.65% increase from 2020.

U.S. gdp for 2020 was $21,322.95B, a 0.92% decline from 2019.

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Indeed, and there's more. The moneyed psychopaths started putting Our wealth into "TRUSTS" (legal caps) centuries ago - We're ALL multimillionaires, Each owning a share of the wealth here on Our planet - and kept Us as slaves. The veneer of the money system "wealth" They use to pull Our strings is but a fraction.

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

Let's just get rid of the accounting for Our energy added into a system (money in any form/Our slave chains) and effectively return to Humanity what was stolen.

Obsoleting Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/obsoleting-money

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Excellent thanks https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1893669748405080313

As many people have said, why pay terrorist organizations and certain countries to hate us when they’re perfectly willing to do it for free?

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In response to the flu pandemic that happened from 1957 to 1958, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends flu vaccines for people in the U.S. who are at high risk of flu complications.


So for 65 years they have been pushing these type of jabs. Funny how we still have the flu which obviously means the jabs do Jack Shit!!!

I've had one flu shot that I can recall that was given to me back in the early 80s at work. It was the only time in 70 years that I felt like I had the flu, knew then they were worthless and have never had one since.

Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you, Anthony. Peerless stuff. Much appreciated!

Proton Magic’s important point is well made and not a criticism.

You may be “playing a straight bat”, showing that, even dealing with these always-inappropriate injections (because the illnesses in question are neither infectious in nature nor contagious & there’s no scientific evidence for the existence of the alleged viral pathogens, not only in relation to acute respiratory illnesses or any other illnesses) using normie language, they don’t do anything useful at all.

Posted on my Telegram channel.


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Hi Mike,

always great to hear from you, thanks for reposting.

You and Proton Magic have a good point, those unfamiliar with my stance on the non-existence of viruses may assume I subscribe to the virus paradigm. I've added a clarifying statement at the end of the article.

Kind regards,


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Glad I have never had a toxin cocktail jabbed into My flesh called a "flu vaccine." Thank You for Your research and the offering of Your findings. I do hope everyOne on the planet reads this.

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Once again for those that may have missed this invaluable link.

No knowledgeable and informed person should ever take a flu/influenza shot. NONE!

Share this link from honorable doctors that follow their Hippocratic oath.


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No One should take ANY toxin jab for any reason. ALL vaccines are experiments on Us, given germ theory is bunk, and both viruses and contagion have not been proven to this very day.

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Link -GOOD comment

You are sharper than the average knife in a drawer. Most still run to their doctors whom too were brainwashed about pathogens.

If you LOOK, STUDY and can understand science , there is ZERO PROOF (and with emapsis zero) of any viruses, and for that matter transmition of sickness or disease via respiration.

Just try and convince humans of this as it is damn hard. We have been lied to for decades. Doctors (with rarest exception) will never admit this as they would be out of business in their primary trait of pill pushers for money.

For those that wish PROOF that you are correct I strongly recommend the FREE BOOK - The END of VIROLOGY, by the brilliant team of doctors with outstanding ethics and qualifications SAM (Samantha) and Mark BAILEY. As you go further you can verify this today with electron microscope analysis


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Humanity has been lied to for over a century... It was John D. Rockefeller who really ensured that germ theory was the only theory taught. You might like this article:

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

EDIT to add: I have read The END of VIROLOGY, but presently am on Sam's "black list:"

Narcissists Who Think People Hate Them (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/narcissists-who-think-people-hate

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The “you have a chronic illness, therefore you need a yearly flu shot to protect you” said to an otherwise healthy 20-something/future nursing student. I bought the lie for a few years until a little experiment happened by accident. From 2002-2007 my husband and I, and later our young children, received a yearly flu shot. From 2005-2007 only myself and the children got them as my husband was too busy to go and get it. 2005-2007 my kids and I still got “sick” while my husband did not. Finally the lightbulb went on and 2007 was the last time I had the flu. My children didn’t get it again until about 2015 and it was just one of them. December of 2022 all 4 kids were down with moderate “Flu-like” symptoms. 2025 something “flu-like” struck them again and one had pneumonia. My husband and I have stayed healthy each time. We stopped ALL vaccinations in 2019.

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Even when I believed that viruses were real, contagious and pathogenic, which is not too long ago, I never understood the rationale behind the completely illogical concept of herd immunity. The explanations I've found for it are bogus. Do you know how they justify it?

Anyway, thanks for another informative article!

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Herd immunity is rubbish concept. We can be a group who live well but ultimately we are individuals with individual body chemistry.


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It has been common knowledge for ages that flu vaccines never worked at preventing the infections or spread… So, at one point, when the stats were no longer supporting the notion of infection or spread prevention, the propaganda machine changed to lowering death rates (among the elderly mainly) but also the symptoms or the return to work time, whatever they could manipulate to their advantage…

In Ontario Canada, I have only seen one real statistical proof that influenza vaccines saved lives in over a 30 year period. It was in 2016-17 influenza seasons when hospitals in GTA were overwhelmed with influenza-like cases of people 90% plus from nursing homes…

BTW: Those who don’t believe in contagion of flu-like respiratory illnesses, i don’t care what studies show, have never worked in the frontline healthcare environment… Those often spread like wildfire. Almost anyone can test by the scientific method contagion in the comfort of his or here home with 2 plus people living there during the flu/cold season… the predictability rate is 75%-100% in my household…

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Your comment is filled with doublespeak.

Tomas says:

"Anyone can do the _Scientific Method_ at home." Tomas, proceeds to use a Hypothetical Anecdote of a Illness with a Temporal Association in anybody's home, to prove Contagion.

Good Joke Tomas. Please go read.



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Do you know what antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae is?

If yes, tell me how you would test lack of contagion within the same hospital ward among patients who develop pneumonia with the same antibiotic resistant bacteria..

What is biological stress? How do you prove biological stresses as the causes of upper respiratory infection by the scientific method?

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k. You are going back and froth from locations of Home and ER/Frontline Healthcare Environment. You are also changing Disease Vectors of flu-like respiratory illness and flu/cold season. You also answered my questions with questions. What tools are you using to measure these confounding variables? PCR?

What is the occurrence (% rate) of patients who get anti-biotic resistant Strep (distinction: this is bacterial pneumonia, not viral disease; which hasn't been found) while in the Hospital. Your observations need more information than your opinions. Be more precise with words please.

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You didn’t answer my questions…

If you could, you wouldn’t have use straw man…

Until then then…

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you don't provide hard evidence of YOUR claims. where is it? I am fluent in BS and misdirection, and not fake medical education.

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The UK has now started pushing the RSV vaccine for people aged between 75-79 years to "protect them". Somebody needs to tell the NHS to stop wasting tax payers money on useless vaccines. Elon, where are you?

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I did write to the government in 2020 when I realised that vaccines were a scam. Sadly they did not listen. However it did mean that many have now woken up to the 100 year plus deceit who would not have otherwise done so.


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Fantastic post! I love how you show that crappy efficacy is nothing new. Been writing about it for decades - in our local newspaper back in the pre-WWW days.... https://doctorschierling.com/?s=flu

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You might have seen:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said: “If you get the Flu Shot… you’re 4.4 times more likely to get ill…The Pentagon even published a paper stating this…”


Physicians for informed consent discuss flu vaccine studies: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/flu-vaccine/

Narcolepsy & the flu vaccine. They tried to say it was only in EU, but somehow the incidence shot up in the U.S. with many excuses....yet it occurred right after flu vaccine.


Mercury & aluminum are KNOWN NEUROTOXINS & are in flu vax.



They've known about the neurotoxic effects for years & finally after Rfk jr brought attention to childhood vax, thimerosal, ie mercury, was removed. But aluminum & other toxins are still in vaccines.

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Has everyone seen Jeffery Sacks speech at the Munich Security Conference?

US foreign policy for the last thirty years. The truth.

Short version with transcript.


Long version with transcript.


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Thank you - I have added a link to your article within my comprehensive Influenza article -

Is Pharmakeia lying about a "virus" being the cause of Influenza for more Jab profits?


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excellent and beautifully written, thanks.

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I don't see the DoD's big, ongoing flu shot study.

LMK if I missed it

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