Great work I agree with much of what is written. The illness I had tested positive for known as Covid 19 was unlike any cold like illness I'd ever experienced. Cough runny nose etc I've had much worse before. That part was very mild. The fatigue was terrible and loss of smell was unlike anything I've experienced. That was absolutely gone! Seemed to be perfectly matched to those smell receptors!

I agree it is odd the flu cases dropped that was some funny business. I don't agree that it was the flu. Frankly I don't know what the hell that was. If it was just the flu why wouldn't the powers of the world just claim its was a novel flu virus?

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Hi Jordan,

I've had people tell me, "no, this is real, I had it and it was unlike anything I've had before!"

My first response is always along the lines of "was this after you took a dodgey gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine made by a transnational criminal corporation?"

If the answer is in the affirmative, I consider the case closed. If people are going to experiment with dangerous new drugs, they shouldn't be surprised to experience dangerous new side effects.

However, there are people who, while unvaxxxinated, reported having a flu very different to what they've experienced before. If true, I can't help but suspect the role of 5G. I know the media likes to portray those skeptical of 5G as kooky, but I think the legacy media has by now established beyond doubt it is incurably sleazy, dishonest and hopelessly beholden to the agendas of its globalist owners.

The 5G rollout kicked off in earnest in South Korea in 2019. There is plenty of research casting doubt on the safety of electromagnetic expsoure, and exposure of the magnitude we are now experiencing is unprecedented in human history. We are entering uncharted waters. Assurances that there is "no evidence" 5G is dangerous by the same people who told us (in fact, keep telling us) there is "no evidence" the poison pricks are dangerous are not reassuring.

Re: "If it was just the flu why wouldn't the powers of the world just claim its was a novel flu virus?"

Why not capitalize on people's ignorance and fear by claiming it was a novel coronavirus, and allow 2 possible origin theories to foment:

1) a zoonotic virus that "jumped" from bats/pangolins/[insert name of other species not sold at the Wuhan wet market] to humans at the Wuhan wet market;

2) a leak, accidental or otherwise, from a CCP lab where researchers are allegedly creating hybrid coronaviruses.

Both scenarios are far more supportive of a novel 'vaccine' campaign than simply claiming an extra potent strain/variant of the regular flu was making the rounds. Every bloody winter for as long as I can remember, government and media have been claiming we're in store for an extra nasty flu season and we should all rush out and get our flu shots. I think we all know where the 'incentive' for those campaigns comes from.

Convincing everyone on the planet to get the novel drugs required a 'novel' virus with a scary-sounding back story to convince us this was like nothing we'd ever seen before.

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My experience is anecdotal but heres my story. My wife is works as a veterinarian pathologist and has done studies on coronavirus prior to C19. When the vax rolled out we had plenty to be skeptical of just with the news alone. She knew from past work mRNA coronovirus vaccines killed more critters then it ever saved. We decided to stay clear of it and never have been jabbed. Even quit my job over the stupid mandate.

A person can also use the date range on a search engine to dodge all the C19 crap and see past news articles even business articles questioning Moderna's future profitability due to the mRNA vax failures. This date range technique is a useful tool to see past information before it gets tainted by current events.

As for 5G I don't have it in my area of the country quite yet. More cows than people here. What I did notice during the time I was sick is a derecho wind storm oddly blew through in mid December where I live. Never experienced that in 30+ years. I got sick right after that. Oddly we were at home prior to that for a week. It was almost as if the illness onset was correlated with the wind since we weren't around anyone. There was a large spike in covid cases in the midwest at that time. You could say it was due to holiday travels but I'm skeptical yet.

So what does the wind have to do with this? I've heard some say covid19 isn't a virus but a lipid nano particle. To me that fits better but I'll never know. Just odd how I can be around a person sick with covid and not get sick but the time I'm not around anyone I get it. Totally anecdotal but I have no way to prove otherwise. For that matter No one else can either. Regardless of what the hell it is I'm convinced it's an engineered disease. Typical colds blunt the sense of smell and taste. With Covid I wouldn't have been able to know if my house was on fire until I saw the smoke. Smell completely gone even a year later it didn't come back to normal.

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Hi Jordan, sorry for the slow reply. That your 'COVID' occurred along with a general spike in cases after a windstorm blew through your area is more akin to exposure to an environmental toxin.

You might want to check this out:


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Thanks for sharing. I do believe her testimony, I believe the governments have the ability to manipulate the weather to some degree at least. How much they do it and to what affect we're not privy to that info. Regardless it is wrong! Man is to stupid to be messing with nature. I do balance this information with the fact that my car makes "Chem" trails in the the winter lol. There is a real condensation phenomenon at play at 30,000ft The commercial airlines would have to have these weather changing materials blended in the fuel possibly without their knowledge. When I look at the flight tracker of the US the map looks like flys on shit. Take a look yourself. Consider a 747 can burn 5,000 gallon of fuel an hr! That's a tanker truck! Times a couple thousand flights all hours of the day. All I can say is damn that's a lot of fumes being but in the upper atmosphere. I'm no tree hugger and I despise EV cars but I find it funny the selective nature of the politcal climate activists. They have no credibility IMO. Hell do they even have a goal post? Can they claim 1 degree of change will eliminate floods droughts blizzards hurricanes? Nope. Thanks again Brother keep up the good work!

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This is an excellent truthful article. Are you familiar with the work of Sam Bailey and Jon Rappoport?

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Thanks Phil. I haven't been following John of late (hard to follow others when I struggle to keep up with my own research reading!), but am a big fan of Sam and Mark Bailey and their efforts to call out this virus sham.

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