I have been doing low carb for a couple of years now and I have lost quite a bit of weight on it. I plan on sticking with it. However, it is interesting how some Asian cultures can eat a fair amount of rice and remain pretty healthy unlike in the U.S. Maybe it is the volume as you point out. Oh, and what is even more interesting is that the French smoke more than Americans and still live longer than Americans.

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Maybe Their tobacco is not steeped in chemicals before being dried and sold...

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As a woman of a certain age, I have long journeyed through the low carb, no/carb, paleo, intermittent fasting to finally realize all those healthy “diets” wrecked my metabolism. I am now on the road to recovery. Stress reduction, weight training, walking and slowly reintroducing carbs and increasing calories is improving my body composition. The worst mistake for me was the fasting. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Great article Anthony! Thank you 😊

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Yes, I agree with everything you say, Anthony !

See, I want to do carnivore because its adherents say they've come off all medication; and as my GP says only that I can NEVER come off mine (FFS !!!), I see no other way - short of finding that mystical figure, the GP who believes in your and Kendrick's pro-cholesterol take.

It's not as if I haven't considered the matter of never having a squashed chocolate cowpat with my coffee again— what ? Oh, it's a wide flat cookie that Axil has in its collection ... I have. MANY times. :( And the thought is not at all pleasing.

So you may pray that I DO find one of those doctors (the two Melbourne blokes suggested never responded to email from me). Down on your knees, mate ! [grin]

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Interesting point about eating for pleasure and conviviality. I look in the carts of my fellow Americans at the grocery store and I’m struck. Can you eat processed GMO corn products that are cooked in Omega 6 oils and spiked with sugar and salt with pleasure and conviviality?

Doubtful. Try raw milk cheeses, grass fed beef, fresh baked breads, fresh vegetables, butter, olive oil and delicious wine. Now you can start to enjoy eating.

Americans are being poisoned by a cabal of big ag, big processed food, big pharma, big government and big media. We need to let those brightly colored packages in the middle of the supermarket rot on the shelves.

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I can say that, having removed many carbs I do feel better... But I am an addict to honey (crystalizing honey!). LOL! But yeah, I eat to enjoy, and I enjoy meat, eggs, and cheese! And berries!

Thanks for this! It does help heal perspective!

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