Apr 1Liked by Anthony Colpo

"Masters of the Looniverse" !!!! No one mocks these folks better than Anthony.

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how about Alcatraz?

these people are probably beyond saving, but they should at least be forced to watch the film from a few weeks ago, with Dr Willy Moon and several others, debunking the climate nonsense. I love greens, but I also love some meat now and then, we are omnivores, ask any dentist! Not made to only eat vegan. (I think vegans need to take some vitamins to stay alive, if that is not proof enought!)

Thank you for warning against another mad scientist.

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Burning them on spits and stakes after a looong trial would be even better. What about carnivores and their doctors who agree that these people have never been healthier? Are they going to force meat eaters to take another untested substance to turn them towards a vegan lifestyle?

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everyone should be left to eat as they please. your own body will tell you what it needs, if you learn how to listen to it again. I tried several different food systems but always get back to what I like best.

As to your climate item, here is the link to the film - sorry it is kinda long


everyone who sees it will be healed of the climate change hoax. These are real experts. They wipe their window with the al gore's of this world

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I agree and feel the best and mostly headache free after 35 years or so of daily ones being grain-free and meat-eating with some fruit and organic, if not raw dairy.

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Besides, climate change is mostly BS and a total hoax. https://www.naturalnews.com/climate_change_hoax.html

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The response to these shills should be: you go first. Then you will see what hypocrits they are.

Their nonsense is always for others.

In reality, they are there to normalize having fewer children and enjoyments so that pressure and punishments can be applied in the future to those who do not by restricting privileges. After all, their main message is that people have privileges (granted by the secret society that rules over us) and not natural rights.

you point out an easy way to counter this hubris by calling women with children dumb and then redirecting the ire to these people and organizations who claim it.

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Great article, thanks!

Much as I enjoy it, I eat very little meat as I feel so much better on a low fat diet high in greens, fruits and veggies. I have a huge garden and there's nothing healthier than eating food you've grown yourself! We know our own bodies best.

You quite literally are what you eat. Some of these so-called scientists must be eating the cow product I typically fertilize my organic garden with!

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Liao et all state:

Because "people often lack the motivation or willpower to give up eating red meat," they write, "a more realistic option might be to induce mild intolerance (akin, e.g., to milk intolerance) to these kinds of meat."

"While meat intolerance is normally uncommon," they continue, oblivious to the fact they've just confirmed meat is an ideal, evolutionary-correct food for humans, "in principle, it could be induced by stimulating the immune system against common bovine proteins."

"The immune system would then become primed to react to such proteins, and henceforth eating ‘eco-unfriendly’ food would induce unpleasant experiences," they continue

End quote

The book Bitten documents, the extensive deliberate infection of ticks with human disease that according to that book, and I believe has resulted in Lymes disease difficult to treat and cure infections of human beings.

Separately, there is now a tickborne disease called alpha gal syndrome.

The CDC says

Alpha-gal Syndrome | Ticks | CDC

What is alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)?

Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic condition. AGS is also called alpha-gal allergy, red meat allergy, or tick bite meat allergy. AGS is not caused by an infection. AGS symptoms occur after people eat red meat or are exposed to other products containing alpha-gal.

A CDC report showed that between 2010 and 2022, more than 110,000 suspected cases of AGS were identified. However, cases of AGS are not nationally notifiable to CDC, so it is not known how many cases of AGS exist in the United States. Additional data and research are needed to understand how many people are affected by this condition.

End quote.

Ticks have been experimented with as a bio weapon since at least the 1950s. I haven’t looked into whether alpha gal infection could possibly be engineered. But given the track record the question needs to be asked.

This, of course, would tie in neatly with ecology extremist Liao And his co-authors.

As we said, in the title of our book, COVID-19 and the global predators— we are the prey. That did not just suddenly spring up with Covid. The human race and human beings as valued individuals has been increasingly endangered by human hating people especially in academia at least the 1970s.

Very best, Ginger Breggin

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Liao... I read enough of your post to not bother with any of the vids.

Ted talks... yeah, OK, sure.

The first paragraph nullifies anything he (Liao), has to say.

There is no "climate change".

This guy, and others, are just looking for future grants from WHO, as well as Soros.

My opinion, but sticking to it...

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