A govt proclamation of a War on Fruit Loops. Like all other government “wars” it will result in a continuing erosion of civil liberties wrapped in a veneer of protection. No one is coming to save us. Just pick your ground and tune it out.
I remember him saying he would mandate a "safe" vaccine. What the hell is that? Yes, he is just playing a part in a horror movie. I don't trust ANY of them.
RFK Jr. also called Dr. Oz — one of the corporate media’s top propagandist for the mRNA shots, starting in 2020, before they were even given emergency use authorization — an “outstanding nomination” to lead the CMS: https://decensored.news/trump-cms-pick-dr-oz-covid-vaccines/
His supposed newfound faith in Trump when “joining forces” with him in August was not rational or believable, and the statements he immediately started making suggesting that Trump was going to “protect America’s freedoms,” “get us out of the wars,” “rebuild the middle class,” and “make America healthy again,” completely contradicted much of what he had been saying for months prior to that, including as recently as a few weeks earlier: https://decensorednews.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-on-trump-maga
In another forgotten episode, RFK Jr. tried saying shortly after launching his presidential campaign that “we need to avoid... retribution and blame” for the mandates, lockdowns, censorship, and “insanity” ushered in by “mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci.”
That's despite stating in Chapter 1 of his own book that Fauci “and his Pharma collaborators,” via their corrupt, vaccine-obsessed policies — including the deliberate suppression of “inexpensive, safe medicines” — “caused hundreds of thousands of wholly unnecessary deaths.”
No individual and certainly no politician is going to save people from anything, be it fluoridated water or toxic food, drugs or vaccines etc. It is technological advancement, such as social media, that has the power to exponentially increase people's awareness by allowing them to share their experiences and connect with each other like never before. I think people like Trump and RFK are just taking advantage of the momentum as more and more people become informed and consequently skeptical. The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship.
"The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship." No... fighting the system is feeding the system. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). I also like Darren Allen's thought that 'evil grows, by offering the lesser of two evils until all the good has gone' - nowadays, it doesn't matter who we vote for because every choice is part of an evil corrupt system...
Correct, if the people disengage from the system, there is no system! We have so much power if we could just join together. Bickering over politics is a fruitless waste of time. Parents must refuse to vax their children, stop buying process foods or fast foods. Then watch how fast things would change.
In addition to boycotting we also need to create an alternate choice. Like drive through restaurants that serve healthy choice. It’s difficult to get people to stop eating fast food when there is no equivalent but healthy alternatives. People are far more drawn to the convenience of McDonald’s than they are to its food. Getting people to stop with McDonalds will require something more than “go to the store and buy vegetables and go home and cook”. I know that’s not what you’re saying I’m just throwing that out there.
I would like to go a step further and say, stop voting! If 80% didn't vote, our governments would have no mandate... power is in the hands of the people -
From the luxury of a good www connection on a South Pacific Island, such as mine in NZ, Anthony Colpo should be able to recall that RFK Jr was going to work with Trump 2016 to expose the Vax-Autism connection. That alignment was shattered soon after the first Trump inauguration, since - apparently - Trump was taken to a back room to be made aware of the true power centers known as the 'Deep State' - and now we (Trump2.0 + RFK Jr.) really will be allowed to dig into the Vax-Autism statistical connection as it intersects with common sense.
As to the salary that RFK Jr demands, you might also be aware that he did pay a private security force all the time. "Politico" reported:
'a firm run by security specialist Gavin de Becker. The campaign reported raising $3.1 million and spending $2.8 million in security . . . '
It will be a miracle if there are no more assassination attempts.
Kennedy has always taken a nuanced approach to vaccines.
Until the covid fiasco, even people who were critical of vaccine policy could not deny that some vaccines were valuable.
Vaccination has always been a risk-benefit judgement. Particularly as you are using a medical intervention on a healthy person. The risk ought to be virtually nil. All medical interventions have some risk, so a healthy person ought not be subjected to unnecessary risk to protect them from an infection they may never encounter anyway.
What has gone wrong has been the ever increasing number of injections. All vaccines contain some contaminants because they are biological agents and cannot be purified like simple chemicals. Then there is the aluminium adjuvant.... With multiple vaccines, eventually nearly everyone's capacity to overcome these increased levels of toxicity will fail and they will be harmed.
Kennedy's statements about supporting vaccination in certain circumstances do not condemn him. The clips you have posted do not prove anything against Kennedy.
I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy.
Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me.
If he has been put in place since 2015 as some kind of sleeper agent we will find out soon enough. It is too early to condemn him yet.
As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down now....it is hard to see him, as a fake. This does not mean however, that he will be allowed to get into a position of power, and if he is genuine he is certainly outnumbered by Trump's recent swamp creature appointments.
I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes.
Is that what we're calling duplicitous liars nowadays? LOL
Vaccines are a scam that have rarely been tested under placebo-controlled conditions. And those placebo studies show SFA health benefit.
If you disagree, go ahead and explain to me how those studies show otherwise. NOTE: A so-called "serologic response" is not a tangible health benefit.
"I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy."
I linked directly to the CHD 990s showing his income - so need for that underhanded snipe casting doubt on MY integrity. It's your boy Bobby that has a bad case of the bullshit disease.
"Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me."
That's exactly how he was meant to appear - but appearances can be deceiving.
"As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down now....it is hard to see him, as a fake."
I've showed clips of him straddling both sides of the fence. You can see the words come out of his own mouth. What you won't hear coming out of his puppet mouth is the truth:
COVID was a fraud, there was no Sars-Cov-2, and the 'vaccines' were in fact gene therapies intended to harm and kill.
"I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes."
People like you who make excuses for such obvious frauds are part of the problem.
Kennedy doesn't have to go along with this fraud. Instead of posting videos of himself doing push-ups and incline presses with pathetic weights even for a 69YO, maybe he can show some REAL balls and remind the world of his integrity by refusing to have anything to do with a megalomaniac like Trump and a diversion charade like MAHA. Nope, instead he eagerly goes along with both, because he has no integrity, and never has. He has always been a grub of a man. His resume includes serial philandering, drug addiction and unrepentantly accusing two innocent men of murder.
Thanks for your long response, but there is no need to become so irate.
As I said, if he is a fake who was installed into the leadership of the CHD, we will soon know. Sleeper agents have to be put in place years ahead, to win trust. So, yes, that could be him...but it is too early to tell.
I am not naively defending Kennedy but attempting to provide some balance to your angry post. It is unreasonable to expect to see Kennedy take any action at this stage as he has no power yet or support base built up in government, and is surrounded by swamp creatures. I suppose you must concede that he would need to act with forethought in order to achieve anything?
His public statements on vaccines so far only show that he is measured in his response and integrates valid scientific findings with his statements. The internet is full of wild claims about medicine which ignorantly and blindly dispense with all accumulated knowledge. Kennedy would be a fool, and destroy his credibility to align himself with this.
I am not in the US, Kennedy is your guy, not mine. I don't carry a torch for him or particularly care about him. But Kennedy must be shown to commit evident faults in office before he is condemned out of hand. I have no time for Trump, he is part of the uniparty.
For the record, I have known about the damage caused by vaxxines for nearly thirty years, and in medical detail. The research from Gherardi and Authier (France) showing how aluminium gets into the brain dates from 1998.
I attempted to get my government to take action on autism in 2017, after Professor Exley's research (UK) conclusively showed massive aluminium levels in autistic children's brains. I thought they could not possibly deny this proof. But it is clearly policy for government to continue to do this. Katherine Watt provides the best interpretation of the facts that I have come across.
Kennedy attempted to send Exley £15 thousand for his research at Keele, blocked by Keele university which had become dependent on finance from pharma by that stage. Exley lost tenure as a result. He is now no longer a University Professor.
(Our universities had government funding removed in the 1990s as part of a series of "reforms" designed destroy intellectual independence and make them controllable by powerful corporate interests.)
(I suppose this event could be a planned exercise by "Agent Kennedy" to remove Exley from his position under cover of "helping fund" him)
"Covid" came almost as a relief to me as I could see it would wake many up to the lies and human tragedies caused by the vax schedule. I saw through the pandemic scam right from the start. I was astounded that so many believed propaganda that was scientific and medical nonsense.
"No viruses" is a distraction and confusion tactic by the CIA. Their campaign has all been planned out well in advance and long tried out in all the unfortunate countries the US empire has trashed and plundered over sixty years.
Incidentally, in the UK vaccination has always been voluntary for children and there are no penalties for sending an unvaccinated child to school or nursery.
We never had the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule that you do in the US. It was pushed onto Europe only very recently as part of the globalist takeover that is now reaching its peak.
This murderous horror originated from your country. You can use the term "globalist" but these mafia style practices originate from the US empire and have corrupted Europe and the UK which post WW2 had a fair social democratic political culture.
I have lived through the destruction of the country and culture I grew up in by US style neo-capitalism and predatory economic terrorism- starting in the 1980s with the Regan/Thatcher years. Yes to my shame the UK government allied itself with the US and imposed these damaging "reforms."
This is the mess you in the US have to take most of the responsibility to clean up. The US lives in a monoculture of immature violent or cheesy Hollywood fantasies and barbaric mafia driven practices. You have got to see your country for what it is and stop propagandising and lying to yourselves.
I was born in the UK and have lived in both the US and UK. I agree with you about the US and its awful effect on the UK. But you are wrong about viruses. They are a ruling-class confection and crime against humanity. The CIA is the muscle for Wall Street and the ruling class, so they are promoting the virus lie (via the fake fight between "lab leak" and "gain-of-fiction" and via other distractions).
Yes, the country was ruined in the 80s when every bumper sticker said “the one who dies with the most toys wins” Many women put their little baby with strangers After only weeks out of the hospital. That was when the country was completely ruined.
They destroyed the BBC too, by deregulating it. It used to be a great cultural institution with a world reputation, now it just churns out CIA propaganda and reality TV. We used to get better quality state propaganda too, on the old BBC.....those were the days.
Northwell Health may be a donor to CHD. Charles Wright had an article on this. Any Corporate, NGO, or Foundation can easily dump in a bunch of operating cash in to CHD. CHD will not be able to roll back Laws and Liability shields, whic should be their focus, but it won't be. Bobby is prolly C/O, or got --Reminded-- how the game/poli/charade works. Good Work Colpo.
That comment you are responding to was probably written by some admin staffer babysitting sites to run interference. Used to see it all the time on YouTube. First time I’ve really noticed it on SS.
You do not understand the penalty RFK Jr would pay if he were to DIRECTLY criticize the judgement of 300,000,000 Americans who took the Covid Con - these sad folks are injected and RFK will need the full backing of the US government's "Health and Human Services" HHS trillion dollar budget to take on Big Pharma.
Hold your breath until inauguration in ten days!
Pull your head in until the sun rises in Oz, then pay attention to the Kennedy commitment.
There is no nuanced approach to vaccines. They are all poisons, and none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a “virus” (itself a ruling-class fiction).
Sounds like you know what you are talking about about...."unprotected sex with a herpes infected male"... would that be you? There are other biological entities that also are highly contagious. But that doesn't fit into your agenda, I reckon .
I worked in hospitals in the 1980s and in those years we saw an epidemic of cervical cancer in young women. It is very distressing seeing a grade three cancer in a 20 year old young woman, and know that despite treatment, she will die.
At that time the cause of cervical cancer was not known. (Though it was known that people who were virgins did not develop this cancer, so it was surmised that there was an infectious element to this disease.)
Screening programmes were set up which successfully made early diagnosis and treatment possible and saved lives.
By the early 1990s, the HPV virus (human papilloma virus which causes genital warts) was found to be causative. This virus can grow into a cancerous tumour in only certain biologically suitable tissues, e.g. the cervix and the anus. (The cells in the cervix and anus are similar enough to be good hosts for this virus) It is very rare for it to grow into a tumour in the penis. Tumours caused by the HPV virus are found in the cervix in women and in the anus in male homosexuals who take the passive role in anal intercourse.
The virus is spread by unprotected sex, and unfortunately is usually spread by men, who are relatively more promiscuous than women. It is important to bring both partners in for treatment, to limit the spread of the virus by treating human papilloma genital warts.
Cite the paper you believe proves the isolation of the HPV virus and the proof of causation for the illness it is claimed to be responsible for. Make sure it has a methods section and the word isolation in the title is proof of nothing.
The only answer to that is bullshit. I work in the NHS too. The HPV so called virus has never been isolated in a proper sense and is just a fabrication like all the others. Your assertions are all plain wrong and no benefit is conferred by the cooked up vaccine for this but much harm is done.
I have read your posts and you believe that the HPV virus is real and has been shown to be real and that is the proven cause of cervical cancer or at least a cause. I have asked for links to the papers that you believe support those conclusions because what I frequently find is that papers held up as being proof are often, verging on always, not what they claim. The word isolation in the title of a paper or the abstract proves nothing. Since former editors of the Lancet and NEJM have opined that at least 50% of published peer reviewed medical papers are still plain wrong closer inspection of claimed sources and evidence is imperitive.
The HPV virus can be found in the tumours. This is a theory only in the sense that all science is based on theories which are discarded as knowledge extends. But if you want to show that the HPV virus is not causal for these cancers, you will need to do extensive research to prove that your new concepts are preferable. The statements and discussions going round the internet on this topic do not appear to understand basic science.
Is the fact that HPV is found in tumors proof that it causes themselves? We have a different understanding of where the science is at. And that's okay. Enjoy your day!
Some of the proteins and genetic sequences said to be from a 'virus' are found in tumours but not normal surrounding tissue. It look like they are produced by the body when responding to trauma ie producing a tumour. You do not need to present any other theory (though they have been) to show that there is not evidence for a causal link with 'HPV'. This is basic science. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/hpv-cervical-cancer-and-vaccines?utm_source=publication-search
What research? Sanjoy said that "none of the diseases" that vaccines "allegedly treat is caused by a "virus"". He may try to wiggle his way out of it, but I think it's clear that he doesn't know enough about vaccines to be aware that some are ostensibly designed to treat bacterial illnesses.
Yes, I am aware of bacterial illnesses allegedly prevented by vaccines. Even if those illnesses are really caused by bacteria, which at least exist (unlike viruses), my statement still stands that "none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a "virus[.]'"
‘Bobby’ is and always has been controlled opposition 101. In other words, a gatekeeper. Just like his mate, Del Bigtree. Not one of the alleged high-profile anti-vaxxers that emerged through 2020 and beyond will acknowledge that the ‘science’ of virology is fraudulent and that no virus has ever been isolated and/or proven to cause disease. And now, unsurprisingly, ‘Bobby’ has done a u-turn and joined the techno-fascists lining up to enslave Americans to their agenda.
If you believe Kennedy is a double agent you need to show why his work has extended understanding and awareness of vaccine risk and harm like never before. And this work cannot be eradicated or forgotten, it is part of a true awakening. If he is working for the perpetrators, he has inadvertently alerted many people to the truth. Is this probable?
Controlling the opposition is a more nuanced action than you seem to realise. By apparently leading a cause, controllers give the impression that they are doing something to challenge the status quo. This in turn, causes activists to relax and leave the work to the self-appointed leaders. Then, when the leaders achieve sufficient notoriety, they invariably cool their heels and let the side down.
It doesn't matter how many people have been 'awakened' to the truth - if our momentum is led by gatekeepers we do not have a chance of achieving real change because they have led us into a hopeless cul-de-sac beset with red tape and opposition.
Awareness of this topic cannot be put back into the box. And if Kennedy is working for the other side, a genuine person is now more likely to come forward. As I said, I do not discount the possibility that Kennedy is controlled opposition, we will need to wait and see.
I believe many of our "Green" MPs were installed as controlled opposition in the UK and Europe. TPTB spotted the risk of a genuine grass roots movement and moved to eviscerate it. This would have been planned and achieved twenty years ago at least.
However suppression cannot last indefinitely. Populations are realising that they have little to no chance of progressive political change. What happens next is going to be the test.
What I do find difficult to grasp is how someone - a man whose father was murdered by the CIA - will work for those same murderers. A very strange psychology for a man, particularly, to have. This is why I would defer judgement on Kennedy.
Perhaps blackmail might do it. But at his age? He might as well just take a risk and do the right thing...it is clear he knows what that is after all his work with CHD.
I like your positivity and you are right about the Greens. In all my years of activism I have seen these pop-up political leaders come and go. Really genuine grass roots leaders are very rare. Often their careers are cut short by character assassinations, compromise or even 'sudden death'. The impact of which discourages potential leaders from grabbing the baton.
It is a tricky business contending with the international crime syndicate and their alphabetti men, as RFK Jr knows too well. Maybe we should cut him some slack, as you suggest. We could be pleasantly surprised.... I s'pose.
Mind you, I cannot trust Trump to go through with his endorsement of RFK Jr. He is fickle and deceptive. I made these observations about him after his last stint as POTUS:
I agree totally with you about Trump. (Have just subscribed)
If RFKjr is genuine he must realise the danger he is in. He would need to build a power base first.
I am not without hope - so many people have become aware of the threat of a techno- totalitarian system - that we are on the cusp of massive change. An exciting and dreadful time.
They have lost many sheep from the vaccine/autism horror. That is a miscalculation of theirs. Maybe they were trying to produce gammas and deltas?
This post from Latypova tells a lot about Trump. Many of her subscribers cannot accept it.
Forget about that - RFK is a fraud, just like 90%+ of these prominent anti vaxxxers or so called "freedom doctors" .. but lets see and wait. What is clear is that TRUMP is put into power again to fullfill some predprogs en masse - see my article:)
His constant being approached by mothers of vaccine injured children asking for him to help them!!! Was not his topic of interest until he took time to read their claims to then take a stance for SAFER..properly .long term.. .not biased… tested va((Ines. He’s not ANTI..💉!!!
fwiw- if you go to Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack, a few days ago she posted something from a presidential budget, which showed they had money for more mRNA--so the criminal govt (and the criminal oligarchs=central bankers who control the govt) obviously don't give a crap that these shots are killing Americans (that's what they were designed for).
The Veep, JD Vance is a major investor in a biotech company called Amplifybio. A company founded in 2021 to develop “next generation cell and gene therapies”. There is no way in hell that mRNA is going away under this admin. In fact, they stand to make a killing (pun intended) on this garbage...
Clowns in two thousand dollar suits may look more respectable than the dudes wearing dresses clowns in the present administration, but they're still fucking clowns whose job it is to entertain errrr distract the crowd 🤡 🎪
Why is it that rusted on, life time , runs in the family, "ex" Democrats, including the Prez, are now the BIG decision makers in the new administration & NO-ONE says boo?
Was he such a threat to big pharma that they decided to bring him onboard the Trump train to shut him up? If so, he's literally sold out all of humanity! Damn him! He'll burn for eternity!
The sheep spend their entire life terrified of the wolf...only to be slaughtered by the shepherd.
Until we truly deeply understand this, we will forever remain PEASANTS .
Remember this little number from not that long ago:
Perhaps you're unaware of what a vile midwit she is
Toby Rogers calls the MAHA deflectors “Team Fruit Loops.”
A govt proclamation of a War on Fruit Loops. Like all other government “wars” it will result in a continuing erosion of civil liberties wrapped in a veneer of protection. No one is coming to save us. Just pick your ground and tune it out.
“Team Fruit Loops.”
Trump + "Bobby" + Musk = The 3 MUSKateers. Or, The 3 Muckateers. Take your pick.
Is Toby still posting on substack? Just checked and what I show is his last post was over 2 months ago?
It was in a Substack Note.
I remember him saying he would mandate a "safe" vaccine. What the hell is that? Yes, he is just playing a part in a horror movie. I don't trust ANY of them.
RFK Jr. also called Dr. Oz — one of the corporate media’s top propagandist for the mRNA shots, starting in 2020, before they were even given emergency use authorization — an “outstanding nomination” to lead the CMS: https://decensored.news/trump-cms-pick-dr-oz-covid-vaccines/
His supposed newfound faith in Trump when “joining forces” with him in August was not rational or believable, and the statements he immediately started making suggesting that Trump was going to “protect America’s freedoms,” “get us out of the wars,” “rebuild the middle class,” and “make America healthy again,” completely contradicted much of what he had been saying for months prior to that, including as recently as a few weeks earlier: https://decensorednews.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-on-trump-maga
In another forgotten episode, RFK Jr. tried saying shortly after launching his presidential campaign that “we need to avoid... retribution and blame” for the mandates, lockdowns, censorship, and “insanity” ushered in by “mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci.”
That's despite stating in Chapter 1 of his own book that Fauci “and his Pharma collaborators,” via their corrupt, vaccine-obsessed policies — including the deliberate suppression of “inexpensive, safe medicines” — “caused hundreds of thousands of wholly unnecessary deaths.”
He walked it back after facing serious backlash: https://decensored.news/rfk-jr-prosecute-fauci-blame-backlash/
No individual and certainly no politician is going to save people from anything, be it fluoridated water or toxic food, drugs or vaccines etc. It is technological advancement, such as social media, that has the power to exponentially increase people's awareness by allowing them to share their experiences and connect with each other like never before. I think people like Trump and RFK are just taking advantage of the momentum as more and more people become informed and consequently skeptical. The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship.
"The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship." No... fighting the system is feeding the system. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). I also like Darren Allen's thought that 'evil grows, by offering the lesser of two evils until all the good has gone' - nowadays, it doesn't matter who we vote for because every choice is part of an evil corrupt system...
Correct, if the people disengage from the system, there is no system! We have so much power if we could just join together. Bickering over politics is a fruitless waste of time. Parents must refuse to vax their children, stop buying process foods or fast foods. Then watch how fast things would change.
In addition to boycotting we also need to create an alternate choice. Like drive through restaurants that serve healthy choice. It’s difficult to get people to stop eating fast food when there is no equivalent but healthy alternatives. People are far more drawn to the convenience of McDonald’s than they are to its food. Getting people to stop with McDonalds will require something more than “go to the store and buy vegetables and go home and cook”. I know that’s not what you’re saying I’m just throwing that out there.
I would like to go a step further and say, stop voting! If 80% didn't vote, our governments would have no mandate... power is in the hands of the people -
“Don’t vote! It only encourages them.”
Is a bumper sticker I saw once.
From the luxury of a good www connection on a South Pacific Island, such as mine in NZ, Anthony Colpo should be able to recall that RFK Jr was going to work with Trump 2016 to expose the Vax-Autism connection. That alignment was shattered soon after the first Trump inauguration, since - apparently - Trump was taken to a back room to be made aware of the true power centers known as the 'Deep State' - and now we (Trump2.0 + RFK Jr.) really will be allowed to dig into the Vax-Autism statistical connection as it intersects with common sense.
As to the salary that RFK Jr demands, you might also be aware that he did pay a private security force all the time. "Politico" reported:
'a firm run by security specialist Gavin de Becker. The campaign reported raising $3.1 million and spending $2.8 million in security . . . '
It will be a miracle if there are no more assassination attempts.
Was it backlash or the potential for great gain that caused him to change his stance? I’m betting on gain.
IRMA quote is “restacked” by Dr.Don
Kennedy has always taken a nuanced approach to vaccines.
Until the covid fiasco, even people who were critical of vaccine policy could not deny that some vaccines were valuable.
Vaccination has always been a risk-benefit judgement. Particularly as you are using a medical intervention on a healthy person. The risk ought to be virtually nil. All medical interventions have some risk, so a healthy person ought not be subjected to unnecessary risk to protect them from an infection they may never encounter anyway.
What has gone wrong has been the ever increasing number of injections. All vaccines contain some contaminants because they are biological agents and cannot be purified like simple chemicals. Then there is the aluminium adjuvant.... With multiple vaccines, eventually nearly everyone's capacity to overcome these increased levels of toxicity will fail and they will be harmed.
Kennedy's statements about supporting vaccination in certain circumstances do not condemn him. The clips you have posted do not prove anything against Kennedy.
I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy.
Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me.
If he has been put in place since 2015 as some kind of sleeper agent we will find out soon enough. It is too early to condemn him yet.
As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down now....it is hard to see him, as a fake. This does not mean however, that he will be allowed to get into a position of power, and if he is genuine he is certainly outnumbered by Trump's recent swamp creature appointments.
I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes.
Is that what we're calling duplicitous liars nowadays? LOL
Vaccines are a scam that have rarely been tested under placebo-controlled conditions. And those placebo studies show SFA health benefit.
If you disagree, go ahead and explain to me how those studies show otherwise. NOTE: A so-called "serologic response" is not a tangible health benefit.
"I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy."
I linked directly to the CHD 990s showing his income - so need for that underhanded snipe casting doubt on MY integrity. It's your boy Bobby that has a bad case of the bullshit disease.
"Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me."
That's exactly how he was meant to appear - but appearances can be deceiving.
"As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down now....it is hard to see him, as a fake."
I've showed clips of him straddling both sides of the fence. You can see the words come out of his own mouth. What you won't hear coming out of his puppet mouth is the truth:
COVID was a fraud, there was no Sars-Cov-2, and the 'vaccines' were in fact gene therapies intended to harm and kill.
"I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes."
People like you who make excuses for such obvious frauds are part of the problem.
Kennedy doesn't have to go along with this fraud. Instead of posting videos of himself doing push-ups and incline presses with pathetic weights even for a 69YO, maybe he can show some REAL balls and remind the world of his integrity by refusing to have anything to do with a megalomaniac like Trump and a diversion charade like MAHA. Nope, instead he eagerly goes along with both, because he has no integrity, and never has. He has always been a grub of a man. His resume includes serial philandering, drug addiction and unrepentantly accusing two innocent men of murder.
Thanks for your long response, but there is no need to become so irate.
As I said, if he is a fake who was installed into the leadership of the CHD, we will soon know. Sleeper agents have to be put in place years ahead, to win trust. So, yes, that could be him...but it is too early to tell.
I am not naively defending Kennedy but attempting to provide some balance to your angry post. It is unreasonable to expect to see Kennedy take any action at this stage as he has no power yet or support base built up in government, and is surrounded by swamp creatures. I suppose you must concede that he would need to act with forethought in order to achieve anything?
His public statements on vaccines so far only show that he is measured in his response and integrates valid scientific findings with his statements. The internet is full of wild claims about medicine which ignorantly and blindly dispense with all accumulated knowledge. Kennedy would be a fool, and destroy his credibility to align himself with this.
I am not in the US, Kennedy is your guy, not mine. I don't carry a torch for him or particularly care about him. But Kennedy must be shown to commit evident faults in office before he is condemned out of hand. I have no time for Trump, he is part of the uniparty.
For the record, I have known about the damage caused by vaxxines for nearly thirty years, and in medical detail. The research from Gherardi and Authier (France) showing how aluminium gets into the brain dates from 1998.
I attempted to get my government to take action on autism in 2017, after Professor Exley's research (UK) conclusively showed massive aluminium levels in autistic children's brains. I thought they could not possibly deny this proof. But it is clearly policy for government to continue to do this. Katherine Watt provides the best interpretation of the facts that I have come across.
Kennedy attempted to send Exley £15 thousand for his research at Keele, blocked by Keele university which had become dependent on finance from pharma by that stage. Exley lost tenure as a result. He is now no longer a University Professor.
(Our universities had government funding removed in the 1990s as part of a series of "reforms" designed destroy intellectual independence and make them controllable by powerful corporate interests.)
(I suppose this event could be a planned exercise by "Agent Kennedy" to remove Exley from his position under cover of "helping fund" him)
"Covid" came almost as a relief to me as I could see it would wake many up to the lies and human tragedies caused by the vax schedule. I saw through the pandemic scam right from the start. I was astounded that so many believed propaganda that was scientific and medical nonsense.
"No viruses" is a distraction and confusion tactic by the CIA. Their campaign has all been planned out well in advance and long tried out in all the unfortunate countries the US empire has trashed and plundered over sixty years.
Incidentally, in the UK vaccination has always been voluntary for children and there are no penalties for sending an unvaccinated child to school or nursery.
We never had the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule that you do in the US. It was pushed onto Europe only very recently as part of the globalist takeover that is now reaching its peak.
This murderous horror originated from your country. You can use the term "globalist" but these mafia style practices originate from the US empire and have corrupted Europe and the UK which post WW2 had a fair social democratic political culture.
I have lived through the destruction of the country and culture I grew up in by US style neo-capitalism and predatory economic terrorism- starting in the 1980s with the Regan/Thatcher years. Yes to my shame the UK government allied itself with the US and imposed these damaging "reforms."
This is the mess you in the US have to take most of the responsibility to clean up. The US lives in a monoculture of immature violent or cheesy Hollywood fantasies and barbaric mafia driven practices. You have got to see your country for what it is and stop propagandising and lying to yourselves.
I was born in the UK and have lived in both the US and UK. I agree with you about the US and its awful effect on the UK. But you are wrong about viruses. They are a ruling-class confection and crime against humanity. The CIA is the muscle for Wall Street and the ruling class, so they are promoting the virus lie (via the fake fight between "lab leak" and "gain-of-fiction" and via other distractions).
This substack also has had several articles debunking virology. For example: https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/dear-virology-do-you-have-anything
And there are many other good resources, e.g. https://viroliegy.com
Yes, the country was ruined in the 80s when every bumper sticker said “the one who dies with the most toys wins” Many women put their little baby with strangers After only weeks out of the hospital. That was when the country was completely ruined.
They destroyed the BBC too, by deregulating it. It used to be a great cultural institution with a world reputation, now it just churns out CIA propaganda and reality TV. We used to get better quality state propaganda too, on the old BBC.....those were the days.
Northwell Health may be a donor to CHD. Charles Wright had an article on this. Any Corporate, NGO, or Foundation can easily dump in a bunch of operating cash in to CHD. CHD will not be able to roll back Laws and Liability shields, whic should be their focus, but it won't be. Bobby is prolly C/O, or got --Reminded-- how the game/poli/charade works. Good Work Colpo.
That comment you are responding to was probably written by some admin staffer babysitting sites to run interference. Used to see it all the time on YouTube. First time I’ve really noticed it on SS.
You do not understand the penalty RFK Jr would pay if he were to DIRECTLY criticize the judgement of 300,000,000 Americans who took the Covid Con - these sad folks are injected and RFK will need the full backing of the US government's "Health and Human Services" HHS trillion dollar budget to take on Big Pharma.
Hold your breath until inauguration in ten days!
Pull your head in until the sun rises in Oz, then pay attention to the Kennedy commitment.
Amen Brother
There is no nuanced approach to vaccines. They are all poisons, and none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a “virus” (itself a ruling-class fiction).
I agree with you that vaccines can be harmful. It is mainly the aluminium adjuvant. See Professor Exley's work.
Also the research by Gherardi and Authier on MMF.
I believe the "no-virus" campaign to be a CIA disinformation tactic to distract and confuse resistance.
If you believe there are no viruses, may I suggest you try unprotected sex with a genital herpes infected male.
Sounds like you know what you are talking about about...."unprotected sex with a herpes infected male"... would that be you? There are other biological entities that also are highly contagious. But that doesn't fit into your agenda, I reckon .
I worked in hospitals in the 1980s and in those years we saw an epidemic of cervical cancer in young women. It is very distressing seeing a grade three cancer in a 20 year old young woman, and know that despite treatment, she will die.
At that time the cause of cervical cancer was not known. (Though it was known that people who were virgins did not develop this cancer, so it was surmised that there was an infectious element to this disease.)
Screening programmes were set up which successfully made early diagnosis and treatment possible and saved lives.
By the early 1990s, the HPV virus (human papilloma virus which causes genital warts) was found to be causative. This virus can grow into a cancerous tumour in only certain biologically suitable tissues, e.g. the cervix and the anus. (The cells in the cervix and anus are similar enough to be good hosts for this virus) It is very rare for it to grow into a tumour in the penis. Tumours caused by the HPV virus are found in the cervix in women and in the anus in male homosexuals who take the passive role in anal intercourse.
The virus is spread by unprotected sex, and unfortunately is usually spread by men, who are relatively more promiscuous than women. It is important to bring both partners in for treatment, to limit the spread of the virus by treating human papilloma genital warts.
The virus can be detected in the tumours.
I repeat, no virus has ever been isolated or shown to cause disease. Also, you can’t get cervical cancer in an anus.
The cancer is caused by the Human papilloma virus. The site of the cancer is either cervical or anal.
Cite the paper you believe proves the isolation of the HPV virus and the proof of causation for the illness it is claimed to be responsible for. Make sure it has a methods section and the word isolation in the title is proof of nothing.
The only answer to that is bullshit. I work in the NHS too. The HPV so called virus has never been isolated in a proper sense and is just a fabrication like all the others. Your assertions are all plain wrong and no benefit is conferred by the cooked up vaccine for this but much harm is done.
You have not read my posts. I quite agree that the HPV vaccines are dangerous.
I have read your posts and you believe that the HPV virus is real and has been shown to be real and that is the proven cause of cervical cancer or at least a cause. I have asked for links to the papers that you believe support those conclusions because what I frequently find is that papers held up as being proof are often, verging on always, not what they claim. The word isolation in the title of a paper or the abstract proves nothing. Since former editors of the Lancet and NEJM have opined that at least 50% of published peer reviewed medical papers are still plain wrong closer inspection of claimed sources and evidence is imperitive.
Incidentally I support the campaign of CHD to publicise the dangers of the HPV vaccine - it has been found to cause really nasty side-effects.
It's my understanding that HPV is believed to be causal in cervical cancer, as in that it's a theory
It's a theory with no evidence https://jowaller.substack.com/p/hpv-cervical-cancer-and-vaccines?utm_source=publication-search
Yes it is.
The HPV virus can be found in the tumours. This is a theory only in the sense that all science is based on theories which are discarded as knowledge extends. But if you want to show that the HPV virus is not causal for these cancers, you will need to do extensive research to prove that your new concepts are preferable. The statements and discussions going round the internet on this topic do not appear to understand basic science.
Is the fact that HPV is found in tumors proof that it causes themselves? We have a different understanding of where the science is at. And that's okay. Enjoy your day!
Some of the proteins and genetic sequences said to be from a 'virus' are found in tumours but not normal surrounding tissue. It look like they are produced by the body when responding to trauma ie producing a tumour. You do not need to present any other theory (though they have been) to show that there is not evidence for a causal link with 'HPV'. This is basic science. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/hpv-cervical-cancer-and-vaccines?utm_source=publication-search
"none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a “virus”"
You're exposing your ignorance here.
Do some research Dingo.
What research? Sanjoy said that "none of the diseases" that vaccines "allegedly treat is caused by a "virus"". He may try to wiggle his way out of it, but I think it's clear that he doesn't know enough about vaccines to be aware that some are ostensibly designed to treat bacterial illnesses.
Yes, I am aware of bacterial illnesses allegedly prevented by vaccines. Even if those illnesses are really caused by bacteria, which at least exist (unlike viruses), my statement still stands that "none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a "virus[.]'"
‘Bobby’ is and always has been controlled opposition 101. In other words, a gatekeeper. Just like his mate, Del Bigtree. Not one of the alleged high-profile anti-vaxxers that emerged through 2020 and beyond will acknowledge that the ‘science’ of virology is fraudulent and that no virus has ever been isolated and/or proven to cause disease. And now, unsurprisingly, ‘Bobby’ has done a u-turn and joined the techno-fascists lining up to enslave Americans to their agenda.
If you believe Kennedy is a double agent you need to show why his work has extended understanding and awareness of vaccine risk and harm like never before. And this work cannot be eradicated or forgotten, it is part of a true awakening. If he is working for the perpetrators, he has inadvertently alerted many people to the truth. Is this probable?
Controlling the opposition is a more nuanced action than you seem to realise. By apparently leading a cause, controllers give the impression that they are doing something to challenge the status quo. This in turn, causes activists to relax and leave the work to the self-appointed leaders. Then, when the leaders achieve sufficient notoriety, they invariably cool their heels and let the side down.
It doesn't matter how many people have been 'awakened' to the truth - if our momentum is led by gatekeepers we do not have a chance of achieving real change because they have led us into a hopeless cul-de-sac beset with red tape and opposition.
Awareness of this topic cannot be put back into the box. And if Kennedy is working for the other side, a genuine person is now more likely to come forward. As I said, I do not discount the possibility that Kennedy is controlled opposition, we will need to wait and see.
I believe many of our "Green" MPs were installed as controlled opposition in the UK and Europe. TPTB spotted the risk of a genuine grass roots movement and moved to eviscerate it. This would have been planned and achieved twenty years ago at least.
However suppression cannot last indefinitely. Populations are realising that they have little to no chance of progressive political change. What happens next is going to be the test.
What I do find difficult to grasp is how someone - a man whose father was murdered by the CIA - will work for those same murderers. A very strange psychology for a man, particularly, to have. This is why I would defer judgement on Kennedy.
Perhaps blackmail might do it. But at his age? He might as well just take a risk and do the right thing...it is clear he knows what that is after all his work with CHD.
I like your positivity and you are right about the Greens. In all my years of activism I have seen these pop-up political leaders come and go. Really genuine grass roots leaders are very rare. Often their careers are cut short by character assassinations, compromise or even 'sudden death'. The impact of which discourages potential leaders from grabbing the baton.
It is a tricky business contending with the international crime syndicate and their alphabetti men, as RFK Jr knows too well. Maybe we should cut him some slack, as you suggest. We could be pleasantly surprised.... I s'pose.
Mind you, I cannot trust Trump to go through with his endorsement of RFK Jr. He is fickle and deceptive. I made these observations about him after his last stint as POTUS:
I agree totally with you about Trump. (Have just subscribed)
If RFKjr is genuine he must realise the danger he is in. He would need to build a power base first.
I am not without hope - so many people have become aware of the threat of a techno- totalitarian system - that we are on the cusp of massive change. An exciting and dreadful time.
They have lost many sheep from the vaccine/autism horror. That is a miscalculation of theirs. Maybe they were trying to produce gammas and deltas?
This post from Latypova tells a lot about Trump. Many of her subscribers cannot accept it.
There is a credible argument to be made that JFK was not murdered but that the entire assassination was faked to get the US into the Vietnam War.
No. I don't think so, somehow.
Do a deep dive on “his foundation” CHD.
NO VACCINE IS VALUABLE for anything other than controlled disease and slaughter of the innocent. PERIOD.
The Polio “vaccine” caused polio. Dr. Salk admitted this. Dr. Salk is also a whack job eugenicist. Ooops!
Reminds me on this proto Metalcore legendary album (Merauder, Master Killer) lyrics track no 1:
"Criticize - the ones before you
Immortalize - the men with the force
The powers that be try and take control
In confrontation with democracy
With the rise and fall of a nation gone to hell
As you try and steal the world your time ends
As you try and feed the world all but lies again
Defenceless are those who become their prey
Giving on demand to forge a war
Thinking nothing of it as you lose face
Looking indirectly into the rise and the fall of a nation gone to waste
As you try and steal the world your time ends
As you try and feed the world all but lies again
As you try and steal the world your time ends
As you try and feed the world all but lies again
Slaughter of the innocent - dying for their cause
Dead and buried bodies - accumulate from their wars
Symbols of the righteous ones - they think the world's their own
Apocalypse of reality - in which they behold"
Forget about that - RFK is a fraud, just like 90%+ of these prominent anti vaxxxers or so called "freedom doctors" .. but lets see and wait. What is clear is that TRUMP is put into power again to fullfill some predprogs en masse - see my article:)
His constant being approached by mothers of vaccine injured children asking for him to help them!!! Was not his topic of interest until he took time to read their claims to then take a stance for SAFER..properly .long term.. .not biased… tested va((Ines. He’s not ANTI..💉!!!
Absolute bingo! If We see Them on the cave wall (Our screens), They're part of the play and will perform Their role as scripted.
Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave
Of course he did… all part of the cabal. ‘Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man..’
fwiw- if you go to Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack, a few days ago she posted something from a presidential budget, which showed they had money for more mRNA--so the criminal govt (and the criminal oligarchs=central bankers who control the govt) obviously don't give a crap that these shots are killing Americans (that's what they were designed for).
The Veep, JD Vance is a major investor in a biotech company called Amplifybio. A company founded in 2021 to develop “next generation cell and gene therapies”. There is no way in hell that mRNA is going away under this admin. In fact, they stand to make a killing (pun intended) on this garbage...
Fuck'em all!
Fuck. Them. All.
Nature haters. Boring boring people.
Damn Nick…great catch! That’s some shit right there!👍💥
Connect the damn dots. We’re in deep shit here, and the people of this country are asleep at the wheel.
I feel like I’m watching a train wreck in slow motion…but it’s speeding up🤬!
Sandra can you mention which essay of Ana’s it is? I can’t find it or can you send a link or screenshot ...many thanks 🙏
Many thanks 🙏
Note the DJT-RFK Masonic handshake in the photo.
Thanks. That one slipped over my head.
Clowns in two thousand dollar suits may look more respectable than the dudes wearing dresses clowns in the present administration, but they're still fucking clowns whose job it is to entertain errrr distract the crowd 🤡 🎪
I wrote an open letter to him, on his Substack page, three weeks ago, asking why he and Trump were re-affirming the Genocide.
No Reply..!…..
Are you of the belief system that created the manifestation of a genocide despite there being no decrease in deaths but rather an increase in death?
Suckers will suck
Excellent write-up. Keep exposing that RFK Jr. creep.
Why is it that rusted on, life time , runs in the family, "ex" Democrats, including the Prez, are now the BIG decision makers in the new administration & NO-ONE says boo?
Was he such a threat to big pharma that they decided to bring him onboard the Trump train to shut him up? If so, he's literally sold out all of humanity! Damn him! He'll burn for eternity!
Who would believe anything RFK said?? He has proven himself to be a liar. He never fooled me.
To tell you the truthfully, not that I was going to lie, I’ve known this was going to happen…
I had told Meryl Nass that her soulmate RFK Jr. is a fake few months ago…
You win this one… I hand it to you…What’s next?
Will Trump madness begin with mandatory vaccination? Or a war?
One will have to happen, right?
ETA: I just edited my post. My self-correct is out of control.
BTW: Are you buying the no-contagion thingy 100%? Let me know pls