Kennedy has always taken a nuanced approach to vaccines.
Until the covid fiasco, even people who were critical of vaccine policy could not deny that some vaccines were valuable.
Vaccination has always been a risk-benefit judgement. Particularly as you are using a medical intervention on a healthy person. The risk ought to be virtually nil. All medical interventions have some risk, so a healthy person ought not be subjected to unnecessary risk to protect them from an infection they may never encounter anyway.
What has gone wrong has been the ever increasing number of injections. All vaccines contain some contaminants because they are biological agents and cannot be purified like simple chemicals. Then there is the aluminium adjuvant.... With multiple vaccines, eventually nearly everyone's capacity to overcome these increased levels of toxicity will fail and they will be harmed.
Kennedy's statements about supporting vaccination in certain circumstances do not condemn him. The clips you have posted do not prove anything against Kennedy.
I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy.
Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me.
If he has been put in place since 2015 as some kind of sleeper agent we will find out soon enough. It is too early to condemn him yet.
As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down is hard to see him, as a fake. This does not mean however, that he will be allowed to get into a position of power, and if he is genuine he is certainly outnumbered by Trump's recent swamp creature appointments.
I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes.
Is that what we're calling duplicitous liars nowadays? LOL
Vaccines are a scam that have rarely been tested under placebo-controlled conditions. And those placebo studies show SFA health benefit.
If you disagree, go ahead and explain to me how those studies show otherwise. NOTE: A so-called "serologic response" is not a tangible health benefit.
"I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy."
I linked directly to the CHD 990s showing his income - so need for that underhanded snipe casting doubt on MY integrity. It's your boy Bobby that has a bad case of the bullshit disease.
"Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me."
That's exactly how he was meant to appear - but appearances can be deceiving.
"As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down is hard to see him, as a fake."
I've showed clips of him straddling both sides of the fence. You can see the words come out of his own mouth. What you won't hear coming out of his puppet mouth is the truth:
COVID was a fraud, there was no Sars-Cov-2, and the 'vaccines' were in fact gene therapies intended to harm and kill.
"I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes."
People like you who make excuses for such obvious frauds are part of the problem.
Kennedy doesn't have to go along with this fraud. Instead of posting videos of himself doing push-ups and incline presses with pathetic weights even for a 69YO, maybe he can show some REAL balls and remind the world of his integrity by refusing to have anything to do with a megalomaniac like Trump and a diversion charade like MAHA. Nope, instead he eagerly goes along with both, because he has no integrity, and never has. He has always been a grub of a man. His resume includes serial philandering, drug addiction and unrepentantly accusing two innocent men of murder.
Thanks for your long response, but there is no need to become so irate.
As I said, if he is a fake who was installed into the leadership of the CHD, we will soon know. Sleeper agents have to be put in place years ahead, to win trust. So, yes, that could be him...but it is too early to tell.
I am not naively defending Kennedy but attempting to provide some balance to your angry post. It is unreasonable to expect to see Kennedy take any action at this stage as he has no power yet or support base built up in government, and is surrounded by swamp creatures. I suppose you must concede that he would need to act with forethought in order to achieve anything?
His public statements on vaccines so far only show that he is measured in his response and integrates valid scientific findings with his statements. The internet is full of wild claims about medicine which ignorantly and blindly dispense with all accumulated knowledge. Kennedy would be a fool, and destroy his credibility to align himself with this.
I am not in the US, Kennedy is your guy, not mine. I don't carry a torch for him or particularly care about him. But Kennedy must be shown to commit evident faults in office before he is condemned out of hand. I have no time for Trump, he is part of the uniparty.
For the record, I have known about the damage caused by vaxxines for nearly thirty years, and in medical detail. The research from Gherardi and Authier (France) showing how aluminium gets into the brain dates from 1998.
I attempted to get my government to take action on autism in 2017, after Professor Exley's research (UK) conclusively showed massive aluminium levels in autistic children's brains. I thought they could not possibly deny this proof. But it is clearly policy for government to continue to do this. Katherine Watt provides the best interpretation of the facts that I have come across.
Kennedy attempted to send Exley £15 thousand for his research at Keele, blocked by Keele university which had become dependent on finance from pharma by that stage. Exley lost tenure as a result. He is now no longer a University Professor.
(Our universities had government funding removed in the 1990s as part of a series of "reforms" designed destroy intellectual independence and make them controllable by powerful corporate interests.)
(I suppose this event could be a planned exercise by "Agent Kennedy" to remove Exley from his position under cover of "helping fund" him)
"Covid" came almost as a relief to me as I could see it would wake many up to the lies and human tragedies caused by the vax schedule. I saw through the pandemic scam right from the start. I was astounded that so many believed propaganda that was scientific and medical nonsense.
"No viruses" is a distraction and confusion tactic by the CIA. Their campaign has all been planned out well in advance and long tried out in all the unfortunate countries the US empire has trashed and plundered over sixty years.
Incidentally, in the UK vaccination has always been voluntary for children and there are no penalties for sending an unvaccinated child to school or nursery.
We never had the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule that you do in the US. It was pushed onto Europe only very recently as part of the globalist takeover that is now reaching its peak.
This murderous horror originated from your country. You can use the term "globalist" but these mafia style practices originate from the US empire and have corrupted Europe and the UK which post WW2 had a fair social democratic political culture.
I have lived through the destruction of the country and culture I grew up in by US style neo-capitalism and predatory economic terrorism- starting in the 1980s with the Regan/Thatcher years. Yes to my shame the UK government allied itself with the US and imposed these damaging "reforms."
This is the mess you in the US have to take most of the responsibility to clean up. The US lives in a monoculture of immature violent or cheesy Hollywood fantasies and barbaric mafia driven practices. You have got to see your country for what it is and stop propagandising and lying to yourselves.
I was born in the UK and have lived in both the US and UK. I agree with you about the US and its awful effect on the UK. But you are wrong about viruses. They are a ruling-class confection and crime against humanity. The CIA is the muscle for Wall Street and the ruling class, so they are promoting the virus lie (via the fake fight between "lab leak" and "gain-of-fiction" and via other distractions).
What in sick tarnation do you 'no such thing as viruses' people believe makes ppl sick.
I'm going to tell ya right here and mofo now, I got covidsmovid in Dec '23 from my Mom who came home with it and pneumonia and Paxlovid. 👉🏼 (bullshit) . It was man-made, whatever the hell you want to call it. PERIOD. Any questions, I will answer.
Yes, the country was ruined in the 80s when every bumper sticker said “the one who dies with the most toys wins” Many women put their little baby with strangers After only weeks out of the hospital. That was when the country was completely ruined.
They destroyed the BBC too, by deregulating it. It used to be a great cultural institution with a world reputation, now it just churns out CIA propaganda and reality TV.
We used to get better quality State Propaganda too, on the old BBC.....those were the days.
Stop that right the hell now. You want to beat up somebody, I'd suggest you start with your own country. Corrupted Government, what? Y'all abide by our laws? Give me a break.. looking for a scapegoat. I got some suggestions but you ppl refuse TO SEE WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRON T OF YOUR FACES. I don't know your ages, but I suspect some of y'all are too up in age to be buying into this theory I see going on here w/ regard to blaming the US for your countries troubles.
Very glad to see you know a great deal of the lay of the land. Though I do believe looking at the UK's central planning seat of power in this globalist plot would be wise. It's been centuries (if not millennia) in the making and the City of London has been and still is at the core of it. Matt Ehret's take on this history is compelling. He's a Canadian. (I don't agree with his multipolar solution, but his analysis is generally excellent.)
"When the Round Table Movement was created with funds from the Rhodes Trust in 1902, a new plan was laid out to create a new technocratic elite to manage the re-emergence of the new British Empire and crush the emergence of American-inspired nationalism globally. This organization would be staffed by generations of Rhodes Scholars who would receive their indoctrination in Oxford before being sent back to advance a 'post-nation state' agenda in their respective countries.
"As this agenda largely followed the mandate set out by Cecil Rhodes in his Seventh Will who said 'Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, and for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?'"
The City of London has played a major role in all this, I know. However I do not go along with the post above, or your link, for the simple reason that the UK is being destroyed...I do not see any supposed furtherance of Rhodes alleged aims in this, or any shreds of "the British empire." The Ehret post is nonsense and not a serious contribution to discussion. Ehret seems to have missed the trajectory of US global policy for the last eighty years when the US was the dominant world power.
And what on earth do you mean by talking about "millennia?" No- please don't bother to answer that one, I know Oxford and I can assure you we do not indoctrinate people in some occult way here. The University has been unduly influenced by corporate interests since the nineties, when State funding was reduced, and this is the major threat to academic independence, but the threat comes from the financial power of corporations and industry, not from olde worlde black magic.
Initially I took your comments seriously. Now I see I have made a mistake.
clearly I have made a mistake about your sincerity in debate or ability of self reflection. I take you for a troll at this point. This plan is clearly visible in current events to any with eyes to see. Globalist "corporate interests" are the same as the City, as they are ultimately all owned by the same interests. Loyalists to the British empire (City) stayed behind after the Revolution to mount subversion from within, and they've done so. It's all the same "magic" of old-fashioned banking power and criminal enterprises. Of divide and conquer. Of wars as money laundering money-makers. These tactics are millennia old.
Currer - Suzanne is correct in the main, and I think you would be wise to open your mind and do some wider reading. I would recommend The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin above all - it is almost impossible to read/understand that incredible and seminal piece of work and not see that the fundamental drivers are largely as Suzanne said - immensely wealthy private banking interests using central banks and supra-national NGOs in particular to drive a mind-boggling transfer of wealth from the people, to themselves.
I am glad that covid happened because I did not realise I was so asleep. Now I have met people you believe the same as me and I can honestly say I am happy for the first time in my life.
The Vatican is the oldest banking system, then there is London Exchange and The Federal Reserve.. if you want to educate yourself about WHAT IS TRY BEEN GOING ON, CONTINUES TO HAPPEN, you could start there or any number of places.
First when we talk about countries, I am always referring to the governments not the ppl. Just an FYI. If you are of the belief that the UK is not in as serious shape as the US, you are not being honest with yourself. The illegals which have overrun our borders plague y'all, CN, AU, NZ, Ireland, as well as the UK and US. Corrupted governments. My God, they have arresting ppl. In the UK for social media posts. This is all ORCHESTRATED to take down Western philosophy based countries. And ppl just keep right on being distracted by things such as what is being discussed right now.
I try to put myself in his place. I would do the same as him since what matters now most is getting into the position first!! That is all what matters at this stage. Don't get dc overly irrate is the name of the game.
We are talking about innocent human lives. It's time to quit playing games. Children are poisoned every day, and many lose their lives, creating lifelong trauma for their families. It's not a game to them, it shouldn't be a game to anyone, and the game should not be excused as necessity. You either stand up against it, or you are participating in the evil.
The world is a stage, and there are good actors and bad actors, but they are all just actors, just playing parts. RFK Jr. is playing his part as a "good guy" and at times, he is played by another "good guy", Mel Gibson, but it's all still just an act.
That comment you are responding to was probably written by some admin staffer babysitting sites to run interference. Used to see it all the time on YouTube. First time I’ve really noticed it on SS.
Idk what you think you've seen on YT, but it's full of lying analytics, in other words they lie about the numbers. Troll accounts, teenagers, and oh dear, yes, iits my belief that YT=Google=YT make up accounts and deploy them.
You do not understand the penalty RFK Jr would pay if he were to DIRECTLY criticize the judgement of 300,000,000 Americans who took the Covid Con - these sad folks are injected and RFK will need the full backing of the US government's "Health and Human Services" HHS trillion dollar budget to take on Big Pharma.
Hold your breath until inauguration in ten days!
Pull your head in until the sun rises in Oz, then pay attention to the Kennedy commitment.
imo anyone with real intent to dislodge this globalist system would realize you can't join the mafia and try and change it from within. But then again, he was born a royal insider. Why is anyone believing he's left it?
Northwell Health may be a donor to CHD. Charles Wright had an article on this. Any Corporate, NGO, or Foundation can easily dump in a bunch of operating cash in to CHD. CHD will not be able to roll back Laws and Liability shields, whic should be their focus, but it won't be. Bobby is prolly C/O, or got --Reminded-- how the game/poli/charade works. Good Work Colpo.
If you imagine that a person gains high political office by saying the exact same words to different audiences over different years at different stages of ascent, then you are hopelessly naive. If your business idea is black pilling audiences, then you are merely hopeless.
There is no doubt vaccines are poison and I trust rfk as much as I trust Trump which isn’t that high based on their lifelong affiliation with the Democratic Party. These men are too on the inside to have not seen how corrupt that party is and was. It didn’t take me more than a year to figure out that party did nothing but lie when I started paying attention, not to say the Mitch McConnell run party is any better. You are just making some connections to him that can be misconstrued from a bias slant. First we live in America where we accept risk for the price of freedom where we sell plenty of harmful things. The problem is the mislabeling allowed by the fda which Kennedy hasn’t been a part of. So if you want to buy and take poison in so much as it doesn’t hurt others like the shedding covid shot, it’s your right. Second I’ve talked to many from the polio generation and it’s really hard to convince them the shot they took kept them from being crippled having seen it happen to people around them. Last to use his salary as something nefarious proves nothing. The name and the donations that come along with it can justify the increase in salary and why he became the head. His name recognition would bring more attention and credibility than the person who started it. As a Christian I am not to make judgments on one’s intentions so I’ll reserve mine til he is appointed or if. Things can change people and God never gives up on those who haven’t sold their soul. Trump getting shot at twice seems to have ignited a spark in him and in most people it would. They released the jfk files finally and have made some great executive decisions so far, but of course we all must keep vigilant to keep the swamp ebbed
Nanotechnology smart dust. Dropped by geoengineering and drones over chosen areas of the country. Then they turn up the frequencies like 5G and higher. The combination can easily kill people.
There is no nuanced approach to vaccines. They are all poisons, and none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a “virus” (itself a ruling-class fiction).
Sounds like you know what you are talking about about...."unprotected sex with a herpes infected male"... would that be you? There are other biological entities that also are highly contagious. But that doesn't fit into your agenda, I reckon .
I worked in hospitals in the 1980s and in those years we saw an epidemic of cervical cancer in young women. It is very distressing seeing a grade three cancer in a 20 year old young woman, and know that despite treatment, she will die.
At that time the cause of cervical cancer was not known. (Though it was known that people who were virgins did not develop this cancer, so it was surmised that there was an infectious element to this disease.)
Screening programmes were set up which successfully made early diagnosis and treatment possible and saved lives.
By the early 1990s, the HPV virus (human papilloma virus which causes genital warts) was found to be causative. This virus can grow into a cancerous tumour in only certain biologically suitable tissues, e.g. the cervix and the anus. (The cells in the cervix and anus are similar enough to be good hosts for this virus) It is very rare for it to grow into a tumour in the penis. Tumours caused by the HPV virus are found in the cervix in women and in the anus in male homosexuals who take the passive role in anal intercourse.
The virus is spread by unprotected sex, and unfortunately is usually spread by men, who are relatively more promiscuous than women. It is important to bring both partners in for treatment, to limit the spread of the virus by treating human papilloma genital warts.
Cite the paper you believe proves the isolation of the HPV virus and the proof of causation for the illness it is claimed to be responsible for. Make sure it has a methods section and the word isolation in the title is proof of nothing.
No. The cancer is caused by the HPV vaccine and/or other vaccines. I remember seeing articles from doctors in the early 1900s saying that they never saw cancer until vaccines were introduced.
The only answer to that is bullshit. I work in the NHS too. The HPV so called virus has never been isolated in a proper sense and is just a fabrication like all the others. Your assertions are all plain wrong and no benefit is conferred by the cooked up vaccine for this but much harm is done.
I have read your posts and you believe that the HPV virus is real and has been shown to be real and that is the proven cause of cervical cancer or at least a cause. I have asked for links to the papers that you believe support those conclusions because what I frequently find is that papers held up as being proof are often, verging on always, not what they claim. The word isolation in the title of a paper or the abstract proves nothing. Since former editors of the Lancet and NEJM have opined that at least 50% of published peer reviewed medical papers are still plain wrong closer inspection of claimed sources and evidence is imperitive.
You ppl have been caught in psy-ops which boils down to just another distraction.. Please track back where this all began.. So many think they are aware, have become aware, and all it takes is one Luigi and a few drones to knock you off the dock back in the water. No viruses falls into the Luigi.
I say it was sprinkled out on purpose for the shots to come.
All ORCHESTRATED. Nothing is as it appears. I just want to put that out for ppl to think about.
It takes practice, years, to look past the distractions
They want you nit paying attention to Dig Id which is going to be done at the border, normalized, then some catastrophic banking event, maybe, some of y'all's money will disappear in a Chinese cyber terrorist attack, bc that's what they been been warning About. I suggest y'all read the fine print on your banks paperwork. WAIT, they have a solution. Stability coin, they will replace your money w stability coin. Hello Dig Id Board. See they have different ways to break down different groups of ppl. 41 million illegals from 168 countries, last I checked, have crossed into our country since Biden/Harris admin started.
Other countries (Western philosophy-based countries) facing same issues. Overrun w/ illegals and corrupted governments. UK, CN, AU, NZ, Ireland
I notice that you are incapable of providing any written papers to support your contention that viruses are real. "You people" as you put not appear to understand the facts or the argument here. It is not dependent upon propaganda or a psyop or shills. The evidence is in what scientific papers exist, what studies and experiments have been done and a basic understanding of the methods used. There is zero credible evidence for the existence of any virus which in the case of the fabricated sarscov2 is what they have claimed caused a pandemic. The rest regarding the monetary system most here are very familair with since a long long time ago and the nature of the fractitional reserve banking system and corruption of the FED and central banking system owned and run by small hats is well known. Legislation for bail ins was enacted in 2012 in the UK and USA to permit the stealing of bank deposits. Anyone dumb enough to have any significant sums in a bank now is likely to regret it. Better to arrange things so that you owe them and they don't owe you.
The HPV virus can be found in the tumours. This is a theory only in the sense that all science is based on theories which are discarded as knowledge extends. But if you want to show that the HPV virus is not causal for these cancers, you will need to do extensive research to prove that your new concepts are preferable. The statements and discussions going round the internet on this topic do not appear to understand basic science.
Is the fact that HPV is found in tumors proof that it causes themselves? We have a different understanding of where the science is at. And that's okay. Enjoy your day!
Some of the proteins and genetic sequences said to be from a 'virus' are found in tumours but not normal surrounding tissue. It look like they are produced by the body when responding to trauma ie producing a tumour. You do not need to present any other theory (though they have been) to show that there is not evidence for a causal link with 'HPV'. This is basic science.
RFK, jr is hoping to save our immune system. A naturally occurring immune system by our Creator. Covid vaxx was created in Wuhan as a bio weapon. To kill humans. Bill Gates is a eugenics follower and funding all of it.
Yeah the “no viruses” crowd are immensely frustrating. I wonder if they would refuse a rabies vaccination after being bitten by a dog foaming at the mouth. I agree that aluminum adjuvants are very harmful, and have never been properly tested for safety.
.........and people like you Erik are a serious problem as you perpetuate these myths and unscientific nonsense. Rabies is not caused by a virus that has ever been identified / isolated / shown to exist. If you think it has then kindly share the paper you want to rely on so that I can dissect it for you. No I would not take a rabies vaccine. I wonder if you actually understand the issues or arguments here. The cause of a rabid dog is unknown and likely has a very different cause to that which you think.
What research? Sanjoy said that "none of the diseases" that vaccines "allegedly treat is caused by a "virus"". He may try to wiggle his way out of it, but I think it's clear that he doesn't know enough about vaccines to be aware that some are ostensibly designed to treat bacterial illnesses.
Yes, I am aware of bacterial illnesses allegedly prevented by vaccines. Even if those illnesses are really caused by bacteria, which at least exist (unlike viruses), my statement still stands that "none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a "virus[.]'"
‘Bobby’ is and always has been controlled opposition 101. In other words, a gatekeeper. Just like his mate, Del Bigtree. Not one of the alleged high-profile anti-vaxxers that emerged through 2020 and beyond will acknowledge that the ‘science’ of virology is fraudulent and that no virus has ever been isolated and/or proven to cause disease. And now, unsurprisingly, ‘Bobby’ has done a u-turn and joined the techno-fascists lining up to enslave Americans to their agenda.
If you believe Kennedy is a double agent you need to show why his work has extended understanding and awareness of vaccine risk and harm like never before. And this work cannot be eradicated or forgotten, it is part of a true awakening. If he is working for the perpetrators, he has inadvertently alerted many people to the truth. Is this probable?
Controlling the opposition is a more nuanced action than you seem to realise. By apparently leading a cause, controllers give the impression that they are doing something to challenge the status quo. This in turn, causes activists to relax and leave the work to the self-appointed leaders. Then, when the leaders achieve sufficient notoriety, they invariably cool their heels and let the side down.
It doesn't matter how many people have been 'awakened' to the truth - if our momentum is led by gatekeepers we do not have a chance of achieving real change because they have led us into a hopeless cul-de-sac beset with red tape and opposition.
Awareness of this topic cannot be put back into the box. And if Kennedy is working for the other side, a genuine person is now more likely to come forward. As I said, I do not discount the possibility that Kennedy is controlled opposition, we will need to wait and see.
I believe many of our "Green" MPs were installed as controlled opposition in the UK and Europe. TPTB spotted the risk of a genuine grass roots movement and moved to eviscerate it. This would have been planned and achieved twenty years ago at least.
However suppression cannot last indefinitely. Populations are realising that they have little to no chance of progressive political change. What happens next is going to be the test.
What I do find difficult to grasp is how someone - a man whose father was murdered by the CIA - will work for those same murderers. A very strange psychology for a man, particularly, to have. This is why I would defer judgement on Kennedy.
Perhaps blackmail might do it. But at his age? He might as well just take a risk and do the right is clear he knows what that is after all his work with CHD.
I like your positivity and you are right about the Greens. In all my years of activism I have seen these pop-up political leaders come and go. Really genuine grass roots leaders are very rare. Often their careers are cut short by character assassinations, compromise or even 'sudden death'. The impact of which discourages potential leaders from grabbing the baton.
It is a tricky business contending with the international crime syndicate and their alphabetti men, as RFK Jr knows too well. Maybe we should cut him some slack, as you suggest. We could be pleasantly surprised.... I s'pose.
Mind you, I cannot trust Trump to go through with his endorsement of RFK Jr. He is fickle and deceptive. I made these observations about him after his last stint as POTUS:
I agree totally with you about Trump. (Have just subscribed)
If RFKjr is genuine he must realise the danger he is in. He would need to build a power base first.
I am not without hope - so many people have become aware of the threat of a techno- totalitarian system - that we are on the cusp of massive change. An exciting and dreadful time.
They have lost many sheep from the vaccine/autism horror. That is a miscalculation of theirs. Maybe they were trying to produce gammas and deltas?
This post from Latypova tells a lot about Trump. Many of her subscribers cannot accept it.
100%. So easy for keyboard warriors to tear things down. Do these "awakened" critics ever wonder why nobody in power criticises Israel? Its damn near impossible to be sure of anything but the DNC spent many millions of real money to keep him off the ballot & out of the press for a reason. Expensive controlled opposition Id say
His constant being approached by mothers of vaccine injured children asking for him to help them!!! Was not his topic of interest until he took time to read their claims to then take a stance for SAFER..properly .long term.. .not biased… tested va((Ines. He’s not ANTI..💉!!!
yes. We have so many dead and injured children. If they don't die or develop symptoms close to the inoculation. the vaccine isn't to blame. A beautiful money maker!
Thank you for making this measured argument. Who else than RFK jr. could have brought the dangers of big pharma to the national scene? I fully expected that he would need to water down his message to assimilate into the administration.
Have we forgotten the great risk that Kennedy boys take when trying to do public service? Bobby hasn’t forgotten that his father, cousin and uncle lost their lives thereby. RFK jr is most likely trying to leverage the family legacy of public service to do good at great personal risk. He’s my age and probably wants to set things right in the time he has left. I don’t count on Trump to support him fully, if at all ultimately, but desperate times require gambles and I am pleased that Kennedy softened his position so as to become confirmed as secretary of HHS.
Now I have been aware of several things for many years, one of them is that a group of ppl pull the strings and I dubbed them The Puppet Masters many years ago. I also became aware that there was a dumbing down of society 37 yrs ago. I'm of GenX and it occurred to me a couple months ago, instead of writing that the CDC's 81 recommended shots are wack why not instead paid this question.
Baby boomers and GenX folks had between 3-6 childhood shots on average. Why is it that we shar the same space with those born after GenX who everyone insists that they get all these shots to protect them from these virulent viruses?
Why aren't keeling over from them?
There are aborted fetal cells , colostrum, SV40, aluminum, and a laundry list of other things in these shots. their gaslighting, CDC and the WHO corrupted as hell providing y'all with crazy information.
Average amount of ppl born after GenX who received shots suffer from physucal & mental issues. Anyone denying that should steer clear from me bc I don't have the wherewithal to try for conversations anymore. They end up the same every single time.
Name calling, rewriting history, menory-holed ppl.
Dig Id is hurtling towards us, I bet you have no idea what else the Puppet Masters have in store for the ppl?
Babies come here robust unless Mom is getting the CDC's recommended shots while pregnant.
It is time for ppl to get their heads out of the sand. Y'all were played w the covidsmovid shots,
SV40 really paid for itself. It causes latent cancers and was in the first polio injections and now in the Covid shot. You take your child to a physician to keep them healthy and they get a shot that doesn't cause cancer immediately but years from the injection. However, people are cropping up with cancer soon after the flu daughter's ex, my daughter's best friend. One of the reasons for divorce was his ridicule of her health practices.
Vaccines don't work. Infectious diseases were hugely in decline from the late 1800s/early 1900s to the point where vaccines were developed, they were around 98% mortality decline. Vaccines just came in at the end and took credit; it was an improvement in sanitation, plumbing, hygiene and nutrition that made the difference (and always has).
Lots of evidence out there that vaccines not only don't prevent disease or outbreaks but are actually dangerous (here a few examples out of many):
Forget about that - RFK is a fraud, just like 90%+ of these prominent anti vaxxxers or so called "freedom doctors" .. but lets see and wait. What is clear is that TRUMP is put into power again to fullfill some predprogs en masse - see my article:)
The domain name was purchased in 2016. RFK Jr ended up using as his campaign site, but it shows you his entry as presidential candidate / sheepdog had been long planned, just as the "covid" op had been long planned. (Check here on url:
The "covid" op took decades of planning and "law"-making to create the onramp for rolling out the prototype EUA countermeasures made by the Pentagon so "quickly" with a liability shield. RFK Jr knows full well that they were made by the Pentagon and that the DOD paid pharma for the fraud they delivered. His conversation about this with Sasha Latapova I quoted extensively here: He's been silent about this since 2023.
"Vaccines" are the cause of our chronic diseases, hands down proof recounted here.
RFK Jr knows all this well. With his status, following, and history of speaking out, he's now turned to help the Bilderberg Groupie president Trump to rope in the masses who would've resisted the next phase of the globalist control grid if there'd been a blue Bilderberg Groupie president.
It's important to see through all these puppets and designated heroes. We need to build the new alternate systems ourselves.
I do not see Kennedy as a "hero" but as possibly the last chance for some kind of political resolution. I do not think he can rope in the masses...they will know he has betrayed them if he does not act on vaccines and autism. That cannot be avoided, and Kennedy is the one who did most to publicise this.
Katherine Watt did the research on the long term legal planning for the covid coup. - yes it took about forty years to set everything in place. Enough time to recruit Kennedy if that is what they did.
Vaccines don't work. Infectious diseases were hugely in decline from the late 1800s/early 1900s to the point where vaccines were developed, they were around 98% mortality decline. Vaccines just came in at the end and took credit; it was an improvement in sanitation, plumbing, hygiene and nutrition that made the difference (and always has).
Lots of evidence out there that vaccines not only don't prevent disease or outbreaks but are actually dangerous (here a few examples out of many):
I remember him saying he would mandate a "safe" vaccine. What the hell is that? Yes, he is just playing a part in a horror movie. I don't trust ANY of them.
A govt proclamation of a War on Fruit Loops. Like all other government “wars” it will result in a continuing erosion of civil liberties wrapped in a veneer of protection. No one is coming to save us. Just pick your ground and tune it out.
RFK Jr. also called Dr. Oz — one of the corporate media’s top propagandist for the mRNA shots, starting in 2020, before they were even given emergency use authorization — an “outstanding nomination” to lead the CMS:
His supposed newfound faith in Trump when “joining forces” with him in August was not rational or believable, and the statements he immediately started making suggesting that Trump was going to “protect America’s freedoms,” “get us out of the wars,” “rebuild the middle class,” and “make America healthy again,” completely contradicted much of what he had been saying for months prior to that, including as recently as a few weeks earlier:
In another forgotten episode, RFK Jr. tried saying shortly after launching his presidential campaign that “we need to avoid... retribution and blame” for the mandates, lockdowns, censorship, and “insanity” ushered in by “mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci.”
That's despite stating in Chapter 1 of his own book that Fauci “and his Pharma collaborators,” via their corrupt, vaccine-obsessed policies — including the deliberate suppression of “inexpensive, safe medicines” — “caused hundreds of thousands of wholly unnecessary deaths.”
No individual and certainly no politician is going to save people from anything, be it fluoridated water or toxic food, drugs or vaccines etc. It is technological advancement, such as social media, that has the power to exponentially increase people's awareness by allowing them to share their experiences and connect with each other like never before. I think people like Trump and RFK are just taking advantage of the momentum as more and more people become informed and consequently skeptical. The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship.
"The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship." No... fighting the system is feeding the system. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). I also like Darren Allen's thought that 'evil grows, by offering the lesser of two evils until all the good has gone' - nowadays, it doesn't matter who we vote for because every choice is part of an evil corrupt system...
Correct, if the people disengage from the system, there is no system! We have so much power if we could just join together. Bickering over politics is a fruitless waste of time. Parents must refuse to vax their children, stop buying process foods or fast foods. Then watch how fast things would change.
In addition to boycotting we also need to create an alternate choice. Like drive through restaurants that serve healthy choice. It’s difficult to get people to stop eating fast food when there is no equivalent but healthy alternatives. People are far more drawn to the convenience of McDonald’s than they are to its food. Getting people to stop with McDonalds will require something more than “go to the store and buy vegetables and go home and cook”. I know that’s not what you’re saying I’m just throwing that out there.
It's true. There are times that I'm so burnt out and tired from my job, all I want is to put food in my body ASAP to stop the hunger, and I can't afford decent takeout all the time. So fast and cheap take priority over the fact that it will taste like cardboard and I will get nothing out of it other then quelling the hunger pains. I know for sure I'm not the only one that experiences this.
I would like to go a step further and say, stop voting! If 80% didn't vote, our governments would have no mandate... power is in the hands of the people -
From the luxury of a good www connection on a South Pacific Island, such as mine in NZ, Anthony Colpo should be able to recall that RFK Jr was going to work with Trump 2016 to expose the Vax-Autism connection. That alignment was shattered soon after the first Trump inauguration, since - apparently - Trump was taken to a back room to be made aware of the true power centers known as the 'Deep State' - and now we (Trump2.0 + RFK Jr.) really will be allowed to dig into the Vax-Autism statistical connection as it intersects with common sense.
As to the salary that RFK Jr demands, you might also be aware that he did pay a private security force all the time. "Politico" reported:
'a firm run by security specialist Gavin de Becker. The campaign reported raising $3.1 million and spending $2.8 million in security . . . '
It will be a miracle if there are no more assassination attempts.
fwiw- if you go to Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack, a few days ago she posted something from a presidential budget, which showed they had money for more mRNA--so the criminal govt (and the criminal oligarchs=central bankers who control the govt) obviously don't give a crap that these shots are killing Americans (that's what they were designed for).
The Veep, JD Vance is a major investor in a biotech company called Amplifybio. A company founded in 2021 to develop “next generation cell and gene therapies”. There is no way in hell that mRNA is going away under this admin. In fact, they stand to make a killing (pun intended) on this garbage...
I follow natural healing. almost 89, NO MEDS, no car, get my food by Bicycle. I have some neuropathy issues which I could probably handle with chiropractic adjustments but I support family members with my SS so don't spend any money that I don't have to. I have deep beliefs that what is constructed in a lab is inferior to what Creator designed. Most of our innovations are for profit and no benefit..
Does anyone follow Children's Health Defence? Consistently, it has brought information and know-how to making our children healthier. I am always surprised by how much negativity is spouted. No balance of criticism and positives, just hateful condemnation.
1. Tell the masses what they want to hear, and convince them you are acting in their best interests.
2. Proceed to act against their best interests.
3. When astute observers notice the numerous contradictions in your words and behavior, relax, cognitively dissonant useful idiots will come to your defense claiming your critics don't understand how the world really works, or that your approach is "nuanced."
Bobby Jr is not our best chance for real change - a mass awakening of the masses is, and that's something Bobby Jr has no interest in pursuing. He won't acknowledge COVID was a scam, he won't admit there was no Sars-Cov-2, and he will never tell you the gene therapies were intended to injure and kill.
Right, the guy who’s life is littered with sex scandals, including implication in the death of his ex-wife, who hung out with Epstein, and is a member of the ‘American Aristocracy’, is going to ‘save’ Americans from big Pharma. The level of delusion required to think this guy was ever on ‘our’ side is mind-boggling.
It’s not ad hominem. I have been aware of his work for 15 years or so, when I became an anti-vaxxer. Then, in 2020, having become a pretty accurate spotter of controlled opposition over the intervening years, I noticed he was suddenly popping up everywhere and gaining a lot of traction in the ‘alt’ media space. So I did a deep dive into him in 2020, and have subsequently read others’ research as well, and he’s as tainted as all the Kennedy men. And I can assure you, anyone who lies to get into a position of power is not doing it to exert change from within. So he’s a liar, whatever way you slice it.
They always get their operatives in place early to lead the opposition. And fwiw, Alison McDowell has some good posts on this guy (she also did a good quick video on chapter one of his book, but I can't find a link). Early on in operation covid hoax, I figured out that Kennedy and CHD were controlled opposition b/c they never stayed focused on the bogus PCR test that was driving the entire operation. They may have done an article here or there (proving that they at least knew the PCR test was BS and therefore all the cases and deaths based on it were BS) but then they would memory hole it and go along as though this was a real pandemic.
Indeed! Looking back, given what’s eventuated, you can isolate precisely who was being set up to control the agenda and how they were doing it. One of the weirdest things about RFK Jnr I observed in 2020 was his complete silence on the very odd death by drowning of his nephew and niece. And I only found out about it because I was researching Kennedy family deaths. There was barely a whimper in the MSM. So, chalk that up to two more weird Kennedy-related deaths, amongst all the others.
And yes, Alison McDowell is great. I think I might have watched one of her videos on RFK Jnr when I was digging into him.
Well, one of you is unaware of how the world works anyway.
It's nice you can still believe that RFK will be the change we want to see, despite what the man actually says. Do you honestly believe that Trump, the father of the Covid jabs, would bring him on board if he was going to hold anyone accountable?
Robert is going to lead the sheep out of their sleep. Hence he has to look like one and then move the narrative to show the deceptions. Big pHARMa is entwined into our culture so it has to be removed carefully.
He has to engage as a like mind, then move these people through cognitive dissonance.
Dear Jane with the moniker containing masonic numerology,
Bobby is not going to lead sheep out of their sleep, he is part of the hopium campaign.
"Let’s see what happens"
Ah, the same catchcry used by Trumpies, when trying to dampen criticism of the same murderer who already launched a mass poisoning campaign on behalf his globalist puppetmasters.
Clowns in two thousand dollar suits may look more respectable than the dudes wearing dresses clowns in the present administration, but they're still fucking clowns whose job it is to entertain errrr distract the crowd 🤡 🎪
I'm not RFK Jr, so I can't say what's really going on in his head, but I'm hopeful that we actually have the opportunity for the beginning of change. The only way that can happen is if he finds his way into a position of actual influence. CHD hasn't been able to fight through the pharma barrier because they're relatively powerless, but he does have an affiliation with Aaron Siri who definitely is having an impact. Either way, this sort of change will only happen if enough eyes can have access to the information.
I'm not banking on an outcome here, but there are a couple of things that I see differently:
1. There's absolutely no way that he'd even be sniffing this position if he didn't tell people that he won't take away their vaccines. Those statements are part of the reason why he's still viewed as likely to get the HHS position.
2. His six kids are fully vaccinated doesn't really tell us anything. His youngest is 23, so he would have been born in 2001, which IIRC (and correct me if I'm wrong), that was before he changed his views on vaccines.
3. Donald Trump and OWS. This would be the case whether RFK got this position or not. He has a better chance of effecting change from the inside than from out. I agree: OWS is one of the greatest health disasters in our lifetimes. Zero chance any of that changes w/o RFK there. Zero chance RFK can effect any other changes w/o him there.
4. One of the biggest red flags that I don't think you've mentioned is RFK's wife through a party that required guests to be covid vaxxed. That's a big "WTF?" to me, but still: the most that I can CONCLUDE from that is that he can't force his wife to be of the same mind.
My ex told me If I stayed married to him, he'd back me in politics. He was VP of the Braves and i didn't respect him at all, but I respect people who get things accompishedl by riding fences. Not my style. I regard RFK as one of those who have had to fence ride to survive.
I don't believe in US vaccinations as the program is highly contaminated. I believe in building up the immune system. I'm close to 89 years, so it has worked for me. US Vaccinations too often kill and maim. The US spends more on heatlth than any other nation, but ranks at, or near the bottom for health. We are force injecting barium (radioactive), aluminum, metcury and more into our children and adults via vacciations. RFK knows this. Our allopathic health system is profit based...not health based.
Kennedy has always taken a nuanced approach to vaccines.
Until the covid fiasco, even people who were critical of vaccine policy could not deny that some vaccines were valuable.
Vaccination has always been a risk-benefit judgement. Particularly as you are using a medical intervention on a healthy person. The risk ought to be virtually nil. All medical interventions have some risk, so a healthy person ought not be subjected to unnecessary risk to protect them from an infection they may never encounter anyway.
What has gone wrong has been the ever increasing number of injections. All vaccines contain some contaminants because they are biological agents and cannot be purified like simple chemicals. Then there is the aluminium adjuvant.... With multiple vaccines, eventually nearly everyone's capacity to overcome these increased levels of toxicity will fail and they will be harmed.
Kennedy's statements about supporting vaccination in certain circumstances do not condemn him. The clips you have posted do not prove anything against Kennedy.
I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy.
Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me.
If he has been put in place since 2015 as some kind of sleeper agent we will find out soon enough. It is too early to condemn him yet.
As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down is hard to see him, as a fake. This does not mean however, that he will be allowed to get into a position of power, and if he is genuine he is certainly outnumbered by Trump's recent swamp creature appointments.
I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes.
Is that what we're calling duplicitous liars nowadays? LOL
Vaccines are a scam that have rarely been tested under placebo-controlled conditions. And those placebo studies show SFA health benefit.
If you disagree, go ahead and explain to me how those studies show otherwise. NOTE: A so-called "serologic response" is not a tangible health benefit.
"I find his level of remuneration (if you have reported this accurately and fully) far more telling and dismaying, as he is already wealthy."
I linked directly to the CHD 990s showing his income - so need for that underhanded snipe casting doubt on MY integrity. It's your boy Bobby that has a bad case of the bullshit disease.
"Kennedy has done much good work, and always appeared courageous and committed to me."
That's exactly how he was meant to appear - but appearances can be deceiving.
"As another commenter here said, he has raised awareness of this subject like no other person, and that raised awareness cannot be shut down is hard to see him, as a fake."
I've showed clips of him straddling both sides of the fence. You can see the words come out of his own mouth. What you won't hear coming out of his puppet mouth is the truth:
COVID was a fraud, there was no Sars-Cov-2, and the 'vaccines' were in fact gene therapies intended to harm and kill.
"I do not hold Kennedy responsible for the fake MAHA food-as-a-cause campaign. That was set up by the pharma lobby to deflect from any focus on their products as causes."
People like you who make excuses for such obvious frauds are part of the problem.
Kennedy doesn't have to go along with this fraud. Instead of posting videos of himself doing push-ups and incline presses with pathetic weights even for a 69YO, maybe he can show some REAL balls and remind the world of his integrity by refusing to have anything to do with a megalomaniac like Trump and a diversion charade like MAHA. Nope, instead he eagerly goes along with both, because he has no integrity, and never has. He has always been a grub of a man. His resume includes serial philandering, drug addiction and unrepentantly accusing two innocent men of murder.
Thanks for your long response, but there is no need to become so irate.
As I said, if he is a fake who was installed into the leadership of the CHD, we will soon know. Sleeper agents have to be put in place years ahead, to win trust. So, yes, that could be him...but it is too early to tell.
I am not naively defending Kennedy but attempting to provide some balance to your angry post. It is unreasonable to expect to see Kennedy take any action at this stage as he has no power yet or support base built up in government, and is surrounded by swamp creatures. I suppose you must concede that he would need to act with forethought in order to achieve anything?
His public statements on vaccines so far only show that he is measured in his response and integrates valid scientific findings with his statements. The internet is full of wild claims about medicine which ignorantly and blindly dispense with all accumulated knowledge. Kennedy would be a fool, and destroy his credibility to align himself with this.
I am not in the US, Kennedy is your guy, not mine. I don't carry a torch for him or particularly care about him. But Kennedy must be shown to commit evident faults in office before he is condemned out of hand. I have no time for Trump, he is part of the uniparty.
For the record, I have known about the damage caused by vaxxines for nearly thirty years, and in medical detail. The research from Gherardi and Authier (France) showing how aluminium gets into the brain dates from 1998.
I attempted to get my government to take action on autism in 2017, after Professor Exley's research (UK) conclusively showed massive aluminium levels in autistic children's brains. I thought they could not possibly deny this proof. But it is clearly policy for government to continue to do this. Katherine Watt provides the best interpretation of the facts that I have come across.
Kennedy attempted to send Exley £15 thousand for his research at Keele, blocked by Keele university which had become dependent on finance from pharma by that stage. Exley lost tenure as a result. He is now no longer a University Professor.
(Our universities had government funding removed in the 1990s as part of a series of "reforms" designed destroy intellectual independence and make them controllable by powerful corporate interests.)
(I suppose this event could be a planned exercise by "Agent Kennedy" to remove Exley from his position under cover of "helping fund" him)
"Covid" came almost as a relief to me as I could see it would wake many up to the lies and human tragedies caused by the vax schedule. I saw through the pandemic scam right from the start. I was astounded that so many believed propaganda that was scientific and medical nonsense.
"No viruses" is a distraction and confusion tactic by the CIA. Their campaign has all been planned out well in advance and long tried out in all the unfortunate countries the US empire has trashed and plundered over sixty years.
Incidentally, in the UK vaccination has always been voluntary for children and there are no penalties for sending an unvaccinated child to school or nursery.
We never had the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule that you do in the US. It was pushed onto Europe only very recently as part of the globalist takeover that is now reaching its peak.
This murderous horror originated from your country. You can use the term "globalist" but these mafia style practices originate from the US empire and have corrupted Europe and the UK which post WW2 had a fair social democratic political culture.
I have lived through the destruction of the country and culture I grew up in by US style neo-capitalism and predatory economic terrorism- starting in the 1980s with the Regan/Thatcher years. Yes to my shame the UK government allied itself with the US and imposed these damaging "reforms."
This is the mess you in the US have to take most of the responsibility to clean up. The US lives in a monoculture of immature violent or cheesy Hollywood fantasies and barbaric mafia driven practices. You have got to see your country for what it is and stop propagandising and lying to yourselves.
I was born in the UK and have lived in both the US and UK. I agree with you about the US and its awful effect on the UK. But you are wrong about viruses. They are a ruling-class confection and crime against humanity. The CIA is the muscle for Wall Street and the ruling class, so they are promoting the virus lie (via the fake fight between "lab leak" and "gain-of-fiction" and via other distractions).
This substack also has had several articles debunking virology. For example:
And there are many other good resources, e.g.
Screw any person who dies NOT believe in viruses. Y'all are caught in a psy-op MEANT TO FURTHER DIVIDE & CONQUER.
Your comment is perhaps a better example of dividing and conquering.
And let me follow that up with this!
What in sick tarnation do you 'no such thing as viruses' people believe makes ppl sick.
I'm going to tell ya right here and mofo now, I got covidsmovid in Dec '23 from my Mom who came home with it and pneumonia and Paxlovid. 👉🏼 (bullshit) . It was man-made, whatever the hell you want to call it. PERIOD. Any questions, I will answer.
Yes, the country was ruined in the 80s when every bumper sticker said “the one who dies with the most toys wins” Many women put their little baby with strangers After only weeks out of the hospital. That was when the country was completely ruined.
They destroyed the BBC too, by deregulating it. It used to be a great cultural institution with a world reputation, now it just churns out CIA propaganda and reality TV.
We used to get better quality State Propaganda too, on the old BBC.....those were the days.
Stop that right the hell now. You want to beat up somebody, I'd suggest you start with your own country. Corrupted Government, what? Y'all abide by our laws? Give me a break.. looking for a scapegoat. I got some suggestions but you ppl refuse TO SEE WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRON T OF YOUR FACES. I don't know your ages, but I suspect some of y'all are too up in age to be buying into this theory I see going on here w/ regard to blaming the US for your countries troubles.
Oh it started long before the 80's.
Very glad to see you know a great deal of the lay of the land. Though I do believe looking at the UK's central planning seat of power in this globalist plot would be wise. It's been centuries (if not millennia) in the making and the City of London has been and still is at the core of it. Matt Ehret's take on this history is compelling. He's a Canadian. (I don't agree with his multipolar solution, but his analysis is generally excellent.)
"When the Round Table Movement was created with funds from the Rhodes Trust in 1902, a new plan was laid out to create a new technocratic elite to manage the re-emergence of the new British Empire and crush the emergence of American-inspired nationalism globally. This organization would be staffed by generations of Rhodes Scholars who would receive their indoctrination in Oxford before being sent back to advance a 'post-nation state' agenda in their respective countries.
"As this agenda largely followed the mandate set out by Cecil Rhodes in his Seventh Will who said 'Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, and for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?'"
I see we have hit mutual US/UK antagonism here!
The City of London has played a major role in all this, I know. However I do not go along with the post above, or your link, for the simple reason that the UK is being destroyed...I do not see any supposed furtherance of Rhodes alleged aims in this, or any shreds of "the British empire." The Ehret post is nonsense and not a serious contribution to discussion. Ehret seems to have missed the trajectory of US global policy for the last eighty years when the US was the dominant world power.
And what on earth do you mean by talking about "millennia?" No- please don't bother to answer that one, I know Oxford and I can assure you we do not indoctrinate people in some occult way here. The University has been unduly influenced by corporate interests since the nineties, when State funding was reduced, and this is the major threat to academic independence, but the threat comes from the financial power of corporations and industry, not from olde worlde black magic.
Initially I took your comments seriously. Now I see I have made a mistake.
clearly I have made a mistake about your sincerity in debate or ability of self reflection. I take you for a troll at this point. This plan is clearly visible in current events to any with eyes to see. Globalist "corporate interests" are the same as the City, as they are ultimately all owned by the same interests. Loyalists to the British empire (City) stayed behind after the Revolution to mount subversion from within, and they've done so. It's all the same "magic" of old-fashioned banking power and criminal enterprises. Of divide and conquer. Of wars as money laundering money-makers. These tactics are millennia old.
Currer - Suzanne is correct in the main, and I think you would be wise to open your mind and do some wider reading. I would recommend The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin above all - it is almost impossible to read/understand that incredible and seminal piece of work and not see that the fundamental drivers are largely as Suzanne said - immensely wealthy private banking interests using central banks and supra-national NGOs in particular to drive a mind-boggling transfer of wealth from the people, to themselves.
You're getting there.
Actually we became corrupted because we never fully cleansed ourselves from the British empire. We inherited your shit
I am glad that covid happened because I did not realise I was so asleep. Now I have met people you believe the same as me and I can honestly say I am happy for the first time in my life.
The Vatican is the oldest banking system, then there is London Exchange and The Federal Reserve.. if you want to educate yourself about WHAT IS TRY BEEN GOING ON, CONTINUES TO HAPPEN, you could start there or any number of places.
Brexit, lmao, what was the purpose of It?
Oh Dear,
First when we talk about countries, I am always referring to the governments not the ppl. Just an FYI. If you are of the belief that the UK is not in as serious shape as the US, you are not being honest with yourself. The illegals which have overrun our borders plague y'all, CN, AU, NZ, Ireland, as well as the UK and US. Corrupted governments. My God, they have arresting ppl. In the UK for social media posts. This is all ORCHESTRATED to take down Western philosophy based countries. And ppl just keep right on being distracted by things such as what is being discussed right now.
I try to put myself in his place. I would do the same as him since what matters now most is getting into the position first!! That is all what matters at this stage. Don't get dc overly irrate is the name of the game.
We are talking about innocent human lives. It's time to quit playing games. Children are poisoned every day, and many lose their lives, creating lifelong trauma for their families. It's not a game to them, it shouldn't be a game to anyone, and the game should not be excused as necessity. You either stand up against it, or you are participating in the evil.
The world is a stage, and there are good actors and bad actors, but they are all just actors, just playing parts. RFK Jr. is playing his part as a "good guy" and at times, he is played by another "good guy", Mel Gibson, but it's all still just an act.
That comment you are responding to was probably written by some admin staffer babysitting sites to run interference. Used to see it all the time on YouTube. First time I’ve really noticed it on SS.
Idk what you think you've seen on YT, but it's full of lying analytics, in other words they lie about the numbers. Troll accounts, teenagers, and oh dear, yes, iits my belief that YT=Google=YT make up accounts and deploy them.
The stupid ones that say,
'Please protect (???) at all costs.'
You do not understand the penalty RFK Jr would pay if he were to DIRECTLY criticize the judgement of 300,000,000 Americans who took the Covid Con - these sad folks are injected and RFK will need the full backing of the US government's "Health and Human Services" HHS trillion dollar budget to take on Big Pharma.
Hold your breath until inauguration in ten days!
Pull your head in until the sun rises in Oz, then pay attention to the Kennedy commitment.
imo anyone with real intent to dislodge this globalist system would realize you can't join the mafia and try and change it from within. But then again, he was born a royal insider. Why is anyone believing he's left it?
Con? The con was the shots
Northwell Health may be a donor to CHD. Charles Wright had an article on this. Any Corporate, NGO, or Foundation can easily dump in a bunch of operating cash in to CHD. CHD will not be able to roll back Laws and Liability shields, whic should be their focus, but it won't be. Bobby is prolly C/O, or got --Reminded-- how the game/poli/charade works. Good Work Colpo.
If you imagine that a person gains high political office by saying the exact same words to different audiences over different years at different stages of ascent, then you are hopelessly naive. If your business idea is black pilling audiences, then you are merely hopeless.
There is no doubt vaccines are poison and I trust rfk as much as I trust Trump which isn’t that high based on their lifelong affiliation with the Democratic Party. These men are too on the inside to have not seen how corrupt that party is and was. It didn’t take me more than a year to figure out that party did nothing but lie when I started paying attention, not to say the Mitch McConnell run party is any better. You are just making some connections to him that can be misconstrued from a bias slant. First we live in America where we accept risk for the price of freedom where we sell plenty of harmful things. The problem is the mislabeling allowed by the fda which Kennedy hasn’t been a part of. So if you want to buy and take poison in so much as it doesn’t hurt others like the shedding covid shot, it’s your right. Second I’ve talked to many from the polio generation and it’s really hard to convince them the shot they took kept them from being crippled having seen it happen to people around them. Last to use his salary as something nefarious proves nothing. The name and the donations that come along with it can justify the increase in salary and why he became the head. His name recognition would bring more attention and credibility than the person who started it. As a Christian I am not to make judgments on one’s intentions so I’ll reserve mine til he is appointed or if. Things can change people and God never gives up on those who haven’t sold their soul. Trump getting shot at twice seems to have ignited a spark in him and in most people it would. They released the jfk files finally and have made some great executive decisions so far, but of course we all must keep vigilant to keep the swamp ebbed
SOMETHING was sprinkled out to the damn ppl, matter of fact, I believe 3 different times.
No, it wasn't a killer unless it got into ppl's lungs and kept multiplying.
What do you believe ppl got sick with ?
Nanotechnology smart dust. Dropped by geoengineering and drones over chosen areas of the country. Then they turn up the frequencies like 5G and higher. The combination can easily kill people.
There is no nuanced approach to vaccines. They are all poisons, and none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a “virus” (itself a ruling-class fiction).
I agree with you that vaccines can be harmful. It is mainly the aluminium adjuvant. See Professor Exley's work.
Also the research by Gherardi and Authier on MMF.
I believe the "no-virus" campaign to be a CIA disinformation tactic to distract and confuse resistance.
If you believe there are no viruses, may I suggest you try unprotected sex with a genital herpes infected male.
Sounds like you know what you are talking about about...."unprotected sex with a herpes infected male"... would that be you? There are other biological entities that also are highly contagious. But that doesn't fit into your agenda, I reckon .
I worked in hospitals in the 1980s and in those years we saw an epidemic of cervical cancer in young women. It is very distressing seeing a grade three cancer in a 20 year old young woman, and know that despite treatment, she will die.
At that time the cause of cervical cancer was not known. (Though it was known that people who were virgins did not develop this cancer, so it was surmised that there was an infectious element to this disease.)
Screening programmes were set up which successfully made early diagnosis and treatment possible and saved lives.
By the early 1990s, the HPV virus (human papilloma virus which causes genital warts) was found to be causative. This virus can grow into a cancerous tumour in only certain biologically suitable tissues, e.g. the cervix and the anus. (The cells in the cervix and anus are similar enough to be good hosts for this virus) It is very rare for it to grow into a tumour in the penis. Tumours caused by the HPV virus are found in the cervix in women and in the anus in male homosexuals who take the passive role in anal intercourse.
The virus is spread by unprotected sex, and unfortunately is usually spread by men, who are relatively more promiscuous than women. It is important to bring both partners in for treatment, to limit the spread of the virus by treating human papilloma genital warts.
The virus can be detected in the tumours.
I repeat, no virus has ever been isolated or shown to cause disease. Also, you can’t get cervical cancer in an anus.
The cancer is caused by the Human papilloma virus. The site of the cancer is either cervical or anal.
Cite the paper you believe proves the isolation of the HPV virus and the proof of causation for the illness it is claimed to be responsible for. Make sure it has a methods section and the word isolation in the title is proof of nothing.
No. The cancer is caused by the HPV vaccine and/or other vaccines. I remember seeing articles from doctors in the early 1900s saying that they never saw cancer until vaccines were introduced.
That's not what they wrote..
Incidentally I support the campaign of CHD to publicise the dangers of the HPV vaccine - it has been found to cause really nasty side-effects.
Including cancer
The only answer to that is bullshit. I work in the NHS too. The HPV so called virus has never been isolated in a proper sense and is just a fabrication like all the others. Your assertions are all plain wrong and no benefit is conferred by the cooked up vaccine for this but much harm is done.
You have not read my posts. I quite agree that the HPV vaccines are dangerous.
I have read your posts and you believe that the HPV virus is real and has been shown to be real and that is the proven cause of cervical cancer or at least a cause. I have asked for links to the papers that you believe support those conclusions because what I frequently find is that papers held up as being proof are often, verging on always, not what they claim. The word isolation in the title of a paper or the abstract proves nothing. Since former editors of the Lancet and NEJM have opined that at least 50% of published peer reviewed medical papers are still plain wrong closer inspection of claimed sources and evidence is imperitive.
You ppl have been caught in psy-ops which boils down to just another distraction.. Please track back where this all began.. So many think they are aware, have become aware, and all it takes is one Luigi and a few drones to knock you off the dock back in the water. No viruses falls into the Luigi.
I say it was sprinkled out on purpose for the shots to come.
All ORCHESTRATED. Nothing is as it appears. I just want to put that out for ppl to think about.
It takes practice, years, to look past the distractions
They want you nit paying attention to Dig Id which is going to be done at the border, normalized, then some catastrophic banking event, maybe, some of y'all's money will disappear in a Chinese cyber terrorist attack, bc that's what they been been warning About. I suggest y'all read the fine print on your banks paperwork. WAIT, they have a solution. Stability coin, they will replace your money w stability coin. Hello Dig Id Board. See they have different ways to break down different groups of ppl. 41 million illegals from 168 countries, last I checked, have crossed into our country since Biden/Harris admin started.
Other countries (Western philosophy-based countries) facing same issues. Overrun w/ illegals and corrupted governments. UK, CN, AU, NZ, Ireland
I notice that you are incapable of providing any written papers to support your contention that viruses are real. "You people" as you put not appear to understand the facts or the argument here. It is not dependent upon propaganda or a psyop or shills. The evidence is in what scientific papers exist, what studies and experiments have been done and a basic understanding of the methods used. There is zero credible evidence for the existence of any virus which in the case of the fabricated sarscov2 is what they have claimed caused a pandemic. The rest regarding the monetary system most here are very familair with since a long long time ago and the nature of the fractitional reserve banking system and corruption of the FED and central banking system owned and run by small hats is well known. Legislation for bail ins was enacted in 2012 in the UK and USA to permit the stealing of bank deposits. Anyone dumb enough to have any significant sums in a bank now is likely to regret it. Better to arrange things so that you owe them and they don't owe you.
It's my understanding that HPV is believed to be causal in cervical cancer, as in that it's a theory
It's a theory with no evidence
Yes it is.
The HPV virus can be found in the tumours. This is a theory only in the sense that all science is based on theories which are discarded as knowledge extends. But if you want to show that the HPV virus is not causal for these cancers, you will need to do extensive research to prove that your new concepts are preferable. The statements and discussions going round the internet on this topic do not appear to understand basic science.
Is the fact that HPV is found in tumors proof that it causes themselves? We have a different understanding of where the science is at. And that's okay. Enjoy your day!
Some of the proteins and genetic sequences said to be from a 'virus' are found in tumours but not normal surrounding tissue. It look like they are produced by the body when responding to trauma ie producing a tumour. You do not need to present any other theory (though they have been) to show that there is not evidence for a causal link with 'HPV'. This is basic science.
Not a very bright accurate example. Where did herpes come from? Let’s get to the bottom so we can climb up together
I was working at the lab late one night. . .
RFK, jr is hoping to save our immune system. A naturally occurring immune system by our Creator. Covid vaxx was created in Wuhan as a bio weapon. To kill humans. Bill Gates is a eugenics follower and funding all of it.
Why the hell does it have to be a male?
Yeah the “no viruses” crowd are immensely frustrating. I wonder if they would refuse a rabies vaccination after being bitten by a dog foaming at the mouth. I agree that aluminum adjuvants are very harmful, and have never been properly tested for safety.
.........and people like you Erik are a serious problem as you perpetuate these myths and unscientific nonsense. Rabies is not caused by a virus that has ever been identified / isolated / shown to exist. If you think it has then kindly share the paper you want to rely on so that I can dissect it for you. No I would not take a rabies vaccine. I wonder if you actually understand the issues or arguments here. The cause of a rabid dog is unknown and likely has a very different cause to that which you think.
"none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a “virus”"
You're exposing your ignorance here.
Do some research Dingo.
What research? Sanjoy said that "none of the diseases" that vaccines "allegedly treat is caused by a "virus"". He may try to wiggle his way out of it, but I think it's clear that he doesn't know enough about vaccines to be aware that some are ostensibly designed to treat bacterial illnesses.
Yes, I am aware of bacterial illnesses allegedly prevented by vaccines. Even if those illnesses are really caused by bacteria, which at least exist (unlike viruses), my statement still stands that "none of the diseases that they allegedly treat is caused by a "virus[.]'"
NO VACCINE IS VALUABLE for anything other than controlled disease and slaughter of the innocent. PERIOD.
The Polio “vaccine” caused polio. Dr. Salk admitted this. Dr. Salk is also a whack job eugenicist. Ooops!
Reminds me on this proto Metalcore legendary album (Merauder, Master Killer) lyrics track no 1:
"Criticize - the ones before you
Immortalize - the men with the force
The powers that be try and take control
In confrontation with democracy
With the rise and fall of a nation gone to hell
As you try and steal the world your time ends
As you try and feed the world all but lies again
Defenceless are those who become their prey
Giving on demand to forge a war
Thinking nothing of it as you lose face
Looking indirectly into the rise and the fall of a nation gone to waste
As you try and steal the world your time ends
As you try and feed the world all but lies again
As you try and steal the world your time ends
As you try and feed the world all but lies again
Slaughter of the innocent - dying for their cause
Dead and buried bodies - accumulate from their wars
Symbols of the righteous ones - they think the world's their own
Apocalypse of reality - in which they behold"
‘Bobby’ is and always has been controlled opposition 101. In other words, a gatekeeper. Just like his mate, Del Bigtree. Not one of the alleged high-profile anti-vaxxers that emerged through 2020 and beyond will acknowledge that the ‘science’ of virology is fraudulent and that no virus has ever been isolated and/or proven to cause disease. And now, unsurprisingly, ‘Bobby’ has done a u-turn and joined the techno-fascists lining up to enslave Americans to their agenda.
If you believe Kennedy is a double agent you need to show why his work has extended understanding and awareness of vaccine risk and harm like never before. And this work cannot be eradicated or forgotten, it is part of a true awakening. If he is working for the perpetrators, he has inadvertently alerted many people to the truth. Is this probable?
Controlling the opposition is a more nuanced action than you seem to realise. By apparently leading a cause, controllers give the impression that they are doing something to challenge the status quo. This in turn, causes activists to relax and leave the work to the self-appointed leaders. Then, when the leaders achieve sufficient notoriety, they invariably cool their heels and let the side down.
It doesn't matter how many people have been 'awakened' to the truth - if our momentum is led by gatekeepers we do not have a chance of achieving real change because they have led us into a hopeless cul-de-sac beset with red tape and opposition.
Awareness of this topic cannot be put back into the box. And if Kennedy is working for the other side, a genuine person is now more likely to come forward. As I said, I do not discount the possibility that Kennedy is controlled opposition, we will need to wait and see.
I believe many of our "Green" MPs were installed as controlled opposition in the UK and Europe. TPTB spotted the risk of a genuine grass roots movement and moved to eviscerate it. This would have been planned and achieved twenty years ago at least.
However suppression cannot last indefinitely. Populations are realising that they have little to no chance of progressive political change. What happens next is going to be the test.
What I do find difficult to grasp is how someone - a man whose father was murdered by the CIA - will work for those same murderers. A very strange psychology for a man, particularly, to have. This is why I would defer judgement on Kennedy.
Perhaps blackmail might do it. But at his age? He might as well just take a risk and do the right is clear he knows what that is after all his work with CHD.
I like your positivity and you are right about the Greens. In all my years of activism I have seen these pop-up political leaders come and go. Really genuine grass roots leaders are very rare. Often their careers are cut short by character assassinations, compromise or even 'sudden death'. The impact of which discourages potential leaders from grabbing the baton.
It is a tricky business contending with the international crime syndicate and their alphabetti men, as RFK Jr knows too well. Maybe we should cut him some slack, as you suggest. We could be pleasantly surprised.... I s'pose.
Mind you, I cannot trust Trump to go through with his endorsement of RFK Jr. He is fickle and deceptive. I made these observations about him after his last stint as POTUS:
I agree totally with you about Trump. (Have just subscribed)
If RFKjr is genuine he must realise the danger he is in. He would need to build a power base first.
I am not without hope - so many people have become aware of the threat of a techno- totalitarian system - that we are on the cusp of massive change. An exciting and dreadful time.
They have lost many sheep from the vaccine/autism horror. That is a miscalculation of theirs. Maybe they were trying to produce gammas and deltas?
This post from Latypova tells a lot about Trump. Many of her subscribers cannot accept it.
100%. So easy for keyboard warriors to tear things down. Do these "awakened" critics ever wonder why nobody in power criticises Israel? Its damn near impossible to be sure of anything but the DNC spent many millions of real money to keep him off the ballot & out of the press for a reason. Expensive controlled opposition Id say
There is a credible argument to be made that JFK was not murdered but that the entire assassination was faked to get the US into the Vietnam War.
The CIA and Mossad murdered JFK. Among other reasons, JFK did not want The State of Israel to proliferate nuclear weapons.
Nope - that shot to the head was not faked!!!
No. I don't think so, somehow.
Do a deep dive on “his foundation” CHD.
His constant being approached by mothers of vaccine injured children asking for him to help them!!! Was not his topic of interest until he took time to read their claims to then take a stance for SAFER..properly .long term.. .not biased… tested va((Ines. He’s not ANTI..💉!!!
yes. We have so many dead and injured children. If they don't die or develop symptoms close to the inoculation. the vaccine isn't to blame. A beautiful money maker!
Thank you for making this measured argument. Who else than RFK jr. could have brought the dangers of big pharma to the national scene? I fully expected that he would need to water down his message to assimilate into the administration.
Have we forgotten the great risk that Kennedy boys take when trying to do public service? Bobby hasn’t forgotten that his father, cousin and uncle lost their lives thereby. RFK jr is most likely trying to leverage the family legacy of public service to do good at great personal risk. He’s my age and probably wants to set things right in the time he has left. I don’t count on Trump to support him fully, if at all ultimately, but desperate times require gambles and I am pleased that Kennedy softened his position so as to become confirmed as secretary of HHS.
thanks for your perceptive post
Oh Dear.
Now I have been aware of several things for many years, one of them is that a group of ppl pull the strings and I dubbed them The Puppet Masters many years ago. I also became aware that there was a dumbing down of society 37 yrs ago. I'm of GenX and it occurred to me a couple months ago, instead of writing that the CDC's 81 recommended shots are wack why not instead paid this question.
Baby boomers and GenX folks had between 3-6 childhood shots on average. Why is it that we shar the same space with those born after GenX who everyone insists that they get all these shots to protect them from these virulent viruses?
Why aren't keeling over from them?
There are aborted fetal cells , colostrum, SV40, aluminum, and a laundry list of other things in these shots. their gaslighting, CDC and the WHO corrupted as hell providing y'all with crazy information.
Average amount of ppl born after GenX who received shots suffer from physucal & mental issues. Anyone denying that should steer clear from me bc I don't have the wherewithal to try for conversations anymore. They end up the same every single time.
Name calling, rewriting history, menory-holed ppl.
Dig Id is hurtling towards us, I bet you have no idea what else the Puppet Masters have in store for the ppl?
Babies come here robust unless Mom is getting the CDC's recommended shots while pregnant.
It is time for ppl to get their heads out of the sand. Y'all were played w the covidsmovid shots,
SV40 really paid for itself. It causes latent cancers and was in the first polio injections and now in the Covid shot. You take your child to a physician to keep them healthy and they get a shot that doesn't cause cancer immediately but years from the injection. However, people are cropping up with cancer soon after the flu daughter's ex, my daughter's best friend. One of the reasons for divorce was his ridicule of her health practices.
Lilly, I’m a Baby Boomer, born in 1963. The only jabs I had were DPT, polio (Salk’s jab was rebranded by Sabin), and smallpox.
Also, in 1963, Kennedy implemented the Federal Immunization Grant Program.
My, how far the jab nonsense has come!
Vaccines don't work. Infectious diseases were hugely in decline from the late 1800s/early 1900s to the point where vaccines were developed, they were around 98% mortality decline. Vaccines just came in at the end and took credit; it was an improvement in sanitation, plumbing, hygiene and nutrition that made the difference (and always has).
Lots of evidence out there that vaccines not only don't prevent disease or outbreaks but are actually dangerous (here a few examples out of many):
Forget about that - RFK is a fraud, just like 90%+ of these prominent anti vaxxxers or so called "freedom doctors" .. but lets see and wait. What is clear is that TRUMP is put into power again to fullfill some predprogs en masse - see my article:)
No schools should mandate any drug for entrance. It isn’t them that will suffer physical adverse reactions.
The domain name was purchased in 2016. RFK Jr ended up using as his campaign site, but it shows you his entry as presidential candidate / sheepdog had been long planned, just as the "covid" op had been long planned. (Check here on url:
The "covid" op took decades of planning and "law"-making to create the onramp for rolling out the prototype EUA countermeasures made by the Pentagon so "quickly" with a liability shield. RFK Jr knows full well that they were made by the Pentagon and that the DOD paid pharma for the fraud they delivered. His conversation about this with Sasha Latapova I quoted extensively here: He's been silent about this since 2023.
"Vaccines" are the cause of our chronic diseases, hands down proof recounted here.
RFK Jr knows all this well. With his status, following, and history of speaking out, he's now turned to help the Bilderberg Groupie president Trump to rope in the masses who would've resisted the next phase of the globalist control grid if there'd been a blue Bilderberg Groupie president.
It's important to see through all these puppets and designated heroes. We need to build the new alternate systems ourselves.
I do not see Kennedy as a "hero" but as possibly the last chance for some kind of political resolution. I do not think he can rope in the masses...they will know he has betrayed them if he does not act on vaccines and autism. That cannot be avoided, and Kennedy is the one who did most to publicise this.
Katherine Watt did the research on the long term legal planning for the covid coup. - yes it took about forty years to set everything in place. Enough time to recruit Kennedy if that is what they did.
We will need to wait and see how RFK acts.
Vaccines don't work. Infectious diseases were hugely in decline from the late 1800s/early 1900s to the point where vaccines were developed, they were around 98% mortality decline. Vaccines just came in at the end and took credit; it was an improvement in sanitation, plumbing, hygiene and nutrition that made the difference (and always has).
Lots of evidence out there that vaccines not only don't prevent disease or outbreaks but are actually dangerous (here a few examples out of many):
On the other hand , maybe vaccines do the job they are designed to do...develop fatal illnesses.
You have to wonder if the author of this piece is to intentionally sow discord and nothing more. His irate response to you is strange/telling?
The sheep spend their entire life terrified of the wolf...only to be slaughtered by the shepherd.
Until we truly deeply understand this, we will forever remain PEASANTS .
Remember this little number from not that long ago:
Perhaps you're unaware of what a vile midwit she is
A person trying to say the right thing without having an honest opinion, and with not enough knowledge to back up either.
I remember him saying he would mandate a "safe" vaccine. What the hell is that? Yes, he is just playing a part in a horror movie. I don't trust ANY of them.
exactly. Tested on whose kids???
why don't they make real vaccines which only have the infectant not the poison adjuvants?
Toby Rogers calls the MAHA deflectors “Team Fruit Loops.”
A govt proclamation of a War on Fruit Loops. Like all other government “wars” it will result in a continuing erosion of civil liberties wrapped in a veneer of protection. No one is coming to save us. Just pick your ground and tune it out.
“Team Fruit Loops.”
Trump + "Bobby" + Musk = The 3 MUSKateers. Or, The 3 Muckateers. Take your pick.
Is Toby still posting on substack? Just checked and what I show is his last post was over 2 months ago?
It was in a Substack Note.
He’s constantly still putting stuff on NOTES . Just pinch in his name. Those posts are great and can be essay-length
Got it. Thank you.
RFK Jr. also called Dr. Oz — one of the corporate media’s top propagandist for the mRNA shots, starting in 2020, before they were even given emergency use authorization — an “outstanding nomination” to lead the CMS:
His supposed newfound faith in Trump when “joining forces” with him in August was not rational or believable, and the statements he immediately started making suggesting that Trump was going to “protect America’s freedoms,” “get us out of the wars,” “rebuild the middle class,” and “make America healthy again,” completely contradicted much of what he had been saying for months prior to that, including as recently as a few weeks earlier:
In another forgotten episode, RFK Jr. tried saying shortly after launching his presidential campaign that “we need to avoid... retribution and blame” for the mandates, lockdowns, censorship, and “insanity” ushered in by “mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci.”
That's despite stating in Chapter 1 of his own book that Fauci “and his Pharma collaborators,” via their corrupt, vaccine-obsessed policies — including the deliberate suppression of “inexpensive, safe medicines” — “caused hundreds of thousands of wholly unnecessary deaths.”
He walked it back after facing serious backlash:
No individual and certainly no politician is going to save people from anything, be it fluoridated water or toxic food, drugs or vaccines etc. It is technological advancement, such as social media, that has the power to exponentially increase people's awareness by allowing them to share their experiences and connect with each other like never before. I think people like Trump and RFK are just taking advantage of the momentum as more and more people become informed and consequently skeptical. The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship.
"The real challenge we face is to outsmart censorship." No... fighting the system is feeding the system. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983). I also like Darren Allen's thought that 'evil grows, by offering the lesser of two evils until all the good has gone' - nowadays, it doesn't matter who we vote for because every choice is part of an evil corrupt system...
Correct, if the people disengage from the system, there is no system! We have so much power if we could just join together. Bickering over politics is a fruitless waste of time. Parents must refuse to vax their children, stop buying process foods or fast foods. Then watch how fast things would change.
In addition to boycotting we also need to create an alternate choice. Like drive through restaurants that serve healthy choice. It’s difficult to get people to stop eating fast food when there is no equivalent but healthy alternatives. People are far more drawn to the convenience of McDonald’s than they are to its food. Getting people to stop with McDonalds will require something more than “go to the store and buy vegetables and go home and cook”. I know that’s not what you’re saying I’m just throwing that out there.
It's true. There are times that I'm so burnt out and tired from my job, all I want is to put food in my body ASAP to stop the hunger, and I can't afford decent takeout all the time. So fast and cheap take priority over the fact that it will taste like cardboard and I will get nothing out of it other then quelling the hunger pains. I know for sure I'm not the only one that experiences this.
I would like to go a step further and say, stop voting! If 80% didn't vote, our governments would have no mandate... power is in the hands of the people -
“Don’t vote! It only encourages them.”
Is a bumper sticker I saw once.
From the luxury of a good www connection on a South Pacific Island, such as mine in NZ, Anthony Colpo should be able to recall that RFK Jr was going to work with Trump 2016 to expose the Vax-Autism connection. That alignment was shattered soon after the first Trump inauguration, since - apparently - Trump was taken to a back room to be made aware of the true power centers known as the 'Deep State' - and now we (Trump2.0 + RFK Jr.) really will be allowed to dig into the Vax-Autism statistical connection as it intersects with common sense.
As to the salary that RFK Jr demands, you might also be aware that he did pay a private security force all the time. "Politico" reported:
'a firm run by security specialist Gavin de Becker. The campaign reported raising $3.1 million and spending $2.8 million in security . . . '
It will be a miracle if there are no more assassination attempts.
Was it backlash or the potential for great gain that caused him to change his stance? I’m betting on gain.
IRMA quote is “restacked” by Dr.Don
Absolute bingo! If We see Them on the cave wall (Our screens), They're part of the play and will perform Their role as scripted.
Escape the Cave! (article):
fwiw- if you go to Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack, a few days ago she posted something from a presidential budget, which showed they had money for more mRNA--so the criminal govt (and the criminal oligarchs=central bankers who control the govt) obviously don't give a crap that these shots are killing Americans (that's what they were designed for).
The Veep, JD Vance is a major investor in a biotech company called Amplifybio. A company founded in 2021 to develop “next generation cell and gene therapies”. There is no way in hell that mRNA is going away under this admin. In fact, they stand to make a killing (pun intended) on this garbage...
Fuck'em all!
Damn Nick…great catch! That’s some shit right there!👍💥
Connect the damn dots. We’re in deep shit here, and the people of this country are asleep at the wheel.
I feel like I’m watching a train wreck in slow motion…but it’s speeding up🤬!
Fuck. Them. All.
Nature haters. Boring boring people.
I follow natural healing. almost 89, NO MEDS, no car, get my food by Bicycle. I have some neuropathy issues which I could probably handle with chiropractic adjustments but I support family members with my SS so don't spend any money that I don't have to. I have deep beliefs that what is constructed in a lab is inferior to what Creator designed. Most of our innovations are for profit and no benefit..
Sandra can you mention which essay of Ana’s it is? I can’t find it or can you send a link or screenshot ...many thanks 🙏
Many thanks 🙏
Of course he did… all part of the cabal. ‘Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man..’
I wrote an open letter to him, on his Substack page, three weeks ago, asking why he and Trump were re-affirming the Genocide.
No Reply..!…..
Are you of the belief system that created the manifestation of a genocide despite there being no decrease in deaths but rather an increase in death?
Suckers will suck
Note the DJT-RFK Masonic handshake in the photo.
Thanks. That one slipped over my head.
yeah….. i was wondering if thats what i was seeing…. the handshake
Excellent write-up. Keep exposing that RFK Jr. creep.
Does anyone follow Children's Health Defence? Consistently, it has brought information and know-how to making our children healthier. I am always surprised by how much negativity is spouted. No balance of criticism and positives, just hateful condemnation.
Black and white thinking hit piece.
Vaccines are a third rail topic due to the cultural brainwashing of the public.
The only way legal changes will occur is when RFK is head of HHS and has the power to bring out injured families, truthful data, corruption.
Currently, the public cannot handle the truth that they fell for the scam. So, this all must be handled incrementally.
The Author is unaware how the world really works. R:FK is our best chance for real change.
Hang in there.
The author is well aware of how the world works:
1. Tell the masses what they want to hear, and convince them you are acting in their best interests.
2. Proceed to act against their best interests.
3. When astute observers notice the numerous contradictions in your words and behavior, relax, cognitively dissonant useful idiots will come to your defense claiming your critics don't understand how the world really works, or that your approach is "nuanced."
Bobby Jr is not our best chance for real change - a mass awakening of the masses is, and that's something Bobby Jr has no interest in pursuing. He won't acknowledge COVID was a scam, he won't admit there was no Sars-Cov-2, and he will never tell you the gene therapies were intended to injure and kill.
Have another hit of hopium and hang in there.
Right, the guy who’s life is littered with sex scandals, including implication in the death of his ex-wife, who hung out with Epstein, and is a member of the ‘American Aristocracy’, is going to ‘save’ Americans from big Pharma. The level of delusion required to think this guy was ever on ‘our’ side is mind-boggling.
More RFK ad hominem hits. You forgot his 40 years going after polluters successfully, most recently winning against Monsanto.
It’s not ad hominem. I have been aware of his work for 15 years or so, when I became an anti-vaxxer. Then, in 2020, having become a pretty accurate spotter of controlled opposition over the intervening years, I noticed he was suddenly popping up everywhere and gaining a lot of traction in the ‘alt’ media space. So I did a deep dive into him in 2020, and have subsequently read others’ research as well, and he’s as tainted as all the Kennedy men. And I can assure you, anyone who lies to get into a position of power is not doing it to exert change from within. So he’s a liar, whatever way you slice it.
They always get their operatives in place early to lead the opposition. And fwiw, Alison McDowell has some good posts on this guy (she also did a good quick video on chapter one of his book, but I can't find a link). Early on in operation covid hoax, I figured out that Kennedy and CHD were controlled opposition b/c they never stayed focused on the bogus PCR test that was driving the entire operation. They may have done an article here or there (proving that they at least knew the PCR test was BS and therefore all the cases and deaths based on it were BS) but then they would memory hole it and go along as though this was a real pandemic.
Indeed! Looking back, given what’s eventuated, you can isolate precisely who was being set up to control the agenda and how they were doing it. One of the weirdest things about RFK Jnr I observed in 2020 was his complete silence on the very odd death by drowning of his nephew and niece. And I only found out about it because I was researching Kennedy family deaths. There was barely a whimper in the MSM. So, chalk that up to two more weird Kennedy-related deaths, amongst all the others.
And yes, Alison McDowell is great. I think I might have watched one of her videos on RFK Jnr when I was digging into him.
Whole Kennedy family is supsect, a clan of hoaxers :)
Your best chance for real change is dealing with your own health, unless it’s absolutely necessary to see a doctor.
Well, one of you is unaware of how the world works anyway.
It's nice you can still believe that RFK will be the change we want to see, despite what the man actually says. Do you honestly believe that Trump, the father of the Covid jabs, would bring him on board if he was going to hold anyone accountable?
Robert is going to lead the sheep out of their sleep. Hence he has to look like one and then move the narrative to show the deceptions. Big pHARMa is entwined into our culture so it has to be removed carefully.
He has to engage as a like mind, then move these people through cognitive dissonance.
Let’s see what happens
Dear Jane with the moniker containing masonic numerology,
Bobby is not going to lead sheep out of their sleep, he is part of the hopium campaign.
"Let’s see what happens"
Ah, the same catchcry used by Trumpies, when trying to dampen criticism of the same murderer who already launched a mass poisoning campaign on behalf his globalist puppetmasters.
We’ll soon find out, Anthony.
Yer a pussy
Clowns in two thousand dollar suits may look more respectable than the dudes wearing dresses clowns in the present administration, but they're still fucking clowns whose job it is to entertain errrr distract the crowd 🤡 🎪
I'm not RFK Jr, so I can't say what's really going on in his head, but I'm hopeful that we actually have the opportunity for the beginning of change. The only way that can happen is if he finds his way into a position of actual influence. CHD hasn't been able to fight through the pharma barrier because they're relatively powerless, but he does have an affiliation with Aaron Siri who definitely is having an impact. Either way, this sort of change will only happen if enough eyes can have access to the information.
I'm not banking on an outcome here, but there are a couple of things that I see differently:
1. There's absolutely no way that he'd even be sniffing this position if he didn't tell people that he won't take away their vaccines. Those statements are part of the reason why he's still viewed as likely to get the HHS position.
2. His six kids are fully vaccinated doesn't really tell us anything. His youngest is 23, so he would have been born in 2001, which IIRC (and correct me if I'm wrong), that was before he changed his views on vaccines.
3. Donald Trump and OWS. This would be the case whether RFK got this position or not. He has a better chance of effecting change from the inside than from out. I agree: OWS is one of the greatest health disasters in our lifetimes. Zero chance any of that changes w/o RFK there. Zero chance RFK can effect any other changes w/o him there.
4. One of the biggest red flags that I don't think you've mentioned is RFK's wife through a party that required guests to be covid vaxxed. That's a big "WTF?" to me, but still: the most that I can CONCLUDE from that is that he can't force his wife to be of the same mind.
Thank you for your more ballanced post.
My ex told me If I stayed married to him, he'd back me in politics. He was VP of the Braves and i didn't respect him at all, but I respect people who get things accompishedl by riding fences. Not my style. I regard RFK as one of those who have had to fence ride to survive.
I don't believe in US vaccinations as the program is highly contaminated. I believe in building up the immune system. I'm close to 89 years, so it has worked for me. US Vaccinations too often kill and maim. The US spends more on heatlth than any other nation, but ranks at, or near the bottom for health. We are force injecting barium (radioactive), aluminum, metcury and more into our children and adults via vacciations. RFK knows this. Our allopathic health system is profit based...not health based.
Who would believe anything RFK said?? He has proven himself to be a liar. He never fooled me.
what did RFK lie about? Na m e calling without citing is not helpful