Israel's Long History as a Rogue Terrorist Nation: Part 1
The long history of Zionist terrorism the mainstream doesn't want to talk about.
terrorism: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
-Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Before I commence, a disclaimer for dumb people and disingenuous Zionists like Ben Shapiro and pretty much the entire Murdoch press who are deliberately trying to distort the boundaries of xenophobia for nefarious purposes.
An example of a genuinely ‘antisemitic’ act would be approaching a Jewish person minding their own business, and then abusing them, spitting on them, or physically assaulting them (in other words, performing the kind of attack an increasing number of Jews are committing against Christians in Israel).
Apart from your Soros rent-a-crowd and fringe Neo-Nazi Hitler fanboy types (the kind we’re expected to mindlessly support in the Ukraine), few if any critics of Zionism are encouraging or participating in such behavior.
An example of something that is NOT an ‘antisemitic’ act is criticizing Zionists and the Israeli government for their well-documented malfeasance. This is no more ‘antisemitic’ than criticizing the US government or Italian mafia is anti-American or anti-Italian.
Discussion of historical events the Zionists prefer we didn’t know or talk about is not ‘antisemitism’ - it’s called “discussing history.”
Hideously evil Zionists like Menachem Begin, David Ben-Gurion and wanted war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu are NOT above criticism simply because they are Jewish. If you disagree, and think these folks are beyond reproach simply because they’re Jews, then congratulations - you are a BIGOT. Like militant feminists, you are the very thing you disingenuously claim to despise.
No-one wants to be called a racist or xenophobe, and the ‘antisemitism’ sham cynically exploits this fear. The ‘antisemitism’ ruse is a smokescreen, an intimidation campaign designed to suppress criticism of Zionists and prevent discussion of their well-documented treachery and terrorism.
Do not fall for it.
If we’re going to be serious about making the world a better place, then we need to identify those who are making it a worse place. As you’re about to learn, Zionists fall squarely into the latter category.
Zionism as an organized political movement originated in the late 1800s, notes the CIA, but its roots go back to the 6th century BCE, “when the Jews were carried off to captivity in Babylon and their prophets encouraged them to believe that one day God would allow them to return to Palestine, or Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel).”
The mythical entity of God, however, was clearly in no hurry to fulfill the Zionist dream.
The last time the world’s most contentious tract of land hosted something resembling an independent Jewish population was during the relatively short-lived Hasmonean dynasty, from around 140 BCE to 37 BCE.
After the area was absorbed into the Roman Empire, and with the advent of Christianity, Christians replaced Jews as the majority of the population by the 4th century.
With Muslim conquest of the Levant in the first half of the 7th century, the region's demographics then shifted toward an Arab majority.
Fast forward to December 1516, and Palestine became part of the Islamic Ottoman Empire. For 401 years, it retained this status, until the fall of Jerusalem to British forces in December 1917. After the end of World War I in 1918, the Ottomans conceded control of Palestine to Britain.
On November 2, 1917 - over a month before the fall of Jerusalem - British Foreign Secretary Arthur J. Balfour made a promise to a “British Zionist leader,” who just happened to be Lord Walter Rothschild. In what would come to be known as The Balfour Declaration, the brief letter expressed “His Majesty’s” support for the establishment in Palestine of a “national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.”
On July 22, 1922 at a private meeting of the Council of the League of Nations (forerunner to the United Nations) at St. James Palace in London, the British were awarded formal international recognition as administrators of Palestine, a position they had held de facto since the end of 1917.
It should be noted the Palestine Mandate was not popular among the British public, who resented their exorbitant taxes being used to fund an occupation that looked to be an appeasement of wealthy, powerful Zionists.
Not surprisingly, the Palestinians weren’t exactly ecstatic either when, instead of being allowed to assume self-governance, their country was formally handed over to the British.
The then-minority Jewish population in Palestine, whose God was still taking his sweet time delivering them their promised land, also started getting antsy.
The next three-and-a-half decades of British control oversaw a succession of protests, riots and revolts by both the Jewish and Palestinian Arab communities. Jewish-Arab conflict in Palestine resulted in many deaths on both sides, “despite efforts of the occupying British army to keep peace.”
International Hypocrisy
Given their last bout of sporadic control of Palestine ended over 2,000 years ago, the Jewish claim as rightful owners of Israel is tenuous, to put it mildly. By way of comparison, the Australian aborigines enjoyed an unbroken period of residency spanning 47,000-65,000 years, before the British First Fleet arrived in 1788 and began dumping the first of an eventual 160,000+ convicts.
Outside the uber-arrogant world of Zionism, only a Murdoch journalist would deny the aborigines have an infinitely stronger claim to Australia as their natural homeland than the Jews could ever dream of having for Palestine.
Yet imagine if the UN endorsed a proposal by an aboriginal lobby group to establish an indigenous ‘homeland’ by annexing large and prime portions of Australia, including coastal cities like Melbourne and Sydney.
Pro-Israel columnists like Andrew Bolt would spit their Nescafe instant coffee all over their screens, and promptly write a column or two hundred about the sheer insanity of the idea.
They would do this while simultaneously calling Israel our “friend” and “ally” (even though Israel has never fought in a war alongside Australian soldiers), and defending the IDF bombing of Gaza schools, hospitals and killing of innocents.
If faced with the prospect of being forced out of their own homes here in Australia, and having to do so while dodging the bombs, bullets and bulldozers of a ruthless IDF (Indigenous Defence Force), Bolt and his ilk would be singing a very, very different tune.
Look Beyond the Stereotypes
Israeli sympathizers in the West claim Israel’s anti-Arab bloodlust is justified, because it is simply defending itself against a bunch of evil terrorists. Most people are too dumb and brainwashed to appreciate that the real terrorists do not live in Gaza and throw rocks at belligerent IDF soldiers - to the contrary, they live taxpayer-funded lives of privilege and belong to organizations like the UN, WHO, G20, WEF, IMF and the rest of the alphabet soup whose primary purpose is to control the global masses and deliver their tax money and increasing dominion over their lives to an obscenely wealthy parasite class that makes up but a fraction of the world’s population.
Instead of identifying the real terrorists, popular Western stereotyping has long zeroed in on Arabs, depicting them as a bunch of perennially angry, frothy-mouthed fanatics with a Jihad fetish. Jews, meanwhile, are portrayed as the perpetually downtrodden, hapless, persecuted people who just want to be left alone and live their quiet, innocent lives.
These brain-numbing stereotypes further portray Israel as a civilized country, and the Palestinians as a bunch of feral, backward, bomb-exploding terrorists.
In their 2003 paper on Jewish terror groups, Perliger and Weinberg note:
"So far as many people are concerned, the principal role played by Jews in modern terrorist activity in the Middle East and elsewhere is that of victim ... The role of Jews as victims of terrorist attacks fits into a wider conception of Jewish identity over the centuries: Jews as quintessential victims."
Because I also have a very low regard for patently one-sided, highly revisionist, propagandist portrayals of history, now would be a good time to mention one Menachem Begin.
Meet the Proud Father of Middle East Terrorism (Spoiler Alert: He Ain’t No Arab)
Before the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, Menachem Begin was leader of the militant Zionist group Irgun (or Etzel).
Irgun, along with fellow militant group Lehi (aka the Stern Gang), were offshoots of Haganah, a paramilitary group active between 1920-1948 with a mission to protect Jews from Arab attacks and rioting. Until the end of WWII, the Haganah group cooperated heavily with the British security forces in Mandatory Palestine and was ordered not to attack Arabs indiscriminately.
This policy of moderation, however, irked the more trigger-happy members of the Haganah, which later led to splintering and the creation of the indiscriminately violent Irgun and Lehi.
These splinter groups also became increasingly impatient with Britain, who now seemed reluctant to relinquish control of Palestine.
Britain’s reticence to leave the area may have had something to do with its realization that the Dead Sea contained billions of dollars worth of mineral resources. A 1929 article in the English-language Daily Jewish Bulletin reported:
“The mineral wealth of the Dead Sea, the reputed bed of Sodom and Gemorrah, is estimated to be eight hundred million pounds Sterling and equivalent of $4,000,000,000, a sum which would be sufficient to pay the expenses of all nations who participated in the World War, declared Sir Herbert Samuel, former High Commissioner of Palestine in a lecture he delivered last night at the Westbourne Park Baptist Church.”
Zionist Terror Groups Embark on an Orgy of Mayhem and Murder
The Irgun conducted over 60 attacks on Arab targets during the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 alone.
On June 19, 1938, eighteen Arabs – including 6 women and 3 children – were killed, and 24 injured, in Haifa by an Irgun bomb detonated in a crowded Arab marketplace.
In July 1938, the group planted a mine in a Haifa market, resulting in over 70 Arab deaths.
In February 1939, thirty-three Arabs were killed in multiple attacks.
In 1939, the Irgun shifted its anomosity toward the British authorities. In August 1939, the British administration’s broadcast center in Jerusalem was blown up and a few days later, a high-ranking British officer was killed.
In February 1944, convinced he could intimidate and embarrass the British into withdrawing from Palestine, Begin upped the ante, launching a series of often deadly attacks on British targets. The insurgency engulfed Palestine and cost hundreds of British lives.
The Irgun and Lehi attacks intensified throughout 1944. These operations were financed by demanding money from Jewish merchants and engaging in insurance scams in the local diamond industry.
In December 1945, three British policemen and 4 Sotho soldiers were killed when a British CID HQ was bombed in Jerusalem.
The most famous of these terrorist attacks was the July 22, 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which served as the British Mandatory authority’s central office. A bomb placed in the basement by Irgun killed over ninety people, including many civilian employees of Arab, British, and Jewish background.
The Lehi’s terror spree included the assassination of Lord Moyne, the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, who Zionist terrorists viewed as a model of Britain’s intransigence. He was gunned down in Cairo in November 1944.
On January 12, 1947, the Lehi introduced a new mode of terrorism to the world: The booby-trapped motor vehicle. Lehi terrorists drove a truckload of explosives into a British police station in Haifa, Palestine, killing 4 and injuring 140.
On January 4, 1948, the Lehi targeted the Saraya building in Jaffa, using a vehicle disguised as a truck carrying oranges. When the truck, containing about half a ton of explosives, detonated, the explosion killed 28 Arabs including many civilians. Hundreds more were injured.
Car and truck bombs became a favored method of indiscriminately killing and maiming Arabs, and other criminal groups around the world - including the IRA and Sicilian mafia - soon embraced the tactic.
The Deir Yassin Massacre
On April 9, 1948, the disgusting creature known as Menachem Begin participated in what is widely regarded as the most despicable militant Zionist attack of the period. The massacre has been aptly described by author William A Cook in The Plight of the Palestinians as “the signature example of the intent of the Zionist Consultancy and its agents to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its non-Jewish inhabitants” (p. 6, 2010 edition).
Accompanied by a large number of Irgun and Lehi militants, Begin entered the Arab village of Deir Yassin, on the outskirts of occupied Palestine.
The village was peaceful and its inhabitants were unarmed civilians.
Historian and author Benny Morris is an interesting case, in that he professes to be a Zionist, but one who was not prepared to gloss over the wanton terrorism employed to establish and maintain an Israeli state. He recounts the Deir Yassin atrocity in his book, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionists-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001:
“Whole families were riddled with bullets . . . men, women, and children were mowed down as they emerged from houses; individuals were taken aside and shot. Haganah intelligence reported ‘there were piles of dead. Some of the prisoners moved to places of incarceration, including women and children, were murdered viciously by their captors . . . LHI (Lehi) members . . . relate that the IZL (National Military Organization) men raped a number of Arab girls and murdered them afterward’ (we don’t know if this is true). Another intelligence operative (who visited the site hours after the event) reported the ‘adult males were taken to town Jerusalem in trucks and paraded in the city streets, then taken back to the site and killed . . . Before they were put on the trucks, the IZL and LHI men searched the women, men, and children [and] took from them all the jewelry and stole their money.’ Finally, the ‘Haganah made great efforts to hide its part in the operation.’”
Estimates of the number murdered during the unprovoked and wholly unwarranted attack range between 107 and 254 people.
The rape allegations, while entirely plausible given the nature of the assailants and the well-documented use of rape as a tool of humiliation by conquering parties, remained the subject of some debate. However, in a 2004 interview with Ha’aretz Daily, Morris discussed new material uncovered while working on a revised edition of his book.
“The revised book is a double-edged sword,” the Zionist author told the interviewer. “It is based on many documents that were not available to me when I wrote the original book, most of them from the Israel Defense Forces Archives. What the new material shows is that there were far more Israeli acts of massacre than I had previously thought. To my surprise, there were also many cases of rape. In the months of April-May 1948, units of the Haganah … were given operational orders that stated explicitly that they were to uproot the villagers, expel them and destroy the villages themselves.”
When the interviewer asked Morris, according to his new findings, how many cases of Israeli rape were there in 1948, he replied:
“About a dozen. In Acre four soldiers raped a girl and murdered her and her father. In Jaffa, soldiers of the Kiryati Brigade raped one girl and tried to rape several more. At Hunin, which is in the Galilee, two girls were raped and then murdered. There were one or two cases of rape at Tantura, south of Haifa. There was one case of rape at Qula, in the center of the country. At the village of Abu Shusha, near Kibbutz Gezer [in the Ramle area] there were four female prisoners, one of whom was raped a number of times. And there were other cases. Usually more than one soldier was involved. Usually there were one or two Palestinian girls. In a large proportion of the cases the event ended with murder.” (Bold emphasis added)
He added, “Because neither the victims nor the rapists liked to report these events, we have to assume that the dozen cases of rape that were reported, which I found, are not the whole story. They are just the tip of the iceberg.” (Bold emphasis added)
Discussing massacres committed in 1948 alone, he commented:
“There was also a great deal of arbitrary killing. Two old men are spotted walking in a field – they are shot. A woman is found in an abandoned village – she is shot. There are cases such as the village of Dawayima, in which a column entered the village with all guns blazing and killed anything that moved.”
“The worst cases were Saliha (70-80 killed), Deir Yassin (100-110), Lod (250), Dawayima (hundreds) and perhaps Abu Shusha (70) … At Jaffa there was a massacre about which nothing had been known until now. The same at Arab al Muwassi, in the north. About half of the acts of massacre were part of Operation Hiram [in which] there was a unusually high concentration of executions of people against a wall or next to a well in an orderly fashion.”
“That can’t be chance. It’s a pattern. Apparently, various officers who took part in the operation understood that the expulsion order they received permitted them to do these deeds in order to encourage the population to take to the roads. The fact is that no one was punished for these acts of murder. Ben-Gurion silenced the matter. He covered up for the officers who did the massacres.”
News about the Deir Yassin massacre spread out quickly in Palestine, causing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the neighboring villages to flee in fear of suffering a similar fate.
Begin never regretted the massacre, nor apologized for it. In his autobiography The Revolt, he said his troops who entered the village “gave warnings” to the Arabs, and callously added, “the civilians who had disregarded our warnings suffered inevitable casualties.”
The Zionist butchery could not even begin to be justified on the grounds of ‘self-defense,’ the current fave catch-cry of Israel sycophants. As Ben-Gurion recorded in his personal history of Israel: “From 1946 to 1947 there were scarcely any Arab attacks on the Yishuv [the Jewish community in Palestine].”
And now here’s where things go from unspeakably evil to incomprehensibly insane.
Menachem Begin, the Nobel Prize Winner
Begin was recognized by the British government as the "leader of the notorious terrorist organisation" Irgun. He was declined an entry visa to the UK between 1953 and 1955. However, evil Zionists always seem to get what they want, and Begin’s overtures of ‘friendship’ eventually paid off. He was granted a visa in 1972, five years prior to becoming the Israeli prime minister.
Yes, you read that right. Instead of being the subject of an international arrest warrant, this mastermind behind numerous British deaths and terrorist murderer of innocent civilians was granted the legal right to visit the UK.
Not only that, but he became the sixth Prime Minister of Israel, a country whose defense force gleefully embraced the tactics of its paramilitary predecessors. In fact, many of the force’s original soldiers were recruits from Irgun and Lehi.
To top off the absurdities, the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Begin and Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat and "for jointly having negotiated peace between Egypt and Israel in 1978."
All the innocent Arab, British and Jewish victims who had been butchered and murdered by Begin and his merry band of satanic scum must have been rolling in their graves.
In 1974, British author and journalist Russell Warren Howe interviewed Begin. He was told prior to the interview by both an Israeli ambassador friend and the Israeli assistant secretary of foreign affairs that Begin was a “mischievous little man” and a “hand-kissing creep.” Given Begin’s history, it could be argued they were being unusually kind.
As the cameras started rolling, Howe wasted no time in getting to the point. He looked Begin right in the eye and asked: "How does it feel, in the light of all that's going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?"
"In the Middle East?" Begin bellowed back, in his thick, cartoon accent. "In all the world!"
That night, Howe called his ambassador friend to tell him of Begin's remark. "You see, he does have a sense of humor!” quipped Howe.
“Russell, you have understood nothing,” replied the diplomat. “He was absolutely serious when he said that.”
Meet the Jewish Atheists Occupying the Land ‘God’ Promised to Them
Six years earlier, Howe had interviewed Golda Meir, who was about to become the fourth prime minister of Israel. Howe asked Meir why Israel didn't do more to make itself accepted as a Middle Eastern nation.
“That's the last thing we want to be!” she thundered. “We are and must remain a European nation.”
As this ran contrary to the narrative of fleeing Europe to be Hebrews in the land of the prophets, Howe prodded further.
“But I am an atheist!” Meir explained. Because Howe looked surprised - “more at the admission than at the fact”, he says - she added: “Half - no, 60 percent - of my ministers are atheists, I think.”
“Then what God promised you this land?”
"You understand nothing," Meir replied, first with her own look of surprise and then a smile. She went on to explain to Howe, patiently, that Zionism was not a religious movement, despite its name, and that Jewry was not an association based on faith, but on a common experience.
"Like freemasonry?"
"Not exactly, but yes, a bit. That's closer.”
Readers unfamiliar with the true history of Zionism and Israel should by now be realizing they’ve been fed a very selective and heavily curated version of history.
However, the above is but a prelude. In the next installment, we’ll look at other examples of Zionist treachery, such as the Lavon Affair and USS Liberty false flag attacks, Israel’s lobbying of the US and UK to launch war on Iraq while sitting on the sidelines selling weapons to the warring parties, and Israel’s support of Hamas.
Thanks Anthony. To be clear, "Israeli" in the case of what the country is doing means the occult government run by the Global Elite, not the avg person on the street. The Israeli govt is no more the avg person in Israel or Jewish person you may see in the supermarket than Biden, Trump, Harris, Hillary, Bush etc. are like Americans you see in your home town. The Israeli military is just psyoped into doing their bidding. The US mil has done the same things. It has involved itself in the deaths of many millions of persons in WWII, south east asia, Iraq, etc. for the same no real reason that the Israeli military does. The only reason for these things is it keeps the Elites in power and changes the world in a way for them to get more world control.
High praises to you for taking on such a thorny topic, Anthony.
Only yesterday, in response to another tedious and baseless accusation of racism, I rebutted that Jews aren’t a race. There are clear genetic markers for Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, but this is only one of several groupings comprising all peoples considered to be Jews. Nor are Jews an ethnicity, as it turns out.
Judaism isn’t even a religion but the geopolitical project of a supremacist, literally hysterical, highly-incestuous cult promoting a Jewish master race. While Zionism as an organised political movement originated in the late nineteenth century, as you correctly stated, the idea of Zion is central to and an inseparable aspect of Jewish identity to all Jews.
Judaism is an apocalyptic death cult of people guided by their own self-composed scripture, which is scarcely more than a scandalous and hateful blood revenge manifesto.
A Quechua man or woman is born and lives out his or her life as Quechua. There are distinct and irrefutable identifiers of their lineage. On the other hand, because being a Jew is neither a race, nor an ethnicity, nor even a religion, any Jew that should feel moved to do so would be freely able to renounce their Jewishness.