tremendous critique! tremendous! Kirsch’s profound ignorance, not to mention his deeply embarrassing unhinged manner was on full display during his feeble attempt to cross-examine rather than “debate” dr. andrew Kaufman

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He began bothering me the moment I became aware of him, on that now infamous "Dark Horse" podcast. With Robert Malone.

He wouldn't allow anyone to finish a thought. His ego was in command.

And Robert Malone? Was never a fan.

In his case, my discomfort with him was initially seen "in his eyes"... (And also have trouble with his wife... But that's another story innit?)

Really scientific I know, 😉, however I've always tended to trust my gut instincts.

Whenever I have ignored my instinctive reactions to people, or situations? I've end up paying the price.

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Hi UM,

you'd probably enjoy The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. It's a personal protection book, but the focus is on situational awareness rather than self-defense moves. de Becker is a security consultant and he stresses in his book that we should never ignore our little voice inside when it tells us something is not quite right with a person or situation.

My early impressions of Malone mirrored yours. The emotionless gaze, the monotone voice didn't seem consistent with someone genuinely impassioned and upset by the injustice of the COVID and vaxxx charade. As his interview with Doc Malik showed, Malone is certainly prone to losing his cool, so its interesting he chooses to break out of his concrete facade only when challenged on things like the virus narrative - or when banging on about how he didn't get enough credit for 'inventing' the toxic mRNA technology.

Suffice to say, something struck me as off about the guy early on. I think its fair to say our initial impressions have been confirmed and then some.

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Was told by boots on the ground in HI that Malone stayed at DeBecker's crib in HI during the CHD/Global Covid Summit Group staged model shoot. Cannot vouch.


Was told by different boots on the ground in HI that Kory and Cole (also Global Covid Summit, Puerto Rico attendees) were back in HI about two weeks before the Maui "bad land management" fires.

He's Bobby Kennedy's Security Chief and a donor to Ron Johnson as well. Pal of Dowd, also a HI denizen.

Make of it what you will.

DeBecker is one degree from every player.

The little voice in my head I am not ignoring about GDB.



Great article laying out the "isolation" methods in plain English.

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Hi Sage,

wow, I didn't know this about DeBecker ... what a tangled web they weave.

Thanks for the heads up.

I see he's handled Jeff Bezos' security for over two decades:


He says actress Carrie Fisher "arranged" the loss of his virginity, so I imagine both he and the celebrities he protects have some mutual secrets to hide.

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I saw an online q and answer session Malone hosted months ago where he called one questioner an idiot for asking whether the 'vaccines' contain graphene 'of course not ( idiot) Malins replied - arrogance, lack of respect for layperson and lies. He does happen to look and sound sinister also.

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"The emotionless gaze, the monotone voice..."


Your surname means "hit".

Right on the head there, Anthony.

Thanks for your book recommendation. I'll find it.


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I think Malone knows who is who so he dares to bark over the lightweight & shallow fellow that is Malik. He knows Malik has nothing in depth to offer he thus has the upper hand.

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“I don’t even know what that means,” objected Kirsch.

“You don’t need to know,” replied Swab. “Just post ze bloody article!” —— I literally burst out laughing here 😂😂😂

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omg, this is so crucial to understand, you explain it so clearly, and it is hilarious to boot.

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No "virus" has ever been proven to exist.

"Viruses", "contagions" and "pandemics" are nothing more than myths that we, over generations, have been indoctrinated to believe.

"Viruses" do not exist, even if Big Pharma wants you to believe so


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Excellent article and analysis as usual. That people do not understand and believe these stories shows just how much control and brainwashing can be accomplished by the controling institutions, media and their school system. Money and credit make it happen (with some idiots like Kirsch sprinkled in).

What is a virus definition? If just a bunch of protein combinations called RNA, then, sure, they do exist but they do not do anything as claimed. The DNA computer creation can be replicated by cells into RNA but so what. It does not replicate itself faithfully and peters out in short order.

The whole covid contagion idea is a false as the post-WWII man-made cold war story that was made up and went viral all over the world. Maybe you can ask Kirsch if that was a virus also.

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This was a fascinating and hilarious read.

By the way? Canada's "flu season" magically disappeared in 20-21 too.


Things that make you go hmmm, eh?

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Why do I always feel immediately compelled to grab some snacky-snacks and a glass of good wine after my first paragraph into your posts....🤣🙌🍷

Brilliant, as always, Anthony. Bravo!

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I agree LOL.. I have been following Anthony´s work since the beginning.. it is difficult to find an independent researcher that always backs up his arguments with solid evidence, and who is very entertaining to read as well.. He is unique..

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Question: is Steve Kirsch a crazy physco maniac for believing his eyes and ears when investigating the Amish uptake of any vax? So the common theme in the Amish communities is the fact that they don’t seem to be affected by autism /adhd/auto immune disease, etc, etc, etc

What say you about the trends of the Amish and the trends they have with no pharmaceutical products.

I believe that there may be a very clear and present connection with the health of our minors and the pharmaceutical industrialization of our health!

The human biological system was not intended to dispose of so many toxins at such a premature state.

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"is Steve Kirsch a crazy physco maniac"

My preferred description would be "shamelessly dishonest, self-aggrandizing narcissist" ... "annoying motor-mouthed wanker" also has a nice ring to it.

As for the Amish, I don't disagree that they're doing themselves a favour by avoiding vaccines. I think vaccination is a pseudoscientific scam, and I've got several studies on file showing unvaxxed kids show better health outcomes than vaxxed kids.

Getting it right on one thing doesn't excuse egregious dishonesty and evasion when defending another of one's pet beliefs.

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I won’t argue all the name calling aside. We need to address the issue of vaccine safety . It is imperative to our future generations, if we haven’t already gone too far

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Kirsch's tactics during the Kaufman "debate"... I mean interrogation, were pretty obvious.

1) Phrase questions so they have to be answered yes or no, even if it is a loaded question that would require an explanation. If the responder tries to explain why he can't answer a rigged question, cut him off and repeat "yes or no!"

2) Steer the conversation to technobabble. The handlers gave him a crib sheet of 6 different kinds of 'sequencing', because yeah, you might be able to fuck with the pseudoscience of cell cultures, but you can never question our new Gods- genetics fed into computers. Computer models don't lie man!

3) How can a shit ton of lab coat people all get the exact same results out of the computers? I'm dropping the big bang bandwagon fallacy on you, Andy! If lots of nerds around the globe can produce the same bullshit computer print out, it's not just a giant pile of downstream manure, it is SCIENCE!

Stevie boy is going down with the virus ship. She's like a girlfriend who has been cheating on him but he is too obsessed to let her go.

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Yes, his tactics were pretty obvious. The first 15 minutes or so of that 'debate' consisted of Kirsch repeatedly trying to pigeonhole Andrew into accepting his "self-serving" T&Cs.

I lost count of the number of times Kirsch said, "would you agree with me that..."

When he asked Andrew to confirm his name (?), I wanted to reach into the computer and ...

It was painful to watch. I feel sorry for anyone who has to live or work with this clown.

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Lovely stuff. Absolutely spot on and hilarious with it.

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Hi Anthony, great work. The whole double helix DNA thing seems like scientific fraud as well. I can’t recall if I found this link through you or elsewhere, but I urge everyone to have a read:


The author Tam shows that the same Rockefeller playbook has been used to push as real something that has never been proved.

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Best explanation I've seen so far, excellent!

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Everything you said ALSO applies to "cold and flu".

Pneumonia is not a cold or a flu.

Where's the proof the variety of viruses we're told are responsible for those have ever been isolated to those same standards covid/sars-cov-2 are being scrutinized? That seems to be just as absent doesn't it.

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Hi Marc, just to be clear, I don't claim cold, flu or pneumonia are caused by viruses, let alone ones that have been isolated by anything resembling exacting scientific standards.

That doesn't change the fact that every winter, hordes of people suffer respiratory ailments that we dub cold, flu or pneumonia, depending on their severity.

I consider the virus paradigm a fabrication, a Golden Goose that delivers a constant stream of tyranny-enabling, fear porn eggs for the globalist parasite class.

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That’s my position, too, though it took me a while to shake off the lifelong programming.

In my case, because they aren’t far from my personal work history of clinical & non clinical experiments, it was the century of published, FAILED attempts to demonstrate symptomatic transmission from anyone with symptoms of acute respiratory illnesses (colds and flu) to be able to “infect” anyone else.

I defy anyone to scan through that literature and conclude “For sure, these are infectious diseases and highly contagious to boot”.

On the contrary, these reproducible findings tell us that acute respiratory illnesses aren’t infectious in nature and origin & aren’t contagious. I appreciate it’s a shock to many. In truth I don’t think I’ve entirely persuaded my wife yet, though she is now familiar with the arguments.

I find it maddening that this mass of literature is simply set aside by those who are convinced without evidence of the conventional lying about these illnesses.

I’ve also been at pains to explain why people often have experiences of acute respiratory illnesses that is consistent with transmission, yet is also consistent with coincidence and force fitting (misattribution). People get colds often enough that it’s often not difficult to pin it on someone else. Also, whatever the causes of these illnesses is, there is highly likely to be an environmental trigger & this is often shared by people who think they “caught a cold” from someone else.

Then we get the dull witted response from people who say “I had the worst illness I’ve ever had. It was nothing like flu, that’s how I KNOW it was a novel virus”.

People have few real “influenza” episodes in a lifetime, perhaps 2-3. I’ve had two in 64 years.

So what are the chances someone gettihg flu in 2020 will validly report “it was the worst I’ve ever had”? I estimate it to be a substantial minority, just by blind chance alone. In other words, it’ll ALWAYS be true of a flu season that many will claim “it’s the worst I’ve ever had”.

So those anecdotes, even at a scale, cannot be used as evidence for a novel virus or indeed a virus at all.

Please keep writing, Anthony! Very incisive as well as funny!

Best wishes


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Virus or not, and I have discovered that viruses do not exist, 'Covid 19' in its more severe cases, is not flu. GPs are not people I trust much or at all after ex periencing the GP clinic ring me, text me a few times to get Covid 'vax' ( es), but it's bec ome clear that millions of people in UK, have long term (3 yrs or 4 for some) of sev ere health damage after suffering from Covid. Flu does not leave lo g term symptoms like these eg breathlessness, very weak painful muscles especially ially in legs, balance issues, strong fatigue and more. I asked the GP which ages are in the Covid support clinics which have been set up cou try wide for these long term symptoms.ptoms and she replied that even some young people are incapacitated in this way. Some people such as my daughter did get ' Covid' each time she was 'vaccinated' ( I begged her not to but...) and hers was relatively mild each time with no long term noticeable health problems. ( She has changed personality somewhat since jabs' but that's another issue).

Not a virus, not Contagion, ot flu so what is this, no doubt, man made illness?

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Long term symptoms? says who, doctors?

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Thanks for replying. I figured as much, but felt it can't hurt to clarify. Either way, to whatever extent the proposed officialdom may or may not have any basis in reality, it's clear that the dogma is misconstrued to the general public at best, in order to serve specific objectives that don't necessarily truly have anything to do with anyone's well being, while it gets touted as some sort of absolutely proven scientific certainty that we must all believe or else. I think we are on the same page.

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Great post!

Especially enjoyed the reference to Human League's "Don't you want me?"

Fire and Gravity analogy was great, especially proving "Gravity".

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I was banned from commenting on Steve Kirsch's Substack because of an allegation of spamming. If posting a question three times on Steve's substack is spamming, I'm guilty. What was the question? You will love this Anthony ... "Where's the proof of the pathogenic virus?" Simple question, but I guess the reason he booted me is found in this substack article. :)

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You weave truth and humour into something unbeatable ❤️Thank you.I am so happy Dr Mike Yeadon recommended you.

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