Jul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

But Trump is fighting against the system! This is the deep state clearly missing the mark and trying to kill him because he's so anti-establishment.

He put Hillary behind bars, drained the swamp, and also didn't Warp Speed the vaccines.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

You forgot to mention that he executed Obama at Guantanamo Bay 😀

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Everything you're watching exposes the corruption because of what Trump does or doesn't do...isn't that a good thing? To expose the corruption?

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No one is coming to save us. We have, each of us, to do that job.

I’m really surprised at the number of apparently aware people who think Trump is a good guy.

I’d tried, by pointing out that, 3.5y since millions of people started getting injured and dying from the OWS injections, Trump has never condemned the jabs. Maybe in spring 2021, ignorance might just have flown.

Yet lots of people still seem to believe that this TV actor is their friend.

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Jul 17Liked by Anthony Colpo

And lots of people still seem to believe that this TV actor is their enemy.

What’s crazier is how people choose to be fed the propaganda. Oh, how they love to gobble up the empty calories.

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There was a leaked video today between Trump and RFK Junior. I saw it. It got pulled pretty quickly, but you can still read about it online. I don’t think Trump realized that the vaccines were dangerous at the time of OWS. I believe he was hornswoggled, just as many of my doctors still are.

But that call indicated that Trump has some issue w jabs now, especially for babies.

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Yet he won't admit he was wrong.

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Fake leak!

Even if it’s real, it shows that that’s the best he can do: a leak.

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Rfk jr has apologized to Trump for the leak.

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Trump has said he used to be one of them many times. He came out and said he knows how they operate because he was in that world. So, he tells the people he was in that world and you're saying he still operates in that world and has fooled everyone after admitting he was operating in that world that controls everything?

So he's robbing the store as he tells the store owner he used to be a robber? I believe what you're witnessing is THE ART OF THE DEAL and how Trump is pulling off a brilliant plan that will backfire on this leviathan.

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In a multi-party democracy the ‘game’ is not good government, it's the election process itself. Ruling entities do not care what side you are on (Democrat/Republican, Liberal/ Conservative, Right/Left) they only care that you pick a side. This makes division of the people easier [compete vs. cooperate] and is the con in consent to self enslavement. Trump/Musk/Vance/m-RNA connection. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/j-d-vance-installed-as-running-mate

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Operation Warp Speed showed the world that the virus was fake....is that a good thing?

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Where was Corey Comperatore situated when this deadly skit was being performed? I have seen many image-based analyses of the rooftops and stage but I can't find a single reference anywhere as to how Comperatore got shot and where he was at that moment. Help me out here.

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This is my question as well. Thanks for asking.

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Yeah, I think someone would have videotaped that on their cell phone. Even if it was an invasion of his privacy, people generally record that sort of thing anyway.

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Same place as Ashli Babbit???

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This is the question I've been asking as well. 👍👍

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Apparently in the bleachers to Trump's right, which is why I wonder who would've shot him if it wasn't crooks.

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It's now the morning of the 17th and, after viewing/reading more accounts, I'm beginning to believe that the patsy/shooter Crooks did not fire a shot. Those three shots we heard came from the police Anti-snipers up on the roof behind Trump/bleachers, at least one of which nailed Crooks. The other five shots came from...??? Another shooter...somewhere??? Whose rounds hit Comperatore/others? And, Trump? Did he really get hit at all? Was this all just a pre-planned and staged "event" by the Trump team? Just spitballing here... I'm in that age group that witnessed: JFK assassination, MLK assassination, RFK assassination. Let's just say our generation has PTSD when it comes to things like this.

Nothing really adds up, does it??

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Jul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

The Patsy Shooter laying down on the roof in his snipe position was on the far side of the roof peak designated buy the obvious ridge vent. There is no way he could up and over the peak of the roof and down at trump at the podium. There is tons of footage to show this and the classic badge of honor picture where the official looking military police stand over his dead body where he lays 20 feet away from the ridge vent. This kid did not take a shot at trump!

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Jul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Yup, total hoax:

medical doctor, Dr. Rima Laibow, calls BS, looks at blood and lack thereof, says staged theater:



I've been trauma nurse for a long time and I’ve never seen a guy roll through my trauma room after being shot do a fist pump in my life. Never mind directly afterward being shot. They are usually in complete shock

Jeff Berwick/Dollar Vigilante says this is old WWE trick, feign injury, drop out of camera range, get cut, get back on camera with blood. I wasn't so sure until I saw the video on the left where Trump touches ear, no blood on his hand, then goes down.

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Jul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

forgot the video:



Imagine a bullet and velocity hitting your ear and you pat it like its a mosquito. Makes no sense.


You think if you were hit at any level in the ear by a high velocity projectile round, your head wouldn't be ringing and you wouldn't lose balance, and be dazed as F*ck.

NOT standing like a hero with your fist high to the audience.

Blood smear is Hollywood 101.

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Stay away from Jeff Berwick he is a bottom feeding state asset. Really slimy guy.

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deletedJul 16
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We are getting smarter.

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And less reactive.

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Knowing it’s staged actually makes me more compassionate towards the people that buy into the staging, crazed as they are.

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Simple incompetence explains all the odd things that happened. Have you ever tried to get something simple done at the DMV? Or call your bank? How do they make something so simple into such a pain in the ass? Incompetence. And you think somehow a host of people controlled hundreds of variables and kept this “hoax” a secret to pull off the ultimate fake assassination plot? Which is more likely? In my opinion incompetence is the most likely explanation.

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Yes, totally agree.

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deletedJul 16
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Yes. I do not consent to be governed. NOT VOTING. It really eases one's mind.

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LOL! I suggest the whole of it was scripted. Everything!

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

The Trump Show (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-trump-show

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Jul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo


This is the picture that shows the shooter could not see trump.

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I don't think there was a "shooter." Surely not at Trump. I give very high probability the whole was part of the globalist play.

The Trump Show (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-trump-show

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Jul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

"All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts"

- Shakespeare (another masonic psyop)

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Dunno why 'masonic', but the bard was sure good at psyops when it came to Richard III.

Sorry: off-topic. Tsk !

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Let's see what Trump's ear looks like.

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The left has been doing all the propaganda so now the right wants to get involved: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-right-propaganda-is-still-propaganda

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The first video looks to me like the sniper is moving his gun into a new position, not actually firing it.

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I thought so too.

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This post is shit…..author is fat democratic woman , age 65 with 20 cats

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Author is male with no cats and 1 dog and, I dare say, in far better shape than you'll ever be, and with more intelligence than you'll possess in ten lifetimes.

But I could be biased.

Unlike you, I realize that both Democrats and Republicans are same crap, slightly different texture and smell. Neither have your best interests at heart. National debt and restrictive laws reliably increase under both.

Now, feel free to post an actual rebuttal to the points I have raised, rather than potty-mouthed insults that have no basis in fact.

Happy to field earnest counterarguments, but I think it's time to start blocking trolls who come here with nothing but insults .

Your first and last warning.

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You rock, Anthony Colpo!! 👏🏻👏🏻💖

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Impossible definitely old cat lady …….you are wrong

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Sasha rules ……all,of you are fools

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Please be aware that the July 13 event is very similar to Oct 7 in terms of making once-rational Substackers irrational.

I don’t think that guy is a troll.

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I’m a 64 year old woman but I’m not fat…I’m kinda fine for my age🤣😂🤣

Oh but I do have four beautiful cats which live on a farm and live better than the average person!

They actually drink water from a natural aquifer well with no chemicals so don’t be too hard on the TDS disease.

Her only option of hydration is the koolaid 😆 and nowadays everything consumed is tainted!

Don’t degrade cats please😂🤣😂

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You’re fat. And you need deodorant. Your neighbors say so.

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Is it really😂🤣😂?

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deletedJul 16Liked by Anthony Colpo
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"If voting really changed anything, they wouldn't let us do it."

-Anonymous wise person

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Maybe I missed something here but I felt sure there were a lot more shots than just 3. Of course that could be faked but this video didn’t seem to cover that aspect.

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More shots were fired, but after Trump was already on the ground and smothered by agents. The issue here is the three money shots that have been televised around the world, the second of which we are supposed to believe clipped Trump's ear. The footage shows the sound for those shots and the recoil of the nearby security sniper match perfectly. He fired those shots, not Crooks.

If they are the shots that took Crooks out, then who fired the barrage of shots that can be heard after Trump in his agents are on the ground?

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I have fired high-powered rifles on tripod stands and never yet has one recoiled as shown in that video. That’s another fake

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deletedJul 16
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And they sure as heck wouldn't hit Trump.

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deletedJul 16
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As a scientist, I would in the past have been “sure” that it’s just this existence, then pooof!

Back then, i couldn’t be doing with religious beliefs.

Knowing just some of what I’ve learned in the last 4.5 years, I no longer buy that.

There’s good & evil. I’ve no idea of the details & I’m fairly sure all religious texts were written or at least edited by the evils.

In the end, it’s whatever gets you through this realm, I suppose.

I now know that i don’t know & I won’t judge.

By the way, if the apocalypse does look like it’s here, might your thinking be swayed?

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I’ve recently read that the apocalypse is not necessarily a bad thing…

It’s a new beginning or the return to original order…something like that…

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No. I've come to believe I'm a deist. I was reading about Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull. He explained his beliefs and being a deist and I suddenly realized I felt the same way but never put a name to what I believed. I certainly had heard the word but never looked into what exactly it was. When he explained it, I realized, "oh, so that's what I am."

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I don't know if I agree that the sniper behind Trump shot off the first three rounds. I don't see much kickback and I certainly don't see any smoke.

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He looks up, away from the rifle, and then the tripod moves back towards him, it looks like he's pulling the tripod, changing position ? I don't think he fired any of those 3 shots, and you don't see what happens next during the 4 or 5 shots afterwards. It really looks like he's letting Crooks shoot, gives him the opportunity to do the kill, and only then, 2 or 3 seconds after the 3rd shot, the sniper starts shooting back at Crooks.

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The latest position of the alleged shooter puts a tree between that counter-sniper team and him.

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To me it looks like he's recoiling back as though he thinks he's being shot at, and his spotter also seems to be ducking down in response to gunfire.

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