Great article setting out the truth, thank you very much!

I think, however, it can be argued that Enders and Peeble did a control experiment re their cell culture experiments the results of which were downplayed and brushed over by them- I discuss that here 👇


The experiment carried out by Enders et al with the second agent clearly indicates that CPE is not specific to "viruses" or any sickness at all. If anything this foundational paper indicates quite clearly that it cannot be conclusively said CPE is a result of "viruses".

While Enders' control experiments with the second agent does not amount to a negative control I have argued that this experiment is nevertheless a control experiment for the reasons set out in this article :


Either way, great article and thanks for going into all the details.

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Hi Mia,

thanks muchly for bringing that up. I originally glossed over that passage in their 1954 paper, hmmphing because they didn't perform what would be a true control procedure (everything the same but samples from healthy or recovered patients in the control cultures).

On second thought, the fact they still found a cytopathic effect in an 'uninoculated' sample AND a cytopathic effect in a 'measles' sample which was magically ameliorated by herpes-immune rabbit serum (!) AND the manner in which they tried to brush off these inconvenient findings is indeed worthy of discussion.

As such, I've just added a discussion of all this to the section on the Enders and Peebles paper.



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Mia, can you please explain how this "control" (in an invalid experiment that lacked a valid IV and couldn't possibly control for all other variables and only shows how dumb virology is), "clearly indicates that CPE is not specific to "viruses"" as you keep claiming it does? Because with this sort of experiment, one can simply hypothesize that a "virus" was in the cell line (or something else that might have been added to it - which what Enders appears to assert).

And can you please describe this alleged "second agent" that you claim was involved in this "control"? And the first "agent" that must exist in order for their to be a 2nd agent?

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Hi Christine, re your first paragraph for my opinion, I suggest you go reread my article on what makes a control experiment as well as our conversation you and I had in the comment section.

Re your separate paragraph I suggest you go read the Enders and Peeble 1954 paper for those answers.

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I already read it, as you know, and challenged you on this point there and you had no explanation. Lol, so you have no answer for either question.

Is it true that you have a background in "law"?

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Great work as always, Anthony. I was introduced to these ideas from Jon Rappoport, Thomas Cowan, and Andrew Kaufman, and it's great to see you tackling this issue head on. After I read the first report on Sars Cov 2 "Isolation," I knew the process itself was complete junk, and certainly didn't prove anything. Most people than can understand what's reported generally have a financial incentive not to unravel the fraud, and most in the general public would probably give up on the complex language if they even find the studies, rather than looking up words for clarification.

Obviously, Measles Symptoms exist, as do the symptoms for the other diseases that are supposedly "viral" in origin. Those who question the supposed cause aren't disputing the symptoms of the disease itself.

But there is one other thing to consider..... what are the differences in the symptoms of Measles, Small Pox, and Chicken Pox? Are they really that different, or just a matter of severity? The whole "eradication of Small Pox" story is really just based on a claim from the WHO. After that very public claim, how many cases of "Small Pox" were just diagnosed as "Chicken Pox" or "Measles?" We saw first hand in real time how the Common Cold and Flu got rebranded to "Covid" in mere months. I've even see the CDC admit that the symptoms of Covid and the Flu are no different, and that the only way to tell the difference is with a "Covid Test." Ridiculous.

With the trick of rebranding of symptoms, it seems like you could start and end an epidemic, pandemic, or disease easily at any time. Especially if you can manipulate large numbers of so called "journalists." I've joked for a while that doctors and the medical system are taking credit for the hard work that plumbers and garbagmen do, but the more I learn about "medicine," the more true I think that "joke" is.

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Interesting thoughts. So what then, if not a "virus," is causing the undeniable illness seen throughout time? And these are communicable, yes? So SOMETHING is getting passed around. If it's not viruses, what? I have massive doubts about the value of vaccination at this point, especially after posts like this and "Turtles All the Way Down." You're spot-on about rebranding. This is exactly what has happened with polio. Now we have GBS, transverse myelitis, etc.

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First, virologists themselves state that no virus has ever been directly detected in any human or animal bodily fluid. So, if you think a disease is "communicable," that in itself should discount viruses as a potential cause. Of course, there are other, provably real microorganisms out there, like bacteria (generally hundreds of times larger than the size of "viruses") and fungi. Bacteria and fungi are large enough to see under a simple light microscope, and can be isolated. Beyond the faux isolation issue that plagues virology, prepping samples to be viewed under and electron microscope also seriously alters the once living tissue. The sample has to be viewed in a vacuum, and gets heated to temperatures of up to 150 degrees Celsius. This makes it impossible to view anything in a living state, and it's also well known to create "artifacts" in the image.

Second.... what evidence do you have to base the claim that diseases like the common cold, measles, and chicken pox are "communicable?" Sure, sometimes people get sick around the same time.... but there are always many others that had similar or even greater contact with the sick individual and don't get sick themselves. We pretty much only have anecdote. Sure, maybe there is "something going around" most winters..... or, maybe bodily immunity is lowered in winter due to shorter daylight, less sun exposure, less vitamin D, colder weather, spending more time indoors, etc. Or, maybe a couple friends have lunch together, get food poisoning, and mistakenly think they passed a "virus" to each other. Or, maybe you spend a lot of time in a building (like school buildings?) with some sort of mild toxin within the air ducts, and you get sick from that. There's potentially hundreds or thousands of other causes out there, so just eliminating one that's based on questionable evidence and maybe outright fraud (like viruses) doesn't mean that I or anyone else would automatically know what the "real" cause is to any disease that's claimed to be "viral."

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One cause of seeming viral transmission I think must be stress. If one person in a household is stressed for whatever reason, then it's likely that everyone in the household will be stressed to some degree too. Same with in a workplace. We know that people get sick when they are stressed.

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I have patients who replicate the hot flashes and back pin of their spouse. Are hot flashes and back pain communicable diseases now? There maybe something to say here about the placebo effect which is mind over matter essentially. I don’t know the answer but humans are interesting creatures and our minds are capable of far more impact on our bodies and the world than we give them credit for.

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Dont you have recently hiv positive patients?

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What exactly does “hiv positive” mean? What are the “hiv” tests testing for? When, where, how and by who was a Gold Standard for “hiv” diagnosis established?

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The similar populations are exposed to similar environmental conditions, toxins, and malnutrition, then why wouldn’t many go through a detoxifying healing crisis at roughly the same time?

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Step1-Identify cluster of deaths.

Step2-Blame a phantom based on mass, flawed, unverifiable testing of a population for RNA fragments presumed synonymous with infection by the phantom.

            Silence dissent.

Step3-Expand disease definition to include illness previously recognized caused by other or unknown causes but occur in the presence of the phantom thus increasing “case count”.

            Silence dissent

Step4-Prescribe toxic treatment like AZT/intubation to increase death count and blame those deaths on the phantom not the treatment.

            Silence dissent

Step5-Insist lifetime less toxic, slower killing “cocktail therapy”/“vaccine boosters” are only protection/defense against often undetectable phantom.

             Silence dissent

 SARS-cov2/covid19 is hiv/AIDS2.0.

  Both are a LIE.

If hepatitis-c is “cured” when no virus is detected why does an AIDS patient with undetectable viral load and t-cell count 600+ require lifetime treatment with a balanced “cocktail” of slow killing, toxic chemotherapeutic drugs that have known side effects that mirror the definition of AIDS?

If an AIDS patient with undetectable viral load went for an AIDS test and didn’t tell that they were previously hiv positive they would be told they were not infected and do not need treatment but would be encouraged to begin the recently released hiv vaccine that requires injection every two months. For the rest of your sexually active life.

  As with any profit based business, ensuring return customers is vital for success.

  If as is claimed, hiv remains latent, inactive, not reproducing and undetectable in hidden reservoirs how can anyone ever be certain they are not infected and the virus isn’t just inactive and undetectable in hidden reservoirs?

 Why isn’t everyone on anti-hiv treatment? Just in case.

For the common good.

How are people not seeing through this bs?

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Im with you Scott we witnessed people getting sick and sick eventually dies from diagnosis of a virus like HIV

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Where is the proof that “hiv” is what killed them?

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How many die “from diagnosis of a virus like HIV” if they don’t follow prescribed treatment? Positive Hell documentary on living with “hiv” but no “treatment”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GekHvqIFKgA

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There are a dozen afflictions with identical symptoms as measles.

Chicken pox, mumps and measles, the loss & replacement of baby teeth and puberty are all normal biological processes that occur during the long development of humans from birth to an adult. There are many similar examples in the animal kingdom, from snakes & crabs that shed their skins & shells annually as they grow, larva that morph into beautiful butterflies, to adult male salmon white morph into a beast during their travel up fresh water to the place of their birth to spawn and die.

Measles, mumps & chicken pox are completely benign in healthy children. Only unhealthy malnourished children of the past were injured or died. I personally experienced all of them as a child. Each took about 10 days from start to finish. No big deal. I got some extra care and attention from my mother that made each experience easy. I can't imagine being alone in the wilderness, in the middle of shedding my skin, when a predator happens along. Or entombed in a cocoon for 3 weeks.

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Cherry picking chart time parameters is a time tested fraud also practiced by the global warming cabal.

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“The findings just summarized support the presumption that this group of agents is composed of representatives of the viral species responsible for the measles.”

Then they gather some genetic fragments and assemble in silico what they presume to be the genome, based on all their previous guesses and presumptions 🤯🤣

In other words, they use a computer to assemble something that doesn’t exist in the real world and then create PCR tests to prove it does exist in those who ‘caught’ this non existent alleged virus! 🤔

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Total nonsense... MSM told me it exists that's good enough for me...I have had all my recommended state sanctioned jabs and I have never had measles or the killer bat virus... admittedly I am riddled with cancer and AIDS but that's another story.

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Priceless! I’ve posted it on Quora.

Your next job, Anthony, should you care to accept the mission as the A TV series used to is:


This is a biggie!

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Any individual person who works for any tech company which engages in any form of censorship is an active collaborator of the greatest crime against humanity in all history, and they deserve the worst punishment imaginable.

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Everyone should share this on all their social media accounts and with friends and family.

While many won't bother reading it all (their minds & ego won't allow it), the headline is a grabber and enough to plant a seed of doubt, and maybe enough to get them to go back and read it all.

But beyond that it's a compilation of proof of the fraud, scam, hoax, long con of virology and viruses that had literally plagued mankind for over 100 years. Much longer if you count all the fiddling with smallpox vaccines.

The health of all mankind all around the world has been damaged and destroyed by vaccines. And all the money wasted on the pseudoscience of Virology and the poor health of those injured by vaccines could have been used to help solve the true and real causes of illness & disease and we would all be better off for it.

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No problem, absolute pleasure.

Your additions are on point, great overall discussion of that paper.

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Thanks Anthony,

I really enjoy your articles and appreciate the difference you are trying to make in the world. You are lifting the infection of fear with your well researched articles.

I think you reside in Southern Australia with its very compliant and incurious population, SA makes Canada look like the Wild West. I’m from South Australia and rest assured you are making a difference here. Thank you !

The graphs you show are from the book Dissolving Illusions I believe. The graphs show a distinct decline in Mortality not infection. Would it be safe to say because mortality rates have declined infection rates have declined also. It would be good if there were graphs with infection numbers. An area I get stuck on is that family and friends say that childhood diseases are not observed anymore and this must be due to the vaccines. How can I square this, thoughts ?

Recently some good books on Virology have come out.

The Final Pandemic by The Baileys

Can You Catch a Cold by Roytas

Kind Regards

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Hey Ben,

yes I hail from South Australia and yes, it has a "very compliant and incurious population." I still read comments on the AdelaideNow website where people profusely thank the unelected Grant Stevens for taking away their freedoms during 'COVID'!

It's terribly sad to observe how apathetic Australians are; rather than jealously guard their freedoms, they much prefer the 'security' of knowing tomorrow will be just as uneventful and boring as today.

When you travel the world, especially to places like Mexico and Thailand, you realize Australia was blessed with many advantages, and its disheartening to see how willing most Australians are to piss those advantages away.

Mortality and incidence are not always aligned, and I am skeptical of incidence figures because they are far more subjective then death, which is pretty final. That said, it is possible that deaths declined due to improvements in medical care while incidence declined due to the vaccine, and this is what has been argued for the US and UK.

However, check out this measles notifications (cases) graph for Australia:


As you look at that chart, keep in mind the NIP first included measles mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine in 1989, and a second dose in late 1992. Both were followed by increases in measles notifications. In fact 1993 and 1994 are characterized by extreme spikes.

The Australian Measles Control Campaign occurred August to November 1998, but by then the incidence rate had already declined markedly.



The definitive answer to whether measles vaccines reduced incidence and mortality would have come not from confounder-prone graphs but placebo-controlled trials, but these were not done.

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Wonderful summary, thank you Anthony :)

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Stephan Lanka has a chapter in my book, THE TYRANNY of MASKS. This courageous, honest bioresearcher, needs to be MUCH BETTER KNOWN!

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Keep up the good work, Stefan!!!👍👍👍

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Excellent report and encouraging to see Stefan Lanka vindicated. Another nail in the coffin for Virology. The Yandex browser shows a more favourable outcome of the legal proceedings.


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" Bernard was right. The germ is nothing. The Terrain is everything" Louis Pasteur on his death bed 1895

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Dig deeper and try to verify that quote. I'm not saying it is false...but its validity is dubious.

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