Quote by Noam Chomsky:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate [except for you Mike Yeadon] within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there is free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate”.

Allow your double-agents to tour the world, on an endless, lucrative speaking circuit then, once fandom and loyalty have been solidified, redirect your followers to your original intended destination, that reinforces;

* Pandemics are real.

* Deadly viruses are real.

* Gain of Function is real.

* Lab leaks are real.

* And only Pharmaceutical drugs can save us.

One by one, all the King's Men are falling.

Brett Weinstein - enamoured with the genius and ‘elegance’ of mRNA.

Peter McCullough - pushing siRNA gene therapy to combat gene therapy injury.

Robert Malone - ‘Dark Vaccine Wizard’.

Del Bigtree - having to explain why he's pushing a Vaccine Confidence bill.

Ryan Cole - tackling Astrid Stuckleberger on-stage when she raises the topic of graphene oxide.

Pierre Kory - unable to explain multiple anomalies with his NY ICU timeline.

David Martin - deeply embedded/in bed with globalism.

Meanwhile people like Mike Yeadon, Byram Bridle, Charles Hoffe, Mark Trozzi, William Makis, James Thorpe, Robert Young, Kevin McKernan, Philip Buckholtz, Jancy Lindsay, Jessica Rose, Adam Gaertner, Josh Guetzkow, Tom Cowan, Mark Bailey, and thousands of others remain gagged.

“WHY” is the question.

Why does the group above get free reign to tour the world, and the latter group get silenced?

Given enough time and a long enough lead, traitors always out themselves.

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"That gives people the sense that there is free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate”.

Exactly that.

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I have also followed Dr. Young, many have trusted him for so long, and I was concerned when he got on the MasterPeace bandwagon. He can be an easy target for the deep state, a bit too trusting and credulous perhaps? I think he may have been duped into promoting it. I'm of the opinion that he did not do his due diligence on it, and there is some little-known, but serious controversy around that product. I've been sounding the alarm, that it needs to be looked at more closely, but haven't gotten any response - I posted on Sean's rumble pages - SGT Report - since they (Sean and Young) promote it heavily.

Here's my ss on it, if interested...tens of thousands are taking it now, and I think it should be looked into more deeply.


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Much appreciate the heads up Pasheen. A VERY illuminating read.

I just commended Sarah on her persistence to dig into this, and so glad she did (I'm now wiser for both of your efforts).

I agree. I think Dr Young is genuine and sincere. But he may not have realised just how rapacious many individuals and companies in the health sphere have become. And may not realise his role in lending 'legitimacy' to a product that is clearly not.

From the largest Pfizer conglomerate to the lowliest Matt Hazen, the whole sector is just awash with fraud at the moment.

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YW...got to watch thee grifters closely!

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I see the Wellness Company kits are now for sale on Facebook!

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🙌🏼 Bingo!

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Could you explain the Del Bigtree vaccine confidence bill thing?

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The Bill was purposely mislabeled to promote consideration: A Trojan Horse. There is nothing in the Bill claiming vaccine confidence. Were the Bill to pass, NO vaccines would meet the Bill's standards!

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Very interesting thank you.

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Del explains it himself - last week ep 376 https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/the-science-of-strategy-ican-legislates-vaccine-confidence-bill-demystified/

He is not advocating for vaccines! Worth watching, as so many people seem to have got the wrong end of the stick. ATB

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Hi Angie - here's Peggy Hall's original post, that Del Bigtree responded to, as per the link LesleyV provided.

So now you have both sides of the argument.

For me, I don't understand how Del Bigtree could have done such an astute job of highlighting vaccine harms (which involved many more types, besides the Covid vaccine) in his "Vaxxed" documentary.

Or that Lawyer Aaron Siri would do such a masterful job in Court of cross examining Stanley Plotkin, and exposing the evils of the industry.

Then both turn around and hype a "Vaccine Confidence" bill, when ALL vaccines - particularly those forced upon our children - have the potential to cause gross harm.

As in all things, assess and make up your own mind.


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But an honest person acknowledges viruses are a hoax which he refuses to do.

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No. Honesty has nothing to do with it. The issue is likelihood of theory. "No virus" is a theory. First of all, you cannot prove a negative. I tend to think viruses exist since the World is Red in Tooth and Claw. Everything is under attack and needs to defend itself including things from the macro to the microbiological level. I also remember chicken pox and measles sweeping thru my classes back in the 1950s. Get it once and never more. Of course, virology can and is exploited.

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We're getting to the crux of your theory and sadly for you there is nothing to back it up but a lifetime of believing in something the protagonists leave you to spend your life guessing at. A disease is not a belief but here you are defending your honesty with nothing but big pharma psychos to lean on for your truth. If someone sees the intentional approach being employed to murder and injure humanity and is aware those entities are unable to prove any so-called virus has ever been isolated/purified that could justify these so-called “vaccines” despite cries around the world for debates or even simple acknowledgement, they're either delusional or dishonest; willing to give those entities the benefit of doubt. I don't include myself as part of their movement. "Viruses don't exist" is an abbreviation for years of asking for proof of a virus theory and never being offered any. It's not incumbent on me to present a theory of a non-existent anything or not. It's simple recognition that trillion$ are spent on a virus theory for which no proof has been exhibited. There is nothing theoretical about it. Parse the whole thing to pieces if it gets you off but you'll notice yourself getting hungry eventually and wondering what happened to our food supply when it was wiped out due to viruses they won't show proof of. I wonder if starvation is something you'll dismiss as a theory as we perish after years of dismissing critical facts. Face the facts such as that no virus referred to by the ruling class has been shown to exist and you can start resisting the mass murderers. If we can't get beyond sticking to stories like your virus theory which could make sense we'll keep getting steamrolled by them. It isn't how anything works. Things get fixed by identifying problems and solutions but we're stuck on the problem part. According to you the mass murderers are really concerned about what might happen to us if viruses have their way so honesty has nothing to do with it. I try not to get mixed up in movements with people who “tend to think” things so fundamentally that facts don't bare out. They are ppl dedicated to resisting solutions to a massive murderous undertaking on honest terms to find solutions before it’s too late. They are the problem until they're willing to face the important facts honestly. You like to dismiss facts as theory with “I tend to think…” Any progress toward freedom from tyranny will be despite your complacency with the enemy’s terms and conditions.

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I was accused of dishonesty in not recognizing the no virus theory. Yeah, it would be great if virology is a complete myth. We know with very high certainty the "science" is at least abused by big pharma and probably by the ruling class above that which works for depopulation. Without more certainty about the matter we must be prepared to resist either reality and stand should to shoulder in resistance regardless which theory is believed or proves to be truth. We don't have to believe apocalyptic nonsense even if viruses exist or they are believed to exist.

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Thanks I agree and have for a couple years although I don't pay attention anymore but to Cowan, Merritt and a handful. There are so few I trust! I suspect Kingston and obviously Kirsch. I'm curious what you think of those two.

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Demonizing the resistance to the ruling class / conspiracy program based on nitpicking differences of opinion is counter productive.

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With regards McCullough and Co maintaining the 'covid is real' thing, it occurs to me that if they're relying on a known fraudulent test - the PCR - as evidence of cases then how can they still believe 'covid' has any credibility. Or them for that matter.

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I asked Dr. Ryan Cole a very similar question back in October 2021 at a "Health Freedom" conference in Anchorage. Specifically, how can you say that any alternative treatment for covid proves to work when the studies he referenced are using the very same flawed diagnostic modality, particularly as it related to cycles and AI generated primers (not from actual isolated genetic material)? His response was that he runs serial PCR tests with his patients....not a strong response given that NONE of the studies I've reviewed mentioned serial testing participants, and at no time in clinic practice did we perform this method when "diagnosing" covid as it was never identified as standard practice.

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they dont expect people to think critically and connect the dots. and for the most part they are right.

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Does he not still refer to "cases" all the time? IDK but he did for long enough to be ridiculous so I considered him fake 2+ years ago. Cases are determined by pcr so yeah. He's a fraud.

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I so appreciate your truthfulness and intelligence!

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Agree 👍. You say it way better than I do, Anthony, but I am beyond being merely highly skeptical of the entire ship of fools and know-it-all, benign, smug, smiling, sketchy pseudoscience characters playing the current Russian roulette evil roll of the dice democide COVID game. For me, the shadowy mRNA frontliner spokespersons aka “good guys” like Malone, Kirsch, and McCullough raise a huge battalion of red flags. They remind me of the old spaghetti western trio of anti heroes (played by Eastwood, Wallace and VanCleef) in the 60s screenplay “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”. Anyway you look at it, you know darn well that (unlike Dr. Michael Yeadon who you can look in the eyes and KNOW has a genuine heart and conscience) none of the current cast of mRNA characters are really on the side of anyone but “self”, and big $$$. They may talk a good game, a very good game, but so does the devil. It’s clear in today’s COVID version/replay of this creepy film new world order script that these guys are all heavily aligned with, invested in, or worship unashamedly at the altar of — Big Pharma & co. Show me otherwise. Prove me wrong. I see nothing redeemable in anyone associated in any way whatsoever with the COVID scam. Last week, I lost my precious older sister to 7-8 jabs after she had beaten most of the odds fighting stage 4 cancer, but in 2021 was considered a “vulnerable” person who “needed” to have these kill shots. Believe me, after the suffering and deaths I have seen just within a close circle of loved ones who fell for THE LIE, and trusted “the science” (narrative), I trust NO ONE who is messing in any way with our God-given natural immunity, (while avidly promoting “treatments” for the epic harms they caused). Who in their right mind can possibly shrug off the killing of millions in the name of advancing “science”?!? This truly big BAD ugly movie has next to zero “good” in it, and cannot possibly end well. I am praying and hoping Almighty God upends the entire madcap mRNA & related vaxxes game and every evil minion who is part of it—- and I hope this divine recompense happens swiftly, suddenly, and BIG time — for all the world to see.

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Oh, my gosh..yes. “I am praying and hoping Almighty God upends the entire madcap mRNA & related vaxxes game and every evil minion who is part of it—- and I hope this divine recompense happens swiftly, suddenly, and BIG time — for all the world to see.”

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Well said Anthony! The entire freedom movement is off the rails because right from the start the "Globo-pedos" seized control of it because they knew it was coming, and they figured ways for their controlled opposition agents to get all of us to pay for it - and to be conned into taking ivermectin for the common cold which screws fertility, which is why they've been handing it out free in Africa for decades. The Davos crew knew there would be a major push against them and so they got ready for it and seized the space and sucked out all the air from genuine dissidents, and in fact a few of them have passed away already - Luc Montagnier is gone for example. I have noticed the fake acts too of public attacks on the 'opposition' and it blows over really fast and they've gotten a bigger audience from it - examples include Piers Morgan, now he's 'independent'; Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, and even Jordan Peterson - just to name a few. And suddenly they are back bigger than ever, loads more followers, sucking the air out of the space - and the real genuine dissidents, who are standing up for humanity, are relentlessly attacked, censored and vilified until they are invisible - Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Vernon Coleman, the 2 doctors in California in late April 2020 who did the video telling everyone it wasn't dangerous and was all overblown - 20 million views in 4 days and YT yanked it, nobody even knows their names today. etc. And have you noticed that nothing goes viral today, nothing - except what they want.

It's a vicious Mind Control Matrix.

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Other deceased former colleagues include Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr Mikael Nordfors, Prof Dr Arne Burkhardt & doubtless many others.

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And now Dr Jim Meehan with aggressive cancer. I pray for all you good medical professionals that stand against the tyranny. I believe the globalist minions are using radiation weapons on dissenters. Their time will come.

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Yes, there are many, when I wrote my note above I was just going on memory, but I have a folder on doctors, and I have kept track of those who've passed away. I had Dr. Buttar and Br. Burkhardt, but not Dr. Nordfors - I don't know him. What was his contribution?

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Yes, there are many, when I wrote my note above I was just going on memory, but I have a folder on doctors, and I have kept track of those who've passed away. I had Dr. Buttar and Br. Burkhardt, but not Dr. Nordfors - I don't know him. What was his contribution?

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Yes, absolutely no doubt.

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Why would Steve Kirsch and Jeff Hanson invest heavily into pushing lifelong Progressive and bioweapon creator Robert Malone to infiltrate, sabotage and hijack a mostly Conservative MFM? What's in it for them?

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$$$ and fame/recognition. I don't know about Hanson, but both Kirsch and Malone are raging Narcissists. They absolutely cannot tolerate being told they are wrong, especially publicly. They will either sue you (Malone) or refuse to honor their bets (Kirsch).

The way to really control the opposition (us), is to infiltrate or actually set up an organization and populate it with the Kirsches, Malones and McCullough's of the medical industry and lead us away from the truth. Here's the thing: You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.

I think they have forgotten this. Oops...

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They needed somebody to validate the initial resistance to the mRNA vaccine….who better than the one who claims to have invented the technology! They hijacked the resistance from the very start. Malone particularly has been very adept at talking out of both sides of his mouth at various times. Remember in the beginning how he spoke of harm done, but was adamant that there was no evidence of intent to harm. One minute he would say we should forgive and learn from our mistakes and mend fences with neighbors and family, in the next breath he is pontificating about 5th generation warfare.

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If you told Ripley this he would say "I dont believe it". But what can you do against a machine as powerful as Mainstream Media?

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It's a very tough question, and while many of us are here trying to do our part, we are all shouting into digital canyons that Big Tech has created for us. The list of solutions is long, and the journey is equally long.

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I have a story to tell you. My dad got his second Pfizer vaccine in March 2021. By July he had been to the ER six times. Five times they gave him an EKG and measured troponin for his chest pain, dizziness and left arm pain (all normal). On the 6th visit he had TWO abnormal EKGs and TWO highly elevated troponin (positive for a heart attack with symptoms he experienced). Imagine my horror when I asked my mom what the ER doc said about the abnormal EKGs and she replied “what abnormal ekg” ER sent my dad home without a visit from the cardiologist in the hospital and was told to make an appt with a cardiologist. They were four months out (I wonder why) for initial visits. Having seen a video of Mcculough discussing heart issues after vaccination I sent an email to what I thought might be his email asking if he would see my dad. He responded immediately for us to make an appt. My dad flew to Texas and Mcculough confirmed it was myocarditis. My dad is a retired vet. He has Medicaid and Tricare. Here’s the kicker. McCullough didn’t charge my dad a dime for that visit. My dad has a cascade of problems now. Heart issues, orthostatic hypotension, ground glass opacities in his lungs and now they think he has Parkinson’s. Although you might not agree with everything that anyone in this fight says they ARE all trying their best. We are talking about novel disease progression. I would never want my dad to take the siRNA even if it could cure him. Like the mRNA no one knows the long term effects of it. But making one lousy suggestion doesn’t undo all the good all if the people you list have brought to the fight. They bring attention to the matter and have helped wake so many people up myself included. We are never going to completely agree with every treatment ANY doctor suggests for novel things that there is no known cure. But all of the people you mention experienced great harm to their reputations. Many had their license threatened. McCullough was sued by Baylor. They could have shut their mouths and continued to live the VERY comfortable lives they had. Mcculough is the most published cardiologist in the country. Cole owned his own very successful lab. They risked everything to bring their critical message to the masses to avoid these shots when it mattered most (early to mid 2021) and have been labeled every name in the book by the establishment opposition. There is no benefit for them to take such a risk. No one knew at the time that so many would wake up and turn to them for help. I personally saved the life of a dear 75 year old friend using Kory’s treatment protocol. She refused to go to the hospital (good call) but was bed ridden for six days before turning the corner when she got Covid. Don’t dismiss the help they HAVE given to people like me searching for a solution just because we don’t agree with a few suggestions they make. This is what the establishment wants. Conquer and divide us. Just think about what I have said and focus on what you agree with them on. Not just with what you disagree with them on. I enjoy your posts. Food for thought.

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Medicare not Medicaid

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Dr Malone created remidisifer for Hep C back in the 80s. side effects were organ failure, death, to name just 2. It was shelved. But It was brought back for Covid. Malone never said a word about that. I think they are all mind-controlled. Or sociopaths

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Dr. Malone DID NOT create Remdesivir, Fauci and Ralph Baric, a researcher at UNC, developed Remdesivir in collaboration with the pharmaceutical company, Gilead. https://sph.unc.edu/sph-news/remdesivir-developed-at-unc-chapel-hill-proves-effective-against-covid-19-in-niaid-human-clinical-trials/

Remdesivir was developed to treat Ebola in 2014 but the number of deaths(13% of the initial trial and incidences of organ failure resulted in it being shelved. Fauci ( I imagine many of you are admirers of his) hauled it back out for COVID.

The number of abject lies, like the above from Gene Bray, and others in this comment thread is shocking and infuriating. Just for shi*ts and grins why don't some of you SARS COV2 skeptics and deniers go to the FLCCC website and watch esteemed and brilliants doctors discuss their treatment of thousands of people disabled by long COVID or long VAX. https://covid19criticalcare.com/courses/conference-2024/lessons/long-covid-long-vax-case-reviews-session-1/

Fast forward to watch Dr. Pierre Kory or nurse practitioner Scott Marsland discuss the science. I hope at least a couple of you, you in particular Dr. Mike Yeadon, will watch and then comment on the 'COVID lie'.

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I asked Malone if he invented it and he said it was nonsense. I cant find any direct reference to him working anywhere near it . I dont think we can just make up whatever we think might be true.

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Amen. What is flabbergasting to me is that even when I provide a link to the UNC website where they proudly announced the development of Remdesivir, people are still arguing and embarrassing themselves (Wikipedia, sheesh!).

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Breathe. Gene got u worked up but u won't find many Fauci fans here. We know about him and rundeathisnear. Talk of long covid smells like healthcare expert. Yuk

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Breathing just fine. I’m a nurse. I care and take care of people.

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Bummer. You're exactly as caring as the mass murderers that run your institution say you can be. You're not fully vaccinated. Try harder.

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Wikipedia says Remidisiver was created in 2019 for Hep C, but pulled due to side effects. Malone was fighting Hep C then. He also fought SARS, MERS, ZIKA, West Nile Ebola. He spent a decade torturing lab animal with mRNA Bioweapons. He failed at everything. Except stringing together big words and becoming a media superstar. And he was great at getting government grants. A complete idiot is what he is

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Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Particularly in the Covid/climate/vaccine area.

Ought to be useful but now is the opposition.

Read their pages on Kirsch, Malone, Yeadon, Coleman and many more. Nasty and damaging. Slanderous. It’s painful to read and realise that so many would trust this to be the truth.

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That was Fauci. Did you bother to look at the link which was literally from the UNC website? If you use Wikipedia as your source for facts you are going to spread lots of misinformation,atiom 🙄🤣

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any references for that ? do you know where he developed it or who with ?? I missed all that.

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Well written sorry that you are also in our sorry rat infested country who killed my 2 sisters our son and USA who killed my friend

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I have been following the health freedom bunch from the beginning. Without question, there was a lot to unwrap following the global butt fucking we all endured! I think that our hearts start with good intentions until Big Pharma, Legacy Media and GlobalPedo slide the check across the table after dinner....

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This is a tour de force. Thank you. You’ve done diligent work that I’d have struggled to accomplish (read: insufficiently patient to do the hard yards).

It’s deeply regrettable and unequivocally the case that a sizeable proportion of those i & others initially thought were on the same page as I was turn out to be crooks after all.

I’ve received new and shocking information over the weekend which I’m taking time to verify. I spoke at length today with an American who’s made a number of striking observations about some of the “Early treatments for 91-divoc”, a non-existent disease, and a number of so-called “health supplements”.

I’ve rarely been left as furious.

Watch this space. We’re all going to have to work with conviction to warn people about the dangers.

I’m not innocent in this, either. In Year 1, I fell into the trap of thinking there was something circulating albeit definitively exaggerated, and getting behind “early treatment”.

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I am watching...

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Great work here! He was one of my first heroes during the scamdemic along with many others mentioned in your article. Now my “hero” list is very small. In the early days, they helped my resolve in this crap show but it is disheartening to see uncle Ronald promote these elegant technology solutions.

All the world is a stage for the many actors!

Fun read, who knows what is real anymore


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Many alt media key influencers are in direct sponsor and/or affiliate relationship with The Wellness Company, an altruistic alternative healthcare empire or intelligence operation?https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/twc-altruistic-alternative-healthcare

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The problem I have with the Wellness Company and the Frontline Doctors is that, in part, they are laying the foundation for telemedicine and remote medicine. And the reality is the globalist see that model working because they envision medicine which is “practiced” through technology that surveils and senses our biology. And also amends it….slippery slope to the transhumanism or biodigital convergence paradigm.

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Well put! 🎯

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There is no virus. Everyone promoting the deadly germ theory virus bs is a globalist shill. I pray for the day all of the survivors get to watch all the major players and their minions hanging on the gallows pole. McCullough as well. And I’m getting a little tired of Del Bigtree promoting the likes of Robert Malone. One minute after his 1/2 hour spiel about people calling him out for being controlled opposition and his Trojan horse explanation, the very next sentence out of his mouth is about how excited he is that Malone is back in his studio for another interview. Ffs. Wake up Del. These people invented the Trojan horse strategy. They have infiltrated and captured every organization on the planet since before Christ. They are laughing at you right now Del.

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I concur. I stopped watching him a long time ago.

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Me too...he is controlled ops.

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Its best to believe every injection in a bio weapon.

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I do have respect for some doctors. Dr Yeadon. Dr uh hmmm uh ...Dr Doolittle.......Dr Zeus.

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Dr Zelenko, Fareed, Marik, Kory, Risch…

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Nobody does it better Anthony. Many thanks for your exceptionally deep dives into the research that exposes these frauds for what they are, and your writing style that guarantees your readers will enjoy every minute of it.

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