Since Jews make up a few percent of the population but have several times the representation in business and political positions, there is no evidence of significant anti-semitism but rather of Jewish preference. Besides, how is this democratic. As has been said: The guilty flee where none persuith.

Never is the term anti-semitic defined. Palestinians are Semites and longer so than any Jews alive. I am anti-semetic if that means against Jewish preference. I have found that paranoia indoctrinated into the Jewish makes them incapable of introspection as they cling to victimhood status despite the over-representation in business, politics, media and banking. Some victims.

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I’m calling those nurses a psyop, until someone has any evidence to the contrary.

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Sounds like Australia has a dual citizen problem too.

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" The Freemasons should control all men of every class, nation and religion, dominating them without obvious compulsion; uniting them through a strong bond; inspiring them with enthusiasm to spread common ideas; and with utmost secrecy and energy, direct them toward this singular objective throughout the world."

Adam Weishaupt, Munich 1765.

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It should more accurately be Judeo-Masonic. Conversos are wolves in sheep's clothing. The key aspect is secrecy.

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When are we going to see other middle eastern ethnicities defended similarly. Oh that’s right only the chosen people are Semitic


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Well, the thing was so ham-fisted, you have to look at the obvious that they wanted it to turn out like this, to provoke “antisemitic” responses online, which they can easily track and record. Looks completely scripted, top to bottom, from both sides, so I am calling bullshit.

Getting very weary of this world. So much potential for love, beauty, and enjoyment, but all we get is pain, suffering, and annoyance.

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Iceberg tip.

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