Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

May these bureaucrats burn in hell for eternity. They are scum working the depopulation agenda.

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Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

There is a special kind of hell reserved just for those pencil pushing, spineless, bootlicking bureaucrats of today, and the last 4yrs.😐😤💯

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getnoisy #localised

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Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

Very well written, researched and reported. Excellent work. I worked on transplant in the 90s and there was never a vax requirement.

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Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

It was amazing to me how countries showed their true colours, especially Australia and Canada, run by nazis, “just following the rules mate” and who made the rules you nazi f€@(#*s? You will pay for your crimes.

A beautiful child who deserved every chance, may she rest in peace

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Keep up the awareness, dear one. I am stunned that it is lacking, and proud of you for bringing to light - “keep on keeping on.”

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Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

Rotten rotten rotten cowardly evil filth! The Covid injection has zero efficacy, and it kills! We ABSOLUTELY NEED to start an alternative healthcare system, an actual healthcare system, not one mandated to killing people. This poor girl had no choice - death or death. May these monsters repent because Hell is permanent.

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Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

Disgusting. Heinous. Governmental. :(

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These psychopaths are monsters! They will receive their just rewards one awful day in Eternity. Bless this girls memory and grieving family after she was murdered by the state. 😢🙏🏻

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This is so tragic...and the poison prick becomes a celeb...everyone needs to boycott his fukking show...arrest them all...

So many stories like this...heartbreaking...extreme accountability can not come soon enough. Such cruelty.

Thank you for sharing their stories....

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Jun 23Liked by Anthony Colpo

Total buffoonery at play down under.. …if you are just an idiot with no power to sod up any other persons life.. but your own… then it’s your choice… knock yourself out.

However it seems lots and lots of idiots are now at the controls in health administration..enforcing medical procedures which push against other peoples choices.. and withholding lifesaving help by ignoring patient autonomy is criminal… … medical experiments in nazi Germany.. during WW2 bought forth the Nuremberg Code..that gave an individual the freedom and right to choose or not choose..any medical treatment …bought about to correct the last monumental bugger up …solution then is the solution now…we hung the lot of them… because it was the only message to any remaining fools that this would not be tolerated any more… that lesson should have been one never to forget..yet it is being wilfully ignored.

Here we are today being buggered up by educated idiots again.. guess we need to build some more scaffolds .. you cannot educate .. educated idiots …who misconstrued “first do no harm” and replaced it with “harm maim and kill.”

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How callous and bold that they are just fine blackmailing a beautiful girl and a lovely woman! Trust me when I say that those ICU doctors are losing sleep. They know they are wrong. And like so many have commented, they will have their day of judgement before God.

In the USA, and all over the world, doctors have always been the #1 profession that commits suicide. You won't see it in the news, but I have seen an anecdotal report of a doctor who shot himself in the head. In the ICU. And then they just hire another doctor to work in the same office.

There will be fewer and fewer doctors. And the ones who are left will be changed. Father, forgive them!

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Same thing happened in Canada, the formerly strong and free.

Take your health into your own hands and keep away from the white coats.

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I can't believe Julian Assange flew back to Australia.


Hopefully he bugs out ASAP.

Things are bad in all the Five Eyes.

I'm not sticking around here a minute longer than necessary.

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There is a special place in Hell for people like those described. The only solace that one can have is that Hell is forever. Pax

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COV-2 Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Luciferase and 5G https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable

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We feel you, Australia! We ALL must continue to fight to get these Evil talmudic jew Luciferian Parisites exterminated once and for all, like the cockroaches they are!!! Before these fuckin' Murderous Monsters continue to kill us all!!!

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