Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Well done! Some great questions here!

Did you look at the VAERS before you took it? Why not?

Malone’s typical answer is that he needed to take the vaccine to go on his all flights around the world. Just for the speaker’s fees? Most of his flight were to talk about the dangers of the vaccines. Taking the vaccine so that he could tell us it is dangerous does not make sense.

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Excellent research and write-up. And furthermore, why didn’t Malone or Kirsch have a VAERS report filed (or file one themselves if their physicians refused) on their supposed covid vaccine injuries? https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/have-people-like-steve-kirsch-or Surely the whereabouts of Steve's VAERS filing would have been front and center of his Substack garnering thousands of Likes and Comments if it went missing.

Malone posted that he almost died from the vaccine. “The second shot almost did me in. As in I almost died.” https://t.me/RWMaloneMD/1206 (the Substack post is behind a paywall), and Kirsch claims he had to triple his insulin dosage due to the vaccine... https://kirschsubstack.com/p/my-insulin-requirements-skyrocketed?utm_source=publication-search

And are we to believe that Steve Kirsch, a Type 2 diabetic who also recovered from a rare blood cancer, actually took the blood poisoning agent as he claims? If so, I have a bridge to sell you.

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Such a well written document.

I am impressed and thank you, I trusted Dr’s , then I realized that the majority aren’t interested in me as a person, my health issues and how to heal me. Instead, I am their experimental cash cow.

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Damn!!!! You are on fire, 🔥🔥🔥 Colpo! Remind me never to get on your shit*list, lol..Way to call these pretenders out!


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Check out the pic!!


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Please use for your next post!!

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

When the A train comes roaring down your tracks, there's no escape.

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

i love the image also 😍

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Self-aggrandizing Narcissist 2.0 (gimme a break)

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Omg - you will not BELIEVE this!!

Just went to subscribe to your substack and accidentally subscribed to RM instead!!!!!

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

I love it.

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

I didn’t buy his book. Why? I wasn’t so comfortable with his “development “ of this “technology “, and his strange attack on medical freedom fighters, Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin. As if the man didn’t have enough income already. Who am I? ...nobody, just an an average person, who is able to recognize a scam when I see it, and knows enough history to not trust the government.

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Top notch tough and discerning questioning for Malone, and should be used in a court of law. If he doesn’t answer your email or questions you have your answer - (mea culpa).

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Anthony Colpo wrote:

"As a pioneer mRNA researcher, you are well aware mRNA technology has a thirty-plus-year track record of failure. In that time, not a single mRNA drug progressed into Phase 3 testing, because the technology was too problematic. You cannot claim to be unaware of this, because you and your wife have publicly stated you knew all along the technology was not yet fit for purpose (see here and here)."

With regard to safety, this would help substantiate Mr. Colpo's suggestion of Moderna's track record of failure, at the very least: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/10/investigative-reports/moderna-a-company-in-need-of-a-hail-mary

I know there is a lot of information out there regarding the toxicity of LNPs, perhaps someone with links would like to add here? Thx.

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What a fantastic, well written and laid out article. Check out my podcast with Robert. It is hilarious. https://docmalik.com/116-robert-malone-md-inventor-of-mrna-dna-vaccines-freedom-fighter/

I genuinely wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. My podcast with him and your article shows that this man is not to be trusted, liked or respected.

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Hi Doc Malik, thanks for dropping by! I don't know how you kept your composure while interviewing such a rude and cantankerous sod, you're a better man than me lol

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hee hee, a mixture of shock and bemusement. I was thinking "well if you want to dig your hole and climb into it, so be it!"

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I will go back and finish that one doc. I couldn’t stomach how he was treating you, but after reading this article, it makes sense. I thought he was iffy before, but it sounds like you are right! Not to be trusted!

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Apr 16Liked by Anthony Colpo

Thank you Anthony for your well detailed, excellent letter, addressing all the questions we would like answered. I hope this narcissistic man will take the time to read it, and we get answers, but I won’t hold my breath. Be blessed.

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Apr 17Liked by Anthony Colpo

Both controlled opposition crooks and the masses are very aware....won't end well for either of them.

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Hi Anthony

I suggest both are irrelevant to creating health and wellness.

You may like my articles ... they may test attachment to conformity...

What causes a cold or respiratory dis-ease?

The establishment’s model of blood and lung physiology fails under scrutiny. I’ll explain why.

We breathe air not oxygen.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity Eg its at 45% humidity today

Oxygen is measured by its dryness Eg medical oxygen has 67parts per million or less of water contamination.

The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point.

Can you comprehend the mis-match?

Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air.

There is no wild/natural oxygen in air. Oxygen becomes nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to become a non-flammable version of oxygen. I have a link to a demonstration of this on my stack, a home oxygen concentrator is used.

The lungs are responsible for re-hydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The red blood cells are salt water sponges.

The saline intravenous drip rehydrates red blood cells and aids the lungs.

The insult that causes respiratory dis-stress is dehydration. It’s seasonal because cold air holds the least moisture and indoor room air often dries out with heating.

The dry mucosa must re-establish itself and the production of mucus goes into overdrive. The mucosa requires salt and moisture and it will move both from any bodily reserves. This causes pain as the extraction process goes into motion.

Now you know why the old remedies are successful.

Salt water gargles, nasal irrigations/inhalations and chicken soup / bone broth soups.

Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to take advantage of sea spray because it was known to heal injured lungs.

It is time the COMMONS reclaimed the knowledge of hydration and healing.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Healing begins with hydration.

Oxygen’s toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.

Oxygen on release from a container will extract moisture from its surroundings to become air, its natural state. Oxygen released inside the respiratory tract extracts moisture from the mucosa and the delicate alveoli causing dehydration. This can kill.

Oxygen is a prescribed drug. It is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind.

You need to comprehend the difference between air and oxygen. Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen. Both have unconsciousness and not breathing listed under inhalation.

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Thanks @Jane333, I'm borrowing that explanation.

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I had Interactions with Dr. Robert Malone first on Gettr then here on Substack.

At first he applauded me for my insight and my comments.

Then he posted a Signal phone number and asked me to connect with him.

I told him I only communicate with email as I threw away my MPhone years ago for the tracking it provides to the CIA.

He tried it several times.

Then i asked him about the 5 Nobel Laureates he worked with (He tells us all the time).

I asked him about the Possibilities of Genetically targeted Biological warfare.

That was when he blocked me.

Same shit here on Substack.

I investigated further and come to the absolute conclusion that the whole shit about covid the vax the jabs and genetic testing serves 2 purposes.


B) GENETICALLY TARGETED BIOLOGICAL WARFARE by the Governments the WEF and the Occult to depopulate and enslave this entire planet.

Bill Gates Elon Musk STARLINK and AI are central to this.




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🙄m8, that rant is about as incoherent as your article . . . don't have time to engage in this nonsense, you carry on with your "journalism" and doing the work of the enemy for them.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Author

We get it Phil, you're either Malone or a sycophantic troll who can't refute a single thing I've said.

And congratulations on being so astoundingly stupid that you think I'm the controlled opposition, and not some demented victim-mentality narcissist who is intimately connected with the US military, who has received $10 BILLION in government grants, and whose story has more holes than all the world's golf courses combined.

What a genius you are lol

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Author

And seeing as you started a new comment thread to sidestep my previous reply, here it is again:

Dear Phil, it's clear you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm going to try again. Where is the EVIDENCE to back your ad hominem claims?

My letter to Malone is not "the evidence", it is the bone of contention that has triggered you to make your idiotic claims. Where is the EVIDENCE to disprove anything I've written in the letter? Heck, the questions I've asked emanate from things Malone himself has said and done, and I've provided links and screenshots to prove he said and did those things.

You're not bothered, for example, that he suspiciously published a book detailing a "coming epidemic" and how businesses should deal with it well before it was even declared a "global emergency"? One death outside China at the date of the book's publication foretells business disruption and closures in the West?!?

"Only you know yourself"... I know myself that my intentions are above board, unlike Malone, whose intentions are clearly suspect.

But if you doggedly refuse to provide evidence and are instead going to keep making unfounded accusations, that's okay Phil, two can play that game.

Phil, I submit that you are the transgender bastard son of Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch, who have used M10-OneID-predictive brain scan technology and copious amounts of LSD obtained from their CIA handlers to program you into being an obnoxious agenda-affirming troll.

The amount of evidence I have for this? The same amount you have for your deranged attacks.

Time to take a hike Phil, you clearly have nothing of substance to contribute.

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