Why Straight Men are Losing Interest in Women: Part 1
Did anyone seriously think vilifying men would produce a different result?
Warning: This post contains strong language and, even worse, Clementine Ford.
Back in the misspent youth of my teens and twenties (the 1980s and 1990s), there was no online dating. There was no online porn. In fact, there was no online anything. There was no #MeToo, and if you were an athletic male who went to a nightclub you were just as likely as the female patrons to get your butt groped by the opposite sex (something we've all conveniently erased from our memories because it doesn't suit the current woke narrative that only men exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviours).
The internet wasn't a thing back then, so there was no Tinder or OK Cupid. There were classified ads in the "personals" section of the newspaper, but resorting to those was widely perceived as a sign of desperation, an admission that traditional methods of attracting a mate had failed and you'd now sunk to the unenviable level of publicly advertising your wares.
Males and females met each other through face-to-face meetings at schools, social outings and night venues. It was also common to meet prospective mates at work or through friends ("remember Leanne from the beach last week? She keeps asking about you!").
If you were out and about with your peers and you saw someone you liked, or noticed someone attractive flirting with you, it was routine for your friends to start cajoling you to go "chat them up." If you were shy or suffering stage fright, one of your bolder friends would often walk over and break the ice on your behalf. This was true for males and females.
Needless to say, things have changed a lot since then. While I'm sure most folks would agree goosing strangers in nightclubs is a behaviour best left in the past, a lot of what has transpired since the 80s and 90s can hardly be considered progress. Overall, the dating and mating arena has taken a massive step backwards.
Socially Castrating Men
Let's start by calling out the angry, vindictive, man-hating elephant in the room:
The official story of feminism is that it arose from the need for women to achieve equality with men in areas such as voting rights, access to education, equal pay for the same job and land ownership.
No reasonable person would deny these were eminently worthy and just goals.
The feminists, however, were and are not reasonable people. It's not enough that women have achieved parity in most areas of life, and clear advantages in others (while they frequently complain about the pay gap in professional sports, ever heard any female complain about the long-standing pay gap between female and male fashion models? Or how it's mostly women who get to take their partners to the cleaners during divorce?).
Nope, this is not nearly enough for the feminists. To continue justifying their existence, they need to keep fomenting a sense of victimhood and discontent among women. This manifests itself in a relentless attack on men - not just the malevolent, sexist ones - but all men.
The feminists are also anti-feminine. They behave just like the toxic males they portend to hate - feral, uncouth and sexist. They have relentlessly attacked motherhood - invented by Mama Nature, not The Patriarchy™ - as something that benefits only men. Never mind that motherhood plays an indispensable role in advancing womanhood by creating ... more women.
So how did a bunch of angry, embittered, feral, man-hating and often lesbian malevolents come to represent the voice of heterosexual women worldwide? Who, exactly, gave these demented characters a global platform?
Who funded their mission to convince women that working for a corporate employer (aka The Patriarchy™) in an office full of people they don't like is a more valuable, fulfilling and noble endeavour than creating and nurturing a human life?
Turns out it was none other than their supposed sworn enemy, The Patriarchy™.
Your Thoughts Probably Aren't Your Own
Most of us have no clue of the degree to which our beliefs and behaviours have been shaped by outside forces. Malevolent outside forces.
The uber-wealthy and unabashedly globalist Rockefeller family are major funders of liberty-destroying social engineering schemes. The Rockefeller Foundation is a major conduit of funding for the anthropogenic climate change scam. The Foundations's 2010 pandemic manifesto Lockstep, meanwhile, laid out much of what would transpire when the pre-engineered global coronavirus con kicked off in late 2019.
The late Aaron Russo was a talented Hollywood producer whose movies (including Trading Places and The Rose) received six Academy Award and two Golden Globe Award nominations.
Because television and movies are key social conditioning tools, Russo was quickly befriended by the Rockefellers. In an interview before his death, Russo recalled a discussion that occurred one night while he was kicking back with Nick Rockefeller.
While they were chatting, Rockefeller threw the following question at Russo: "What do you think women's liberation was about?" (Feminism was often referred to back then as "women's liberation").
Russo replied as most unsuspecting people would. He said it was "about giving women the right to work, getting equal pay with men, just like they won the right to vote."
Rockefeller laughed out loud at Russo's naivety. "You're an idiot," he replied.
"Why am I an idiot?", asked the surprised producer.
"Let me tell you what that was about," began Rockefeller. "We, the Rockefellers, funded that. We funded women's lib."
The boastful Rockefeller then began explaining to Russo that the real reason behind feminism was to create even more taxpayers by steering women into the workforce, and to break down the nuclear family unit and make the state the ultimate guiding light in children's lives.
This helps explain why the loudest voices in the feminist movement are so divisive and so utterly devoid of reason. Few characters demonstrate the truly malevolent intent of feminism better than the terribly misguided Clementine Ford.
This toxic ball of hate, who spent her teen years in Adelaide, South Australia and took a “gender studies” course at Adelaide University (that right there explains a lot), routinely posts such socially helpful epithets as “All men are scum and must die,” "KILL ALL MEN AND KILL THEM AGAIN", "ALL MEN MUST DIE! THE FEMINIST DOCTRINE DECREES IT!"
In May 2020, as the COVID Con kicked into full gear, Ford publicly complained the “corona virus” (sic) “isn’t killing men fast enough.”
At a 2017 book signing, she wrote a note to a fan inside her newly-released Fight Like a Girl that asked “Have you killed any men today? And if not, why not?”
Clementine Ford is a hateful extremist. Period.
What is especially disturbing is that this incredibly embittered misandrist has a young son.
Instead of being branded ‘sexist’ and having her kid snatched by child protection, she is endowed with book deals, regular media appearances, government grants and newspaper columnist gigs. She simultaneously complains she is part of an “oppressed” class, even though most of the media outlets awarding her a platform are owned by The Patriarchy™, and despite the fact any male spewing even a fraction of her hateful vitriol would be deplatformed, debanked and howled out of town in a New York second.
To be fair, Ford doesn’t just hate men. She also hates women. At least the young, attractive ones (ever seen an attractive militant feminist? Me neither). Here she is, in the belief she can mend Taylor Swift’s errant ways by calling her a “slut” and calling for her immolation - and then disingenuously pretending she never said such a thing.
Oh, and here’s Ford showing off her advanced vocabulary, a shining testament as to why the Australian education system rates so poorly when compared to other countries.
Despite the fact that she is clearly a deranged and incredibly hateful individual, Clementine Ford has over 300,000 followers on her social media platforms. That's 300,000 mostly females who are probably perplexed as to why they can't partner up with a quality male.
Welcome to Clown World.
The Feminist Campaign to Turn Planet Earth into Planet Hateful Lesbian is Working
In most cultures, men are the poor schmucks lumped with the responsibility of approaching the opposite sex. It’s an often thankless task that poses the very real risk of rejection and humiliation.
Male privilege, baby!
Along with potential rejection and embarrassment, modern technology has added another powerful new disincentive:
The possibility of being outed on social media as a “creep” by spoiled, attention-seeking, female ‘influencers’.
Wishful thinking female TikTwats and Instabrats, fond of believing all men lust after their heavily-plasticized carcasses, have taken to posting videos of themselves being “harassed” by “creepy” men.
But when you watch the videos, it becomes readily apparent to all but the incurably woke that the true villains in the videos are the women themselves.
Take the repugnant video posted by an ‘influencer’ named Jessica Fernandez. Back in January, she posted a gym video showing a man glancing (not staring or ogling) in her direction as she trained.
“I hate this, I hate when there’s weirdos,” she muttered under her breath. “Feral, feral, feral, like fucking feral,” further muttered the feral little weirdo.
As she clearly fumbled to change the weight between sets, the man walked over and offered to help her out.
She declined, and instead of being grateful for his goodwill, promptly posted the footage online, accusing the man of being a “creep”, a “weirdo,” and “feral.”
“What if I just ripped his [penis] out of his socket so he could never reproduce again?”, she wrote across the screen.
Now here’s the real cracker. It quickly emerged that Fernandez had an account on the sleazy porn platform OnlyFans, where she described herself as a “hot Colombian” who performed “PPV content” and “special requests.”
Because nothing says “I hate being sexualized and objectified” like inviting paying customers to watch while you get naked and pleasure yourself with a … ugh, never mind.
Decorum prevents me from repeating the first four-letter Spanish word I ever learned.
So we have the bizarre situation in which a creepy, potty-mouthed female is outing a polite, non-creepy male for the heinous crime of offering to help her load a barbell, an act which in less demented circles falls under the banner of chivalry.
You go, girl!
Straight to the lunatic asylum.
In another fake gym creep video, an unnamed obnoxious female with a personality that would make a hypoglycemic rattlesnake blush begins verbally berating a gym trainer after his client briefly glanced in her direction. The glance occurred after she took off her jumper in an exaggerated motion, and it’s curious how her phone camera was positioned in a manner that just happened to capture the nearby males (just like Feral Fernandez’s video).
Can anyone say “engineered confrontations”?
As with the Fernandez video, Ms Dragon Breath’s defamatory video didn’t quite get the reaction she was after - she was kicked out of the gym and had her membership revoked.
In response to the fake gym creep video sensation, one male YouTube commenter offered the following helpful guide:
Gyms were once a great place for fitness-minded guys and girls to meet, but the happiness-hating woke movement is doing all it can to obliterate even that avenue of introduction.
The Unthinkable is Happening: Men are Losing Interest in Women
In response to a 2018 survey that found men are increasingly avoiding women in their workplaces, female Guardian writer Arwa Mahdawi complained it was “another sign we're being punished for #MeToo.”
No Arwa, it’s another sign that men are sick and tired of being punished for being men. Men increasingly avoid women at work, not as a show of solidarity for scum like Harvey Weinstein, but because they don’t want to be accused of inappropriate touching after accidentally brushing against a female colleague, and they don’t want to be accused of sexual harassment after innocently complimenting her new jacket. When 57% of male respondents say men in general will be more reluctant in future to have one-on-one meetings with female colleagues with no others present, it’s because they want to avoid a scenario where no witnesses are available to help them dispute any false sexual harassment accusations.
That’s not misogyny, it’s commonsense and self-preservation.
Rather than navigate the increasingly complex minefield that is male-female interaction, more and more men are deciding it’s safer to simply keep a wide berth from the opposite sex.
When Katya Koval, who works for an international matchmaking agency, asked men why they don’t approach women any more, here are some of the answers she got:
“Women want to be approached. But if you approach them and they don’t like you or think you’re attractive enough, you will be called a creep.” - Jake.
“I don’t approach women anymore because it’s too tedious with little chance of payoff. It’s either they ignore you, reject you, shame you, or, worse, accuse you of molestation. If a woman likes me, she should make an effort to approach me.” - Kane, 35
“It’s mainly the negative consequences that’s stopping me. It’s scary when you hear stories about guys and fake accusations on campus. I worked hard to get into College. I’m not going to risk getting expelled for something I didn’t do.” - Nathan, 22
“Western women aren’t worth the drama. There’s a reason matchmaking services are going abroad, and why Western men are looking for foreign wives.” - Matt, 40
The attraction between men and women is a vital life force. Literally. It’s what ensures the continued propagation of the human species. But men are increasingly being made to feel dirty, guilty and ashamed for having the temerity to be interested in women.
The figures are disturbing.
Nearly a third of men under 30 aren't having sex, nearly triple the number who were going without a decade ago.
In 2008, roughly 10 percent of men under the age of 20 reported having no sex in the previous 12 months, slightly more than the number of women.
In the last 10 years that number has hit 28 percent for men under 30 – a rise of close to triple – while for women under 30 that rise was less than 10 percent.
Given our highly degenerate culture, no-one in their right mind would suggest this is because society is becoming more chaste and upstanding. We live in a world where porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined, and where 30 percent of Internet content is porn.
Recent Pew Research data found that 63% of men under 30 describe themselves as single, compared with only 34% of women in the same age group.
As a sign of just how dysfunctional our ‘advanced’ civilization has become, we now have movements like MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). No, this doesn’t refer to men who refuse to use maps or GPS, but to males who’ve essentially given up on the idea of finding a long-term female partner.
While MGTOWs often wear their female-free status as a defiant badge of honour, “incels” (involuntary celibates) tend to be a more embittered group who see themselves as victims. Incels, writes Andrew G Thompson PhD, a senior lecturer of psychology at Swansea University, “are a sub-culture of men who feel totally excluded from the mating market.” Compared to non-incel men, incels tend to have much poorer mental health. Contrary to widely-held stereotypes about "far right white males", research shows incels are a politically and ethnically diverse group.
A not insignificant number of women seem to obtain smug satisfaction from seeing men suffer. The “serves men right!” crowd will no doubt feel little sympathy and may even find the plight of modern young men amusing. They need to check their triumphant smarm, because a growing volume of evidence indicates women will be just as big, if not bigger, losers from the global desexing campaign.
While women in their twenties appear to have the upper hand when it comes to dating, the picture changes dramatically once they enter their thirties.
The number of childless women is higher than ever and, contrary to what the feminazis might tell you, much of this is not by choice. Here in Australia, for example, about half of willing women report they either haven't had a child or haven’t had the number of children they hoped for by age 49. While some men that age will still father a child later in life, this is extremely unlikely for women.
In Part 2 I’ll explain that, while man-hate might be a profitable gig for the likes of Clementine Ford, it is backfiring big time on heterosexual women.
Until then, I leave you with the following video, which I think we can all learn something from in this time of gender disunity. It features a beautiful nuclear family unit of jaguars: Juan, Juanita and Junior. Forget lions and tigers - jaguars are the king of everything. They have the strongest bite in the entire cat family. They are absolutely fearless, and will destroy anacondas and alligators without hesitation.
You'd think with that kind of physical and mental prowess, jaguars might be sporting some rather problematic egos, but the video below will quickly dispel any such notion.
Note how as Juan wrestles with the anaconda, Juanita doesn't start nagging and berating him, "Juan, why do you always have to wrestle snakes in front of Junior?? You're teaching him bad habits, you know!"
Juanita understands that, in order for Juan to provide for his family, he has to step up occasionally and do man stuff like fight bone-crushing anacondas. In the animal kingdom, no-one pays you to shill supplements on Instagram and no-one cares if you received honours for your masters thesis on "Shoelace-Tying Habits of Transgender Eunuchs in Eastern Latvia."
And note how when Juan looks like he's in a spot of strangulatory bother, Juanita doesn't just stand there screaming and freaking out. Nope, she makes her way over to Juan to see if he needs some back up.
Now that's what I call a life partner.
Juan, the quintessential alpha male, remains cooler than a cucumber. "It's okay honey, I got this!"
And when Juan finally gets the better of the anaconda, note how he doesn't beat his chest, jump up on a cage fence and flex his biceps, or yell "I am the greatest!"
Nor does he point to the "No Regrets" tattoo that he will one day regret getting. Juan doesn't have any tattoos, because in the animal kingdom, being covered in expensive cartoons does exactly zero to enhance your survival.
Instead, the power couple of all power couples that is Juan and Juanita momentarily forget the dead snake and, on the turn of a dime, these most fearsome members of the cat family suddenly turn into adorable, playful kittens.
As someone from an Italian background who thinks family is everything, this stuff brings tears to my eyes.
Seriously ladies and gentlemen, why is this so hard? The hell is wrong with people?
Ferocious cats in the Amazon can form perfectly harmonious family units, but soft-ass humans have a never-ending gender war?
And we call ourselves the most intelligent species...
A timely article that just had to be written, and I'm glad you did, instead of so many other pencil d!(ks that might have tried, but would have been too gutless or morally compromised to tell it straight and instead made it an apologia for the orchestrated societal dysfunctions that are described.
Another absurdity in this clown world: a prospective date who initially made enthusiastic overtures of interest, who then goes completely cold and breaks-off any further contact when she could not trace my social media profile, or an on-line presence of any description. Yeah, because with modern urban edginess invert values, discretion as the better part of valor is creepy, while being data-raped by deep state Silicon Valley cover operations like Facebook/Instagram, or TikTok is your assurance of decency, apparently.
(Edited, because I realised that the original opening statement could have been construed as an insinuation that another could have written the article as it is. This is wrong, and I didn't intend that, because only Anthony Colpo could have written an Anthony Colpo article - as forthright, principled, and uncompromising in disclosure and argument as he writes.)
If Juan Junior had attended a modern school of indoctrination and watched hours of typical TV and brain-free TicToc, he'd insist on pronouns "Furry" and "Whatever" and refuse to eat the anaconda because he's vegan...
But animals follow their instincts, and maybe that's where we went wrong.