Australian Government Gave Big Tech $10 Million to Remove Over 4,000 COVID Posts
The Australian Government: Using Your Money to Censor and Brainwash You
A tranche of FOI documents reveals that not only did the Australian government collude with Big Tech to silence us skeptics, it sought to muzzle the vaxxx-injured.
Those injured by the COVID gene therapies were not "anti-vaxxers". It's especially absurd to claim they were "far right/neo-nazi/domestic terrorist/white supremacist/conspiracy theorists". To the contrary, they were people who obediently did as they were told by the government.
They naively believed the government and media, rolled up their sleeves, got the 'jab' ... and paid for it dearly. Sometimes with their lives.
But when they and their loved ones started support groups, the Federal Health Department emailed its buddies at Big Tech to “lean in on” these groups and take them down.
This redacted email exchange shows someone from OzGov complaining about an Instagram group and a "Facebook group making unsubstantiated claims of vaccine-related injuries."
The irony is staggering. The biggest bunch of liars in the country have the temerity to complain about people with totally plausible complaints about the dangerous new gene therapies. You know, the ones with a 30-year track record of dismal failure, whose rollout was followed by the biggest wave of excess mortality to hit this country since the world war years.
Facebook, of course, swims in the same ethically void swamp as government, so was only too happy to comply:
"We have reviewed the group and taken it down as it violated our policies."
The Zuckerborg strikes again.
Last month, Senator Alex Antic - one of the very few Australian politicians who is not a traitorous grub - questioned some of the loathsome characters involved in this disgraceful state of affairs.
The video begins with him questioning Michael Pezzullo, Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, about a manual the Health Department distributes to its staff titled "Online Content Incident Arrangement Procedural Guidelines". Senator Antic obtained the guidebook via FOI request, but every single one of its 28 pages was entirely redacted before being given to him.
Because Home Affairs has nothing to hide, right?
The shifty-looking Pezzullo, who spends a lot of time looking down and avoiding eye contact with Senator Antic, explains it's a manual to guide department employees on how to go about their "engagement with technology companies."
What he really means is the manual shows his underlings how to collude with Big Tech in order to silence people who express skepticism and criticism of the COVID sham and the dangerous gene therapies it ushered in.
Pezzullo waffles on about "terrorist and violent extremist content" and admits that even when content doesn't violate the Online Safety Act, the government has an arrangement of "mutual benefit" with companies like Meta (owner of Facebook and Instagram) to have that content removed any old how.
Pezzullo says this allows the government to contact the tech companies and request the removal of "abhorrent", "trerrorist" and "extremist" content. So when you post on social media about vaxxxine-induced myocarditis, and link to peer-reviewed research discussing this very real problem, the government considers that post to be "abhorrent", "trerrorist" and "extremist" content. The government will then contact the companies and ask for your post to be removed even though it falls "outside of the remit of the Online Safety Act."
Pezzullo and his accomplice Tim Roy, the Acting First Assistant Secretary, Counter Terrorism Coordination Centre (!), also mention the "e-safety commissioner" and how she can also request government non-approved posts to be removed.
What a disgrace.
If you complain to her agency about, say, a notorious vegan cyber-stalker and alleged sex predator who relentlessly defames and threatens his victims, often for years on end, the e-safety commissioner couldn't give two shits. Neither do our sleazy and corrupt police, but that's a whole other story. However, if you post a link to a study casting 'vaccine' safety in doubt, she promptly arranges to have it removed.
Australia’s e-safety commissioner, by the way, is Julie Inman Grant. She’s worked at Microsoft, Twitter and - surprise, surprise - she’s a member of the World Economic Forum’s so-called "Global Coalition for Digital Safety" and their "XR Ecosystem Governance Steering Committee on Building and Defining the Metaverse". She’s the character who famously told her fellow technocrats at Davos last year that it’s time for a “recalibration” of human rights like “free speech”.
And what is the "mutual benefit" that Pezzullo mentions?
For the government, the obvious benefit is the removal of material that displeases it and its globalist puppetmasters. Successfully enacting hidden agendas, like global genocide, requires a misinformed population. One that believes the government is acting in their best interests, when in reality the government is giving them an almighty Rogering - and not even bothering with the Vaseline.
For the likes of Facebook and Twitter, the benefit is money. Lots and lots of money that the government takes from you - the taxpayer - and hands over to Big Tech as payment for its role as the government's de facto Ministry of Truth.
Between March 2020 and September 2022, the Department of Health and Aged Care's total COVID-related social media spend was $9,816,821.56.
Ten million taxpayer dollars was spent so the government could lie about vaxxxines and censor those who tried to tell the truth!
The docs obtained by Senator Antic revealed the government, in the period up to December 15, 2022, requested the removal of 4,213 COVID-related posts.
At 07:30 in the above video, after being asked where the boundaries of censorship end, and whether Home Affairs will start demanding removal of posts criticizing climate charge alarmism, Pezullo admits "we had a particular role, um, ah, that arose from a Morrison Government decision to take a particular, ah, um, to lean in on COVID dis- and mis-information."
What the evasive Pezzullo is really saying is, “yes, if the people responsible for my grossly exorbitant salary tell us to.”
What on Earth gives a bunch of egregious liars, whose spectacular inaccuracy is now a matter of record, the right to determine what constitutes "dis- and mis-information"? The biggest source of "dis- and mis-information" in Australia is without question the government and the legacy media. Throughout this entire COVID scam they have brazenly lied to us, quoted fake statistics, and relentlessly suppressed contrarian information, no matter how much peer-reviewed research was cited in support.
Senator Antic points out the obvious to Pezzullo, that "this requires your staff to make a value judgement about matters of freedom of speech and then refer them on to others."
Despite the fact that is unarguably what is involved, Pezullo disagrees. "I cannot accept that characterisation", he retorts. "The work that we've done on COVID ... is solely driven by the expert advice that we rely upon from the Department of Health."
Ah yes, Australia's 'experts' - that same pack of treacherous pharma-owned and -operated shills who lied about absolutely every aspect of COVID and the vaxxxines. These evil nerds are still running "stay up to date, get your 500th or whatever booster" campaigns, even as vaxxxine stalwarts like the Cleveland Clinic publish research admitting those "up to date" are more likely to suffer 'COVID' than those who are not "up to date."
In a January 21, 2022 email, a Twitter employee told a healthocrat how its “Curation team” will create “Moments” … “a curated page of Tweets with additional context … about the vaccine roll out and 'pre-bunk' common questions around issues like storage, production and efficacy.”
The Twit in question cited the following as an example of what such a “Moments” vaxxx topic could look like:
“Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly says AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine is 'very effective against severe illness' and 'will save lives'.”
Ah yes, the very effective, life-saving AstraZeneca gene therapy, that contained a chimpanzee adenoviral vector and quickly established a reputation for causing deadly blood clots. The same gene therapy that was so remarkably safe and effective it was quietly withdrawn from use in Australia on March 21, 2023.
This is why Australia is quickly going down the toilet, folks. Because when the health system is in decay, the road toll is rising sharply, illicit drug use is at world-beating levels (Aussies are now reportedly the biggest meth- and coke-heads in the world, thanks to the country’s degenerate culture, corrupt police and customs officials), CBD crime around the country is getting out of control, living costs are going through the roof, gratuitous police brutality is rampant, and people are dying en mass from malevolent gene therapies, what really matters to bureaucrats is silencing dissenters.
The Australian government does not want to hear what you have to say, let alone listen. It holds you in contempt. It wants you to shut the hell up and continue being a good little automaton. Keep working, keep paying your taxes, keep getting into perilous levels of debt, and stay preoccupied with banal, meaningless nonsense like homoerotic ball sports and reality TV.
Stay dumb, stay distracted and stay out of the government's way, or else you'll be placed on a 'counter-terrorism' watchlist.
Cry Me a River, Oh Grossly Overpaid Bureaucrats Who Produce Absolutely Nothing of Actual Benefit for Australians
The FOI requests also reveal what a precious, self-absorbed and staggeringly hypocritical lot our health bureaucrats are.
The Federal and NSW governments, who harassed, harangued, and fired people who refused to be injected with deadly poison, complained they were being "harassed" by a single "Anti COVID anti vaxer on Facebook." (sic)
In another email, they complained that members of the public had the temerity to use publicly available numbers and email addresses to "bombard" them with "unwanted" calls and emails.
In years gone by, this was known as "participating in democracy".
But as we've seen, people who refuse to go along with the government's genocidal shitefookery are now held in the same regard as "domestic terrorists". So our taxpayer-funded tender tulips roll out the victimization card, in which they claim they've been receiving “death threats” as a result of posts that do not recommend making threats. I call bollocks of the highest order on this one, because in a heavily-surveilled 5 Eyes stronghold like Australia, you can be sure the alleged callers would be promptly traced and arrested.
But if we’re going to ban anything that might possibly inspire someone to become violent and abusive, then what about the relentless government and media hysteria that triggered bonafide abuse and assaults of innocent Asian-Australians by utter morons who believed this hysteria? Did the healthocrats ever apply to have themselves and their media allies censored?
Money Talks, Honesty Walks
Australia is not a democracy. It's a two party autocracy, where 'opposing' parties both eagerly implement the NWO agenda that will see Australia regress from the promising country it once was to a third world dystopian s-hole.
Australians need to wake the hell up before it’s too late.