Australia has a major pedophile problem.
There have been three large reviews of child sexual abuse prevalence around the world since 2009, and all three point to Africa and Australia as abuse hotspots.
In 2009, Pereda et al from the University of Barcelona analyzed sixty-five studies of child sexual abuse prevalence, covering 22 countries, published between 1981 and 2007. Thirty-seven of the studies included data for males (37,904 individuals), while 63 included female data (63,118 individuals).
Pereda et al found, overall, that 7.9% of men and 19.7% of women had suffered some form of sexual abuse prior to the age of eighteen.
They found the worst region for sexual abuse of minors was Africa, with a prevalence rate of 34.4%, followed by Oceania (a region that includes Australia and New Zealand) at 23.9%.
Europe and Asia had the lowest prevalence rates of child sexual abuse of 9.2 and 10.1%, respectively (it goes without saying that, when the only acceptable rate is 0%, this is still a high prevalence).
The researchers then analyzed prevalence rates by gender and country.
The worst country for sexual abuse of female minors was South Africa, followed closely by Australia, with prevalence rates of 43.7% and 37.8%, respectively. Other countries with prevalence rates above 20% were Costa Rica (32.2%), Tanzania (31.0%), Israel (30.7%), Sweden (28.1%), the US (25.3%) and Switzerland (24.2%).
For sexual abuse of male children, South Africa was the worst country by a clear margin (60.9% prevalence), followed by Jordan (27%), Tanzania (25%), Israel (15.7%), Spain (13.4%) and Australia (13%), in that order.
Australia is a predominantly white country colonized by the British. However, female child sexual abuse rates in Great Britain were less than half of those seen in Australia (18.2% versus 37.8%, respectively), while male child sexual abuse rates were also lower (9.4% versus 13%, respectively).*
Stoltenborgh et al 2011
Two years later, in 2011, Stoltenborgh et al from Leiden University in the Netherlands performed a much larger meta-analysis of childhood sexual abuse studies published between 1980 and 2008. They analyzed 217 publications that included 331 independent samples with a total of nearly 10 million participants.
They analyzed both prevalence studies and informant studies, in which incidents were reported to authorities.** The prevalence studies comprised the vast majority of papers and had similar proportions of randomized samples and convenience samples (the former are generally more reliable due to increased likelihood of representing the general population).
The overall estimated of child sexual abuse prevalence was 127 per 1,000 in self-report studies and 4 per 1,000 in informant studies.
Highest self-reported abuse rates were found for girls in Australia (215 per 1,000 children) and for boys in Africa (193 per 1,000 children).
The lowest prevalence was found in Asia for both genders.
Moody et al 2018
In 2018, Moody et al from Cardiff University published a systematic review of child maltreatment literature published from 2000 to 2017. They found sexual abuse was the most commonly studied form of maltreatment across the world, with 287 of the 337 retrieved studies reporting on this phenomenon.
As with Stoltenborgh et al, the highest rate of sexual abuse overall was found for Australian girls.
The median prevalence of female child sexual abuse reported for Australia was 28.8%, followed by South America (22.4%), North America (20.4%), Africa (18.9%), Europe (14.3%) and Asia (9%).
Lower rates were generally reported for boys, with median prevalence rates of 26.5% in South America, 21.7% in Africa, 14.1% in North America, and 6.7%, 6.2% and 6.1% for Asia, Europe and Australia, respectively.
Consideration of the South American results must be tempered by the fact that only 4 studies reported on female and male child sex abuse in the region, compared to 20 to 162 for the other regions.
The low rates noted in Asia, Stoltenburgh et al speculate, may be an artifact of cultural attitudes. "[I]n collectivist cultures like the Asians the needs of a group tend be considered somewhat more important than those of an individual. This might result in ignoring the abuse experiences of an individual family member in order to protect the family from the shame associated with a reported case of abuse."
Africa and Australia: Why So Much Abuse?
Stoltenborgh discuss some of the factors that may contribute to high rates of child sexual abuse on the African continent. Initiation rites representing the "transition into adulthood" in early and mid-adolescence may encourage sexual behaviors with older persons.
Young people are considered less likely to have HIV, and thus may be preferred as sexual partners.
Rapid social changes in Africa along with increases in urbanization have led to greater isolation of families. In situations where children are left with biologically unrelated caregivers when parents go to work, the risk of sexually abusive experiences increases (child care is also a boom industry in Australia, where both social conditioning and the high cost of living pushes mothers into the workplace).
Pereda also note the decay of traditional values in Africa based on bringing up children within the community, which enabled neighbours to observe and correct any maltreatment or abuse on the part of parents; the influence of other cultures, especially as regards sex tourism; poverty, which encourages the youngest girls to prostitute themselves and parents to support this decision; and the position of women, where they are often considered subordinate to men.
In regards to the high rate of male child sexual abuse for Africa, Pereda et al noted in one South African study the very high prevalence rate among the sample of young men analyzed was explained by a large number of families in which the paternal figure moved to other provinces in search of work, leaving the way clear for abuse by opportunistic perpetrators and, especially in the case of young men, by female carers.
It's interesting to observe how researchers blame cultural factors for Africa's high rate of child sexual abuse, yet prefer methodological factors and reporting artifacts as likely explanations for high rates of abuse in Western countries like Australia.
Instead of discussing Australia's many cultural shortcomings, Stoltenborgh et al proffered "The highest prevalence for girls found in more individualistic countries like Australia and New Zealand might partially stem from culturally based willingness to disclose their sexual experiences and the ease with which they talk about sexuality."
They supported this contention by referencing two studies that focused on the US and did not involve Australia or New Zealand at all (Kenny & McEachern 2000, Runyan 1998).
The obvious problem here is that Australia is not the US, and Australia consistently exhibits higher rates of female child (and adult) sexual abuse than the US.
To extrapolate American research about social attitudes onto Australia, and to call the latter an "indivdualistic" country is highly problematic. Australia has never had the individualistic, entrepreneurial spirit that exemplified the US throughout much of its history. We’re talking a country that still lacks a Bill of Rights. Sure, it does indeed have a lower level of community spirit and a lower emphasis on family cohesion compared to say, Southern European and Asian cultures. Despite this, Australians are actually among the most conformist populations on the planet, as the recent COVID charade highlighted.
To claim, in such a social environment, that world-beating rates of child sexual abuse in Australia can be significantly attributed to some allegedly staunch "individualistic" nature of Australian women seems a bit of a stretch.
Australia's Dark History
When it comes to Australia's problems, no-one - least of all Australians - seems to want to discuss the elephants in the room:
Namely, the country's convict origins, its often nasty, emotionally distant, highly degenerate, alcohol- and drug-addled culture, and the morally depraved sociopaths who continue to govern and police the country.
To understand the present, one must understand the past. Brutality, callousness and dysfunctional sexual politics have been a hallmark of the country ever since the first fleet landed in Botany Bay in 1788.
By the time the last shipment of convicts disembarked in Western Australia in 1868, the total number of transported convicts stood at around 162,000 men and women. A 2007 analysis from family history websites and estimated 22 per cent of living Australians had a convict ancestor. Australian Prime Ministers with convict ancestry include the proudly divisive John Howard and the incredibly petulant Kevin Rudd.
Eighty percent of these often harshly-treated prisoners were men, who had usually appeared before the courts a few times before being transported, whereas women were more likely to be transported for a first offence.
It shouldn't be hard to figure out the kind of sexual practices that flourished in a penal colony comprised mostly of men. After the first fleet settled, British authorities became worried about the sexual tension developing in the newly colonized country, with the all-male population becoming increasingly frustrated.
So they organized for 226 women - most of whom were reportedly prostitutes - to be transported Down Under to stop sexual activity between the male settlers and to help populate the country. Five died during the journey, which took longer than usual because the ship, the Lady Juliana, called at Tenerife and St Jago, and spent forty-five days at Rio de Janeiro, and nineteen days at the Cape of Good Hope. During these stops many of the passengers took the opportunity to "service" local men.
While most of the women on the Lady Juliana were aged in their 20s and 30s, around 51 were teenagers. Among the youngest to board the ship was Mary Wade, who was 13 at the time.
Every man onboard the Lady Juliana indulged in a sexual relationship with a convict woman, so most of the women either arrived in Sydney pregnant or gave birth at sea. According to historian Pamela Horn, 14-year-old Jane Forbes was the youngest to give birth before the ship, nicknamed "The Floating Brothel", reached Port Jackson.
In 18th Century England, the age of consent was just 10 years old, so many of the men had themselves teenage partners for the duration of the voyage.
Australian Orphanages: A Supermarket for Pedos
During the 1900s, the British government further gifted Australia's pederasts with a terribly unfortunate stream of poor and orphaned children - many, if not most, of whom experienced forced labour and sexual abuse in 'the lucky country'.
About half of the 7,000 children sent to Australia between 1913 and the mid-1970s were sent to farms run by an outfit called the Fairbridge Society. Survivor David Hill, a former ABC managing director, estimated up to 60 per cent of the child migrants sent to Fairbridge farms in Australia were sexually abused.
"It was the little kids who were the most vulnerable. They were the least protected and the most abused," he said.
Documents uncovered by Mr Hill and another former Fairbridge orphan, Ian 'Smiley' Bayliff, show the British Government knew the institutions were wholly unfit for children but sent them there anyway.
In 1956 a fact-finding mission was sent to Australia to evaluate how child migrants were being treated. The mission barely scratched the surface and did not report on sexual or physical abuse. Nonetheless, the mission resulted in the "fairly critical" Ross Report, a confidential section of which placed both Fairbridge schools on a blacklist, prohibiting children from being sent there and to eight other institutions around Australia.
The prohibition lasted only a few days after the report was published. The blacklist enraged Fairbridge Society's British Secretary WR Vaughan, who used all the establishment clout he could muster to reverse the ban. The Fairbridge Society's president was the Queen's uncle — the former Governor General of Australia — the Duke of Gloucester. The ban was reversed within days and British children continued to be shipped and subjected to the horrors of Australia's orphanages.
Australian authorities also ignored the findings of the Ross Report, failed to follow up on the criticisms, and assisted in the cover up.
Three former Fairbridge boys have claimed the then-Australian Governor General, Lord Slim, sexually molested them during rides in his chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce while visiting the home. He is by no means the only high-profile Australian to be suspected of pedophilia - the parasite class in Australia is hiding a lot of skeletons in its closet.
Australia's High-Profile Pedophiles
Dr Reina Michaelson has a PhD in Psychology from Victoria University and extensive experience in the field of child maltreatment, specializing in preventing and responding to child sexual abuse. As Head of Research and Program Development at the Child Abuse Prevention Service (CAPS), Reina has coordinated and implemented a range of parenting programs, including 123 Magic, Triple P, Tuning Into Kids, and Tuning Into Teens. She has also developed and facilitated the Safe Children, Safe Families program in NSW early learning centres, preschools and playgroups since 2016.
Prior to joining CAPS, Reina worked with the Northern Territory Government Families and Children as a senior policy officer in child protection reform, particularly in relation to the prevention and response to complex child abuse in Indigenous communities. She has also worked as an international consultant with UNICEF to help developing countries create their own child sexual abuse prevention programs. For her community work in combating child sexual abuse she was awarded a Young Victorian of the Year Award in 1996 and a Young Australian of the Year Award in 1997.
Michaelson, in other words, is no self-styled guru on the subject, nor a whacky 'conspiracist'. In an article titled "Australian Pedophile Network by Reina Michaelson", she recounted the disturbing revelations made by abused school children she counseled that led her to uncover the existence of a high-level pedophile ring involving police, politicians and some of Australia's best known entertainers.
After winning the Young Australian of the Year Award, she was approached by a "well-connected" government official and the general manager of one of Australia's biggest television networks. Both said they wanted to help her child abuse prevention efforts and promised her they could attract major funders. Reina agreed to their proposal, which involved setting her program up as an independent organization for which they would establish a Board of Management consisting of themselves and their powerful friends.
Despite having such wealthy and influential connections, in the two-year period they served on the Board it garnered only one donation of $25,000. Reina says the board members "subsequently despised the donor and ostracized him from their community". This paltry fund-raising effort compared with over $200,000 Reina and her family raised during the same time period.
Reina subsequently discovered the board had been sabotaging the organization's fundraising efforts, with the network manager telling one willing corporate donor in Sydney not to bother because "the organization won't be around in six months".
The network manager organized a meeting with the CEO of a major charitable trust, a personal friend of his and other members of the Board. At that meeting, Reina was shocked when this CEO asked her "Do you ever think that by preventing children from having sexual relationships with adults that you are actually HARMING them?"
Reina began putting the pieces together and realized the formerly unthinkable: Her wealthy patrons had "been deceiving me in order to get control of, and ultimately, to destroy the child sexual abuse prevention program that I had developed."
After reporting what she had discovered to authorities, she received menacing phone calls, her car was intentionally rammed in a parking lot and her car and family residence were repeatedly broken into and supporting documents of criminal cover-up stolen. Unmarked government vehicles were posted outside her family home and would either speed off or follow her or family members.
In 2004, the ABC reported on allegations that Victorian police were hampering investigations into an organized pedophile and child sex pornography network that Reina had raised the alarm on. The Age reported that Michaelson had been joined by Hetty Johnston, founder of child abuse advocacy group Bravehearts, and Gail McHardy, the president of Parents Victoria, the peak body representing the parents of children at government schools. The three told The Age they had lost confidence in the integrity of the current Ombudsman and police investigations and wanted an independent inquiry into the allegations.
Michaelson said several of the victims claimed they were sexually abused by people wearing police uniforms in what turned out to be police premises. She says a video implicating police was handed to a detective but investigations were hampered.
"The police denied that they received the tape and so nothing further was done," she said.
In July 2004, a damning report of Victoria Police's "botched" handling of four child sex abuse cases found:
An experienced detective with Victoria Police's Sexual Crimes Squad told Ombudsman's office investigators a 12-year-old girl was to blame for instigating alleged sexual abuse by a 63-year-old man;
Another investigating police officer referred to the 12-year-old victim as a "little slut";
Two experienced detectives from the Sexual Crimes Squad failed to ensure allegations of sexual and repeated misconduct by a Victoria school teacher were properly investigated.
Michaelson and Johnston reiterated they'd been told by child sex abuse victims that former Victorian elected politicians and police members were involved in child pornography and prostitution. "I'm working with victims whose experience included police presence, police actually involved in the sexual offences that were committed against them," Michaelson said.
Johnston said police had asked to speak to these victims but "we won't do that because we don't trust Victoria Police as it stands, and I think this report vindicates the decision not to take these young people to a police force they have no confidence in."
Fiona Barnett and Australia's Pedophile PMs
In October 2015, Fiona Barnett told the media in Sydney about her alleged abuse by an 'elite' pedophile ring 40 years earlier. The now 53-year-old said she was abused by the ring, which included three former prime ministers, police and members of the judiciary, at the age of five and claimed there were thousands of other victims.
“My experiences were horrific beyond words,” she said. “But the way I’ve been treated for reporting the crimes I witnessed and experienced has been far worse than my original abuse experiences.”
To the average person, Fiona's claims may seem outlandish, which has made her an easy target for outlets like ABC Media Watch, the notoriously smarmy, self-appointed arbiter of accurate media reporting.
Barnett told the media she had reported her experiences to NSW Police in 2008 and approached the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in 2013, and said she and other victims of "VIP" perpetrators were "stonewalled" by authorities.
To which the geniuses at Media Watch replied:
"Hmmm. That's surely a sign there might be no evidence for her remarkable claims."
Or it could simply be a reflection of the fact that Australian police are notorious for being corrupt deviants and neither they nor Royal Commission investigators whose terms of reference conveniently excluded the institution of government, are going to rush to investigate their paymasters for heinous sex crimes.
Media Watch continued to feign ignorance of how the world really works when it quoted the ACT police as saying:
"The matter was thoroughly investigated by ACT Policing's Operation Attest and there was no evidence to substantiate the complainant's allegations."
This statement is entirely predictable given the ACT is home to Australia's federal politicians, and that's who the ACT police answer to.
Media Watch then attributed to Barnett a statement about a "Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult all trained by former Nazis" that she maintains she never made.
"We understand that at least two journalists have investigated Ms Barnett's allegations and decided not to publish them," said Media Watch. Whether this is because they doubted the veracity of her claims, or whether it was made clear to them that publishing those claims could be hazardous to their health and wealth, is a question Media Watch prefers to leave unanswered.
One of those journalists was the Newcastle Herald's Ian Kirkwood, who’d co-written several articles with Joanne McCarthy, the latter having publicly supported rare honest cop Peter Fox who outed his corrupt, deviant colleagues. During Fiona’s call to Kirkwood requesting he cover her story of child abuse at the hands of the Australian Parliament, she writes that he relayed “a couple of spooks” once informed him:
"All senior politicians are pedophiles because that is how they are controlled."
Kirkwood, according to Barnett, said he’d at least consider her request, adding that publishing her controversial story would place his own children at risk. He never did get back to her. A short time later, learning Kirkwood was suffering a rare aggressive form of cancer he has since survived, Fiona re-contacted him to deliver her condolences. At the end of their second phone chat, Fiona mentioned she was considering writing a book on her experience, and asked Ian to elaborate on what he previously meant pertaining to “the spooks.” This time, he immediately denied he ever made such a brazen statement about senior politicians being controlled through pedophilia.
"And when we asked her to back up some of her claims," concludes a triumphant Media Watch, "she was unwilling or unable to do so." It's unclear what Media Watch would consider satisfactory evidence. Even adult sexual abuse victims, especially those suffering at the hands of the well-connected, rarely have smoking gun evidence. Given that Fiona had already told seemingly sympathetic journalists what she knew, one can hardly blame her if she didn't even bother trying to convince the infamously dismissive Media Watch.
Nicky Davis, who heads advocacy group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), said Barnett’s alleged experience was not unique.
“SNAP has heard from a number of survivors of very similar offences who have been raped, who have been tortured, whose perpetrators include the most senior people in Australia.”
SNAP says allegations have been ignored by the Royal Commission and government officials. The group claimed many survivors had spoken to police, the Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse, politicians and government officials and had produced “considerable” evidence.
“There are a large number who want to speak out,” Ms Davis told “These are some of the worst crime committed by the most powerful against the most vulnerable.”
Also in 2015, allegations of an elite pedophile ring surfaced in a Senate estimates hearing when Liberal senator Bill Heffernan held up documents which he said contained a police list containing the names of 28 prominent people. Senator Heffernan said the documents were "very disturbing" and contained the names of “members of the judiciary” and "a former prime minister".
Senator Heffernan wouldn’t name names but called on Attorney-General George Brandis to expand the child abuse Royal Commission to include the legal fraternity, as well as the former prime minister.
He was ignored.
Australian Police: Part of Australia's Pedophile Network
Among the staggering volume of corruption detected by the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service, also known as the Wood Royal Commission, was the protection of sex predators by police. The Commission discovered a group of NSW detectives were actively protecting a syndicate of pedophiles and hebephiles.
The relationship between the syndicate and the group of corrupt detectives was extensive and multifaceted, including regular bribe payments in exchange for advance warning of law enforcement scrutiny, consignment of large amounts of methamphetamine to syndicate members on a profit-sharing basis and the planning of insurance frauds and financial crimes. The detective closest to the network, Larry Churchill, also shared some of the hebephilic tendencies of network members.
South Australia, renowned for its serial-killing sex predators, boasts a police force replete with pedophiles, hebephiles and sex predators. In just the past week, a 70 year old former SAPOL cop has been arrested for grooming a child, and a 37 year old current detective convicted for molesting a young teen.
In 2009, former South Australia Police chief inspector Graham Bennett Fraser was imprisoned for nine years by the SA District Court after pleading guilty to seven counts of indecent assault.
Fraser’s two victims were aged nine and 14 when the sexual abuse started in 1980.
The filthy deviant should have been prosecuted way back in the 1980s, but when SAPOL became aware of his offending, it quickly brushed the matter under the carpet. Instead of charging Fraser for his molestation, his buddies at SAPOL merely demoted him by one rank, from chief inspector to the rank of inspector.
In 2014, a number of South Australian Police detectives explained how one of the state’s most senior cops - late Assistant Commissioner Colin Watkins - inexplicably shut down a promising investigation into an Adelaide pedophile ring with interstate and international connections.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard how Watkins ordered the termination of Operation Deny after the arrest of pedophile bus driver Brian Perkins in 1993. The order prevented further victims – and offenders – being identified.
Watkins’ inexplicable directive angered detectives involved in the operation, as they believed Perkins may have sexually abused other students at St Ann’s Special School.
Detective Sergeant Leonid Mosheev told the commission photographs with notes graphically detailing sex with the children depicted, along with lewd letters and videos, were seized in the 1993 raid that accompanied Perkins’ arrest - but Watkins ordered detectives not to examine any of that material and only focus on the earlier crimes, the commission heard.
When asked if he was given any reasons, Mosheev replied “no, they would not give us reasons — none at all…”
He said there was “so much more to look at” but he could not continue because disobeying a commissioned officer would mean “disciplinary action, possible sacking.”
“It was categorical, we were not to investigate, to find any more victims. We were to finalise our current brief of evidence and we were to just finish that off and that was it,” he said.
“It was just ‘finalise it, we don’t want any more work on this, you’ve got other things to do, that’s it’.”
“[We were told] not to look at exhibits, not to look at anything further at all. That was my understanding of the instruction,” he said.
Retired officer John Bean said his recommendation to Watkins that “Operation Deny” continue was not well received. Watkins told Bean to amend his report “to reflect that there is no justification to forming a taskforce,” he said in his affidavit. “In those days I did what I was told … especially when it came from … an assistant commissioner.”
It was the discoveries of child abuse investigator Detective Gregory William Ramm that led to the formation of Operation Deny. He said that while “twelve child victims were positively identified … there were over 50 other child victims that were never identified.”
Despite an abundance of cases to follow up, Ramm said “I was directed that I was not to investigate the matter any further and Operation Deny was to be closed as an active investigation.”
Watkins is dead, so we’ll never know why he gave the directive to shut down Operation Deny. Because SAPOL is a sleazy, vindictive organization that has never suffered a lack of resources when it comes to harassing and prosecuting those who stand up to its bullying and malfeasance, it can only be assumed Watkins was deliberately frustrating the investigation to prevent some highly embarrassing discoveries being made: The kind of discoveries that would have implicated influential South Australians, along with prominent interstate and international figures, in the systematic sexual abuse of children.
*A consistent finding in the child abuse studies is is that reported prevalence rates are significantly higher for females than males. Researchers are unsure if this is due to higher actual occurrence of child sexual abuse of girls than boys, or to males’ more reluctant attitude toward disclosing their sexual abuse experiences, or perhaps both.
Several lines of research suggest a lower rate of reporting of both childhood and adult sexual assault by male victims. Males may be afraid of being considered the instigator rather than the victim, or may fear shame, embarrassment and the possibility they will be labelled as homosexual (if the aggressor was male) or weak (if the aggressor was female).
Due to social stereotypes, males may not view their sexual experiences with older women as sexual abuse, or may be encouraged by other males to view them as some sort of triumph or validation of masculinity. Former UFC and wrestling star Ken Shamrock, who as a child and teen was shuffled through the foster care system (a haven for pedophiles), revealed he was sexually abused by a teenage girl when he was 5 years old. He said when he told others about it years later, some would respond with comments to the effect of "you're lucky!" In reality, the incident did not make him feel blessed or like a junior stud, but left him with a very negative view of females that took him a long time to overcome.
Male victims who disclose their child sexual abuse experiences tend to do so later than female victims (O’Leary & Barber, 2008). This would help explain Stoltenborgh et al's finding that child sexual abuse prevalence for boys was higher in adult respondent samples than in samples of child respondents - a finding that was not replicated for girls.
**Child abuse prevalence studies are surveys or interviews conducted with random samples of respondents, sometimes adolescents and often adults. In these studies, respondents are asked if they experienced sexual abuse as a minor, the threshold age for a minor usually being 16 or 18 years old.
Prevalence studies are considered to give a more realistic view of pedophilia/hebephilia frequency than "incident" or "informant" studies because, like adult rape, child sexual abuse is often not reported. Researchers focusing on this problem unanimously agree the true incidence is far greater than what is reported to authorities.